Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 69 Records) |
Query Trace: Hurley E[original query] |
Assessing COVID-19 pandemic impacts on the health of PWID using a novel data sharing model
Bradley H , Luisi N , Carter A , Pigott TD , Abramovitz D , Allen ST , Asher A , Austin C , Bartholomew TS , Baum M , Board A , Boodram B , Borquez A , Brookmeyer KA , Buchacz K , Burnett J , Cooper HLF , Crepaz N , Debeck K , Feinberg J , Fong C , Freeman E , Furukawa NW , Genberg B , Gorbach P , Hagan H , Hayashi K , Huriaux E , Hurley H , Keruly J , Kristensen K , Lai S , Martin NK , Mateu-Gelabert P , McClain GM Jr , Mehta S , Mok WY , Reynoso M , Strathdee S , Torigian N , Weng CA , Westergaard R , Young A , Jarlais DCD . Aids 2024 OBJECTIVE: Using an innovative data sharing model, we assessed the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health of people who inject drugs (PWID). DESIGN: The PWID Data Collaborative was established in 2021 to promote data sharing across PWID studies in North America. Contributing studies submitted aggregate data on 23 standardized indicators during four time periods: pre-pandemic (Mar 2019 - Feb 2020), early-pandemic (Mar 2020 - Feb 2021), mid-pandemic (Mar 2021 - Feb 2022), and late pandemic (Mar 2022 - Feb 2023). METHODS: We present study-specific and meta-analyzed estimates for the percentage of PWID who took medications for opioid use disorder, received substance use treatment, shared syringes or injection equipment, had a mental health condition, had been incarcerated, or had experienced houselessness. To examine change over time across indicators, we fit a random effects meta-regression model to prevalence estimates using time as a moderator. RESULTS: Thirteen studies contributed estimates to the Data Collaborative on these indicators, representing 6,213 PWID interviews. We observed minimal change across prevalence of the six indicators between the pre-pandemic (March 2019 - February 2020) and three subsequent time periods, overall or within individual studies. Considerable heterogeneity was observed across study- and time-specific estimates. CONCLUSIONS: Limited pandemic-related change observed in indicators of PWID health is likely a result of policy and supportive service-related changes and may also reflect resilience among service providers and PWID themselves. The Data Collaborative is an unprecedented data sharing model with potential to greatly improve the quality and timeliness of data on the health of PWID. |
Haemophilus influenzae type B vaccine immunogenicity in American Indian/Alaska Native infants
Jackson BD , Miernyk K , Steinberg J , Beaudry J , Christensen L , Chukwuma U , Clichee D , Damon S , Farrenkopf BA , Hurley C , Luna J , Simons B , Singleton R , Thomas M , VanDeRiet D , Weatherholtz R , Zeger S , Zylstra S , Keck J , Hammitt LL . Pediatrics 2024 OBJECTIVES: American Indian and Alaska Native (AI/AN) infants historically experienced a disproportionate burden of invasive Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) disease, especially early in life. PedvaxHIB vaccine is preferentially recommended for AI/AN infants because it elicits protective antibody levels postdose 1. Vaxelis, a hexavalent vaccine that contains the same Hib conjugate as PedvaxHIB but at lower concentration, is recommended for US children, but postdose 1 Hib immunogenicity data are needed to inform whether a preferential recommendation should be made for AI/AN infants. METHODS: We conducted a phase IV randomized, open-label, noninferiority trial comparing postdose 1 immunogenicity of Vaxelis to PedvaxHIB in AI/AN infants. Participants were randomized to receive a primary series of PedvaxHIB or Vaxelis. Serum samples collected 30 days postdose 1 were tested for anti-Hib immunoglobulin G antibody by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The anti-Hib immunoglobulin G geometric mean concentration (GMC) ratio (Vaxelis/PedvaxHIB) was estimated by constrained longitudinal data analysis. Noninferiority was defined a priori as the lower bound of the 95% confidence interval (CI) of the GMC ratio ≥0.67. RESULTS: A total of 327 of the 333 infants enrolled in the study were included in the per-protocol analysis. The postdose 1 anti-Hib GMC was 0.41 µg/mL (95% CI 0.33-0.52) in the Vaxelis group (n = 152) and 0.39 µg/mL (95% CI 0.31-0.50) in the PedvaxHIB group (n = 146). The constrained longitudinal data analysis GMC ratio was 1.03 (95% CI 0.76-1.39). CONCLUSIONS: Postdose 1 immunogenicity of Vaxelis was noninferior to PedvaxHIB. Our findings support the use of Vaxelis in AI/AN children, a population with elevated risk of Hib disease. |
Tinnitus after COVID-19 vaccination: Findings from the vaccine adverse event reporting system and the vaccine safety datalink
Yih WK , Duffy J , Su JR , Bazel S , Fireman B , Hurley L , Maro JC , Marquez P , Moro P , Nair N , Nelson J , Smith N , Sundaram M , Vasquez-Benitez G , Weintraub E , Xu S , Shimabukuro T . Am J Otolaryngol 2024 45 (6) 104448 ![]() ![]() PURPOSE: To assess the occurrence of tinnitus following COVID-19 vaccination using data mining and descriptive analyses in two U.S. vaccine safety surveillance systems. METHODS: Reports of tinnitus after COVID-19 vaccination to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) from 2020 through 2024 were examined using empirical Bayesian data mining and by calculating reporting rates. In the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) population, ICD-10 coded post-vaccination medical visits were examined using tree-based data mining, and tinnitus visit incidence rates during post-vaccination days 1-140 were calculated by age group for COVID-19 vaccines and for comparison, influenza vaccine. RESULTS: VAERS data mining did not find disproportionate reporting of tinnitus for any COVID-19 vaccine. VAERS received up to 84.82 tinnitus reports per million COVID-19 vaccine doses administered. VSD tree-based data mining found no signals for tinnitus. VSD tinnitus visit incidence rates after COVID-19 vaccines were similar to those after influenza vaccine except for the group aged ≥65 years (Moderna COVID-19 vaccine, 165 per 10,000 person-years; Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, 154; influenza vaccine, 135). CONCLUSIONS: Overall, these findings do not support an increased risk of tinnitus following COVID-19 vaccination but cannot definitively exclude the possibility. Descriptive comparisons between COVID-19 and influenza vaccines were limited by lack of adjustment for potential confounding factors. |
Characteristics of healthcare personnel with SARS-CoV-2 infection: 10 emerging infections program sites in the United States, April 2020-December 2021
Chea N , Eure T , Alkis Ramirez R , Zlotorzynska M , Blazek GT , Nadle J , Lee J , Czaja CA , Johnston H , Barter D , Kellogg M , Emanuel C , Meek J , Brackney M , Carswell S , Thomas S , Fridkin SK , Wilson LE , Perlmutter R , Marceaux-Galli K , Fell A , Lovett S , Lim S , Lynfield R , Shrum Davis S , Phipps EC , Sievers M , Dumyati G , Myers C , Hurley C , Licherdell E , Pierce R , Ocampo VLS , Hall EW , Wilson C , Adre C , Kirtz E , Markus TM , Billings K , Plumb ID , Abedi GR , James-Gist J , Magill SS , Grigg CT . Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2024 1-9 BACKGROUND: Understanding characteristics of healthcare personnel (HCP) with SARS-CoV-2 infection supports the development and prioritization of interventions to protect this important workforce. We report detailed characteristics of HCP who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 from April 20, 2020 through December 31, 2021. METHODS: CDC collaborated with Emerging Infections Program sites in 10 states to interview HCP with SARS-CoV-2 infection (case-HCP) about their demographics, underlying medical conditions, healthcare roles, exposures, personal protective equipment (PPE) use, and COVID-19 vaccination status. We grouped case-HCP by healthcare role. To describe residential social vulnerability, we merged geocoded HCP residential addresses with CDC/ATSDR Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) values at the census tract level. We defined highest and lowest SVI quartiles as high and low social vulnerability, respectively. RESULTS: Our analysis included 7,531 case-HCP. Most case-HCP with roles as certified nursing assistant (CNA) (444, 61.3%), medical assistant (252, 65.3%), or home healthcare worker (HHW) (225, 59.5%) reported their race and ethnicity as either non-Hispanic Black or Hispanic. More than one third of HHWs (166, 45.2%), CNAs (283, 41.7%), and medical assistants (138, 37.9%) reported a residential address in the high social vulnerability category. The proportion of case-HCP who reported using recommended PPE at all times when caring for patients with COVID-19 was lowest among HHWs compared with other roles. CONCLUSIONS: To mitigate SARS-CoV-2 infection risk in healthcare settings, infection prevention, and control interventions should be specific to HCP roles and educational backgrounds. Additional interventions are needed to address high social vulnerability among HHWs, CNAs, and medical assistants. |
Predictors of corporal punishment during the COVID-19 pandemic
Sege RD , Purdue EL , Burstein D , Holditch Niolon P , Price LL , Chen Y , Swedo EA , Piazza Hurley T , Prasad K , Klika B . Pediatr Rep 2024 16 (2) 300-312 Although current policies discourage the use of corporal punishment (CP), its use is still widespread in the US. The objective of this study was to assess the proportion of parents who used CP during the pandemic and identify related risk and protective factors. We analyzed results of a nationwide cross-sectional internet panel survey of 9000 US caregivers who responded in three waves from November 2020 to July 2021. One in six respondents reported having spanked their child in the past week. Spanking was associated with intimate partner violence and the use of multiple discipline strategies and not significantly associated with region or racial self-identification. Parents who spanked sought out more kinds of support, suggesting an opportunity to reduce spanking through more effective parenting resources. Additionally, these results suggest that parents who report using CP may be at risk for concurrent domestic violence. |
Attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccines among pregnant and recently pregnant individuals
Williams JTB , Kurlandsky K , Breslin K , Durfee MJ , Stein A , Hurley L , Shoup JA , Reifler LM , Daley MF , Lewin BJ , Goddard K , Henninger ML , Nelson JC , Vazquez-Benitez G , Hanson KE , Fuller CC , Weintraub ES , McNeil MM , Hambidge SJ . JAMA Netw Open 2024 7 (4) e245479 IMPORTANCE: Pregnant people and infants are at high risk of severe COVID-19 outcomes. Understanding changes in attitudes toward COVID-19 vaccines among pregnant and recently pregnant people is important for public health messaging. OBJECTIVE: To assess attitudinal trends regarding COVID-19 vaccines by (1) vaccination status and (2) race, ethnicity, and language among samples of pregnant and recently pregnant Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) members from 2021 to 2023. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This cross-sectional surveye study included pregnant or recently pregnant members of the VSD, a collaboration of 13 health care systems and the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Unvaccinated, non-Hispanic Black, and Spanish-speaking members were oversampled. Wave 1 took place from October 2021 to February 2022, and wave 2 took place from November 2022 to February 2023. Data were analyzed from May 2022 to September 2023. EXPOSURES: Self-reported or electronic health record (EHR)-derived race, ethnicity, and preferred language. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Self-reported vaccination status and attitudes toward monovalent (wave 1) or bivalent Omicron booster (wave 2) COVID-19 vaccines. Sample- and response-weighted analyses assessed attitudes by vaccination status and 3 race, ethnicity, and language groupings of interest. RESULTS: There were 1227 respondents; all identified as female, the mean (SD) age was 31.7 (5.6) years, 356 (29.0%) identified as Black race, 555 (45.2%) identified as Hispanic ethnicity, and 445 (36.3%) preferred the Spanish language. Response rates were 43.5% for wave 1 (652 of 1500 individuals sampled) and 39.5% for wave 2 (575 of 1456 individuals sampled). Respondents were more likely than nonrespondents to be White, non-Hispanic, and vaccinated per EHR. Overall, 76.8% (95% CI, 71.5%-82.2%) reported 1 or more COVID-19 vaccinations; Spanish-speaking Hispanic respondents had the highest weighted proportion of respondents with 1 or more vaccination. Weighted estimates of somewhat or strongly agreeing that COVID-19 vaccines are safe decreased from wave 1 to 2 for respondents who reported 1 or more vaccinations (76% vs 50%; χ21 = 7.8; P < .001), non-Hispanic White respondents (72% vs 43%; χ21 = 5.4; P = .02), and Spanish-speaking Hispanic respondents (76% vs 53%; χ21 = 22.8; P = .002). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: Decreasing confidence in COVID-19 vaccine safety in a large, diverse pregnant and recently pregnant insured population is a public health concern. |
COVID-19 pandemic impact on United States intimate partner violence organizations: Administrator perspectives
Randell KA , Balascio P , Ragavan MI , Duplessis V , Miller E , Hurley TP , Garcia R , Villaveces A , DeGue S , Chang JC . J Fam Violence 2023 Purpose: The COVID-19 pandemic has increased challenges to intimate partner violence (IPV) service provision. This study aimed to explore administrative perspectives on the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on United States regional and national IPV service organizations. Methods: We interviewed 35 administrators working within state, regional, or national organizations addressing IPV. Interview domains included (1) organizational response to COVID-19, including communication and supporting employees and partner agencies, (2) impact on marginalized communities, and (3) resource needs. We used a hybrid deductive-inductive approach and thematic analysis for coding and analysis. Results: We identified four key themes: (1) COVID-19 worsened pre-existing challenges and created new challenges at multiple levels within IPV service organizations; (2) IPV service organizations initiated multi-level initiatives to support IPV survivors, their staff, their organization, and their member/partner agencies; (3) Organizations identified changes that should continue beyond the pandemic; and (4) Systemic racism compounded the impact of COVID-19 on IPV survivors and IPV service agencies. Conclusions: Findings suggest that (1) multi-level responses are needed for robust support of IPV survivors during and beyond the pandemic and (2) a syndemic model that addresses underlying structural inequities may strengthen efforts to support IPV survivors during a pandemic or other large-scale disaster. © 2023, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature. |
Simultaneous administration of mRNA COVID-19 bivalent booster and influenza vaccines
Kenigsberg TA , Goddard K , Hanson KE , Lewis N , Klein N , Irving SA , Naleway AL , Crane B , Kauffman TL , Xu S , Daley MF , Hurley LP , Kaiser R , Jackson LA , Jazwa A , Weintraub ES . Vaccine 2023 41 (39) 5678-5682 The U.S. Food and Drug Administration authorized use of mRNA COVID-19 bivalent booster vaccines on August 31, 2022. Currently, CDC's clinical guidance states that COVID-19 and other vaccines may be administered simultaneously. At time of authorization and recommendations, limited data existed describing simultaneous administration of COVID-19 bivalent booster and other vaccines. We describe simultaneous influenza and mRNA COVID-19 bivalent booster vaccine administration between August 31-December 31, 2022, among persons aged ≥6 months in the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD) by COVID-19 bivalent booster vaccine type, influenza vaccine type, age group, sex, and race and ethnicity. Of 2,301,876 persons who received a COVID-19 bivalent booster vaccine, 737,992 (32.1%) received simultaneous influenza vaccine, majority were female (53.1%), aged ≥18 years (91.4%), and non-Hispanic White (55.7%). These findings can inform future VSD studies on simultaneous influenza and COVID-19 bivalent booster vaccine safety and coverage, which may have implications for immunization service delivery. |
Residential social vulnerability among healthcare personnel with and without severe acute respiratory coronavirus virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection in Five US states, May-December 2020
Zlotorzynska M , Chea N , Eure T , Alkis Ramirez R , Blazek GT , Czaja CA , Johnston H , Barter D , Kellogg M , Emanuel C , Lynfield R , Fell A , Lim S , Lovett S , Phipps EC , Shrum Davis S , Sievers M , Dumyati G , Concannon C , Myers C , McCullough K , Woods A , Hurley C , Licherdell E , Pierce R , Ocampo VLS , Hall E , Magill SS , Grigg CT . Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2023 1-7 OBJECTIVE: To characterize residential social vulnerability among healthcare personnel (HCP) and evaluate its association with severe acute respiratory coronavirus virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. DESIGN: Case-control study. SETTING: This study analyzed data collected in May-December 2020 through sentinel and population-based surveillance in healthcare facilities in Colorado, Minnesota, New Mexico, New York, and Oregon. PARTICIPANTS: Data from 2,168 HCP (1,571 cases and 597 controls from the same facilities) were analyzed. METHODS: HCP residential addresses were linked to the social vulnerability index (SVI) at the census tract level, which represents a ranking of community vulnerability to emergencies based on 15 US Census variables. The primary outcome was SARS-CoV-2 infection, confirmed by positive antigen or real-time reverse-transcriptase- polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) test on nasopharyngeal swab. Significant differences by SVI in participant characteristics were assessed using the Fisher exact test. Adjusted odds ratios (aOR) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for associations between case status and SVI, controlling for HCP role and patient care activities, were estimated using logistic regression. RESULTS: Significantly higher proportions of certified nursing assistants (48.0%) and medical assistants (44.1%) resided in high SVI census tracts, compared to registered nurses (15.9%) and physicians (11.6%). HCP cases were more likely than controls to live in high SVI census tracts (aOR, 1.76; 95% CI, 1.37-2.26). CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that residing in more socially vulnerable census tracts may be associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection risk among HCP and that residential vulnerability differs by HCP role. Efforts to safeguard the US healthcare workforce and advance health equity should address the social determinants that drive racial, ethnic, and socioeconomic health disparities. |
Safety of simultaneous vaccination with COVID-19 vaccines in the Vaccine Safety Datalink
Kenigsberg TA , Hanson KE , Klein NP , Zerbo O , Goddard K , Xu S , Yih WK , Irving SA , Hurley LP , Glanz JM , Kaiser R , Jackson LA , Weintraub ES . Vaccine 2023 INTRODUCTION: Safety data on simultaneous vaccination (SV) with primary series monovalent COVID-19 vaccines and other vaccines are limited. We describe SV with primary series COVID-19 vaccines and assess 23 pre-specified health outcomes following SV among persons aged ≥5 years in the Vaccine Safety Datalink (VSD). METHODS: We utilized VSD's COVID-19 vaccine surveillance data from December 11, 2020-May 21, 2022. Analyses assessed frequency of SV. Rate ratios (RRs) were estimated by Poisson regression when the number of outcomes was ≥5 across both doses, comparing outcome rates between COVID-19 vaccinees receiving SV and COVID-19 vaccinees receiving no SV in the 1-21 days following COVID-19 vaccine dose 1 and 1-42 days following dose 2 by SV type received ("All SV", "Influenza SV", "Non-influenza SV"). RESULTS: SV with COVID-19 vaccines was not common practice (dose 1: 0.7 % of 8,455,037 persons, dose 2: 0.3 % of 7,787,013 persons). The most frequent simultaneous vaccines were influenza, HPV, Tdap, and meningococcal. Outcomes following SV with COVID-19 vaccines were rare (total of 56 outcomes observed after dose 1 and dose 2). Overall rate of outcomes among COVID-19 vaccinees who received SV was not statistically significantly different than the rate among those who did not receive SV (6.5 vs. 6.8 per 10,000 persons). Statistically significant elevated RRs were observed for appendicitis (2.09; 95 % CI, 1.06-4.13) and convulsions/seizures (2.78; 95 % CI, 1.10-7.06) in the "All SV" group following dose 1, and for Bell's palsy (2.82; 95 % CI, 1.14-6.97) in the "Influenza SV" group following dose 2. CONCLUSION: Combined pre-specified health outcomes observed among persons who received SV with COVID-19 vaccine were rare and not statistically significantly different compared to persons who did not receive SV with COVID-19 vaccine. Statistically significant adjusted rate ratios were observed for some individual outcomes, but the number of outcomes was small and there was no adjustment for multiple testing. |
Progress toward equitable mpox vaccination coverage: A shortfall analysis - United States, May 2022-April 2023
Kota KK , Chesson H , Hong J , Zelaya C , Spicknall IH , Riser AP , Hurley E , Currie DW , Lash RR , Carnes N , Concepción-Acevedo J , Ellington S , Belay ED , Mermin J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (23) 627-632 More than 30,000 monkeypox (mpox) cases were reported in the United States during the 2022 multinational outbreak; cases disproportionately affected gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM). Substantial racial and ethnic disparities in incidence were also reported (1). The national mpox vaccination strategy* emphasizes that efforts to administer the JYNNEOS mpox vaccine should be focused among the populations at elevated risk for exposure to mpox (2). During May 2022-April 2023, a total of 748,329 first JYNNEOS vaccine doses (of the two recommended) were administered in the United States.(†) During the initial months of the outbreak, lower vaccination coverage rates among racial and ethnic minority groups were reported (1,3); however, after implementation of initiatives developed to expand access to mpox vaccination,(§) coverage among racial and ethnic minority groups increased (1,4). A shortfall analysis was conducted to examine whether the increase in mpox vaccination coverage was equitable across all racial and ethnic groups (5). Shortfall was defined as the percentage of the vaccine-eligible population that did not receive the vaccine (i.e., 100% minus the percentage of the eligible population that did receive a first dose). Monthly mpox vaccination shortfalls were calculated and were stratified by race and ethnicity; monthly percent reductions in shortfall were also calculated compared with the preceding month's shortfall (6). The mpox vaccination shortfall decreased among all racial and ethnic groups during May 2022-April 2023; however, based on analysis of vaccine administration data with race and ethnicity reported, 66.0% of vaccine-eligible persons remained unvaccinated at the end of this period. The shortfall was largest among non-Hispanic Black or African American (Black) (77.9%) and non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) (74.5%) persons, followed by non-Hispanic White (White) (66.6%) and Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic) (63.0%) persons, and was lowest among non-Hispanic Asian (Asian) (38.5%) and non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian and other Pacific Islander (NH/OPI) (43.7%) persons. The largest percentage decreases in the shortfall were achieved during August (17.7%) and September (8.5%). However, during these months, smaller percentage decreases were achieved among Black persons (12.2% and 4.9%, respectively), highlighting the need for a focus on equity for the entirety of a public health response. Achieving equitable progress in JYNNEOS vaccination coverage will require substantial decreases in shortfalls among Black and AI/AN persons. |
A Public Health Research Agenda for Managing Infodemics: Methods and Results of the First WHO Infodemiology Conference.
Calleja N , AbdAllah A , Abad N , Ahmed N , Albarracin D , Altieri E , Anoko JN , Arcos R , Azlan AA , Bayer J , Bechmann A , Bezbaruah S , Briand SC , Brooks I , Bucci LM , Burzo S , Czerniak C , De Domenico M , Dunn AG , Ecker UKH , Espinosa L , Francois C , Gradon K , Gruzd A , Gülgün BS , Haydarov R , Hurley C , Astuti SI , Ishizumi A , Johnson N , Johnson Restrepo D , Kajimoto M , Koyuncu A , Kulkarni S , Lamichhane J , Lewis R , Mahajan A , Mandil A , McAweeney E , Messer M , Moy W , Ndumbi Ngamala P , Nguyen T , Nunn M , Omer SB , Pagliari C , Patel P , Phuong L , Prybylski D , Rashidian A , Rempel E , Rubinelli S , Sacco P , Schneider A , Shu K , Smith M , Sufehmi H , Tangcharoensathien V , Terry R , Thacker N , Trewinnard T , Turner S , Tworek H , Uakkas S , Vraga E , Wardle C , Wasserman H , Wilhelm E , Würz A , Yau B , Zhou L , Purnat TD . JMIR Infodemiology 2021 1 (1) e30979 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: An infodemic is an overflow of information of varying quality that surges across digital and physical environments during an acute public health event. It leads to confusion, risk-taking, and behaviors that can harm health and lead to erosion of trust in health authorities and public health responses. Owing to the global scale and high stakes of the health emergency, responding to the infodemic related to the pandemic is particularly urgent. Building on diverse research disciplines and expanding the discipline of infodemiology, more evidence-based interventions are needed to design infodemic management interventions and tools and implement them by health emergency responders. OBJECTIVE: The World Health Organization organized the first global infodemiology conference, entirely online, during June and July 2020, with a follow-up process from August to October 2020, to review current multidisciplinary evidence, interventions, and practices that can be applied to the COVID-19 infodemic response. This resulted in the creation of a public health research agenda for managing infodemics. METHODS: As part of the conference, a structured expert judgment synthesis method was used to formulate a public health research agenda. A total of 110 participants represented diverse scientific disciplines from over 35 countries and global public health implementing partners. The conference used a laddered discussion sprint methodology by rotating participant teams, and a managed follow-up process was used to assemble a research agenda based on the discussion and structured expert feedback. This resulted in a five-workstream frame of the research agenda for infodemic management and 166 suggested research questions. The participants then ranked the questions for feasibility and expected public health impact. The expert consensus was summarized in a public health research agenda that included a list of priority research questions. RESULTS: The public health research agenda for infodemic management has five workstreams: (1) measuring and continuously monitoring the impact of infodemics during health emergencies; (2) detecting signals and understanding the spread and risk of infodemics; (3) responding and deploying interventions that mitigate and protect against infodemics and their harmful effects; (4) evaluating infodemic interventions and strengthening the resilience of individuals and communities to infodemics; and (5) promoting the development, adaptation, and application of interventions and toolkits for infodemic management. Each workstream identifies research questions and highlights 49 high priority research questions. CONCLUSIONS: Public health authorities need to develop, validate, implement, and adapt tools and interventions for managing infodemics in acute public health events in ways that are appropriate for their countries and contexts. Infodemiology provides a scientific foundation to make this possible. This research agenda proposes a structured framework for targeted investment for the scientific community, policy makers, implementing organizations, and other stakeholders to consider. |
Racial and ethnic disparities in Mpox cases and vaccination among adult males - United States, May-December 2022
Kota KK , Hong J , Zelaya C , Riser AP , Rodriguez A , Weller DL , Spicknall IH , Kriss JL , Lee F , Boersma P , Hurley E , Hicks P , Wilkins C , Chesson H , Concepción-Acevedo J , Ellington S , Belay E , Mermin J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (15) 398-403 As of December 31, 2022, a total of 29,939 monkeypox (mpox) cases* had been reported in the United States, 93.3% of which occurred in adult males. During May 10-December 31, 2022, 723,112 persons in the United States received the first dose in a 2-dose mpox (JYNNEOS)(†) vaccination series; 89.7% of these doses were administered to males (1). The current mpox outbreak has disproportionately affected gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) and racial and ethnic minority groups (1,2). To examine racial and ethnic disparities in mpox incidence and vaccination rates, rate ratios (RRs) for incidence and vaccination rates and vaccination-to-case ratios were calculated, and trends in these measures were assessed among males aged ≥18 years (males) (3). Incidence in males in all racial and ethnic minority groups except non-Hispanic Asian (Asian) males was higher than that among non-Hispanic White (White) males. At the peak of the outbreak in August 2022, incidences among non-Hispanic Black or African American (Black) and Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic) males were higher than incidence among White males (RR = 6.9 and 4.1, respectively). Overall, vaccination rates were higher among males in racial and ethnic minority groups than among White males. However, the vaccination-to-case ratio was lower among Black (8.8) and Hispanic (16.2) males than among White males (42.5) during the full analytic period, indicating that vaccination rates among Black and Hispanic males were not proportionate to the elevated incidence rates (i.e., these groups had a higher unmet vaccination need). Efforts to increase vaccination among Black and Hispanic males might have resulted in the observed relative increased rates of vaccination; however, these increases were only partially successful in reducing overall incidence disparities. Continued implementation of equity-based vaccination strategies is needed to further increase vaccination rates and reduce the incidence of mpox among all racial and ethnic groups. Recent modeling data (4) showing that, based on current vaccination coverage levels, many U.S. jurisdictions are vulnerable to resurgent mpox outbreaks, underscore the need for continued vaccination efforts, particularly among racial and ethnic minority groups. |
JYNNEOS Vaccination Coverage Among Persons at Risk for Mpox - United States, May 22, 2022-January 31, 2023
Owens LE , Currie DW , Kramarow EA , Siddique S , Swanson M , Carter RJ , Kriss JL , Boersma PM , Lee FC , Spicknall I , Hurley E , Zlotorzynska M , Gundlapalli AV . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (13) 342-347 From May 2022 through the end of January 2023, approximately 30,000 cases of monkeypox (mpox) have been reported in the United States and >86,000 cases reported internationally.* JYNNEOS (Modified Vaccinia Ankara vaccine, Bavarian Nordic) is recommended for subcutaneous administration to persons at increased risk for mpox (1,2) and has been demonstrated to provide protection against infection (3-5). To increase the total number of vaccine doses available, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) on August 9, 2022, recommending administration of the vaccine intradermally (0.1 mL per dose) for persons aged ≥18 years who are recommended to receive it (6); intradermal administration can generate an equivalent immune response to that achieved through subcutaneous injection using approximately one fifth the subcutaneous dose (7). CDC analyzed JYNNEOS vaccine administration data submitted to CDC from jurisdictional immunization information systems (IIS)(†) to assess the impact of the EUA and to estimate vaccination coverage among the population at risk for mpox. During May 22, 2022-January 31, 2023, a total of 1,189,651 JYNNEOS doses (734,510 first doses and 452,884 second doses)(§) were administered. Through the week of August 20, 2022, the predominant route of administration was subcutaneous, after which intradermal administration became predominant, in accordance with FDA guidance. As of January 31, 2023, 1-dose and 2-dose (full vaccination) coverage among persons at risk for mpox is estimated to have reached 36.7% and 22.7%, respectively. Despite a steady decline in mpox cases from a 7-day daily average of more than 400 cases on August 1, 2022, to five cases on January 31, 2023, vaccination for persons at risk for mpox continues to be recommended (1). Targeted outreach and continued access to and availability of mpox vaccines to persons at risk are important to help prevent and minimize the impact of a resurgence of mpox. |
A stakeholder-driven framework for measuring potential change in the health risks of people who inject drugs (PWID) during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Bradley H , Austin C , Allen ST , Asher A , Bartholomew TS , Board A , Borquez A , Buchacz K , Carter A , Cooper HLF , Feinberg J , Furukawa N , Genberg B , Gorbach PM , Hagan H , Huriaux E , Hurley H , Luisi N , Martin NK , Rosenberg ES , Strathdee SA , Jarlais DCD . Int J Drug Policy 2022 110 103889 BACKGROUND: People who inject drugs (PWID) have likely borne disproportionate health consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic. PWID experienced both interruptions and changes to drug supply and delivery modes of harm reduction, treatment, and other medical services, leading to potentially increased risks for HIV, hepatitis C virus (HCV), and overdose. Given surveillance and research disruptions, proximal, indirect indicators of infectious diseases and overdose should be developed for timely measurement of health effects of the pandemic on PWID. METHODS: We used group concept mapping and a systems thinking approach to produce an expert stakeholder-generated, multi-level framework for monitoring changes in PWID health outcomes potentially attributable to COVID-19 in the U.S. This socio-ecological measurement framework elucidates proximal and distal contributors to infectious disease and overdose outcomes, many of which can be measured using existing data sources. RESULTS: The framework includes multi-level components including policy considerations, drug supply/distribution systems, the service delivery landscape, network factors, and individual characteristics such as mental and general health status and service utilization. These components are generally mediated by substance use and sexual behavioral factors to cause changes in incidence of HIV, HCV, sexually transmitted infections, wound/skin infections, and overdose. CONCLUSION: This measurement framework is intended to increase the quality and timeliness of research on the impacts of COVID-19 in the context of the current pandemic and future crises. Next steps include a ranking process to narrow the drivers of change in health risks to a concise set of indicators that adequately represent framework components, can be written as measurable indicators, and are quantifiable using existing data sources, as well as a publicly available web-based platform for summary data contributions. |
The Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on the Needs and Lived Experiences of Intimate Partner Violence Survivors in the United States: Advocate Perspectives.
Ragavan MI , Risser L , Duplessis V , DeGue S , Villaveces A , Hurley TP , Chang J , Miller E , Randell KA . Violence Against Women 2022 28 3114-3134 We explored the challenges and lived experiences of intimate partner violence (IPV) survivors during the COVID-19 pandemic by interviewing 53 U.S.-based IPV advocates between June and November 2020. Advocates described how the COVID-19 pandemic limited survivors' abilities to meet their basic needs. The pandemic was also described as being used by abusive partners to perpetrate control and has created unique safety and harm reduction challenges. IPV survivors experienced compounding challenges due to structural inequities. IPV must be considered by local, state, and federal governments when developing disaster planning policies and practices, including in the context of pandemics. |
Survey of physician practices, attitudes, and knowledge regarding recombinant zoster vaccine
Hurley LP , O'Leary ST , Dooling K , Anderson TC , Crane LA , Cataldi JR , Brtnikova M , Beaty BL , Gorman C , Guo A , Lindley MC , Kempe A . J Gen Intern Med 2022 38 (4) 1-8 BACKGROUND: Herpes zoster vaccination rates remain low despite longstanding national recommendations to vaccinate immunocompetent adults aged ≥ 50 years. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practice (ACIP) updated its recommendations for recombinant zoster vaccine (RZV) in October 2021 to include immunocompromised adults aged ≥19 years. OBJECTIVE: To assess practices, attitudes, and knowledge about RZV, barriers to recommending RZV, and likelihood of recommending RZV to patients with various immunocompromising conditions. DESIGN: Mail and internet-based survey conducted from May through July 2020. PARTICIPANTS: General internists and family physicians throughout the USA. MAIN MEASURES: Survey responses. KEY RESULTS: The response rate was 66% (632/955). Many physicians were already recommending RZV to immunocompromised populations, including adults ≥50 years with HIV (67% of respondents) and on recombinant human immune modulator therapy (56%). Forty-seven percent of respondents both stocked/administered RZV and referred patients elsewhere, frequently a pharmacy, for vaccination; 42% did not stock RZV and only referred patients. The majority agreed pharmacies do not inform them when RZV has been given (64%). Physicians were generally knowledgeable about RZV; however, 25% incorrectly thought experiencing side effects from the first dose of RZV that interfere with normal activities was a reason to not receive the second dose. The top reported barrier to recommending RZV was experience with patients declining RZV due to cost concerns (67%). Most physicians reported they would be likely to recommend RZV to immunocompromised patients. CONCLUSION: Most primary care physicians welcome updated ACIP RZV recommendations for immunocompromised adults. Knowledge gaps, communication issues, and financial barriers need to be addressed to optimize vaccination delivery. |
The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on child protective services caseworkers and administrators.
Renov V , Risser L , Berger R , Hurley T , Villaveces A , DeGue S , Katz A , Henderson C , Premo K , Talis J , Chang JC , Ragavan M . Child Abuse Negl 2021 130 105431 BACKGROUND: The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted children and young people experiencing child abuse and neglect. Child Protective Services (CPS) has played an important role in supporting children and families during the COVID-19 pandemic. Few studies to-date have evaluated the impact of the pandemic on CPS caseworkers and administrators in the United States. OBJECTIVES: We conducted interviews to explore CPS caseworkers' and administrators' experiences working and serving families during the pandemic. METHODS: Participants were U.S.-based CPS caseworkers and administrators. We conducted semi-structured virtual interviews with participants and used an inductive thematic analysis approach. RESULTS: We conducted 37 interviews. Participants discussed how the COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way they conduct investigations and provide services to families in the CPS system. Several services were adapted to occur virtually, providing challenges and unique opportunities. Participants also described the personal barriers they faced during the pandemic, including working remotely, experiencing burnout, and challenges obtaining personal protective equipment. Finally, participants shared creative solutions they engaged in to support children and families during the COVID-19 pandemic, including expanding collaborations with other community-based organizations. DISCUSSION: This study suggests the important role that CPS has played during the pandemic and challenges individual CPS workers felt, in terms of both experiencing burnout and difficulty obtaining personalized protective equipment. Inclusion of the CPS system in emergency preparedness planning for future pandemics or natural disasters will ensure continuation of these vital services. |
US Primary Care Providers' Experiences and Practices Related to Routine Pediatric Vaccination During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
O'Leary ST , Cataldi J , Lindley MC , Beaty BL , Hurley LP , Crane LA , Brtnikova M , Gorman C , Vogt T , Kang Y , Kempe A . Acad Pediatr 2021 22 (4) 559-563 OBJECTIVE: To describe, among pediatricians (Peds) and family physicians (FPs), 1) changes made to routine childhood vaccination delivery as a result of the pandemic, and 2) perceived barriers to delivering vaccinations from March 2020 through the time of the survey. METHODS: A nationally representative survey among Peds and FPs was administered by mail or Internet in October-December 2020. RESULTS: Response rate was 64% (579/909). For children aged 0-2 years, among those who vaccinated that age group pre-pandemic (Peds n=265, FPs n=222), 5% of Peds and 15% of FPs reported they had stopped vaccinating these children at any time. For children aged 4-6 years (Peds n=264, FPs n=229), 19% of Peds and 17% of FPs reported they had stopped vaccinating at any time. For children aged 11-18 years (Peds n=265, FPs n=251), 24% of Peds and 19% of FPs reported they had stopped vaccinating at any time. Nearly all reported returning to pre-pandemic vaccination services at the time of the survey. Factors most frequently reported as major/moderate barriers to providing vaccinations included fewer in-person visits because patients/parents were concerned about risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection (Peds, 52%; FPs, 54%), fewer in-person visits for sports clearance (Peds, 39%; FPs, 44%), and fewer back-to-school in-person visits because some children were in virtual learning (Peds, 25%; FPs, 33%). CONCLUSIONS: Although some physicians reported interrupting vaccination services at some point during the pandemic, the majority reported continuing to provide vaccinations throughout, with essentially all returning to pre-pandemic vaccination services by end of 2020. |
Pediatricians' knowledge and practices related to mumps diagnosis and prevention
Cataldi JR , O'Leary ST , Marlow MA , Beaty BL , Hurley LP , Crane LA , Brtnikova M , Gorman C , Pham HT , Lindley MC , Kempe A . J Pediatr 2021 239 81-88 e2 OBJECTIVES: To assess pediatricians' mumps knowledge and testing practices, to identify physician and practice characteristics associated with mumps testing practices, and to assess reporting and outbreak response knowledge and practices. STUDY DESIGN: From January-April 2020, we surveyed a nationally representative network of pediatricians. Descriptive statistics were generated for all items. Chi-square, t-tests, and Poisson regression were used to compare physician and practice characteristics between respondents who would rarely or never vs. sometimes or often/always test for mumps in a vaccinated 17-year-old with parotitis in a non-outbreak setting. RESULTS: The response rate was 67% (297/444). For knowledge, over half of pediatricians responded incorrectly or 'Don't know' for six of nine true/false statements about mumps epidemiology, diagnosis, and prevention; and over half reported they would need additional guidance on mumps buccal swab testing. For testing practices, 59% of respondents reported they would sometimes (35%) or often/always (24%) test for mumps in a vaccinated 17-year-old with parotitis in a non-outbreak setting; older physicians, rural physicians, and physicians from the Northeast or Midwest were more likely to test for mumps. Thirty-six percent of pediatricians reported they would often/always report a patient with suspected mumps to public health authorities. CONCLUSIONS: Pediatricians report mumps knowledge gaps and practices that do not align with public health recommendations. These gaps may lead to under-diagnosis and under-reporting of mumps cases, delaying public health response measures and contributing to ongoing disease transmission. |
Why aren't we achieving high vaccination rates for rotavirus vaccine in the U.S.
Kempe A , O'Leary ST , Cortese MM , Crane LA , Cataldi JR , Brtnikova M , Beaty BL , Hurley LP , Gorman C , Tate JE , St Pierre JL , Lindley MC . Acad Pediatr 2021 22 (4) 542-550 BACKGROUND: Rotavirus vaccine (RV) coverage levels for U.S. infants are <80%. METHODS: We surveyed nationally representative networks of pediatricians by internet/mail from April-June, 2019. Multivariable regression assessed factors associated with difficulty administering the first RV dose (RV#1) by the maximum age. RESULTS: Response rate was 68% (303/448). 99% of providers reported strongly recommending RV. The most common barriers to RV delivery overall (definite/somewhat of a barrier) were: parental concerns about vaccine safety overall (27%), parents wanting to defer (25%), parents not thinking RV was necessary (12%) and parent concerns about RV safety (6%). The most commonly reported reasons for non-receipt of RV#1 by 4-5 months (often/always) were parental vaccine refusal (9%), hospitals not giving RV at discharge from nursery (7%), infants past the maximum age when discharged from NICU/nursery (6%), and infant not seen before maximum age for well care visit (3%) or seen but no vaccine given (4%). Among respondents 4% strongly agreed and 25% somewhat agreed that they sometimes have difficulty giving RV#1 before the maximum age. Higher percentage of State Child Health Insurance Program/Medicaid-insured children in the practice and reporting that recommendations for timing of RV doses are too complicated were associated with reporting difficulty delivering the RV#1 by the maximum age. CONCLUSIONS: U.S. pediatricians identified multiple, actionable issues that may contribute to suboptimal RV immunization rates including lack of vaccination prior to leaving nurseries after prolonged stays, infants not being seen for well care visits by the maximum age, missed opportunities at visits and parents refusing/deferring. |
Physician survey regarding updated PCV13 vaccine recommendations for adults 65years
Hurley LP , O'Leary ST , Kobayashi M , Crane LA , Cataldi J , Brtnikova M , Beaty BL , Gorman C , Lindley MC , Kempe A . J Am Geriatr Soc 2021 69 (9) 2612-2618 BACKGROUND: In June 2019, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommended discontinuing the routine use of the pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13) among adults aged ≥65 years and instead recommended PCV13 be used based on shared clinical decision making (SCDM). OBJECTIVES: We wanted to assess among primary care physicians (1) knowledge and attitudes regarding the new SCDM PCV13 recommendation and (2) how the new recommendation will affect their likelihood of recommending PCV13 to adults aged ≥65 years. DESIGN: This was done by mail and internet-based survey, which was conducted October 2019 through January 2020. The study was carried out on a nationally representative sample of general internists (GIMs) and family physicians (FPs). RESULTS: The response rate was 64% (617/968, GIM 57%, FP 71%). Only 41% of respondents were aware of the SCDM PCV13 recommendation in adults aged ≥65 years; 76% agreed (37% "Strongly," 39% "Somewhat") that their patients aged ≥65 years will get confused by having a SCDM recommendation for PCV13 and a routine recommendation for the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23); 60% agreed (18% "Strongly," 42% "Somewhat") that they were unsure of what points to emphasize when having a SCDM conversation with an adult aged ≥65 years about receiving PCV13. Just over 50% reported they would be less likely to recommend PCV13 for adults aged ≥65 years as a result of the new recommendation, but 42% reported that their recommendation for PCV13 would not change. CONCLUSIONS: Word of the new ACIP recommendation for PCV13 for adults aged ≥65 years needs to be further disseminated. Investigation into why some physicians do not plan to change their recommendations is warranted. |
Changes in strength of recommendation and perceived barriers to HPV vaccination: Longitudinal analysis of primary care physicians, 2008-2018
Cataldi JR , O'Leary ST , Markowitz LE , Allison MA , Crane LA , Hurley LP , Brtnikova M , Beaty BL , Gorman C , Meites E , Lindley MC , Kempe A . J Pediatr 2021 234 149-157 e3 OBJECTIVES: To evaluate among pediatricians and family physicians how human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination recommendation practices for 11-12 year-old youth; report parental refusal/ deferral of HPV vaccination; and report barriers to HPV vaccination changed over time. STUDY DESIGN: We surveyed nationally representative networks of pediatricians and family physicians in 2008, 2010, 2013-2014 and 2018. Male vaccination questions were not asked in 2008; barriers and parental vaccine refusal questions were not asked in 2010. RESULTS: Response rates were 80% in 2008 (680/848), 72% in 2010 (609/842), 70% in 2013-2014 (582/829), and 65% in 2018 (588/908). The proportion of physicians strongly recommending HPV vaccination for 11-12 year-old patients increased from 53% in 2008 to 79% in 2018 for female patients, and from 48% in 2014 to 76% in 2018 for male patients (both p<0.0001). The proportion of physicians indicating ≥50% of parents refused/deferred HPV vaccination remained steady for female patients (24% in 2008 vs. 22% in 2018, p=0.40) and decreased for male patients (42% in 2014 vs, 28% in 2018, p<0.001). Physician barriers to providing HPV vaccination were rare and decreased over time. Increasing numbers of physicians reported perceived parental barriers of vaccine safety concerns (5% 'major barrier' in 2008 vs 35% in 2018, p<0.0001) and moral/religious concerns (5% in 2008 vs. 25% in 2018, P < .0001). CONCLUSIONS: Between 2008 and 2018, more primary care physicians reported recommending HPV vaccination for adolescents, fewer reported barriers, and more physicians reported parents had vaccine safety or moral/religious concerns. |
Shared clinical decision-making recommendations for adult immunization: What do physicians think
Kempe A , Lindley MC , O'Leary ST , Crane LA , Cataldi JR , Brtnikova M , Beaty BL , Matlock DD , Gorman C , Hurley LP . J Gen Intern Med 2021 36 (8) 2283-2291 BACKGROUND: In 2019, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) incorporated the terminology "shared clinical decision-making" (SDM) into recommendations for two adult vaccines. OBJECTIVE: To assess among general internal medicine physicians (GIMs) and family physicians (FPs) nationally (1) attitudes about and experience with ACIP SDM recommendations, (2) knowledge of insurance reimbursement for vaccines with SDM recommendations, (3) how SDM recommendations are incorporated into vaccine forecasting software, and (4) physician and practice characteristics associated with not knowing how to implement SDM. DESIGN: Survey conducted in October 2019-January 2020 by mail or internet based on preference. PARTICIPANTS: Networks of GIMs and FPs recruited from American College of Physicians (ACP) and American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) who practice ≥ 50% in primary care. Post-stratification quota sampling performed to ensure networks similar to ACP and AAFP memberships. MAIN MEASURES: Responses on 4-point Likert scales (attitudes/experiences), true/false options (knowledge), and categorical response options (forecasting). Multivariable modeling with outcome of "not knowing how to implement SDM" conducted. KEY RESULTS: Response rate was 64% (617/968). Most physicians strongly/somewhat agreed SDM requires more time than routine recommendations (90%FP; 95%GIM, p = 0.02) and that they need specific talking points to guide SDM discussions (79%FP; 84%GIM, p = NS). There was both support for SDM recommendations for certain vaccines (81%FP; 75%GIM, p = 0.06) and agreement that SDM creates confusion (64%FP; 76%GIM, p = 0.001). Only 41%FP and 43%GIM knew vaccines recommended for SDM would be covered by most health insurance. Overall, 38% reported SDM recommendations are displayed as "recommended" and 23% that they did not result in any recommendation in forecasting software. In adjusted multivariable models, GIMs [risk ratio 1.44 (1.15-1.81)] and females [1.28 (1.02-1.60)] were significantly associated with not knowing how to implement SDM recommendations CONCLUSIONS: To be successful in a primary care setting, SDM for adult vaccination will require thoughtful implementation with decision-making support for patients and physicians. |
Use of high-dose influenza and live attenuated influenza vaccines by US primary care physicians
Cataldi JR , Hurley LP , Lindley MC , O'Leary ST , Gorman C , Brtnikova M , Beaty BL , Crane LA , Shay DK , Kempe A . J Gen Intern Med 2021 36 (7) 2030-2038 BACKGROUND: Several different types of influenza vaccine are licensed for use in adults in the USA including high-dose inactivated influenza vaccine (HD-IIV) and live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV). HD-IIV is licensed for use in adults ≥ 65 years, and recommendations for use of LAIV have changed several times in recent years. OBJECTIVE: We sought to examine family physicians' (FPs) and general internal medicine physicians' (GIMs) perceptions, knowledge, and practices for use of HD-IIV and LAIV during the 2016-2017 and 2018-2019 influenza seasons. DESIGN: E-mail and mail surveys conducted February-March 2017, January-February 2019. PARTICIPANTS: Nationally representative samples of FPs and GIMs. MAIN MEASURES: Surveys assessed HD-IIV practices (2017), knowledge and perceptions (2019), and LAIV knowledge and practices (2017, 2019). KEY RESULTS: Response rates were 67% (620/930) in 2017 and 69% (642/926) in 2019. Many physicians believed HD-IIV is more effective than standard dose IIV in patients ≥ 65 years (76%) and reported their patients ≥ 65 years believe they need HD-IIV (67%). Most respondents incorrectly thought ACIP preferentially recommends HD-IIV for adults ≥ 65 years (88%); 65% "almost always/always" recommended HD-IIV for adults ≥ 65 years. Some physicians incorrectly thought ACIP preferentially recommends HD-IIV for adults < 65 years with cardiopulmonary disease (38%) or immunosuppression (48%); some respondents recommended HD-IIV for these groups (25% and 28% respectively). In 2017, 88% of respondents knew that ACIP recommended against using LAIV during the 2016-2017 influenza season, and 4% recommended LAIV to patients. In 2019, 63% knew that ACIP recommended that LAIV could be used during the 2018-2019 influenza season, and 8% recommended LAIV. CONCLUSIONS: Many physicians incorrectly thought ACIP had preferential recommendations for HD-IIV. Physicians should be encouraged to use any available age-appropriate influenza vaccine to optimize influenza vaccination particularly among older adults and patients with chronic conditions who are more vulnerable to severe influenza disease. |
US primary care physicians' viewpoints on HPV vaccination for adults 27 to 45 years
Hurley LP , O'Leary ST , Markowitz LE , Crane LA , Cataldi JR , Brtnikova M , Beaty BL , Gorman C , Meites E , Lindley MC , Kempe A . J Am Board Fam Med 2021 34 (1) 162-170 INTRODUCTION: In June 2019, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended shared clinical decision making (SCDM) regarding human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination for adults 27 to 45 years. Our objectives were to assess among primary care physicians 1) recent practice regarding HPV vaccination for adults 27 to 45 years, 2) knowledge of HPV and the new SCDM recommendation, and 3) attitudes toward and anticipated effect of the new SCDM recommendation. METHODS: From October to December 2019, we administered an Internet and mail survey to national networks of 494 general internist (GIM) and 474 family physician (FP) members of the American College of Physicians and American Academy of Family Physicians, respectively. RESULTS: Response rate was 64% (617/968; GIM, 57%; FP, 71%). Fifty-eight percent were aware of the new ACIP recommendation; 42% had recommended HPV vaccination to adults 27 to 45 years, but most had administered HPV vaccine to very few of these patients (73% to 0% and 22% to 1 to 3). Fifty-five percent and 63% were unaware that HPV vaccination does not prevent progression of existing HPV-related cancers or infections, respectively and 57% were not sure what to emphasize when having a SCDM conversation about HPV vaccination. A majority reported they will be more likely recommend HPV vaccination to adults in the 27-to-45-year age range as a result of the new recommendation. CONCLUSIONS: Physicians are interested in recommending HPV vaccination for adults age 27 to 45 years despite ACIP not routinely recommending it in this age range. The majority need more education about the optimal use of HPV vaccine in this age group. |
Policies among US pediatricians for dismissing patients for delaying or refusing vaccination
O'Leary ST , Cataldi JR , Lindley MC , Beaty BL , Hurley LP , Crane LA , Kempe A . JAMA 2020 324 (11) 1105-1107 This survey study assesses US pediatrician practices and office policies in response to parents who either refuse primary vaccinations or request to spread out individual vaccines in the primary series. |
Physicians' use of evidence-based strategies to increase adult vaccination uptake
Hurley LP , Lindley MC , Allison MA , O'Leary ST , Crane LA , Brtnikova M , Beaty BL , Kempe A . Am J Prev Med 2020 59 (3) e95-e103 INTRODUCTION: This study assesses the following among primary care physicians: (1) the use of evidence-based strategies to improve adult vaccination rates, (2) the number of strategies employed simultaneously, and (3) characteristics associated with assessing adult vaccinations at each visit. METHODS: An internet and mail survey was administered between December 2015 and January 2016 on primary care physicians designed to be representative of the American College of Physicians and American Academy of Family Physicians memberships. Data analysis was conducted in 2019. RESULTS: The response rate was 66% (617 of 935); 94% reported using electronic health records. Standing orders (84%) and electronic provider reminders at a visit (61%) were the most common strategies reported for influenza vaccine. Electronic provider reminders at a visit (53%) and recording a vaccination in an immunization registry (32%) were the most common strategies reported for all noninfluenza vaccines. Most physicians reported using 2 or more strategies, although this was more common for influenza (74%) than for noninfluenza (62%) vaccines. In multivariable analysis, physicians who reported assessing adult vaccinations at every patient visit were more likely to work in practices where decisions about purchasing and handling vaccines were made at a larger system level (RR=1.20, 95% CI=1.04,1.40), and they reported using electronic provider reminders (RR=1.38, 95% CI=1.15, 1.69) and standing orders (RR=1.45, 95% CI=1.21, 1.75) for all noninfluenza adult vaccines. CONCLUSIONS: Several strategies are being used to increase adult vaccination, particularly for the influenza vaccine. Investment in implementing standing orders and electronic clinical decision support for all routine adult vaccinations could help facilitate assessment of adult vaccinations at each visit and potentially improve adult vaccination rates. |
Use of standing orders for vaccination among pediatricians
Cataldi J , O'Leary ST , Lindley MC , Allison MA , Hurley LP , Crane LA , Brtnikova M , Beaty B , McBurney E , Kempe A . Pediatrics 2020 145 (5) OBJECTIVES: Standing orders are an effective way to increase vaccination rates, yet little is known about how pediatricians use this strategy for childhood immunizations. We assessed current use of, barriers to using, and factors associated with use of standing orders for vaccination among pediatricians. METHODS: Internet and mail survey from June 2017 to September 2017 among a nationally representative sample of pediatricians. In the principal component analysis of barrier items, we identified 2 factors: physician responsibility and concerns about office processes. A multivariable analysis that included barrier scales and physician and/or practice characteristics was used to identify factors associated with use of standing orders. RESULTS: The response rate was 79% (372 of 471); 59% of respondents reported using standing orders. The most commonly identified barriers among nonusers were concern that patients may mistakenly receive the wrong vaccine (68%), concern that patients prefer to speak with the physician about a vaccine before receiving it (62%), and belief that it is important for the physician to be the person who recommends a vaccine to patients (57%). These 3 items also made up the physician responsibility barrier factor. Respondents with higher physician responsibility scores were less likely to use standing orders (risk ratio: 0.59 [95% confidence interval: 0.53-0.66] per point increase). System-level decision-making about vaccines, suburban or rural location, and lower concerns about office processes scores were each associated with use of standing orders in the bivariate, but not the multivariable, analysis. CONCLUSIONS: Among pediatricians, use of standing orders for vaccination is far from universal. Interventions to increase use of standing orders should address physicians' attitudinal barriers as well as organizational factors. |
Primary care physician support for harmonizing HPV vaccination recommendations across genders - United States, 2018
Meites E , Markowitz LE , Kempe A , O'Leary ST , Crane LA , Hurley LP , Brtnikova M , Beaty BL , Stokley S , Lindley MC . Vaccine 2020 38 (21) 3699-3701 In the United States, human papillomavirus (HPV) catch-up vaccination has been nationally recommended for women and men of different ages. We surveyed national networks of primary care physicians specializing in family medicine, pediatrics, and internal medicine to assess attitudes about HPV vaccination. Of 785 physicians, 730 (93.0%), were in favor of a change to harmonize the recommended catch-up vaccination age across genders; the most commonly cited reason was to simplify the immunization schedule (97.9%). After considering these and other data, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices updated national policy to recommend catch-up vaccination for all persons through age 26 years. |
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