Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
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Query Trace: Gwamna J[original query] |
Low-level viraemia among people living with HIV in Nigeria: a retrospective longitudinal cohort study
Chun HM , Abutu A , Milligan K , Ehoche A , Shiraishi RW , Odafe S , Dalhatu I , Onotu D , Okoye M , Oladipo A , Gwamna J , Ikpeazu A , Akpan NM , Ibrahim J , Aliyu G , Akanmu S , Boyd MA , Swaminathan M , Ellerbrock T , Stafford KA , Dirlikov E . Lancet Glob Health 2022 10 (12) e1815-e1824 BACKGROUND: HIV transmission can occur with a viral load of at least 200 copies per mL of blood and low-level viraemia can lead to virological failure; the threshold level at which risk for virological failure is conferred is uncertain. To better understand low-level viraemia prevalence and outcomes, we analysed retrospective longitudinal data from a large cohort of people living with HIV on antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Nigeria. METHODS: In this retrospective cohort study using previously collected longitudinal patient data, we estimated rates of virological suppression (≤50 copies per mL), low-level viraemia (51-999 copies per mL), virological non-suppression (≥1000 copies per mL), and virological failure (≥2 consecutive virological non-suppression results) among people living with HIV aged 18 years and older who initiated and received at least 24 weeks of ART at 1005 facilities in 18 Nigerian states. We analysed risk for low-level viraemia, virological non-suppression, and virological failure using log-binomial regression and mixed-effects logistic regression. FINDINGS: At first viral load for 402 668 patients during 2016-21, low-level viraemia was present in 64 480 (16·0%) individuals and virological non-suppression occurred in 46 051 (11·4%) individuals. Patients with low-level viraemia had increased risk of virological failure (adjusted relative risk 2·20, 95% CI 1·98-2·43; p<0·0001). Compared with patients with virological suppression, patients with low-level viraemia, even at 51-199 copies per mL, had increased odds of low-level viraemia and virological non-suppression at next viral load; patients on optimised ART (ie, integrase strand transfer inhibitors) had lower odds than those on non-integrase strand transfer inhibitors for the same low-level viraemia range (eg, viral load ≥1000 copies per mL following viral load 400-999 copies per mL, integrase strand transfer inhibitor: odds ratio 1·96, 95% CI 1·79-2·13; p<0·0001; non-integrase strand transfer inhibitor: 3·21, 2·90-3·55; p<0·0001). INTERPRETATION: Patients with low-level viraemia had increased risk of virological non-suppression and failure. Programmes should revise monitoring benchmarks and targets from less than 1000 copies per mL to less than 50 copies per mL to strengthen clinical outcomes and track progress to epidemic control. FUNDING: None. |
Improving uptake of prevention of mother-to-child HIV transmission services in Benue State, Nigeria through a faith-based congregational strategy
Montandon M , Efuntoye T , Itanyi IU , Onoka CA , Onwuchekwa C , Gwamna J , Schwitters A , Onyenuobi C , Ogidi AG , Swaminathan M , Oko JO , Ijaodola G , Odoh D , Ezeanolue EE . PLoS One 2021 16 (12) e0260694 BACKGROUND: Nigeria has low antiretroviral therapy (ART) coverage among HIV-positive pregnant women. In a previous cluster-randomized trial in Nigeria, Baby Shower events resulted in higher HIV testing coverage and linkage of pregnant women to ART; here, we assess outcomes of Baby Shower events in a non-research setting. METHODS: Baby Shower events, including a prayer ceremony, group education, music, gifting of a "mama pack" with safe delivery supplies, and HIV testing with ART linkage support for HIV-positive pregnant women, were conducted in eighty sites in Benue State, Nigeria. Client questionnaires (including demographics, ANC attendance, and HIV testing history), HIV test results, and reported linkage to ART were analyzed. Descriptive data on HIV testing and ART linkage data for facility-based care at ANC clinics in Benue State were also analyzed for comparison. RESULTS: Between July 2016 and October 2017, 10,056 pregnant women and 6,187 male partners participated in Baby Shower events; 61.5% of women attended with a male partner. Nearly half of female participants (n = 4515, 44.9%) were not enrolled in ANC for the current pregnancy, and 22.3% (n = 2,241) of female and 24.8% (n = 1,532) of male participants reported they had never been tested for HIV. Over 99% (n = 16,240) of participants had their HIV status ascertained, with 7.2% of females (n = 724) and 4.0% of males (n = 249) testing HIV-positive, and 2.9% of females (n = 274) and 2.3% of males (n = 138) receiving new HIV-positive diagnoses. The majority of HIV-positive pregnant women (93.0%, 673/724) were linked to ART. By comparison, at health facilities in Benue State during a similar time period, 99.7% of pregnant women had HIV status ascertained, 8.4% had a HIV-positive status, 2.1% were newly diagnosed HIV-positive, and 100% were linked to ART. CONCLUSION: Community-based programs such as the faith-based Baby Shower intervention complement facility-based approaches and can reach individuals who would not otherwise access facility-based care. Future Baby Showers implementation should incorporate enhanced support for ART linkage and retention to maximize the impact of this intervention on vertical HIV transmission. |
Expanding access to HIV services during the COVID-19 pandemic-Nigeria, 2020.
Boyd AT , Jahun I , Dirlikov E , Greby S , Odafe S , Abdulkadir A , Odeyemi O , Dalhatu I , Ogbanufe O , Abutu A , Asaolu O , Bamidele M , Onyenuobi C , Efuntoye T , Fagbamigbe JO , Ene U , Fagbemi A , Tingir N , Meribe C , Ayo A , Bassey O , Nnadozie O , Boyd MA , Onotu D , Gwamna J , Okoye M , Abrams W , Alagi M , Oladipo A , Williams-Sherlock M , Bachanas P , Chun H , Carpenter D , Miller DA , Ijeoma U , Nwaohiri A , Dakum P , Mensah CO , Aliyu A , Oyeledun B , Okonkwo P , Oko JO , Ikpeazu A , Aliyu G , Ellerbrock T , Swaminathan M . AIDS Res Ther 2021 18 (1) 62 BACKGROUND: To accelerate progress toward the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets, US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Nigeria country office (CDC Nigeria) initiated an Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) Surge in 2019 to identify and link 340,000 people living with HIV/AIDS (PLHIV) to ART. Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) threatened to interrupt ART Surge progress following the detection of the first case in Nigeria in February 2020. To overcome this disruption, CDC Nigeria designed and implemented adapted ART Surge strategies during February-September 2020. METHODS: Adapted ART Surge strategies focused on continuing expansion of HIV services while mitigating COVID-19 transmission. Key strategies included an intensified focus on community-based, rather than facility-based, HIV case-finding; immediate initiation of newly-diagnosed PLHIV on 3-month ART starter packs (first ART dispense of 3 months of ART); expansion of ART distribution through community refill sites; and broadened access to multi-month dispensing (MMD) (3-6 months ART) among PLHIV established in care. State-level weekly data reporting through an Excel-based dashboard and individual PLHIV-level data from the Nigeria National Data Repository facilitated program monitoring. RESULTS: During February-September 2020, the reported number of PLHIV initiating ART per month increased from 11,407 to 25,560, with the proportion found in the community increasing from 59 to 75%. The percentage of newly-identified PLHIV initiating ART with a 3-month ART starter pack increased from 60 to 98%. The percentage of on-time ART refill pick-ups increased from 89 to 100%. The percentage of PLHIV established in care receiving at least 3-month MMD increased from 77 to 93%. Among PLHIV initiating ART, 6-month retention increased from 74 to 92%. CONCLUSIONS: A rapid and flexible HIV program response, focused on reducing facility-based interactions while ensuring delivery of lifesaving ART, was critical in overcoming COVID-19-related service disruptions to expand access to HIV services in Nigeria during the first eight months of the pandemic. High retention on ART among PLHIV initiating treatment indicates immediate MMD in this population may be a sustainable practice. HIV program infrastructure can be leveraged and adapted to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Scale-up of antiretroviral treatment access among people living with HIV in Rivers State, Nigeria, 2019--2020
Boyd AT , Ogbanufe O , Onyenuobi C , Mgbakor I , Bachanas P , Olupitan O , Umeh C , Adegboye A , Owhonda G , Odafe S , Jahun I , Dakum P , Mensah C , Gwamna J , Onotu D , Dirlikov E , Williams-Sherlock M , Okolo C , Verinumbe T , Idakwo S , Kumtap MU , Ellerbrock T , Swaminathan M . AIDS 2021 35 (7) 1127-1134 OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to describe and evaluate the impact of the programme intervention of the Rivers State Antiretroviral Treatment (ART) Surge, a collaboration between the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the State Ministry of Health, to increase HIV case-finding and ART access in Rivers State, the state with the largest ART gap among people living with HIV (PWH) in Nigeria. DESIGN: During April 2019-September 2020, the intervention included six specific strategies: using local government area-level ART gap analysis to guide case-finding; expanding targeted community testing; tailoring comprehensive key population HIV services; engaging HIV treatment programme stakeholders; synchronizing team efforts; and using near real-time data for programme action. METHODS: Weekly reported facility and community data on tests conducted, PWH diagnosed, and PWH initiated on ART were aggregated. The total number of PWH maintained on ART was reported quarterly. RESULTS: During May 2019-September 2020, the weekly number of newly diagnosed PWH initiated on ART supported by PEPFAR in Rivers State increased from 82 to 1723. During October 2019-September 2020, the monthly number of people screened for HIV testing eligibility in the community increased from 44 000 to 360 000. During April 2019-September 2020, the total number of PWH on ART supported by PEPFAR statewide increased by 3.8 times, from 26 041 to 99 733. CONCLUSION: The strategies applied by HIV program stakeholders contributed to scale-up of PWH identification and ART linkage within the Rivers State ART Surge. Continued gains through time indicate the importance of the application of a quality improvement approach to maintain programme flexibility and effectiveness. |
Rapid Scale-up of an Antiretroviral Therapy Program Before and During the COVID-19 Pandemic - Nine States, Nigeria, March 31, 2019-September 30, 2020.
Dirlikov E , Jahun I , Odafe SF , Obinna O , Onyenuobi C , Ifunanya M , Efuntoye TA , Tingir N , Ene U , Fagbemi A , Meribe C , Bassey O , Ayo A , Fagbamigbe OJ , Amafah J , Bamidele M , Alagi M , Oladipo A , Dalhatu I , Okoye M , Onotu D , Gwamna J , Abrams WA , Conner DA , Nwaohiri A , Carpenter D , Ijeoma UC , Shah S , Tison LI , Shah M , Chun H , Williams-Sherlock M , Boyd AT , Bachanas P , Ikpeazu A , Aliyu GG , Ellerbrock T , Swaminathan M . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (12) 421-426 In 2018, an estimated 1.8 million persons living in Nigeria had HIV infection (1.3% of the total population), including 1.1 million (64%) who were receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) (1). Effective ART reduces morbidity and mortality rates among persons with HIV infection and prevents HIV transmission once viral load is suppressed to undetectable levels (2,3). In April 2019, through the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR),* CDC launched an 18-month ART Surge program in nine Nigerian states to rapidly increase the number of persons with HIV infection receiving ART. CDC analyzed programmatic data gathered during March 31, 2019-September 30, 2020, to describe the ART Surge program's progress on case finding, ART initiation, patient retention, and ART Surge program growth. Overall, the weekly number of newly identified persons with HIV infection who initiated ART increased approximately eightfold, from 587 (week ending May 4, 2019) to 5,329 (week ending September 26, 2020). The ART Surge program resulted in 208,202 more HIV-infected persons receiving PEPFAR-supported ART despite the COVID-19 pandemic (97,387 more persons during March 31, 2019-March 31, 2020 and an additional 110,815 persons during April 2020-September 2020). Comprehensive, data-guided, locally adapted interventions and the use of incident command structures can help increase the number of persons with HIV infection who receive ART, reducing HIV-related morbidity and mortality as well as decreasing HIV transmission. |
Sex differences in HIV testing - 20 PEPFAR-supported sub-Saharan African Countries, 2019
Drammeh B , Medley A , Dale H , De AK , Diekman S , Yee R , Aholou T , Lasry A , Auld A , Baack B , Duffus W , Shahul E , Wong V , Grillo M , Al-Samarrai T , Ally S , Nyangulu M , Nyirenda R , Olivier J , Chidarikire T , Khanyile N , Kayange AA , Rwabiyago OE , Kategile U , Bisimba J , Weber RA , Ncube G , Maguwu O , Pietersen I , Mali D , Dzinotyiweyi E , Nelson L , Bosco MJ , Dalsone K , Apolot M , Anangwe S , Soo LK , Mugambi M , Mbayiha A , Mugwaneza P , Malamba SS , Phiri A , Chisenga T , Boyd M , Temesgan C , Shimelis M , Weldegebreal T , Getachew M , Balachandra S , Eboi E , Shasha W , Doumatey N , Adjoua D , Meribe C , Gwamna J , Gado P , John-Dada I , Mukinda E , Lukusa LFK , Kalenga L , Bunga S , Achyut V , Mondi J , Loeto P , Mogomotsi G , Ledikwe J , Ramphalla P , Tlhomola M , Mirembe JK , Nkwoh T , Eno L , Bonono L , Honwana N , Chicuecue N , Simbine A , Malimane I , Dube L , Mirira M , Mndzebele P , Frawley A , Cardo YMR , Behel S . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (48) 1801-1806 Despite progress toward controlling the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic, testing gaps remain, particularly among men and young persons in sub-Saharan Africa (1). This observational study used routinely collected programmatic data from 20 African countries reported to the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) from October 2018 to September 2019 to assess HIV testing coverage and case finding among adults (defined as persons aged ≥15 years). Indicators included number of HIV tests conducted, number of HIV-positive test results, and percentage positivity rate. Overall, the majority of countries reported higher HIV case finding among women than among men. However, a slightly higher percentage positivity was recorded among men (4.7%) than among women (4.1%). Provider-initiated counseling and testing (PITC) in health facilities identified approximately two thirds of all new cases, but index testing had the highest percentage positivity in all countries among both sexes. Yields from voluntary counseling and testing (VCT) and mobile testing varied by sex and by country. These findings highlight the need to identify and implement the most efficient strategies for HIV case finding in these countries to close coverage gaps. Strategies might need to be tailored for men who remain underrepresented in the majority of HIV testing programs. |
Individual and network factors associated with HIV care continuum outcomes among Nigerian MSM accessing healthcare services
Ramadhani HO , Ndembi N , Nowak RG , Ononaku U , Gwamna J , Orazulike I , Adebajo S , Crowell TA , Liu H , Baral SD , Ake J , Charurat ME . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2018 79 (1) e7-e16 BACKGROUND: and setting: As data on the determinants of the HIV care continuum from key populations such as men who have sex with men (MSM) in resource-limited, settings (RLS) are limited, the study aimed to characterize HIV care continuum outcomes and assess individual and network barriers to progression through the HIV care continuum among MSM in Abuja and Lagos, Nigeria. METHODS: TRUST/RV368 study used respondent-driven-sampling to accrue MSM into community-based clinics in Nigeria. Participants received HIV testing at enrollment. HIV-infected participants were offered antiretroviral therapy (ART) with HIV RNA testing every three months (Abuja) or six months (Lagos). Multiple logistic regression models were used to calculate adjusted odds ratios for factors associated with each point in the HIV care continuum, including HIV testing, ART initiation, and six-month viral suppression. RESULTS: A total of 1506 MSM were recruited, 1178 (78.2%) tested for HIV and 369 (31.3%) were HIV positive newly diagnosed. Of these, 188 (50.1%) initiated ART, 136 (72.3%) completed six months and 96 (70.6%) were virally suppressed. Larger network size and stronger social network support were positively associated with HIV testing uptake. Factors associated with ART initiation were higher education and stronger social network support. Having stronger social network support was associated with increased odds of viral suppression at six months. CONCLUSIONS: Social determinants of health potentiated increased HIV Care Continuum outcomes. Integration of HIV prevention, HIV Counselling and Testing services and universal coverage of ART into a community-based clinic is critical in achieving better hig HIV Care Continuum outcomes. |
- Page last reviewed:Feb 1, 2024
- Page last updated:Jan 27, 2025
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