Last data update: Jan 13, 2025. (Total: 48570 publications since 2009)
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Query Trace: Hufstetler K[original query] |
Underlying reasons for primary care visits where chlamydia testing was performed in the United States, 2019 to 2022
Tao G , Hufstetler K , He L , Patel CG , Rehkopf D , Phillips RL , Pearson WS . Sex Transm Dis 2024 51 (7) 456-459 BACKGROUND: In the United States, most chlamydia cases are reported from non-sexually transmitted disease clinics, and there is limited information focusing on the reasons for chlamydia testing in private settings. These analyses describe clinical visits to primary care providers where chlamydia testing was performed to help discern between screening and diagnostic testing for chlamydia. METHODS: Using the largest primary care clinical registry in the United States, the PRIME registry, chlamydia tests were identified using Current Procedural Terminology procedure codes and categorized as diagnostic testing for sexually transmitted infection (STI)-related symptoms, screening for chlamydia, or "other," based on Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision Evaluation and Management codes selected for visits. RESULTS: Of 120,013 clinical visits with chlamydia testing between January 1, 2019, and December 31, 2022, 70.4% were women; 20.6% were with STI-related symptoms, 59.9% were for screening, and 19.5% for "other" reasons. Of those 120,013 clinical visits with chlamydia testing, the logit model showed that patients were significantly more likely to have STI-related symptoms if they were female than male, non-Hispanic Black than non-Hispanic White, aged 15 to 24 years than aged ≥45 years, and resided in the South than in the Northeast. CONCLUSION: It is important to know what proportion of chlamydial infections is identified through screening programs and to have this information stratified by demographics. The inclusion of laboratory results could further facilitate a better understanding of the impact of chlamydia screening programs on the identification and treatment of chlamydia in private office settings in the United States. |
Ocular mpox in a breastfeeding healthcare provider
Lovett S , Griffith J , Lehnertz N , Fox T , Siwek G , Barnes AMT , Kofman AD , Hufstetler K , Greninger AL , Townsend MB , Carson WC , Lynfield R , Cash-Goldwasser S . Open Forum Infect Dis 2024 11 (6) ofae290 A healthcare provider unknowingly treated a patient with mpox and subsequently developed ocular mpox without rash. She breastfed during illness; her infant was not infected. This report addresses 3 challenges in mpox management and control: diagnosis in the absence of rash, exposures in healthcare settings, and management of lactating patients. |
Clinical updates in sexually transmitted infections, 2024
Hufstetler K , Llata E , Miele K , Quilter LAS . J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2024 Sexually transmitted infections (STIs) continue to increase in the United States with more than 2.5 million cases of gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in 2022. Untreated STIs in women can lead to adverse outcomes, including pelvic inflammatory disease, infertility, chronic pelvic pain, and pregnancy complications such as ectopic pregnancy, early pregnancy loss, stillbirth, and neonatal transmission. STI-related guidelines can be complex and are frequently updated, making it challenging to stay informed on current guidance. This article provides high-yield updates to support clinicians managing STIs by highlighting changes in screening, diagnosis, and treatment. One important topic includes new guidance on syphilis screening, including a clarified description of high community rates of syphilis based on Healthy People 2030 goals, defined as a case rate of primary or secondary syphilis > 4.6 per 100,000. Reproductive aged persons living in counties above this threshold should be offered syphilis screening. Additionally, American College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists now recommends syphilis screening three times during pregnancy regardless of risk-at the first prenatal visit, during the third trimester, and at delivery. In addition, new guidance to support consideration for extragenital screening for gonorrhea and chlamydia in women at sites such as the anus and pharynx is discussed. Other topics include the most recent chlamydia, gonorrhea, trichomoniasis, and pelvic inflammatory disease treatment recommendations; screening and treatment guidance for Mycoplasma genitalium; genital herpes screening indications and current diagnostic challenges; and the diagnosis and management of mpox in women and during pregnancy. |
Rising stillbirth rates related to congenital syphilis in the United States from 2016 to 2022
Machefsky A , Hufstetler K , Bachmann L , Barbee L , Miele K , O'Callaghan K . Obstet Gynecol 2024 OBJECTIVE: To identify trends in stillbirth rates attributed to congenital syphilis in the United States by describing congenital syphilis-related stillbirths and comparing characteristics of pregnant people who had congenital syphilis-related stillbirths with those of people who had preterm and full-term liveborn neonates with congenital syphilis. METHODS: Cases of congenital syphilis reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention during 2016-2022 were analyzed and categorized as stillbirth, preterm live birth (before 37 weeks of gestation), or term live birth (37 weeks or later). Cases with unknown vital status or gestational age were excluded. Frequencies were calculated by pregnancy outcome, including pregnant person demographics; receipt of prenatal care; syphilis stage and titer; and timing of prenatal care, testing, and treatment. RESULTS: Overall, 13,393 congenital syphilis cases with vital status and gestational age were reported; of these, 853 (6.4%) were stillbirths. The number of congenital syphilis-related stillbirths increased each year (from 44 to 231); the proportion of congenital syphilis cases resulting in stillbirth ranged from 5.2% to 7.5%. Median gestational age at delivery for stillborn fetuses was 30 weeks (interquartile range 26-33 weeks). People with congenital syphilis-related stillbirths were more likely to have titers at or above 1:32 (78.9% vs 45.5%; P<.001) and to have received no prenatal care (58.4% vs 33.1%; P<.001) than people with liveborn neonates with congenital syphilis. The risk of stillbirth was twice as high in persons with secondary syphilis compared with those with primary syphilis (11.5% vs 5.7%, risk ratio 2.00; 95% CI, 1.27-3.13). Across all congenital syphilis cases, 34.2% of people did not have a syphilis test at their first prenatal visit. CONCLUSION: Stillbirths occurred in more than 1 in 20 pregnancies complicated by congenital syphilis. Risk factors for stillbirth included high titers, secondary stage, and lack of prenatal care. If the prevalence of congenital syphilis continues to rise, there will be a corresponding increase in the overall stillbirth rate nationally. |
Notes from the field: Exposures to mpox among cases in children aged 12 years - United States, September 25-December 31, 2022
Nemechek K , Stefanos R , Miller EL , Riser A , Kebede B , Galang RR , Hufstetler K , Descamps D , Balenger A , Hennessee I , Neelam V , Hutchins HJ , Labuda SM , Davis KM , McCormick DW , Marx GE , Kimball A , Ruberto I , Williamson T , Rzucidlo P , Willut C , Harold RE , Mangla AT , English A , Brikshavana D , Blanding J , Kim M , Finn LE , Marutani A , Lockwood M , Johnson S , Ditto N , Wilton S , Edmond T , Stokich D , Shinall A , Alravez B , Crawley A , Nambiar A , Gateley EL , Schuman J , White SL , Davis K , Milleron R , Mendez M , Kawakami V , Segaloff HE , Bower WA , Ellington SR , McCollum AM , Pao LZ . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (23) 633-635 During May 17–December 31, 2022, 125 probable or confirmed U.S. monkeypox (mpox)† cases were reported among patients aged <18 years, including 45 (36%) in children aged ≤12 years. Eighty-three cases in persons aged <18 years diagnosed during May 17–September 24, 2022 were previously described (1); 28 (34%) of these were in children aged ≤12 years, 29% of whom did not have reported information on exposure. Among 20 (71%) of 28 patients with documented information on exposure, most were exposed by a household contact. This report updates the previous report using data collected during September 25–December 31, 2022, proposes possible mpox exposure routes in children aged ≤12 years, and describes three U.S. mpox cases in neonates. Household members or caregivers with mpox, including pregnant women and their health care providers, should be informed of the risk of transmission to persons aged <18 years, and strategies to protect persons aged <18 years at risk for exposure, including isolating household contacts with mpox, should be implemented immediately. | | During September 25–December 31, 2022, 17 children aged ≤12 years with probable or confirmed mpox were identified through national surveillance. CDC provided a questionnaire to state and local health departments for collection of the child’s history of exposure to any person with mpox§ during the previous 3 weeks, exposure settings, types of contact (e.g., skin-to-skin, being held or cuddled, diaper change, or toilet use), and precautions taken by the person with mpox (e.g., practiced isolation or covered lesions). This activity was reviewed by CDC and was conducted consistent with applicable federal law and CDC policy.¶ |
Mpox cases among cisgender women and pregnant persons - United States, May 11-November 7, 2022
Oakley LP , Hufstetler K , O'Shea J , Sharpe JD , McArdle C , Neelam V , Roth NM , Olsen EO , Wolf M , Pao LZ , Gold JAW , Davis KM , Perella D , Epstein S , Lash MK , Samson O , Pavlick J , Feldpausch A , Wallace J , Nambiar A , Ngo V , Halai UA , Richardson CW , Fowler T , Taylor BP , Chou J , Brandon L , Devasia R , Ricketts EK , Stockdale C , Roskosky M , Ostadkar R , Vang Y , Galang RR , Perkins K , Taylor M , Choi MJ , Weidle PJ , Dawson P , Ellington S . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (1) 9-14 Monkeypox (mpox) cases in the 2022 outbreak have primarily occurred among adult gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM); however, other populations have also been affected (1). To date, data on mpox in cisgender women and pregnant persons have been limited. Understanding transmission in these populations is critical for mpox prevention. In addition, among pregnant persons, Monkeypox virus can be transmitted to the fetus during pregnancy or to the neonate through close contact during or after birth (2-5). Adverse pregnancy outcomes, including spontaneous abortion and stillbirth, have been reported in previous mpox outbreaks (3). During May 11-November 7, 2022, CDC and U.S. jurisdictional health departments identified mpox in 769 cisgender women aged ≥15 years, representing 2.7% of all reported mpox cases.(†) Among cases with available data, 44% occurred in cisgender women who were non-Hispanic Black or African American (Black), 25% who were non-Hispanic White (White), and 23% who were Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic). Among cisgender women with available data, 73% reported sexual activity or close intimate contact as the likely route of exposure, with mpox lesions most frequently reported on the legs, arms, and genitals. Twenty-three mpox cases were reported in persons who were pregnant or recently pregnant(§); all identified as cisgender women based on the mpox case report form.(¶) Four pregnant persons required hospitalization for mpox. Eleven pregnant persons received tecovirimat, and no adverse reactions were reported. Continued studies on mpox transmission risks in populations less commonly affected during the outbreak, including cisgender women and pregnant persons, are important to assess and understand the impact of mpox on sexual, reproductive, and overall health. |
Variability in condom use trends by sexual risk behaviors: Findings from the 2003-2015 National Youth Risk Behavior Surveys
Harper CR , Steiner RJ , Lowry R , Hufstetler S , Dittus PJ . Sex Transm Dis 2017 45 (6) 400-405 OBJECTIVES: To examine variability in condom use trends by sexual risk behavior among US high school students. METHODS: Data were from the 2003-2015 national Youth Risk Behavior Surveys conducted biennially among a nationally representative sample of students in grades 9-12. We used logistic regression to examine variability in trends of condom use during last sexual intercourse among female and male students by four by four sexual risk behaviors: drank alcohol or used drugs before last sexual intercourse, first sexual intercourse before age 13 years, four or more sex partners during their life, and two or more sex partners during the past three months. RESULTS: Between 2003 and 2015 significant declines in self-reported condom use were observed among black female (63.6% in 2003 to 46.7% in 2015) and white male students (69.0% in 2003 to 58.1% in 2015). Among female students, declines in self-reported condom use were significant only among those who drank or use drugs before last sexual intercourse, had four or more sex partners during their life, or two or more sex partners during the past three months. There was a significant interaction between trends in condom use and first sexual intercourse before age 13 years, suggesting more pronounced declines among female students who initiated first sexual intercourse before age 13 years than their female peers. Trends did not vary by sexual risk behavior for males. CONCLUSIONS: Results suggest that declines in self-reported condom use have occurred among female students at greater risk for acquiring a sexually transmitted disease (STD). |
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- Page last updated:Jan 13, 2025
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