Last data update: Jan 13, 2025. (Total: 48570 publications since 2009)
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Query Trace: Hallisey E[original query] |
Developing a granular scale environmental burden index (EBI) for diverse land cover types across the contiguous United States
Owusu C , Flanagan B , Lavery AM , Mertzlufft CE , McKenzie BA , Kolling J , Lewis B , Dunn I , Hallisey E , Lehnert EA , Fletcher K , Davis R , Conn M , Owen LR , Smith MM , Dent A . Sci Total Environ 2022 838 155908 Critical to identifying the risk of environmentally driven disease is an understanding of the cumulative impact of environmental conditions on human health. Here we describe the methodology used to develop an environmental burden index (EBI). The EBI is calculated at U.S. census tract level, a finer scale than many similar national-level tools. EBI scores are also stratified by tract land cover type as per the National Land Cover Database (NLCD), controlling for urbanicity. The EBI was developed over the course of four stages: 1) literature review to identify potential indicators, 2) data source acquisition and indicator variable construction, 3) index creation, and 4) stratification by land cover type. For each potential indicator, data sources were assessed for completeness, update frequency, and availability. These indicators were: (1) particulate matter (PM2.5), (2) ozone, (3) Superfund National Priority List (NPL) locations, (4) Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) facilities, (5) Treatment, Storage, and Disposal (TSD) facilities, (6) recreational parks, (7) railways, (8) highways, (9) airports, and (10) impaired water sources. Indicators were statistically normalized and checked for collinearity. For each indicator, we computed and summed percentile ranking scores to create an overall ranking for each tract. Tracts having the same plurality of land cover type form a 'peer' group. We re-ranked the tracts into percentiles within each peer group for each indicator. The percentile scores were combined for each tract to obtain a stratified EBI. A higher score reveals a tract with increased environmental burden relative to other tracts of the same peer group. We compared our results to those of related indices, finding good convergent validity between the overall EBI and CalEnviroScreen 4.0. The EBI has many potential applications for research and use as a tool to develop public health interventions at a granular scale. |
Flooding and emergency department visits: Effect modification by the CDC/ATSDR Social Vulnerability Index
Ramesh B , Jagger MA , Zaitchik B , Kolivras KN , Swarup S , Deanes L , Hallisey E , Sharpe JD , Gohlke JM . Int J Disaster Risk Reduct 2022 76 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) is a census-based metric that includes 15 socioeconomic and demographic factors split into four themes relevant to disaster planning, response, and recovery. Using CDC/ATSDR SVI, health outcomes, and remote sensing data, we sought to understand the differences in the occurrence of overall and cause-specific emergency department (ED) visits before and after a 2017 flood event in Texas following Hurricane Harvey, modified by different levels of social vulnerability. We used a controlled before-after study design to estimate the association between flooding and overall and cause-specific ED visits after adjusting for the baseline period, seasonal trends, and individual-level characteristics. We estimated rate ratios stratified by CDC/ATSDR SVI quartiles (overall and 4 themes separately) and tested for the presence of effect modification. Positive effect modification was found such that total ED visits from flooded census tracts with moderate, high, and very high levels of social vulnerability were less reduced compared to tracts with the least vulnerability during flooding and the month following the flood event. The CDC/ATSDR SVI socioeconomic status theme, household composition and disability theme, and housing and transportation type theme explained this result. We found predominantly negative effect modification with higher ED visits among tracts with the least vulnerability for ED visits related to insect bites, dehydration, and intestinal infectious diseases. © 2022 |
Social vulnerability and rurality associated with higher SARS-CoV-2 infection-induced seroprevalence: a nationwide blood donor study, United States, July 2020 - June 2021.
Li Z , Lewis B , Berney K , Hallisey E , Williams AM , Whiteman A , Rivera-González LO , Clarke KEN , Clayton H , Tincher T , Opsomer JD , Busch MP , Gundlapalli A , Jones JM . Clin Infect Dis 2022 75 (1) e133-e143 BACKGROUND: Most studies on health disparities during COVID-19 pandemic focused on reported cases and deaths, which are influenced by testing availability and access to care. This study aimed to examine SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroprevalence in the U.S. and its associations with race/ethnicity, rurality, and social vulnerability over time. METHODS: This repeated cross-sectional study used data from blood donations in 50 states and Washington, D.C. from July 2020 through June 2021. Donor ZIP codes were matched to counties and linked with Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) and urban-rural classification. SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroprevalences induced by infection and infection-vaccination combined were estimated. Association of infection-induced seropositivity with demographics, rurality, SVI, and its four themes were quantified using multivariate regression models. FINDINGS: Weighted seroprevalence differed significantly by race/ethnicity and rurality, and increased with increasing social vulnerability. During the study period, infection-induced seroprevalence increased from 1.6% to 27.2% and 3.7% to 20.0% in rural and urban counties, respectively, while rural counties had lower combined infection- and vaccination-induced seroprevalence (80.0% vs. 88.1%) in June 2021. Infection-induced seropositivity was associated with being Hispanic, non-Hispanic Black, and living in rural or higher socially vulnerable counties, after adjusting for demographic and geographic covariates. CONCLUSION: The findings demonstrated increasing SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence in the U.S. across all geographic, demographic, and social sectors. The study illustrated disparities by race-ethnicity, rurality, and social vulnerability. The findings identified areas for targeted vaccination strategies and can inform efforts to reduce inequities and prepare for future outbreaks. |
Geographic Associations Between Social Factors and SARS-CoV-2 Testing Early in the COVID-19 Pandemic, February-June 2020, Massachusetts.
Troppy S , Wilt GE , Whiteman A , Hallisey E , Crockett M , Sharpe JD , Haney G , Cranston K , Klevens RM . Public Health Rep 2021 136 (6) 765-773 OBJECTIVES: Widespread SARS-CoV-2 testing is critical to identify infected people and implement public health action to interrupt transmission. With SARS-CoV-2 testing supplies and laboratory capacity now widely available in the United States, understanding the spatial heterogeneity of associations between social determinants and the use of SARS-CoV-2 testing is essential to improve testing availability in populations disproportionately affected by SARS-CoV-2. METHODS: We assessed positive and negative results of SARS-CoV-2 molecular tests conducted from February 1 through June 17, 2020, from the Massachusetts Virtual Epidemiologic Network, an integrated web-based surveillance and case management system in Massachusetts. Using geographically weighted regression and Moran's I spatial autocorrelation tests, we quantified the associations between SARS-CoV-2 testing rates and 11 metrics of the Social Vulnerability Index in all 351 towns in Massachusetts. RESULTS: Median SARS-CoV-2 testing rates decreased with increasing percentages of residents with limited English proficiency (median relative risk [interquartile range] = 0.96 [0.95-0.99]), residents aged ≥65 (0.97 [0.87-0.98]), residents without health insurance (0.96 [0.95-1.04], and people residing in crowded housing conditions (0.89 [0.80-0.94]). These associations differed spatially across Massachusetts, and localized models improved the explainable variation in SARS-CoV-2 testing rates by 8% to 12%. CONCLUSION: Indicators of social vulnerability are associated with variations in SARS-CoV-2 testing rates. Accounting for the spatial heterogeneity in these associations may improve the ability to explain and address the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic at substate levels. |
County-Level COVID-19 Vaccination Coverage and Social Vulnerability - United States, December 14, 2020-March 1, 2021.
Hughes MM , Wang A , Grossman MK , Pun E , Whiteman A , Deng L , Hallisey E , Sharpe JD , Ussery EN , Stokley S , Musial T , Weller DL , Murthy BP , Reynolds L , Gibbs-Scharf L , Harris L , Ritchey MD , Toblin RL . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (12) 431-436 The U.S. COVID-19 vaccination program began in December 2020, and ensuring equitable COVID-19 vaccine access remains a national priority.* COVID-19 has disproportionately affected racial/ethnic minority groups and those who are economically and socially disadvantaged (1,2). Thus, achieving not just vaccine equality (i.e., similar allocation of vaccine supply proportional to its population across jurisdictions) but equity (i.e., preferential access and administra-tion to those who have been most affected by COVID-19 disease) is an important goal. The CDC social vulnerability index (SVI) uses 15 indicators grouped into four themes that comprise an overall SVI measure, resulting in 20 metrics, each of which has national and state-specific county rankings. The 20 metric-specific rankings were each divided into lowest to highest tertiles to categorize counties as low, moderate, or high social vulnerability counties. These tertiles were combined with vaccine administration data for 49,264,338 U.S. residents in 49 states and the District of Columbia (DC) who received at least one COVID-19 vaccine dose during December 14, 2020-March 1, 2021. Nationally, for the overall SVI measure, vaccination coverage was higher (15.8%) in low social vulnerability counties than in high social vulnerability counties (13.9%), with the largest coverage disparity in the socioeconomic status theme (2.5 percentage points higher coverage in low than in high vulnerability counties). Wide state variations in equity across SVI metrics were found. Whereas in the majority of states, vaccination coverage was higher in low vulnerability counties, some states had equitable coverage at the county level. CDC, state, and local jurisdictions should continue to monitor vaccination coverage by SVI metrics to focus public health interventions to achieve equitable coverage with COVID-19 vaccine. |
A social vulnerability index for disaster management
Flanagan BE , Gregory EW , Hallisey EJ , Heitgerd JL , Lewis B . J Homel Secur Emerg Manag 2020 8 (1) Social vulnerability refers to the socioeconomic and demographic factors that affect the resilience of communities. Studies have shown that in disaster events the socially vulnerable are more likely to be adversely affected, i.e. they are less likely to recover and more likely to die. Effectively addressing social vulnerability decreases both human suffering and the economic loss related to providing social services and public assistance after a disaster. This paper describes the development of a social vulnerability index (SVI), from 15 census variables at the census tract level, for use in emergency management. It also examines the potential value of the SVI by exploring the impact of Hurricane Katrina on local populations. |
Spatial exploration of the CDC's Social Vulnerability Index and heat-related health outcomes in Georgia
Lehnert EA , Wilt G , Flanagan B , Hallisey E . Int J Disaster Risk Reduct 2020 46 Heat-related illness, an environmental exposure-related outcome commonly treated in U.S. hospital emergency departments (ED), is likely to rise with increased incidence of heat events related to climate change. Few studies demonstrate the spatial and statistical relationship of social vulnerability and heat-related health outcomes. We explore relationships of Georgia county-level heat-related ED visits and mortality rates (2002–2008), with CDC's Social Vulnerability Index (CDC SVI). Bivariate Moran's I analysis revealed significant clustering of high SVI rank and high heat-related ED visit rates (0.211, p < 0.001) and high smoothed mortality rates (0.210, p < 0.001). Regression revealed that for each 10% increase in SVI ranking, ED visit rates significantly increased by a factor of 1.18 (95% CI = 1.17–1.19), and mortality rates significantly increased by a factor of 1.31 (95% CI = 1.16–1.47). CDC SVI values are spatially linked and significantly associated with heat-related ED visit, and mortality rates in Georgia. |
Sociodemographic disparities in access to ovarian cancer treatment
Graham S , Hallisey E , Wilt G , Flanagan B , Rodriguez JL , Peipins L . Ann Cancer Epidemiol 2019 3 Background: Ovarian cancer is the fifth most common cause of cancer death among women in the United States. Failure to receive optimal treatment and poorer survival rates have been reported for older women, African-American women, women with low income, and women with public health insurance coverage or no coverage. Additionally, regional differences in geographic access influence the type of treatment women may seek. This paper explores geographic accessibility and sociodemographic vulnerability in Georgia, which influence receipt of optimal ovarian cancer treatment. Methods: An enhanced two-step floating catchment area (E2SFCA), defining physical access, was created for each census tract and gynecologic oncologist clinic. Secondly, sociodemographic variables reflecting potential social vulnerability were selected from U.S. Census and American Community Survey data at the tract level. These two measures were combined to create a measure of Geosocial Vulnerability. This framework was tested using Georgia ovarian cancer mortality records. Results: Geospatial access was higher in urban areas with less accessibility in suburban and rural areas. Sociodemographic vulnerability varied geospatially, with higher vulnerability in urban citers and rural areas. Sociodemographic measures were combined with geospatial access to create a Geosocial Vulnerability Indicator, which showed a significant positive association with ovarian cancer mortality. Conclusions: Spatial and sociodemographic measures pinpointed areas of healthcare access vulnerability not revealed by either spatial analysis or sociodemographic assessment alone. Whereas lower healthcare accessibility in rural areas has been well described, our analysis shows considerable heterogeneity in access to care in urban areas where the disadvantaged census tracts can be easily identified. |
Measuring community vulnerability to natural and anthropogenic hazards: The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's social vulnerability index
Flanagan BE , Hallisey EJ , Adams E , Lavery A . J Environ Health 2018 80 (10) 34-36 Until recent decades, the focus of disaster management remained largely on attributes of the physical world, primarily risk assessments of the threat of natural and anthropogenic hazards to the built environment. The concept of social vulnerability within a disaster management context received increasing attention when researchers recognized that a more complete assessment of risk must also include the socioeconomic and demographic factors that affect community resilience (Flanagan, Gregory, Hallisey, Heitgerd, & Lewis, 2011; Juntunen, 2005). |
Geographic access to cancer care and mortality among adolescents
Tai E , Hallisey E , Peipins LA , Flanagan B , Buchanan Lunsford N , Wilt G , Graham S . J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol 2017 7 (1) 22-29 PURPOSE: Adolescents with cancer have had less improvement in survival than other populations in the United States. This may be due, in part, to adolescents not receiving treatment at Children's Oncology Group (COG) institutions, which have been shown to increase survival for some cancers. The objective of this ecologic study was to examine geographic distance to COG institutions and adolescent cancer mortality. METHODS: We calculated cancer mortality among adolescents and sociodemographic and healthcare access factors in four geographic zones at selected distances surrounding COG facilities: Zone A (area within 10 miles of any COG institution), Zones B and C (concentric rings with distances from a COG institution of >10-25 miles and >25-50 miles, respectively), and Zone D (area outside of 50 miles). RESULTS: The adolescent cancer death rate was highest in Zone A at 3.21 deaths/100,000, followed by Zone B at 3.05 deaths/100,000, Zone C at 2.94 deaths/100,000, and Zone D at 2.88 deaths/100,000. The United States-wide death rate for whites without Hispanic ethnicity, blacks without Hispanic ethnicity, and persons with Hispanic ethnicity was 2.96 deaths/100,000, 3.10 deaths/100,000, and 3.26 deaths/100,000, respectively. Zone A had high levels of poverty (15%), no health insurance coverage (16%), and no vehicle access (16%). CONCLUSIONS: Geographic access to COG institutions, as measured by distance alone, played no evident role in death rate differences across zones. Among adolescents, socioeconomic factors, such as poverty and health insurance coverage, may have a greater impact on cancer mortality than geographic distance to COG institution. |
Transforming geographic scale: A comparison of combined population and areal weighting to other interpolation methods
Hallisey E , Tai E , Berens A , Wilt G , Peipins L , Lewis B , Graham S , Flanagan B , Lunsford NB . Int J Health Geogr 2017 16 (1) 29 BACKGROUND: Transforming spatial data from one scale to another is a challenge in geographic analysis. As part of a larger, primary study to determine a possible association between travel barriers to pediatric cancer facilities and adolescent cancer mortality across the United States, we examined methods to estimate mortality within zones at varying distances from these facilities: (1) geographic centroid assignment, (2) population-weighted centroid assignment, (3) simple areal weighting, (4) combined population and areal weighting, and (5) geostatistical areal interpolation. For the primary study, we used county mortality counts from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) and population data by census tract for the United States to estimate zone mortality. In this paper, to evaluate the five mortality estimation methods, we employed address-level mortality data from the state of Georgia in conjunction with census data. Our objective here is to identify the simplest method that returns accurate mortality estimates. RESULTS: The distribution of Georgia county adolescent cancer mortality counts mirrors the Poisson distribution of the NCHS counts for the U.S. Likewise, zone value patterns, along with the error measures of hierarchy and fit, are similar for the state and the nation. Therefore, Georgia data are suitable for methods testing. The mean absolute value arithmetic differences between the observed counts for Georgia and the five methods were 5.50, 5.00, 4.17, 2.74, and 3.43, respectively. Comparing the methods through paired t-tests of absolute value arithmetic differences showed no statistical difference among the methods. However, we found a strong positive correlation (r = 0.63) between estimated Georgia mortality rates and combined weighting rates at zone level. Most importantly, Bland-Altman plots indicated acceptable agreement between paired arithmetic differences of Georgia rates and combined population and areal weighting rates. CONCLUSIONS: This research contributes to the literature on areal interpolation, demonstrating that combined population and areal weighting, compared to other tested methods, returns the most accurate estimates of mortality in transforming small counts by county to aggregated counts for large, non-standard study zones. This conceptually simple cartographic method should be of interest to public health practitioners and researchers limited to analysis of data for relatively large enumeration units. |
County-level vulnerability assessment for rapid dissemination of HIV or HCV infections among persons who inject drugs, United States
Van Handel MM , Rose CE , Hallisey EJ , Kolling JL , Zibbell JE , Lewis B , Bohm MK , Jones CM , Flanagan BE , Siddiqi AE , Iqbal K , Dent AL , Mermin JH , McCray E , Ward JW , Brooks JT . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2016 73 (3) 323-331 OBJECTIVE: A recent HIV outbreak in a rural network of persons who inject drugs (PWID) underscored the intersection of the expanding epidemics of opioid abuse, unsterile injection drug use (IDU), and associated increases in hepatitis C virus (HCV) infections. We sought to identify US communities potentially vulnerable to rapid spread of HIV, if introduced, and new or continuing high rates of HCV infections among PWID. DESIGN: We conducted a multistep analysis to identify indicator variables highly associated with IDU. We then used these indicator values to calculate vulnerability scores for each county to identify which were most vulnerable. METHODS: We used confirmed cases of acute HCV infection reported to the National Notifiable Disease Surveillance System, 2012-2013, as a proxy outcome for IDU, and 15 county-level indicators available nationally in Poisson regression models to identify indicators associated with higher county acute HCV infection rates. Using these indicators, we calculated composite index scores to rank each county's vulnerability. RESULTS: A parsimonious set of 6 indicators were associated with acute HCV infection rates (proxy for IDU): drug-overdose deaths, prescription opioid sales, per capita income, white, non-Hispanic race/ethnicity, unemployment, and buprenorphine prescribing potential by waiver. Based on these indicators, we identified 220 counties in 26 states within the 95th percentile of most vulnerable. CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis highlights US counties potentially vulnerable to HIV and HCV infections among PWID in the context of the national opioid epidemic. State and local health departments will need to further explore vulnerability and target interventions to prevent transmission. |
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