Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 71 Records) |
Query Trace: Gould LH[original query] |
Psychological and physical intimate partner violence, measured by the New York City Community Health Survey - New York City, 2018
Alroy KA , Wang A , Sanderson M , Gould LH , Stayton C . J Fam Violence 2022 1-12 PURPOSE: Intimate partner violence (IPV) can damage long-term physical and mental health, yet IPV prevalence in New York City (NYC) is unknown. We described prevalence and health correlates of psychological and physical IPV in NYC. METHOD: The 2018 NYC Community Health Survey, a representative telephone survey among adult residents, asked about lifetime psychological or physical IPV experiences. We estimated age-adjusted physical and psychological prevalence, stratified by demographic variables, and created log-linear multivariable models with 95% CIs to measure the association of each IPV type with health conditions and behaviors. RESULTS: Overall, 10,076 surveys were completed. We excluded responses with missing IPV values. Of 9,945 adults, 16.7% reported ever having experienced psychological IPV; higher prevalence among females (18.6%; CI:17.0-20.2) than males (14.5%; CI:13.1-16.2). Prevalence of not getting needed mental health treatment (PR: 4.5; CI:3.3-6.1) and current depression (PR:2.6 CI:2.1-3.1) was higher among adults who had ever experienced psychological IPV, compared with those who had not. Of 9,964 adults, 9.8% reported ever having experienced physical IPV; higher prevalence among females (12.4%; CI:11.1-13.8) than males (6.8%; CI:5.8-8.0). Prevalence of not getting needed mental health treatment (PR:3.9, CI:2.8-5.4) and current depression (PR:2.6, CI:2.1-3.2) was higher among adults who had ever experienced physical IPV, compared with those who had not. CONCLUSIONS: One in six (16.7%) and one in 10 (9.8%) NYC adults reported ever experiencing psychological IPV and ever experiencing physical IPV, respectively. Key implications suggest that IPV potentially underlies public health priority health conditions and behaviors. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: The online version contains supplementary material available at 10.1007/s10896-022-00442-1. |
Listeria monocytogenes Illness and Deaths Associated With Ongoing Contamination of a Multi-Regional Brand of Ice Cream Products, United States, 2010-2015.
Conrad AR , Tubach S , Cantu V , Webb LM , Stroika S , Moris S , Davis M , Hunt DC , Bradley KK , Kucerova Z , Strain E , Doyle M , Fields A , Neil KP , Gould LH , Jackson KA , Wise ME , Griffin PM , Jackson BR . Clin Infect Dis 2022 76 (1) 89-95 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Frozen foods have rarely been linked to Listeria monocytogenes illness. We describe an outbreak investigation prompted both by hospital clustering of illnesses and product testing. METHODS: We identified outbreak-associated listeriosis cases using whole-genome sequencing (WGS), product testing results, and epidemiologic linkage to cases in the same Kansas hospital. We reviewed hospital medical and dietary records, product invoices, and molecular subtyping results. Federal and state officials tested product and environmental samples for L. monocytogenes. RESULTS: Kansas officials were investigating five cases of listeriosis at a single hospital when, simultaneously, unrelated sampling for a study in South Carolina identified L. monocytogenes in Company A ice cream products made in Texas. Isolates from four patients and Company A products were closely related by WGS, and the four patients with known exposures had consumed milkshakes made with Company A ice cream while hospitalized. Further testing identified L. monocytogenes in ice cream produced in a second Company A production facility in Oklahoma; these isolates were closely related by WGS to those from five patients in three other states. These ten illnesses, involving three deaths, occurred from 2010 through 2015. Company A ultimately recalled all products. CONCLUSION: In this U.S. outbreak of listeriosis linked to a widely distributed brand of ice cream, WGS and product sampling helped link cases spanning five years to two production facilities, indicating longstanding contamination. Comprehensive sanitation controls and environmental and product testing for L. monocytogenes, with regulatory oversight, should be implemented for ice cream production. |
Adapting Survey Data Collection to Respond to the COVID-19 Pandemic: Experiences From a Local Health Department.
Seligson AL , Alroy KA , Sanderson M , Maleki AN , Fernandez S , Aviles A , Dumas SE , Perlman SE , Peebles K , Norman CC , Gwynn RC , Gould LH . Am J Public Health 2021 111 (12) 2176-2185 The New York City (NYC) Department of Health and Mental Hygiene ("Health Department") conducts routine surveys to describe the health of NYC residents. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the Health Department adjusted existing surveys and developed new ones to improve our understanding of the impact of the pandemic on physical health, mental health, and social determinants of health and to incorporate more explicit measures of racial inequities. The longstanding Community Health Survey was adapted in 2020 to ask questions about COVID-19 and recruit respondents for a population-based severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) serosurvey. A new survey panel, Healthy NYC, was launched in June 2020 and is being used to collect data on COVID-19, mental health, and social determinants of health. In addition, 7 Health Opinion Polls were conducted from March 2020 through March 2021 to learn about COVID-19-related knowledge, attitudes, and opinions, including vaccine intentions. We describe the contributions that survey data have made to the emergency response in NYC in ways that address COVID-19 and the profound inequities of the pandemic. (Am J Public Health. 2021;111(12):2176-2185. |
Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 Antibodies in New York City Adults, June-October 2020: A Population-Based Survey.
Parrott JC , Maleki AN , Vassor VE , Osahan S , Hsin Y , Sanderson M , Fernandez S , Levanon Seligson A , Hughes S , Wu J , DeVito AK , LaVoie SP , Rakeman JL , Gould LH , Alroy KA . J Infect Dis 2021 224 (2) 188-195 BACKGROUND: Serosurveys help to ascertain burden of infection. Prior severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) serosurveys in New York City (NYC) used nonrandom samples. During June-October 2020, the NYC Health Department conducted a population-based survey estimating SARS-CoV-2 antibody prevalence in NYC adults. METHODS: Participants were recruited from the NYC 2020 Community Health Survey. We estimated citywide and stratified antibody prevalence using a hybrid design: serum tested with the DiaSorin LIAISON SARS-CoV-2 S1/S2 IgG assay and self-reported antibody test results were used together. We estimated univariate frequencies and 95% confidence intervals (CI), accounting for complex survey design. Two-sided P values ≤ .05 were statistically significant. RESULTS: There were 1074 respondents; 497 provided blood and 577 provided only a self-reported antibody test result. Weighted prevalence was 24.3% overall (95% CI, 20.7%-28.3%). Latino (30.7%; 95% CI, 24.1%-38.2%; P < .01) and black (30.7%; 95% CI, 21.9%-41.2%; P = .02) respondents had a higher weighted prevalence compared with white respondents (17.4%; 95% CI, 12.5%-23.7%). CONCLUSIONS: By October 2020, nearly 1 in 3 black and 1 in 3 Latino NYC adults had SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, highlighting unequal impacts of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic on black and Latino NYC adults. |
Population-based Estimates of COVID-19-like Illness, COVID-19 Illness, and Rates of Case Ascertainment, Hospitalizations, and Deaths - Non-Institutionalized New York City Residents, March-April 2020.
Alroy KA , Crossa A , Dominianni C , Sell J , Bartley K , Sanderson M , Fernandez S , Levanon Seligson A , Lim SW , Wang SM , Dumas SE , Perlman SE , Konty K , Olson DR , Gould LH , Greene SK . Clin Infect Dis 2021 73 (9) 1707-1710 Using a population-based, representative telephone survey, ~930,000 New York City residents had COVID-19 illness beginning March 20-April 30, 2020, a period with limited testing. For every 1000 persons estimated with COVID-19 illness, 141.8 were tested and reported as cases, 36.8 were hospitalized, and 12.8 died, varying by demographic characteristics. |
Association between racial discrimination and health-related quality of life and the impact of social relationships
Bergeron G , Lundy De La Cruz N , Gould LH , Liu SY , Levanon Seligson A . Qual Life Res 2020 29 (10) 2793-2805 PURPOSE: Interpersonal racial discrimination is associated with poor health. Social relationships may moderate the impact of discrimination and represent modifiable behaviors that can be targeted by public health interventions. We described citywide associations between self-reported racial discrimination and health-related quality of life among the overall New York City (NYC) adult residential population and by four main race/ethnicity groups and explored whether social relationships moderated health effects of discrimination. METHODS: We analyzed cross-sectional survey data from 2335 adults weighted to be representative of the NYC population. We measured exposures to lifetime interpersonal racial discrimination in nine domains using a modified version of the Experiences of Discrimination scale. We performed unadjusted and adjusted regression analyses on four self-rated health-related quality of life outcomes including general health, physical health, mental health, and limitations from physical or mental health. RESULTS: Overall, 47% [95% CI 44.5, 50.3] of respondents reported having experienced racial discrimination in at least one domain. In the overall population, significant associations with racial discrimination were noted in adjusted models for poor physical health, poor mental health, and limitations by poor physical and mental health. Among those exposed to racial discrimination, the risk of experiencing poor mental health was lower among those who had contact with family or friends outside their household at least once a week, compared with those who had less frequent social contact. CONCLUSION: This study provides evidence that social relationships may moderate the impact of racial discrimination on mental health and should be integrated into health promotion efforts. |
Deaths, hospitalizations, and emergency department visits from food-related anaphylaxis, New York city, 2000-2014: Implications for fatality prevention
Poirot E , He F , Gould LH , Hadler JL . J Public Health Manag Pract 2020 26 (6) 548-556 CONTEXT: Food-induced anaphylaxis is potentially fatal but preventable by allergen avoidance and manageable through immediate treatment. Considerable effort has been invested in preventing fatalities from nut exposure among school-aged children, but few population-based studies exist to guide additional prevention efforts. OBJECTIVES: To describe the epidemiology and trends of food-related anaphylaxis requiring emergency treatment during a 15-year span in New York City when public health initiatives to prevent deaths were implemented and to understand the situational circumstances of food-related deaths. DESIGN/SETTING/PARTICIPANTS: Retrospective death record review and analysis of inpatient hospital discharges and emergency department (ED) visits in New York City residents, 2000-2014. MAIN OUTCOME: Vital statistics data, medical examiner reports, ED, and hospital discharge data were used to examine risk for death and incidence trends in medically attended food-related anaphylaxis. Potentially preventable deaths were those among persons with a known allergy to the implicated food or occurring in public settings. RESULTS: There were 24 deaths, (1.6 deaths/year; range: 0-5), 3049 hospitalizations, and 4014 ED visits, including 7 deaths from crustacean, 4 from peanut, and 2 each from tree nut or seeds and fish exposures. Risk for death among those hospitalized or treated in the ED was highest for persons older than 65 years and for those treated for crustacean reactions (relative risk 6.5 compared with those treated for peanuts, 95% confidence interval = 1.9-22.1). Eleven of 16 deaths with medical examiner data were potentially preventable. Hospitalizations (2000-2014) and ED visit rates (2005-2014) were highest for children and those with peanut exposure and increased across periods. CONCLUSIONS: Deaths from food-related anaphylaxis were rare; however, rates of hospitalization and ED visits increased. Prevention efforts related to peanut allergies among children should continue, and additional attention is needed to prevent and treat anaphylaxis among adults, particularly those with known crustacean allergies where case fatality is highest. |
Sex and age distributions of persons in foodborne disease outbreaks and associations with food categories
Strassle PD , Gu W , Bruce BB , Gould LH . Epidemiol Infect 2019 147 e200 Sex and age differences in food preferences may be reflected in the demographics of outbreaks. Outbreaks from 1998-2015 with a single confirmed implicated food source in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Foodborne Disease Outbreak Surveillance System were analysed using logistic regression to assess associations between a food category, sex and age. Males were more likely to be involved in outbreaks attributed to beef, pork, game, dairy and shellfish; females were more likely to be involved in grains-beans, nuts-seeds, fruits, sprouts and vegetable row crops outbreaks. Children <5-years-old were more likely than other age groups to be involved in dairy outbreaks, children 5-19-years-old were most likely to be involved in beef and game outbreaks, adults 20-49-years-old were most likely to be involved in fish, shellfish and sprout outbreaks and adults 50-years-old were most likely to be involved in turkey outbreaks. Age and sex are associated with specific food categories in outbreaks. This information may be useful in helping to identify sources of foodborne disease outbreaks. |
Detection of avian influenza A(H7N2) virus infection among animal shelter workers using a novel serological approach-New York City, 2016-2017
Poirot E , Levine MZ , Russell K , Stewart RJ , Pompey JM , Chiu S , Fry AM , Gross L , Havers FP , Li ZN , Liu F , Crossa A , Lee CT , Boshuizen V , Rakeman JL , Slavinski S , Harper S , Gould LH . J Infect Dis 2018 219 (11) 1688-1696 Background: In 2016, an influenza A(H7N2) virus outbreak occurred in cats in New York City's municipal animal shelters. One human infection was initially detected. Methods: We conducted a serological survey using a novel approach to rule out cross-reactive antibodies to other seasonal influenza viruses to determine whether additional A(H7N2) human infections had occurred and to assess exposure risk. Results: Of 121 shelter workers, one had serological evidence of A(H7N2) infection, corresponding to a seroprevalence of 0.8% (95% confidence interval, .02%-4.5%). Five persons exhibited low positive titers to A(H7N2) virus, indicating possible infection; however, we could not exclude cross-reactive antibody responses to seasonal influenza viruses. The remaining 115 persons were seronegative. The seropositive person reported multiple direct cat exposures without using personal protective equipment and mild illness with subjective fever, runny nose, and sore throat. Conclusions: We identified a second case of A(H7N2) infection from this outbreak, providing further evidence of cat-to-human transmission of A(H7N2) virus. |
Salmonella enterica serotype Newport infections in the United States, 2004-2013: Increased incidence investigated through four surveillance systems
Crim SM , Chai SJ , Karp BE , Judd MC , Reynolds J , Swanson KC , Nisler A , McCullough A , Gould LH . Foodborne Pathog Dis 2018 15 (10) 612-620 Newport is the third most common Salmonella enterica serotype identified among the estimated 1.2 million human salmonellosis infections occurring annually in the United States. Risk factors for infection and food items implicated in outbreaks vary by antimicrobial resistance pattern. We conducted a descriptive analysis of data from four enteric disease surveillance systems capturing information on incidence, demographics, seasonality, geographic distribution, outbreaks, and antimicrobial resistance of Newport infections over a 10-year period from 2004 through 2013. Incidence increased through 2010, then declined to rates similar to those in the early years of the study. Incidence was highest in the South and among children <5 years old. Among isolates submitted for antimicrobial susceptibility testing, 88% were susceptible to all antimicrobials tested (pansusceptible) and 8% were resistant to at least seven agents, including ceftriaxone. Rates of pansusceptible isolates were also highest in the South and among young children, particularly in 2010. Pansusceptible strains of Newport have been associated with produce items and environmental sources, such as creek water and sediment. However, the role of environmental transmission of Newport in human illness is unclear. Efforts to reduce produce contamination through targeted legislation, as well as collaborative efforts to identify sources of contamination in agricultural regions, are underway. |
Produce-associated foodborne disease outbreaks, USA, 1998-2013
Bennett SD , Sodha SV , Ayers TL , Lynch MF , Gould LH , Tauxe RV . Epidemiol Infect 2018 146 (11) 1-10 The US Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA) gives food safety regulators increased authority to require implementation of safety measures to reduce the contamination of produce. To evaluate the future impact of FSMA on food safety, a better understanding is needed regarding outbreaks attributed to the consumption of raw produce. Data reported to the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Foodborne Disease Outbreak Surveillance System during 1998-2013 were analysed. During 1998-2013, there were 972 raw produce outbreaks reported resulting in 34 674 outbreak-associated illnesses, 2315 hospitalisations, and 72 deaths. Overall, the total number of foodborne outbreaks reported decreased by 38% during the study period and the number of raw produce outbreaks decreased 19% during the same period; however, the percentage of outbreaks attributed to raw produce among outbreaks with a food reported increased from 8% during 1998-2001 to 16% during 2010-2013. Raw produce outbreaks were most commonly attributed to vegetable row crops (38% of outbreaks), fruits (35%) and seeded vegetables (11%). The most common aetiologic agents identified were norovirus (54% of outbreaks), Salmonella enterica (21%) and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (10%). Food-handling errors were reported in 39% of outbreaks. The proportion of all foodborne outbreaks attributable to raw produce has been increasing. Evaluation of safety measures to address the contamination on farms, during processing and food preparation, should take into account the trends occurring before FSMA implementation. |
Listeriosis outbreaks associated with soft cheeses, United States, 1998-2014
Jackson KA , Gould LH , Hunter JC , Kucerova Z , Jackson B . Emerg Infect Dis 2018 24 (6) 1116-1118 Since 2006, the number of reported US listeriosis outbreaks associated with cheese made under unsanitary conditions has increased. Two-thirds were linked to Latin-style soft cheese, often affecting pregnant Hispanic women and their newborns. Adherence to pasteurization protocols and sanitation measures to avoid contamination after pasteurization can reduce future outbreaks. |
Long-term supportive housing is associated with decreased risk for new HIV diagnoses among a large cohort of homeless persons in New York City
Lee CT , Winquist A , Wiewel EW , Braunstein S , Jordan HT , Gould LH , Gwynn RC , Lim S . AIDS Behav 2018 22 (9) 3083-3090 It is unknown whether providing housing to persons experiencing homelessness decreases HIV risk. Housing, including access to preventive services and counseling, might provide a period of transition for persons with HIV risk factors. We assessed whether the new HIV diagnosis rate was associated with duration of supportive housing. We linked data from a cohort of 21,689 persons without a previous HIV diagnosis who applied to a supportive housing program in New York City (NYC) during 2007-2013 to the NYC HIV surveillance registry. We used time-dependent Cox modeling to compare new HIV diagnoses among recipients of supportive housing (defined a priori, for program evaluation purposes, as persons who spent > 7 days in supportive housing; n = 6447) and unplaced applicants (remainder of cohort), after balancing the groups on baseline characteristics with propensity score weights. Compared with unplaced applicants, persons who received >/= 3 continuous years of supportive housing had decreased risk for new HIV diagnosis (HR 0.10; CI 0.01-0.99). Risk of new HIV diagnosis decreased with longer duration placement in supportive housing. Supportive housing might aid in primary HIV prevention. |
Fish-associated foodborne disease outbreaks: United States, 1998-2015
Barrett KA , Nakao JH , Taylor EV , Eggers C , Gould LH . Foodborne Pathog Dis 2017 14 (9) 537-543 Each year in the United States, approximately 260,000 people get sick from contaminated fish. Fish is also the most commonly implicated food category in outbreaks. We reviewed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Foodborne Disease Outbreak Surveillance System for outbreaks resulting from consumption of fish during the period 1998-2015. We found 857 outbreaks associated with fish, resulting in 4815 illnesses, 359 hospitalizations, and 4 deaths. The median number of illnesses per outbreak was three (range: 2-425). The annual number of fish-associated outbreaks declined from an average of 62 per year during the period 1998-2006 to 34 per year during the period 2007-2015. Hawaii (221 outbreaks [26%]) and Florida (203 [24%]) reported the most outbreaks. Among 637 outbreaks (74%) with a confirmed etiology, scombrotoxin (349 [55%]) and ciguatoxin (227 [36%]) were by far most common. Most outbreak-associated illnesses were caused by scombrotoxin (1299 [34%]), Salmonella (978 [26%]), and ciguatoxin (894 [23%]). Most hospitalizations were caused by Salmonella (97 [31%]) and ciguatoxin (96 [31%]). Norovirus (105 average illnesses; range: [6-380]) and Salmonella (54 [3-425]) caused the largest outbreaks. Fish types implicated most often were tuna (37%), mahi-mahi (10%), and grouper (9%). The etiology-fish pairs responsible for the most outbreaks were scombrotoxin and tuna (223 outbreaks), scombrotoxin and mahi-mahi (64), and ciguatoxin and grouper (54). The pairs responsible for the most illnesses were scombrotoxin and tuna (720 illnesses) and Salmonella and tuna (660). Of the 840 outbreaks (98%) with a single location of food preparation, 52% were associated with fish prepared in a restaurant and 33% with fish prepared in a private home. Upstream control measures targeted to the most common etiologies and controls during processing and preparation could further reduce outbreaks caused by fish. |
Outbreaks of disease associated with food imported into the United States, 1996-2014
Gould LH , Kline J , Monahan C , Vierk K . Emerg Infect Dis 2017 23 (3) 525-528 The proportion of US food that is imported is increasing; most seafood and half of fruits are imported. We identified a small but increasing number of foodborne disease outbreaks associated with imported foods, most commonly fish and produce. New outbreak investigation tools and federal regulatory authority are key to maintaining food safety. |
Multistate outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes infections linked to whole apples used in commercially produced, prepackaged caramel apples: United States, 2014-2015.
Angelo KM , Conrad AR , Saupe A , Dragoo H , West N , Sorenson A , Barnes A , Doyle M , Beal J , Jackson KA , Stroika S , Tarr C , Kucerova Z , Lance S , Gould LH , Wise M , Jackson BR . Epidemiol Infect 2017 145 (5) 1-9 ![]() ![]() Whole apples have not been previously implicated in outbreaks of foodborne bacterial illness. We investigated a nationwide listeriosis outbreak associated with caramel apples. We defined an outbreak-associated case as an infection with one or both of two outbreak strains of Listeria monocytogenes highly related by whole-genome multilocus sequence typing (wgMLST) from 1 October 2014 to 1 February 2015. Single-interviewer open-ended interviews identified the source. Outbreak-associated cases were compared with non-outbreak-associated cases and traceback and environmental investigations were performed. We identified 35 outbreak-associated cases in 12 states; 34 (97%) were hospitalized and seven (20%) died. Outbreak-associated ill persons were more likely to have eaten commercially produced, prepackaged caramel apples (odds ratio 326.7, 95% confidence interval 32.2-3314). Environmental samples from the grower's packing facility and distribution-chain whole apples yielded isolates highly related to outbreak isolates by wgMLST. This outbreak highlights the importance of minimizing produce contamination with L. monocytogenes. Investigators should perform single-interviewer open-ended interviews when a food is not readily identified. |
Antimicrobial resistance in Salmonella that caused foodborne disease outbreaks: United States, 2003-2012
Brown AC , Grass JE , Richardson LC , Nisler AL , Bicknese AS , Gould LH . Epidemiol Infect 2016 145 (4) 1-9 Although most non-typhoidal Salmonella illnesses are self-limiting, antimicrobial treatment is critical for invasive infections. To describe resistance in Salmonella that caused foodborne outbreaks in the United States, we linked outbreaks submitted to the Foodborne Disease Outbreak Surveillance System to isolate susceptibility data in the National Antimicrobial Resistance Monitoring System. Resistant outbreaks were defined as those linked to one or more isolates with resistance to at least one antimicrobial drug. Multidrug resistant (MDR) outbreaks had at least one isolate resistant to three or more antimicrobial classes. Twenty-one per cent (37/176) of linked outbreaks were resistant. In outbreaks attributed to a single food group, 73% (16/22) of resistant outbreaks and 46% (31/68) of non-resistant outbreaks were attributed to foods from land animals (P < 0.05). MDR Salmonella with clinically important resistance caused 29% (14/48) of outbreaks from land animals and 8% (3/40) of outbreaks from plant products (P < 0.01). In our study, resistant Salmonella infections were more common in outbreaks attributed to foods from land animals than outbreaks from foods from plants or aquatic animals. Antimicrobial susceptibility data on isolates from foodborne Salmonella outbreaks can help determine which foods are associated with resistant infections. |
Foodborne disease outbreaks associated with organic foods in the United States
Harvey RR , Zakhour CM , Gould LH . J Food Prot 2016 79 (11) 1953-1958 Consumer demand for organically produced foods is increasing in the United States as well as globally. Consumer perception often credits organic foods as being safer than conventionally produced foods, although organic standards do not directly address safety issues such as microbial or chemical hazards. We reviewed outbreaks reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Foodborne Disease Outbreak Surveillance System where the implicated food was reported to be organic. Information collected for each outbreak included the year, state, number of illnesses, pathogen, and implicated food. We identified 18 outbreaks caused by organic foods from 1992 to 2014, resulting in 779 illnesses, 258 hospitalizations, and 3 deaths; 56% of outbreaks occurred from 2010 to 2014. Nine outbreaks occurred in a single state, and nine outbreaks were multistate. Salmonella sp. (44% of outbreaks) and Escherichia coli O157:H7 (33%) were the most commonly occurring pathogens. Eight of the outbreaks were attributed to produce items, four to unpasteurized dairy products, two to eggs, two to nut and seed products, and two to multi-ingredient foods. Fifteen (83%) outbreaks were associated with foods that were definitely or likely U.S. Department of Agriculture certified. More foodborne outbreaks associated with organic foods in the United States have been reported in recent years, in parallel with increases in organic food production and consumption. We are unable to assess risk of outbreaks due to organic foods compared with conventional foods because foodborne outbreak surveillance does not systematically collect food production method. Food safety requires focused attention by consumers, regardless of whether foods are produced organically or conventionally. Consumers should be aware of the risk of milk and produce consumed raw, including organic. |
Epidemiology of restaurant-associated foodborne disease outbreaks, United States, 1998-2013
Angelo KM , Nisler AL , Hall AJ , Brown LG , Gould LH . Epidemiol Infect 2016 145 (3) 1-12 Although contamination of food can occur at any point from farm to table, restaurant food workers are a common source of foodborne illness. We describe the characteristics of restaurant-associated foodborne disease outbreaks and explore the role of food workers by analysing outbreaks associated with restaurants from 1998 to 2013 reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Foodborne Disease Outbreak Surveillance System. We identified 9788 restaurant-associated outbreaks. The median annual number of outbreaks was 620 (interquartile range 618-629). In 3072 outbreaks with a single confirmed aetiology reported, norovirus caused the largest number of outbreaks (1425, 46%). Of outbreaks with a single food reported and a confirmed aetiology, fish (254 outbreaks, 34%) was most commonly implicated, and these outbreaks were commonly caused by scombroid toxin (219 outbreaks, 86% of fish outbreaks). Most outbreaks (79%) occurred at sit-down establishments. The most commonly reported contributing factors were those related to food handling and preparation practices in the restaurant (2955 outbreaks, 61%). Food workers contributed to 2415 (25%) outbreaks. Knowledge of the foods, aetiologies, and contributing factors that result in foodborne disease restaurant outbreaks can help guide efforts to prevent foodborne illness. |
Characteristics of clusters of Salmonella and Escherichia coli O157 detected by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis that predict identification of outbreaks
Jones TF , Sashti N , Ingram A , Phan Q , Booth H , Rounds J , Nicholson CS , Cosgrove S , Crocker K , Gould LH . Foodborne Pathog Dis 2016 13 (12) 674-678 INTRODUCTION: Molecular subtyping of pathogens is critical for foodborne disease outbreak detection and investigation. Many clusters initially identified by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) are not confirmed as point-source outbreaks. We evaluated characteristics of clusters that can help prioritize investigations to maximize effective use of limited resources. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A multiagency collaboration (FoodNet) collected data on Salmonella and Escherichia coli O157 clusters for 3 years. Cluster size, timing, extent, and nature of epidemiologic investigations were analyzed to determine associations with whether the cluster was identified as a confirmed outbreak. RESULTS: During the 3-year study period, 948 PFGE clusters were identified; 849 (90%) were Salmonella and 99 (10%) were E. coli O157. Of those, 192 (20%) were ultimately identified as outbreaks (154 [18%] of Salmonella and 38 [38%] of E. coli O157 clusters). Successful investigation was significantly associated with larger cluster size, more rapid submission of isolates (e.g., for Salmonella, 6 days for outbreaks vs. 8 days for nonoutbreaks) and PFGE result reporting to investigators (16 days vs. 29 days, respectively), and performance of analytic studies (completed in 33% of Salmonella outbreaks vs. 1% of nonoutbreaks) and environmental investigations (40% and 1%, respectively). Intervals between first and second cases in a cluster did not differ significantly between outbreaks and nonoutbreaks. CONCLUSIONS: Molecular subtyping of pathogens is a rapidly advancing technology, and successfully identifying outbreaks will vary by pathogen and methods used. Understanding criteria for successfully investigating outbreaks is critical for efficiently using limited resources. |
A state-by-state assessment of food service regulations for prevention of norovirus outbreaks
Kambhampati A , Shioda K , Gould LH , Sharp D , Brown LG , Parashar UD , Hall AJ . J Food Prot 2016 79 (9) 1527-1536 Noroviruses are the leading cause of foodborne disease in the United States. Foodborne transmission of norovirus is often associated with contamination of food during preparation by an infected food worker. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's Food Code provides model food safety regulations for preventing transmission of foodborne disease in restaurants; however, adoption of specific provisions is at the discretion of state and local governments. We analyzed the food service regulations of all 50 states and the District of Columbia (i.e., 51 states) to describe differences in adoption of norovirus-related Food Code provisions into state food service regulations. We then assessed potential correlations between adoption of these regulations and characteristics of foodborne norovirus outbreaks reported to the National Outbreak Reporting System from 2009 through 2014. Of the 51 states assessed, all (100%) required food workers to wash their hands, and 39 (76%) prohibited bare-hand contact with ready-to-eat food. Thirty states (59%) required exclusion of staff with vomiting and diarrhea until 24 h after cessation of symptoms. Provisions requiring a certified food protection manager (CFPM) and a response plan for contamination events (i.e., vomiting) were least commonly adopted; 26 states (51%) required a CFPM, and 8 (16%) required a response plan. Although not statistically significant, states that adopted the provisions prohibiting bare-hand contact (0.45 versus 0.74, P = 0.07), requiring a CFPM (0.38 versus 0.75, P = 0.09), and excluding ill staff for ≥24 h after symptom resolution (0.44 versus 0.73, P = 0.24) each reported fewer foodborne norovirus outbreaks per million person-years than did those states without these provisions. Adoption and compliance with federal recommended food service regulations may decrease the incidence of foodborne norovirus outbreaks. |
Vibriosis, not cholera: toxigenic Vibrio cholerae non-O1, non-O139 infections in the United States, 1984-2014
Crowe SJ , Newton AE , Gould LH , Parsons MB , Stroika S , Bopp CA , Freeman M , Greene K , Mahon BE . Epidemiol Infect 2016 144 (15) 1-7 Toxigenic strains of Vibrio cholerae serogroups O1 and O139 have caused cholera epidemics, but other serogroups - such as O75 or O141 - can also produce cholera toxin and cause severe watery diarrhoea similar to cholera. We describe 31 years of surveillance for toxigenic non-O1, non-O139 infections in the United States and map these infections to the state where the exposure probably originated. While serogroups O75 and O141 are closely related pathogens, they differ in how and where they infect people. Oysters were the main vehicle for O75 infection. The vehicles for O141 infection include oysters, clams, and freshwater in lakes and rivers. The patients infected with serogroup O75 who had food traceback information available ate raw oysters from Florida. Patients infected with O141 ate oysters from Florida and clams from New Jersey, and those who only reported being exposed to freshwater were exposed in Arizona, Michigan, Missouri, and Texas. Improving the safety of oysters, specifically, should help prevent future illnesses from these toxigenic strains and similar pathogenic Vibrio species. Post-harvest processing of raw oysters, such as individual quick freezing, heat-cool pasteurization, and high hydrostatic pressurization, should be considered. |
Implementation of Nationwide Real-time Whole-genome Sequencing to Enhance Listeriosis Outbreak Detection and Investigation.
Jackson BR , Tarr C , Strain E , Jackson KA , Conrad A , Carleton H , Katz LS , Stroika S , Gould LH , Mody RK , Silk BJ , Beal J , Chen Y , Timme R , Doyle M , Fields A , Wise M , Tillman G , Defibaugh-Chavez S , Kucerova Z , Sabol A , Roache K , Trees E , Simmons M , Wasilenko J , Kubota K , Pouseele H , Klimke W , Besser J , Brown E , Allard M , Gerner-Smidt P . Clin Infect Dis 2016 63 (3) 380-6 ![]() Listeria monocytogenes(Lm) causes severe foodborne illness (listeriosis). Previous molecular subtyping methods, such as pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), were critical in detecting outbreaks that led to food safety improvements and declining incidence, but PFGE provides limited genetic resolution. A multiagency collaboration began performing real-time, whole-genome sequencing (WGS) on all U.S.Lmisolates from patients, food, and the environment in September 2013, posting sequencing data into a public repository. Compared with the year before the project began, WGS, combined with epidemiologic and product trace-back data, detected more listeriosis clusters and solved more outbreaks (2 outbreaks in pre-WGS year, 5 in WGS year 1, and 9 in year 2). Whole-genome multilocus sequence typing and single nucleotide polymorphism analyses provided equivalent phylogenetic relationships relevant to investigations; results were most useful when interpreted in context of epidemiological data. WGS has transformed listeriosis outbreak surveillance and is being implemented for other foodborne pathogens. |
Giardiasis outbreaks in the United States, 1971-2011
Adam EA , Yoder JS , Gould LH , Hlavsa MC , Gargano JW . Epidemiol Infect 2016 144 (13) 1-12 Giardia intestinalis is the leading parasitic aetiology of human enteric infections in the United States, with an estimated 1.2 million cases occurring annually. To better understand transmission, we analysed data on all giardiasis outbreaks reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for 1971-2011. The 242 outbreaks, affecting ~41 000 persons, resulted from waterborne (74.8%), foodborne (15.7%), person-to-person (2.5%), and animal contact (1.2%) transmission. Most (74.6%) waterborne outbreaks were associated with drinking water, followed by recreational water (18.2%). Problems with water treatment, untreated groundwater, and distribution systems were identified most often during drinking water-associated outbreak investigations; problems with water treatment declined after the 1980s. Most recreational water-associated outbreaks were linked to treated swimming venues, with pools and wading pools implicated most often. Produce was implicated most often in foodborne outbreaks. Additionally, foods were most commonly prepared in a restaurant and contaminated by a food handler. Lessons learned from examining patterns in outbreaks over time can help prevent future disease. Groundwater and distribution system vulnerabilities, inadequate pool disinfection, fruit and vegetable contamination, and poor food handler hygiene are promising targets for giardiasis prevention measures. |
Vital signs: multistate foodborne outbreaks - United States, 2010-2014
Crowe SJ , Mahon BE , Vieira AR , Gould LH . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2015 64 (43) 1221-5 INTRODUCTION: Millions of U.S. residents become ill from foodborne pathogens each year. Most foodborne outbreaks occur among small groups of persons in a localized area. However, because many foods are distributed widely and rapidly, and because detection methods have improved, outbreaks that occur in multiple states and that even span the entire country are being recognized with increasing frequency. METHODS: This report analyzes data from CDC's Foodborne Disease Outbreak Surveillance System to describe multistate foodborne outbreaks that occurred in the United States during 2010-2014. RESULTS: During this 5-year period, 120 multistate foodborne disease outbreaks (with identified pathogen and food or common setting) were reported to CDC. These multistate outbreaks accounted for 3% (120 of 4,163) of all reported foodborne outbreaks, but were responsible for 11% (7,929 of 71,747) of illnesses, 34% (1,460 of 4,247) of hospitalizations, and 56% (66 of 118) of deaths associated with foodborne outbreaks. Salmonella (63 outbreaks), Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (34), and Listeria monocytogenes (12) were the leading pathogens. Fruits (17), vegetable row crops (15), beef (13), sprouts (10), and seeded vegetables (nine) were the most commonly implicated foods. Traceback investigations to identify the food origin were conducted for 87 outbreaks, of which 55 led to a product recall. Imported foods were linked to 18 multistate outbreaks. CONCLUSIONS: Multistate foodborne disease outbreaks account for a disproportionate number of outbreak-associated illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths relative to their occurrence. Working together, food industries and public health departments and agencies can develop and implement more effective ways to identify and to trace contaminated foods linked to multistate outbreaks. Lessons learned during outbreak investigations can help improve food safety practices and regulations, and might prevent future outbreaks. |
Summary of notifiable noninfectious conditions and disease outbreaks: foodborne and waterborne disease outbreaks - United States, 1971-2012
Dewey-Mattia D , Roberts V , Yoder J , Gould LH . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2015 62 (54) 86-9 CDC collects data on foodborne and waterborne disease outbreaks reported by all U.S. states and territories through the Foodborne Disease Outbreak Surveillance System (FDOSS) and the Waterborne Disease and Outbreak Surveillance System (WBDOSS), respectively. These two systems are the primary source of national data describing the number of illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths; etiologic agents; water source or implicated foods; settings of exposure; and other factors associated with recognized foodborne and waterborne disease outbreaks in the United States. This report summarizes data on foodborne disease outbreaks reported during 1973–2012 and waterborne disease outbreaks reported during 1971–2012. This report is a part of the first-ever Summary of Notifiable Noninfectious Conditions and Disease Outbreaks, which encompasses various surveillance years but is being published in 2015 (1). The Summary of Notifiable Noninfectious Conditions and Disease Outbreaks appears in the same volume of MMWR as the annual Summary of Notifiable Infectious Diseases (2). | Background | Foodborne Disease Outbreak Surveillance | Foodborne diseases cause an estimated 48 million illnesses each year in the United States, including 9.4 million caused by known pathogens (3,4). Only a minority of foodborne illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths occur as part of recognized outbreaks (5). However, information gathered from foodborne disease outbreak surveillance provides valuable insights into the agents that cause foodborne illness, types of implicated foods and ingredients, and settings in which transmission occurs. | Foodborne disease outbreaks have been nationally notifiable since 2010; however, reports of foodborne disease outbreaks have been collected by CDC through FDOSS since 1973. Initially a paper-based system, FDOSS became web-based in 1998. In 2009, the system was transitioned to an enhanced reporting platform, the National Outbreak Reporting System (NORS), which also collects information on waterborne disease outbreaks and enteric disease outbreaks with modes of transmission other than food, including person-to-person contact, animal contact, and environmental contamination. Information about NORS is available at | Foodborne disease outbreak surveillance data highlight the etiologic agents, foods, and settings involved most often in outbreaks and can help to identify food commodities and preparation settings in which interventions might be most effective. Surveillance for foodborne disease outbreaks provides insight into the effectiveness of regulations and control measures, helps identify new and emerging pathogens, provides information regarding the food preparation and consumption settings where outbreaks occur, informs prevention and control measures in the food industry by identifying points of contamination, and can be used to describe trends in foodborne disease outbreaks over time. |
Increase in multistate foodborne disease outbreaks - United States, 1973-2010
Nguyen VD , Bennett SD , Mungai E , Gieraltowski L , Hise K , Gould LH . Foodborne Pathog Dis 2015 12 (11) 867-72 INTRODUCTION: Changes in food production and distribution have increased opportunities for foods contaminated early in the supply chain to be distributed widely, increasing the possibility of multistate outbreaks. In recent decades, surveillance systems for foodborne disease have been improved, allowing officials to more effectively identify related cases and to trace and identify an outbreak's source. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We reviewed multistate foodborne disease outbreaks reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Foodborne Disease Outbreak Surveillance System during 1973-2010. We calculated the percentage of multistate foodborne disease outbreaks relative to all foodborne disease outbreaks and described characteristics of multistate outbreaks, including the etiologic agents and implicated foods. RESULTS: Multistate outbreaks accounted for 234 (0.8%) of 27,755 foodborne disease outbreaks, 24,003 (3%) of 700,600 outbreak-associated illnesses, 2839 (10%) of 29,756 outbreak-associated hospitalizations, and 99 (16%) of 628 outbreak-associated deaths. The median annual number of multistate outbreaks increased from 2.5 during 1973-1980 to 13.5 during 2001-2010; the number of multistate outbreak-associated illnesses, hospitalizations, and deaths also increased. Most multistate outbreaks were caused by Salmonella (47%) and Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (26%). Foods most commonly implicated were beef (22%), fruits (13%), and leafy vegetables (13%). CONCLUSIONS: The number of identified and reported multistate foodborne disease outbreaks has increased. Improvements in detection, investigation, and reporting of foodborne disease outbreaks help explain the increasing number of reported multistate outbreaks and the increasing percentage of outbreaks that were multistate. Knowing the etiologic agents and foods responsible for multistate outbreaks can help to identify sources of food contamination so that the safety of the food supply can be improved. |
Escherichia coli O157 outbreaks in the United States, 2003-2012
Heiman KE , Mody RK , Johnson SD , Griffin PM , Gould LH . Emerg Infect Dis 2015 21 (8) 1293-1301 Beef and leafy vegetables were the most common sources of these outbreaks. |
Outbreaks attributed to fresh leafy vegetables, United States, 1973-2012
Herman KM , Hall AJ , Gould LH . Epidemiol Infect 2015 143 (14) 1-11 Leafy vegetables are an essential component of a healthy diet; however, they have been associated with high-profile outbreaks causing severe illnesses. We reviewed leafy vegetable-associated outbreaks reported to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention between 1973 and 2012. During the study period, 606 leafy vegetable-associated outbreaks, with 20 003 associated illnesses, 1030 hospitalizations, and 19 deaths were reported. On average, leafy vegetable-associated outbreaks were larger than those attributed to other food types. The pathogens that most often caused leafy vegetable-associated outbreaks were norovirus (55% of outbreaks with confirmed aetiology), Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) (18%), and Salmonella (11%). Most outbreaks were attributed to food prepared in a restaurant or catering facility (85%). An ill food worker was implicated as the source of contamination in 31% of outbreaks. Efforts by local, state, and federal agencies to control leafy vegetable contamination and outbreaks should span from the point of harvest to the point of preparation. |
Increased outbreaks associated with nonpasteurized milk, United States, 2007-2012
Mungai EA , Behravesh CB , Gould LH . Emerg Infect Dis 2015 21 (1) 119-22 The number of US outbreaks caused by nonpasteurized milk increased from 30 during 2007-2009 to 51 during 2010-2012. Most outbreaks were caused by Campylobacter spp. (77%) and by nonpasteurized milk purchased from states in which nonpasteurized milk sale was legal (81%). Regulations to prevent distribution of nonpasteurized milk should be enforced. |
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