Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-29 (of 29 Records) |
Query Trace: Hamelin EI[original query] |
Identification of novel microcystins in algal extracts by a liquid chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry data analysis pipeline
Cottrill KA , Miles CO , Krajewski LC , Cunningham BR , Bragg W , Boise NR , Victry KD , Wunschel DS , Wahl KL , Hamelin EI . Harmful Algae 2024 139 Background: Microcystins are an emergent public health problem. These toxins are secondary metabolites of harmful cyanobacterial blooms, with blooms becoming more prevalent with eutrophication of water. Exposure to microcystins can result in sickness, liver damage, and even death. Over 300 microcystins have been identified to date, with differences in toxicity based on the specific amino acid composition. Because of this diversity in microcystins, as well as the likelihood of detecting as yet undiscovered microcystins, it is vital to establish a methodological workflow to identify any microcystin in a complex sample, regardless of the availability of a reference standard. Additionally, ascribing varying levels of confidence to these identifications is critical to effectively communicate discoveries. Methods: A liquid-chromatography–high-resolution mass spectrometry method was utilized to identify microcystins present in cyanobacterial extracts from a strain of Microcystis aeruginosa and an Aphanizomenon sp. First, microcystin congeners with available standards were identified in the cyanobacterial extract. These known-unknown microcystins were considered to have the highest confidence identifications due to availability of accurate masses, retention times, and library spectra for comparison. Utilizing the spectra of these microcystins, relatively high-abundance diagnostic product-ions were identified and employed to screen the data for additional candidate microcystins. Microcystins without a standard that had an exact mass matching a microcystin published in CyanoMetDB were considered semi-known-unknown microcystins. The remaining microcystins were considered unknown-unknown microcystins. The identities of the microcystins determined herein were additionally supported by product-ion analysis, thiol reactivity, esterification reactions, neutral loss analysis, and literature contextualization. Results: In total, utilizing the systematic workflow presented herein, 23 microcystins were identified in the M. aeruginosa culture, including two not published previously: [D-Asp3]MC-LCit and the incompletely identified MC-L(C7H11NO3). © 2024 |
7Method for detection of naturally occurring toxins in human urine using liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry
Hettick BE , Saddy A , Krajewski LC , Johnson RC , Hamelin EI . J Anal Toxicol 2024 Natural toxins present an ongoing risk for human exposure that requires a rapid, accurate diagnosis for proper response. In this study, a qualitative liquid chromatography high resolution mass spectrometry (LC-HRMS) method was developed and validated for the detection of a large, diverse selection of natural toxins. Data-dependent acquisition was performed to identify compounds with an in-house mass spectral library of 129 hazardous toxins that originate from plants, animals, and fungi. All 129 compounds were spiked into human urine, extracted, and evaluated for spectral library matching. Of these, 92 toxins met the quality criteria and underwent validation in urine matrix based on American National Standards Institute (ANSI) guidelines. A generalized workflow for method expansion was developed and enables the rapid addition of relevant compounds to the established method. This LC-HRMS method achieves efficient detection of natural toxins in urine, and the created workflow can rapidly increase compound coverage via method expansion. |
Detection of anatoxins in human urine by liquid chromatography triple quadrupole mass spectrometry and ELISA
Cunningham BR , Lagon SR , Bragg WA , Hill D , Hamelin EI . Toxins (Basel) 2024 16 (3) Harmful cyanobacterial blooms are becoming more common and persistent around the world. When in bloom, various cyanobacterial strains can produce anatoxins in high concentrations, which, unlike other cyanobacterial toxins, may be present in clear water. Potential human and animal exposures to anatoxins occur mainly through unintentional ingestion of contaminated algal mats and water. To address this public health threat, we developed and validated an LC-MS/MS method to detect anatoxins in human urine to confirm exposures. Pooled urine was fortified with anatoxin-a and dihydroanatoxin at concentrations from 10.0 to 500 ng/mL to create calibrators and quality control samples. Samples were diluted with isotopically labeled anatoxin and solvent prior to LC-MS/MS analysis. This method can accurately quantitate anatoxin-a with inter- and intraday accuracies ranging from 98.5 to 103% and relative standard deviations < 15%, which is within analytical guidelines for mass spectrometry methods. Additionally, this method qualitatively detects a common degradation product of anatoxin, dihydroanatoxin, above 10 ng/mL. We also evaluated a commercial anatoxin-a ELISA kit for potential diagnostic use; however, numerous false positives were detected from unexposed individual human urine samples. In conclusion, we have developed a method to detect anatoxins precisely and accurately in urine samples, addressing a public health area of concern, which can be applied to future exposure events. |
Measurement of microcystin activity in human plasma using immunocapture and protein phosphatase inhibition assay
Cunningham BR , Wharton RE , Lee C , Mojica MA , Krajewski LC , Gordon SC , Schaefer AM , Johnson RC , Hamelin EI . Toxins (Basel) 2022 14 (11) Microcystins are toxic chemicals generated by certain freshwater cyanobacteria. These chemicals can accumulate to dangerous levels during harmful algal blooms. When exposed to microcystins, humans are at risk of hepatic injury, including liver failure. Here, we describe a method to detect microcystins in human plasma by using immunocapture followed by a protein phosphatase inhibition assay. At least 279 microcystins have been identified, and most of these compounds share a common amino acid, the Adda side chain. We targeted this Adda side chain using a commercial antibody and extracted microcystins from human samples for screening and analysis. To quantitate the extracted microcystins, we fortified plasma with microcystin-LR, one of the most well-studied, commonly detected, and toxic microcystin congeners. The quantitation range for the detection of microcystin in human plasma using this method is 0.030-0.50 ng/mL microcystin-LR equivalents. This method detects unconjugated and conjugated forms (cysteine and glutathione) of microcystins. Quality control sample accuracies varied between 98.9% and 114%, with a precision of 7.18-15.8%. Finally, we evaluated plasma samples from a community health surveillance project of Florida residents living or working near harmful algae blooms. |
Use of Diagnostic Ions for the Detection of Fentanyl Analogs in Human Matrices by LC-QTOF
Swanson KD , Shaner RL , Krajewski LC , Bragg WA , Johnson RC , Hamelin EI . J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 2021 32 (12) 2852-2859 To combat the ongoing opioid epidemic, our laboratory has developed and evaluated an approach to detect fentanyl analogs in urine and plasma by screening LC-QTOF MS/MS spectra for ions that are diagnostic of the core fentanyl structure. MS/MS data from a training set of 142 fentanyl analogs were used to select the four product ions and six neutral losses that together provided the most complete coverage (97.2%) of the training set compounds. Furthermore, using the diagnostic ion screen against a set of 49 fentanyl analogs not in the training set resulted in 95.9% coverage of those compounds. With this approach, lower reportable limits for fentanyl and a subset of fentanyl-related compounds range from 0.25 to 2.5 ng/mL in urine and 0.5 to 5.0 ng/mL in plasma. This innovative processing method was applied to evaluate simulated exposure samples of remifentanil and carfentanil in water and their metabolites remifentanil acid and norcarfentanil in urine. This flexible approach enables a way to detect emerging fentanyl analogs in clinical samples. |
A cluster of tetrodotoxin poisoning in Oman
Alhatali B , Al Lawatia S , Khamis F , Kantur S , Al-Abri S , Kapil V , Thomas J , Johnson R , Hamelin EI , Coleman RM , Kazzi Z . Clin Toxicol (Phila) 2021 60 (2) 1-5 INTRODUCTION: Tetrodotoxin (TTX) is a potent sodium channel blocker, with significant neurotoxicity, found in marine animals like pufferfish and blue-ringed octopus. The severity of toxicity depends on the amount of toxin ingested and the outcome depends on the time-lapse to appropriate medical care. CASES REPORT: We report five patients who presented with tetrodotoxin poisoning after consuming fried internal organs of local pufferfish from the coast of Oman. The patients' clinical manifestations were consistent with the expected TTX toxidrome of perioral and generalized paresthesia, weakness of upper and lower extremities, gastrointestinal manifestations, dyspnea, dysarthria, ascending paralysis, hypotension, bradycardia and coma. The severity varied among the patients who recovered completely except one patient who developed a subarachnoid hemorrhage without underlying aneurysms on computed tomography-angiogram. This complication was potentially related to TTX poisoning and has not been previously reported. In addition to standard supportive management, patients with severe illness should potentially receive the intravenous acetylcholinesterase inhibitor neostigmine, and intermittent dialysis. Urine specimens were sent to CDC in Atlanta, where they were analyzed using online solid phase extraction (SPE) with LC-MS/MS and confirmed the diagnosis in all five cases. DISCUSSION: In general, the patients' clinical manifestations were consistent with the expected TTX toxidrome except patient 3 who developed a subarachnoid hemorrhage early during his clinical course. Two patients received neostigmine and underwent dialysis with complete recovery. |
Detection of brevetoxin in human plasma by ELISA
Cunningham BR , Coleman RM , Schaefer AM , Hamelin EI , Johnson RC . J Anal Toxicol 2021 46 (3) 322-327 Florida red tides have become more common and persistent in and around the Gulf of Mexico. When in bloom, red tides can produce brevetoxins in high concentrations, leading to human exposures primarily through contaminated food and ocean spray. The research described here includes adapting and validating a commercial brevetoxin water test kit for human plasma testing. Pooled plasma was fortified with a model brevetoxin, brevetoxin 3, at concentrations from 0.00500 to 3.00 ng/mL to generate calibration curves and quality control samples. The quantitative detection range was determined to be 0.0400-2.00 ng/mL brevetoxin 3 equivalents with inter- and intraday accuracies ranging from 94.0% to 109% and relative standard deviations <20%, which is within the US Food and Drug Administration guidelines for receptor-binding assays. Additionally, cross-reactivity was tested using 4 of the 10 known brevetoxins and 12 paralytic shellfish toxins. The cross-reactivity varied from 0.173% to 144% for the commercially available brevetoxin standards and 0% for the commercially available paralytic shellfish toxin standards. Fifty individual unexposed human plasma samples were measured to determine the limit of detection and endogenous interferences to the test. The validated method was used to test 31 plasma samples collected from humans potentially exposed to brevetoxins, detecting 11 positives. This method has been proven useful to measure human exposure to brevetoxins and can be applied to future exposure events. |
Surveillance for harmful algal bloom events and associated human and animal illnesses - One Health Harmful Algal Bloom System, United States, 2016-2018
Roberts VA , Vigar M , Backer L , Veytsel GE , Hilborn ED , Hamelin EI , Vanden Esschert KL , Lively JY , Cope JR , Hlavsa MC , Yoder JS . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (50) 1889-1894 Harmful algal bloom events can result from the rapid growth, or bloom, of photosynthesizing organisms in natural bodies of fresh, brackish, and salt water. These events can be exacerbated by nutrient pollution (e.g., phosphorus) and warming waters and other climate change effects (1); have a negative impact on the health of humans, animals, and the environment; and damage local economies (2,3). U.S. harmful algal bloom events of public health concern are centered on a subset of phytoplankton: diatoms, dinoflagellates, and cyanobacteria (also called blue-green algae). CDC launched the One Health Harmful Algal Bloom System (OHHABS) in 2016 to inform efforts to prevent human and animal illnesses associated with harmful algal bloom events. A total of 18 states reported 421 harmful algal bloom events, 389 cases of human illness, and 413 cases of animal illness that occurred during 2016-2018. The majority of harmful algal bloom events occurred during May-October (413; 98%) and in freshwater bodies (377; 90%). Human and animal illnesses primarily occurred during June-September (378; 98%) and May-September (410; 100%). Gastrointestinal or generalized illness signs or symptoms were the most frequently reported (>40% of human cases and >50% of animal cases); however, multiple other signs and symptoms were reported. Surveillance data from harmful algal bloom events, exposures, and health effects provide a systematic description of these occurrences and can be used to inform control and prevention of harmful algal bloom-associated illnesses. |
Rapid, sensitive, and accurate point-of-care detection of lethal amatoxins in urine
Bever CS , Swanson KD , Hamelin EI , Filigenzi M , Poppenga RH , Kaae J , Cheng LW , Stanker LH . Toxins (Basel) 2020 12 (2) Globally, mushroom poisonings cause about 100 human deaths each year, with thousands of people requiring medical assistance. Dogs are also susceptible to mushroom poisonings and require medical assistance. Cyclopeptides, and more specifically amanitins (or amatoxins, here), are the mushroom poison that causes the majority of these deaths. Current methods (predominantly chromatographic, as well as antibody-based) of detecting amatoxins are time-consuming and require expensive equipment. In this work, we demonstrate the utility of the lateral flow immunoassay (LFIA) for the rapid detection of amatoxins in urine samples. The LFIA detects as little as 10 ng/mL of alpha-amanitin (alpha-AMA) or gamma-AMA, and 100 ng/mL of beta-AMA in urine matrices. To demonstrate application of this LFIA for urine analysis, this study examined fortified human urine samples and urine collected from exposed dogs. Urine is sampled directly without the need for any pretreatment, detection from urine is completed in 10 min, and the results are read by eye, without the need for specialized equipment. Analysis of both fortified human urine samples and urine samples collected from intoxicated dogs using the LFIA correlated well with liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) methods. |
Application of the fentanyl analog screening kit toward the identification of emerging synthetic opioids in human plasma and urine by LC-QTOF
Krajewski LC , Swanson KD , Bragg WA , Shaner RL , Seymour C , Carter MD , Hamelin EI , Johnson RC . Toxicol Lett 2020 320 87-94 Human exposures to fentanyl analogs, which significantly contribute to the ongoing U.S. opioid overdose epidemic, can be confirmed through the analysis of clinical samples. Our laboratory has developed and evaluated a qualitative approach coupling liquid chromatography and quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (LC-QTOF) to address novel fentanyl analogs and related compounds using untargeted, data-dependent acquisition. Compound identification was accomplished by searching against a locally-established mass spectral library of 174 fentanyl analogs and metabolites. Currently, our library can identify 150 fentanyl-related compounds from the Fentanyl Analog Screening (FAS) Kit), plus an additional 25 fentanyl-related compounds from individual purchases. Plasma and urine samples fortified with fentanyl-related compounds were assessed to confirm the capabilities and intended use of this LC-QTOF method. For fentanyl, 8 fentanyl-related compounds and naloxone, lower reportable limits (LRL100), defined as the lowest concentration with 100 % true positive rate (n = 12) within clinical samples, were evaluated and range from 0.5 ng/mL to 5.0 ng/mL for urine and 0.25 ng/mL to 2.5 ng/mL in plasma. The application of this high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) method enables the real-time detection of known and emerging synthetic opioids present in clinical samples. |
Measurement of microcystin and nodularin activity in human urine by immunocapture-protein phosphatase 2A assay
Wharton RE , Cunningham BR , Schaefer AM , Guldberg SM , Hamelin EI , Johnson RC . Toxins (Basel) 2019 11 (12) Microcystins (MC) and nodularin (NOD) are toxins released by cyanobacteria during harmful algal blooms. They are potent inhibitors of protein phosphatases 1 and 2A (PP1 and PP2A) and cause a variety of adverse symptoms in humans and animals if ingested. More than 250 chemically diverse congeners of MCs have been identified, but certified reference materials are only available for a few. A diagnostic test that does not require each reference material for detection is necessary to identify human exposures. To address this need, our lab has developed a method that uses an antibody to specifically isolate MCs and NOD from urine prior to detection via a commercially available PP2A kit. This assay quantitates the summed inhibitory activity of nearly all MCs and NOD on PP2A relative to a common MC congener, microcystin-LR (MC-LR). The quantitation range for MC-LR using this method is from 0.050-0.500 ng/mL. No background responses were detected in a convenience set of 50 individual urines. Interday and intraday % accuracies ranged from 94%-118% and relative standard deviations were 15% or less, meeting FDA guidelines for receptor binding assays. The assay detected low levels of MCs in urines from three individuals living in close proximity to harmful algal blooms (HABs) in Florida. |
Designing traceable opioid material kits to improve laboratory testing during the U.S. opioid overdose crisis
Mojica MA , Carter MD , Isenberg SL , Pirkle JL , Hamelin EI , Shaner RL , Seymour C , Sheppard CI , Baldwin GT , Johnson RC . Toxicol Lett 2019 317 53-58 In 2017, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the White House declared a public health emergency to address the opioid crisis (Hargan, 2017). On average, 192 Americans died from drug overdoses each day in 2017; 130 (67%) of those died specifically because of opioids (Scholl et al., 2019). Since 2013, there have been significant increases in overdose deaths involving synthetic opioids - particularly those involving illicitly-manufactured fentanyl. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) estimates that 75% of all opioid identifications are illicit fentanyls (DEA, 2018b). Laboratories are routinely asked to confirm which fentanyl or other opioids are involved in an overdose or encountered by first responders. It is critical to identify and classify the types of drugs involved in an overdose, how often they are involved, and how that involvement may change over time. Health care providers, public health professionals, and law enforcement officers need to know which opioids are in use to treat, monitor, and investigate fatal and non-fatal overdoses. By knowing which drugs are present, appropriate prevention and response activities can be implemented. Laboratory testing is available for clinically used and widely recognized opioids. However, there has been a rapid expansion in new illicit opioids, particularly fentanyl analogs that may not be addressed by current laboratory capabilities. In order to test for these new opioids, laboratories require reference standards for the large number of possible fentanyls. To address this need, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) developed the Traceable Opioid Material( section sign) Kits product line, which provides over 150 opioid reference standards, including over 100 fentanyl analogs. These kits were designed to dramatically increase laboratory capability to confirm which opioids are on the streets and causing deaths. The kits are free to U.S based laboratories in the public, private, clinical, law enforcement, research, and public health domains. |
Determination of fentanyl analog exposure using dried blood spots with LC-MS-MS
Seymour C , Shaner RL , Feyereisen MC , Wharton RE , Kaplan P , Hamelin EI , Johnson RC . J Anal Toxicol 2018 43 (4) 266-276 Fentanyl, and the numerous drugs derived from it, are contributing to the opioid overdose epidemic currently underway in the USA. To identify human exposure to these growing public health threats, an LC-MS-MS method for 5 muL dried blood spots (DBS) was developed. This method was developed to detect exposure to 3-methylfentanyl, alfentanil, alpha-methylfentanyl, carfentanil, fentanyl, lofentanil, sufentanil, norcarfentanil, norfentanyl, norlofentanil, norsufentanil, and using a separate LC-MS-MS injection, cyclopropylfentanyl, acrylfentanyl, 2-furanylfentanyl, isobutyrylfentanyl, ocfentanil and methoxyacetylfentanyl. Preparation of materials into groups of compounds was used to accommodate an ever increasing need to incorporate newly identified fentanyls. This protocol was validated within a linear range of 1.00-100 ng/mL, with precision </=12% CV and accuracy >/=93%, as reported for the pooled blood QC samples, and limits of detection as low as 0.10 ng/mL. The use of DBS to assess fentanyl analog exposures can facilitate rapid sample collection, transport, and preparation for analysis that could enhance surveillance and response efforts in the ongoing opioid overdose epidemic. |
Quantification of microcystin-LR in human urine by immunocapture liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Wharton RE , Ojeda-Torres G , Cunningham B , Feyereisen MC , Hill KL , Abbott NL , Seymour C , Hill D , Lang J , Hamelin EI , Johnson RC . Chem Res Toxicol 2018 31 (9) 898-903 Microcystins are toxins produced by many cyanobacteria species, which are often released into waterways during blue-green algal blooms in freshwater and marine habitats. The consumption of microcystin-contaminated water is a public health concern as these toxins are recognized tumor promoters and are hepatotoxic to humans and animals. A method to confirm human exposures to microcystins is needed; therefore, our laboratory has developed an immunocapture liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) method targeting the conserved adda portion of microcystins for the quantitation of a prevalent and highly toxic congener of microcystin, microcystin-LR (MC-LR). An acute exposure method was initially evaluated for accuracy and precision by analyzing calibrators and quality control (QC) samples ranging from 0.500 to 75.0 ng/mL in urine. All calibrators and QC samples characterized were within 15% of theoretical concentrations. An analysis of acutely exposed mouse urine samples using this method identified MC-LR levels from 10.7 to 33.9 ng/mL. Since human exposures are anticipated to result from low-dose or chronic exposures, a high-sensitivity method was validated with 20 calibration curves and QC samples ranging from 0.0100 to 7.50 ng/mL. Relative standard deviations (RSDs) and inaccuracies of these samples were within 15%, meeting United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA) guidelines for analytical methods, and the limit of detection was 0.00455 ng/mL. In conclusion, we have developed a method which can be used to address public health concerns by precisely and accurately measuring MC-LR in urine samples. |
Detection of alpha-, beta-, and gamma-amanitin in urine by LC-MS/MS using (15)N10-alpha-amanitin as the internal standard
Abbott NL , Hill KL , Garrett A , Carter MD , Hamelin EI , Johnson RC . Toxicon 2018 152 71-77 The majority of fatalities from poisonous mushroom ingestion are caused by amatoxins. To prevent liver failure or death, it is critical to accurately and rapidly diagnose amatoxin exposure. We have developed an liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry method to detect alpha-, beta-, and gamma-amanitin in urine to meet this need. Two internal standard candidates were evaluated, including an isotopically labeled (15)N10-alpha-amanitin and a modified amanitin methionine sulfoxide synthetic peptide. Using the (15)N10-alpha-amanitin internal standard, precision and accuracy of alpha-amanitin in pooled urine was </=5.49% and between 100 and 106%, respectively, with a reportable range from 1-200 ng/mL. beta- and gamma-Amanitin were most accurately quantitated in pooled urine using external calibration, resulting in precision </=17.2% and accuracy between 99 and 105% with calibration ranges from 2.5-200ng/mL and 1.0-200ng/mL, respectively. The presented urinary diagnostic test is the first method to use an isotopically labeled alpha-amanitin with the ability to detect and confirm human exposures to alpha-, beta-, and gamma-amanitin. |
Investigation of dried blood sampling with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry to confirm human exposure to nerve agents
Shaner RL , Coleman RM , Schulze N , Platanitis K , Brown AA , Seymour C , Kaplan P , Perez J , Hamelin EI , Johnson RC . Anal Chim Acta 2018 1033 100-107 A method was developed to detect and quantify organophosphate nerve agent (OPNA) metabolites in dried blood samples. Dried blood spots (DBS) and microsampling devices are alternatives to traditional blood draws, allowing for safe handling, extended stability, reduced shipping costs, and potential self-sampling. DBS and microsamplers were evaluated for precision, accuracy, sensitivity, matrix effects, and extraction recovery following collection of whole blood containing five OPNA metabolites. The metabolites of VX, Sarin (GB), Soman (GD), Cyclosarin (GF), and Russian VX (VR) were quantitated from 5.0 to 500 ng mL-1 with precision of <=16% and accuracy between 93 and 108% for QC samples with controlled volumes. For unknown spot volumes, OPNA metabolite concentrations were normalized to total blood protein to improve interpretation of nerve agent exposures. This study provides data to support the use of DBS and microsamplers to collect critical exposure samples quickly, safely, and efficiently following large-scale chemical exposure events. |
Quantitation of saxitoxin in human urine using immunocapture extraction and LC-MS
Bragg WA , Garrett A , Hamelin EI , Coleman RM , Campbell K , Elliott CT , Johnson RC . Bioanalysis 2018 10 (4) 229-239 AIM: An immunomagnetic capture protocol for use with LC-MS was developed for the quantitation of saxitoxin (STX) in human urine. MATERIALS & METHODS: This method uses monoclonal antibodies coupled to magnetic beads. STX was certified reference material grade from National Research Council, Canada. Analysis was carried out using LC-MS. RESULTS: With an extraction efficiency of 80%, accuracy and precision of 93.0-100.2% and 5.3-12.6%, respectively, and a dynamic range of 1.00-100 ng/ml, the method is well suited to quantify STX exposures based on previously reported cases. CONCLUSION: Compared with our previously published protocols, this method has improved selectivity, a fivefold increase in sensitivity and uses only a third of the sample volume. This method can diagnose future toxin exposures and may complement the shellfish monitoring programs worldwide. |
Quantitation of fentanyl analogs in dried blood spots by flow-through desorption coupled to online solid phase extraction tandem mass spectrometry
Shaner RL , Schulze ND , Seymour C , Hamelin EI , Thomas JD , Johnson RC . Anal Methods 2017 9 (25) 3876-3883 An automated dried blood spot (DBS) elution coupled with solid phase extraction and tandem mass spectrometric analysis for multiple fentanyl analogs was developed and assessed. This method confirms human exposures to fentanyl, sufentanil, carfentanil, alfentanil, lofentanil, α-methyl fentanyl, and 3-methyl fentanyl in blood with minimal sample volume and reduced shipping and storage costs. Seven fentanyl analogs were detected and quantitated from DBS made from venous blood. The calibration curve in matrix was linear in the concentration range of 1.0 ng mL-1 to 100 ng mL-1 with a correlation coefficient greater than 0.98 for all compounds. The limit of detection varied from 0.15 ng mL-1 to 0.66 ng mL-1 depending on target analyte. Analysis of the entire DBS minimized the effects of hematocrit on quantitation. All quality control materials evaluated resulted in <15% error; analytes with isotopically labeled internal standards had <15% RSD, while analytes without matching standards had 15-24% RSD. This method provides an automated means to detect seven fentanyl analogs, and quantitate four fentanyl analogs with the benefits of DBS at levels anticipated from an overdose of these potent opioids. © 2017 The Royal Society of Chemistry. |
Quantification of saxitoxin in human blood by ELISA
Wharton RE , Feyereisen MC , Gonzalez AL , Abbott NL , Hamelin EI , Johnson RC . Toxicon 2017 133 110-115 Saxitoxin (STX) is a potent marine toxin that causes paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP) which can result in significant morbidity and mortality in humans. Low lethal doses, rapid onset of PSP symptoms, and brief STX half-life in vivo require sensitive and rapid diagnostic techniques to monitor human exposures. Our laboratory has validated an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) for quantitative detection of STX from 0.020 to 0.80 ng/mL in human whole blood and from 0.06 to 2.0 ng/mL in dried human blood which is simple, sensitive, rapid, and cost-effective. To our knowledge, this is the first validated method for the quantitation of saxitoxin in whole blood. Microsampling devices were used in sample collection which allows for standardized collection of blood, stable storage, and cost-efficient shipping. Quality control precision and accuracy were evaluated over the course of validation and were within 20% of theoretical concentrations. No detectable background concentrations of STX were found among fifty whole blood and dried blood convenience samples. Additionally, ten spiked individual whole blood and dried blood samples were tested for accuracy and precision and were within 20% of theoretical concentrations. Gonyautoxins 2&3 (GTX2&3) cross-reacted with this ELISA by 21%, but all other structurally related PSP toxins tested cross-reacted less than two percent. While clinical diagnosis or treatment of PSP would be unaffected by GTX2&3 cross-reactivity by ELISA, to accurately quantify individual PSP toxins, these results should be coupled with high performance liquid chromatography mass spectrometry measurements. |
Bridging the Gap between Sample Collection and Laboratory Analysis: Using Dried Blood Spots to Identify Human Exposure to Chemical Agents
Hamelin EI , Blake TA , Perez JW , Crow BS , Shaner RL , Coleman RM , Johnson RC . Proc SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng 2016 98630 98630p-98630p9 Public health response to large scale chemical emergencies presents logistical challenges for sample collection, transport, and analysis. Diagnostic methods used to identify and determine exposure to chemical warfare agents, toxins, and poisons traditionally involve blood collection by phlebotomists, cold transport of biomedical samples, and costly sample preparation techniques. Use of dried blood spots, which consist of dried blood on an FDA-approved substrate, can increase analyte stability, decrease infection hazard for those handling samples, greatly reduce the cost of shipping/storing samples by removing the need for refrigeration and cold chain transportation, and be self-prepared by potentially exposed individuals using a simple finger prick and blood spot compatible paper. Our laboratory has developed clinical assays to detect human exposures to nerve agents through the analysis of specific protein adducts and metabolites, for which a simple extraction from a dried blood spot is sufficient for removing matrix interferents and attaining sensitivities on par with traditional sampling methods. The use of dried blood spots can bridge the gap between the laboratory and the field allowing for large scale sample collection with minimal impact on hospital resources while maintaining sensitivity, specificity, traceability, and quality requirements for both clinical and forensic applications. |
Evaluation of multiple blood matrices for assessment of human exposure to nerve agents
Schulze ND , Hamelin EI , Winkeljohn WR , Shaner RL , Basden BJ , deCastro BR , Pantazides BG , Thomas JD , Johnson RC . J Anal Toxicol 2016 40 (3) 229-35 Biomedical samples may be used to determine human exposure to nerve agents through the analysis of specific biomarkers. Samples received may include serum, plasma, whole blood, lysed blood and, due to the toxicity of these compounds, postmortem blood. To quantitate metabolites resulting from exposure to sarin (GB), soman (GD), cyclosarin (GF), VX and VR, these blood matrices were evaluated individually for precision, accuracy, sensitivity and specificity. Accuracies for these metabolites ranged from 100 to 113% with coefficients of variation ranging from 2.31 to 13.5% across a reportable range of 1-100 ng/mL meeting FDA recommended guidelines for bioanalytical methods in all five matrices. Limits of detection were calculated to be 0.09-0.043 ng/mL, and no interferences were detected in unexposed matrix samples. The use of serum calibrators was also determined to be a suitable alternative to matrix-matched calibrators. Finally, to provide a comparative value between whole blood and plasma, the ratio of the five nerve agent metabolites measured in whole blood versus plasma was determined. Analysis of individual whole blood samples (n = 40), fortified with nerve agent metabolites across the reportable range, resulted in average nerve agent metabolite blood to plasma ratios ranging from 0.53 to 0.56. This study demonstrates the accurate and precise quantitation of nerve agent metabolites in serum, plasma, whole blood, lysed blood and postmortem blood. It also provides a comparative value between whole blood and plasma samples, which can assist epidemiologists and physicians with interpretation of test results from blood specimens obtained under variable conditions. |
Detection of human exposure to saxitoxin and neosaxitoxin in urine by online-solid phase extraction-liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry
Bragg WA , Lemire SW , Coleman RM , Hamelin EI , Johnson RC . Toxicon 2015 99 118-24 Saxitoxin (STX) and neosaxitoxin (NEO) are potent neurotoxins that cause paralytic shellfish poisoning (PSP). PSP typically occurs through the ingestion of bivalve shellfish that have consumed toxin producing dinoflagellates. Due to initial presentation of symptoms being nonspecific, a clinical measurement is needed to confirm exposure to these toxins. Our group has developed an online solid phase extraction hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) method for the analysis of STX and NEO in human urine with tandem mass spectrometry. A unique feature of this online method is the incorporation of a new synthetic 15N4-STX labeled internal standard used for quantitation. Manual sample preparation time was reduced by approximately 70% for 98 urine samples as compared to a previously reported method. The lowest reportable limit for STX was improved from 5.0 ng/mL to 1.01 ng/mL and from 10.0 ng/mL to 2.62 ng/mL for NEO. Three analysts validated the method with 20 calibration curves total over 30 days with precision and accuracy within +/-15% for all QCs. This new online method rapidly identifies STX and NEO exposure with improved sensitivity, which can facilitate the work of public health authorities to confirm the cases of PSP, complementing the many shellfish monitoring programs worldwide. |
Comparison of two automated solid phase extractions for the detection of ten fentanyl analogs and metabolites in human urine using liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Shaner RL , Kaplan P , Hamelin EI , Bragg WA , Johnson RC . J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2014 962c 52-58 Two types of automated solid phase extraction (SPE) were assessed for the determination of human exposure to fentanyls in urine. High sensitivity is required to detect these compounds following exposure because of the low dose required for therapeutic effect and the rapid clearance from the body for these compounds. To achieve this sensitivity, two acceptable methods for the detection of human exposure to seven fentanyl analogs and three metabolites were developed using either off-line 96-well plate SPE or on-line SPE. Each system offers different advantages: off-line 96-well plate SPE allows for high throughput analysis of many samples, which is needed for large sample numbers, while on-line SPE removes almost all analyst manipulation of the samples, minimizing the analyst time needed for sample preparation. Both sample preparations were coupled with reversed phase liquid chromatography and isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for analyte detection. For both methods, the resulting precision was within 15%, the accuracy within 25%, and the sensitivity was comparable with the limits of detection ranging from 0.002ng/mL to 0.041ng/mL. Additionally, matrix effects were substantially decreased from previous reports for both extraction protocols. The results of this comparison showed that both methods were acceptable for the detection of exposures to fentanyl analogs and metabolites in urine. |
Quantitative analysis and stability of the rodenticide TETS (tetramine) in finished tap water
Knaack JS , Hamelin EI , Magnuson M , Silvestri E , Ash D , Johnson RC . Anal Methods 2014 6 (8) 2780-2784 The determination of the rodenticide tetramethylenedisulfotetramine (TETS) in drinking water is reportable through the use of automated sample preparation via solid phase extraction and detection using isotope dilution gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The method was characterized over twenty-two analytical batches with quality control samples. Accuracies for low and high concentration quality control pools were 100 and 101%, respectively. The minimum reporting level (MRL) for TETS in this method is 0.50 g L-1. Five drinking waters representing a range of water quality parameters and disinfection practices were fortified with TETS at ten times the MRL and analyzed over a 28 day period to determine the stability of TETS in these waters. The amount of TETS measured in these samples averaged 100 +/- 6% of the amount fortified suggesting that tap water samples may be held for up to 28 days prior to analysis. |
Quantitation of five organophosphorus nerve agent metabolites in serum using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry
Hamelin EI , Schulze ND , Shaner RL , Coleman RM , Lawrence RJ , Crow BS , Jakubowski EM , Johnson RC . Anal Bioanal Chem 2014 406 (21) 5195-202 Although nerve agent use is prohibited, concerns remain for human exposure to nerve agents during decommissioning, research, and warfare. Exposure can be detected through the analysis of hydrolysis products in urine as well as blood. An analytical method to detect exposure to five nerve agents, including VX, VR (Russian VX), GB (sarin), GD (soman), and GF (cyclosarin), through the analysis of the hydrolysis products, which are the primary metabolites, in serum has been developed and characterized. This method uses solid-phase extraction coupled with high-performance liquid chromatography for separation and isotopic dilution tandem mass spectrometry for detection. An uncommon buffer of ammonium fluoride was used to enhance ionization and improve sensitivity when coupled with hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography resulting in detection limits from 0.3 to 0.5 ng/mL. The assessment of two quality control samples demonstrated high accuracy (101-105 %) and high precision (5-8 %) for the detection of these five nerve agent hydrolysis products in serum. |
Comparison of high-resolution and tandem mass spectrometry for the analysis of nerve agent metabolites in urine
Hamelin EI , Bragg W , Shaner RL , Swaim LL , Johnson RC . Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom 2013 27 (15) 1697-704 RATIONALE: Although use is prohibited, concerns remain for human exposure to nerve agents during decommissioning, research, and warfare. High-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) was compared to tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) analysis for the quantitation of five urinary metabolites specific to VX, Russian VX, soman, sarin and cyclosarin nerve agents. The HRMS method was further evaluated for qualitative screening of metabolites not included in the test panel. METHODS: Nerve agent metabolites were extracted from urine using solid-phase extraction, separated using hydrophilic interaction chromatography and analyzed using both tandem and high-resolution mass spectrometry. MS/MS results were obtained using selected reaction monitoring with unit resolution; HRMS results were obtained using a mass extraction window of 10 ppm at a mass resolution of 50 000. The benchtop Orbitrap HRMS instrument was operated in full scan mode, to measure the presence of unexpected nerve agent metabolites. RESULTS: The assessment of two quality control samples demonstrated high accuracy (99.5-104%) and high precision (2-9%) for both HRMS and MS/MS. Sensitivity, as described by the limit of detection, was overlapping for both detectors (0.2-0.7 ng/mL). Additionally, the HRMS method positively confirmed the presence of a nerve agent metabolite, not included in the test panel, using the accurate mass and relative retention time. CONCLUSIONS: The precision, accuracy, and sensitivity were comparable between the current MS/MS method and this newly developed HRMS analysis for five nerve agent metabolites. HRMS showed additional capabilities beyond the current method by confirming the presence of a metabolite not included in the test panel. |
Analysis of a ricin biomarker, ricinine, in 989 individual human urine samples
Pittman CT , Guido JM , Hamelin EI , Blake TA , Johnson RC . J Anal Toxicol 2013 37 (4) 237-40 Ricinine (3-cyano-4-methoxy-N-methyl-2-pyridone) is a urinary biomarker that can be measured to confirm human exposure to castor bean products such as ricin. Because many consumer products contain castor oil, another castor bean product, ricinine may be detectable in the general population. The following study characterized urinary ricinine concentrations from 989 individuals who were presumed to be unexposed to ricin. An automated diagnostic method was utilized to simplify the analysis of this large sample set. Sample preparation included a 96-well polystyrene divinylbenzene high throughput extraction and preconcentration step. Purified samples were analyzed by an efficient dual column, reversed-phase liquid chromatography separation and 13C-isotope dilution tandem mass spectrometry. In this convenience sample set, only 1.2% of the urine specimens had detectable amounts of ricinine, randomly distributed between 0.186 and 4.15 ng/mL. |
Evaluation of ricinine, a ricin biomarker, from a non-lethal castor bean ingestion
Hamelin EI , Johnson RC , Osterloh JD , Howard DJ , Thomas JD . J Anal Toxicol 2012 36 (9) 660-2 A case is presented of the attempted suicide of a 58-year-old man using castor beans. The patient came to the emergency room complaining of nausea, vomiting and diarrhea for nine hours following the ingestion of six castor beans. Urine samples were taken throughout the hospital stay and submitted to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for analysis of ricinine, a castor bean component. The samples were found to be positive for ricinine, with a maximum concentration of 674 microg/g-creatinine excreted approximately 23 h post-exposure. Subsequent samples demonstrated lower ricinine concentrations, with the final sample taken at 62 h post-exposure at a concentration of 135 microg/g-creatinine of ricinine. The estimated urinary excretion half-life was approximately 15 h and the recovery of ricinine in the urine over the three days was estimated to be less than 10%. The patient fully recovered with supportive care and was discharged from the hospital six days after admission. |
Quantification of monofluoroacetate and monochloroacetate in human urine by isotope dilution liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry
Hamelin EI , Mawhinney DB , Parry R , Kobelski RJ . J Chromatogr B Analyt Technol Biomed Life Sci 2010 878 1045-50 The rodenticide monofluoroacetate (MFA) and monochloroacetate (MCA), a chemical intermediate from several chemical syntheses, have been identified as potential agents of chemical terrorism due to their high toxicity. In preparation for response to poisonings and mass exposures, we have developed a quantification method using isotopic dilution to determine MFA and MCA in urine from 50 to 5000 ng/mL. Both analytes were extracted from urine using solid-phase extraction; extraction recoveries were 62% (MFA) and 76% (MCA). The extracts were then separated with isocratic high-performance liquid chromatography and identified using electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry, with detection limits of 0.9 and 7.0 ng/mL for MFA and MCA, respectively. Selectivity was established for both analytes with unique chromatographic retention times which were correlated with isotopically labeled internal standards and the use of two mass spectral transitions for each compound. The intra-day variability was less than 5% for both analytes and the inter-day variability was 7% for MFA and 6% for MCA. |
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