Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 31 Records) |
Query Trace: Grund J[original query] |
Shifting reasons for older men remaining uncircumcised: Findings from a pre- and post-demand creation intervention among men aged 25-39 years in western Kenya
Agot K , Onyango J , Otieno G , Musingila P , Gachau S , Ochillo M , Grund J , Joseph R , Mboya E , Ohaga S , Omondi D , Odoyo-June E . PLOS Glob Public Health 2024 4 (5) e0003188 Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) reduces men's risk of acquiring Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) through vaginal sex. However, VMMC uptake remains lowest among Kenyan men ages 25-39 years among whom the impact on reducing population-level HIV incidence was estimated to be greatest at the start of the study in 2014. We conducted a pre- and post-intervention survey as part of a cluster randomized controlled trial to determine the effect of two interventions (interpersonal communication (IPC) and dedicated service outlets (DSO), delivered individually or together) on improving VMMC uptake among men ages 25-39 years in western Kenya between 2014 and 2016. The study had three intervention arms and a control arm. In arm one, an IPC toolkit was used to address barriers to VMMC. In arm two, men were referred to DSO that were modified to address their preferences. Arm three combined the IPC and DSO. The control arm had standard of care. At baseline, uncircumcised men ranked the top three reasons for remaining uncircumcised. An IPC demand creation toolkit was used to address the identified barriers and men were referred for VMMC at study-designated facilities. At follow-up, those who remained uncircumcised were again asked to rank the top three reasons for not getting circumcised. There was inconsistency in ranking of reported barriers at pre- and post- intervention: 'time/venue not convenient' was ranked third at baseline and seventh at follow-up; 'too busy to go for circumcision' was tenth at baseline but second at follow-up, and concern about 'what I/family will eat' was ranked first at both baseline and follow-up, but the proportion reduced from 62% to 28%. Men ages 25-39 years cited a variety of logistical and psychosocial barriers to receiving VMMC. After exposure to IPC, most of these barriers shifted while some remained the same. Additional innovative interventions to address on-going and shifting barriers may help improve VMMC uptake among older men. |
Accelerating COVID-19 vaccination among people living with HIV and health care workers in Tanzania: A case study
Jalloh MF , Tinuga F , Dahoma M , Rwebembera A , Kapologwe NA , Magesa D , Mukurasi K , Rwabiyago OE , Kazitanga J , Miller A , Sando D , Maruyama H , Mbatia R , Temu F , Matiko E , Kazaura K , Njau P , Imaa J , Pinto T , Nur SA , Schaad N , Malero A , Damian D , Grund J , Mgomella GS , Johnson A , Cole G , Mmari E , Gatei W , Swaminathan M . Glob Health Sci Pract 2024 BACKGROUND: There is limited evidence on COVID-19 vaccination uptake among people living with HIV (PLHIV) and health care workers (HCWs), with the current evidence concentrated in high-income countries. There is also limited documentation in the published literature regarding the feasibility and lessons from implementing targeted vaccination strategies to reach PLHIV and HCWs in low- and middle-income countries. PROGRAM DEVELOPMENT, PILOTING, AND IMPLEMENTATION: We designed and implemented multifaceted strategies to scale up targeted COVID-19 vaccination among PLHIV and HCWs in 11 administrative regions on the mainland of Tanzania plus Zanzibar. An initial 6-week intensification strategy was implemented using a diverse partnership model comprising key stakeholders at the national- and subnational levels. A layered package of strategies included expanding the number of certified vaccinators, creating vaccination points within HIV clinics, engaging HCWs to address their concerns, and building the capacity of HCWs as "champions" to promote and facilitate vaccination. We then closely monitored COVID-19 vaccination uptake in 562 high-volume HIV clinics. Between September 2021 and September 2022, the proportion of fully vaccinated adult PLHIV increased from <1% to 97% and fully vaccinated HCWs increased from 23% to 80%. LESSONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Our intra-action review highlighted the importance of leveraging a strong foundation of existing partnerships and platforms, integrating COVID-19 vaccination points within HIV clinics, and refining strategies to increase vaccination demand while ensuring continuity of vaccine supply to meet the increased demand. Lessons from Tanzania can inform targeted vaccination of vulnerable groups in future health emergencies. |
Social network strategy (SNS) for HIV testing: a new approach for identifying individuals with undiagnosed HIV infection in Tanzania
Rwabiyago OE , Katale A , Bingham T , Grund JM , Machangu O , Medley A , Nkomela ZM , Kayange A , King'ori GN , Juma JM , Ismail A , Kategile U , Akom E , Mlole NT , Schaad N , Maokola W , Nyagonde N , Magesa D , Kazitanga JC , Maruyama H , Temu F , Kimambo S , Sando D , Mbatia R , Chalamila ST , Ogwang BE , Njelekela MA , Kazaura K , Wong VJ , Gongo R , Njau PF , Mbunda A , Nondi J , Bateganya M , Greene J , Breda M , Mgomella G , Rwebembera A , Swaminathan M . AIDS Care 2024 1-10 Social network strategy (SNS) testing uses network connections to refer individuals at high risk to HIV testing services (HTS). In Tanzania, SNS testing is offered in communities and health facilities. In communities, SNS testing targets key and vulnerable populations (KVP), while in health facilities it complements index testing by reaching unelicited index contacts. Routine data were used to assess performance and trends over time in PEPFAR-supported sites between October 2021 and March 2023. Key indicators included SNS social contacts tested, and new HIV-positives individuals identified. Descriptive and statistical analysis were conducted. Univariable and multivariable analysis were applied, and variables with P-values <0.2 at univariable analysis were considered for multivariable analysis. Overall, 121,739 SNS contacts were tested, and 7731 (6.4%) previously undiagnosed individuals living with HIV were identified. Tested contacts and identified HIV-positives were mostly aged ≥15 years (>99.7%) and females (80.6% of tests, 79.4% of HIV-positives). Most SNS contacts were tested (78,363; 64.7%) and diagnosed (6376; 82.5%) in communities. SNS tests and HIV-positives grew 11.5 and 6.1-fold respectively, from October-December 2021 to January-March 2023, with majority of clients reached in communities vs. facilities (78,763 vs. 42,976). These results indicate that SNS testing is a promising HIV case-finding approach in Tanzania. |
Improving HIV case finding through index testing: Findings from health facilities in 12 districts of South Africa, October 2019-September 2021
Aheron S , Paredes-Vincent A , Patton ME , Gross J , Medley A , Mona G , Mtimkulu N , Nkuna K , Grund JM . AIDS Behav 2024 To assess the importance of index testing in HIV case finding, we analyzed quarterly data from October 2019 to September 2021 from 371 facilities in 12 districts in South Africa. Index testing accounted for 2.6% of all HIV tests (index and non-index) (n = 163,633), but 17.8% of all HIV-positive results, with an HIV-positivity 4-times higher than non-index testing modalities (4.1%). Despite twice as many adult females ≥ 15 years accepting index testing (n = 206,715) compared to adult males ≥ 15 years (n = 102,180), females identified fewer contacts (n = 91,123) than males (n = 113,939). Slightly more than half (51.2%) of all contacts elicited were tested (n = 163,633/319,680), while 19.7% (n = 62,978) of elicited contacts were previously diagnosed as HIV-positive and not eligible for further testing. These findings indicate index testing can be effective in increasing HIV diagnoses in South Africa. Further operational research is needed to address gaps identified in the index testing cascade, including elicitation and testing of contacts. |
Preventing HIV among adolescent boys and young men through PEPFAR-supported voluntary medical male circumcision in 15 Sub-Saharan African Countries, 2018-2021
Peck ME , Ong K , Lucas T , Thomas AG , Wandira R , Ntwaaga B , Mkhontfo M , Zegeye T , Yohannes F , Mulatu D , Gultie T , Juma AW , Odoyo-June E , Maida A , Msungama W , Canda M , Mutandi G , Zemburuka BLT , Kankindi I , Vranken P , Maphothi N , Loykissoonlal D , Bunga S , Grund JM , Kazaura KJ , Kabuye G , Chituwo O , Muyunda B , Kamboyi R , Lingenda G , Mandisarisa J , Peterson A , Malaba R , Xaba S , Moyo T , Toledo C . AIDS Educ Prev 2023 35 67-81 Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) is an HIV prevention intervention that has predominantly targeted adolescent and young men, aged 10-24 years. In 2020, the age eligibility for VMMC shifted from 10 to 15 years of age. This report describes the VMMC client age distribution from 2018 to 2021, at the site, national, and regional levels, among 15 countries in southern and eastern Africa. Overall, in 2018 and 2019, the highest proportion of VMMCs were performed among 10-14-year-olds (45.6% and 41.2%, respectively). In 2020 and 2021, the 15-19-year age group accounted for the highest proportion (37.2% and 50.4%, respectively) of VMMCs performed across all age groups. Similarly, in 2021 at the site level, 68.1% of VMMC sites conducted the majority of circumcisions among men aged 15-24 years. This analysis highlights that adolescent boys and young men are the primary recipients of VMMC receiving an important lifetime reduction in HIV risk. |
Use of epidemiology surge support to enhance robustness and expand capacity of SARS-CoV-2 pandemic response, South Africa
Taback-Esra R , Morof D , Briggs-Hagen M , Savva H , Mthethwa S , Williams D , Drummond J , Rothgerber N , Smith M , McMorrow M , Ndlovu M , Adelekan A , Kindra G , Olivier J , Mpofu N , Motlhaoleng K , Khuzwayo L , Makapela D , Manjengwa P , Ochieng A , Porter S , Grund J , Diallo K , Lacson R . Emerg Infect Dis 2022 28 (13) S177-s180 As COVID-19 cases increased during the first weeks of the pandemic in South Africa, the National Institute of Communicable Diseases requested assistance with epidemiologic and surveillance expertise from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention South Africa. By leveraging its existing relationship with the National Institute of Communicable Diseases for >2 months, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention South Africa supported data capture and file organization, data quality reviews, data analytics, laboratory strengthening, and the development and review of COVID-19 guidance This case study provides an account of the resources and the technical, logistical, and organizational capacity leveraged to support a rapid response to the COVID-19 pandemic in South Africa. |
Strategies to increase uptake of voluntary medical male circumcision among men aged 25-39 years in Nyanza Region, Kenya: Results from a cluster randomized controlled trial (the TASCO study)
Grund JM , Onchiri F , Mboya E , Ussery F , Musingila P , Ohaga S , Odoyo-June E , Bock N , Ayieko B , Agot K . PLoS One 2023 18 (2) e0276593 INTRODUCTION: Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) for HIV prevention began in Nyanza Region, Kenya in 2008. By 2014, approximately 800,000 VMMCs had been conducted, and 84.9% were among males aged 15-24 years. We evaluated the impact of interpersonal communication (IPC) and dedicated service outlets (DSO) on VMMC uptake among men aged 25-39 years in Nyanza Region. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We conducted a cluster randomized controlled trial in 45 administrative Locations (clusters) in Nyanza Region between May 2014 and June 2016 among uncircumcised men aged 25-34 years. In arm one, an IPC toolkit was used to address barriers to VMMC. In the second arm, men were referred to DSO that were modified to address their preferences. Arm three combined the IPC and DSO arms, and arm four was standard of care (SOC). Randomization was done at Location level (11-12 per arm). The primary outcome was the proportion of enrolled men who received VMMC within three months. Generalized estimating equations were used to evaluate the effect of interventions on the outcome. RESULTS: At baseline, 9,238 households with men aged 25-39 years were enumerated, 9,679 men were assessed, and 2,792 (28.8%) were eligible. For enrollment, 577 enrolled in the IPC arm, 825 in DSO, 723 in combined IPC + DSO, and 667 in SOC. VMMC uptake among men in the SOC arm was 3.2%. In IPC, DSO, and combined IPC + DSO arms, uptake was 3.3%, 4.5%, and 4.4%, respectively. The adjusted odds ratio (aOR) of VMMC uptake in the study arms compared to SOC were IPC aOR = 1.03; 95% CI: 0.50-2.13, DSO aOR = 1.31; 95% CI: 0.67-2.57, and IPC + DSO combined aOR = 1.31, 95% CI: 0.65-2.67. DISCUSSION: Using these interventions among men aged 25-39 years did not significantly impact VMMC uptake. These findings suggest that alternative demand creation strategies for VMMC services are needed to reach men aged 25-39 years. TRIAL REGISTRATION: identifier: NCT02497989. |
Defining the global research and programmatic agenda and priority actions for voluntary medical male circumcision for HIV prevention
Peck ME , Lucas T , Ong KS , Grund JM , Davis S , Yansaneh A , Kiggundu VL , Thomas AG , Curran K , Laube C , Sundaram M , Ameyan W , Zembe L , Toledo C . Curr HIV/AIDS Rep 2022 19 (6) 1-11 PURPOSE OF REVIEW: Since 2007, voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) programs have been associated with substantially reduced HIV incidence across 15 prioritized countries in Eastern and Southern Africa. Drawing on the programmatic experience of global VMMC leaders, this report reviews progress made in the first 15years of the program, describes programmatic and research gaps, and presents considerations to maximize the impact of VMMC. RECENT FINDINGS: Overall, key programmatic and research gaps include a lack of robust male circumcision coverage estimates due to limitations to the data and a lack of standardized approaches across programs; challenges enhancing VMMC uptake include difficulties reaching populations at higher risk for HIV infection and men 30years and older; limitations to program and procedural quality and safety including variations in approaches used by programs; and lastly, sustainability with limited evidence-based practices. Considerations to address these gaps include the need for global guidance on estimating coverage, conducting additional research on specific sub-populations to improve VMMC uptake, implementation of responsive and comprehensive approaches to adverse event surveillance, and diversifying financing streams to progress towards sustainability. This report's findings may help establish a global VMMC research and programmatic agenda to inform policy, research, and capacity-building activities at the national and global levels. |
"They are our eyes outside there in the community": Implementing enhanced training, management and monitoring of South Africa's ward-based primary healthcare outreach teams
Mantell JE , Masvawure TB , Zech JM , Reidy W , Msukwa M , Glenshaw M , Grund J , Williams D , Pitt B , Rabkin M . PLoS One 2022 17 (8) e0266445 INTRODUCTION: In 2018, South Africa's National Department of Health provided additional resources for ward-based primary healthcare outreach teams (OT) with support from the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief. The intervention package included a new training curriculum, enhanced staffing, revised management and supervisory structures, and more intensive monitoring and evaluation (M&E). The goal was to strengthen OT and their impact on both primary healthcare and HIV-specific services. We conducted a process evaluation of this intervention package during its second year and examined implementation successes and challenges. METHODS: We conducted a mixed-methods evaluation at 20 purposively selected facilities in Bojanala and City of Tshwane districts, including surveys with 222 community health workers (CHWs) and outreach team leaders (OTLs); key informant interviews and online surveys with 28 policy and program stakeholders; 70 in-depth interviews with health facility staff; 20 focus group discussions with 194 CHWs; 20 structured health facility assessments; directly-observed time-motion studies; and review of program documents. RESULTS: Most participants highlighted the hiring and training of CHWs and OTLs as a key implementation success because this had partially alleviated staffing shortages and helped clarify CHWs' and OTLs' responsibilities and supervisory structures. The new monitoring tools were welcomed for their potential to improve data collection and program tracking. However, participants highlighted many program challenges: short-lived gains in CHWs' knowledge and skills due to lack of ongoing training and mentoring; insufficient integration of OT into health facility management structures; persistent shortages of equipment, supplies, transportation, and workspace for CHWs; and insufficient remuneration for staff. CONCLUSION: Strengthening and expanding CHW programs, such as OT, requires intensive support and continuous investments. To sustain improvements in training, supervision, and job satisfaction, CHWs must be equipped with needed resources, provided with ongoing supportive supervision, and strengthened by optimized program management, monitoring and processes. |
Maximizing the impact of voluntary medical male circumcision for HIV prevention in Zambia by targeting high-risk men: A pre/post program evaluation
Lukobo-Durrell M , Aladesanmi L , Suraratdecha C , Laube C , Grund J , Mohan D , Kabila M , Kaira F , Habel M , Hines JZ , Mtonga H , Chituwo O , Conkling M , Chipimo PJ , Kachimba J , Toledo C . AIDS Behav 2022 26 (11) 3597-3606 A well-documented barrier to voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) is financial loss due to the missed opportunity to work while undergoing and recovering from VMMC. We implemented a 2-phased outcome evaluation to explore how enhanced demand creation and financial compensation equivalent to 3 days of missed work influence uptake of VMMC among men at high risk of HIV exposure in Zambia. In Phase 1, we implemented human-centered design-informed interpersonal communication. In Phase 2, financial compensation of ZMW 200 (~ US$17) was added. The proportion of men undergoing circumcision was significantly higher in Phase 2 compared to Phase 1 (38% vs 3%). The cost of demand creation and compensation per client circumcised was $151.54 in Phase 1 and $34.93 in Phase 2. Financial compensation is a cost-effective strategy for increasing VMMC uptake among high-risk men in Zambia, and VMMC programs may consider similar interventions suited to their context. |
An economic evaluation of an intervention to increase demand for medical male circumcision among men aged 25-49 years in South Africa
Holmes M , Grund J . BMC Health Serv Res 2021 21 (1) 1097 BACKGROUND: Studies estimate that circumcising men between the ages of 20-30 years who have exhibited previous risky sexual behaviour could reduce overall HIV prevalence. Demand creation strategies for medical male circumcision (MMC) targeting men in this age group may significantly impact these prevalence rates. OBJECTIVES: The objective of this study is to evaluate the cost-effectiveness and cost-benefit of an implementation science, pre-post study designed to increase the uptake of male circumcision for ages 25-49 at a fixed MMC clinic located in Gauteng Province, South Africa. METHODS: A health care provider perspective was utilised to collect all costs. Costs were compared between the standard care scenario of routine outreach strategies and a full intervention strategy. Cost-effectiveness was measured as cost per mature man enrolled and cost per mature man circumcised. A cost-benefit analysis was employed by using the Bernoulli model to estimate the cases of HIV averted due to medical male circumcision (MMC), and subsequently translated to averted medical costs. RESULTS: In the 2015 intervention, the cost of the intervention was $9445 for 722 men. The total HIV treatment costs averted due to the intervention were $542,491 from a public care model and $378,073 from a private care model. The benefit-cost ratio was 57.44 for the public care model and 40.03 for the private care model. The net savings of the intervention were $533,046 or $368,628 - depending on treatment in a public or private setting. CONCLUSIONS: The intervention was cost-effective compared to similar MMC demand interventions and led to statistically significant cost savings per individual enrolled. |
High risk sexual behaviours associated with traditional beliefs about gender roles among men interested in medical male circumcision in South Africa
Chetty-Makkan CM , Grund JM , Muchiri E , Price MA , Latka MH , Charalambous S . AIDS Res Ther 2021 18 (1) 33 BACKGROUND: Beliefs about gender roles and high-risk sexual behaviours underlie the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) epidemic in South Africa. Yet, there is limited information on the relationships between beliefs about gender roles and risky sexual behaviours. Few studies have explored the association between beliefs about gender roles, high risk sexual behaviour, and health-seeking behaviour among men. METHODS: We investigated associations between gender beliefs (dichotomised as traditional or progressive) and high-risk sexual behaviour among South African men presenting for medical male circumcision (Apr 2014 to Nov 2015). RESULTS: Of 2792 enrolled men, 47.4% reported traditional gender beliefs. Participant ages ranged between 18-46 years (median age 26 years; interquartile range, 21-31 years). Most participants had at least one sex partner over the last 12 months (68.2%). Younger men (18-24 years old vs. 25-46 years old) (odds ratio [OR], 1.5 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.0-2.0]), those with multiple partners ([OR], 1.5 (CI) 1.3-1.8]) and participants unsure of their last partner's HIV status (OR, 1.4 [95% CI 1.1-1.7]) were more likely to have traditional beliefs on gender roles. CONCLUSION: Young men with traditional beliefs on gender roles may be more likely to engage in high-risk sexual behaviour and could be good candidates for HIV prevention programmes. N = 206 (max 350) Trial registration Name of registry:; Trial registration number: NCT02352961; Date of registration: 30 January 2015 "Retrospectively registered"; URL of trial registry record: |
Health utility estimates and their application to HIV prevention in the United States: Implications for cost-effectiveness modeling and future research needs
Whitham HK , Hutchinson AB , Shrestha RK , Kuppermann M , Grund B , Shouse RL , Sansom SL . MDM Policy Pract 2020 5 (2) 2381468320936219 Objectives. Health utility estimates from the current era of HIV treatment, critical for cost-effectiveness analyses (CEA) informing HIV health policy, are limited. We examined peer-reviewed literature to assess the appropriateness of commonly referenced utilities, present previously unreported quality-of-life data from two studies, and discuss future implications for HIV-related CEA. Methods. We searched a database of cost-effectiveness analyses specific to HIV prevention efforts from 1999 to 2016 to identify the most commonly referenced sources for health utilities and to examine practices around using and reporting health utility data. Additionally, we present new utility estimates from the Centers of Disease Control and Prevention's Medical Monitoring Project (MMP) and the INSIGHT Strategies for Management of Anti-Retroviral Therapy (SMART) trial. We compare data collection time frames, sample characteristics, assessment methods, and key estimates. Results. Data collection for the most frequently cited utility estimates ranged from 1985 to 1997, predating modern HIV treatment. Reporting practices around utility weights are poor and lack details on participant characteristics, which may be important stratifying factors for CEA. More recent utility estimates derived from MMP and SMART were similar across CD4+ count strata and had a narrower range than pre-antiretroviral therapy (ART) utilities. Conclusions. Despite the widespread use of ART, cost-effectiveness analysis of HIV prevention interventions frequently apply pre-ART health utility weights. Use of utility weights reflecting the current state of the US epidemic are needed to best inform HIV research and public policy decisions. Improved practices around the selection, application, and reporting of health utility data used in HIV prevention CEA are needed to improve transparency. |
Use of lotteries for the promotion of voluntary medical male circumcision service: A discrete-choice experiment among adult men in Tanzania
Ong JJ , Neke N , Wambura M , Kuringe E , Grund JM , Plotkin M , d'Elbee M , Torres-Rueda S , Mahler HR , Weiss HA , Terris-Prestholt F . Med Decis Making 2019 39 (4) 272989x19852095 Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) is effective in reducing the risk of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). However, countries like Tanzania have high HIV prevalence but low uptake of VMMC. We conducted a discrete-choice experiment to evaluate the preferences for VMMC service attributes in a random sample of 325 men aged 18 years or older from the general population in 2 Tanzanian districts, Njombe and Tabora. We examined the preference for financial incentives in the form of a lottery ticket or receiving a guaranteed transport voucher for attendance at a VMMC service. We created a random-parameters logit model to account for individual preference heterogeneity and a latent class analysis model for identifying groups of men with similar preferences to test the hypothesis that men who reported sexually risky behaviors (i.e., multiple partners and any condomless sex in the past 12 months) may have a preference for participation in a lottery-based incentive. Most men preferred a transport voucher (84%) over a lottery ticket. We also found that offering a lottery-based financial incentive may not differentially attract those with greater sexual risk. Our study highlights the importance of gathering local data to understand preference heterogeneity, particularly regarding assumptions around risk behaviors. |
Using discrete choice experiments to inform the design of complex interventions
Terris-Prestholt F , Neke N , Grund JM , Plotkin M , Kuringe E , Osaki H , Ong JJ , Tucker JD , Mshana G , Mahler H , Weiss HA , Wambura M . Trials 2019 20 (1) 157 BACKGROUND: Complex health interventions must incorporate user preferences to maximize their potential effectiveness. Discrete choice experiments (DCEs) quantify the strength of user preferences and identify preference heterogeneity across users. We present the process of using a DCE to supplement conventional qualitative formative research in the design of a demand creation intervention for voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) to prevent HIV in Tanzania. METHODS: The VMMC intervention was designed within a 3-month formative phase. In-depth interviews (n = 30) and participatory group discussions (n = 20) sought to identify broad setting-specific barriers to and facilitators of VMMC among adult men. Qualitative results informed the DCE development, identifying the role of female partners, service providers' attitudes and social stigma. A DCE among 325 men in Njombe and Tabora, Tanzania, subsequently measured preferences for modifiable VMMC service characteristics. The final VMMC demand creation intervention design drew jointly on the qualitative and DCE findings. RESULTS: While the qualitative research informed the community mobilization intervention, the DCE guided the specific VMMC service configuration. The significant positive utilities (u) for availability of partner counselling (u = 0.43, p < 0.01) and age-separated waiting areas (u = 0.21, p < 0.05) led to the provision of community information booths for partners and provision of age-separated waiting areas. The strong disutility of female healthcare providers (u = - 0.24, p < 0.01) led to re-training all providers on client-friendliness. CONCLUSION: This is, to our knowledge, the first study documenting how user preferences from DCEs can directly inform the design of a complex intervention. The use of DCEs as formative research may help increase user uptake and adherence to complex interventions. |
"To speak or not to speak": A qualitative analysis on the attitude and willingness of women to start conversations about voluntary medical male circumcision with their partners in a peri-urban area, South Africa
Chetty-Makkan CM , Grund JM , Munyai R , Gadla V , Chihota V , Maraisane M , Charalambous S . PLoS One 2019 14 (1) e0210480 INTRODUCTION: Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) reduces the risk of HIV infection in heterosexual men and has long-term indirect protection for women, yet VMMC uptake in South Africa remains low (49.8%) in men (25-49 years). We explored the attitude and willingness of women to start conversations on VMMC with their sexual partners in a South African peri-urban setting to increase VMMC uptake. METHODS: Thirty women with median age of 30 years (inter-quartile range 26-33 years) were interviewed in a language of their choice. Key questions included: types of approach to use, gender roles, benefits and barriers to introducing the topic of VMMC, and perceptions of VMMC. Interviews were digitally-recorded, transcribed, and translated. Through a standard iterative process, a codebook was developed (QSR NVIVO 10 software) and inductive thematic analysis applied. RESULTS: Most women were willing talk to their sexual partners about circumcision, but indicated that the decision to circumcise remained that of their sexual partner. Women felt that they should encourage their partners, show more interest in circumcision, be patient, speak in a caring and respectful tone, choose a correct time when their partner was relaxed and talk in a private space about VMMC. Using magazine/newspaper articles, pamphlets or advertisements were identified as tools that could aid their discussion. Substantial barriers to initiating conversations on VMMC included accusations by partner on infidelity, fear of gender-based violence, cultural restrictions and hesitation to speak to a mature partner about circumcision. CONCLUSIONS: Women need to ensure that before talking to their partner about circumcision, the environment and approach that they use are conducive. Female social network forums could be used to educate women on conversation techniques, skills to use when talking to their partners and how to address communication challenges about circumcision. Involvement of women in VMMC awareness campaigns could encourage circumcision uptake among men. |
Association of male circumcision with women's knowledge of its biomedical effects and with their sexual satisfaction and function: A systematic review
Grund JM , Bryant TS , Toledo C , Jackson I , Curran K , Zhou S , Del Campo JM , Yang L , Kivumbi A , Li P , Bock N , Taliano J , Davis SM . AIDS Behav 2018 23 (5) 1104-1114 Male circumcision (MC) is a key HIV prevention intervention for men in countries with high HIV prevalence. Women's understanding of MC is important but poorly understood. We conducted a systematic review including women's knowledge of MC's biomedical impacts and its association with female sexual satisfaction and function through October 2017. Thirty-eight articles were identified: thirty-two with knowledge outcomes, seven with sexual satisfaction, and four with sexual function (N = 38). Respondent proportions aware MC protects men from HIV were 9.84-91.8% (median 60.0%). Proportions aware MC protects men from STIs were 14.3-100% (72.6%). Proportions aware MC partially protects men from HIV were 37.5-82% (50.7%). Proportions aware MC is not proven to protect women from infection by an HIV-positive partner were 90.0-96.8% (93.0%). No increases over time were noted. Women's MC knowledge is variable. Education could help women support MC and make better-informed sexual decisions. |
Progress in voluntary medical male circumcision for HIV prevention supported by the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief through 2017: longitudinal and recent cross-sectional programme data
Davis SM , Hines JZ , Habel M , Grund JM , Ridzon R , Baack B , Davitte J , Thomas A , Kiggundu V , Bock N , Pordell P , Cooney C , Zaidi I , Toledo C . BMJ Open 2018 8 (8) e021835 OBJECTIVE: This article provides an overview and interpretation of the performance of the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief's (PEPFAR's) male circumcision programme which has supported the majority of voluntary medical male circumcisions (VMMCs) performed for HIV prevention, from its 2007 inception to 2017, and client characteristics in 2017. DESIGN: Longitudinal collection of routine programme data and disaggregations. SETTING: 14 countries in sub-Saharan Africa with low baseline male circumcision coverage, high HIV prevalence and PEPFAR-supported VMMC programmes. PARTICIPANTS: Clients of PEPFAR-supported VMMC programmes directed at males aged 10 years and above. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Numbers of circumcisions performed and disaggregations by age band, result of HIV test offer, procedure technique and follow-up visit attendance. RESULTS: PEPFAR supported a total of 15 269 720 circumcisions in 14 countries in Southern and Eastern Africa. In 2017, 45% of clients were under 15 years of age, 8% had unknown HIV status, 1% of those tested were HIV+ and 84% returned for a follow-up visit within 14 days of circumcision. CONCLUSIONS: Over 15 million VMMCs have been supported by PEPFAR since 2007. VMMC continues to attract primarily young clients. The non-trivial proportion of clients not testing for HIV is expected, and may be reassuring that testing is not being presented as mandatory for access to circumcision, or in some cases reflect test kit stockouts or recent testing elsewhere. While VMMC is extremely safe, achieving the highest possible follow-up rates for early diagnosis and intervention on complications is crucial, and programmes continue to work to raise follow-up rates. The VMMC programme has achieved rapid scale-up but continues to face challenges, and new approaches may be needed to achieve the new Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS goal of 27 million additional circumcisions through 2020. |
Effectiveness of an "Exclusive Intervention Strategy" to increase medical male circumcision uptake among men aged 25-49 years in South Africa
Grund JM , Chetty-Makkan CM , Ginindza S , Munyai R , Kisbey-Green H , Maraisane M , Charalambous S . BMC Public Health 2018 18 (1) 868 BACKGROUND: South Africa introduced medical male circumcision (MMC) to reduce HIV incidence. Mathematical modeling suggested that targeting MMC services to men aged 20-34 years could provide the most immediate impact on HIV incidence. However the majority of MMCs performed have been among males aged </=25 years. We evaluated an intervention package to increase MMC uptake among men aged 25-49 years. METHODS: We conducted a pre-post study to compare the proportion of men (aged 25-49 years) presenting for MMC during the formative (Phase 1) and intervention (Phase 2) phases in Ekurhuleni, Johannesburg, South Africa. The intervention included infrastructure changes that separated adults from adolescents at the MMC site, an exclusive men's health club, adult-specific demand generation materials, and discussions with community members. RESULTS: Overall 2817 enrolled in the study with 1601 from Phase 1 and 1216 in Phase 2. A higher proportion of participants aged 25-49 years accessed MMC in Phase 2 compared to Phase 1 (59.4% vs. 54.9%; Prevalence Ratio = 1.08; 95% Confidence Interval: 1.01-1.15; p = 0.019). Participants with multiple partners in the past 12 months in Phase 2 were more likely to access MMC services compared to participants in Phase 1 (unadjusted Odds Ratio, 1.37; 95% CI:1.17-1.61; p < 0.001). After adjusting for age, multiple partners remained a risk factor in Phase 2 (adjusted OR, 1.39; 95% CI: 1.18-1.63; p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The "Exclusive Intervention Strategy" was associated with a slight increase in the proportion of participants aged 25-49 years accessing MMC services, and an increase in those with HIV risk behaviors, during the intervention phase. These findings may provide important insights to overcoming barriers for accessing MMC services among men aged 25-49 years. TRIAL REGISTRATION: The study is registered at , number NCT02352961 . |
Systematic review of the effect of economic compensation and incentives on uptake of voluntary medical male circumcision among men in sub-Saharan Africa
Carrasco MA , Grund JM , Davis SM , Ridzon R , Mattingly M , Wilkinson J , Kasdan B , Kiggundu V , Njeuhmeli E . AIDS Care 2018 30 (9) 1-12 Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) prevalence in priority countries in sub-Saharan Africa, particularly among men aged >/=20 years, has not yet reached the goal of 80% coverage recommended by the World Health Organization. Determining novel strategies to increase VMMC uptake among men >/=20 years is critical to reach HIV epidemic control. We conducted a systematic review to analyze the effectiveness of economic compensation and incentives to increase VMMC uptake among older men in order to inform VMMC demand creation programs. The review included five qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods studies published in peer reviewed journals. Data was extracted into a study summary table, and tables synthesizing study characteristics and results. Results indicate that cash reimbursements for transportation and food vouchers of small nominal amounts to partially compensate for wage loss were effective, while enrollment into lotteries offering prizes were not. Economic compensation provided a final push toward VMMC uptake for men who had already been considering undergoing circumcision. This was in settings with high circumcision prevalence brought by various VMMC demand creation strategies. Lottery prizes offered in the studies did not appear to help overcome barriers to access VMMC and qualitative evidence suggests this may partially explain why they were not effective. Economic compensation may help to increase VMMC uptake in priority countries with high circumcision prevalence when it addresses barriers to uptake. Ethical considerations, sustainability, and possible externalities should be carefully analyzed in countries considering economic compensation as an additional strategy to increase VMMC uptake. |
Bleeding and blood disorders in clients of voluntary medical male circumcision for HIV prevention - Eastern and Southern Africa, 2015-2016
Hinkle LE , Toledo C , Grund JM , Byams VR , Bock N , Ridzon R , Cooney C , Njeuhmeli E , Thomas AG , Odhiambo J , Odoyo-June E , Talam N , Matchere F , Msungama W , Nyirenda R , Odek J , Come J , Canda M , Wei S , Bere A , Bonnecwe C , Choge IA , Martin E , Loykissoonlal D , Lija GJI , Mlanga E , Simbeye D , Alamo S , Kabuye G , Lubwama J , Wamai N , Chituwo O , Sinyangwe G , Zulu JE , Ajayi CA , Balachandra S , Mandisarisa J , Xaba S , Davis SM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (11) 337-339 Male circumcision reduces the risk for female-to-male human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) transmission by approximately 60% (1) and has become a key component of global HIV prevention programs in countries in Eastern and Southern Africa where HIV prevalence is high and circumcision coverage is low. Through September 2017, the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) had supported 15.2 million voluntary medical male circumcisions (VMMCs) in 14 priority countries in Eastern and Southern Africa (2). Like any surgical intervention, VMMC carries a risk for complications or adverse events. Adverse events during circumcision of males aged >/=10 years occur in 0.5% to 8% of procedures, though the majority of adverse events are mild (3,4). To monitor safety and service quality, PEPFAR tracks and reports qualifying notifiable adverse events. Data reported from eight country VMMC programs during 2015-2016 revealed that bleeding resulting in hospitalization for >/=3 days was the most commonly reported qualifying adverse event. In several cases, the bleeding adverse event revealed a previously undiagnosed or undisclosed bleeding disorder. Bleeding adverse events in men with potential bleeding disorders are serious and can be fatal. Strategies to improve precircumcision screening and performance of circumcisions on clients at risk in settings where blood products are available are recommended to reduce the occurrence of these adverse events or mitigate their effects (5). |
Cost and cost-effectiveness of a demand creation intervention to increase uptake of voluntary medical male circumcision in Tanzania: Spending more to spend less
Torres-Rueda S , Wambura M , Weiss HA , Plotkin M , Kripke K , Chilongani J , Mahler H , Kuringe E , Makokha M , Hellar A , Schutte C , Kazaura KJ , Simbeye D , Mshana G , Larke N , Lija G , Changalucha J , Vassall A , Hayes R , Grund JM , Terris-Prestholt F . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2018 78 (3) 291-299 BACKGROUND: Although voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) reduces the risk of HIV acquisition, demand for services is lower among men in most at-risk age groups (ages 20-34 years). A randomised controlled trial was conducted to assess the effectiveness of locally-tailored demand creation activities (including mass media, community mobilisation and targeted service delivery) in increasing uptake of campaign-delivered VMMC among men aged 20-34 years. We conducted an economic evaluation to understand the intervention's cost and cost-effectiveness. SETTING: Tanzania (Njombe and Tabora regions). METHODS: Cost data were collected on surgery, demand creation activities and monitoring and supervision related to VMMC implementation across clusters in both trial arms, as well as start-up activities for the intervention arm. The Decision Makers' Program Planning Tool was used to estimate the number of HIV infections averted and related cost savings given total VMMCs per cluster. Disability-adjusted life years were calculated and used to estimate incremental cost-effectiveness ratios. RESULTS: Client load was higher in the intervention arms than in the control arms: 4394 v. 2901, respectively, in Tabora and 1797 v. 1025 in Njombe. Despite additional costs of tailored demand creation, demand increased more than proportionally: mean costs per VMMC in the intervention arms were $62 in Tabora and $130 in Njombe, and in the control arms $70 and $191, respectively. More infections were averted in the intervention arm than in the control arm in Tabora (123 v. 67, respectively) and in Njombe (164 v. 102, respectively). The intervention dominated the control as it was both less costly and more effective. Cost-savings were observed in both regions stemming from the antiretroviral treatment costs averted as a result of the VMMCs performed. CONCLUSION: Spending more to address local preferences as a way to increase uptake of VMMC can be cost-saving.This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0 (CC BY), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. |
Agreement between self-reported and physically verified male circumcision status in Nyanza region, Kenya: Evidence from the TASCO study
Odoyo-June E , Agot K , Mboya E , Grund J , Musingila P , Emusu D , Soo L , Otieno-Nyunya B . PLoS One 2018 13 (2) e0192823 BACKGROUND: Self-reported male circumcision (MC) status is widely used to estimate community prevalence of circumcision, although its accuracy varies in different settings depending on the extent of misreporting. Despite this challenge, self-reported MC status remains essential because it is the most feasible method of collecting MC status data in community surveys. Therefore, its accuracy is an important determinant of the reliability of MC prevalence estimates based on such surveys. We measured the concurrence between self-reported and physically verified MC status among men aged 25-39 years during a baseline household survey for a study to test strategies for enhancing MC uptake by older men in Nyanza region of Kenya. The objective was to determine the accuracy of self-reported MC status in communities where MC for HIV prevention is being rolled out. METHODS: Agreement between self-reported and physically verified MC status was measured among 4,232 men. A structured questionnaire was used to collect data on MC status followed by physical examination to verify the actual MC status whose outcome was recorded as fully circumcised (no foreskin), partially circumcised (foreskin is past corona sulcus but covers less than half of the glans) or uncircumcised (foreskin covers half or more of the glans). The sensitivity and specificity of self-reported MC status were calculated using physically verified MC status as the gold standard. RESULTS: Out of 4,232 men, 2,197 (51.9%) reported being circumcised, of whom 99.0% were confirmed to be fully circumcised on physical examination. Among 2,035 men who reported being uncircumcised, 93.7% (1,907/2,035) were confirmed uncircumcised on physical examination. Agreement between self-reported and physically verified MC status was almost perfect, kappa (k) = 98.6% (95% CI, 98.1%-99.1%. The sensitivity of self-reporting being circumcised was 99.6% (95% CI, 99.2-99.8) while specificity of self-reporting uncircumcised was 99.0% (95% CI, 98.4-99.4) and did not differ significantly by age group based on chi-square test. Rate of consenting to physical verification of MC status differed by client characteristics; unemployed men were more likely to consent to physical verification (odds ratio [OR] = 1.48, (95% CI, 1.30-1.69) compared to employed men and those with post-secondary education were less likely to consent to physical verification than those with primary education or less (odds ratio [OR] = 0.61, (95% CI, 0.51-0.74). CONCLUSIONS: In this Kenyan context, both sensitivity and specificity of self-reported MC status was high; therefore, MC prevalence estimates based on self-reported MC status should be deemed accurate and applicable for planning. However MC programs should assess accuracy of self-reported MC status periodically for any secular changes that may undermine its usefulness for estimating community MC prevalence in their unique settings. |
Increasing voluntary medical male circumcision uptake among adult men in Tanzania
Wambura M , Mahler H , Grund JM , Larke N , Mshana G , Kuringe E , Plotkin M , Lija G , Makokha M , Terris-Prestholt F , Hayes RJ , Changalucha J , Weiss HA . AIDS 2017 31 (7) 1025-1034 OBJECTIVE: We evaluated a demand-creation intervention to increase voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) uptake among men aged 20-34 years in Tanzania, to maximise short-term impact on HIV incidence. METHODS: A cluster randomized controlled trial stratified by region was conducted in 20 outreach sites in Njombe and Tabora regions. The sites were randomized 1 : 1 to receive either a demand-creation intervention package in addition to standard VMMC outreach, or standard VMMC outreach alone. The intervention package included enhanced public address messages, peer promotion by recently circumcised men, facility setup to increase privacy, and engagement of female partners in demand creation. The primary outcome was the proportion of VMMC clients aged 20-34 years. FINDINGS: Overall, 6251 and 3968 VMMC clients were enrolled in intervention and control clusters, respectively. The proportion of clients aged 20-34 years was slightly greater in the intervention than control arm [17.7 vs. 13.0%; prevalence ratio = 1.36; 95% confidence intervals (CI):0.9-2.0]. In Njombe region, the proportion of clients aged 20-34 years was similar between arms but a significant two-fold difference was seen in Tabora region (P value for effect modification = 0.006). The mean number of men aged 20-34 years (mean difference per cluster = 97; 95% CI:40-154), and of all ages (mean difference per cluster = 227, 95% CI:33-420) were greater in the intervention than control arm. CONCLUSION: The intervention was associated with a significant increase in the proportion of clients aged 20-34 years in Tabora but not in Njombe. The intervention may be sensitive to regional factors in VMMC programme scale-up, including saturation. |
Scale-up of voluntary medical male circumcision services for HIV prevention - 12 countries in southern and eastern Africa, 2013-2016
Hines JZ , Ntsuape OC , Malaba K , Zegeye T , Serrem K , Odoyo-June E , Nyirenda RK , Msungama W , Nkanaunena K , Come J , Canda M , Nhaguiombe H , Shihepo EK , Zemburuka BLT , Mutandi G , Yoboka E , Mbayiha AH , Maringa H , Bere A , Lawrence JJ , Lija GJI , Simbeye D , Kazaura K , Mwiru RS , Talisuna SA , Lubwama J , Kabuye G , Zulu JE , Chituwo O , Mumba M , Xaba S , Mandisarisa J , Baack BN , Hinkle L , Grund JM , Davis SM , Toledo C . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 66 (47) 1285-1290 Countries in Southern and Eastern Africa have the highest prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in the world; in 2015, 52% (approximately 19 million) of all persons living with HIV infection resided in these two regions.* Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) reduces the risk for heterosexually acquired HIV infection among males by approximately 60% (1). As such, it is an essential component of the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) strategy for ending acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) by 2030 (2). Substantial progress toward achieving VMMC targets has been made in the 10 years since the World Health Organization (WHO) and UNAIDS recommended scale-up of VMMC for HIV prevention in 14 Southern and Eastern African countries with generalized HIV epidemics and low male circumcision prevalence (3).(dagger) This has been enabled in part by nearly $2 billion in cumulative funding through the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), administered through multiple U.S. governmental agencies, including CDC, which has supported nearly half of all PEPFAR-supported VMMCs to date. Approximately 14.5 million VMMCs were performed globally during 2008-2016, which represented 70% of the original target of 20.8 million VMMCs in males aged 15-49 years through 2016 (4). Despite falling short of the target, these VMMCs are projected to avert 500,000 HIV infections by the end of 2030 (4). However, UNAIDS has estimated an additional 27 million VMMCs need to be performed by 2021 to meet the Fast Track targets (2). This report updates a previous report covering the period 2010-2012, when VMMC implementing partners supported by CDC performed approximately 1 million VMMCs in nine countries (5). During 2013-2016, these implementing partners performed nearly 5 million VMMCs in 12 countries. Meeting the global target will require redoubling current efforts and introducing novel strategies that increase demand among subgroups of males who have historically been reluctant to undergo VMMC. |
Association between male circumcision and women's biomedical health outcomes: a systematic review
Grund JM , Bryant TS , Jackson I , Curran K , Bock N , Toledo C , Taliano J , Zhou S , Del Campo JM , Yang L , Kivumbi A , Li P , Pals S , Davis SM . Lancet Glob Health 2017 5 (11) e1113-e1122 BACKGROUND: Male circumcision reduces men's risk of acquiring HIV and some sexually transmitted infections from heterosexual exposure, and is essential for HIV prevention in sub-Saharan Africa. Studies have also investigated associations between male circumcision and risk of acquisition of HIV and sexually transmitted infections in women. We aimed to review all evidence on associations between male circumcision and women's health outcomes to benefit women's health programmes. METHODS: In this systematic review we searched for peer-reviewed and grey literature publications reporting associations between male circumcision and women's health outcomes up to April 11, 2016. All biomedical (not psychological or social) outcomes in all study types were included. Searches were not restricted by year of publication, or to sub-Saharan Africa. Publications without primary data and not in English were excluded. We extracted data and assessed evidence on each outcome as high, medium, or low consistency on the basis of agreement between publications; outcomes found in fewer than three publications were indeterminate consistency. FINDINGS: 60 publications were included in our assessment. High-consistency evidence was found for five outcomes, with male circumcision protecting against cervical cancer, cervical dysplasia, herpes simplex virus type 2, chlamydia, and syphilis. Medium-consistency evidence was found for male circumcision protecting against human papillomavirus and low-risk human papillomavirus. Although the evidence shows a protective association with HIV, it was categorised as low consistency, because one trial showed an increased risk to female partners of HIV-infected men resuming sex early after male circumcision. Seven outcomes including HIV had low-consistency evidence and six were indeterminate. INTERPRETATION: Scale-up of male circumcision in sub-Saharan Africa has public health implications for several outcomes in women. Evidence that female partners are at decreased risk of several diseases is highly consistent. Synergies between male circumcision and women's health programmes should be explored. FUNDING: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Jhpiego. |
Predictors of voluntary medical male circumcision prevalence among men aged 25-39 years in Nyanza region, Kenya: Results from the baseline survey of the TASCO study
Odoyo-June E , Agot K , Grund JM , Onchiri F , Musingila P , Mboya E , Emusu D , Onyango J , Ohaga S , Soo L , Otieno-Nyunya B . PLoS One 2017 12 (10) e0185872 INTRODUCTION: Uptake of voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) as an intervention for prevention of HIV acquisition has been low among men aged ≥25 years in Nyanza region, western Kenya. We conducted a baseline survey of the prevalence and predictors of VMMC among men ages 25-39 years as part of the preparations for a cluster randomized controlled trial (cRCT) called the Target, Speed and Coverage (TASCO) Study. The TASCO Study aimed to assess the impact of two demand creation interventions-interpersonal communication (IPC) and dedicated service outlets (DSO), delivered separately and together (IPC + DSO)-on VMMC uptake. METHODS: As part of the preparatory work for implementation of the cRCT to evaluate tailored interventions to improve uptake of VMMC, we conducted a survey of men aged 25-39 years from a traditionally non-circumcising Kenyan ethnic community within non-contiguous locations selected as study sites. We determined their circumcision status, estimated the baseline circumcision prevalence and assessed predictors of being circumcised using univariate and multivariate logistic regression. RESULTS: A total of 5,639 men were enrolled of which 2,851 (50.6%) reported being circumcised. The odds of being circumcised were greater for men with secondary education (adjusted Odds Ratio (aOR) = 1.65; 95% CI: 1.45-1.86, p<0.001), post-secondary education (aOR = 1.72; 95% CI: 1.44-2.06, p <0.001), and those employed (aOR = 1.32; 95% CI: 1.18-1.47, p <0.001). However, the odds were lower for men with a history of being married (currently married, divorced, separated, or widowed). CONCLUSION: Among adult men in the rural Nyanza region of Kenya, men with post-primary education and employed were more likely to be circumcised. VMMC programs should focus on specific sub-groups of men, including those aged 25-39 years who are married, divorced/separated/ widowed, and of low socio-economic status (low education and unemployed). |
Notes from the field: Tetanus cases after voluntary medical male circumcision for HIV prevention - Eastern and Southern Africa, 2012-2015
Grund JM , Toledo C , Davis SM , Ridzon R , Moturi E , Scobie H , Naouri B , Reed JB , Njeuhmeli E , Thomas AG , Benson FN , Sirengo MW , Muyenzi LN , Lija GJ , Rogers JH , Mwanasalli S , Odoyo-June E , Wamai N , Kabuye G , Zulu JE , Aceng JR , Bock N . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (2) 36-7 Voluntary medical male circumcision (VMMC) decreases the risk for female-to-male HIV transmission by approximately 60% (1), and the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) is supporting the scale-up of VMMC for adolescent and adult males in countries with high prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and low coverage of male circumcision (2). As of September 2015, PEPFAR has supported approximately 8.9 million VMMCs (3). |
"If you are not circumcised, I cannot say yes": the role of women in promoting the uptake of voluntary medical male circumcision in Tanzania
Osaki H , Mshana G , Wambura M , Grund J , Neke N , Kuringe E , Plotkin M , Mahler H , Terris-Prestholt F , Weiss H , Changalucha J . PLoS One 2015 10 (9) e0139009 Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision (VMMC) for HIV prevention in Tanzania was introduced by the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare in 2010 as part of the national HIV prevention strategy. A qualitative study was conducted prior to a cluster randomized trial which tested effective strategies to increase VMMC up take among men aged ≥20 years. During the formative qualitative study, we conducted in-depth interviews with circumcised males (n = 14), uncircumcised males (n = 16), and participatory group discussions (n = 20) with men and women aged 20-49 years in Njombe and Tabora regions of Tanzania. Participants reported that mothers and female partners have an important influence on men's decisions to seek VMMC both directly by denying sex, and indirectly through discussion, advice and providing information on VMMC to uncircumcised partners and sons. Our findings suggest that in Tanzania and potentially other settings, an expanded role for women in VMMC communication strategies could increase adult male uptake of VMMC services. |
Implementation and Operational Research: Evaluation of Loss-to-Follow-up and Postoperative Adverse Events in a Voluntary Medical Male Circumcision Program in Nyanza Province, Kenya
Reed J , Grund J , Liu Y , Mwandi Z , Howard AA , McNairy ML , Chesang K , Cherutich P , Bock N . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2015 69 (1) e13-23 BACKGROUND: More than 4.7 million voluntary medical male circumcisions (VMMCs) had been provided by HIV prevention programs in sub-Saharan Africa through 2013. All VMMC clients are recommended to return to the clinic for post-operative follow-up, though adherence is variable. The clinical status of clients who do not return is largely unknown. METHODS: VMMC clients from Nyanza Province, Kenya, aged ≥13 years, were recruited immediately after surgery from April-October 2012 from high-volume sites. Medical record reviews at 13-14 days following surgery indicated which clients had been adherent with recommended follow-up (ADFU) and which were lost to follow-up (LTFU). Clients in the LTFU group received clinical evaluations at home approximately 2 weeks post-surgery. Adverse events (AE) and AE rates were compared between the ADFU and LTFU groups. RESULTS: Of 4504 males approached in 50 VMMC sites, 1699 (37.7%) were eligible and enrolled, and 1600/1699 (94.2%) contributed follow-up and AE data. Medical record review indicated 897/1600 (56.1%) were LTFU, and 762 (84.9%) of these received home-based clinical evaluations. The rate of moderate or severe AE diagnosis was 6.8% in the LTFU group vs. 3.3% in the ADFU group (Relative Risk=2.1, 95% Confidence Interval = 1.3-3.4). CONCLUSIONS: The moderate or severe AE diagnosis rate was approximately two times higher in the LTFU group. National programs should consider instituting surveillance systems to detect AEs that might otherwise go unnoticed. Providers should emphasize the importance of follow-up and actively contact LTFU clients to ensure care is provided throughout the entire post-operative course for all. |
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