Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
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Query Trace: Hung MC[original query] |
Disparities in COVID-19 vaccine uptake, attitudes, and experiences between food system and non–food system essential workers
Smarsh BL , Yankey D , Hung MC , Blanck HM , Kriss JL , Flynn MA , Lu PJ , McGarry S , Eastlake AC , Lainz AR , Singleton JA , Lincoln JM . J Agric Food Syst Community Dev 2024 13 (2) The COVID-19 pandemic has disproportionately affected the health of food system (FS) essential workers compared with other essential and non-essential workers. Even greater disparity exists for workers in certain FS work settings and for certain FS worker subpopulations. We analyzed essential worker respondents (n = 151,789) in May–Novem-ber 2021 data from the National Immunization Survey Adult COVID Module (NIS-ACM) to assess and characterize COVID-19 vaccination uptake (≥1 dose) and intent (reachable, reluctant), attitudes about COVID-19 and the vaccine, and experiences and difficulties getting the vaccine. We compared rates, overall and by certain characteristics, between workers of the same group, and between FS (n = 17,414) and non–food system (NFS) worker groups (n = 134,375), to determine if differences exist. FS worker groups were classified as “agriculture, forestry, fishing, or hunting” (AFFH; n = 2,730); “food manufacturing facility” (FMF; n = 3,495); and “food and beverage store” (FBS; n = 11,189). Compared with NFS workers, significantly lower percentages of FS workers reported >1 dose of COVID-19 vaccine or vaccine requirements at work or school, but overall vaccine experiences and difficulties among vaccinated FS workers were statistically similar to NFS workers. When we examined intent regarding COVID-19 vaccination among unvaccinated FS workers compared with NFS counterparts, we found a higher percentage of FMF and FBS workers were reachable whereas a higher percentage of AFFH workers were reluctant about vaccination, with differences by sociodemographic characteristics. Overall, results showed differences in uptake, intent, and attitudes between worker groups and by some sociodemographic characteristics. The findings reflect the diversity of FS workers and underscore the importance of collecting occupational data to assess health inequalities and of tailoring efforts to worker groups to improve confidence and uptake of vaccinations for infectious diseases such as COVID-19. The findings can inform future research, adult infectious disease interventions, and emergency management planning. © 2024 by the Authors. |
Characteristics of the moveable middle: Opportunities among adults open to COVID-19 vaccination
Omari A , Boone KD , Zhou T , Lu PJ , Kriss JL , Hung MC , Carter RJ , Black C , Weiss D , Masters NB , Lee JT , Brewer NT , Szilagyi PG , Singleton JA . Am J Prev Med 2023 64 (5) 734-741 INTRODUCTION: Focusing on subpopulations that express the intention to receive a COVID-19 vaccination but are unvaccinated may improve the yield of COVID-19 vaccination efforts. METHODS: A nationally representative sample of 789,658 U.S. adults aged 18 years participated in the National Immunization Survey Adult COVID Module from May 2021 to April 2022. The survey assessed respondents' COVID-19 vaccination status and intent by demographic characteristics (age, urbanicity, educational attainment, region, insurance, income, and race/ethnicity). This study compared composition and within-group estimates of those who responded that they definitely or probably will get vaccinated or are unsure (moveable middle) from the first and last month of data collection. RESULTS: Because vaccination uptake increased over the study period, the moveable middle declined among persons aged 18 years. Adults aged 18-39 years and suburban residents comprised most of the moveable middle in April 2022. Groups with the largest moveable middles in April 2022 included persons with no insurance (10%), those aged 18-29 years (8%), and those with incomes below poverty (8%), followed by non-Hispanic Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (7%), non-Hispanic multiple or other race (6%), non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native persons (6%), non-Hispanic Black or African American persons (6%), those with below high school education (6%), those with high school education (5%), and those aged 30-39 years (5%). CONCLUSIONS: A sizable percentage of adults open to receiving COVID-19 vaccination remain in several demographic groups. Emphasizing engagement of persons who are unvaccinated in some racial/ethnic groups, aged 18-39 years, without health insurance, or with lower income may reach more persons open to vaccination. |
Surveillance systems for monitoring vaccination coverage with vaccines recommended for pregnant women, United States
Meghani M , Razzaghi H , Kahn KE , Hung MC , Srivastav A , Lu PJ , Ellington S , Zhou F , Weintraub E , Black CL , Singleton JA . J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2023 32 (3) 260-270 Pregnant women* and their infants are at increased risk for serious influenza, pertussis, and COVID-19-related complications, including preterm birth, low-birth weight, and maternal and fetal death. The advisory committee on immunization practices recommends pregnant women receive tetanus-toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine during pregnancy, and influenza and COVID-19 vaccines before or during pregnancy. Vaccination coverage estimates and factors associated with maternal vaccination are measured by various surveillance systems. The objective of this report is to provide a detailed overview of the following surveillance systems that can be used to assess coverage of vaccines recommended for pregnant women: Internet panel survey, National Health Interview Survey, National Immunization Survey-Adult COVID Module, Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, Vaccine Safety Datalink, and MarketScan. Influenza, Tdap, and COVID-19 vaccination coverage estimates vary by data source, and select estimates are presented. Each surveillance system differs in the population of pregnant women, time period, geographic area for which estimates can be obtained, how vaccination status is determined, and data collected regarding vaccine-related knowledge, attitudes, behaviors, and barriers. Thus, multiple systems are useful for a more complete understanding of maternal vaccination. Ongoing surveillance from the various systems to obtain vaccination coverage and information regarding disparities and barriers related to vaccination are needed to guide program and policy improvements. |
COVID-19 bivalent booster vaccination coverage and intent to receive booster vaccination among adolescents and adults - United States, November-December 2022
Lu PJ , Zhou T , Santibanez TA , Jain A , Black CL , Srivastav A , Hung MC , Kriss JL , Schorpp S , Yankey D , Sterrett N , Fast HE , Razzaghi H , Elam-Evans LD , Singleton JA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (7) 190-198 COVID-19 vaccine booster doses are safe and maintain protection after receipt of a primary vaccination series and reduce the risk for serious COVID-19-related outcomes, including emergency department visits, hospitalization, and death (1,2). CDC recommended an updated (bivalent) booster for adolescents aged 12-17 years and adults aged ≥18 years on September 1, 2022 (3). The bivalent booster is formulated to protect against the Omicron BA.4 and BA.5 subvariants of SARS-CoV-2 as well as the original (ancestral) strain (3). Based on data collected during October 30-December 31, 2022, from the National Immunization Survey-Child COVID Module (NIS-CCM) (4), among all adolescents aged 12-17 years who completed a primary series, 18.5% had received a bivalent booster dose, 52.0% had not yet received a bivalent booster but had parents open to booster vaccination for their child, 15.1% had not received a bivalent booster and had parents who were unsure about getting a booster vaccination for their child, and 14.4% had parents who were reluctant to seek booster vaccination for their child. Based on data collected during October 30-December 31, 2022, from the National Immunization Survey-Adult COVID Module (NIS-ACM) (4), 27.1% of adults who had completed a COVID-19 primary series had received a bivalent booster, 39.4% had not yet received a bivalent booster but were open to receiving booster vaccination, 12.4% had not yet received a bivalent booster and were unsure about getting a booster vaccination, and 21.1% were reluctant to receive a booster. Adolescents and adults in rural areas had a much lower primary series completion rate and up-to-date vaccination coverage. Bivalent booster coverage was lower among non-Hispanic Black or African American (Black) and Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic) adolescents and adults compared with non-Hispanic White (White) adolescents and adults. Among adults who were open to receiving booster vaccination, 58.9% reported not having received a provider recommendation for booster vaccination, 16.9% had safety concerns, and 4.4% reported difficulty getting a booster vaccine. Among adolescents with parents who were open to getting a booster vaccination for their child, 32.4% had not received a provider recommendation for any COVID-19 vaccination, and 11.8% had parents who reported safety concerns. Although bivalent booster vaccination coverage among adults differed by factors such as income, health insurance status, and social vulnerability index (SVI), these factors were not associated with differences in reluctance to seek booster vaccination. Health care provider recommendations for COVID-19 vaccination; dissemination of information by trusted messengers about the continued risk for COVID-19-related illness and the benefits and safety of bivalent booster vaccination; and reducing barriers to vaccination could improve COVID-19 bivalent booster coverage among adolescents and adults. |
Vital Signs: Influenza hospitalizations and vaccination coverage by race and ethnicity-United States, 2009-10 through 2021-22 influenza seasons
Black CL , O'Halloran A , Hung MC , Srivastav A , Lu PJ , Garg S , Jhung M , Fry A , Jatlaoui TC , Davenport E , Burns E . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (43) 1366-1373 INTRODUCTION: CDC estimates that influenza resulted in 9-41 million illnesses, 140,000-710,000 hospitalizations, and 12,000-52,000 deaths annually during 2010-2020. Persons from some racial and ethnic minority groups have historically experienced higher rates of severe influenza and had lower influenza vaccination coverage compared with non-Hispanic White (White) persons. This report examines influenza hospitalization and vaccination rates by race and ethnicity during a 12-13-year period (through the 2021-22 influenza season). METHODS: Data from population-based surveillance for laboratory-confirmed influenza-associated hospitalizations in selected states participating in the Influenza-Associated Hospitalization Surveillance Network (FluSurv-NET) from the 2009-10 through 2021-22 influenza seasons (excluding 2020-21) and influenza vaccination coverage data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) from the 2010-11 through 2021-22 influenza seasons were analyzed by race and ethnicity. RESULTS: From 2009-10 through 2021-22, age-adjusted influenza hospitalization rates (hospitalizations per 100,000 population) were higher among non-Hispanic Black (Black) (rate ratio [RR] = 1.8), American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN; RR = 1.3), and Hispanic (RR = 1.2) adults, compared with the rate among White adults. During the 2021-22 season, influenza vaccination coverage was lower among Hispanic (37.9%), AI/AN (40.9%), Black (42.0%), and other/multiple race (42.6%) adults compared with that among White (53.9%) and non-Hispanic Asian (Asian) (54.2%) adults; coverage has been consistently higher among White and Asian adults compared with that among Black and Hispanic adults since the 2010-11 season. The disparity in vaccination coverage by race and ethnicity was present among those who reported having medical insurance, a personal health care provider, and a routine medical checkup in the past year. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE: Racial and ethnic disparities in influenza disease severity and influenza vaccination coverage persist. Health care providers should assess patient vaccination status at all medical visits and offer (or provide a referral for) all recommended vaccines. Tailored programmatic efforts to provide influenza vaccination through nontraditional settings, along with national and community-level efforts to improve awareness of the importance of influenza vaccination in preventing illness, hospitalization, and death among racial and ethnic minority communities might help address health care access barriers and improve vaccine confidence, leading to decreases in disparities in influenza vaccination coverage and disease severity. |
Characteristics Associated With a Previous COVID-19 Diagnosis, Vaccine Uptake, and Intention to Be Vaccinated Among Essential Workers in the US Household Pulse Survey.
Steege AL , Luckhaupt SE , Guerin RJ , Okun AH , Hung MC , Syamlal G , Lu PJ , Santibanez TA , Groenewold MR , Billock R , Singleton JA , Sweeney MH . Am J Public Health 2022 112 (11) 1599-1610 Objectives. To explore previous COVID-19 diagnosis and COVID-19 vaccination status among US essential worker groups. Methods. We analyzed the US Census Household Pulse Survey (May 26-July 5, 2021), a nationally representative sample of adults aged 18 years and older. We compared currently employed essential workers working outside the home with those working at home using adjusted prevalence ratios. We calculated proportion vaccinated and intention to be vaccinated, stratifying by essential worker and demographic groups for those who worked or volunteered outside the home since January 1, 2021. Results. The proportion of workers with previous COVID-19 diagnosis was highest among first responders (24.9%) working outside the home compared with workers who did not (13.3%). Workers in agriculture, forestry, fishing, and hunting had the lowest vaccination rates (67.5%) compared with all workers (77.8%). Those without health insurance were much less likely to be vaccinated across all worker groups. Conclusions. This study underscores the importance of improving surveillance to monitor COVID-19 and other infectious diseases among workers and identify and implement tailored risk mitigation strategies, including vaccination campaigns, for workplaces. (Am J Public Health. 2022;112(11):1599-1610. |
COVID-19 Vaccination and Intent for Vaccination of Adults With Reported Medical Conditions.
Lu PJ , Hung MC , Jackson HL , Kriss JL , Srivastav A , Yankey D , Santibanez TA , Lee JT , Meng L , Razzaghi H , Black CL , Elam-Evans LD , Singleton JA . Am J Prev Med 2022 63 (5) 760-771 INTRODUCTION: Individuals with certain medical conditions are at substantially increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19. The purpose of this study is to assess COVID-19 vaccination among U.S. adults with reported medical conditions. METHODS: Data from the National Immunization Survey-Adult COVID Module collected during August 1-September 25, 2021 were analyzed in 2022 to assess COVID-19 vaccination status, intent, vaccine confidence, behavior, and experience among adults with reported medical conditions. Unadjusted and age-adjusted prevalence ratios (PRs and APRs) were generated using logistic regression and predictive marginals. RESULTS: Overall, COVID-19 vaccination coverage with 1 dose was 81.8% among adults with reported medical conditions, and coverage was significantly higher compared with those without such conditions (70.3%) Among adults aged 18 years with medical conditions, COVID-19 vaccination coverage was significantly higher among those with a provider recommendation (86.5%) than those without (76.5%). Among all respondents, 9.2% of unvaccinated adults with medical conditions reported they were willing or open to vaccination. Adults who reported high risk medical conditions were more likely to report receiving a provider recommendation, often or always wearing masks during the last 7 days, concerning about getting COVID-19, thinking the vaccine is safe, and believing a COVID-19 vaccine is important for protection from COVID-19 infection than those without such conditions. CONCLUSIONS: Approximately 18.0% of those with reported medical conditions were unvaccinated. Receiving a provider recommendation was significantly associated with vaccination, reinforcing that provider recommendation is an important approach to increase vaccination coverage. Ensuring access to vaccine, addressing vaccination barriers, and increasing vaccine confidence can improve vaccination coverage among unvaccinated adults. |
COVID-19 vaccination coverage, intentions, attitudes and barriers by race/ethnicity, language of interview, and nativity, National Immunization Survey Adult COVID Module, April 22, 2021-January 29, 2022.
Ohlsen EC , Yankey D , Pezzi C , Kriss JL , Lu PJ , Hung MC , Bernabe MID , Kumar GS , Jentes E , Elam-Evans LD , Jackson H , Black CL , Singleton JA , Ladva CN , Abad N , Lainz AR . Clin Infect Dis 2022 75 S182-S192 The National Immunization Survey Adult COVID Module used a random-digit-dialed phone survey during April 22, 2021-January 29, 2022 to quantify COVID-19 vaccination, intent, attitudes, and barriers by detailed race/ethnicity, interview language, and nativity. Foreign-born respondents overall and within racial/ethnic categories had higher vaccination coverage (80.9%), higher intent to be vaccinated (4.2%), and lower hesitancy towards COVID-19 vaccination (6.0%) than US-born respondents (72.6%, 2.9%, and 15.8%, respectively). Vaccination coverage was significantly lower for certain subcategories of national origin or heritage (e.g., Jamaican (68.6%), Haitian (60.7%), Somali (49.0%) in weighted estimates). Respondents interviewed in Spanish had lower vaccination coverage than interviewees in English but higher intent to be vaccinated and lower reluctance. Collection and analysis of nativity, detailed race/ethnicity and language information allow identification of disparities among racial/ethnic subgroups. Vaccination programs could use such information to implement culturally and linguistically appropriate focused interventions among communities with lower vaccination coverage. |
Human papillomavirus vaccination trends among adolescents: 2015 to 2020
Lu PJ , Yankey D , Fredua B , Hung MC , Sterrett N , Markowitz LE , Elam-Evans LD . Pediatrics 2022 150 (1) OBJECTIVE: To assess trends in recent human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination initiation and factors associated with vaccination among adolescents. METHODS: The 2015 to 2020 National Immunization Survey-Teen data were used to assess vaccination trends. Multivariable logistic regression analysis were conducted to assess factors associated with vaccination. RESULTS: Overall, HPV vaccination coverage (≥1 dose) among adolescents significantly increased from 56.1% in 2015 to 75.4% in 2020. There were larger increases in coverage among males (4.7 percentage points annually) than females (2.7 percentage points annually) and coverage differences between males and females decreased in 2015 through 2020. Coverage in 2020 was 75.4% for adolescents aged 13 to 17 years; 73.7% for males and 76.8% for females (P < .05); 80.7% for those with a provider recommendation and 51.7% for those without (P < .05); and 80.3% for those with a well child visit at age 11 to 12 years, and 64.8% for those without (P < .05). Multivariable logistic regression results showed that main characteristics independently associated with a higher likelihood of vaccination included: a provider recommendation, age 16 to 17 years, non-Hispanic Black, Hispanic, or American Indian or Alaskan Native, Medicaid insurance, ≥2 provider contacts in the past 12 months, a well-child visit at age 11 to 12 years and having 1 or 2 vaccine providers (P < .05). CONCLUSIONS: Overall, HPV vaccination coverage among adolescents increased during 2015 to 2020. Coverage increased faster among males than females and differences by sex narrowed during this time. Receiving a provider recommendation vaccination was important to increase vaccination coverage. |
COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage, by Race and Ethnicity - National Immunization Survey Adult COVID Module, United States, December 2020-November 2021.
Kriss JL , Hung MC , Srivastav A , Black CL , Lindley MC , Lee JT , Koppaka R , Tsai Y , Lu PJ , Yankey D , Elam-Evans LD , Singleton JA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (23) 757-763 Some racial and ethnic minority groups have experienced disproportionately higher rates of COVID-19-related illness and mortality (1,2). Vaccination is highly effective in preventing severe COVID-19 illness and death (3), and equitable vaccination can reduce COVID-19-related disparities. CDC analyzed data from the National Immunization Survey Adult COVID Module (NIS-ACM), a random-digit-dialed cellular telephone survey of adults aged 18 years, to assess disparities in COVID-19 vaccination coverage by race and ethnicity among U.S. adults during December 2020-November 2021. Asian and non-Hispanic White (White) adults had the highest 1-dose COVID-19 vaccination coverage by the end of April 2021 (69.6% and 59.0%, respectively); 1-dose coverage was lower among Hispanic (47.3%), non-Hispanic Black or African American (Black) (46.3%), Native Hawaiian or other Pacific Islander (NH/OPI) (45.9%), multiple or other race (42.6%), and American Indian or Alaska Native (AI/AN) (38.7%) adults. By the end of November 2021, national 1-dose COVID-19 vaccination coverage was similar for Black (78.2%), Hispanic (81.3%), NH/OPI (75.7%), and White adults (78.7%); however, coverage remained lower for AI/AN (61.8%) and multiple or other race (68.0%) adults. Booster doses of COVID-19 vaccine are now recommended for all adults (4), but disparities in booster dose coverage among the fully vaccinated have become apparent (5). Tailored efforts including community partnerships and trusted sources of information could be used to increase vaccination coverage among the groups with identified persistent disparities and can help achieve vaccination equity and prevent new disparities by race and ethnicity in booster dose coverage. |
COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage and Vaccine Confidence by Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity - United States, August 29-October 30, 2021.
McNaghten AD , Brewer NT , Hung MC , Lu PJ , Daskalakis D , Abad N , Kriss J , Black C , Wilhelm E , Lee JT , Gundlapalli A , Cleveland J , Elam-Evans L , Bonner K , Singleton J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (5) 171-176 Lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) populations have higher prevalences of health conditions associated with severe COVID-19 illness compared with non-LGBT populations (1). The potential for low vaccine confidence and coverage among LGBT populations is of concern because these persons historically experience challenges accessing, trusting, and receiving health care services (2). Data on COVID-19 vaccination among LGBT persons are limited, in part because of the lack of routine data collection on sexual orientation and gender identity at the national and state levels. During August 29-October 30, 2021, data from the National Immunization Survey Adult COVID Module (NIS-ACM) were analyzed to assess COVID-19 vaccination coverage and confidence in COVID-19 vaccines among LGBT adults aged 18 years. By sexual orientation, gay or lesbian adults reported higher vaccination coverage overall (85.4%) than did heterosexual adults (76.3%). By race/ethnicity, adult gay or lesbian non-Hispanic White men (94.1%) and women (88.5%), and Hispanic men (82.5%) reported higher vaccination coverage than that reported by non-Hispanic White heterosexual men (74.2%) and women (78. 6%). Among non-Hispanic Black adults, vaccination coverage was lower among gay or lesbian women (57.9%) and bisexual women (62.1%) than among heterosexual women (75.6%). Vaccination coverage was lowest among non-Hispanic Black LGBT persons across all categories of sexual orientation and gender identity. Among gay or lesbian adults and bisexual adults, vaccination coverage was lower among women (80.5% and 74.2%, respectively) than among men (88.9% and 81.7%, respectively). By gender identity, similar percentages of adults who identified as transgender or nonbinary and those who did not identify as transgender or nonbinary were vaccinated. Gay or lesbian adults and bisexual adults were more confident than were heterosexual adults in COVID-19 vaccine safety and protection; transgender or nonbinary adults were more confident in COVID-19 vaccine protection, but not safety, than were adults who did not identify as transgender or nonbinary. To prevent serious illness and death, it is important that all persons in the United States, including those in the LGBT community, stay up to date with recommended COVID-19 vaccinations. |
Disparities in COVID-19 Vaccination Status, Intent, and Perceived Access for Noninstitutionalized Adults, by Disability Status - National Immunization Survey Adult COVID Module, United States, May 30-June 26, 2021.
Ryerson AB , Rice CE , Hung MC , Patel SA , Weeks JD , Kriss JL , Peacock G , Lu PJ , Asif AF , Jackson HL , Singleton JA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (39) 1365-1371 Estimates from the 2019 American Community Survey (ACS) indicated that 15.2% of adults aged ≥18 years had at least one reported functional disability (1). Persons with disabilities are more likely than are those without disabilities to have chronic health conditions (2) and also face barriers to accessing health care (3). These and other health and social inequities have placed persons with disabilities at increased risk for COVID-19-related illness and death, yet they face unique barriers to receipt of vaccination (4,5). Although CDC encourages that considerations be made when expanding vaccine access to persons with disabilities,* few public health surveillance systems measure disability status. To describe COVID-19 vaccination status and intent, as well as perceived vaccine access among adults by disability status, data from the National Immunization Survey Adult COVID Module (NIS-ACM) were analyzed. Adults with a disability were less likely than were those without a disability to report having received ≥1 dose of COVID-19 vaccine (age-adjusted prevalence ratio [aPR] = 0.88; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.84-0.93) but more likely to report they would definitely get vaccinated (aPR = 1.86; 95% CI = 1.43-2.42). Among unvaccinated adults, those with a disability were more likely to report higher endorsement of vaccine as protection (aPR = 1.29; 95% CI = 1.16-1.44), yet more likely to report it would be or was difficult to get vaccinated than did adults without a disability (aPR = 2.69; 95% CI = 2.16-3.34). Reducing barriers to vaccine scheduling and making vaccination sites more accessible might improve vaccination rates among persons with disabilities. |
Influenza vaccination coverage among adults by nativity, race/ethnicity, citizenship, and language of the interview United States, 2012-13 through 2017-18 influenza seasons
Chuey MR , Hung MC , Srivastav A , Lu PJ , Nguyen KH , Williams WW , Lainz AR . Am J Infect Control 2021 50 (5) 497-502 BACKGROUND: Approximately 20,000 people died from influenza in the US in the 2019 - 2020 season. The best way to prevent influenza is to receive the influenza vaccine. Persons who are foreign-born experience disparities in access to, and utilization of, preventative healthcare, including vaccination. METHODS: National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data were analyzed to assess differences in influenza vaccination coverage during the 2012-13 through 2017-18 influenza seasons among adults by nativity, citizenship status of foreign-born persons, race/ethnicity, and language of the interview. RESULTS: Influenza vaccination coverage increased significantly during the study period for US-born adults but did not change significantly among foreign-born racial/ethnic groups except for increases among foreign-born Hispanic adults. Coverage for foreign-born adults, those who completed an interview in a non-English language, and non-US citizens, had lower vaccination coverage during most influenza seasons studied, compared with US-born, English-interviewed, and US-citizen adults, respectively. CONCLUSION: Strategies to improve influenza vaccination uptake must consider foreign-born adults as an underserved population in need of focused, culturally-tailored outreach. Achieving high influenza vaccination coverage among the foreign-born population will help reduce illness among the essential workforce, achieve national vaccination goals, and reduce racial and ethnic disparities in vaccination coverage in the US. |
Hepatitis B vaccination among adults with diabetes mellitus, U.S., 2018
Lu PJ , Hung MC , Srivastav A , Williams WW , Harris AM . Am J Prev Med 2021 61 (5) 652-664 INTRODUCTION: Hepatitis B vaccination is routinely recommended for adults with diabetes mellitus aged <60 years and for those aged ≥60 years at the discretion of their healthcare provider. The purpose of this study is to assess hepatitis B vaccination coverage among adults with and without diabetes mellitus. METHODS: Data from the 2014-2018 National Health Interview Survey were analyzed in 2020 to determine hepatitis B vaccination series completion (≥3 doses) among adults aged 18-59 and ≥60 years with diabetes mellitus. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify the factors independently associated with hepatitis B vaccination among adults aged 18-59 and ≥60 years with diabetes mellitus. RESULTS: In 2018, among adults aged 18-59 years with diabetes mellitus, 33.2% had received hepatitis B vaccination (≥3 doses), an increase of 9.7 percentage points from 2014 (p<0.05). Among adults aged ≥60 years with diabetes mellitus, coverage was 15.3% in 2018 and did not increase during 2014-2018. Coverage was not significantly different among adults with diabetes mellitus compared with those without diabetes mellitus, even after controlling for the assessed factors. Among adults with diabetes mellitus aged 18-59 and ≥60 years, younger age, having some college or college education, having been tested for HIV, being healthcare personnel, or having traveled to hepatitis B virus-endemic areas were independently associated with an increased likelihood of vaccination. CONCLUSIONS: Self-reported hepatitis B vaccination coverage among adults with diabetes mellitus remains suboptimal. Healthcare providers should assess patients' diabetes status, recommend and offer needed vaccinations to patients, or refer them to alternate sites for vaccination. |
Surveillance of Vaccination Coverage Among Adult Populations -United States, 2018
Lu PJ , Hung MC , Srivastav A , Grohskopf LA , Kobayashi M , Harris AM , Dooling KL , Markowitz LE , Rodriguez-Lainz A , Williams WW . MMWR Surveill Summ 2021 70 (3) 1-26 PROBLEM/CONDITION: Adults are at risk for illness, hospitalization, disability and, in some cases, death from vaccine-preventable diseases, particularly influenza and pneumococcal disease. CDC recommends vaccinations for adults on the basis of age, health conditions, prior vaccinations, and other considerations. Updated vaccination recommendations from CDC are published annually in the U.S. Adult Immunization Schedule. Despite longstanding recommendations for use of many vaccines, vaccination coverage among U.S. adults remains low. REPORTING PERIOD: August 2017-June 2018 (for influenza vaccination) and January-December 2018 (for pneumococcal, herpes zoster, tetanus and diphtheria [Td]/tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis [Tdap], hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and human papillomavirus [HPV] vaccination). DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) is a continuous, cross-sectional national household survey of the noninstitutionalized U.S. civilian population. In-person interviews are conducted throughout the year in a probability sample of households, and NHIS data are compiled and released annually. NHIS's objective is to monitor the health of the U.S. population and provide estimates of health indicators, health care use and access, and health-related behaviors. Adult receipt of influenza, pneumococcal, herpes zoster, Td/Tdap, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and at least 1 dose of HPV vaccines was assessed. Estimates were derived for a new composite adult vaccination quality measure and by selected demographic and access-to-care characteristics (e.g., age, race/ethnicity, indication for vaccination, travel history [travel to countries where hepatitis infections are endemic], health insurance status, contacts with physicians, nativity, and citizenship). Trends in adult vaccination were assessed during 2010-2018. RESULTS: Coverage for the adult age-appropriate composite measure was low in all age groups. Racial and ethnic differences in coverage persisted for all vaccinations, with lower coverage for most vaccinations among non-White compared with non-Hispanic White adults. Linear trend tests indicated coverage increased from 2010 to 2018 for most vaccines in this report. Few adults aged ≥19 years had received all age-appropriate vaccines, including influenza vaccination, regardless of whether inclusion of Tdap (13.5%) or inclusion of any tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine (20.2%) receipt was measured. Coverage among adults for influenza vaccination during the 2017-18 season (46.1%) was similar to the estimate for the 2016-17 season (45.4%), and coverage for pneumococcal (adults aged ≥65 years [69.0%]), herpes zoster (adults aged ≥50 years and aged ≥60 years [24.1% and 34.5%, respectively]), tetanus (adults aged ≥19 years [62.9%]), Tdap (adults aged ≥19 years [31.2%]), hepatitis A (adults aged ≥19 years [11.9%]), and HPV (females aged 19-26 years [52.8%]) vaccination in 2018 were similar to the estimates for 2017. Hepatitis B vaccination coverage among adults aged ≥19 years and health care personnel (HCP) aged ≥19 years increased 4.2 and 6.7 percentage points to 30.0% and 67.2%, respectively, from 2017. HPV vaccination coverage among males aged 19-26 years increased 5.2 percentage points to 26.3% from the 2017 estimate. Overall, HPV vaccination coverage among females aged 19-26 years did not increase, but coverage among Hispanic females aged 19-26 years increased 10.8 percentage points to 49.6% from the 2017 estimate. Coverage for the following vaccines was lower among adults without health insurance compared with those with health insurance: influenza vaccine (among adults aged ≥19 years, 19-49 years, and 50-64 years), pneumococcal vaccine (among adults aged 19-64 years at increased risk), Td vaccine (among all age groups), Tdap vaccine (among adults aged ≥19 years and 19-64 years), hepatitis A vaccine (among adults aged ≥19 years overall and among travelers aged ≥19 years), hepatitis B vaccine (among adults aged ≥19 years and 19-49 years and among travelers aged ≥19 years), herpes zoster vaccine (among adults aged ≥60 years), and HPV vaccine (among males and females aged 19-26 years). Adults who reported having a usual place for health care generally reported receipt of recommended vaccinations more often than those who did not have such a place, regardless of whether they had health insurance. Vaccination coverage was higher among adults reporting ≥1 physician contact during the preceding year compared with those who had not visited a physician during the preceding year, regardless of whether they had health insurance. Even among adults who had health insurance and ≥10 physician contacts during the preceding year, depending on the vaccine, 20.1%-87.5% reported not having received vaccinations that were recommended either for all persons or for those with specific indications. Overall, vaccination coverage among U.S.-born adults was significantly higher than that of foreign-born adults, including influenza vaccination (aged ≥19 years), pneumococcal vaccination (all ages), tetanus vaccination (all ages), Tdap vaccination (all ages), hepatitis B vaccination (aged ≥19 years and 19-49 years and travelers aged ≥19 years), herpes zoster vaccination (all ages), and HPV vaccination among females aged 19-26 years. Vaccination coverage also varied by citizenship status and years living in the United States. INTERPRETATION: NHIS data indicate that many adults remain unprotected against vaccine-preventable diseases. Coverage for the adult age-appropriate composite measures was low in all age groups. Individual adult vaccination coverage remained low as well, but modest gains occurred in vaccination coverage for hepatitis B (among adults aged ≥19 years and HCP aged ≥19 years), and HPV (among males aged 19-26 years and Hispanic females aged 19-26 years). Coverage for other vaccines and groups with Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices vaccination indications did not improve from 2017. Although HPV vaccination coverage among males aged 19-26 years and Hispanic females aged 19-26 years increased, approximately 50% of females aged 19-26 years and 70% of males aged 19-26 years remained unvaccinated. Racial/ethnic vaccination differences persisted for routinely recommended adult vaccines. Having health insurance coverage, having a usual place for health care, and having ≥1 physician contacts during the preceding 12 months were associated with higher vaccination coverage; however, these factors alone were not associated with optimal adult vaccination coverage, and findings indicate missed opportunities to vaccinate remained. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIONS: Substantial improvement in adult vaccination uptake is needed to reduce the burden of vaccine-preventable diseases. Following the Standards for Adult Immunization Practice (, all providers should routinely assess adults' vaccination status at every clinical encounter, strongly recommend appropriate vaccines, either offer needed vaccines or refer their patients to another provider who can administer the needed vaccines, and document vaccinations received by their patients in an immunization information system. |
National and State-Specific Estimates of Settings of Receiving Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Among Adolescents in the United States
Lu PJ , Yankey D , Fredua B , Hung MC , Walker TY , Markowitz LE , Elam-Evans LD . J Adolesc Health 2021 69 (4) 597-603 PURPOSE: Human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination in the United States has been recommended for girls since 2006 and for boys since 2011. However, settings of receiving HPV vaccination have not been assessed. The purpose of this study is to assess settings of receiving HPV vaccination among adolescents in order to understand what strategies are needed to improve vaccination uptake. METHODS: Data from the 2018 National Immunization Survey-Teen (NIS-Teen) were analyzed to assess place of HPV vaccination overall, and by gender, quarter, and other selected variables among adolescents in the United States. The 2016-2018 NIS-Teen data were combined to assess state-specific place of HPV vaccination. RESULTS: Among vaccinated adolescents aged 13-17 years, a doctor's office was the most common place where HPV vaccination was received (79.2%), followed by clinics, health centers, or other medical facilities (13.5%), health department (4.1%), hospital or emergency room (2.3%), schools (.5%), and pharmacies or stores (.4%). Overall, 99.1% of adolescents aged 13-17 years received HPV vaccination at medical settings and only .9% at nonmedical settings. Reported vaccination in nonmedical settings by state ranged from less than .1% in Delaware, Florida, and New Hampshire to 4.1% in North Dakota, with a median of 1.0%. CONCLUSIONS: Doctor's offices were the most common medical setting for adolescents to receive HPV vaccination. Less than 1% of adolescents received vaccination at nonmedical settings. Continuing work with medical and nonmedical settings to identify and implement appropriate strategies are needed to improve HPV vaccination coverage among adolescents. |
Influenza vaccination coverage among adults with diabetes, United States, 2007-08 through 2017-18 seasons
Hung MC , Lu PJ , Srivastav A , Cheng YJ , Williams WW . Vaccine 2020 38 (42) 6545-6552 BACKGROUND: Diabetes is associated with higher risk of hospitalization, morbidity, and mortality from influenza. We assessed influenza vaccination coverage among adults aged ≥ 18 years with diabetes during the 2007-08 through 2017-18 influenza seasons and identified factors independently associated with vaccination during the 2017-18 season. METHODS: We analyzed data from the 2007-2018 National Health Interview Surveys, using Kaplan-Meier survival analysis to estimate season-specific influenza vaccination coverage. Multivariate logistic regression was conducted to examine whether diabetes was independently associated with self-reported influenza vaccination in the past 12 months and identify factors independently associated with vaccination among adults with diabetes using the 2017-18 data. RESULTS: During the 2007-08 through 2017-18 influenza seasons, influenza vaccination coverage among adults aged ≥ 18 years with diabetes ranged from 62.6% to 64.8%. In the 2017-18 influenza season, coverage was significantly higher among adults with diabetes (64.8%) compared with those without diabetes (43.9%). Having diabetes was independently associated with an increased prevalence of vaccination after controlling for other factors. Among adults with diabetes, living at or above poverty level, having more physician contacts, having usual place for health care, and being unemployed were independently associated with increased prevalence of vaccination; being 18-64 years and non-Hispanic black were independently associated with decreased prevalence of vaccination. CONCLUSIONS: Despite specific recommendations for influenza vaccination among people with diabetes, more than one-third of adults with diabetes are unvaccinated. Targeted efforts are needed to increase influenza vaccination coverage among adults with diabetes. |
Estimating the impact of increasing cervical cancer screening in the National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program among low-income women in the USA
Pollack LM , Ekwueme DU , Hung MC , Miller JW , Chang SH . Cancer Causes Control 2020 31 (7) 691-702 PURPOSE: The National Breast and Cervical Cancer Early Detection Program (NBCCEDP) provides free cervical cancer screening to low-income women. This study estimated the health benefits gained in terms of life years (LYs) saved and quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) gained if cervical cancer screening by the NBCCEDP increased to reach more eligible women. METHODS: Data from Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results, NBCCEDP, and Medical Expenditure Panel Surveys were used. LYs saved and QALYs gained/100,000 women were estimated using modeling methods. They were used to predict additional health benefits gained if screening by the NBCCEDP increased from 6.5% up to 10-25% of the eligible women. RESULTS: Overall, per 100,000 women screened by the NBCCEDP, 1,731 LYs were saved and 1,608 QALYs were gained. For white women, 1,926 LYs were saved and 1,780 QALYs were gained/100,000 women screened by the NBCCEDP. For black women, 1,506 LYs were saved and 1,300 QALYs were gained/100,000 women screened. If the proportion of eligible women screened by the NBCCEDP increased to 10-25%, the estimated health benefits would range from 6,626-34,896 LYs saved and 6,153-32,407 QALYs gained. CONCLUSIONS: The reported estimates emphasize the value of cervical cancer screening program by extending LE in low-income women. Further, it demonstrates that screening a higher percentage of eligible women in the NBCCEDP may yield more health benefits. |
Shingles vaccination of U.S. adults aged 50-59 years and 60 years before recommendations for use of recombinant zoster vaccine
Lu PJ , Hung MC , Srivastav A , Williams WW , Dooling KL . Am J Prev Med 2020 59 (1) 21-31 INTRODUCTION: In 2006, zoster vaccine live was recommended for adults aged >/=60 years. In 2011, zoster vaccine live was approved for use but not recommended for adults aged 50-59 years. This study assessed zoster vaccine live coverage among adults aged 50-59 years and >/=60 years. METHODS: Data from the 2013-2017 National Health Interview Surveys were analyzed in 2019 to estimate national zoster vaccine live coverage among adults aged >/=50 years. State-specific zoster vaccine live coverage among adults aged >/=50 years was assessed using 2017 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data. RESULTS: Among adults aged 50-59 years, zoster vaccine live coverage was 5.7% in 2017, ranging from 4% to 6% during 2013-2017 (test for trend, p>0.05). Zoster vaccine live coverage among adults aged 50-59 years ranged from 5.8% in Pennsylvania to 14.7% in South Dakota. By 2017, zoster vaccine live was received by 34.9% of adults aged >/=60 years, a significant increase from 24.2% in 2013. Zoster vaccine live coverage among adults aged >/=60 years in 2017 ranged from 26.0% in Mississippi to 51.8% in Vermont. In 2017, major characteristics significantly associated with increased likelihood of zoster vaccine live vaccination among adults aged 50-59 years and >/=60 years were older age, having 4 to 9 physician contacts in the past 12 months, and having a usual place for health care. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides an assessment of zoster vaccine live coverage among adults aged >/=50 years before the newly recommended recombinant zoster vaccine came into widespread use. Providers should routinely assess adults' vaccination status and strongly recommend or offer needed vaccines to their patients. |
Seasonal influenza vaccination coverage trends among adult populations, U.S., 2010-2016
Lu PJ , Hung MC , O'Halloran AC , Ding H , Srivastav A , Williams WW , Singleton JA . Am J Prev Med 2019 57 (4) 458-469 INTRODUCTION: Influenza is a major cause of morbidity and mortality among adults. The most effective strategy for preventing influenza is annual vaccination. However, vaccination coverage has been suboptimal among adult populations. The purpose of this study is to assess trends in influenza vaccination among adult populations. METHODS: Data from the 2010-2016 National Health Interview Survey were analyzed in 2018 to estimate vaccination coverage during the 2010-2011 through 2015-2016 seasons. Trends of vaccination in recent years were assessed. Vaccination coverage by race/ethnicity within each group was examined. Multivariable logistic regression and predictive marginal models were conducted to identify factors associated with vaccination, and interactions between race/ethnicity and other demographic and access-to-care characteristics were assessed. RESULTS: Vaccination coverage among adults aged >/=18 years increased from 38.3% in the 2010-2011 season to 43.4% in the 2015-2016 season, with an average increase of 1.3 percentage points annually. From the 2010-2011 through 2015-2016 seasons, coverage was stable for adults aged >/=65 years and changed by -0.1 to 9.9 percentage points for all other examined subgroups. Coverage in 2015-2016 was 70.4% for adults aged >/=65 years, 46.4% for those aged 50-64 years, and 32.3% for those aged 18-49 years; 47.9% for people aged 18-64 years with high-risk conditions; 64.8% for healthcare personnel; and 50.3% for pregnant women. Among adults aged >/=18 years for the 2015-2016 season, coverage was significantly lower among non-Hispanic blacks and Hispanics compared with non-Hispanic whites. CONCLUSIONS: Overall, influenza vaccination coverage among adults aged >/=18 years increased during 2010-2016, but it remained below the national target of 70%. Vaccination coverage varied by age, risk status, race/ethnicity, healthcare personnel, and pregnancy status. Targeted efforts are needed to improve coverage and reduce disparities. |
Estimating health benefits and cost-savings for achieving the Healthy People 2020 objective of reducing invasive colorectal cancer
Hung MC , Ekwueme DU , White A , Rim SH , King JB , Wang JD , Chang SH . Prev Med 2017 106 38-44 This study aims to quantify the aggregate potential life-years (LYs) saved and healthcare cost-savings if the Healthy People 2020 objective were met to reduce invasive colorectal cancer (CRC) incidence by 15%. We identified patients (n=886,380) diagnosed with invasive CRC between 2001 and 2011 from a nationally representative cancer dataset. We stratified these patients by sex, race/ethnicity, and age. Using these data and data from the 2001-2011 U.S. life tables, we estimated a survival function for each CRC group and the corresponding reference group and computed per-person LYs saved. We estimated per-person annual healthcare cost-savings using the 2008-2012 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey. We calculated aggregate LYs saved and cost-savings by multiplying the reduced number of CRC patients by the per-person LYs saved and lifetime healthcare cost-savings, respectively. We estimated an aggregate of 84,569 and 64,924 LYs saved for men and women, respectively, accounting for healthcare cost-savings of $329.3 and $294.2 million (in 2013$), respectively. Per person, we estimated 6.3 potential LYs saved related to those who developed CRC for both men and women, and healthcare cost-savings of $24,000 for men and $28,000 for women. Non-Hispanic whites and those aged 60-64 had the highest aggregate potential LYs saved and cost-savings. Achieving the HP2020 objective of reducing invasive CRC incidence by 15% by year 2020 would potentially save nearly 150,000 life-years and $624 million on healthcare costs. |
Racial/ethnicity disparities in invasive breast cancer among younger and older women: An analysis using multiple measures of population health
Hung MC , Ekwueme DU , Rim SH , White A . Cancer Epidemiol 2016 45 112-118 ![]() INTRODUCTION: Few studies have examined age and racial/ethnic disparities in invasive breast cancer among younger (age 15-44 years) vs. older (age 45-64 years) women. This study estimates disparities in breast cancer among younger compared with older women by race/ethnicity using five measures of population health: life expectancy (LE), expected years of life lost (EYLL), cumulative incidence rate (CIR), and incidence and mortality rate ratios (IRR and MRR). METHODS: Using Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results data, LE and EYLL were estimated from a cohort of 15-44 and 45-64 years, non-Hispanic black (NHB), non-Hispanic white (NHW), and Hispanic women diagnosed with breast cancer, 2000-2013. Survival function was obtained from the study years and then extrapolated to lifetime using the Monte Carlo method. The CIR, IRR and MRR were calculated using 2009-2013 breast cancer incidence and mortality rates from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's National Program of Cancer Registries. RESULTS: The estimated LE ranged from 32.12 to 7.42 years for localized to distant stages among younger NHB women compared to 33.05 to 9.95 years for younger NHW women. The estimated EYLL was 12.78 years for younger women, and 4.99 for older women. By race/ethnicity, it was 15.53 years for NHB, 14.23 years for Hispanic and 11.87 years for NHW (P<0.00025). The CIR for age-group 15-44 years (CIR15-44) indicated a 1 in 86 probability for NHB compared to a 1 in 87 probability for NHW being diagnosed with breast cancer by age 45. The estimated age-adjusted incidence rate for NHB-to-NHW women was IRR=1.10 (95%, CI=1.08-1.11) and the corresponding mortality rate was MRR=2.02 (95%, CI=1.94-2.11). CONCLUSIONS: The breast cancer disparities between younger NHB compared to NHW women highlight the need for expanded efforts to address these disparities through primary prevention and to improve access to quality healthcare to minority women with breast cancer. |
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