Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
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Lessons learnt from assessing and improving accuracy and positive predictive value of the national HIV testing algorithm in Nigeria
Mpamugo AO , Iriemenam NC , Bashorun A , Okunoye OO , Bassey OO , Onokevbagbe E , Jelpe T , Alagi MA , Meribe C , Aguolu RE , Nzelu CE , Bello S , Ezra B , Obioha CA , Ibrahim BS , Adedokun O , Ikpeazu A , Ihekweazu C , Croxton T , Adebajo SB , Okoye MIJ , Abimiku A . Afr J Lab Med 2024 13 (1) 2339 BACKGROUND: HIV testing remains an entry point into HIV care and treatment services. In 2007, Nigeria adopted and implemented a two-test rapid HIV testing algorithm of three HIV rapid test kits, following the sequence: Alere Determine (first test), Unigold(TM) (second test), and STAT-PAK(®) as the tie-breaker. Sub-analysis of the 2018 Nigeria HIV/AIDS Indicator and Impact Survey data showed significant discordance between the first and second tests, necessitating an evaluation of the algorithm. This manuscript highlights lessons learnt from that evaluation. INTERVENTION: A two-phased evaluation method was employed, including abstraction and analysis of retrospective HIV testing data from January 2017 to December 2019 from 24 selected sites supported by the United States President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief programme. A prospective evaluation of HIV testing was done among 2895 consecutively enrolled and consented adults, aged 15-64 years, accessing HIV testing services from three selected sites per state across the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria between July 2020 and September 2020. The prospective evaluation was performed both in the field and at the National Reference Laboratory under controlled laboratory conditions. Stakeholder engagements, strategic selection and training of study personnel, and integrated supportive supervision were employed to assure the quality of evaluation procedures and outcomes. LESSONS LEARNT: The algorithm showed higher sensitivity and specificity in the National Reference Laboratory compared with the field. The approaches to quality assurance were integral to the high-quality study outcomes. RECOMMENDATIONS: We recommend comparison of testing algorithms under evaluation against a gold standard. WHAT THIS STUDY ADDS: This study provides context-specific considerations in using World Health Organization recommendations to evaluate the Nigerian national HIV rapid testing algorithm. |
Pediatric and adolescent HIV viral load coverage and suppression rates in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in 12 PEPFAR-supported sub-Saharan African countries in 2019 and 2020
Carpenter D , Hast M , Buono N , Hrapcak S , Sato K , Mrina R , Cox MH , Agaba PA , Vrazo AC , Wolf H , Rivadeneira ED , Shang JD , Mayer MM , Prao AH , Longuma HO , Kabwe C , Lwana PN , Tilahun T , Ts'oeu M , Mutisya I , Omoto LN , Cowan JG , Deus Mijt , Fagbamigbe OJ , Ene U , Ikpeazu A , Ndlovu MB , Matiko E , Schaad N , Bisimba J , Lema E , Musokotwane K , Maphosa T , Buthelezi B , Olarinoye A , Lawal I , Mukungunugwa S , Mwambona JT , Wondimu T , Kathure IA , Igboelina OD , Nzima VN , Bissai RG , Lenka M , Shasha W , Olivier NK , Matsinhe M , Wate A , Godfrey L , Alexander H , Alemnji G , Lecher S . PLOS Glob Public Health 2024 4 (8) e0003513 The early period of the COVID-19 pandemic limited access to HIV services for children and adolescents living with HIV (C/ALHIV). To determine progress in providing care and treatment services, we describe viral load coverage (VLC) and suppression (VLS) (<1000 copies/ mL) rates during the COVID-19 pandemic in 12 United States President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)-supported countries. Data for children (0-9 years) and adolescents (10-19 years) on VLC and VLS were analyzed for 12 sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries between 2019 (pre-COVID-19) and 2020 (during COVID-19). We report the number of viral load (VL) tests, and percent change in VLC and VLS for patients on ART. For 12 countries, 181,192 children had a VL test during the pre-COVID-19 period compared with 177,683 December 2020 during COVID-19. VLC decreased from 68.8% to 68.3% overall. However, 9 countries experienced an increase ranging from a 0.7%-point increase for Tanzania and Zimbabwe to a 15.3%-point increase for Nigeria. VLS increased for all countries from 71.2% to 77.7%. For adolescents the number with a VL test increased from 377,342 to 402,792. VLC decreased from 77.4% to 77.1%. However, 7 countries experienced an increase ranging from 1.8% for Mozambique to 13.8% for Cameroon. VLS increased for all countries from 76.8% to 83.8%. This analysis shows variation in HIV VLC across 12 SSA countries. VLS consistently improved across all countries demonstrating resilience of countries during 2020. Countries should continue to improve clinical outcomes from C/ALHIV despite service disruptions that may occur during pandemic response. |
Impact of HIV treat-all and complementary policies on ART linkage in 13 PEPFAR-supported African countries
Russell A , Verani AR , Pals S , Reagon VM , Alexander LN , Galloway ET , Mange MM , Kalimugogo P , Nyika P , Fadil YM , Aoko A , Asiimwe FM , Ikpeazu A , Kayira D , Letebele M , Maida A , Magesa D , Mutandi G , Mwila AC , Onotu D , Nkwoh KT , Wangari E . BMC Health Serv Res 2023 23 (1) 1151 BACKGROUND: In 2015, the World Health Organization recommended that all people living with HIV begin antiretroviral treatment (ART) regardless of immune status, a policy known as 'Treat-All to end AIDS', commonly referred to as Treat-All. Almost all low- and middle-income countries adopted this policy by 2019. This study describes how linkage to treatment of newly diagnosed persons changed between 2015 and 2018 and how complementary policies may have similarly increased linkage for 13 African countries. These countries adopted and implemented Treat-All policies between 2015 and 2018 and were supported by the U.S. Government's President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). The focuses of this research were to understand 1) linkage rates to ART initiation before and after the adoption of Treat-All in each country; 2) how Treat-All implementation differed across these countries; and 3) whether complementary policies (including same-day treatment initiation, task-shifting, reduced ART visits, and reduced ART pickups) implemented around the same time may have increased ART linkage. METHODS: HIV testing and treatment data were collected by PEPFAR country programs in 13 African countries from 2015 to 2018. These countries were chosen based on the completeness of policy data and availability of program data during the study period. Program data were used to calculate proxy linkage rates. These rates were compared relative to the Treat All adoption period and the adoption of complementary policies. RESULTS: The 13 countries experienced an average increase in ART linkage of 29.3% over the entire study period. In examining individual countries, all but two showed increases in linkage to treatment immediately after Treat All adoption. Across all countries, those that had adopted four or more complementary policies showed an average increased linkage of 39.8% compared to 13.9% in countries with fewer than four complementary policies. CONCLUSIONS: Eleven of 13 country programs examined in this study demonstrated an increase in ART linkage after Treat-All policy adoption. Increases in linkage were associated with complementary policies. When exploring new public health policies, policymakers may consider which complementary policies might also help achieve the desired outcome of the public health policy. |
Effect of Test and Treat on clinical outcomes in Nigeria: A national retrospective study
Lavoie MC , Ehoche A , Blanco N , Ahmed El-Imam I , Oladipo A , Dalhatu I , Odafe S , Adebajo S , Ng AH , Rapoport L , Lawton JG , Obanubi C , Onotu D , Patel S , Ikpeazu A , Ashefor G , Adebobola B , Adetinuke Boyd M , Aliyu G , Stafford KA . PLoS One 2023 18 (8) e0284847 BACKGROUND: In Nigeria, results from the pilot of the Test and Treat strategy showed higher loss to follow up (LTFU) among people living with HIV compared to before its implementation. The aim of this evaluation was to assess the effects of antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation within 14 days on LTFU at 12 months and viral suppression. METHODS: We conducted a retrospective cohort study using routinely collected de-identified patient-level data hosted on the Nigeria National Data Repository from 1,007 facilities. The study population included people living with HIV age ≥15. We used multivariable Cox proportional frailty hazard models to assess time to LTFU comparing ART initiation strategy and multivariable log-binomial regression for viral suppression. RESULTS: Overall, 26,937 (38.13%) were LTFU at 12 months. Among individuals initiated within 14 days, 38.4% were LTFU by 12 months compared to 35.4% for individuals initiated >14 days (p<0.001). In the adjusted analysis, individuals who were initiated ≤14 days after HIV diagnosis had a higher hazard of being LTFU (aHR 1.15, 95% CI 1.10-1.20) than individuals initiated after 14 days of HIV diagnosis. Among individuals with viral load results, 86.2% were virally suppressed. The adjusted risk ratio for viral suppression among individuals who were initiated ≤14 days compared to >14 days was not statistically significant. CONCLUSION: LTFU was higher among individuals who were initiated within 14 days compared to greater than 14 days after HIV diagnosis. There was no difference for viral suppression. The provision of early tailored interventions to support newly diagnosed people living may contribute to reducing LTFU. |
A model for accelerating access to care and treatment for children and adolescents living with HIV in Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia: The Faith-Based Action for Scaling-Up Testing and Treatment for the Epidemic Response (FASTER) Initiative
Oliver D , Mabirizi D , Hast M , Alwano MG , Chungu C , Kelemani A , Mbanefo C , Gross J , Parris K , Dowling S , Clark A , Williams A , Simao L , Amole C , Suggu K , Kama J , Mpasela F , Mtui L , Nabitaka V , Saunders R , Williamson D , Rivadeneira ED , Hrapcak S , Nantume S , Nazziwa E , Itoh M , Machage E , Onyenuobi C , Munthali G , Rwebembera A , Mwiya M , Katureebe C , Ikpeazu A , Fenn T . J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care 2023 22 23259582231186701 The number of children newly infected with HIV dropped by 50%, from 320 000 in 2010 to 160 000 in 2021. Despite progress, ongoing gaps persist in diagnosis, continuity of care, and treatment optimization. In response, the United States President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief created the Faith-based Action for Scaling-Up Testing and Treatment for Epidemic Response (FASTER). Faith-based Action for Scaling-Up Testing and Treatment for Epidemic Response addressed gaps in countries with the highest unmet need by working with government to operationalize innovative interventions and ensure alignment with national priorities and with communities living with HIV to ensure the change was community-led. Between 2019 and 2021, FASTER's interventions were incorporated into national policies, absorbed by Ministries of Health, and taken up in subsequent awards and country operating plans. Continued effort is needed to sustain gains made during the FASTER initiative and to continue scaling evidence-based interventions to ensure that children and adolescents are not left behind in the global HIV response. |
From paper files to web-based application for data-driven monitoring of HIV programs: Nigeria's journey to a national data repository for decision-making and patient care
Dalhatu I , Aniekwe C , Bashorun A , Abdulkadir A , Dirlikov E , Ohakanu S , Adedokun O , Oladipo A , Jahun I , Murie L , Yoon S , Abdu-Aguye MG , Sylvanus A , Indyer S , Abbas I , Bello M , Nalda N , Alagi M , Odafe S , Adebajo S , Ogorry O , Akpu M , Okoye I , Kakanfo K , Onovo AA , Ashefor G , Nzelu C , Ikpeazu A , Aliyu G , Ellerbrock T , Boyd M , Stafford KA , Swaminathan M . Methods Inf Med 2023 62 130-139 BACKGROUND: Timely and reliable data are crucial for clinical, epidemiologic, and program management decision making. Electronic health information systems provide platforms for managing large longitudinal patient records. Nigeria implemented the National Data Repository (NDR) to create a central data warehouse of all people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV) while providing useful functionalities to aid decision making at different levels of program implementation. OBJECTIVE: We describe the Nigeria NDR and its development process, including its use for surveillance, research, and national HIV program monitoring toward achieving HIV epidemic control. METHODS: Stakeholder engagement meetings were held in 2013 to gather information on data elements and vocabulary standards for reporting patient-level information, technical infrastructure, human capacity requirements, and information flow. Findings from these meetings guided the development of the NDR. An implementation guide provided common terminologies and data reporting structures for data exchange between the NDR and the electronic medical record (EMR) systems. Data from the EMR were encoded in extensible markup language and sent to the NDR over secure hypertext transfer protocol after going through a series of validation processes. RESULTS: By June 30, 2021, the NDR had up-to-date records of 1,477,064 (94.4%) patients receiving HIV treatment across 1,985 health facilities, of which 1,266,512 (85.7%) patient records had fingerprint template data to support unique patient identification and record linkage to prevent registration of the same patient under different identities. Data from the NDR was used to support HIV program monitoring, case-based surveillance and production of products like the monthly lists of patients who have treatment interruptions and dashboards for monitoring HIV test and start. CONCLUSION: The NDR enabled the availability of reliable and timely data for surveillance, research, and HIV program monitoring to guide program improvements to accelerate progress toward epidemic control. |
Evaluation of the Nigeria national HIV rapid testing algorithm
Iriemenam NC , Mpamugo A , Ikpeazu A , Okunoye OO , Onokevbagbe E , Bassey OO , Tapdiyel J , Alagi MA , Meribe C , Ahmed ML , Ikwulono G , Aguolu R , Ashefor G , Nzelu C , Ehoche A , Ezra B , Obioha C , Baffa Sule I , Adedokun O , Mba N , Ihekweazu C , Charurat M , Lindsay B , Stafford KA , Ibrahim D , Swaminathan M , Yufenyuy EL , Parekh BS , Adebajo S , Abimiku A , Okoye MI . PLOS Glob Public Health 2022 2 (11) e0001077 Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) diagnosis remains the gateway to HIV care and treatment. However, due to changes in HIV prevalence and testing coverage across different geopolitical zones, it is crucial to evaluate the national HIV testing algorithm as false positivity due to low prevalence could be detrimental to both the client and the service delivery. Therefore, we evaluated the performance of the national HIV rapid testing algorithm using specimens collected from multiple HIV testing services (HTS) sites and compared the results from different HIV prevalence levels across the six geopolitical zones of Nigeria. The evaluation employed a dual approach, retrospective, and prospective. The retrospective evaluation focused on a desktop review of program data (n = 492,880) collated from patients attending routine HTS from six geopolitical zones of Nigeria between January 2017 and December 2019. The prospective component utilized samples (n = 2,895) collected from the field at the HTS and tested using the current national serial HIV rapid testing algorithm. These samples were transported to the National Reference Laboratory (NRL), Abuja, and were re-tested using the national HIV rapid testing algorithm and HIV-1/2 supplementary assays (Geenius to confirm positives and resolve discordance and multiplex assay). The retrospective component of the study revealed that the overall proportion of HIV positives, based on the selected areas, was 5.7% (28,319/492,880) within the study period, and the discordant rate between tests 1 and 2 was 1.1%. The prospective component of the study indicated no significant differences between the test performed at the field using the national HIV rapid testing algorithm and the re-testing performed at the NRL. The comparison between the test performed at the field using the national HIV rapid testing algorithm and Geenius HIV-1/2 supplementary assay showed an agreement rate of 95.2%, while that of the NRL was 99.3%. In addition, the comparison of the field results with HIV multiplex assay indicated a sensitivity of 96.6%, the specificity of 98.2%, PPV of 97.0%, and Kappa Statistic of 0.95, and that of the NRL with HIV multiplex assay was 99.2%, 99.4%, 99.0%, and 0.99, respectively. Results show that the Nigeria national serial HIV rapid testing algorithm performed very well across the target settings. However, the algorithm's performance in the field was lower than the performance outcomes under a controlled environment in the NRL. There is a need to target testers in the field for routine continuous quality improvement implementation, including refresher trainings as necessary. |
Protecting the gains: analysis of HIV treatment and service delivery programme data and interventions implemented in 19 African countries during COVID-19.
Bachanas PJ , Chun HM , Mehta N , Aberle-Grasse J , Parris K , Sherlock MW , Lloyd S , Zeh C , Makwepa DK , Kapanda ML , Dokubo EK , Bonono L , Balachandra S , Ehui E , Fonjungo P , Nkoso AM , Mazibuko S , Okello VN , Tefera F , Getachew M , Katiku EM , Mulwa A , Asiimwe FM , Tarumbiswa TF , Auld AF , Nyirenda R , Dos Santos De Louvado AP , Gaspar I , Hong SY , Ashipala L , Obanubi C , Ikpeazu A , Musoni C , Yoboka E , Mthethwa S , Pinini Z , Bunga S , Rumunu J , Magesa DJ , Mutayoba B , Nelson LJ , Katureebe C , Agolory S , Mulenga LB , Nyika P , Mugurungi O , Ellerbrock T , Mitruka K . J Int AIDS Soc 2022 25 (11) e26033 INTRODUCTION: The potential disruption in antiretroviral therapy (ART) services in Africa at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic raised concern for increased morbidity and mortality among people living with HIV (PLHIV). We describe HIV treatment trends before and during the pandemic and interventions implemented to mitigate COVID-19 impact among countries supported by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) through the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). METHODS: We analysed quantitative and qualitative data reported by 10,387 PEPFAR-CDC-supported ART sites in 19 African countries between October 2019 and March 2021. Trends in PLHIV on ART, new ART initiations and treatment interruptions were assessed. Viral load coverage (testing of eligible PLHIV) and viral suppression were calculated at select time points. Qualitative data were analysed to summarize facility- and community-based interventions implemented to mitigate COVID-19. RESULTS: The total number of PLHIV on ART increased quarterly from October 2019 (n = 7,540,592) to March 2021 (n = 8,513,572). The adult population (≥15 years) on ART increased by 14.0% (7,005,959-7,983,793), while the paediatric population (<15 years) on ART declined by 2.6% (333,178-324,441). However, the number of new ART initiations dropped between March 2020 and June 2020 by 23.4% for adults and 26.1% for children, with more rapid recovery in adults than children from September 2020 onwards. Viral load coverage increased slightly from April 2020 to March 2021 (75-78%) and viral load suppression increased from October 2019 to March 2021 (91-94%) among adults and children combined. The most reported interventions included multi-month dispensing (MMD) of ART, community service delivery expansion, and technology and virtual platforms use for client engagement and site-level monitoring. MMD of ≥3 months increased from 52% in October 2019 to 78% of PLHIV ≥ age 15 on ART in March 2021. CONCLUSIONS: With an overall increase in the number of people on ART, HIV programmes proved to be resilient, mitigating the impact of COVID-19. However, the decline in the number of children on ART warrants urgent investigation and interventions to prevent further losses experienced during the COVID-19 pandemic and future public health emergencies. |
Low-level viraemia among people living with HIV in Nigeria: a retrospective longitudinal cohort study
Chun HM , Abutu A , Milligan K , Ehoche A , Shiraishi RW , Odafe S , Dalhatu I , Onotu D , Okoye M , Oladipo A , Gwamna J , Ikpeazu A , Akpan NM , Ibrahim J , Aliyu G , Akanmu S , Boyd MA , Swaminathan M , Ellerbrock T , Stafford KA , Dirlikov E . Lancet Glob Health 2022 10 (12) e1815-e1824 BACKGROUND: HIV transmission can occur with a viral load of at least 200 copies per mL of blood and low-level viraemia can lead to virological failure; the threshold level at which risk for virological failure is conferred is uncertain. To better understand low-level viraemia prevalence and outcomes, we analysed retrospective longitudinal data from a large cohort of people living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Nigeria. METHODS: In this retrospective cohort study using previously collected longitudinal patient data, we estimated rates of virological suppression (≤50 copies per mL), low-level viraemia (51-999 copies per mL), virological non-suppression (≥1000 copies per mL), and virological failure (≥2 consecutive virological non-suppression results) among people living with HIV aged 18 years and older who initiated and received at least 24 weeks of ART at 1005 facilities in 18 Nigerian states. We analysed risk for low-level viraemia, virological non-suppression, and virological failure using log-binomial regression and mixed-effects logistic regression. FINDINGS: At first viral load for 402 668 patients during 2016-21, low-level viraemia was present in 64 480 (16·0%) individuals and virological non-suppression occurred in 46 051 (11·4%) individuals. Patients with low-level viraemia had increased risk of virological failure (adjusted relative risk 2·20, 95% CI 1·98-2·43; p<0·0001). Compared with patients with virological suppression, patients with low-level viraemia, even at 51-199 copies per mL, had increased odds of low-level viraemia and virological non-suppression at next viral load; patients on optimised ART (ie, integrase strand transfer inhibitors) had lower odds than those on non-integrase strand transfer inhibitors for the same low-level viraemia range (eg, viral load ≥1000 copies per mL following viral load 400-999 copies per mL, integrase strand transfer inhibitor: odds ratio 1·96, 95% CI 1·79-2·13; p<0·0001; non-integrase strand transfer inhibitor: 3·21, 2·90-3·55; p<0·0001). INTERPRETATION: Patients with low-level viraemia had increased risk of virological non-suppression and failure. Programmes should revise monitoring benchmarks and targets from less than 1000 copies per mL to less than 50 copies per mL to strengthen clinical outcomes and track progress to epidemic control. FUNDING: None. |
Evaluation of accuracy and performance of self-reported HIV and antiretroviral therapy status in the Nigeria AIDS Indicator and Impact Survey (2018)
Jahun I , Ehoche A , Bamidele M , Yakubu A , Bronson M , Dalhatu I , Greby S , Agbakwuru C , Baffa I , Iwara E , Alagi M , Asaolu O , Mukhtar A , Ikpeazu A , Nzelu C , Tapdiyel J , Bassey O , Abimiku A , Patel H , Parekh B , Aliyu S , Aliyu G , Charurat M , Swaminathan M . PLoS One 2022 17 (8) e0273748 BACKGROUND: Data on awareness of HIV status among people living with HIV (PLHIV) are critical to estimating progress toward epidemic control. To ascertain the accuracy of self-reported HIV status and antiretroviral drug (ARV) use in the Nigeria HIV/AIDS Indicator and Impact Survey (NAIIS), we compared self-reported HIV status with HIV rapid diagnostic test (RDT) results and self-reported ARV use with detectable blood ARV levels. METHODS: On the basis of responses and test results, participants were categorized by HIV status and ARV use. Self-reported HIV status and ARV use performance characteristics were determined by estimating sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV). Proportions and other analyses were weighted to account for complex survey design. RESULTS: During NAIIS, 186,405 participants consented for interview out of which 58,646 reported knowing their HIV status. Of the 959 (weighted, 1.5%) who self-reported being HIV-positive, 849 (92.1%) tested HIV positive and 64 (7.9%) tested HIV negative via RDT and polymerase chain reaction test for discordant positive results. Of the 849 who tested HIV positive, 743 (89.8%) reported using ARV and 72 (10.2%) reported not using ARV. Of 57,687 who self-reported being HIV negative, 686 (1.2%) tested HIV positive via RDT, with ARV biomarkers detected among 195 (25.1%). ARV was detected among 94.5% of those who self-reported using ARV and among 42.0% of those who self-reported not using ARV. Overall, self-reported HIV status had sensitivity of 52.7% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 49.4%-56.0%) with specificity of 99.9% (95% CI: 99.8%-99.9%). Self-reported ARV use had sensitivity of 95.2% (95% CI: 93.6%-96.7%) and specificity of 54.5% (95% CI: 48.8%-70.7%). CONCLUSIONS: Self-reported HIV status and ARV use screening tests were found to be low-validity measures during NAIIS. Laboratory tests to confirm self-reported information may be necessary to determine accurate HIV and clinical status for HIV studies in Nigeria. |
Pediatric HIV Case Identification Across 22 PEPFAR-Supported Countries During the COVID-19 Pandemic, October 2019-September 2020.
Traub AM , Medley A , Gross J , Sloan M , Amzel A , Gleason MM , Fernando NB , Wong V , Grillo MP , Wolf HT , Al-Samarrai T , Frawley A , Segwabe M , Motswere C , Baramperanye E , Nzima V , Mange Mayer M , Balachandra S , N'Siesi F X , Longuma HO , Nyembo P , Mazibuko S , Tilahun T , Teferi W , Desinor O , Reginald JL , Simiyu T , Nyabiage L , Mirembe J , Ts'oeu M , Zomba G , Nyangulu M , Wate A , Greenberg Cowan J , Mali D , Pietersen I , Ogundehin D , Onotu D , Ikpeazu A , Niyonsaba E , Bamwesigye J , Mabasa H , Kindra G , Bunga S , Rwegerera F , Machage E , King'ori G , Calnan J , Nazziwa E , Lingenda G , Musokotwane K , Bulaya-Tembo R , Maphosa T , Srivastava M . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (28) 894-898 During 2020, an estimated 150,000 persons aged 0-14 years acquired HIV globally (1). Case identification is the first step to ensure children living with HIV are linked to life-saving treatment, achieve viral suppression, and live long, healthy lives. Successful interventions to optimize pediatric HIV testing during the COVID-19 pandemic are needed to sustain progress toward achieving Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 95-95-95 targets.* Changes in HIV testing and diagnoses among persons aged 1-14 years (children) were assessed in 22 U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)-supported countries during October 1, 2019-September 30, 2020. This period corresponds to the two fiscal quarters before the COVID-19 pandemic (i.e., Q1 and Q2) and the two quarters after the pandemic began (i.e., Q3 and Q4). Testing was disaggregated by age group, testing strategy, and fiscal year quarter. During October 2019-September 2020, PEPFAR supported 4,312,343 HIV tests and identified 74,658 children living with HIV (CLHIV). The number of HIV tests performed was similar during Q1 and Q2, decreased 40.1% from Q2 to Q3, and increased 19.7% from Q3 to Q4. The number of HIV cases identified among children aged 1-14 years (cases identified) increased 7.4% from Q1 to Q2, decreased 29.4% from Q2 to Q3, and increased 3.3% from Q3 to Q4. Although testing in outpatient departments decreased 21% from Q1 to Q4, testing from other strategies increased during the same period, including mobile testing by 38%, facility-based index testing (offering an HIV test to partners and biological children of persons living with HIV) by 8%, and testing children with signs or symptoms of malnutrition within health facilities by 7%. In addition, most tests (61.3%) and cases identified (60.9%) were among children aged 5-14 years (school-aged children), highlighting the need to continue offering HIV testing to older children. These findings provide important information on the most effective strategies for identifying CLHIV during the COVID-19 pandemic. HIV testing programs should continue to use programmatic, surveillance, and financial data at both national and subnational levels to determine the optimal mix of testing strategies to minimize disruptions in pediatric case identification during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Optimizing community linkage to care and antiretroviral therapy Initiation: Lessons from the Nigeria HIV/AIDS Indicator and Impact Survey (NAIIS) and their adaptation in Nigeria ART Surge
Jahun I , Said I , El-Imam I , Ehoche A , Dalhatu I , Yakubu A , Greby S , Bronson M , Brown K , Bamidele M , Boyd AT , Bachanas P , Dirlikov E , Agbakwuru C , Abutu A , Williams-Sherlock M , Onotu D , Odafe S , Williams DB , Bassey O , Ogbanufe O , Onyenuobi C , Adeola A , Meribe C , Efuntoye T , Fagbamigbe OJ , Fagbemi A , Ene U , Nguhemen T , Mgbakor I , Alagi M , Asaolu O , Oladipo A , Amafah J , Nzelu C , Dakum P , Mensah C , Aliyu A , Okonkwo P , Oyeledun B , Oko J , Ikpeazu A , Gambo A , Charurat M , Ellerbrock T , Aliyu S , Swaminathan M . PLoS One 2021 16 (9) e0257476 BACKGROUND: Ineffective linkage to care (LTC) is a known challenge for community HIV testing. To overcome this challenge, a robust linkage to care strategy was adopted by the 2018 Nigeria HIV/AIDS Indicator and Impact Survey (NAIIS). The NAIIS linkage to care strategy was further adapted to improve Nigeria's programmatic efforts to achieve the 1st 90 as part of the Nigeria Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) Surge initiative, which also included targeted community testing. In this paper we provide an overview of the NAIIS LTC strategy and describe the impact of this strategy on both the NAIIS and the Surge initiatives. METHODS: The NAIIS collaborated with community-based organizations (CBOs) and deployed mobile health (mHealth) technology with real-time dashboards to manage and optimize community LTC for people living with HIV (PLHIV) diagnosed during the survey. In NAIIS, CBOs' role was to facilitate linkage of identified PLHIV in community to facility of their choice. For the ART Surge, we modified the NAIIS LTC strategy by empowering both CBOs and mobile community teams as responsible for not only active LTC but also for community testing, ART initiation, and retention in care. RESULTS: Of the 2,739 PLHIV 15 years and above identified in NAIIS, 1,975 (72.1%) were either unaware of their HIV-positive status (N = 1890) or were aware of their HIV-positive status but not receiving treatment (N = 85). Of these, 1,342 (67.9%) were linked to care, of which 952 (70.9%) were initiated on ART. Among 1,890 newly diagnosed PLHIV, 1,278 (67.6%) were linked to care, 33.7% self-linked and 66.3% were linked by CBOs. Among 85 known PLHIV not on treatment, 64 (75.3%) were linked; 32.8% self-linked and 67.2% were linked by a CBO. In the ART Surge, LTC and treatment initiation rates were 98% and 100%, respectively. Three-month retention for monthly treatment initiation cohorts improved from 76% to 90% over 6 months. CONCLUSIONS: Active LTC strategies by local CBOs and mobile community teams improved LTC and ART initiation in the ART Surge initiative. The use of mHealth technology resulted in timely and accurate documentation of results in NAIIS. By deploying mHealth in addition to active LTC, CBOs and mobile community teams could effectively scale up ART with real-time documentation of client-level outcomes. |
Expanding access to HIV services during the COVID-19 pandemic-Nigeria, 2020.
Boyd AT , Jahun I , Dirlikov E , Greby S , Odafe S , Abdulkadir A , Odeyemi O , Dalhatu I , Ogbanufe O , Abutu A , Asaolu O , Bamidele M , Onyenuobi C , Efuntoye T , Fagbamigbe JO , Ene U , Fagbemi A , Tingir N , Meribe C , Ayo A , Bassey O , Nnadozie O , Boyd MA , Onotu D , Gwamna J , Okoye M , Abrams W , Alagi M , Oladipo A , Williams-Sherlock M , Bachanas P , Chun H , Carpenter D , Miller DA , Ijeoma U , Nwaohiri A , Dakum P , Mensah CO , Aliyu A , Oyeledun B , Okonkwo P , Oko JO , Ikpeazu A , Aliyu G , Ellerbrock T , Swaminathan M . AIDS Res Ther 2021 18 (1) 62 BACKGROUND: To accelerate progress toward the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Nigeria country office (CDC Nigeria) initiated an Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) Surge in 2019 to identify and link 340,000 people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) to ART. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) threatened to interrupt ART Surge progress following the detection of the first case in Nigeria in February 2020. To overcome this disruption, CDC Nigeria designed and implemented adapted ART Surge strategies during February-September 2020. METHODS: Adapted ART Surge strategies focused on continuing expansion of HIV services while mitigating COVID-19 transmission. Key strategies included an intensified focus on community-based, rather than facility-based, HIV case-finding; immediate initiation of newly-diagnosed PLHIV on 3-month ART starter packs (first ART dispense of 3 months of ART); expansion of ART distribution through community refill sites; and broadened access to multi-month dispensing (MMD) (3-6 months ART) among PLHIV established in care. State-level weekly data reporting through an Excel-based dashboard and individual PLHIV-level data from the Nigeria National Data Repository facilitated program monitoring. RESULTS: During February-September 2020, the reported number of PLHIV initiating ART per month increased from 11,407 to 25,560, with the proportion found in the community increasing from 59 to 75%. The percentage of newly-identified PLHIV initiating ART with a 3-month ART starter pack increased from 60 to 98%. The percentage of on-time ART refill pick-ups increased from 89 to 100%. The percentage of PLHIV established in care receiving at least 3-month MMD increased from 77 to 93%. Among PLHIV initiating ART, 6-month retention increased from 74 to 92%. CONCLUSIONS: A rapid and flexible HIV program response, focused on reducing facility-based interactions while ensuring delivery of lifesaving ART, was critical in overcoming COVID-19-related service disruptions to expand access to HIV services in Nigeria during the first eight months of the pandemic. High retention on ART among PLHIV initiating treatment indicates immediate MMD in this population may be a sustainable practice. HIV program infrastructure can be leveraged and adapted to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Rapid Scale-up of an Antiretroviral Therapy Program Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Nine States, Nigeria, March 31, 2019-September 30, 2020.
Dirlikov E , Jahun I , Odafe SF , Obinna O , Onyenuobi C , Ifunanya M , Efuntoye TA , Tingir N , Ene U , Fagbemi A , Meribe C , Bassey O , Ayo A , Fagbamigbe OJ , Amafah J , Bamidele M , Alagi M , Oladipo A , Dalhatu I , Okoye M , Onotu D , Gwamna J , Abrams WA , Conner DA , Nwaohiri A , Carpenter D , Ijeoma UC , Shah S , Tison LI , Shah M , Chun H , Williams-Sherlock M , Boyd AT , Bachanas P , Ikpeazu A , Aliyu GG , Ellerbrock T , Swaminathan M . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (12) 421-426 In 2018, an estimated 1.8 million persons living in Nigeria had HIV infection (1.3% of the total population), including 1.1 million (64%) who were receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) (1). Effective ART reduces morbidity and mortality rates among persons with HIV infection and prevents HIV transmission once viral load is suppressed to undetectable levels (2,3). In April 2019, through the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR),* CDC launched an 18-month ART Surge program in nine Nigerian states to rapidly increase the number of persons with HIV infection receiving ART. CDC analyzed programmatic data gathered during March 31, 2019-September 30, 2020, to describe the ART Surge program's progress on case finding, ART initiation, patient retention, and ART Surge program growth. Overall, the weekly number of newly identified persons with HIV infection who initiated ART increased approximately eightfold, from 587 (week ending May 4, 2019) to 5,329 (week ending September 26, 2020). The ART Surge program resulted in 208,202 more HIV-infected persons receiving PEPFAR-supported ART despite the COVID-19 pandemic (97,387 more persons during March 31, 2019-March 31, 2020 and an additional 110,815 persons during April 2020-September 2020). Comprehensive, data-guided, locally adapted interventions and the use of incident command structures can help increase the number of persons with HIV infection who receive ART, reducing HIV-related morbidity and mortality as well as decreasing HIV transmission. |
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