Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 214 Records) |
Query Trace: Gross D[original query] |
Serologic evidence of recent infection with highly pathogenic avian influenza a(H5) virus among dairy workers - Michigan and Colorado, June-August 2024
Mellis AM , Coyle J , Marshall KE , Frutos AM , Singleton J , Drehoff C , Merced-Morales A , Pagano HP , Alade RO , White EB , Noble EK , Holiday C , Liu F , Jefferson S , Li ZN , Gross FL , Olsen SJ , Dugan VG , Reed C , Ellington S , Montoya S , Kohnen A , Stringer G , Alden N , Blank P , Chia D , Bagdasarian N , Herlihy R , Lyon-Callo S , Levine MZ . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (44) 1004-1009 Since April 2024, sporadic infections with highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) A(H5) viruses have been detected among dairy farm workers in the United States. To date, infections have mostly been detected through worker monitoring, and have been mild despite the possibility of more severe illness. During June-August 2024, CDC collaborated with the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services and the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to implement cross-sectional serologic surveys to ascertain the prevalence of recent infection with HPAI A(H5) virus among dairy workers. In both states, a convenience sample of persons who work in dairies was interviewed, and blood specimens were collected. Among 115 persons, eight (7%; 95% CI = 3.6%-13.1%) had serologic evidence of recent infection with A(H5) virus; all reported milking cows or cleaning the milking parlor. Among persons with serologic evidence of infection, four recalled being ill around the time cows were ill; symptoms began before or within a few days of A(H5) virus detections among cows. This finding supports the need to identify and implement strategies to prevent transmission among dairy cattle to reduce worker exposures and for education and outreach to dairy workers concerning prevention, symptoms, and where to seek medical care if the workers develop symptoms. Timely identification of infected herds can support rapid initiation of monitoring, testing, and treatment for human illness, including mild illness, among exposed dairy workers. |
Index-linked assisted HIV self-testing for children 2-14 years: Results of a pilot evaluation in Ethiopia
Gutema Y , Lulseged S , Getachew M , Getahun M , Melaku Z , Tilahun M , Shimelis M , Temesgen C , Asres T , Dereje A , Assefa A , Tewoldebirhan E , Teferi W , Mekonnen A , Fayorsey R , Zerbe A , Gunn J , Medley A , Gross J , Hrapcak S , Abrams EJ . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2024 BACKGROUND: Case identification remains a challenge to reaching the United Nations 95-95-95 targets for children with HIV. While the World Health Organization approved oral mucosal HIV self-testing (HIVST) for children over 2 years in 2019, there is little information on HIVST for pediatric case identification in Ethiopia. SETTING: Nine health facilities across Ethiopia. METHODS: We implemented a pilot program from November 2021-April 2022 to assess acceptability and feasibility of using HIVST to screen children 2-14 years of adult index clients, (i.e., parents/caregivers living with HIV and on antiretroviral therapy). HIV-positive adults who had children with unknown HIV status were given HIVST kits (OraQuick®) to screen their children at home. Parents/caregivers were asked to report results telephonically and bring children screening positive to the health facility for confirmatory HIV testing. We defined HIVST acceptability as ≥50% of parents/caregivers accepting testing and ≥50% reporting results within seven days of receiving a test kit. Feasibility was defined as ≥60% of children with a reactive HIVST receiving confirmatory testing and <5 serious social harms reported per 1000 kits distributed. RESULTS: Overall, 1496 of 1651 (91%) parents/caregivers accepted HIVST kits to test their children at home and 1204 (71%) reported results within seven days. Of 17 children (1%) with reactive results, 13 (76%) received confirmatory testing; of which 7 (54%) were confirmed to be HIV-positive. One serious social harm was reported. CONCLUSION: Providing adult parents/caregivers with HIVST kits to screen their children at home is an acceptable and feasible strategy to reach untested children and improve pediatric case finding in a low prevalence setting. |
Impact of a monitoring and evaluation training in 3 PEPFAR-supported countries
Russell A , Ghosh S , Tiwari N , Valdez C , Tally L , Templin L , Pappas D , Gross S , Eskinder B , Abayneh SA , Kamga E , Keleko C , Lloyd S , Farach N , Pals S , Galloway E , Patel S , Aberle-Grasse J . Eval Program Plann 2024 108 102479 BACKGROUND: The second phase of the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) transitioned from scaling up HIV prevention and treatment to promoting sustainability and capacity building for programs monitoring performance and evaluating key program indicators. We assessed the success of a monitoring and evaluation (M&E) curriculum designed to build capacity in three PEPFAR-supported countries. METHODS: We customized M&E trainings based on country-specific epidemic control priorities in Ethiopia, Guatemala, and Cameroon. The M&E curriculum included five modules and three evaluation activities to assess impact: (i) in-person pre-post confidence assessment surveys (CAS), (ii) in-person pre-post knowledge tests (PPKT), and (iii) electronic 6-12 months post-training translating knowledge into practice (TKP) surveys. Pre- and post-training results were compared within and across countries and triangulation with the qualitative data evaluated overall success. RESULTS: Among 188 participants attending M&E trainings, 154 (82 %) responded to CAS and 165 (88 %) participants from Ethiopia and Cameroon completed PPKT. Overall CAS scores between pre- and post-test improved [Score mean difference:1.5-1.9]. PPKT indicated statistically significant knowledge gained. One out of five TKP respondents provided direct application examples from the M&E training. CONCLUSION: While feedback was predominantly positive overall, revisions were recommended for three of the five modules. Developing a customizable and adaptable M&E curriculum may sustain countries' ability to monitor their progress towards epidemic control. |
Impact of state telehealth parity laws for private payers on hypertension medication adherence before and during the COVID-19 pandemic
Zhang D , Lee JS , Popoola A , Lee S , Jackson SL , Pollack LM , Dong X , Therrien NL , Luo F . Circ Cardiovasc Qual Outcomes 2024 e010739 BACKGROUND: Telehealth has emerged as an effective tool for managing common chronic conditions such as hypertension, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the impact of state telehealth payment and coverage parity laws on hypertension medication adherence remains uncertain. METHODS: Data from the 2016 to 2021 Merative MarketScan Commercial Claims and Encounters Database were used to construct the study cohort, which included nonpregnant individuals aged 25 to 64 years with hypertension. We coded telehealth parity laws related to hypertension management in all 50 US states and the District of Columbia, distinguishing between payment and coverage parity laws. The primary outcomes were measures of antihypertension medication adherence: the average medication possession ratio; medication adherence (medication possession ratio ≥80%); and average number of days of drug supply. We used a generalized difference-in-differences design to examine the impact of these laws. RESULTS: Among 353 220 individuals (mean [SD] age, 49.5 (7.1) years; female, 45.55%), states with payment parity laws were significantly linked to increased average medication possession ratio by 0.43 percentage point (95% CI, 0.07-0.79), and an increase of 0.46 percentage point (95% CI, 0.06-0.92) in the probability of medication adherence. Payment parity laws also led to an average increase of 2.14 days (95% CI, 0.11-4.17) in prescription supply, after controlling for state-fixed effects, year-fixed effects, individual sociodemographic characteristics and state time-varying covariates including unemployment rates, gross domestic product per capita, and poverty rates. In contrast, coverage parity laws were associated with a 2.13-day increase (95% CI, 0.19-4.07) in days of prescription supply but did not significantly increase the average medication possession ratio or probability of medication adherence. CONCLUSIONS: State telehealth payment parity laws were significantly associated with greater medication adherence, whereas coverage parity laws were not. With the increasing adoption of telehealth parity laws across states, these findings may support policymakers in understanding potential implications on management of hypertension. |
Absence of lung tumor promotion with reduced tumor size in mice after inhalation of copper welding fumes
Zeidler-Erdely PC , Kodali V , Falcone LM , Mercer R , Leonard SS , Stefaniak AB , Grose L , Salmen R , Trainor-DeArmitt T , Battelli LA , McKinney W , Stone S , Meighan TG , Betler E , Friend S , Hobbie KR , Service S , Kashon M , Antonini JM , Erdely A . Carcinogenesis 2024 Welding fumes are a Group 1 (carcinogenic to humans) carcinogen as classified by the International Agency for Research on Cancer. The process of welding creates inhalable fumes rich in iron (Fe) that may also contain known carcinogenic metals such as chromium (Cr) and nickel (Ni). Epidemiological evidence has shown that both mild-steel (Fe-rich) and stainless steel (Fe-rich + Cr + Ni) welding fume exposure increase lung cancer risk, and experimental animal data support these findings. Copper-nickel (CuNi) welding processes have not been investigated in the context of lung cancer. Cu is intriguing, however, given the role of Cu in carcinogenesis and cancer therapeutics. This study examines the potential for a CuNi fume to induce mechanistic key characteristics of carcinogenesis in vitro and to promote lung tumorigenesis, using a two-stage mouse bioassay, in vivo. Male A/J mice, initiated with 3-methylcholanthrene (MCA; 10 µg/g), were exposed to CuNi fumes or air by whole-body inhalation for nine weeks (low-deposition-LD and high deposition-HD) then sacrificed at 30 weeks. In BEAS-2B cells, the CuNi fume induced micronuclei and caused DNA damage as measured by γ-H2AX. The fume exhibited high reactivity and a dose response in cytotoxicity and oxidative stress. In vivo, MCA/CuNi HD and LD significantly decreased lung tumor size and adenomas. MCA/CuNi HD exposure significantly decreased gross-evaluated tumor number. In summary, the CuNi fume in vitro exhibited characteristics of a carcinogen, but in vivo the exposure resulted in smaller tumors, fewer adenomas, less hyperplasia severity, and with the HD exposure, less overall lung lesion/tumors. |
Cost-effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccination in WHO-defined high-risk populations in Bangladesh
Hassan MZ , Jubayer Biswas MAA , Shirin T , Rahman M , Chowdhury F , Azziz-Baumgartner E , Davis WW , Hussain M . J Glob Health 2024 14 04126 BACKGROUND: Bangladesh carries a substantial health and economic burden of seasonal influenza, particularly among the World Health Organization (WHO)-defined high-risk populations. We implemented a modelling study to determine the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination in each of five high-risk groups (pregnant women, children under five years of age, adults with underlying health conditions, older adults (≥60 years), and healthcare personnel) to inform policy decisions on risk group prioritisation for influenza vaccination in Bangladesh. METHODS: We implemented a Markov decision-analytic model to estimate the impact of influenza vaccination for each target risk group. We obtained model inputs from hospital-based influenza surveillance data, unpublished surveys, and published literature (preferentially from studies in Bangladesh, followed by regional and global ones). We used quality-adjusted life years (QALY) as the health outcome of interest. We also estimated incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) for each risk group by comparing the costs and QALY of vaccinating compared to not vaccinating each group, where the ICER represents the additional cost needed to achieve one year of additional QALY from a given intervention. We considered a willingness-to-pay threshold (ICER) of less than one gross domestic product (GDP) per capita as highly cost-effective and of one to three times GDP per capita as cost-effective (per WHO standard). For Bangladesh, this threshold ranges between USD 2462 and USD 7386. RESULTS: The estimated ICERs were USD -99, USD -87, USD -4, USD 792, and USD 229 per QALY gained for healthcare personnel, older adults (≥60), children aged less than five years, adults with comorbid conditions, and pregnant women, respectively. For all risk groups, ICERs were below the WHO willingness-to-pay threshold for Bangladesh. Vaccinating pregnant women and adults with comorbid conditions was highly cost-effective per additional life year gained, while vaccinating healthcare personnel, older adults (≥60), and children under five years were cost-saving per additional life year gained. CONCLUSIONS: Influenza vaccination to all target risk groups in Bangladesh would be either cost-saving or cost-effective, per WHO guidelines of GDP-based thresholds. |
The long-term impact of the Tips From Former Smokers® Campaign on calls to 1-800-QUIT-NOW, 2012-2023
Mann NH , Murphy-Hoefer RL , Davis KC , Von Jaglinsky AS , Rodes RM , Beistle DM . Nicotine Tob Res 2024 INTRODUCTION: There is substantial evidence that mass media campaigns increase calls to quitlines and smoking cessation. In 2012, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention launched the first federally funded national tobacco education campaign, Tips From Former Smokers® (i.e. Tips), which has since aired television advertisements annually. To date, no studies have examined the long-term effect of a national smoking cessation campaign on quitline calls. This study examined the long-term impact of Tips television ads on calls to 1-800-QUIT-NOW from 2012 through 2023. METHODS: Exposure to the Tips campaign was measured using weekly television gross rating points (GRPs) in each U.S. designated market area. We obtained data on calls to 1-800-QUIT-NOW from the National Cancer Institute and used linear regression to model calls to 1-800-QUIT-NOW, from 2012 through 2023, as a function of weekly media market-level GRPs for Tips television ads. Using the regression model results, we calculated predicted values of calls to 1-800-QUIT-NOW across observed GRP values to determine the total additional calls to 1-800-QUIT-NOW that were attributable to the Tips campaign during 2012-2023. RESULTS: Tips GRPs were positively and significantly associated with calls to 1-800-QUIT-NOW across all years (b = 39.94, p < 0.001). Based on this association, we estimate the Tips campaign generated nearly 2.1 million additional calls to 1-800-QUIT-NOW during 2012-2023. CONCLUSIONS: Exposure to the Tips campaign has consistently and significantly increased calls to tobacco quitlines. IMPLICATIONS: Quitlines provide evidence-based support to help people quit smoking. They have been shown to increase the likelihood of successfully quitting. Mass media campaigns have promoted quitline services, and quitline calls have increased significantly with media promotion. The long-term effect of campaigns - like the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Tips From Former Smokers® (i.e. Tips) - on quitline calls has not been determined. From 2012 through 2023, exposure to the Tips campaign is estimated to have generated nearly 2.1 million additional calls to 1-800-QUIT-NOW. This study supports continued use of mass media to promote quitlines. |
Volatile organic compounds and mortality from ischemic heart disease: A case-cohort study
Nalini M , Poustchi H , Bhandari D , Chang CM , Blount BC , Wang L , Feng J , Gross A , Khoshnia M , Pourshams A , Sotoudeh M , Gail MH , Graubard BI , Dawsey SM , Kamangar F , Boffetta P , Brennan P , Abnet CC , Malekzadeh R , Freedman ND , Etemadi A . American J Prev Cardiol 2024 19 Background: Volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are major components of air pollution and tobacco smoke, two known risk factors for cardiovascular diseases. VOCs are ubiquitous in the environment and originate from a wide range of sources, including the burning of biomass, fossil fuels, and consumer products. Direct evidence for associations between specific VOCs and ischemic heart disease (IHD) mortality in the general population is scarce. Methods: In a case-cohort study (stratified by age groups, sex, residence, and tobacco smoking), nested within the population-based Golestan cohort study (n = 50,045, 40–75 years, 58% women, enrollment: 2004–2008) in northeastern Iran, we measured urinary concentrations of 20 smoking-related VOC biomarkers using ultra high-performance liquid chromatography coupled with electrospray ionization tandem mass spectrometry. We calculated hazard ratio (HR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) for their associations with IHD mortality during follow-up to 2018, using Cox regression models adjusted for age, ethnicity, education, marital status, body mass index, physical activity, wealth, and urinary cotinine. Results: There were 575 non-cases from random subcohort and 601 participants who died from IHD, mean (standard deviation) age, 58.2 (9.3) years, with a median of 8.4 years follow-up. Significant associations [3rd vs. 1st tertile, HR (95% CI), P for trend] were observed between biomarkers of acrylamide [1.68(1.05,2.69), 0.025], acrylonitrile [2.06(1.14,3.72), 0.058], acrolein [1.98(1.30,3.01), 0.003 and 2.44(1.43,4.18), 0.002], styrene/ethylbenzene [1.83(1.19,2.84), 0.007 and 1.44(1.01,2.07), 0.046], dimethylformamide/methylisocyanate [2.15(1.33,3.50), 0.001], and 1,3butadiene [2.35(1.52,3.63),<0.001] and IHD mortality. These associations were independent of tobacco smoking, and they were only present in the non-smoking subgroup. Conclusion: Our findings provide direct evidence for associations between exposure to several VOCs with widespread household and commercial use and IHD mortality many years after these exposures. These results highlight the importance of VOC exposure in the general population as a risk factor for cardiovascular diseases and underline the importance of bio-monitoring non-tobacco VOC exposure. © 2024 |
Detection of Leptospira kirschneri in a short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis delphis) stranded off the coast of southern California, USA
Prager KC , Danil K , Wurster E , Colegrove KM , Galloway R , Kettler N , Mani R , McDonough RF , Sahl JW , Stone NE , Wagner DM , Lloyd-Smith JO . BMC Vet Res 2024 20 (1) 266 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Pathogenic Leptospira species are globally important zoonotic pathogens capable of infecting a wide range of host species. In marine mammals, reports of Leptospira have predominantly been in pinnipeds, with isolated reports of infections in cetaceans. CASE PRESENTATION: On 28 June 2021, a 150.5 cm long female, short-beaked common dolphin (Delphinus delphis delphis) stranded alive on the coast of southern California and subsequently died. Gross necropsy revealed multifocal cortical pallor within the reniculi of the kidney, and lymphoplasmacytic tubulointerstitial nephritis was observed histologically. Immunohistochemistry confirmed Leptospira infection, and PCR followed by lfb1 gene amplicon sequencing suggested that the infecting organism was L.kirschneri. Leptospira DNA capture and enrichment allowed for whole-genome sequencing to be conducted. Phylogenetic analyses confirmed the causative agent was a previously undescribed, divergent lineage of L.kirschneri. CONCLUSIONS: We report the first detection of pathogenic Leptospira in a short-beaked common dolphin, and the first detection in any cetacean in the northeastern Pacific Ocean. Renal lesions were consistent with leptospirosis in other host species, including marine mammals, and were the most significant lesions detected overall, suggesting leptospirosis as the likely cause of death. We identified the cause of the infection as L.kirschneri, a species detected only once before in a marine mammal - a northern elephant seal (Mirounga angustirostris) of the northeastern Pacific. These findings raise questions about the mechanism of transmission, given the obligate marine lifestyle of cetaceans (in contrast to pinnipeds, which spend time on land) and the commonly accepted view that Leptospira are quickly killed by salt water. They also raise important questions regarding the source of infection, and whether it arose from transmission among marine mammals or from terrestrial-to-marine spillover. Moving forward, surveillance and sampling must be expanded to better understand the extent to which Leptospira infections occur in the marine ecosystem and possible epidemiological linkages between and among marine and terrestrial host species. Generating Leptospira genomes from different host species will yield crucial information about possible transmission links, and our study highlights the power of new techniques such as DNA enrichment to illuminate the complex ecology of this important zoonotic pathogen. |
Investigation of select radionuclides stability in urine under various conditions for liquid scintillation counting (LSC)
Piraner O , Button J , Ward CD , Valentin-Blasini L . J Radioanal Nucl Chem 2024 Liquid Scintillation Counting (LSC) gross alpha/beta screening is a valuable tool for providing rapid laboratory response for the analysis of human clinical urine samples during a large-scale radiation incident event. Verification of method performance, as required for clinical laboratory testing, is accomplished by the evaluation of routine, periodic measurements of radioactive spiked samples for quality control, performance testing, and accuracy checks. Radionuclide stability of alpha and beta emitters in urine for LSC analysis is an important consideration. The purpose of this work is to demonstrate optimal preparations and storage conditions of samples used for method verification. © This is a U.S. Government work and not under copyright protection in the US; foreign copyright protection may apply 2024. |
Neuroinvasive bacillus cereus infection in immunocompromised hosts: Epidemiologic investigation of 5 patients with acute myeloid leukemia
Little JS , Coughlin C , Hsieh C , Lanza M , Huang WY , Kumar A , Dandawate T , Tucker R , Gable P , Vazquez Deida AA , Moulton-Meissner H , Stevens V , McAllister G , Ewing T , Diaz M , Glowicz J , Winkler ML , Pecora N , Kubiak DW , Pearson JC , Luskin MR , Sherman AC , Woolley AE , Brandeburg C , Bolstorff B , McHale E , Fortes E , Doucette M , Smole S , Bunnell C , Gross A , Platt D , Desai S , Fiumara K , Issa NC , Baden LR , Rhee C , Klompas M , Baker MA . Open Forum Infect Dis 2024 11 (3) ofae048 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Bacillus cereus is a ubiquitous gram-positive rod-shaped bacterium that can cause sepsis and neuroinvasive disease in patients with acute leukemia or neutropenia. METHODS: A single-center retrospective review was conducted to evaluate patients with acute leukemia, positive blood or cerebrospinal fluid test results for B cereus, and abnormal neuroradiographic findings between January 2018 and October 2022. Infection control practices were observed, environmental samples obtained, a dietary case-control study completed, and whole genome sequencing performed on environmental and clinical Bacillus isolates. RESULTS: Five patients with B cereus neuroinvasive disease were identified. All patients had acute myeloid leukemia (AML), were receiving induction chemotherapy, and were neutropenic. Neurologic involvement included subarachnoid or intraparenchymal hemorrhage or brain abscess. All patients were treated with ciprofloxacin and survived with limited or no neurologic sequelae. B cereus was identified in 7 of 61 environmental samples and 1 of 19 dietary protein samples-these were unrelated to clinical isolates via sequencing. No point source was identified. Ciprofloxacin was added to the empiric antimicrobial regimen for patients with AML and prolonged or recurrent neutropenic fevers; no new cases were identified in the ensuing year. CONCLUSIONS: B cereus is ubiquitous in the hospital environment, at times leading to clusters with unrelated isolates. Fastidious infection control practices addressing a range of possible exposures are warranted, but their efficacy is unknown and they may not be sufficient to prevent all infections. Thus, including B cereus coverage in empiric regimens for patients with AML and persistent neutropenic fever may limit the morbidity of this pathogen. |
Smallpox lesion characterization in placebo-treated and tecovirimat-treated macaques using traditional and novel methods
Bell TM . PLoS Pathog 2024 20 (2) e1012007 Smallpox was the most rampant infectious disease killer of the 20th century, yet much remains unknown about the pathogenesis of the variola virus. Using archived tissue from a study conducted at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention we characterized pathology in 18 cynomolgus macaques intravenously infected with the Harper strain of variola virus. Six macaques were placebo-treated controls, six were tecovirimat-treated beginning at 2 days post-infection, and six were tecovirimat-treated beginning at 4 days post-infection. All macaques were treated daily until day 17. Archived tissues were interrogated using immunohistochemistry, in situ hybridization, immunofluorescence, and electron microscopy. Gross lesions in three placebo-treated animals that succumbed to infection primarily consisted of cutaneous vesicles, pustules, or crusts with lymphadenopathy. The only gross lesions noted at the conclusion of the study in the three surviving placebo-treated and the Day 4 treated animals consisted of resolving cutaneous pox lesions. No gross lesions attributable to poxviral infection were present in the Day 2 treated macaques. Histologic lesions in three placebo-treated macaques that succumbed to infection consisted of proliferative and necrotizing dermatitis with intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies and lymphoid depletion. The only notable histologic lesion in the Day 4 treated macaques was resolving dermatitis; no notable lesions were seen in the Day 2 treated macaques. Variola virus was detected in all three placebo-treated animals that succumbed to infection prior to the study's conclusion by all utilized methods (IHC, ISH, IFA, EM). None of the three placebo-treated animals that survived to the end of the study nor the animals in the two tecovirimat treatment groups showed evidence of variola virus by these methods. Our findings further characterize variola lesions in the macaque model and describe new molecular methods for variola detection. |
Improving HIV case finding through index testing: Findings from health facilities in 12 districts of South Africa, October 2019-September 2021
Aheron S , Paredes-Vincent A , Patton ME , Gross J , Medley A , Mona G , Mtimkulu N , Nkuna K , Grund JM . AIDS Behav 2024 To assess the importance of index testing in HIV case finding, we analyzed quarterly data from October 2019 to September 2021 from 371 facilities in 12 districts in South Africa. Index testing accounted for 2.6% of all HIV tests (index and non-index) (n = 163,633), but 17.8% of all HIV-positive results, with an HIV-positivity 4-times higher than non-index testing modalities (4.1%). Despite twice as many adult females ≥ 15 years accepting index testing (n = 206,715) compared to adult males ≥ 15 years (n = 102,180), females identified fewer contacts (n = 91,123) than males (n = 113,939). Slightly more than half (51.2%) of all contacts elicited were tested (n = 163,633/319,680), while 19.7% (n = 62,978) of elicited contacts were previously diagnosed as HIV-positive and not eligible for further testing. These findings indicate index testing can be effective in increasing HIV diagnoses in South Africa. Further operational research is needed to address gaps identified in the index testing cascade, including elicitation and testing of contacts. |
Mortality associated with SARS-CoV-2 in nondomestic felids
Drozd M , Ritter JM , Samuelson JP , Parker M , Wang L , Sander SJ , Yoshicedo J , Wright L , Odani J , Shrader T , Lee E , Lockhart SR , Ghai RR , Terio KA . Vet Pathol 2024 3009858231225500 ![]() ![]() Between September and November 2021, 5 snow leopards (Panthera uncia) and 1 lion (Panthera leo) were naturally infected with severe acute respiratory coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) and developed progressive respiratory disease that resulted in death. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 sequencing identified the delta variant in all cases sequenced, which was the predominant human variant at that time. The time between initial clinical signs and death ranged from 3 to 45 days. Gross lesions in all 6 cats included nasal turbinate hyperemia with purulent discharge and marked pulmonary edema. Ulcerative tracheitis and bronchitis were noted in 4 cases. Histologically, there was necrotizing and ulcerative rhinotracheitis and bronchitis with fibrinocellular exudates and fibrinosuppurative to pyogranulomatous bronchopneumonia. The 4 cats that survived longer than 8 days had fungal abscesses. Concurrent bacteria were noted in 4 cases, including those with more acute disease courses. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 was detected by in situ hybridization using probes against SARS-CoV-2 spike and nucleocapsid genes and by immunohistochemistry. Viral nucleic acid and protein were variably localized to mucosal and glandular epithelial cells, pneumocytes, macrophages, and fibrinocellular debris. Based on established criteria, SARS-CoV-2 was considered a contributing cause of death in all 6 cats. While mild clinical infections are more common, these findings suggest that some SARS-CoV-2 variants may cause more severe disease and that snow leopards may be more severely affected than other felids. |
Costs and cost-effectiveness of influenza illness and vaccination in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review from 2012 to 2022
Gharpure R , Chard AN , Cabrera Escobar M , Zhou W , Valleau MM , Yau TS , Bresee JS , Azziz-Baumgartner E , Pallas SW , Lafond KE . PLoS Med 2024 21 (1) e1004333 BACKGROUND: Historically, lack of data on cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination has been identified as a barrier to vaccine use in low- and middle-income countries. We conducted a systematic review of economic evaluations describing (1) costs of influenza illness; (2) costs of influenza vaccination programs; and (3) vaccination cost-effectiveness from low- and middle-income countries to assess if gaps persist that could hinder global implementation of influenza vaccination programs. METHODS AND FINDINGS: We performed a systematic search in Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, and Scopus in January 2022 and October 2023 using a combination of the following key words: "influenza" AND "cost" OR "economic." The search included studies with publication years 2012 through 2022. Studies were eligible if they (1) presented original, peer-reviewed findings on cost of illness, cost of vaccination program, or cost-effectiveness of vaccination for seasonal influenza; and (2) included data for at least 1 low- or middle-income country. We abstracted general study characteristics and data specific to each of the 3 study types. Of 54 included studies, 26 presented data on cost-effectiveness, 24 on cost-of-illness, and 5 on program costs. Represented countries were classified as upper-middle income (UMIC; n = 12), lower-middle income (LMIC; n = 7), and low-income (LIC; n = 3). The most evaluated target groups were children (n = 26 studies), older adults (n = 17), and persons with chronic medical conditions (n = 12); fewer studies evaluated pregnant persons (n = 9), healthcare workers (n = 5), and persons in congregate living settings (n = 1). Costs-of-illness were generally higher in UMICs than in LMICs/LICs; however, the highest national economic burden, as a percent of gross domestic product and national health expenditure, was reported from an LIC. Among studies that evaluated the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccine introduction, most (88%) interpreted at least 1 scenario per target group as either cost-effective or cost-saving, based on thresholds designated in the study. Key limitations of this work included (1) heterogeneity across included studies; (2) restrictiveness of the inclusion criteria used; and (3) potential for missed influenza burden from use of sentinel surveillance systems. CONCLUSIONS: The 54 studies identified in this review suggest an increased momentum to generate economic evidence about influenza illness and vaccination from low- and middle-income countries during 2012 to 2022. However, given that we observed substantial heterogeneity, continued evaluation of the economic burden of influenza illness and costs/cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination, particularly in LICs and among underrepresented target groups (e.g., healthcare workers and pregnant persons), is needed. Use of standardized methodology could facilitate pooling across settings and knowledge sharing to strengthen global influenza vaccination programs. |
Redirecting antibody responses from egg-adapted epitopes following repeat vaccination with recombinant or cell culture-based versus egg-based influenza vaccines
Liu F , Gross FL , Joshi S , Gaglani M , Naleway AL , Murthy K , Groom HC , Wesley MG , Edwards LJ , Grant L , Kim SS , Sambhara S , Gangappa S , Tumpey T , Thompson MG , Fry AM , Flannery B , Dawood FS , Levine MZ . Nat Commun 2024 15 (1) 254 Repeat vaccination with egg-based influenza vaccines could preferentially boost antibodies targeting the egg-adapted epitopes and reduce immunogenicity to circulating viruses. In this randomized trial ( NCT03722589), sera pre- and post-vaccination with quadrivalent inactivated egg-based (IIV4), cell culture-based (ccIIV4), and recombinant (RIV4) influenza vaccines were collected from healthcare personnel (18-64 years) in 2018-19 (N = 723) and 2019-20 (N = 684) influenza seasons. We performed an exploratory analysis. Vaccine egg-adapted changes had the most impact on A(H3N2) immunogenicity. In year 1, RIV4 induced higher neutralizing and total HA head binding antibodies to cell- A(H3N2) virus than ccIIV4 and IIV4. In year 2, among the 7 repeat vaccination arms (IIV4-IIV4, IIV4-ccIIV4, IIV4-RIV4, RIV4-ccIIV4, RIV4-RIV4, ccIIV4-ccIIV4 and ccIIV4-RIV4), repeat vaccination with either RIV4 or ccIIV4 further improved antibody responses to circulating viruses with decreased neutralizing antibody egg/cell ratio. RIV4 also had higher post-vaccination A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H3N2) HA stalk antibodies in year 1, but there was no significant difference in HA stalk antibody fold rise among vaccine groups in either year 1 or year 2. Multiple seasons of non-egg-based vaccination may be needed to redirect antibody responses from immune memory to egg-adapted epitopes and re-focus the immune responses towards epitopes on the circulating viruses to improve vaccine effectiveness. |
Vitamin B12 supplementation during pregnancy for maternal and child health outcomes
Finkelstein JL , Fothergill A , Venkatramanan S , Layden AJ , Williams JL , Crider KS , Qi YP . Cochrane Database Syst Rev 2024 1 (1) Cd013823 BACKGROUND: Vitamin B(12) deficiency is a major public health problem worldwide, with the highest burden in elderly people, pregnant women, and young children. Due to its role in DNA synthesis and methylation, folate metabolism, and erythropoiesis, vitamin B(12) supplementation during pregnancy may confer longer-term benefits to maternal and child health outcomes. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate the benefits and harms of oral vitamin B(12) supplementation during pregnancy on maternal and child health outcomes. SEARCH METHODS: We searched the Cochrane Pregnancy and Childbirth's Trials Register,, the World Health Organization International Clinical Trials Registry Platform (ICTRP) on 2 June 2023, and reference lists of retrieved studies. SELECTION CRITERIA: Randomised controlled trials (RCTs), quasi-RCTs, or cluster-RCTs evaluating the effects of oral vitamin B(12) supplementation compared to placebo or no vitamin B(12) supplementation during pregnancy. DATA COLLECTION AND ANALYSIS: We used standard Cochrane methods. Four review authors independently assessed trial eligibility. Two review authors independently extracted data from included studies and conducted checks for accuracy. Three review authors independently assessed the risk of bias of the included studies using the Cochrane RoB 1 tool. We used GRADE to evaluate the certainty of evidence for primary outcomes. MAIN RESULTS: The review included five trials with 984 pregnant women. All trials were conducted in low- and middle-income countries, including India, Bangladesh, South Africa, and Croatia. At enrolment, 26% to 51% of pregnant women had vitamin B(12) deficiency (less than 150 pmol/L), and the prevalence of anaemia (haemoglobin less than 11.0 g/dL) ranged from 30% to 46%. The dosage of vitamin B(12) supplementation varied from 5 μg/day to 250 μg/day, with administration beginning at 8 to 28 weeks' gestation through to delivery or three months' postpartum, and the duration of supplementation ranged from 8 to 16 weeks to 32 to 38 weeks. Three trials, involving 609 pregnant women, contributed data for meta-analyses of the effects of vitamin B(12) supplementation compared to placebo or no vitamin B(12) supplementation. Maternal anaemia: there may be little to no difference for maternal anaemia by intervention group, but the evidence is very uncertain (70.9% versus 65.0%; risk ratio (RR) 1.08, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.93 to 1.26; 2 trials, 284 women; very low-certainty evidence). Maternal vitamin B(12) status: vitamin B(12) supplementation during pregnancy may reduce the risk of maternal vitamin B(12) deficiency compared to placebo or no vitamin B(12) supplementation, but the evidence is very uncertain (25.9% versus 67.9%; RR 0.38, 95% CI 0.28 to 0.51; 2 trials, 272 women; very low-certainty evidence). Women who received vitamin B(12) supplements during pregnancy may have higher total vitamin B(12) concentrations compared to placebo or no vitamin B(12) supplementation (mean difference (MD) 60.89 pmol/L, 95% CI 40.86 to 80.92; 3 trials, 412 women). However, there was substantial heterogeneity (I(2) = 85%). Adverse pregnancy outcomes: the evidence is uncertain about the effect on adverse pregnancy outcomes, including preterm birth (RR 0.97, 95% CI 0.55 to 1.74; 2 trials, 340 women; low-certainty evidence), and low birthweight (RR 1.50, 95% CI 0.93 to 2.43; 2 trials, 344 women; low-certainty evidence). Two trials reported data on spontaneous abortion (or miscarriage); however, the trials did not report quantitative data for meta-analysis and there was no clear definition of spontaneous abortion in the study reports. No trials evaluated the effects of vitamin B(12) supplementation during pregnancy on neural tube defects. Infant vitamin B(12) status: children born to women who received vitamin B(12) supplementation had higher total vitamin B(12) concentrations compared to placebo or no vitamin B(12) supplementation (MD 71.89 pmol/L, 95% CI 20.23 to 123.54; 2 trials, 144 children). Child cognitive outcomes: three ancillary analyses of one trial reported child cognitive outcomes; however, data were not reported in a format that could be included in quantitative meta-analyses. In one study, maternal vitamin B(12) supplementation did not improve neurodevelopment status (e.g. cognitive, language (receptive and expressive), motor (fine and gross), social-emotional, or adaptive (conceptual, social, practical) domains) in children compared to placebo (9 months, Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development Third Edition (BSID-III); 1 trial; low-certainty evidence) or neurophysiological outcomes (72 months, event-related potential measures; 1 trial; low-certainty evidence), though children born to women who received vitamin B(12) supplementation had improved expressive language domain compared to placebo (30 months, BSID-III; 1 trial; low-certainty evidence). AUTHORS' CONCLUSIONS: Oral vitamin B(12) supplementation during pregnancy may reduce the risk of maternal vitamin B(12) deficiency and may improve maternal vitamin B(12) concentrations during pregnancy or postpartum compared to placebo or no vitamin B(12) supplementation, but the evidence is very uncertain. The effects of vitamin B(12) supplementation on other primary outcomes assessed in this review were not reported, or were not reported in a format for inclusion in quantitative analyses. Vitamin B(12) supplementation during pregnancy may improve maternal and infant vitamin B(12) status, but the potential impact on longer-term clinical and functional maternal and child health outcomes has not yet been established. |
Performance of CHROMagar ESBL media for the surveillance of extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Enterobacterales (ESCrE) from rectal swabs in Botswana
Mannathoko N , Lautenbach E , Mosepele M , Otukile D , Sewawa K , Glaser L , Cressman L , Cowden L , Alby K , Jaskowiak-Barr A , Gross R , Mokomane M , Paganotti GM , Styczynski A , Smith RM , Snitkin E , Wan T , Bilker WB , Richard-Greenblatt M . J Med Microbiol 2023 72 (11) Introduction. Lack of laboratory capacity hampers consistent national antimicrobial resistance (AMR) surveillance. Chromogenic media may provide a practical screening tool for detection of individuals colonized by extended-spectrum beta-lactamase (ESBL)-producing organisms.Hypothesis. CHROMagar ESBL media represent an adequate screening method for the detection of extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Enterobacterales (ESCrE), isolated from rectal swabs.Aim. To evaluate the performance of CHROMagar ESBL media to accurately identify ESCrE isolates from rectal swab samples attained from hospitalized and community participants.Methodology. All participants provided informed consent prior to enrolment. Rectal swabs from 2469 hospital and community participants were inoculated onto CHROMagar ESBL. The performance of CHROMagar ESBL to differentiate Escherichia coli and Klebsiella spp., Enterobacter spp. and Citrobacter spp. (KEC spp.) as well as select for extended-spectrum cephalosporin resistance were compared to matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization-time-of-flight MS (MALDI-TOF-MS) and VITEK-2 automated susceptibility testing.Results. CHROMagar ESBL had a positive and negative agreement of 91.2 % (95 % CI, 88.4-93.3) and 86.8 % (95 % CI, 82.0-90.7) for E. coli and 88.1 % (95 % CI 83.2-92.1) and 87.6 % (95 % CI 84.7-90.2) for KEC spp. differentiation, respectively, when compared to species ID by MALDI-TOF-MS. When evaluated for phenotypic susceptibilities (VITEK-2), 88.1 % (714/810) of the isolates recovered on the selective agar exhibited resistance to third-generation cephalosporins.Conclusion. The performance characteristics of CHROMagar ESBL media suggest that they may be a viable screening tool for the identification of ESCrE from hospitalized and community participants and could be used to inform infection prevention and control practices in Botswana and potentially other low-and middle-income countries (LMICs). Further studies are required to analyse the costs and the impact on time-to-result of the media in comparison with available laboratory methods for ESCrE surveillance in the country. |
Characteristics of and deaths among 333 persons with tuberculosis and COVID-19 in cross-sectional sample from 25 jurisdictions, United States
Nabity SA , Marks SM , Goswami ND , Smith SR , Timme E , Price SF , Gross L , Self JL , Toren KG , Narita M , Wegener DH , Wang SH . Emerg Infect Dis 2023 29 (10) 2016-2023 Little is known about co-occurring tuberculosis (TB) and COVID-19 in low TB incidence settings. We obtained a cross-section of 333 persons in the United States co-diagnosed with TB and COVID-19 within 180 days and compared them to 4,433 persons with TB only in 2020 and 18,898 persons with TB during 2017‒2019. Across both comparison groups, a higher proportion of persons with TB-COVID-19 were Hispanic, were long-term care facility residents, and had diabetes. When adjusted for age, underlying conditions, and TB severity, COVID-19 co-infection was not statistically associated with death compared with TB infection only in 2020 (adjusted prevalence ratio 1.0 [95% CI 0.8‒1.4]). Among TB-COVID-19 patients, death was associated with a shorter interval between TB and COVID-19 diagnoses, older age, and being immunocompromised (non-HIV). TB-COVID-19 deaths in the United States appear to be concentrated in subgroups sharing characteristics known to increase risk for death from either disease alone. |
A model for accelerating access to care and treatment for children and adolescents living with HIV in Nigeria, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia: The Faith-Based Action for Scaling-Up Testing and Treatment for the Epidemic Response (FASTER) Initiative
Oliver D , Mabirizi D , Hast M , Alwano MG , Chungu C , Kelemani A , Mbanefo C , Gross J , Parris K , Dowling S , Clark A , Williams A , Simao L , Amole C , Suggu K , Kama J , Mpasela F , Mtui L , Nabitaka V , Saunders R , Williamson D , Rivadeneira ED , Hrapcak S , Nantume S , Nazziwa E , Itoh M , Machage E , Onyenuobi C , Munthali G , Rwebembera A , Mwiya M , Katureebe C , Ikpeazu A , Fenn T . J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care 2023 22 23259582231186701 The number of children newly infected with HIV dropped by 50%, from 320 000 in 2010 to 160 000 in 2021. Despite progress, ongoing gaps persist in diagnosis, continuity of care, and treatment optimization. In response, the United States President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief created the Faith-based Action for Scaling-Up Testing and Treatment for Epidemic Response (FASTER). Faith-based Action for Scaling-Up Testing and Treatment for Epidemic Response addressed gaps in countries with the highest unmet need by working with government to operationalize innovative interventions and ensure alignment with national priorities and with communities living with HIV to ensure the change was community-led. Between 2019 and 2021, FASTER's interventions were incorporated into national policies, absorbed by Ministries of Health, and taken up in subsequent awards and country operating plans. Continued effort is needed to sustain gains made during the FASTER initiative and to continue scaling evidence-based interventions to ensure that children and adolescents are not left behind in the global HIV response. |
Antibodies against egg- and cell-grown influenza A(H3N2) viruses in adults hospitalized during the 2017-2018 season (preprint)
Levine MZ , Martin ET , Petrie JG , Lauring AS , Holiday C , Jefferson S , Fitzsimmons WJ , Johnson E , Ferdinands JM , Monto AS . bioRxiv 2018 439471 Background The 2017-2018 US influenza season was severe with low vaccine effectiveness. Circulating A(H3N2) viruses from multiple genetic groups were antigenically similar to cell-grown vaccine strains. However, most influenza vaccines are egg-propagated.Methods Serum was collected shortly after illness onset from 15 PCR confirmed A(H3N2) infected cases and 15 uninfected (controls) hospitalized adults enrolled in an influenza vaccine effectiveness study.Geometric mean titers against egg- and cell-grown A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 A(H3N2) vaccine strains and representative circulating viruses (including A/Washington/16/2017) were determined by microneutralization (MN) assays. Independent effects of strain-specific titers on susceptibility were estimated by logistic regression.Results MN titers against egg-A/Hong Kong were significantly higher among those who were vaccinated (MN GMT: 173 vs 41; P = 0.01). However, antibody titers to cell-grown viruses were much lower in all individuals (P>0.05) regardless of vaccination. In unadjusted models, a 2-fold increase in MN titers against egg-A/Hong Kong was not significantly protective against infection (29% reduction; p=0.09), but a similar increase in cell-A/Washington titer (3C.2a2) was protective (60% reduction; p=0.02). A similar increase in egg-A/Hong Kong titer was not significantly associated with odds of infection when adjusting for MN titers against A/Washington (15% reduction; P=0.61). A 54% reduction of odds of infection was observed with a 2-fold increase in A/Washington (not significant; P=0.07), adjusted for egg-A/Hong Kong titer.Conclusion Although individuals vaccinated in 2017-2018 had high antibody titers against the egg-adapted vaccine strain, antibody responses to cell-grown circulating viruses may not be sufficient to provide protection, likely due to egg-adaptation in the vaccine.We thank Maryna Eichelberger, Hongquan Wan, Jin Gao, and Laura Couzens (Food and Drug Administration) for technical support and providing reassortant influenza viruses for use in the enzyme-linked lectin assays. St Jude Children’s Research Hospital provided plasmids that were used to generate these reassortant influenza viruses. We thank Mrs F Liaini Gross, Lauren Horner and Makeda Kay from Influenza Division, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for technical support for virus propagation and specimen management. |
Costs and cost-effectiveness of influenza illness and vaccination in low- and middle-income countries: A systematic review from 2012 to 2021 (preprint)
Gharpure R , Chard AN , Escobar MC , Zhou W , Bresee JS , Azziz-Baumgartner E , Pallas SW , Lafond KE . medRxiv 2023 08 Introduction: Historically, lack of data on cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination has been identified as a barrier to vaccine use in low- and middle-income countries. We conducted a systematic review of economic evaluations describing (1) costs of influenza illness, (2) costs of influenza vaccination programs, and (3) vaccination cost-effectiveness from low- and middle-income countries to assess if gaps persist. Method(s): We performed a systematic search in Medline, Embase, Cochrane Library, CINAHL, and Scopus using a combination of the following key words: "influenza" AND "cost" OR "economic." The search included studies with publication years 2012 through 2021. We abstracted general study characteristics and data specific to each of the three areas of review. Result(s): Of 50 included studies, 24 presented data on cost-effectiveness, 23 on cost-of-illness, and four on program costs. Represented countries were classified as upper-middle income (UMIC; n=11), lower-middle income (LMIC; n=7), and low-income (LIC; n=3). The most evaluated target groups were children (n=26 studies), older adults (n=16), and persons with chronic medical conditions (n=12); fewer studies evaluated pregnant persons (n=8), healthcare workers (n=4), and persons in congregate living settings (n=1). Costs-of-illness were generally higher in UMICs than in LMICs/LICs; however, the highest total costs, as a percent of gross domestic product and national health expenditure, were reported from an LIC. Among studies that evaluated the cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccine introduction, most (83%) interpreted at least one scenario per target group as either cost-effective or cost-saving, based on thresholds designated in the study. Conclusion(s): Continued evaluation of the economic burden of influenza illness and costs and cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination, particularly in low-income countries and among underrepresented target groups (e.g., healthcare workers and pregnant persons), is needed; use of standardized methodology could facilitate pooling across settings. Robust, global economic data are critical to design and maintain sustainable influenza vaccination programs. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
Equipment-free detection of SARS-CoV-2 and Variants of Concern using Cas13 (preprint)
Arizti-Sanz J , Bradley AD , Zhang YB , Boehm CK , Freije CA , Grunberg ME , Kosoko-Thoroddsen TSF , Welch NL , Pillai PP , Mantena S , Kim G , Uwanibe JN , John OG , Eromon PE , Kocher G , Gross R , Lee JS , Hensley LE , Happi CT , Johnson J , Sabeti PC , Myhrvold C . medRxiv 2021 02 The COVID-19 pandemic, and the recent rise and widespread transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Variants of Concern (VOCs), have demonstrated the need for ubiquitous nucleic acid testing outside of centralized clinical laboratories. Here, we develop SHINEv2, a Cas13-based nucleic acid diagnostic that combines quick and ambient temperature sample processing and lyophilized reagents to greatly simplify the test procedure and assay distribution. We benchmarked a SHINEv2 assay for SARS-CoV-2 detection against state-of-the-art antigen-capture tests using 96 patient samples, demonstrating 50-fold greater sensitivity and 100% specificity. We designed SHINEv2 assays for discriminating the Alpha, Beta, Gamma and Delta VOCs, which can be read out visually using lateral flow technology. We further demonstrate that our assays can be performed without any equipment in less than 90 minutes. SHINEv2 represents an important advance towards rapid nucleic acid tests that can be performed in any location. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license. |
Alpha and beta spillover in liquid scintillation counting analysis of urine samples
Piraner O , Eardley K , Button J . J Radioanal Nucl Chem 2023 332 (9) 3837-3844 Rapid detection and quantification of gross alpha/beta-emitting radionuclides by liquid scintillation counting (LSC) is vital in guiding response to a nuclear or radiological incidents. Liquid scintillation counters use signal pulse shape to discriminate alpha and beta events in samples but require precise optimization to minimize the spillover, or misclassification, of those events. In this study, samples at varying activity levels were analyzed by LSC to determine the effect of activity level, emitter type, and sample matrix on spillover. Analysis proved a matrix effect and a direct correlation of activity level on spillover percentage for both alpha and beta emitting-nuclides. © 2023, This is a U.S. Government work and not under copyright protection in the US; foreign copyright protection may apply. |
Risk factors for community colonization with extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant enterobacterales (escre) in Botswana: An Antibiotic Resistance in Communities and Hospitals (ARCH) Study
Lautenbach E , Mosepele M , Smith RM , Styczynski A , Gross R , Cressman L , Jaskowiak-Barr A , Alby K , Glaser L , Richard-Greenblatt M , Cowden L , Sewawa K , Otukile D , Paganotti GM , Mokomane M , Bilker WB , Mannathoko N . Clin Infect Dis 2023 77 S89-s96 BACKGROUND: The epidemiology of extended-spectrum cephalosporin-resistant Enterobacterales (ESCrE) in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) is poorly described. Identifying risk factors for ESCrE colonization is critical to inform antibiotic resistance reduction strategies because colonization is typically a precursor to infection. METHODS: From 15 January 2020 to 4 September 2020, we surveyed a random sample of clinic patients at 6 sites in Botswana. We also invited each enrolled participant to refer up to 3 adults and children. All participants had rectal swabs collected that were inoculated onto chromogenic media followed by confirmatory testing. Data were collected on demographics, comorbidities, antibiotic use, healthcare exposures, travel, and farm and animal contact. Participants with ESCrE colonization (cases) were compared with noncolonized participants (controls) to identify risk factors for ESCrE colonization using bivariable, stratified, and multivariable analyses. RESULTS: A total of 2000 participants were enrolled. There were 959 (48.0%) clinic participants, 477 (23.9%) adult community participants, and 564 (28.2%) child community participants. The median (interquartile range) age was 30 (12-41) and 1463 (73%) were women. There were 555 cases and 1445 controls (ie, 27.8% of participants were ESCrE colonized). Independent risk factors (adjusted odds ratio [95% confidence interval]) for ESCrE included healthcare exposure (1.37 [1.08-1.73]), foreign travel [1.98 (1.04-3.77]), tending livestock (1.34 [1.03-1.73]), and presence of an ESCrE-colonized household member (1.57 [1.08-2.27]). CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest healthcare exposure may be important in driving ESCrE. The strong links to livestock exposure and household member ESCrE colonization highlight the potential role of common exposure or household transmission. These findings are critical to inform strategies to curb further emergence of ESCrE in LMICs. |
Immunogenicity of high-dose egg-based, recombinant, and cell culture-based influenza vaccines compared with standard-dose egg-based influenza vaccine among health care personnel aged 18-65 years in 2019-2020
Naleway AL , Kim SS , Flannery B , Levine MZ , Murthy K , Sambhara S , Gangappa S , Edwards LJ , Ball S , Grant L , Zunie T , Cao W , Gross FL , Groom H , Fry AM , Hunt D , Jeddy Z , Mishina M , Wesley MG , Spencer S , Thompson MG , Gaglani M , Dawood FS . Open Forum Infect Dis 2023 10 (6) ofad223 BACKGROUND: Emerging data suggest that second-generation influenza vaccines with higher hemagglutinin (HA) antigen content and/or different production methods may induce stronger antibody responses to HA than standard-dose egg-based influenza vaccines in adults. We compared antibody responses to high-dose egg-based inactivated (HD-IIV3), recombinant (RIV4), and cell culture-based (ccIIV4) vs standard-dose egg-based inactivated influenza vaccine (SD-IIV4) among health care personnel (HCP) aged 18-65 years in 2 influenza seasons (2018-2019, 2019-2020). METHODS: In the second trial season, newly and re-enrolled HCPs who received SD-IIV4 in season 1 were randomized to receive RIV4, ccIIV4, or SD-IIV4 or were enrolled in an off-label, nonrandomized arm to receive HD-IIV3. Prevaccination and 1-month-postvaccination sera were tested by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay against 4 cell culture propagated vaccine reference viruses. Primary outcomes, adjusted for study site and baseline HI titer, were seroconversion rate (SCR), geometric mean titers (GMTs), mean fold rise (MFR), and GMT ratios that compared vaccine groups to SD-IIV4. RESULTS: Among 390 HCP in the per-protocol population, 79 received HD-IIV3, 103 RIV4, 106 ccIIV4, and 102 SD-IIV4. HD-IIV3 recipients had similar postvaccination antibody titers compared with SD-IIV4 recipients, whereas RIV4 recipients had significantly higher 1-month-postvaccination antibody titers against vaccine reference viruses for all outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: HD-IIV3 did not induce higher antibody responses than SD-IIV4, but, consistent with previous studies, RIV4 was associated with higher postvaccination antibody titers. These findings suggest that recombinant vaccines rather than vaccines with higher egg-based antigen doses may provide improved antibody responses in highly vaccinated populations. |
The perfect storm: respiratory viral surges and anti-infective shortages
Gross AE , Kabbani S , Blumenthal J . Antimicrob Steward Healthc Epidemiol 2023 3 (1) e89 In late 2022, ∼40% of US households had a family member with influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and/or severe acute respiratory coronavirus virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). 1 Increased incidence of influenza and RSV infection occurred much earlier than in the typical respiratory virus season, with the peak occurring in November. 2–4 Furthermore, RSV and influenza-related hospitalization rates were higher than in the past 5 years. This RSV peak coincided with a SARS-CoV-2 peak in early December 2022. 2 The overlap in respiratory viral disease burden in the United States contributed to significant healthcare resource utilization in outpatient and inpatient settings for patients with respiratory infection syndromes, especially in pediatric populations, contributing to shortages in anti-infectives and antipyretics. |
The magnitude and distribution of iron deficiency using serum/plasma ferritin among preschool children and non-pregnant women: a multi-country analysis
Mei Z , Grummer-Strawn LM . Med Res Arch 2019 7 (12) BACKGROUND: In 2004, World Health Organization (WHO) recommended the use of serum ferritin as a primary indicator of iron deficiency. However, there was limited data on the magnitude and distribution of iron deficiency based on ferritin. OBJECTIVE: To describe the prevalence of iron deficiency as measured by serum/plasma ferritin in different regions of the world and its relationship with demographic and health indicators. METHODS: Data from the Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutrition Determinants of Anemia and the WHO Vitamin and Mineral Nutrition Information System Micronutrients Database were used for this analysis. Unadjusted and inflammation-adjusted low ferritin prevalence were calculated for both databases. The prevalence of low ferritin among preschool children and non-pregnant women was examined according to its relationship with national gross domestic product (GDP), infant mortality rate (IMR), and anemia rate. RESULTS: In children, the median inflammation-adjusted prevalence of low ferritin was 35.3% (1(st) and 3(rd) quartiles: 17.5% and 48.1%). In non-pregnant women, the median inflammation-adjusted prevalence of low ferritin was 28.4% (1(st) and 3(rd) quartiles: 21.4% and 42.0%). For both children and women, the correlation between the prevalence of low ferritin and GDP, IMR, or anemia was consistently stronger using inflammation-adjusted prevalences than when using unadjusted prevalences. CONCLUSIONS: The quartile values of low ferritin prevalence for children and non-pregnant women could be used to define the severity of ferritin as a public health problem. |
Health Care-Associated Infections Studies Project: An American Journal of Infection Control and National Healthcare Safety Network Data Quality Collaboration.
Watkins J , Gross C , Godfrey-Johnson D , Allen-Bridson K , Hebden JN , Wright MO . Am J Infect Control 2021 49 (8) 1075-1077 This case study is part of a series centered on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) healthcare-associated infection (HAI) surveillance definitions. This specific case study focuses on the application of the Pneumonia (PNEU), Ventilator-associated event (VAE), and Bloodstream infections (BSI) surveillance definitions to a patient with COVID-19. The intent of the case study series is to foster standardized application of the NHSN HAI surveillance definitions among Infection Preventionists (IPs) and encourage accurate determination of HAI events. |
Assessment of neurodevelopment in infants with and without exposure to asymptomatic or mild maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy
Firestein MR , Shuffrey LC , Hu Y , Kyle M , Hussain M , Bianco C , Hott V , Hyman SP , Kyler M , Rodriguez C , Tejeda Romero M , Tzul Lopez H , Alcántara C , Amso D , Austin J , Bain JM , Barbosa J , Battarbee AN , Bruno A , Ettinger S , Factor-Litvak P , Gilboa S , Goldman S , Gyamfi-Bannerman C , Maniatis P , Marsh R , Morrill T , Mourad M , Muhle R , Newes-Adeyi G , Noble KG , O'Reilly KC , Penn AA , Reichle L , Sania A , Semenova V , Silver WG , Smotrich G , Tita AT , Tottenham N , Varner M , Welch MG , Zork N , Garey D , Fifer WP , Stockwell MS , Monk C , Dawood F , Dumitriu D . JAMA Netw Open 2023 6 (4) e237396 IMPORTANCE: Associations between prenatal SARS-CoV-2 exposure and neurodevelopmental outcomes have substantial public health relevance. A previous study found no association between prenatal SARS-CoV-2 infection and parent-reported infant neurodevelopmental outcomes, but standardized observational assessments are needed to confirm this finding. OBJECTIVE: To assess whether mild or asymptomatic maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection vs no infection during pregnancy is associated with infant neurodevelopmental differences at ages 5 to 11 months. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This cohort study included infants of mothers from a single-site prospective cross-sectional study (COVID-19 Mother Baby Outcomes [COMBO] Initiative) of mother-infant dyads and a multisite prospective cohort study (Epidemiology of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 in Pregnancy and Infancy [ESPI]) of pregnant individuals. A subset of ESPI participants was subsequently enrolled in the ESPI COMBO substudy. Participants in the ongoing COMBO study were enrolled beginning on May 26, 2020; participants in the ESPI study were enrolled from May 7 to November 3, 2021; and participants in the ESPI COMBO substudy were enrolled from August 2020 to March 2021. For the current analysis, infant neurodevelopment was assessed between March 2021 and June 2022. A total of 407 infants born to 403 mothers were enrolled (204 from Columbia University Irving Medical Center in New York, New York; 167 from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City; and 36 from the University of Alabama in Birmingham). Mothers of unexposed infants were approached for participation based on similar infant gestational age at birth, date of birth, sex, and mode of delivery to exposed infants. EXPOSURES: Maternal symptomatic or asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Infant neurodevelopment was assessed using the Developmental Assessment of Young Children, second edition (DAYC-2), adapted for telehealth assessment. The primary outcome was age-adjusted standard scores on 5 DAYC-2 subdomains: cognitive, gross motor, fine motor, expressive language, and receptive language. RESULTS: Among 403 mothers, the mean (SD) maternal age at delivery was 32.1 (5.4) years; most mothers were of White race (240 [59.6%]) and non-Hispanic ethnicity (253 [62.8%]). Among 407 infants, 367 (90.2%) were born full term and 212 (52.1%) were male. Overall, 258 infants (63.4%) had no documented prenatal exposure to SARS-CoV-2 infection, 112 (27.5%) had confirmed prenatal exposure, and 37 (9.1%) had exposure before pregnancy or at an indeterminate time. In adjusted models, maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy was not associated with differences in cognitive (β = 0.31; 95% CI, -2.97 to 3.58), gross motor (β = 0.82; 95% CI, -1.34 to 2.99), fine motor (β = 0.36; 95% CI, -0.74 to 1.47), expressive language (β = -1.00; 95% CI, -4.02 to 2.02), or receptive language (β = 0.45; 95% CI, -2.15 to 3.04) DAYC-2 subdomain scores. Trimester of exposure and maternal symptom status were not associated with DAYC-2 subdomain scores. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: In this study, results of a novel telehealth-adapted observational neurodevelopmental assessment extended a previous finding of no association between prenatal exposure to maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection and infant neurodevelopment. Given the widespread and continued high prevalence of COVID-19, these data offer information that may be helpful for pregnant individuals who experience asymptomatic or mild SARS-CoV-2 infections. |
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