Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 64 Records) |
Query Trace: Hardy K[original query] |
Progress toward poliomyelitis eradication - Afghanistan, January 2023-September 2024
Hardy CM , Rathee M , Chaudhury S , Wadood MZ , Ather F , Henderson E , Martinez M . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (49) 1129-1134 Since the Global Polio Eradication Initiative began in 1988, wild poliovirus (WPV) types 2 and 3 have been eradicated, and annual polio case numbers have decreased by >99.9%. WPV type 1 (WPV1) transmission remains endemic in Afghanistan and Pakistan, two countries that share a 1,600-mile (2,600-km) border. This report describes immunization and surveillance activities and progress toward polio eradication in Afghanistan during January 2023-September 2024. As of November 1, Afghanistan reported 23 WPV1 cases in 2024, with onset during January-September 30, 2024. During the 3 previous years, 12 WPV1 cases were reported, including six during 2023. In August 2021, the Taliban took control nationwide and allowed increased geographic access for poliovirus vaccination campaigns. Multiple challenges have affected polio eradication activities in Afghanistan, including mandated repatriation of approximately 1 million Afghans by Pakistan beginning in late 2023, the ongoing humanitarian crisis that limits international agency effectiveness, polio program constraints imposed by authorities, and increased restrictions on female participation in vaccination activities. House-to-house vaccination coverage reached 90%-98% of children during June-July 2024. Beginning in 2021, authorities had progressively lifted restrictions on house-to-house campaigns, but abruptly reverted to national restrictions in September 2024. Both nationwide house-to-house activities and strengthening of the routine childhood immunization program would help ensure that every vulnerable child is vaccinated and provide a pathway to polio eradication in Afghanistan. |
Leveraging science to advance health equity: Preliminary considerations for implementing health equity science at state and local health departments
Ottewell A , Ruebush E , Hayes L , Harper-Hardy P , Lewis M , Lane JT , Bunnell R . J Public Health Manag Pract 2024 CONTEXT: In 2021, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) launched CORE, an agency-wide strategy to embed health equity as a foundational component across all areas of the agency's work. The CDC established a definition of health equity science (HES) and principles to guide the development, implementation, dissemination, and use of the HES framework to move beyond documenting inequities to investigating root causes and promoting actionable approaches to eliminate health inequities. The HES framework may be used by state and local health departments to advance health equity efforts in their jurisdictions. OBJECTIVE: Identify implementation considerations and opportunities for providing technical assistance and support to state and local public health departments in advancing HES. DESIGN: A series of implementation consultations and multi-jurisdictional facilitated discussions were held with state and local health departments and community partners in 5 states to gather feedback on the current efforts, opportunities, and support needs to advance HES at the state and local levels. The information shared during these activities was analyzed using inductive and deductive methods, validated with partners, and summarized into themes and HES implementation considerations. RESULTS: Five themes emerged regarding current efforts, opportunities, and support needed to implement HES at state and local health departments. These themes included the following criteria: (1) enhancing the existing health equity evidence base; (2) addressing interdisciplinary public health practice and data needs; (3) recognizing the value of qualitative data; (4) evaluating health equity programs and policies; and (5) including impacted communities in the full life cycle of health equity efforts. Within these themes, we identified HES implementation considerations, which may be leveraged to inform future efforts to advance HES at the state and local levels. CONCLUSION: Health equity efforts at state and local health departments may be strengthened by leveraging the HES framework and implementation considerations. |
The frequency of kdr and ace-1 alleles in Anopheles gambiae s.l. before and during indoor residual spraying (IRS) implementation and four years after IRS withdrawal in three districts in Atacora, Benin
Odjo EM , Impoinvil D , Fassinou Ajyh , Padonou GG , Aïkpon R , Salako AS , Sominahouin AA , Adoha C , Yovogan B , Osse R , Oussou O , Tokponnon F , Gnanguénon V , Hassani AS , Akogbeto MC . Parasit Vectors 2024 17 (1) 115 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Indoor residual spraying (IRS) was first implemented in the Atacora department, Benin from 2011 to 2012 using bendiocarb (carbamate) followed by annual spraying with pirimiphos-methyl (organophosphate) from 2013 to 2018. Before and after IRS implementation in Atacora, standard pyrethroid insecticide-treated bed nets were the main method of vector control in the area. This study investigated the knockdown resistance (kdr) gene (L1014F) and the acetylcholinesterase (ace-1) gene (G119S), before and during IRS implementation, and 4-years after IRS withdrawal from Atacora. This was done to assess how changes in insecticide pressure from indoor residual spraying may have altered the genotypic resistance profile of Anopheles gambiae s.l. METHOD: Identification of sibling species of An. gambiae s.l. and detection of the L1014F mutation in the kdr gene and G119S mutation in ace-1 genes was done using molecular analysis. Allelic and genotypic frequencies were calculated and compared with each other before and during IRS implementation and 4 years after IRS withdrawal. The Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and genetic differentiation within and between populations were assessed. RESULTS: Prevalence of the L1014F mutation in all geographic An. gambiae s.l. (An. gambiae s.s., Anopheles. coluzzii, Anopheles. arabiensis, and hybrids of "An. gambiae s.s. and An. coluzzii") populations increased from 69% before IRS to 87% and 90% during and after IRS. The G119S allele frequency during IRS (20%) was significantly higher than before IRS implementation (2%). Four years after IRS withdrawal, allele frequencies returned to similar levels as before IRS (3%). Four years after IRS withdrawal, the populations showed excess heterozygosity at the ace-1 gene and deficit heterozygosity at the kdr gene, whereas both genes had excess heterozygosity before and during IRS (F(IS) < 0). No genetic differentiation was observed within the populations. CONCLUSIONS: This study shows that the withdrawal of IRS with bendiocarb and pirimiphos-methyl may have slowed down the selection of individual mosquitoes with ace-1 resistance alleles in contrast to populations of An. gambiae s.l. with the L1014F resistance allele of the kdr gene. This may suggest that withdrawing the use of carbamates or organophosphates from IRS or rotating alternative insecticides with different modes of action may slow the development of ace-1 insecticide-resistance mutations. The increase in the prevalence of the L1014F mutation of the kdr gene in the population, despite the cessation of IRS, could be explained by the growing use of pyrethroids and DDT in agriculture and for other domestic use. More observational studies in countries where carbamates or organophosphates are still being used as public health insecticides may provide additional insights into these associations. |
Proteomic and genetic analyses of influenza A viruses identify pan-viral host targets
Haas KM , McGregor MJ , Bouhaddou M , Polacco BJ , Kim EY , Nguyen TT , Newton BW , Urbanowski M , Kim H , Williams MAP , Rezelj VV , Hardy A , Fossati A , Stevenson EJ , Sukerman E , Kim T , Penugonda S , Moreno E , Braberg H , Zhou Y , Metreveli G , Harjai B , Tummino TA , Melnyk JE , Soucheray M , Batra J , Pache L , Martin-Sancho L , Carlson-Stevermer J , Jureka AS , Basler CF , Shokat KM , Shoichet BK , Shriver LP , Johnson JR , Shaw ML , Chanda SK , Roden DM , Carter TC , Kottyan LC , Chisholm RL , Pacheco JA , Smith ME , Schrodi SJ , Albrecht RA , Vignuzzi M , Zuliani-Alvarez L , Swaney DL , Eckhardt M , Wolinsky SM , White KM , Hultquist JF , Kaake RM , García-Sastre A , Krogan NJ . Nat Commun 2023 14 (1) 6030 ![]() ![]() Influenza A Virus (IAV) is a recurring respiratory virus with limited availability of antiviral therapies. Understanding host proteins essential for IAV infection can identify targets for alternative host-directed therapies (HDTs). Using affinity purification-mass spectrometry and global phosphoproteomic and protein abundance analyses using three IAV strains (pH1N1, H3N2, H5N1) in three human cell types (A549, NHBE, THP-1), we map 332 IAV-human protein-protein interactions and identify 13 IAV-modulated kinases. Whole exome sequencing of patients who experienced severe influenza reveals several genes, including scaffold protein AHNAK, with predicted loss-of-function variants that are also identified in our proteomic analyses. Of our identified host factors, 54 significantly alter IAV infection upon siRNA knockdown, and two factors, AHNAK and coatomer subunit COPB1, are also essential for productive infection by SARS-CoV-2. Finally, 16 compounds targeting our identified host factors suppress IAV replication, with two targeting CDK2 and FLT3 showing pan-antiviral activity across influenza and coronavirus families. This study provides a comprehensive network model of IAV infection in human cells, identifying functional host targets for pan-viral HDT. |
Strengthening the reporting of genetic association studies (STREGA): an extension of the strengthening the reporting of observational studies in epidemiology (STROBE) statement.
Little J , Higgins JP , Ioannidis JP , Moher D , Gagnon F , von Elm E , Khoury MJ , Cohen B , Davey-Smith G , Grimshaw J , Scheet P , Gwinn M , Williamson RE , Zou GY , Hutchings K , Johnson CY , Tait V , Wiens M , Golding J , van Duijn C , McLaughlin J , Paterson A , Wells G , Fortier I , Freedman M , Zecevic M , King R , Infante-Rivard C , Stewart AF , Birkett N . J Clin Epidemiol 2009 62 (6) 597-608.e4 ![]() Making sense of rapidly evolving evidence on genetic associations is crucial to making genuine advances in human genomics and the eventual integration of this information in the practice of medicine and public health. Assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of this evidence, and hence, the ability to synthesize it, has been limited by inadequate reporting of results. The STrengthening the REporting of Genetic Association (STREGA) studies initiative builds on the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) statement and provides additions to 12 of the 22 items on the STROBE checklist. The additions concern population stratification, genotyping errors, modeling haplotype variation, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, replication, selection of participants, rationale for choice of genes and variants, treatment effects in studying quantitative traits, statistical methods, relatedness, reporting of descriptive and outcome data, and the volume of data issues that are important to consider in genetic association studies. The STREGA recommendations do not prescribe or dictate how a genetic association study should be designed, but seek to enhance the transparency of its reporting, regardless of choices made during design, conduct, or analysis. |
STrengthening the REporting of Genetic Association studies (STREGA): an extension of the STROBE Statement.
Little J , Higgins JP , Ioannidis JP , Moher D , Gagnon F , von Elm E , Khoury MJ , Cohen B , Davey-Smith G , Grimshaw J , Scheet P , Gwinn M , Williamson RE , Zou GY , Hutchings K , Johnson CY , Tait V , Wiens M , Golding J , van Duijn C , McLaughlin J , Paterson A , Wells G , Fortier I , Freedman M , Zecevic M , King R , Infante-Rivard C , Stewart A , Birkett N . Ann Intern Med 2009 150 (3) 206-15 ![]() Making sense of rapidly evolving evidence on genetic associations is crucial to making genuine advances in human genomics and the eventual integration of this information into the practice of medicine and public health. Assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of this evidence, and hence the ability to synthesize it, has been limited by inadequate reporting of results. The STrengthening the REporting of Genetic Association studies (STREGA) initiative builds on the STrengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) Statement and provides additions to 12 of the 22 items on the STROBE checklist. The additions concern population stratification, genotyping errors, modeling haplotype variation, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, replication, selection of participants, rationale for choice of genes and variants, treatment effects in studying quantitative traits, statistical methods, relatedness, reporting of descriptive and outcome data, and issues of data volume that are important to consider in genetic association studies. The STREGA recommendations do not prescribe or dictate how a genetic association study should be designed but seek to enhance the transparency of its reporting, regardless of choices made during design, conduct, or analysis. |
Strengthening the reporting of genetic association studies (STREGA): an extension of the STROBE Statement.
Little J , Higgins JP , Ioannidis JP , Moher D , Gagnon F , von Elm E , Khoury MJ , Cohen B , Davey-Smith G , Grimshaw J , Scheet P , Gwinn M , Williamson RE , Zou GY , Hutchings K , Johnson CY , Tait V , Wiens M , Golding J , van Duijn C , McLaughlin J , Paterson A , Wells G , Fortier I , Freedman M , Zecevic M , King R , Infante-Rivard C , Stewart A , Birkett N . Hum Genet 2009 125 (2) 131-51 ![]() Making sense of rapidly evolving evidence on genetic associations is crucial to making genuine advances in human genomics and the eventual integration of this information in the practice of medicine and public health. Assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of this evidence, and hence the ability to synthesize it, has been limited by inadequate reporting of results. The STrengthening the REporting of Genetic Association studies (STREGA) initiative builds on the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) Statement and provides additions to 12 of the 22 items on the STROBE checklist. The additions concern population stratification, genotyping errors, modeling haplotype variation, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, replication, selection of participants, rationale for choice of genes and variants, treatment effects in studying quantitative traits, statistical methods, relatedness, reporting of descriptive and outcome data, and the volume of data issues that are important to consider in genetic association studies. The STREGA recommendations do not prescribe or dictate how a genetic association study should be designed but seek to enhance the transparency of its reporting, regardless of choices made during design, conduct, or analysis. |
STrengthening the REporting of Genetic Association Studies (STREGA): an extension of the STROBE statement.
Little J , Higgins JP , Ioannidis JP , Moher D , Gagnon F , von Elm E , Khoury MJ , Cohen B , Davey-Smith G , Grimshaw J , Scheet P , Gwinn M , Williamson RE , Zou GY , Hutchings K , Johnson CY , Tait V , Wiens M , Golding J , van Duijn C , McLaughlin J , Paterson A , Wells G , Fortier I , Freedman M , Zecevic M , King R , Infante-Rivard C , Stewart A , Birkett N . PLoS Med 2009 6 (2) e22 ![]() Making sense of rapidly evolving evidence on genetic associations is crucial to making genuine advances in human genomics and the eventual integration of this information in the practice of medicine and public health. Assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of this evidence, and hence the ability to synthesize it, has been limited by inadequate reporting of results. The STrengthening the REporting of Genetic Association studies (STREGA) initiative builds on the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) Statement and provides additions to 12 of the 22 items on the STROBE checklist. The additions concern population stratification, genotyping errors, modelling haplotype variation, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, replication, selection of participants, rationale for choice of genes and variants, treatment effects in studying quantitative traits, statistical methods, relatedness, reporting of descriptive and outcome data, and the volume of data issues that are important to consider in genetic association studies. The STREGA recommendations do not prescribe or dictate how a genetic association study should be designed but seek to enhance the transparency of its reporting, regardless of choices made during design, conduct, or analysis. |
Strengthening the reporting of genetic association studies (STREGA): an extension of the STROBE statement.
Little J , Higgins JP , Ioannidis JP , Moher D , Gagnon F , von Elm E , Khoury MJ , Cohen B , Davey-Smith G , Grimshaw J , Scheet P , Gwinn M , Williamson RE , Zou GY , Hutchings K , Johnson CY , Tait V , Wiens M , Golding J , van Duijn C , McLaughlin J , Paterson A , Wells G , Fortier I , Freedman M , Zecevic M , King R , Infante-Rivard C , Stewart A , Birkett N . Eur J Epidemiol 2009 24 (1) 37-55 ![]() Making sense of rapidly evolving evidence on genetic associations is crucial to making genuine advances in human genomics and the eventual integration of this information in the practice of medicine and public health. Assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of this evidence, and hence the ability to synthesize it, has been limited by inadequate reporting of results. The STrengthening the REporting of Genetic Association studies (STREGA) initiative builds on the Strengthening the Reporting of Observational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) Statement and provides additions to 12 of the 22 items on the STROBE checklist. The additions concern population stratification, genotyping errors, modeling haplotype variation, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, replication, selection of participants, rationale for choice of genes and variants, treatment effects in studying quantitative traits, statistical methods, relatedness, reporting of descriptive and outcome data, and the volume of data issues that are important to consider in genetic association studies. The STREGA recommendations do not prescribe or dictate how a genetic association study should be designed but seek to enhance the transparency of its reporting, regardless of choices made during design, conduct, or analysis. |
STrengthening the REporting of Genetic Association studies (STREGA)--an extension of the STROBE statement.
Little J , Higgins JP , Ioannidis JP , Moher D , Gagnon F , von Elm E , Khoury MJ , Cohen B , Davey-Smith G , Grimshaw J , Scheet P , Gwinn M , Williamson RE , Zou GY , Hutchings K , Johnson CY , Tait V , Wiens M , Golding J , van Duijn C , McLaughlin J , Paterson A , Wells G , Fortier I , Freedman M , Zecevic M , King R , Infante-Rivard C , Stewart A , Birkett N . Eur J Clin Invest 2009 39 (4) 247-66 ![]() Making sense of rapidly evolving evidence on genetic associations is crucial to making genuine advances in human genomics and the eventual integration of this information in the practice of medicine and public health. Assessment of the strengths and weaknesses of this evidence, and hence the ability to synthesize it, has been limited by inadequate reporting of results. The STrengthening the REporting of Genetic Association studies (STREGA) initiative builds on the STrengthening the Reporting of OBservational Studies in Epidemiology (STROBE) Statement and provides additions to 12 of the 22 items on the STROBE checklist. The additions concern population stratification, genotyping errors, modelling haplotype variation, Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, replication, selection of participants, rationale for choice of genes and variants, treatment effects in studying quantitative traits, statistical methods, relatedness, reporting of descriptive and outcome data and the volume of data issues that are important to consider in genetic association studies. The STREGA recommendations do not prescribe or dictate how a genetic association study should be designed, but seek to enhance the transparency of its reporting, regardless of choices made during design, conduct or analysis. |
Characterizing the molecular and metabolic mechanisms of insecticide resistance in Anopheles gambiae s.l. in Faranah, Guinea (preprint)
Stica C , Jeffries CL , Irish SR , Barry Y , Camara D , Yansane I , Kristan M , Walker T , Messenger LA . bioRxiv 2019 610998 Background In recent years, the scale-up of long-lasting insecticidal nets (LLINs) and indoor residual spraying (IRS) has greatly reduced malaria transmission. However, malaria remains a global public health concern with the majority of disease burden in sub-Saharan Africa. Insecticide resistance is a growing problem among Anopheles vector populations, with potential implications for the continued effectiveness of available control interventions. Improved understanding of current resistance levels and underlying mechanisms is essential to design appropriate management strategies and to mitigate future selection for resistance.Methods Anopheles gambiae s.l. mosquitoes were collected from three villages in Faranah Prefecture, Guinea and their levels of susceptibility to seven insecticides were measured using CDC resistance intensity bioassays. Synergist assays with piperonyl butoxide (PBO) were also undertaken to assess the role of elevated mixed-function oxidases in resistance. RNA was extracted from 563 individuals and PCR was performed on cDNA to determine vector species, presence of target site mutations (L1014F kdr, N1575Y and G119S Ace-1), Plasmodium falciparum infection, and relative expression of three metabolic genes (CYP6M2, CYP6P3 and GSTD3).Results In Faranah, resistance to permethrin and deltamethrin was observed, as well as possible resistance to bendiocarb. All assayed vector populations were fully susceptible to alpha-cypermethrin, pirimiphos-methyl, clothianidin and chlorfenapyr. Plasmodium falciparum infection was detected in 7.3% (37/508) mosquitoes tested. The L1014F kdr mutation was found in 100% of a sub-sample of 60 mosquitoes, supporting its fixation in the region. The N1575Y mutation was identified in 20% (113/561) of individuals, with ongoing selection evidenced by significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium. The G119S Ace-1 mutation was detected in 62.1% (18/29) of mosquitoes tested and was highly predictive of bendiocarb bioassay survival. The metabolic resistance genes, CYP6M2, CYP6P3 and GSTD3, were found to be overexpressed in wild resistant and susceptible An. gambiae s.s. populations, compared to a susceptible G3 colony. Furthermore, CYP6P3 was significantly overexpressed in bendiocarb survivors, implicating its potential role in carbamate resistance in Faranah.Conclusions Identification of intense resistance to permethrin and deltamethrin in Faranah, is of concern, as the Guinea National Malaria Control Program (NMCP) relies exclusively on the distribution of pyrethroid-treated LLINs for vector control. Study findings will be used to guide current and future control strategies in the region. |
Investigation of a multistate outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes infections linked to frozen vegetables produced at individually quick-frozen vegetable manufacturing facilities
Madad A , Heiman Marshall K , Blessington T , Hardy C , Salter M , Basler C , Conrad A , Stroika S , Luo Y , Dwarka A , Gerhardt T , Rosa Y , Cibulskas K , Rosen HE , Adcock B , Kiang D , Hutton S , Parish M , Podoski B , Patel B , Viazis S . J Food Prot 2023 86 (8) 100117 ![]() ![]() In 2016, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), and state partners investigated nine Listeria monocytogenes infections linked to frozen vegetables. The investigation began with two environmental L. monocytogenes isolates recovered from Manufacturer A, primarily a processor of frozen onions, that were a match by whole genome sequencing (WGS) to eight clinical isolates and historical onion isolates with limited collection details. Epidemiologic information, product distribution, and laboratory evidence linked suspect food items, including products sourced from Manufacturer B, also a manufacturer of frozen vegetable/fruit products, with an additional illness. The environmental isolates were obtained during investigations at Manufacturers A and B. State and federal partners interviewed ill people, analyzed shopper card data, and collected household and retail samples. Nine ill persons between 2013 and 2016 were reported in four states. Of four ill people with information available, frozen vegetable consumption was reported by three, with shopper cards confirming purchases of Manufacturer B brands. Two identified outbreak strains of L. monocytogenes (Outbreak Strain 1 and Outbreak Strain 2) were a match to environmental isolates from Manufacturer A and/or isolates from frozen vegetables recovered from open and unopened product samples sourced from Manufacturer B; the investigation resulted in extensive voluntary recalls. The close genetic relationship between isolates helped investigators determine the source of the outbreak and take steps to protect public health. This is the first known multistate outbreak of listeriosis in the United States linked to frozen vegetables and highlights the significance of sampling and WGS analyses when there is limited epidemiologic information. Additionally, this investigation emphasizes the need for further research regarding food safety risks associated with frozen foods. |
A global genomic analysis of Salmonella Concord reveals lineages with high antimicrobial resistance in Ethiopia
Cuypers WL , Meysman P , Weill FX , Hendriksen RS , Beyene G , Wain J , Nair S , Chattaway MA , Perez-Sepulveda BM , Ceyssens PJ , de Block T , Lee WWY , Pardos de la Gandara M , Kornschober C , Moran-Gilad J , Veldman KT , Cormican M , Torpdahl M , Fields PI , ÄŒerný T , Hardy L , Tack B , Mellor KC , Thomson N , Dougan G , Deborggraeve S , Jacobs J , Laukens K , Van Puyvelde S . Nat Commun 2023 14 (1) 3517 ![]() ![]() Antimicrobial resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Concord (S. Concord) is known to cause severe gastrointestinal and bloodstream infections in patients from Ethiopia and Ethiopian adoptees, and occasional records exist of S. Concord linked to other countries. The evolution and geographical distribution of S. Concord remained unclear. Here, we provide a genomic overview of the population structure and antimicrobial resistance (AMR) of S. Concord by analysing genomes from 284 historical and contemporary isolates obtained between 1944 and 2022 across the globe. We demonstrate that S. Concord is a polyphyletic serovar distributed among three Salmonella super-lineages. Super-lineage A is composed of eight S. Concord lineages, of which four are associated with multiple countries and low levels of AMR. Other lineages are restricted to Ethiopia and horizontally acquired resistance to most antimicrobials used for treating invasive Salmonella infections in low- and middle-income countries. By reconstructing complete genomes for 10 representative strains, we demonstrate the presence of AMR markers integrated in structurally diverse IncHI2 and IncA/C2 plasmids, and/or the chromosome. Molecular surveillance of pathogens such as S. Concord supports the understanding of AMR and the multi-sector response to the global AMR threat. This study provides a comprehensive baseline data set essential for future molecular surveillance. |
In silico toxicology protocols.
Myatt GJ , Ahlberg E , Akahori Y , Allen D , Amberg A , Anger LT , Aptula A , Auerbach S , Beilke L , Bellion P , Benigni R , Bercu J , Booth ED , Bower D , Brigo A , Burden N , Cammerer Z , Cronin MTD , Cross KP , Custer L , Dettwiler M , Dobo K , Ford KA , Fortin MC , Gad-McDonald SE , Gellatly N , Gervais V , Glover KP , Glowienke S , Van Gompel J , Gutsell S , Hardy B , Harvey JS , Hillegass J , Honma M , Hsieh JH , Hsu CW , Hughes K , Johnson C , Jolly R , Jones D , Kemper R , Kenyon MO , Kim MT , Kruhlak NL , Kulkarni SA , Kümmerer K , Leavitt P , Majer B , Masten S , Miller S , Moser J , Mumtaz M , Muster W , Neilson L , Oprea TI , Patlewicz G , Paulino A , Lo Piparo E , Powley M , Quigley DP , Reddy MV , Richarz AN , Ruiz P , Schilter B , Serafimova R , Simpson W , Stavitskaya L , Stidl R , Suarez-Rodriguez D , Szabo DT , Teasdale A , Trejo-Martin A , Valentin JP , Vuorinen A , Wall BA , Watts P , White AT , Wichard J , Witt KL , Woolley A , Woolley D , Zwickl C , Hasselgren C . Regul Toxicol Pharmacol 2018 96 1-17 ![]() The present publication surveys several applications of in silico (i.e., computational) toxicology approaches across different industries and institutions. It highlights the need to develop standardized protocols when conducting toxicity-related predictions. This contribution articulates the information needed for protocols to support in silico predictions for major toxicological endpoints of concern (e.g., genetic toxicity, carcinogenicity, acute toxicity, reproductive toxicity, developmental toxicity) across several industries and regulatory bodies. Such novel in silico toxicology (IST) protocols, when fully developed and implemented, will ensure in silico toxicological assessments are performed and evaluated in a consistent, reproducible, and well-documented manner across industries and regulatory bodies to support wider uptake and acceptance of the approaches. The development of IST protocols is an initiative developed through a collaboration among an international consortium to reflect the state-of-the-art in in silico toxicology for hazard identification and characterization. A general outline for describing the development of such protocols is included and it is based on in silico predictions and/or available experimental data for a defined series of relevant toxicological effects or mechanisms. The publication presents a novel approach for determining the reliability of in silico predictions alongside experimental data. In addition, we discuss how to determine the level of confidence in the assessment based on the relevance and reliability of the information. |
The importance of partnership in the rollout of triple-drug therapy to eliminate lymphatic filariasis in the Pacific
Rainima-Qaniuci M , Lepaitai HB , Bhagirov R , Padmasiri E , Naseri T , Thomsen R , Won KY , Brant TA , Dodd E , Nua MT , Utu F , Tufa A , Chutaro E , Camacho J , Suiaunoa-Scanlan L , Thean LJ , Mani J , Hardy M , Samuela J , Romani L , Kaldor J , Steer AC , Faktaufon D , Bechu V , Naqio F , Sosene V , Sekihara M , Otaki J , Buhagiar TS , Yajima A . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2022 106 39-47 We discuss the experience of some Pacific island countries in introducing the new WHO-recommended treatment protocol for lymphatic filariasis-a triple-drug therapy composed of ivermectin, diethylcarbamazine, and albendazole. The successful rollout of the new treatment protocol was dependent on strong partnerships among these countries' ministries of health, WHO, and other stakeholders. Effective communication among these partners allowed for lessons learned to cross borders and have a positive impact on the experiences of other countries. We also describe various challenges confronted during this process and the ways these countries overcame them. |
An assessment of household knowledge and practices during a cholera epidemic-dar es Salaam, Tanzania, 2016
Chae SR , Lukupulo H , Kim S , Walker T , Hardy C , Abade A , Urio LJ , Mghamba J , Quick R . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2022 107 (4) 766-772 From August 15, 2015 to March 5, 2016, Tanzania reported 16,521 cholera cases and 251 deaths, with 4,596 cases and 44 deaths in its largest city, Dar es Salaam. To evaluate outbreak response efforts, we conducted a household survey with drinking water testing in the five most affected wards in Dar es Salaam. We interviewed 641 households 6 months after the beginning of the outbreak. Although most respondents knew that cholera causes diarrhea (90%) and would seek care if suspecting cholera (95%), only 45% were aware of the current outbreak in the area and only 5% would use oral rehydration salts (ORS) if ill. Of 200 (31%) respondents reporting no regular water treatment, 46% believed treatment was unnecessary and 18% believed treatment was too expensive. Fecal contamination was found in 45% of water samples and was associated with water availability (P = 0.047). Only 11% of samples had detectable free chlorine residual, which was associated with water availability (P = 0.025), reported current water treatment (P = 0.006), and observed free chlorine product in the household (P = 0.015). The provision of accessible, adequately chlorinated water supply, and implementation of social mobilization campaigns advocating household water treatment and use of ORS should be prioritized to address gaps in cholera prevention and treatment activities. |
Burkholderia cepacia complex outbreak linked to a no-rinse cleansing foam product, United States-2017-2018
Seelman SL , Bazaco MC , Wellman A , Hardy C , Fatica MK , Huang MJ , Brown AM , Garner K , Yang WC , Norris C , Moulton-Meissner H , Paoline J , BickingKinsey C , Kim JJ , Kim M , Terashita D , Mehr J , Crosby AJ , Viazis S , Crist MB . Epidemiol Infect 2022 150 1-26 In March 2018, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA), US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, California Department of Public Health, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health and Pennsylvania Department of Health initiated an investigation of an outbreak of Burkholderia cepacia complex (Bcc) infections. Sixty infections were identified in California, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maine, Nevada and Ohio. The infections were linked to a no-rinse cleansing foam product (NRCFP), produced by Manufacturer A, used for skin care of patients in healthcare settings. FDA inspected Manufacturer A's production facility (manufacturing site of over-the-counter drugs and cosmetics), reviewed production records and collected product and environmental samples for analysis. FDA's inspection found poor manufacturing practices. Analysis by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis confirmed a match between NRCFP samples and clinical isolates. Manufacturer A conducted extensive recalls, FDA issued a warning letter citing the manufacturer's inadequate manufacturing practices, and federal, state and local partners issued public communications to advise patients, pharmacies, other healthcare providers and healthcare facilities to stop using the recalled NRCFP. This investigation highlighted the importance of following appropriate manufacturing practices to minimize microbial contamination of cosmetic products, especially if intended for use in healthcare settings. |
Implementation of a Nationwide Knowledge-Based COVID-19 Contact Tracing Training Program, 2020.
Ruebush E , Dennison A , Lane JT , Harper-Hardy P , Poulin A , Prather B , Wright S , Harvey D , Fraser MR . Public Health Rep 2022 137 333549221101327 In the United States, the public health response to control COVID-19 required rapid expansion of the contact tracing workforce from approximately 2200 personnel prepandemic to more than 100 000 during the pandemic. We describe the development and implementation of a free nationwide training course for COVID-19 contact tracers that launched April 28, 2020, and summarize participant characteristics and evaluation findings through December 31, 2020. Uptake of the online asynchronous training was substantial: 90 643 registrants completed the course during the first 8 months. In an analysis of a subset of course participants (n = 13 697), 7724 (56.4%) reported having no prepandemic public health experience and 7178 (52.4%) reported currently serving as case investigators, contact tracers, or both. Most participants who completed a course evaluation reported satisfaction with course utility (94.8%; 59 497 of 62 753) and improved understanding of contact tracing practice (93.0%; 66 107 of 71 048). These findings suggest that the course successfully reached the intended audience of new public health practitioners. Lessons learned from this implementation indicate that an introductory course level is appropriate for a national knowledge-based training that aims to complement jurisdiction-specific training. In addition, offering a range of implementation options can promote course uptake among public health agency staff. This course supported the emerging needs of the public health practice community by training a workforce to fill an important gap during the COVID-19 pandemic and could serve as a feasible model for enhancing workforce knowledge for future and ongoing public health threats. |
Multistate outbreak of Salmonella mbandaka infections linked to sweetened puffed wheat cereal-United States, 2018
Keaton AA , Schwensohn CA , Brandenburg JM , Pereira E , Adcock B , Tecle S , Hinnenkamp R , Havens J , Bailey K , Applegate B , Whitney P , Gibson D , Manion K , Griffin M , Ritter J , Biskupiak C , Ajileye K , Golwalkar M , Gosciminski M , Viveiros B , Caron G , McCullough L , Smith L , Vidyaprakash E , Doyle M , Hardy C , Elliot EL , Gieraltowski LB . Epidemiol Infect 2022 150 1-14 In May of 2018, PulseNet, the national molecular subtyping network for enteric pathogens, detected a multistate cluster of illnesses caused by an uncommon molecular subtype of Salmonella serovar Mbandaka. A case was defined as an illness in a person infected with the outbreak strain of Salmonella Mbandaka with illness onset on or after 3 March 2018 and before 1 September 2018. One-hundred thirty-six cases from 36 states were identified; 35 hospitalisations and no deaths were reported. Ill people ranged in age from <1 year to 95 years (median: 57 years). When standardised questionnaires did not generate a strong hypothesis, opened-ended interviews were performed. Sixty-three of 84 (75%) ultimately reported consuming or possibly consuming a specific sweetened puffed wheat cereal in the week before illness onset. Environmental sampling performed at the cereal manufacturing facility yielded the outbreak strain. The outbreak strain was also isolated from open cereal samples from ill people's homes and from a sealed retail sample. Due to these findings, the brand owner of the product issued a voluntary recall of the cereal on 14 June 2018. Additional investigation of the manufacturing facility identified persistent environmental contamination with Salmonella Mbandaka that was closely genetically related to other isolates in the outbreak. This investigation highlights the ability of Salmonella to survive in low-moisture environments, and the potential for prolonged outbreaks linked to products with long shelf lives and large distribution areas. |
Country reports on practical aspects of conducting large-scale community studies of the tolerability of mass drug administration with ivermectin/diethylcarbamazine/albendazole for lymphatic filariasis
Jambulingam P , Subramanian S , Krishnamoorthy K , Supali T , Fischer P , Dubray C , Fayette C , Lemoine JF , Laman M , King C , Samuela J , Hardy M , Weil GJ . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2022 106 18-25 This article is a compilation of summaries prepared by lead investigators for large-scale safety and efficacy studies on mass drug administration of IDA (ivermectin, diethylcarbamazine, and albendazole) for lymphatic filariasis. The summaries highlight the experiences of study teams that assessed the safety and efficacy of IDA in five countries: India, Indonesia, Haiti, Papua New Guinea, and Fiji. They also highlight significant challenges encountered during these community studies and responses to those challenges that contributed to success. |
A Rapid Survey of State and Territorial Public Health Partnerships With Faith-Based Organizations to Promote COVID-19 Vaccination.
Santibañez S , Ottewell A , Harper-Hardy P , Ryan E , Christensen H , Smith N . Am J Public Health 2022 112 (3) 397-400 During the COVID-19 pandemic, media accounts emerged describing faith-based organizations (FBOs) working alongside health departments to support the COVID-19 response. In May 2021, the Department of Health and Human Services, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, and the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) sent an electronic survey to the 59 ASTHO member jurisdictions and four major US cities to assess state and territorial engagement with FBOs. Findings suggest that public health officials in many jurisdictions were able to work effectively with FBOs during the COVID-19 pandemic to provide essential education and mitigation tools to diverse communities. (Am J Public Health. 2022;112(3):397-400. |
A Series of Papaya-Associated Salmonella Illness Outbreak Investigations in 2017 and 2019: A Focus on Traceback, Laboratory, and Collaborative Efforts.
Whitney BM , McClure M , Hassan R , Pomeroy M , Seelman SL , Singleton LN , Blessington T , Hardy C , Blankenship J , Pereira E , Davidson CN , Luo Y , Pettengill J , Curry P , McConnell T , Gieraltowski L , Schwensohn C , Basler C , Fritz K , McKenna C , Nieves K , Oliveira J , Sandoval AL , Crosby A , Williams D , Crocker K , Thomas D , Fulton T , Muetter L , Li L , Omoregie E , Holloman K , Brennan C , Thomas N , Barnes A , Viazis S . J Food Prot 2021 84 (11) 2002-2019 ![]() In 2017 and 2019, five outbreaks of infections from multiple strains of Salmonella linked to the consumption of whole, fresh Maradol papayas were reported in the United States, resulting in 325 ill persons. Traceback, laboratory, and epidemiologic evidence indicated papayas as the likely vehicle for each of these outbreaks and identified the source of papayas. State and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) laboratories recovered Salmonella from papaya samples from various points of distribution, including at import entry, and conducted serotyping, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and phylogenetic analyses of whole genome sequencing data. Federal and state partners led traceback investigations to determine the source of papayas. Four different suppliers of papayas were linked by traceback and laboratory results to five separate outbreaks of Salmonella infections associated with papayas. In 2017, multiple states tested papaya samples collected at retail, and Maryland and Virginia investigators recovered strains of Salmonella associated with one outbreak. FDA collected 183 papaya samples in 2017, and 11 samples yielded 62 isolates of Salmonella. Eleven serotypes of Salmonella were recovered from FDA papaya samples, and nine serotypes were closely related genetically by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and whole genome sequencing to clinical isolates of four outbreaks, including the outbreak associated with positive state sample results. Four farms in Mexico were identified, and their names were released to the general public, retailers, and foreign authorities. In 2019, FDA collected 119 papaya samples, three of which yielded Salmonella; none yielded the 2019 outbreak strain. Investigators determined that papayas of interest had been sourced from a single farm in Campeche, Mexico, through traceback. This information was used to protect public health through public guidance, recalls, and import alerts and helped FDA collaborate with Mexican regulatory partners to enhance the food safety requirements for papayas imported from Mexico. |
Q Fever: A Troubling Disease and a Challenging Diagnosis
Miller HK , Priestley RA , Kersh GJ . Clin Microbiol Newsl 2021 43 (13) 109-118 Q fever is a disease caused by the bacterial pathogen Coxiella burnetii. This hardy organism can easily spread long distances in the wind, and only a few infectious aerosolized particles are necessary to cause serious illness. Presentations of Q fever disease can be wide ranging, allowing it to masquerade as other illnesses, highlighting the importance of laboratory testing for diagnosis and treatment. This review summarizes Q fever's epidemiology and clinical presentations and presents classical laboratory diagnostic assays and novel approaches to detecting this troubling disease. © 2021 Elsevier Inc. |
Genomic analysis of Clostridioides difficile in two regions of the United States reveals a diversity of strains and limited transmission.
Pecora N , Holzbauer S , Wang X , Gu Y , Taffner S , Hatwar T , Hardy D , Dziejman M , D'Heilly P , Pung K , Guh A , Qiu X , Gill S , Dumyati G . J Infect Dis 2021 225 (1) 121-129 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: The distribution of Clostridioides difficile strains and transmission dynamics in the United States are not well defined. Whole genome sequencing (WGS) across two CDC Emerging Infections Program C. difficile infection (CDI) surveillance regions (Minnesota and New York) was performed to identify predominant multilocus sequence types (MLSTs) in community and healthcare-associated disease and assess transmission. METHODS: C. difficile isolates from CDI cases over three months between 2016 and 2017 underwent WGS. Cases were residents of the catchment area without a positive C. difficile test in the preceding 8 weeks. Cases were epidemiologically classified as healthcare (HCA) or community (CA) associated. RESULTS: Of 422 isolates, 212 (50.2%) were HCA and 203 (48.1%) were CA. Predominant MLSTs were ST42 (9.3%), ST8 (7.8%), and ST2 (8.1%). MLSTs associated with HCA-CDI included ST1 (76%), ST53 (83.3%), ST43 (80.0%), while those associated with CA-CDI included ST3 (76.9%), and ST41 (77.8%). ST1 was more frequent in NY than MN (10.8% vs 3.1%). Thirty three pairs were closely related genomically, 14 of which had potential patient-patient transmission supported by chart review. DISCUSSION: The genomic epidemiology of C. difficile across two regions of the US indicates the presence of a diverse strain profile and limited direct transmission. |
A multicenter, community-based, mixed methods assessment of the acceptability of a triple drug regimen for elimination of lymphatic filariasis
Krentel A , Basker N , Beau de Rochars M , Bogus J , Dilliott D , Direny AN , Dubray C , Fischer PU , Ga AL , Goss CW , Hardy M , Howard C , Jambulingam P , King CL , Laman M , Lemoine JF , Mallya S , Robinson LJ , Samuela J , Schechtman KB , Steer AC , Supali T , Tavul L , Weil GJ . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2021 15 (3) e0009002 BACKGROUND: Many countries will not reach elimination targets for lymphatic filariasis in 2020 using the two-drug treatment regimen (diethylcarbamazine citrate [DEC] and albendazole [DA]). A cluster-randomized, community-based safety study performed in Fiji, Haiti, India, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea tested the safety and efficacy of a new regimen of ivermectin, DEC and albendazole (IDA). METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: To assess acceptability of IDA and DA, a mixed methods study was embedded within this community-based safety study. The study objective was to assess the acceptability of IDA versus DA. Community surveys were performed in each country with randomly selected participants (>14 years) from the safety study participant list in both DA and IDA arms. In depth interviews (IDI) and focus group discussions (FGD) assessed acceptability-related themes. In 1919 individuals, distribution of sex, microfilariae (Mf) presence and circulating filarial antigenemia (CFA), adverse events (AE) and age were similar across arms. A composite acceptability score summed the values from nine indicators (range 9-36). The median (22.5) score indicated threshold of acceptability. There was no difference in scores for IDA and DA regimens. Mean acceptability scores across both treatment arms were: Fiji 33.7 (95% CI: 33.1-34.3); Papua New Guinea 32.9 (95% CI: 31.9-33.8); Indonesia 30.6 (95% CI: 29.8-31.3); Haiti 28.6 (95% CI: 27.8-29.4); India 26.8 (95% CI: 25.6-28) (P<0.001). AE, Mf or CFA were not associated with acceptability. Qualitative research (27 FGD; 42 IDI) highlighted professionalism and appreciation for AE support. No major concerns were detected about number of tablets. Increased uptake of LF treatment by individuals who had never complied with MDA was observed. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: IDA and DA regimens for LF elimination were highly and equally acceptable in individuals participating in the community-based safety study in Fiji, Haiti, India, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea. Country variation in acceptability was significant. Acceptability of the professionalism of the treatment delivery was highlighted. |
Status of state cyanoHAB outreach and monitoring efforts, United States
Hardy FJ , Preece E , Backer L . Lake Reserv Manage 2020 37 (3) 246-260 Hardy FJ, Preece E, Backer L. 2021. Status of state cyanoHAB outreach and monitoring efforts, United States. Lake Reserv Manage. XX:XXX–XXX. A widespread effort is underway to improve awareness of cyanobacteria harmful algal blooms (cyanoHABs) across the United States using a variety of monitoring programs and public health outreach measures to protect people, pets, and livestock. To determine the status of cyanoHAB outreach and monitoring efforts, 2 questionnaires were distributed to health/environmental departments in 50 states and the District of Columbia (DC). One questionnaire focused on cyanoHAB exposure to humans from drinking water and the second targeted exposure through recreational activities. All states plus DC responded to the recreational survey; 46 states plus DC responded to the drinking water survey. All states except Alaska answered that microcystins were the cyanotoxins of greatest concern for recreational exposure; microcystins were also of greatest concern for drinking water with the exception of Utah (anatoxin-a in reservoirs was greatest concern) and Rhode Island (microcystins and anatoxin-a in reservoirs/ponds were greatest concern). Regional comparisons disclosed a lack of cyanoHAB programs in southern states relative to northern states that may be related to the higher percentage of water surface area in northern states. Interestingly, recreational outreach is more extensive than drinking water outreach (only 16 states reported having some type of drinking water outreach program, compared with 35 states with recreational outreach), and preferred outreach methods are websites and press releases. Additionally, respondents reported very limited funding for outreach and monitoring programs. Our results establish baseline information to help determine what future direction cyanoHAB outreach and monitoring programs can take at local, regional, and national levels. |
Impact of Abstract Versus Concrete Conceptualization of Genetic Modification (GM) Technology on Public Perceptions.
Tallapragada M , Hardy BW , Lybrand E , Hallman WK . Risk Anal 2020 41 (6) 976-991 ![]() Based on the scholarship of abstract/concrete cognition, mental schema, and the integrated model of behavior change, this study found that using concrete over abstract language increased support for specific genetically modified (GM) applications and GM in general, and improved intentions to purchase products containing genetically modified organisms (GMOs). An online survey with an embedded 3 × 2 experiment was conducted using a national sample of U.S. adults (N = 1,470). Participants were randomly assigned to conditions that varied in abstract/concrete conceptualization of GMOs and were prompted to assess GM risk and benefit perceptions with respect to human health and the environment. Regardless of whether they assessed risks or benefits, participants who assessed GMOs through concrete terms compared to abstract terms showed an increase in positive emotions, which in turn increased their support for specific GM applications and GM in general, and their intentions to buy products with GMOs. |
Onsite investigation at a mail-order hatchery following a multistate Salmonella illness outbreak linked to live poultry-United States, 2018.
Robertson SA , Sidge JL , Koski L , Hardy MC , Stevenson L , Signs K , Stobierski MG , Bidol S , Donovan D , Soehnlen M , Jones K , Robeson S , Hambley A , Stefanovsky L , Brandenburg J , Hise K , Tolar B , Nichols MC , Basler C . Poult Sci 2019 98 (12) 6964-6972 ![]() ![]() Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), health departments, and other state and federal partners have linked contact with live poultry to 70 human Salmonella outbreaks in the United States from 2000 to 2017, which resulted in a total of 4,794 illnesses, 894 hospitalizations, and 7 deaths. During human salmonellosis outbreaks environmental sampling is rarely conducted as part of the outbreak investigation. CDC was contacted by state health officials on June 12, 2018, to provide support during an investigation of risk factors for Salmonella infections linked to live poultry originating at a mail-order hatchery. From January 1, 2018, to June 15, 2018, 13 human Salmonella infections in multiple states were attributed to exposure to live poultry from a single hatchery. Two serotypes of Salmonella were associated with these infections, Salmonella Enteritidis and Salmonella Litchfield. Molecular subtyping of the S. Enteritidis clinical isolates revealed they were closely related genetically (within 0 to 9 alleles) by core genome multi-locus sequence typing (cgMLST) to isolates obtained from environmental samples taken from hatchery shipping containers received at retail outlets. Environmental sampling and onsite investigation of practices was conducted at the mail-order hatchery during an investigation on June 19, 2018. A total of 45 environmental samples were collected, and 4 (9%) grew Salmonella. A chick box liner from a box in the pre-shipping area yielded an isolate closely related to the S. Enteritidis outbreak strain (within 1 to 9 alleles by cgMLST). The onsite investigation revealed lapses in biosecurity, sanitation, quality assurance, and education of consumers. Review of Salmonella serotype testing performed by the hatchery revealed that the number of samples and type of samples collected monthly varied. Also, S. Enteritidis was identified at the hatchery every year since testing began in 2016. Recommendations to the hatchery for biosecurity, testing, and sanitation measures were made to help reduce burden of Salmonella in the hatchery and breeding flocks, thereby reducing the occurrence of human illness. |
Dosing pole recommendations for lymphatic filariasis elimination: A height-weight quantile regression modeling approach
Goss CW , O'Brian K , Dubray C , Fischer PU , Hardy M , Jambulingam P , King CL , Laman M , Lemoine JF , Robinson LJ , Samuela J , Subramanian S , Supali T , Weil GJ , Schechtman KB . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2019 13 (7) e0007541 BACKGROUND: The World Health Organization (WHO) currently recommends height or age-based dosing as alternatives to weight-based dosing for mass drug administration lymphatic filariasis (LF) elimination programs. The goals of our study were to compare these alternative dosing strategies to weight-based dosing and to develop and evaluate new height-based dosing pole scenarios. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: Age, height and weight data were collected from >26,000 individuals in five countries during a cluster randomized LF clinical trial. Weight-based dosing for diethylcarbamazine (DEC; 6 mg/kg) and ivermectin (IVM; 200 ug/kg) with tablet numbers derived from a table of weight intervals was treated as the "gold standard" for this study. Following WHO recommended age-based dosing of DEC and height-based dosing of IVM would have resulted in 32% and 27% of individuals receiving treatment doses below those recommended by weight-based dosing for DEC and IVM, respectively. Underdosing would have been especially common in adult males, who tend to have the highest LF prevalence in many endemic areas. We used a 3-step modeling approach to develop and evaluate new dosing pole cutoffs. First, we analyzed the clinical trial data using quantile regression to predict weight from height. We then used weight predictions to develop new dosing pole cutoff values. Finally, we compared different dosing pole cutoffs and age and height-based WHO dosing recommendations to weight-based dosing. We considered hundreds of scenarios including country- and sex-specific dosing poles. A simple dosing pole with a 6-tablet maximum for both DEC and IVM reduced the underdosing rate by 30% and 21%, respectively, and was nearly as effective as more complex pole combinations for reducing underdosing. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Using a novel modeling approach, we developed a simple dosing pole that would markedly reduce underdosing for DEC and IVM in MDA programs compared to current WHO recommended height or age-based dosing. |
Carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa at US Emerging Infections Program Sites, 2015
Walters MS , Grass JE , Bulens SN , Hancock EB , Phipps EC , Muleta D , Mounsey J , Kainer MA , Concannon C , Dumyati G , Bower C , Jacob J , Cassidy PM , Beldavs Z , Culbreath K , Phillips WEJr , Hardy DJ , Vargas RL , Oethinger M , Ansari U , Stanton R , Albrecht V , Halpin AL , Karlsson M , Rasheed JK , Kallen A . Emerg Infect Dis 2019 25 (7) 1281-1288 Pseudomonas aeruginosa is intrinsically resistant to many antimicrobial drugs, making carbapenems crucial in clinical management. During July-October 2015 in the United States, we piloted laboratory-based surveillance for carbapenem-resistant P. aeruginosa (CRPA) at sentinel facilities in Georgia, New Mexico, Oregon, and Tennessee, and population-based surveillance in Monroe County, NY. An incident case was the first P. aeruginosa isolate resistant to antipseudomonal carbapenems from a patient in a 30-day period from any source except the nares, rectum or perirectal area, or feces. We found 294 incident cases among 274 patients. Cases were most commonly identified from respiratory sites (120/294; 40.8%) and urine (111/294; 37.8%); most (223/280; 79.6%) occurred in patients with healthcare facility inpatient stays in the prior year. Genes encoding carbapenemases were identified in 3 (2.3%) of 129 isolates tested. The burden of CRPA was high at facilities under surveillance, but carbapenemase-producing CRPA were rare. |
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