Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 58 Records) |
Query Trace: Harris AM[original query] |
Hepatitis B care and treatment in Zanzibar, Tanzania: A demonstration project following 2015 WHO Treatment Guidelines, 2017-2021
Said SS , Shadaker S , McMahon BJ , Armstrong PA , Beckett GA , Kamili S , Harris AM . J Viral Hepat 2025 32 (1) e14051 ![]() Zanzibar, a low-resource semiautonomous region of Tanzania, has an estimated prevalence of hepatitis B virus (HBV) infections of 3.6%. To assess the feasibility of care and treatment, a 5-year hepatitis B demonstration project was implemented in Zanzibar during January 2017-December 2021, following the 2015 WHO HBV care and treatment guidelines. Participants included adults (aged ≥ 18 years) who tested positive for HBV surface antigen and tested negative for HIV and hepatitis C antibody. Participants were examined for clinical signs of liver disease and testing was conducted at baseline to assess treatment eligibility and every 6-12 months thereafter. Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) was provided at no cost to treatment-eligible participants. Clinical and laboratory data were analysed to assess improvement in proximal disease outcomes. Among 596 participants enrolled, the median age was 32 years (IQR 26-39) and 365 (61%) were male. Of those enrolled, 268 (45%) returned for ≥ 1 follow-up visit, with a median of 511 days of follow-up. Overall, 58 patients initiated treatment: 15 met treatment criteria based on liver cirrhosis alone; 13 by APRI > 1.5; among those with HBV DNA results, six met criteria based on HBV DNA levels and ALT activity; 24 met ≥ 2 criteria. Significant decreases in ALT activities, APRI scores and HBV DNA levels were observed among those treated. This hepatitis B care and treatment programme was demonstrated to be feasible in a low-resource setting. Despite challenges, testing and linkage to care is critical to decrease the global burden of hepatitis B. |
Rate and durability of clearance of hepatitis B surface antigen in Alaska Native persons with long-term hepatitis B virus infection: 1982-2019
Bruden D , McMahon BJ , Snowball M , Towshend-Bulson L , Homan C , Johnston JM , Simons BC , Bruce MG , Cooley L , Spradling PR , Harris AM . Hepatology 2024 79 (6) 1412-1420 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: A functional cure and therapeutic end point of chronic HBV infection is defined as the clearance of HBsAg from serum. Little is known about the long-term durability of HBsAg loss in the Alaskan Native population. APPROACH AND RESULTS: We performed a retrospective cohort study of Alaska Native patients with chronic HBV-monoinfection from January 1982 through December 2019. The original group in this cohort was identified during a 1982 to 1987 population-based screening for 3 HBV serologic markers in 53,000 Alaska Native persons. With close to 32,000 years of follow-up, we assessed the frequency and duration of HBsAg seroclearance (HBsAg-negative for > 6 mo). We examined factors associated with HBsAg clearance and followed persons for a median of 13.1 years afterward to assess the durability of HBsAg clearance. Among 1079 persons with an average length of follow-up of 33 years, 260 (24%) cleared HBsAg at a constant rate of 0.82% per person/per year. Of the 260 persons who cleared, 249 (96%) remained HBsAg-negative, while 11 persons had ≥ 2 transient HBsAg-positive results in subsequent follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: Of the patients with chronic HBV monoinfection, 0.82% of people per year achieved a functional cure. HBsAg seroclearance was durable for treated and nontreated patients and lasted, on average, over 13 years without seroreversion. |
Deployment of the National Notifiable Diseases Surveillance System during the 2022-23 mpox outbreak in the United States-Opportunities and challenges with case notifications during public health emergencies
Rainey JJ , Lin XM , Murphy S , Velazquez-Kronen R , Do T , Hughes C , Harris AM , Maitland A , Gundlapalli AV . PLoS One 2024 19 (4) e0300175 Timely case notifications following the introduction of an uncommon pathogen, such as mpox, are critical for understanding disease transmission and for developing and implementing effective mitigation strategies. When Massachusetts public health officials notified the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) about a confirmed orthopoxvirus case on May 17, 2023, which was later confirmed as mpox at CDC, mpox was not a nationally notifiable disease. Because existing processes for new data collections through the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System were not well suited for implementation during emergency responses at the time of the mpox outbreak, several interim notification approaches were established to capture case data. These interim approaches were successful in generating daily case counts, monitoring disease transmission, and identifying high-risk populations. However, the approaches also required several data collection approvals by the federal government and the Council for State and Territorial Epidemiologists, the use of four different case report forms, and the establishment of complex data management and validation processes involving data element mapping and record-level de-duplication steps. We summarize lessons learned from these interim approaches to inform and improve case notifications during future outbreaks. These lessons reinforce CDC's Data Modernization Initiative to work in close collaboration with state, territorial, and local public health departments to strengthen case-based surveillance prior to the next public health emergency. |
Hepatitis B care continuum models-data to inform public health action
Spradling PR , Bocour A , Kuncio DE , Ly KN , Harris AM , Thompson ND . Public Health Rep 2024 333549231218277 The application of a care continuum model (CCM) can identify gaps in diagnosis, care, and treatment of populations with a common condition, but challenges are inherent in developing a CCM for chronic hepatitis B. In contrast with treatment for HIV or hepatitis C, treatment is not indicated for all people with chronic hepatitis B, clinical endpoints are not clear for those receiving treatment, and those for whom treatment is not indicated remain at risk for complications. This topical review examines the data elements necessary to develop and apply chronic hepatitis B CCMs at the jurisdictional health department level. We conducted a nonsystematic review of US-based publications in Ovid MEDLINE (1946-present), Ovid Embase (1974-present), and Scopus (not date limited) databases, which yielded 724 publications for review. Jurisdictional health departments, if properly supported, could develop locale-specific focused CCMs using person-level chronic hepatitis B registries, updated longitudinally using electronic laboratory reporting data and case reporting data. These CCMs could be applied to identify disparities and improve rates in testing and access to care and treatment, which are necessary to reduce liver disease and chronic hepatitis B mortality. Investments in public health surveillance infrastructure, including substantial enhancements in electronic laboratory reporting and case reporting and the use of supplementary data sources, could enable jurisdictional health departments to develop modified CCMs for chronic hepatitis B that focus, at least initially, on "early" CCM steps, which emphasize optimization of hepatitis B diagnosis, linkage to care, and ongoing clinical follow-up of diagnosed people, all of which can lead to improved outcomes. |
Use of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine and 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine among children aged 6-18 years with immunocompromising conditions: recommendations of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP)
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention , Bennett NM , Pilishvili T , Whitney CG , Moore M , Gierke R , Harris AM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2013 62 (25) 521-4 On February 20, 2013, the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommended routine use of 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV13; Prevnar 13, Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a subsidiary of Pfizer, Inc.) for children aged 6-18 years with immunocompromising conditions, functional or anatomic asplenia, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leaks, or cochlear implants who have not previously received PCV13. PCV13 should be administered to these children regardless of whether they received the 7-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine (PCV7) or the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23). Recommendations for PPSV23 use for children in this age group remain unchanged. The evidence for the benefits and risks associated with PCV13 vaccination of children with immunocompromising conditions was evaluated using the Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development, and Evaluation (GRADE) framework. This recommendation reflects a policy change from permissive and off-label recommendation of PCV13 in the pediatric immunocompromised population to a category A recommendation. This report summarizes the evidence considered by ACIP to make this recommendation and reviews the recommendations for use of PCV13 and PPSV23 for children aged 6-18 years. |
Demographic and co-morbidity characteristics of patients tested for SARS-CoV-2 from March 2020 to January 2022 in a national clinical research network: results from PCORnet (preprint)
Block JP , Marsolo KA , Nagavedu K , Bailey LC , Boehmer TK , Fearrington J , Harris AM , Garrett N , Goodman AB , Gundlapalli AV , Kaushal R , Kho A , McTigue KM , Nair VP , Puro J , Shenkman E , Weiner MG , Williams N , Carton TW . medRxiv 2023 18 Background: Prior studies have documented differences in the age, racial, and ethnic characteristics among patients with SARS-CoV-2 infection. However, little is known about how these characteristics changed over time during the pandemic and whether racial, ethnic, and age disparities evident early in the pandemic were persistent over time. This study reports on trends in SARS-CoV-2 infections among U.S. adults from March 1, 2020 to January, 31 2022, using data from electronic health records. Methods and Findings: We captured repeated cross-sectional information from 43 large healthcare systems in 52 U.S. States and territories, participating in PCORnet, the National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network. Using distributed queries executed at each participating institution, we acquired information for all patients >= 20 years of age who were tested for SARS-CoV-2 (both positive and negative results), including care setting, age, sex, race, and ethnicity by month as well as comorbidities (assessed with diagnostic codes). During this time period, 1,325,563 patients had positive (13% inpatient) and 6,705,868 patients had negative (25% inpatient) viral tests for SARS-CoV-2. Disparities in testing positive were present across racial and ethnic groups, especially in the inpatient setting. Compared to White patients, Black or African American and other race patients had relative risks for testing positive of 1.5 or greater in the inpatient setting for 12 of the 23-month study period. Compared to non-Hispanic patients, Hispanic patients had relative risks for testing positive in the inpatient setting of 1.5 or greater for 16 of 23. Ethnic and racial differences were present in emergency department and ambulatory settings but were less common across time than in inpatient settings. Trends in infections by age group demonstrated higher test positivity for older patients in the inpatient setting only for most months, except for June and July of 2020, April to August 2021, and January 2022. Comorbidities were common, with much higher rates among those hospitalized; hypertension (38% of patients SARS-CoV-2 positive vs. 29% for those negative) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (22% vs. 13%) were the most common. Conclusion and Relevance: Racial and ethnic disparities changed over time among persons infected with SARS-CoV-2. These trends highlight potential underlying mechanisms, such as poor access to care and differential vaccination rates, that may have contributed to greater disparities, especially early in the pandemic. Monitoring data on characteristics of patients testing positive in real time could allow public health officials and policymakers to tailor interventions to ensure that patients and communities most in need are receiving adequate testing, mitigation strategies, and treatment. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
Trends in the Use of Telehealth During the Emergence of the COVID-19 Pandemic - United States, January-March 2020.
Koonin LM , Hoots B , Tsang CA , Leroy Z , Farris K , Jolly T , Antall P , McCabe B , Zelis CBR , Tong I , Harris AM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (43) 1595-1599 In February 2020, CDC issued guidance advising persons and health care providers in areas affected by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic to adopt social distancing practices, specifically recommending that health care facilities and providers offer clinical services through virtual means such as telehealth.* Telehealth is the use of two-way telecommunications technologies to provide clinical health care through a variety of remote methods.(†) To examine changes in the frequency of use of telehealth services during the early pandemic period, CDC analyzed deidentified encounter (i.e., visit) data from four of the largest U.S. telehealth providers that offer services in all states.(§) Trends in telehealth encounters during January-March 2020 (surveillance weeks 1-13) were compared with encounters occurring during the same weeks in 2019. During the first quarter of 2020, the number of telehealth visits increased by 50%, compared with the same period in 2019, with a 154% increase in visits noted in surveillance week 13 in 2020, compared with the same period in 2019. During January-March 2020, most encounters were from patients seeking care for conditions other than COVID-19. However, the proportion of COVID-19-related encounters significantly increased (from 5.5% to 16.2%; p<0.05) during the last 3 weeks of March 2020 (surveillance weeks 11-13). This marked shift in practice patterns has implications for immediate response efforts and longer-term population health. Continuing telehealth policy changes and regulatory waivers might provide increased access to acute, chronic, primary, and specialty care during and after the pandemic. |
Estimated cases averted by COVID-19 digital exposure notification, Pennsylvania, USA, November 8, 2020-January 2, 2021
Jeon S , Rainisch G , Harris AM , Shinabery J , Iqbal M , Pallavaram A , Hilton S , Karki S , Moonan PK , Oeltmann JE , Meltzer MI . Emerg Infect Dis 2023 29 (2) 426-430 We combined field-based data with mathematical modeling to estimate the effectiveness of smartphone-enabled COVID-19 exposure notification in Pennsylvania, USA. We estimated that digital notifications potentially averted 7-69 cases/1,000 notifications during November 8, 2020-January 2, 2021. Greater use and increased compliance could increase the effectiveness of digital notifications. |
Screening and testing for hepatitis B virus infection: CDC recommendations - United States, 2023
Conners EE , Panagiotakopoulos L , Hofmeister MG , Spradling PR , Hagan LM , Harris AM , Rogers-Brown JS , Wester C , Nelson NP . MMWR Recomm Rep 2023 72 (1) 1-25 Chronic hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection can lead to substantial morbidity and mortality. Although treatment is not considered curative, antiviral treatment, monitoring, and liver cancer surveillance can reduce morbidity and mortality. Effective vaccines to prevent hepatitis B are available. This report updates and expands CDC's previously published Recommendations for Identification and Public Health Management of Persons with Chronic Hepatitis B Virus Infection (MMWR Recomm Rep 2008;57[No. RR-8]) regarding screening for HBV infection in the United States. New recommendations include hepatitis B screening using three laboratory tests at least once during a lifetime for adults aged ≥18 years. The report also expands risk-based testing recommendations to include the following populations, activities, exposures, or conditions associated with increased risk for HBV infection: persons incarcerated or formerly incarcerated in a jail, prison, or other detention setting; persons with a history of sexually transmitted infections or multiple sex partners; and persons with a history of hepatitis C virus infection. In addition, to provide increased access to testing, anyone who requests HBV testing should receive it, regardless of disclosure of risk, because many persons might be reluctant to disclose stigmatizing risks. |
Relative effectiveness of COVID-19 vaccination and booster dose combinations among 18.9 million vaccinated adults during the early SARS-CoV-2 Omicron period - United States, January 1, 2022-March 31, 2022
Kompaniyets L , Wiegand RE , Oyalowo AC , Bull-Otterson L , Egwuogu H , Thompson T , Kahihikolo K , Moore L , Jones-Jack N , El Kalach R , Srinivasan A , Messer A , Pilishvili T , Harris AM , Gundlapalli AV , Link-Gelles R , Boehmer TK . Clin Infect Dis 2023 76 (10) 1753-1760 Small sample sizes have limited prior studies' ability to capture severe COVID-19 outcomes, especially among Ad26.COV2.S vaccine recipients. This study of 18.9 million adults aged ≥18 years assessed relative vaccine effectiveness (rVE) in three recipient cohorts: (1) primary Ad26.COV2.S vaccine and Ad26.COV2.S booster (two Ad26.COV2.S), (2) primary Ad26.COV2.S vaccine and mRNA booster (Ad26.COV2.S+mRNA), (3) two doses of primary mRNA vaccine and mRNA booster (three mRNA). The study analyzed two de-identified datasets linked using privacy-preserving record linkage (PPRL): medical and pharmacy insurance claims and COVID-19 vaccination data from retail pharmacies. It assessed the presence of COVID-19 during January 1-March 31, 2022 in: (1) any claim, (2) outpatient claim, (3) emergency department (ED) claim, (4) inpatient claim, and (5) inpatient claim with intensive care unit (ICU) admission. rVE for each outcome comparing three recipient cohorts (reference: two Ad26.COV2.S doses) was estimated from adjusted Cox proportional hazards models. Compared with two Ad26.COV2.S doses, Ad26.COV2.S+mRNA and three mRNA doses were more effective against all COVID-19 outcomes, including 57% (95% CI: 52-62) and 62% (95% CI: 58-65) rVE against an ED visit; 44% (95% CI: 34-52) and 54% (95% CI: 48-59) rVE against hospitalization; and 48% (95% CI: 22-66) and 66% (95% CI: 53-75) rVE against ICU admission, respectively. This study demonstrated that Ad26.COV2.S + mRNA doses were as good as three doses of mRNA, and better than two doses of Ad26.COV2.S. Vaccination continues to be an important preventive measure for reducing the public health impact of COVID-19. |
Association between thromboembolic events and COVID-19 infection within 30 days: a case-control study among a large sample of adult hospitalized patients in the United States, March 2020-June 2021.
Huang YA , Yusuf H , Adamski A , Hsu J , Baggs J , Auf R , Adjei S , Stoney R , Hooper WC , Llata E , Koumans EH , Ko JY , Romano S , Boehmer TK , Harris AM . J Thromb Thrombolysis 2022 1-6 The association between thromboembolic events (TE) and COVID-19 infection is not completely understood at the population level in the United States. We examined their association using a large US healthcare database. We analyzed data from the Premier Healthcare Database Special COVID-19 Release and conducted a case-control study. Thestudy population consisted of men and non-pregnant women aged18years with (cases) or without (controls) an inpatient ICD-10-CM diagnosis of TE between 3/1/2020 and 6/30/2021. Using multivariable logistic regression, we assessed the association between TE occurrence and COVID-19 diagnosis, adjusting for demographic factors and comorbidities. Among 227,343 cases, 15.2% had a concurrent or prior COVID-19 diagnosis within 30days of their index TE. Multivariable regression analysis showed a statistically significant association between a COVID-19 diagnosis and TE among cases when compared to controls (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]1.75, 95% CI 1.72-1.78). The association was more substantial if a COVID-19 diagnosis occurred 1-30days prior to index hospitalization (aOR3.00, 95% CI 2.88-3.13) compared to the same encounter as the index hospitalization. Our findings suggest an increased risk of TE among persons within 30days of beingdiagnosed COVID-19, highlighting the need for careful consideration of the thrombotic risk among COVID-19 patients, particularly during the first month following diagnosis. |
Mortality Risk Among Patients Hospitalized Primarily for COVID-19 During the Omicron and Delta Variant Pandemic Periods - United States, April 2020-June 2022.
Adjei S , Hong K , Molinari NM , Bull-Otterson L , Ajani UA , Gundlapalli AV , Harris AM , Hsu J , Kadri SS , Starnes J , Yeoman K , Boehmer TK . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (37) 1182-1189 ![]() The risk for COVID-19-associated mortality increases with age, disability, and underlying medical conditions (1). Early in the emergence of the Omicron variant of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, mortality among hospitalized COVID-19 patients was lower than that during previous pandemic peaks (2-5), and some health authorities reported that a substantial proportion of COVID-19 hospitalizations were not primarily for COVID-19-related illness,* which might account for the lower mortality among hospitalized patients. Using a large hospital administrative database, CDC assessed in-hospital mortality risk overall and by demographic and clinical characteristics during the Delta (July-October 2021), early Omicron (January-March 2022), and later Omicron (April-June 2022) variant periods(†) among patients hospitalized primarily for COVID-19. Model-estimated adjusted mortality risk differences (aMRDs) (measures of absolute risk) and adjusted mortality risk ratios (aMRRs) (measures of relative risk) for in-hospital death were calculated comparing the early and later Omicron periods with the Delta period. Crude mortality risk (cMR) (deaths per 100 patients hospitalized primarily for COVID-19) was lower during the early Omicron (13.1) and later Omicron (4.9) periods than during the Delta (15.1) period (p<0.001). Adjusted mortality risk was lower during the Omicron periods than during the Delta period for patients aged ≥18 years, males and females, all racial and ethnic groups, persons with and without disabilities, and those with one or more underlying medical conditions, as indicated by significant aMRDs and aMRRs (p<0.05). During the later Omicron period, 81.9% of in-hospital deaths occurred among adults aged ≥65 years and 73.4% occurred among persons with three or more underlying medical conditions. Vaccination, early treatment, and appropriate nonpharmaceutical interventions remain important public health priorities for preventing COVID-19 deaths, especially among persons most at risk. |
Telehealth and Public Health Practice in the United States-Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Neri AJ , Whitfield GP , Umeakunne ET , Hall JE , DeFrances CJ , Shah AB , Sandhu PK , Demeke HB , Board AR , Iqbal NJ , Martinez K , Harris AM , Strona FV . J Public Health Manag Pract 2022 28 (6) 650-656 Telehealth is the use of electronic information and telecommunication technologies to provide care when the patient and the provider are not in the same room at the same time. Telehealth accounted for less than 1% of all Medicare Fee-for-Service outpatient visits in the United States in 2019 but grew to account for 46% of all visits in April 2020. Changes in reimbursement and licensure policies during the COVID-19 pandemic appeared to greatly facilitate this increased use. Telehealth will continue to account for a substantial portion of care provided in the United States and globally. A better understanding of telehealth approaches and their evidence base by public health practitioners may help improve their ability to collaborate with health care organizations to improve population health. The article summarizes the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's (CDC's) approach to understanding the evidence base for telehealth in public health practice, possible applications for telehealth in public health practice, and CDC's use of telehealth to improve population health. |
Declines in the utilization of hospital-based care during COVID-19 pandemic.
Kazakova SV , Baggs J , Parra G , Yusuf H , Romano SD , Ko JY , Harris AM , Wolford H , Rose A , Reddy SC , Jernigan JA . J Hosp Med 2022 17 (12) 984-989 The disruptions of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic impacted the delivery and utilization of healthcare services with potential long-term implications for population health and the hospital workforce. Using electronic health record data from over 700 USacute care hospitals, we documented changes in admissions to hospital service areas (inpatient, observation, emergency room [ER], and same-day surgery) during 2019-2020 and examined whether surges of COVID-19 hospitalizations corresponded with increased inpatient disease severity and death rate. We found that in 2020, hospitalizations declined by 50% in April, with greatest declines occurring in same-day surgery (-73%). The youngest patients (0-17) experienced largest declines in ER, observation, and same-day surgery admissions; inpatient admissions declined the most among the oldest patients (65+). Infectious disease admissions increased by 52%. The monthly measures of inpatient case mix index, length of stay, and non-COVID death rate were higher in all months in 2020 compared with respective months in 2019. |
Post-COVID-19 Symptoms and Conditions Among Children and Adolescents - United States, March 1, 2020-January 31, 2022.
Kompaniyets L , Bull-Otterson L , Boehmer TK , Baca S , Alvarez P , Hong K , Hsu J , Harris AM , Gundlapalli AV , Saydah S . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (31) 993-999 Post-COVID-19 (post-COVID) symptoms and conditions* are new, recurring, or ongoing health problems that occur 4 or more weeks after infection with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19). Previous studies have characterized and estimated the incidence of post-COVID conditions among adults (1,2), but data among children and adolescents are limited (3-8). Using a large medical claims database, CDC assessed nine potential post-COVID signs and symptoms (symptoms) and 15 potential post-COVID conditions among 781,419 U.S. children and adolescents aged 0-17 years with laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 (patients with COVID-19) compared with 2,344,257 U.S. children and adolescents without recognized COVID-19 (patients without COVID-19) during March 1, 2020-January 31, 2022. The analysis identified several symptoms and conditions with elevated adjusted hazard ratios among patients with COVID-19 (compared with those without). The highest hazard ratios were recorded for acute pulmonary embolism (adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] = 2.01), myocarditis and cardiomyopathy (1.99), venous thromboembolic event (1.87), acute and unspecified renal failure (1.32), and type 1 diabetes (1.23), all of which were rare or uncommon in this study population. Conversely, symptoms and conditions that were most common in this study population had lower aHRs (near or below 1.0). Patients with COVID-19 were less likely than were patients without to experience respiratory signs and symptoms, symptoms of mental conditions, muscle disorders, neurological conditions, anxiety and fear-related disorders, mood disorders, and sleeping disorders. COVID-19 prevention strategies, including vaccination for all eligible children and adolescents, are critical to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infection and subsequent illness, including post-COVID symptoms and conditions (9). |
Cardiac Complications After SARS-CoV-2 Infection and mRNA COVID-19 Vaccination - PCORnet, United States, January 2021-January 2022.
Block JP , Boehmer TK , Forrest CB , Carton TW , Lee GM , Ajani UA , Christakis DA , Cowell LG , Draper C , Ghildayal N , Harris AM , Kappelman MD , Ko JY , Mayer KH , Nagavedu K , Oster ME , Paranjape A , Puro J , Ritchey MD , Shay DK , Thacker D , Gundlapalli AV . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (14) 517-523 Cardiac complications, particularly myocarditis and pericarditis, have been associated with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) infection (1-3) and mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (2-5). Multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS) is a rare but serious complication of SARS-CoV-2 infection with frequent cardiac involvement (6). Using electronic health record (EHR) data from 40 U.S. health care systems during January 1, 2021-January 31, 2022, investigators calculated incidences of cardiac outcomes (myocarditis; myocarditis or pericarditis; and myocarditis, pericarditis, or MIS) among persons aged 5 years who had SARS-CoV-2 infection, stratified by sex (male or female) and age group (5-11, 12-17, 18-29, and 30 years). Incidences of myocarditis and myocarditis or pericarditis were calculated after first, second, unspecified, or any (first, second, or unspecified) dose of mRNA COVID-19 (BNT162b2 [Pfizer-BioNTech] or mRNA-1273 [Moderna]) vaccines, stratified by sex and age group. Risk ratios (RR) were calculated to compare risk for cardiac outcomes after SARS-CoV-2 infection to that after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination. The incidence of cardiac outcomes after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination was highest for males aged 12-17 years after the second vaccine dose; however, within this demographic group, the risk for cardiac outcomes was 1.8-5.6 times as high after SARS-CoV-2 infection than after the second vaccine dose. The risk for cardiac outcomes was likewise significantly higher after SARS-CoV-2 infection than after first, second, or unspecified dose of mRNA COVID-19 vaccination for all other groups by sex and age (RR 2.2-115.2). These findings support continued use of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines among all eligible persons aged 5 years. |
Cost-effectiveness of hepatitis B testing and vaccination of adults seeking care for sexually transmitted infections
Hutton D , Toy M , Salomon JA , Conners EE , Nelson NP , Harris AM , So S . Sex Transm Dis 2022 49 (7) 517-525 BACKGROUND: The estimated number of people living with hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection acquired through sexual transmission was 103,000 in 2018, with an estimated incidence of 8,300 new cases per year. While hepatitis B (HepB) vaccination is recommended by the Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices for persons seeking evaluation and treatment for sexually transmitted infections (STI), pre-vaccination testing is not yet recommended. Screening may link persons with chronic hepatitis B (CHB) to care and reduce unnecessary vaccination. METHODS: We used a Markov model to calculate the health impact, and cost-effectiveness of one-time HBV testing combined with the first dose of the hepatitis B vaccine for adults seeking care for STI. We ran a lifetime, societal perspective analysis for a hypothetical population of 100,000 ages 18-69 years. The disease progression estimates were taken from recent cohort studies and meta-analyses. In the US, an intervention that costs less than $100,000 per quality adjusted life year (QALY) is generally considered cost-effective. The strategies that were compared were: 1) vaccination without HBV screening, 2) vaccination and HBsAg screening, 3) vaccination and screening with HBsAg and anti-HBs, and 4) vaccination and screening with HBsAg, anti-HBs and anti-HBc. Data were obtained from Centers for Medicare and Medicaid services reimbursement, the CDC vaccine price list, and additional cost-effectiveness literature. RESULTS: Compared with current recommendations, the addition of one-time HBV testing is cost saving and would prevent an additional 138 cases of cirrhosis, 47 cases of decompensated cirrhosis, 90 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma, 33 liver transplants, and 163 HBV-related deaths, and gain 2185 QALYs, per 100,000 adults screened. Screening with the 3-tests panel would save $41.6-$42.7 million /100,000 adults tested compared with $41.5-$42.5 million for the 2-tests panel and $40.2-$40.3 million for HBsAg alone. CONCLUSIONS: One-time HBV pre-vaccination testing in addition to HepB vaccination for unvaccinated adults seeking care for STI would save lives, prevent new infections and unnecessary vaccination, and is cost saving. |
Assessing the cost-utility of universal hepatitis B vaccination among adults
Hall EW , Weng MK , Harris AM , Schillie S , Nelson NP , Ortega-Sanchez IR , Rosenthal E , Sullivan PS , Lopman B , Jones J , Bradley H , Rosenberg ES . J Infect Dis 2022 226 (6) 1041-1051 BACKGROUND: Although effective against hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection, hepatitis B (HepB) vaccination is only recommended for infants, children and adults at higher risk. We conducted an economic evaluation of universal HepB vaccination among US adults. METHODS: Using a decision analytic model with Markov disease progression, we compared current vaccination recommendations (baseline) with either 3-dose or 2-dose universal HepB vaccination (intervention strategies). In simulated modeling of one million adults distributed by age and risk groups, we quantified health benefits (quality-adjusted life years, QALYs) and costs for each strategy. Multivariable probabilistic sensitivity analyses identified key inputs. All costs reported in 2019 US dollars. RESULTS: With incremental base-case vaccination coverage up to 50% among persons at lower risk and 0% increment among persons at higher risk, each of two intervention strategies averted nearly one quarter of acute HBV infections (3-dose strategy: 24.8%; 2-dose strategy: 24.6%). Societal incremental cost per QALY gained of $152,722 (Interquartile range: $119,113, $235,086) and $155,429 (Interquartile range: $120,302, $242,226) were estimated for 3-dose and 2-dose strategies, respectively. Risk of acute HBV infection showed the strongest influence. CONCLUSIONS: Universal adult vaccination against HBV may be an appropriate strategy for reducing HBV incidence and improving resulting health outcomes. |
Risk Factors for Severe COVID-19 Outcomes Among Persons Aged ≥18 Years Who Completed a Primary COVID-19 Vaccination Series - 465 Health Care Facilities, United States, December 2020-October 2021.
Yek C , Warner S , Wiltz JL , Sun J , Adjei S , Mancera A , Silk BJ , Gundlapalli AV , Harris AM , Boehmer TK , Kadri SS . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (1) 19-25 Vaccination against SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is highly effective at preventing COVID-19-associated hospitalization and death; however, some vaccinated persons might develop COVID-19 with severe outcomes(†) (1,2). Using data from 465 facilities in a large U.S. health care database, this study assessed the frequency of and risk factors for developing a severe COVID-19 outcome after completing a primary COVID-19 vaccination series (primary vaccination), defined as receipt of 2 doses of an mRNA vaccine (BNT162b2 [Pfizer-BioNTech] or mRNA-1273 [Moderna]) or a single dose of JNJ-78436735 [Janssen (Johnson & Johnson)] ≥14 days before illness onset. Severe COVID-19 outcomes were defined as hospitalization with a diagnosis of acute respiratory failure, need for noninvasive ventilation (NIV), admission to an intensive care unit (ICU) including all persons requiring invasive mechanical ventilation, or death (including discharge to hospice). Among 1,228,664 persons who completed primary vaccination during December 2020-October 2021, a total of 2,246 (18.0 per 10,000 vaccinated persons) developed COVID-19 and 189 (1.5 per 10,000) had a severe outcome, including 36 who died (0.3 deaths per 10,000). Risk for severe outcomes was higher among persons who were aged ≥65 years, were immunosuppressed, or had at least one of six other underlying conditions. All persons with severe outcomes had at least one of these risk factors, and 77.8% of those who died had four or more risk factors. Severe COVID-19 outcomes after primary vaccination are rare; however, vaccinated persons who are aged ≥65 years, are immunosuppressed, or have other underlying conditions might be at increased risk. These persons should receive targeted interventions including chronic disease management, precautions to reduce exposure, additional primary and booster vaccine doses, and effective pharmaceutical therapy as indicated to reduce risk for severe COVID-19 outcomes. Increasing COVID-19 vaccination coverage is a public health priority. |
Trends in Clinical Severity of Hospitalized Patients With Coronavirus Disease 2019-Premier Hospital Dataset, April 2020-April 2021.
Whitfield GP , Harris AM , Kadri SS , Warner S , Bamrah Morris S , Giovanni JE , Rogers-Brown JS , Hinckley AF , Kompaniyets L , Sircar KD , Yusuf HR , Koumans EH , Schweitzer BK . Open Forum Infect Dis 2022 9 (1) ofab599 ![]() BACKGROUND: Clinical severity of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) may vary over time; trends in clinical severity at admission during the pandemic among hospitalized patients in the United States have been incompletely described, so a historical record of severity over time is lacking. METHODS: We classified 466677 hospital admissions for COVID-19 from April 2020 to April 2021 into 4 mutually exclusive severity grades based on indicators present on admission (from most to least severe): Grade 4 included intensive care unit (ICU) admission and invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV); grade 3 included non-IMV ICU and/or noninvasive positive pressure ventilation; grade 2 included diagnosis of acute respiratory failure; and grade 1 included none of the above indicators. Trends were stratified by sex, age, race/ethnicity, and comorbid conditions. We also examined severity in states with high vs low Alpha (B.1.1.7) variant burden. RESULTS: Severity tended to be lower among women, younger adults, and those with fewer comorbidities compared to their counterparts. The proportion of admissions classified as grade 1 or 2 fluctuated over time, but these less-severe grades comprised a majority (75%-85%) of admissions every month. Grades 3 and 4 consistently made up a minority of admissions (15%-25%), and grade 4 showed consistent decreases in all subgroups, including states with high Alpha variant burden. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical severity among hospitalized patients with COVID-19 has varied over time but has not consistently or markedly worsened over time. The proportion of admissions classified as grade 4 decreased in all subgroups. There was no consistent evidence of worsening severity in states with higher vs lower Alpha prevalence. |
Estimation of Coronavirus Disease 2019 Hospitalization Costs From a Large Electronic Administrative Discharge Database, March 2020-July 2021.
Shrestha SS , Kompaniyets L , Grosse SD , Harris AM , Baggs J , Sircar K , Gundlapalli AV . Open Forum Infect Dis 2021 8 (12) ofab561 BACKGROUND: Information on the costs of inpatient care for patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) is very limited. This study estimates the per-patient cost of inpatient care for adult COVID-19 patients seen at >800 US hospitals. METHODS: Patients aged ≥18 years with ≥1 hospitalization during March 2020-July 2021 with a COVID-19 diagnosis code in a large electronic administrative discharge database were included. We used validated costs when reported; otherwise, costs were calculated using charges multiplied by cost-to-charge ratios. We estimated costs of inpatient care per patient overall and by severity indicator, age, sex, underlying medical conditions, and acute complications of COVID-19 using a generalized linear model with log link function and gamma distribution. RESULTS: The overall cost among 654673 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 was $16.2 billion. Estimated per-patient hospitalization cost was $24 826. Among surviving patients, estimated per-patient cost was $13 090 without intensive care unit (ICU) admission or invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV), $21 222 with ICU admission alone, and $59 742 with IMV. Estimated per-patient cost among patients who died was $27 017. Adjusted cost differential was higher among patients with certain underlying conditions (eg, chronic kidney disease [$12 391], liver disease [$8878], cerebrovascular disease [$7267], and obesity [$5933]) and acute complications (eg, acute respiratory distress syndrome [$43 912], pneumothorax [$25 240], and intracranial hemorrhage [$22 280]). CONCLUSIONS: The cost of inpatient care for COVID-19 patients was substantial through the first 17 months of the pandemic. These estimates can be used to inform policy makers and planners and cost-effectiveness analysis of public health interventions to alleviate the burden of COVID-19. |
Association Between COVID-19 and Myocarditis Using Hospital-Based Administrative Data - United States, March 2020-January 2021.
Boehmer TK , Kompaniyets L , Lavery AM , Hsu J , Ko JY , Yusuf H , Romano SD , Gundlapalli AV , Oster ME , Harris AM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (35) 1228-1232 Viral infections are a common cause of myocarditis, an inflammation of the heart muscle (myocardium) that can result in hospitalization, heart failure, and sudden death (1). Emerging data suggest an association between COVID-19 and myocarditis (2-5). CDC assessed this association using a large, U.S. hospital-based administrative database of health care encounters from >900 hospitals. Myocarditis inpatient encounters were 42.3% higher in 2020 than in 2019. During March 2020-January 2021, the period that coincided with the COVID-19 pandemic, the risk for myocarditis was 0.146% among patients diagnosed with COVID-19 during an inpatient or hospital-based outpatient encounter and 0.009% among patients who were not diagnosed with COVID-19. After adjusting for patient and hospital characteristics, patients with COVID-19 during March 2020-January 2021 had, on average, 15.7 times the risk for myocarditis compared with those without COVID-19 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 14.1-17.2); by age, risk ratios ranged from approximately 7.0 for patients aged 16-39 years to >30.0 for patients aged <16 years or ≥75 years. Overall, myocarditis was uncommon among persons with and without COVID-19; however, COVID-19 was significantly associated with an increased risk for myocarditis, with risk varying by age group. These findings underscore the importance of implementing evidence-based COVID-19 prevention strategies, including vaccination, to reduce the public health impact of COVID-19 and its associated complications. |
Hepatitis C treatment among commercially or Medicaid-insured individuals, 2014-2018
Harris AM , Khan MA , Osinubi A , Nelson NP , Thompson WW . Am J Prev Med 2021 61 (5) 716-723 INTRODUCTION: The proportion of individuals infected with hepatitis C virus that receive direct-acting antiviral treatment is unclear. METHODS: The proportion of commercially or Medicaid-insured patients receiving hepatitis C virus treatment was estimated using administrative claims data obtained from MarketScan and Multi-State Medicaid obtained on January 6, 2020. Validated algorithms derived from standardized procedures and International Classification of Diseases diagnosis codes were used to identify enrollees with chronic hepatitis C; analysis (performed November 30, 2020) was restricted to adults continuously enrolled with prescription drug coverage for >6 months before and after their index hepatitis C viral load test claim date from January 2014 through December 2018. Prescription drug claims using National Drug Codes were used for hepatitis C virus drugs. The proportion of treated patients by demographic and clinical characteristics was described, and associations with treatment were modeled using multivariable-adjusted hazard ratios and 95% CIs by insurance status. RESULTS: Of patients with chronic hepatitis C, 12,090 of 17,562 (69%) with commercial insurance and 8,112 of 27,328 (30%) with Medicaid were treated. Commercially insured patients with opioid use disorder (hazard ratio=0.78, 95% CI=0.72, 0.85), alcohol use disorder (hazard ratio=0.85, 95% CI=0.79, 0.91), severe mental illness (hazard ratio=0.92, 95% CI=0.87, 0.98), chronic kidney disease (hazard ratio=0.75, 95% CI=0.69, 0.82), or HIV infection (hazard ratio=0.74, 95% CI=0.66, 0.82) were less likely to be treated. Medicaid patients with opioid (hazard ratio=0.64, 95% CI=0.61, 0.68) or alcohol use disorders (hazard ratio=0.83, 95% CI=0.79, 0.88) were less likely to be treated. CONCLUSIONS: Hepatitis C virus treatment gaps were identified using administrative claims data among patients with commercial and Medicaid insurance. |
Suspected SARS-CoV-2 Reinfections: Incidence, Predictors, and Healthcare Use among Patients at 238 U.S. Healthcare Facilities, June 1, 2020- February 28, 2021.
Lawandi A , Warner S , Sun J , Demirkale CY , Danner RL , Klompas M , Gundlapalli A , Datta D , Harris AM , Morris SB , Natarajan P , Kadri SS . Clin Infect Dis 2021 74 (8) 1489-1492 In a retrospective cohort study, among 131,773 patients with previous COVID19, reinfection with SARS-CoV-2 was suspected in 253(0.2%) patients at 238 U.S. healthcare facilities between June 1, 2020- February 28, 2021. Women displayed a higher cumulative reinfection risk. Healthcare burden and illness severity were similar between index and reinfection encounters. |
Hepatitis B vaccination among adults with diabetes mellitus, U.S., 2018
Lu PJ , Hung MC , Srivastav A , Williams WW , Harris AM . Am J Prev Med 2021 61 (5) 652-664 INTRODUCTION: Hepatitis B vaccination is routinely recommended for adults with diabetes mellitus aged <60 years and for those aged ≥60 years at the discretion of their healthcare provider. The purpose of this study is to assess hepatitis B vaccination coverage among adults with and without diabetes mellitus. METHODS: Data from the 2014-2018 National Health Interview Survey were analyzed in 2020 to determine hepatitis B vaccination series completion (≥3 doses) among adults aged 18-59 and ≥60 years with diabetes mellitus. Multivariable logistic regression analysis was conducted to identify the factors independently associated with hepatitis B vaccination among adults aged 18-59 and ≥60 years with diabetes mellitus. RESULTS: In 2018, among adults aged 18-59 years with diabetes mellitus, 33.2% had received hepatitis B vaccination (≥3 doses), an increase of 9.7 percentage points from 2014 (p<0.05). Among adults aged ≥60 years with diabetes mellitus, coverage was 15.3% in 2018 and did not increase during 2014-2018. Coverage was not significantly different among adults with diabetes mellitus compared with those without diabetes mellitus, even after controlling for the assessed factors. Among adults with diabetes mellitus aged 18-59 and ≥60 years, younger age, having some college or college education, having been tested for HIV, being healthcare personnel, or having traveled to hepatitis B virus-endemic areas were independently associated with an increased likelihood of vaccination. CONCLUSIONS: Self-reported hepatitis B vaccination coverage among adults with diabetes mellitus remains suboptimal. Healthcare providers should assess patients' diabetes status, recommend and offer needed vaccinations to patients, or refer them to alternate sites for vaccination. |
Hepatitis B prevalence association with sexually transmitted infections: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Marseille E , Harris AM , Horvath H , Parriott A , Malekinejad M , Nelson NP , Van Handel M , Kahn JG . Sex Health 2021 18 (3) 269-279 Background Hepatitis B vaccination is recommended for persons with current or past sexually transmitted infections (STI). Our aim is to systematically assess the association of hepatitis B virus (HBV) sero-markers for current or past infection with syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhoea, or unspecified STIs. METHODS: We conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis. PubMed, Embase, and Web of Science from 1982 to 2018 were searched using medical subject headings (MeSH) terms for HBV, STIs and epidemiology. We included studies conducted in Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development countries or Latin America that permit the calculation of prevalence ratios (PRs) for HBV and STIs and extracted PRs and counts by HBV and STI status. RESULTS: Of 3144 identified studies, 43 met inclusion requirements, yielding 72 PRs. We stratified outcomes by HBV sero-markers [surface antigen (HBsAg), hepatitis B core antibody (anti-HBc), combined], STI pathogen (syphilis, gonorrhoea/chlamydia, unspecified), and STI history (current, past) resulting in 18 potential outcome groups, for which results were available for 14. For the four outcome groups related to HBsAg, PR point estimates ranged from 1.65 to 6.76. For the five outcome groups related to anti-HBc, PRs ranged from 1.30 to 1.82; and for the five outcome groups related to combined HBV markers, PRs ranged from 1.15 to 1.89). The median HBsAg prevalence among people with a current or past STI was 4.17; not all studies reported HBsAg. Study settings and populations varied. CONCLUSION: This review found evidence of association between HBV infection and current or past STIs. |
Estimated prevalence and number of persons with isolated antibody to hepatitis B core antigen and associated occult hepatitis B, United States, 2001-2018
Spradling PR , Xing J , Harris AM , Ly KN . J Infect Dis 2021 225 (3) 465-469 Persons with isolated antibody to HBV core antigen (IAHBc) may have occult HBV infection (OBI), which is associated with reactivation and potential risk for hepatocellular carcinoma and HBV transmission. We used National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) data to estimate US IAHBc prevalence and published studies of IAHBc-associated OBI prevalence to estimate OBI burden. During 2001-2018, IAHBc prevalence was 0.8% (approximately 2.1 million persons); OBI burden range was 35,500-83,600 persons. These data support the need for more robust estimates of IAHBc-associated OBI prevalence in the general US population. |
Decreases in Hepatitis C Testing and Treatment During the COVID-19 Pandemic.
Kaufman HW , Bull-Otterson L , Meyer WA3rd , Huang X , Doshani M , Thompson WW , Osinubi A , Khan MA , Harris AM , Gupta N , Van Handel M , Wester C , Mermin J , Nelson NP . Am J Prev Med 2021 61 (3) 369-376 INTRODUCTION: The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted healthcare services, reducing opportunities to conduct routine hepatitis C virus antibody screening, clinical care, and treatment. Therefore, people living with undiagnosed hepatitis C virus during the pandemic may later become identified at more advanced stages of the disease, leading to higher morbidity and mortality rates. Further, unidentified hepatitis C virus-infected individuals may continue to unknowingly transmit the virus to others. METHODS: To assess the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, data were evaluated from a large national reference clinical laboratory and from national estimates of dispensed prescriptions for hepatitis C virus treatment. Investigators estimated the average number of hepatitis C virus antibody tests, hepatitis C virus antibody-positive test results, and hepatitis C virus RNA-positive test results by month in January-July for 2018 and 2019, compared with the same months in 2020. To assess the impact of hepatitis C virus treatment, dispensed hepatitis C virus direct-acting antiretroviral medications were examined for the same time periods. Statistical analyses of trends were performed using negative binomial models. RESULTS: Compared with the 2018 and 2019 months, hepatitis C virus antibody testing volume decreased 59% during April 2020 and rebounded to a 6% reduction in July 2020. The number of hepatitis C virus RNA-positive results fell by 62% in March 2020 and remained 39% below the baseline by July 2020. For hepatitis C virus treatment, prescriptions decreased 43% in May, 37% in June, and 38% in July relative to the corresponding months in 2018 and 2019. CONCLUSIONS: During the COVID-19 pandemic, continued public health messaging, interventions and outreach programs to restore hepatitis C virus testing and treatment to prepandemic levels, and maintenance of public health efforts to eliminate hepatitis C infections remain important. |
Surveillance of Vaccination Coverage Among Adult Populations -United States, 2018
Lu PJ , Hung MC , Srivastav A , Grohskopf LA , Kobayashi M , Harris AM , Dooling KL , Markowitz LE , Rodriguez-Lainz A , Williams WW . MMWR Surveill Summ 2021 70 (3) 1-26 PROBLEM/CONDITION: Adults are at risk for illness, hospitalization, disability and, in some cases, death from vaccine-preventable diseases, particularly influenza and pneumococcal disease. CDC recommends vaccinations for adults on the basis of age, health conditions, prior vaccinations, and other considerations. Updated vaccination recommendations from CDC are published annually in the U.S. Adult Immunization Schedule. Despite longstanding recommendations for use of many vaccines, vaccination coverage among U.S. adults remains low. REPORTING PERIOD: August 2017-June 2018 (for influenza vaccination) and January-December 2018 (for pneumococcal, herpes zoster, tetanus and diphtheria [Td]/tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis [Tdap], hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and human papillomavirus [HPV] vaccination). DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: The National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) is a continuous, cross-sectional national household survey of the noninstitutionalized U.S. civilian population. In-person interviews are conducted throughout the year in a probability sample of households, and NHIS data are compiled and released annually. NHIS's objective is to monitor the health of the U.S. population and provide estimates of health indicators, health care use and access, and health-related behaviors. Adult receipt of influenza, pneumococcal, herpes zoster, Td/Tdap, hepatitis A, hepatitis B, and at least 1 dose of HPV vaccines was assessed. Estimates were derived for a new composite adult vaccination quality measure and by selected demographic and access-to-care characteristics (e.g., age, race/ethnicity, indication for vaccination, travel history [travel to countries where hepatitis infections are endemic], health insurance status, contacts with physicians, nativity, and citizenship). Trends in adult vaccination were assessed during 2010-2018. RESULTS: Coverage for the adult age-appropriate composite measure was low in all age groups. Racial and ethnic differences in coverage persisted for all vaccinations, with lower coverage for most vaccinations among non-White compared with non-Hispanic White adults. Linear trend tests indicated coverage increased from 2010 to 2018 for most vaccines in this report. Few adults aged ≥19 years had received all age-appropriate vaccines, including influenza vaccination, regardless of whether inclusion of Tdap (13.5%) or inclusion of any tetanus toxoid-containing vaccine (20.2%) receipt was measured. Coverage among adults for influenza vaccination during the 2017-18 season (46.1%) was similar to the estimate for the 2016-17 season (45.4%), and coverage for pneumococcal (adults aged ≥65 years [69.0%]), herpes zoster (adults aged ≥50 years and aged ≥60 years [24.1% and 34.5%, respectively]), tetanus (adults aged ≥19 years [62.9%]), Tdap (adults aged ≥19 years [31.2%]), hepatitis A (adults aged ≥19 years [11.9%]), and HPV (females aged 19-26 years [52.8%]) vaccination in 2018 were similar to the estimates for 2017. Hepatitis B vaccination coverage among adults aged ≥19 years and health care personnel (HCP) aged ≥19 years increased 4.2 and 6.7 percentage points to 30.0% and 67.2%, respectively, from 2017. HPV vaccination coverage among males aged 19-26 years increased 5.2 percentage points to 26.3% from the 2017 estimate. Overall, HPV vaccination coverage among females aged 19-26 years did not increase, but coverage among Hispanic females aged 19-26 years increased 10.8 percentage points to 49.6% from the 2017 estimate. Coverage for the following vaccines was lower among adults without health insurance compared with those with health insurance: influenza vaccine (among adults aged ≥19 years, 19-49 years, and 50-64 years), pneumococcal vaccine (among adults aged 19-64 years at increased risk), Td vaccine (among all age groups), Tdap vaccine (among adults aged ≥19 years and 19-64 years), hepatitis A vaccine (among adults aged ≥19 years overall and among travelers aged ≥19 years), hepatitis B vaccine (among adults aged ≥19 years and 19-49 years and among travelers aged ≥19 years), herpes zoster vaccine (among adults aged ≥60 years), and HPV vaccine (among males and females aged 19-26 years). Adults who reported having a usual place for health care generally reported receipt of recommended vaccinations more often than those who did not have such a place, regardless of whether they had health insurance. Vaccination coverage was higher among adults reporting ≥1 physician contact during the preceding year compared with those who had not visited a physician during the preceding year, regardless of whether they had health insurance. Even among adults who had health insurance and ≥10 physician contacts during the preceding year, depending on the vaccine, 20.1%-87.5% reported not having received vaccinations that were recommended either for all persons or for those with specific indications. Overall, vaccination coverage among U.S.-born adults was significantly higher than that of foreign-born adults, including influenza vaccination (aged ≥19 years), pneumococcal vaccination (all ages), tetanus vaccination (all ages), Tdap vaccination (all ages), hepatitis B vaccination (aged ≥19 years and 19-49 years and travelers aged ≥19 years), herpes zoster vaccination (all ages), and HPV vaccination among females aged 19-26 years. Vaccination coverage also varied by citizenship status and years living in the United States. INTERPRETATION: NHIS data indicate that many adults remain unprotected against vaccine-preventable diseases. Coverage for the adult age-appropriate composite measures was low in all age groups. Individual adult vaccination coverage remained low as well, but modest gains occurred in vaccination coverage for hepatitis B (among adults aged ≥19 years and HCP aged ≥19 years), and HPV (among males aged 19-26 years and Hispanic females aged 19-26 years). Coverage for other vaccines and groups with Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices vaccination indications did not improve from 2017. Although HPV vaccination coverage among males aged 19-26 years and Hispanic females aged 19-26 years increased, approximately 50% of females aged 19-26 years and 70% of males aged 19-26 years remained unvaccinated. Racial/ethnic vaccination differences persisted for routinely recommended adult vaccines. Having health insurance coverage, having a usual place for health care, and having ≥1 physician contacts during the preceding 12 months were associated with higher vaccination coverage; however, these factors alone were not associated with optimal adult vaccination coverage, and findings indicate missed opportunities to vaccinate remained. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIONS: Substantial improvement in adult vaccination uptake is needed to reduce the burden of vaccine-preventable diseases. Following the Standards for Adult Immunization Practice (, all providers should routinely assess adults' vaccination status at every clinical encounter, strongly recommend appropriate vaccines, either offer needed vaccines or refer their patients to another provider who can administer the needed vaccines, and document vaccinations received by their patients in an immunization information system. |
Cost-Effectiveness of One-Time Universal Screening for Chronic Hepatitis B Infection in Adults in the United States
Toy M , Hutton D , Harris AM , Nelson N , Salomon JA , So S . Clin Infect Dis 2021 74 (2) 210-217 BACKGROUND: An estimated 862,000 to 2.4 million people have chronic hepatitis B infection (CHB). Left undiagnosed and untreated CHB increases risk of death from liver cirrhosis or liver cancer. Hepatitis B screening is recommended for pregnant women and populations with increased CHB risk, but diagnosis rates remain low with only 33% of people with CHB aware of their infection.. This study aimed to assess the cost-effectiveness of universal adult screening for CHB. METHODS: We used a Markov model to calculate the costs, population health impact and cost-effectiveness of one-time universal screening and CHB monitoring and treatment compared to current practice. Sensitivity analysis was performed on model parameters to identify thresholds for cost-savings or cost-effectiveness based on willinness-to-pay of $50,000/QALY . The analysis assumed testing would be performed during routine healthcare visits, and generic tenofovir or entecavir would be dispensed for treatment. Testing costs were based on Medicare reimbursement rates. RESULTS: At an estimated 0.24% prevalence of undiagnosed CHB, universal HBsAg screening in adults 18-69 years old is cost-saving compared with current practice if antiviral treatment drug costs remain below $894 per year. Compared with current practice, universal screening would avert an additional 7.4 cases of compensated cirrhosis, 3.3 cases of decompensated cirrhosis, 5.5 cases of hepatocellular carcinoma, 1.9 liver transplants, and 10.3 HBV related deaths at a savings of $263,000 per 100,000 adults screened. CONCLUSION: Universal HBsAg screening of adults in the US general population for CHB is cost-effective and likely cost-saving compared to current CHB screening recommendations. |
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