Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 46 Records) |
Query Trace: Gigante C[original query] |
Orthopoxvirus genome sequencing, assembly, and analysis
Gigante CM , Weigand MR , Li Y . Methods Mol Biol 2025 2860 39-63 ![]() ![]() Poxviruses have exceptionally large genomes compared to most other viruses, which represent unique challenges to sequencing and assembly due to complex features such as repeat elements and low complexity sequences. The 2022 global mpox outbreak led to an unprecedented level of poxvirus sequencing as public health and research institutions faced with large sample numbers and demand for fast turnaround, merged NGS protocols designed for small RNA viruses with poxvirus expertise. Traditional manual assembly, checking, and editing of genomes was not feasible. Here, we present a protocol for metagenomic sequencing and orthopoxvirus genome assembly directly from DNA extracted from a patient lesion swab with no viral enrichment or host depletion. This sequencing approach is cost effective when using high throughput sequencing instruments and allows for detection of genomic insertions, deletions, and large rearrangement with confidence. We describe usage of two publicly available bioinformatic pipelines for genome assembly, quality control, annotation, and submission to sequence repositories. |
Optimization of pan-lyssavirus LN34 assay for streamlined rabies diagnostics by real-time RT-PCR
Gigante CM , Wicker V , Wilkins K , Seiders M , Zhao H , Patel P , Orciari L , Condori RE , Dettinger L , Yager P , Xia D , Li Y . J Virol Methods 2024 115070 ![]() ![]() Reliable, validated diagnostic tests are critical for rabies control in animals and prevention in people. We present a performance assessment and updates to the LN34 real-time RT-PCR assay for rabies diagnosis in postmortem animal brain samples. In two U.S. laboratories during 2017 to 2022, routine used of the LN34 assay produced excellent diagnostic sensitivity (99.72% to 100%) and specificity (99.99% to 100%) compared to the direct fluorescence antibody test (DFA). Almost all (>90%) DFA indeterminate results caused by non-specific or atypical fluorescence were negative by LN34 testing, representing up to 111 cases where unnecessary post-exposure prophylaxis could be avoided. LN34 assay original primer sequences showed low sensitivity for some rare lyssaviruses. Increased primer concentration combined with new primer formulation showed improved performance for impacted lyssaviruses with no loss in performance across diverse rabies virus variants from clinical samples. The updated LN34 and internal control assays were combined into a single-well LN34 multiplexed (LN34M) format, run at half reagent volumes. The LN34M assay showed similar detection of rabies virus to the singleplexed assay with simplified assay set-up, lower cost, and improved quality controls. |
Identification of raccoon rabies virus variant in a stray kitten: the role of veterinary practitioners in detection and reporting of a non-native zoonotic pathogen-Nebraska, 2023
Carpenter A , Price ER , Stein SR , Beron AJ , Divis A , Mix S , Hess AR , Nelson KM , Wetzel CT , Fredrick J , Huse L , Horn A , Loy DS , Loy JD , Morgan CN , Rodriguez SE , Shelus V , Gigante CM , Hutson CL , Orciari LA , Swedberg C , Boutelle C , Chipman RB , Donahue M , Wallace RM , Buss BF . J Am Vet Med Assoc 2024 1-4 ![]() Rabies is a fatal encephalitic disease affecting all mammals. This report describes identification of raccoon rabies virus variant isolated from a stray kitten in an urban Midwestern city that is nonendemic for this virus variant. The kitten originally presented with nonspecific neurologic abnormalities. Astute veterinary, wildlife, and public health professionals played a critical role in the identification of this fatal zoonotic disease and the extensive public health and wildlife management response that ensued. This case serves as an important reminder of the risk of rabies in unvaccinated animals or those without known vaccination status, including stray animals. |
Fatal borealpox in an immunosuppressed patient treated with antivirals and vaccinia immunoglobulin - Alaska, 2023
Rogers JH , Westley B , Mego T , Newell KG , Laurance J , Smith L , Parker J , Park SY , Venkatasubrahmanyam S , Noll N , Bercovici S , Rao AK , McCollum AM , Davidson W , Carson WC , Townsend MB , Doty JB , Hutson C , Li Y , Wilkins K , Deng J , Gigante CM , Satheshkumar PS , Tuttle A , Villalba JA , Bhatnagar J , Reagan-Steiner S , Castrodale LJ , McLaughlin JB . Clin Infect Dis 2024 BACKGROUND: Borealpox virus (BRPV, formerly known as Alaskapox virus) is a zoonotic member of the Orthopoxvirus genus first identified in a person in 2015. In the six patients with infection previously observed BRPV involved mild, self-limiting illness. We report the first fatal BRPV infection in an immunosuppressed patient. METHODS: A man aged 69 years from Alaska's Kenai Peninsula was receiving anti-CD20 therapy for chronic lymphocytic leukemia. He presented to care for a tender, red papule in his right axilla with increasing induration and pain. The patient failed to respond to multiple prescribed antibiotic regimens and was hospitalized 65 days postsymptom onset for progression of presumed infectious cellulitis. BRPV was eventually detected through orthopoxvirus real-time polymerase chain reaction testing of mucosal swabs. He received combination antiviral therapy, including 21 days of intravenous tecovirimat, intravenous vaccinia immunoglobulin, and oral brincidofovir. Serial serology was conducted on specimens obtained posttreatment initiation. FINDINGS: The patient's condition initially improved with plaque recession, reduced erythema, and epithelization around the axillary lesion beginning one-week post-therapy. He later exhibited delayed wound healing, malnutrition, acute renal failure, and respiratory failure. He died 138 days postsymptom onset. Serologic testing revealed no evidence the patient generated a humoral immune response. No secondary cases were detected. CONCLUSION: This report demonstrates that BRPV can cause overwhelming disseminated infection in certain immunocompromised patients. Based on the patient's initial response, early BRPV identification and antiviral therapies might have been beneficial. These therapies, in combination with optimized immune function, should be considered for patients at risk for manifestations of BRPV. |
Notes from the field: Enhanced surveillance for raccoon rabies virus variant and vaccination of wildlife for management - Omaha, Nebraska, October 2023-July 2024
Stein SR , Beron AJ , Nelson KM , Price E , Rodriguez SE , Shelus V , Carpenter A , Hess AR , Boutelle C , Morgan CN , Gigante CM , Hutson CL , Loy JD , Loy DS , Wetzel C , Frederick J , Huse L , Orciari L , Chipman RB , Wallace RM , Donahue M , Buss BF . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (41) 933-935 ![]() On September 28, 2023, a kitten aged approximately 6 weeks found in Omaha, Nebraska, had test results positive for rabies at the Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center (NVDC) after dying with neurologic signs and having bitten and scratched its caretakers. Preliminary investigation identified 10 exposed persons for whom postexposure prophylaxis (PEP)(†) was recommended. Subsequent variant-typing by NVDC yielded a presumptive positive result for the Eastern raccoon rabies virus variant (RRVV), which CDC confirmed on October 6. |
Notes from the field: Mpox cluster caused by tecovirimat-resistant monkeypox virus - Five States, October 2023-February 2024
Gigante CM , Takakuwa J , McGrath D , Kling C , Smith TG , Peng M , Wilkins K , Garrigues JM , Holly T , Barbian H , Kittner A , Haydel D , Ortega E , Richardson G , Hand J , Hacker JK , Espinosa A , Haw M , Kath C , Bielby M , Short K , Johnson K , De La Cruz N , Davidson W , Hughes C , Green NM , Baird N , Rao AK , Hutson CL . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (40) 903-905 ![]() ![]() The antiviral drug tecovirimat* has been used extensively to treat U.S. mpox cases since the start of a global outbreak in 2022. Mutations in the mpox viral protein target (F13 or VP37) that occur during treatment can result in resistance to tecovirimat(†) (1,2). CDC and public health partners have conducted genetic surveillance of monkeypox virus (MPXV) for F13 mutations through sequencing and monitoring of public databases. MPXV F13 mutations associated with resistance have been reported since 2022, typically among severely immunocompromised mpox patients who required prolonged courses of tecovirimat (3-5). A majority of patients with infections caused by MPXV with resistant mutations had a history of tecovirimat treatment; however, spread of tecovirimat-resistant MPXV was reported in California during late 2022 to early 2023 among persons with no previous tecovirimat treatment (3). This report describes a second, unrelated cluster of tecovirimat-resistant MPXV among 18 persons with no previous history of tecovirimat treatment in multiple states. |
Investigation of an mpox outbreak affecting many vaccinated persons in Chicago, IL-March 2023-June 2023
Faherty EAG , Holly T , Ogale YP , Spencer H , Becht AM , Crisler G , Wasz M , Stonehouse P , Barbian HJ , Zelinski C , Kittner A , Foulkes D , Anderson KW , Evans T , Nicolae L , Staton A , Hardnett C , Townsend MB , Carson WC , Satheshkumar PS , Hutson CL , Gigante CM , Quilter LAS , Gorman S , Borah B , Black SR , Pacilli M , Kern D , Kerins J , McCollum AM , Rao AK , Tabidze I . Clin Infect Dis 2024 79 (1) 122-129 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: After months of few mpox cases, an increase in cases was reported in Chicago during May 2023, predominantly among fully vaccinated (FV) patients. We investigated the outbreak scope, differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients, and hypotheses for monkeypox virus (MPXV) infection after vaccination. METHODS: We interviewed patients and reviewed medical records to assess demographic, behavioral, and clinical characteristics; mpox vaccine status; and vaccine administration routes. We evaluated serum antibody levels after infection and compared patient viral genomes with MPXV sequences in available databases. We discussed potential vaccine compromise with partners who manufactured, handled, and administered the vaccine associated with breakthrough infections. RESULTS: During 18 March-27 June 2023, we identified 49 mpox cases; 57% of these mpox patients were FV. FV patients received both JYNNEOS doses subcutaneously (57%), intradermally (7%), or via heterologous administration (36%). FV patients had more median sex partners (3; interquartile range [IQR] = 1-4) versus not fully vaccinated patients (1; IQR = 1-2). Thirty-six of 37 sequenced specimens belonged to lineage B.1.20 of clade IIb MPXV, which did not demonstrate any amino acid changes relative to B.1, the predominant lineage from May 2022. Vaccinated patients demonstrated expected humoral antibody responses; none were hospitalized. No vaccine storage excursions were identified. Approximately 63% of people at risk for mpox in Chicago were FV during this period. CONCLUSIONS: Our investigation indicated that cases were likely due to frequent behaviors associated with mpox transmission, even with relatively high vaccine effectiveness and vaccine coverage. Cases after vaccination might occur in similar populations. |
Genetic tracking of a rabid coyote (Canis latrans) detected beyond a rabies enzootic area in West Virginia, US
Hopken MW , Gigante C , Gilbert AT , Chipman RB , Kirby JD , Condori RE , Mills S , Hartley C , Forbes J , Dettinger L , Xia D , Li Y , vonHoldt B . J Wildl Dis 2024 60 (3) 745-752 ![]() ![]() Wildlife translocation and cross-species transmission can impede control and elimination of emerging zoonotic diseases. Tracking the geographic origin of both host and virus (i.e., translocation versus local infection) may help determine the most effective response when high-risk cases of emerging pathogens are identified in wildlife. In May 2022, a coyote (Canis latrans) infected with the raccoon (Procyon lotor) rabies virus variant (RRV) was collected in Lewis County, West Virginia, USA, an area free from RRV. We applied host population genomics and RRV phylogenetic analyses to determine the most likely geographic origin of the rabid coyote. Coyote genomic analyses included animals from multiple eastern states bordering West Virginia, with the probable origin of the rabid coyote being the county of collection. The RRV phylogenetic analyses included cases detected from West Virginia and neighboring states, with most similar RRV sequences collected in a county 80 km to the northeast, within the oral rabies vaccination zone. The combined results suggest that the coyote was infected in an RRV management area and carried the RRV to Lewis County, a pattern consistent with coyote local movement ecology. Distant cross-species transmission and subsequent host movement presents a low risk for onward transmission in raccoon populations. This information helped with emergency response decision-making, thereby saving time and resources. |
Talaromyces marneffei, Coccidioides species, and Paracoccidioides species-a systematic review to inform the World Health Organization priority list of fungal pathogens
Morris AJ , Kim HY , Nield B , Dao A , McMullan B , Alastruey-Izquierdo A , Colombo AL , Heim J , Wahyuningsih R , Le T , Chiller TM , Forastiero A , Chakrabarti A , Harrison TS , Bongomin F , Galas M , Siswanto S , Dagne DA , Roitberg F , Gigante V , Beardsley J , Sati H , Alffenaar JW , Morrissey CO . Med Mycol 2024 62 (6) The World Health Organization, in response to the growing burden of fungal disease, established a process to develop a fungal pathogen priority list. This systematic review aimed to evaluate the epidemiology and impact of infections caused by Talaromyces marneffei, Coccidioides species, and Paracoccidioides species. PubMed and Web of Sciences databases were searched to identify studies published between 1 January 2011 and 23 February 2021 reporting on mortality, complications and sequelae, antifungal susceptibility, preventability, annual incidence, and trends. Overall, 25, 17, and 6 articles were included for T. marneffei, Coccidioides spp. and Paracoccidioides spp., respectively. Mortality rates were high in those with invasive talaromycosis and paracoccidioidomycosis (up to 21% and 22.7%, respectively). Hospitalization was frequent in those with coccidioidomycosis (up to 84%), and while the duration was short (mean/median 3-7 days), readmission was common (38%). Reduced susceptibility to fluconazole and echinocandins was observed for T. marneffei and Coccidioides spp., whereas >88% of T. marneffei isolates had minimum inhibitory concentration values ≤0.015 μg/ml for itraconazole, posaconazole, and voriconazole. Risk factors for mortality in those with talaromycosis included low CD4 counts (odds ratio 2.90 when CD4 count <200 cells/μl compared with 24.26 when CD4 count <50 cells/μl). Outbreaks of coccidioidomycosis and paracoccidioidomycosis were associated with construction work (relative risk 4.4-210.6 and 5.7-times increase, respectively). In the United States of America, cases of coccidioidomycosis increased between 2014 and 2017 (from 8232 to 14 364/year). National and global surveillance as well as more detailed studies to better define sequelae, risk factors, outcomes, global distribution, and trends are required. |
Candida tropicalis-A systematic review to inform the World Health Organization of a fungal priority pathogens list
Keighley C , Kim HY , Kidd S , Chen SC , Alastruey A , Dao A , Bongomin F , Chiller T , Wahyuningsih R , Forastiero A , Al-Nuseirat A , Beyer P , Gigante V , Beardsley J , Sati H , Morrissey CO , Alffenaar JW . Med Mycol 2024 62 (6) In response to the growing global burden of fungal infections with uncertain impact, the World Health Organization (WHO) established an Expert Group to identify priority fungal pathogens and establish the WHO Fungal Priority Pathogens List for future research. This systematic review aimed to evaluate the features and global impact of invasive candidiasis caused by Candida tropicalis. PubMed and Web of Science were searched for studies reporting on criteria of mortality, morbidity (defined as hospitalization and disability), drug resistance, preventability, yearly incidence, diagnostics, treatability, and distribution/emergence from 2011 to 2021. Thirty studies, encompassing 436 patients from 25 countries were included in the analysis. All-cause mortality due to invasive C. tropicalis infections was 55%-60%. Resistance rates to fluconazole, itraconazole, voriconazole and posaconazole up to 40%-80% were observed but C. tropicalis isolates showed low resistance rates to the echinocandins (0%-1%), amphotericin B (0%), and flucytosine (0%-4%). Leukaemia (odds ratio (OR) = 4.77) and chronic lung disease (OR = 2.62) were identified as risk factors for invasive infections. Incidence rates highlight the geographic variability and provide valuable context for understanding the global burden of C. tropicalis infections. C. tropicalis candidiasis is associated with high mortality rates and high rates of resistance to triazoles. To address this emerging threat, concerted efforts are needed to develop novel antifungal agents and therapeutic approaches tailored to C. tropicalis infections. Global surveillance studies could better inform the annual incidence rates, distribution and trends and allow informed evaluation of the global impact of C. tropicalis infections. |
Fusarium species,Scedosporium species, and Lomentospora prolificans: A systematic review to inform the World Health Organization priority list of fungal pathogens
Marinelli T , Kim HY , Halliday CL , Garnham K , Bupha-Intr O , Dao A , Morris AJ , Alastruey-Izquierdo A , Colombo A , Rickerts V , Perfect J , Denning DW , Nucci M , Hamers RL , Cassini A , Oladele R , Sorrell TC , Ramon-Pardo P , Fusire T , Chiller TM , Wahyuningsih R , Forastiero A , Al-Nuseirat A , Beyer P , Gigante V , Beardsley J , Sati H , Alffenaar JW , Morrissey CO . Med Mycol 2024 62 (6) Recognizing the growing global burden of fungal infections, the World Health Organization established a process to develop a priority list of fungal pathogens (FPPL). In this systematic review, we aimed to evaluate the epidemiology and impact of infections caused by Fusarium spp., Scedosporium spp., and Lomentospora prolificans to inform the first FPPL. PubMed and Web of Sciences databases were searched to identify studies published between January 1, 2011 and February 23, 2021, reporting on mortality, complications and sequelae, antifungal susceptibility, preventability, annual incidence, and trends. Overall, 20, 11, and 9 articles were included for Fusarium spp., Scedosporium spp., and L. prolificans, respectively. Mortality rates were high in those with invasive fusariosis, scedosporiosis, and lomentosporiosis (42.9%-66.7%, 42.4%-46.9%, and 50.0%-71.4%, respectively). Antifungal susceptibility data, based on small isolate numbers, showed high minimum inhibitory concentrations (MIC)/minimum effective concentrations for most currently available antifungal agents. The median/mode MIC for itraconazole and isavuconazole were ≥16 mg/l for all three pathogens. Based on limited data, these fungi are emerging. Invasive fusariosis increased from 0.08 cases/100 000 admissions to 0.22 cases/100 000 admissions over the time periods of 2000-2009 and 2010-2015, respectively, and in lung transplant recipients, Scedosporium spp. and L. prolificans were only detected from 2014 onwards. Global surveillance to better delineate antifungal susceptibility, risk factors, sequelae, and outcomes is required. |
Aspergillus fumigatus-a systematic review to inform the World Health Organization priority list of fungal pathogens
Morrissey CO , Kim HY , Duong TN , Moran E , Alastruey-Izquierdo A , Denning DW , Perfect JR , Nucci M , Chakrabarti A , Rickerts V , Chiller TM , Wahyuningsih R , Hamers RL , Cassini A , Gigante V , Sati H , Alffenaar JW , Beardsley J . Med Mycol 2024 62 (6) Recognizing the growing global burden of fungal infections, the World Health Organization established a process to develop a priority list of fungal pathogens (FPPL). In this systematic review, we aimed to evaluate the epidemiology and impact of invasive infections caused by Aspergillus fumigatus to inform the first FPPL. The pre-specified criteria of mortality, inpatient care, complications and sequelae, antifungal susceptibility, risk factors, preventability, annual incidence, global distribution, and emergence were used to search for relevant articles between 1 January 2016 and 10 June 2021. Overall, 49 studies were eligible for inclusion. Azole antifungal susceptibility varied according to geographical regions. Voriconazole susceptibility rates of 22.2% were reported from the Netherlands, whereas in Brazil, Korea, India, China, and the UK, voriconazole susceptibility rates were 76%, 94.7%, 96.9%, 98.6%, and 99.7%, respectively. Cross-resistance was common with 85%, 92.8%, and 100% of voriconazole-resistant A. fumigatus isolates also resistant to itraconazole, posaconazole, and isavuconazole, respectively. The incidence of invasive aspergillosis (IA) in patients with acute leukemia was estimated at 5.84/100 patients. Six-week mortality rates in IA cases ranged from 31% to 36%. Azole resistance and hematological malignancy were poor prognostic factors. Twelve-week mortality rates were significantly higher in voriconazole-resistant than in voriconazole-susceptible IA cases (12/22 [54.5%] vs. 27/88 [30.7%]; P = .035), and hematology patients with IA had significantly higher mortality rates compared with solid-malignancy cases who had IA (65/217 [30%] vs. 14/78 [18%]; P = .04). Carefully designed surveillance studies linking laboratory and clinical data are required to better inform future FPPL. |
Notes from the field: Clade II mpox surveillance update - United States, October 2023-April 2024
Tuttle A , Hughes CM , Dvorak M , Aeschleman L , Davidson W , Wilkins K , Gigante C , Satheshkumar PS , Rao AK , Minhaj FS , Christensen BE , McQuiston JH , Hutson CL , McCollum AM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (20) 474-476 |
Reemergence of a big brown bat lyssavirus rabies variant in striped skunks in Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, 2021-2023
Gilbert AT , Van Pelt LI , Hastings LA , Gigante CM , Orciari LA , Kelley S , Fitzpatrick K , Condori REC , Li Y , Brunt S , Davis A , Hopken MW , Mankowski CCP , Wallace RM , Rupprecht CE , Chipman RB , Bergman DL . Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 2024 ![]() ![]() Background: Throughout the Americas, Lyssavirus rabies (RV) perpetuates as multiple variants among bat and mesocarnivore species. Interspecific RV spillover occurs on occasion, but clusters and viral host shifts are rare. The spillover and host shift of a big brown bat (Eptesicus fuscus) RV variant Ef-W1 into mesocarnivores was reported previously on several occasions during 2001-2009 in Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, and controlled through rabies vaccination of target wildlife. During autumn 2021, a new cluster of Ef-W1 RV cases infecting striped skunks (Mephitis mephitis) was detected from United States Department of Agriculture enhanced rabies surveillance in Flagstaff. The number of Ef-W1 RV spillover cases within a short timeframe suggested the potential for transmission between skunks and an emerging host shift. Materials and Methods: Whole and partial RV genomic sequencing was performed to evaluate the phylogenetic relationships of the 2021-2023 Ef-W1 cases infecting striped skunks with earlier outbreaks. Additionally, real-time reverse-transcriptase PCR (rtRT-PCR) was used to opportunistically compare viral RNA loads in brain and salivary gland tissues of naturally infected skunks. Results: Genomic RV sequencing revealed that the origin of the 2021-2023 epizootic of Ef-W1 RV was distinct from the multiple outbreaks detected from 2001-2009. Naturally infected skunks with the Ef-W1 RV showed greater viral RNA loads in the brain, but equivalent viral RNA loads in the mandibular salivary glands, compared to an opportunistic sample of skunks naturally infected with a South-Central skunk RV from northern Colorado, USA. Conclusion: Considering a high risk for onward transmission and spread of the Ef-W1 RV in Flagstaff, public outreach, enhanced rabies surveillance, and control efforts, focused on education, sample characterization, and vaccination, have been ongoing since 2021 to mitigate and prevent the spread and establishment of Ef-W1 RV in mesocarnivores. |
Tecovirimat resistance in Mpox patients, United States, 2022-2023
Smith TG , Gigante CM , Wynn NT , Matheny A , Davidson W , Yang Y , Condori RE , O'Connell K , Kovar L , Williams TL , Yu YC , Petersen BW , Baird N , Lowe D , Li Y , Satheshkumar PS , Hutson CL . Emerg Infect Dis 2023 29 (12) 2426-2432 ![]() ![]() During the 2022 multinational outbreak of monkeypox virus (MPXV) infection, the antiviral drug tecovirimat (TPOXX; SIGA Technologies, Inc., was deployed in the United States on a large scale for the first time. The MPXV F13L gene homologue encodes the target of tecovirimat, and single amino acid changes in F13 are known to cause resistance to tecovirimat. Genomic sequencing identified 11 mutations previously reported to cause resistance, along with 13 novel mutations. Resistant phenotype was determined using a viral cytopathic effect assay. We tested 124 isolates from 68 patients; 96 isolates from 46 patients were found to have a resistant phenotype. Most resistant isolates were associated with severely immunocompromised mpox patients on multiple courses of tecovirimat treatment, whereas most isolates identified by routine surveillance of patients not treated with tecovirimat remained sensitive. The frequency of resistant viruses remains relatively low (<1%) compared with the total number of patients treated with tecovirimat. |
How the orthodox features of orthopoxviruses led to an unorthodox Mpox outbreak: What we've learned, and what we still need to understand
Brooks JT , Reynolds MG , Torrone E , McCollum A , Spicknall IH , Gigante CM , Li Y , Satheshkumar PS , Quilter LAS , Rao AK , O'Shea J , Guagliardo SAJ , Townsend M , Hutson CL . J Infect Dis 2023 ![]() ![]() Orthopoxviruses are complex, large-genome DNA viruses that have repeatedly confounded expectations in terms of the clinical illness they cause and their patterns of spread. Monkeypox virus (MPXV) was originally characterized during outbreaks among captive primates in the late 1950's. Human disease (mpox) has been observed since the 1970's and inter-human spread has largely been associated with non-sexual, close physical contact in endemic areas of west and central Africa. In May 2022, a focus of Clade IIb MPXV transmission was detected, spreading largely by sexual contact through international networks of gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men. Despite decades of preparedness for the potential biothreat risk posed by smallpox, the outbreak grew in both size and geographic scope, testing the strength of smallpox preparedness tools and public health science alike. In this article we consider what was known about mpox prior to the 2022 outbreak, what we have learned about mpox and Clade IIb virus during the outbreak, and what outbreak response actions and continued research are needed to ensure the global public health community is equipped to detect and halt the further spread of this disease threat. We focus on how epidemiologic characterization and investigation together with laboratory studies have advanced our understanding of the transmission and pathogenesis of mpox, and describe what work remains to be done to optimize diagnostics, therapeutics, and vaccines. Persistent health inequities challenge our capacity to fully eliminate circulation of the 2022 outbreak strain of MPXV currently in the United States. |
Community spread of a human monkeypox virus variant with a tecovirimat resistance-associated mutation
Garrigues JM , Hemarajata P , Espinosa A , Hacker JK , Wynn NT , Smith TG , Gigante CM , Davidson W , Vega J , Edmondson H , Karan A , Marutani AN , Kim M , Terashita D , Balter SE , Hutson CL , Green NM . Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2023 67 (11) e0097223 ![]() ![]() Tecovirimat, also known as TPOXX or ST-246, is a drug available for the treatment of mpox. Tecovirimat targets the conserved orthopoxvirus VP37 protein (also known as F13) required for extracellular virus particle generation (1, 2). Multiple VP37 mutations associated with tecovirimat resistance have been reported within the current global mpox outbreak in immunocompromised individuals with advanced HIV infection (3 – 5). In many of these cases, resistance mutation heterogeneity was observed following tecovirimat exposure, suggesting resistance emerged under selective pressure during treatment. | To monitor circulating monkeypox virus (MPXV) within California, a genomic surveillance network was established whereby clinical and commercial laboratories provided positive specimens for whole-genome sequencing using an amplicon-based protocol and subsequent analysis (6 – 9). Through this surveillance, 11 mpox cases were identified in southern California with the same tecovirimat resistance-associated mutation (Table 1): a three-nucleotide deletion in the vaccinia virus Copenhagen F13L gene homolog (OPG057) resulting in asparagine removed from position 267 in the VP37 protein (VP37:N267del) (5) ( VP37:N267del was the only tecovirimat resistance-associated mutation detected in identified specimens and had allele frequencies greater than 89% in all instances, suggesting infections may have occurred with predominantly mutant virus. Phenotypic testing in vitro (3 – 5) confirmed tecovirimat resistance in ten identified specimens with EC50 values ranging from 1.488 to 3.977 µM, corresponding to an 85- to 230-fold change compared to wild-type isolates. |
How did the 2022 global mpox outbreak happen? A travel-associated case 6 months earlier may provide important clues
Kreuze MA , Minhaj FS , Duwell M , Gigante CM , Kim AM , Crum D , Perlmutter R , Rubin JH , Myers R , Lukula SL , Ravi-Caldwell N , Sockwell D , Chen TH , de Perio MA , Hughes CM , Davidson WB , Wilkins K , Baird N , Lowe D , Li Y , McCollum AM , Blythe D , Rao AK . Travel Med Infect Dis 2023 55 102618 ![]() ![]() Approximately 6 months before an unprecedented global mpox outbreak was first identified in the United Kingdom, an adult man was diagnosed with mpox in Maryland, USA [1]. At the time of the investigation, the case was only the eighth monkeypox virus (MPXV) infection diagnosed in a non-African country during the preceding 3 years, all of which were associated with recent travel to Nigeria [2]. One of these 8 imported cases occurred in Texas, USA four months earlier; that case exhibited features clinically consistent with those classically reported in Africa (i.e., large and diffuse lesions, high fever and prodromal symptoms, umbilicated lesions in the same stage of development on specific anatomic surfaces) [3]. In contrast, the Maryland case was milder in severity and had signs that, at the time, were considered unusual for mpox. Several aspects of the Maryland case are noteworthy and in retrospect may offer clues to the origins of the 2022 global mpox outbreak, as well as explain how mpox might have spread undetected before emerging as a global outbreak. |
Resistance to anti-orthopoxviral drug tecovirimat (TPOXX) during the 2022 mpox outbreak in the US (preprint)
Smith TG , Gigante CM , Wynn NT , Matheny A , Davidson W , Yang Y , Condori RE , O'Connell K , Kovar L , Williams TL , Yu YC , Petersen BW , Baird N , Lowe D , Li Y , Satheshkumar PS , Hutson CL . medRxiv 2023 18 Background: During the 2022 multinational outbreak of monkeypox virus (MPXV) clade IIb, the antiviral drug tecovirimat (TPOXX) was deployed in the US on a large scale for the first time ever. The MPXV F13L gene homolog encodes the target of tecovirimat, and single amino acid changes in the F13 protein are known to cause resistance to tecovirimat in orthopoxviruses (OPXV). Method(s): Whole genome metagenomic sequencing and amplicon-based sequencing targeting the F13L gene was used to identify nine mutations previously reported to cause resistance in other OPXV along with ten novel mutations that have been identified from the 2022 mpox outbreak. A cytopathic effect assay, previously established at CDC as part of WHO smallpox research, was adapted to MPXV for tecovirimat phenotype testing of virus isolated from mpox patients. Result(s): As of March 2023, in total, 70 isolates from 40 patients were tested, and 50 of these isolates from 26 patients were found to have a resistant phenotype. Most resistant isolates were associated with severely immunocompromised mpox patients on multiple courses of TPOXX treatment; while isolates with F13 mutations identified by routine surveillance of patients not treated with TPOXX have remained sensitive. Conclusion(s): These data indicate that tecovirimat resistance is developing in immunocompromised patients treated with TPOXX and that for isolates that we have analyzed, the frequency of resistant viruses remain relatively low (< 1%) compared to the total number of patients treated with TPOXX. These findings inform our understanding of when tecovirimat resistance is likely to occur and highlight the need for additional OPXV therapeutics. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
Multiple lineages of Monkeypox virus detected in the United States, 2021-2022 (preprint)
Gigante CM , Korber B , Seabolt MH , Wilkins K , Davidson W , Rao AK , Zhao H , Hughes CM , Minhaj F , Waltenburg MA , Theiler J , Smole S , Gallagher GR , Blythe D , Myers R , Schulte J , Stringer J , Lee P , Mendoza RM , Griffin-Thomas LA , Crain J , Murray J , Atkinson A , Gonzalez AH , Nash J , Batra D , Damon I , McQuiston J , Hutson CL , McCollum AM , Li Y . bioRxiv 2022 11 (6619) 560-565 Monkeypox is a viral zoonotic disease endemic in Central and West Africa. In May 2022, dozens of non-endemic countries reported hundreds of monkeypox cases, most with no epidemiological link to Africa. We identified two lineages of Monkeypox virus (MPXV) among nine 2021 and 2022 U.S. monkeypox cases. A 2021 case was highly similar to the 2022 MPXV outbreak variant, suggesting a common ancestor. Analysis of mutations among these two lineages revealed an extreme preference for GA-to-AA mutations indicative of APOBEC3 cytosine deaminase activity that was shared among West African MPXV since 2017 but absent from Congo Basin lineages. Poxviruses are not thought to be subject to APOBEC3 editing; however, these findings suggest APOBEC3 activity has been recurrent and dominant in recent West African MPXV evolution. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
Genomic deletions and rearrangements in monkeypox virus from the 2022 outbreak, USA (preprint)
Gigante CM , Plumb M , Ruprecht A , Zhao H , Wicker V , Wilkins K , Matheny A , Khan T , Davidson W , Sheth M , Burgin A , Burroughs M , Padilla J , Lee JS , Batra D , Hetrick EE , Howard DT , Garfin J , Tate L , Hubsmith SJ , Mendoza RM , Stanek D , Gillani S , Lee M , Mangla A , Blythe D , SierraPatev S , Carpenter-Azevedo K , Huard RC , Gallagher G , Hall J , Ash S , Kovar L , Seabolt MH , Weigand MR , Damon I , Satheshkumar PS , McCollum AM , Hutson CL , Wang X , Li Y . bioRxiv 2022 17 Genomic surveillance of monkeypox virus (MPXV) during the 2022 outbreak has been mainly focused on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) changes. DNA viruses, including MPXV, have a lower SNP mutation rate than RNA viruses due to higher fidelity replication machinery. We identified a large genomic rearrangement in a MPXV sequence from a 2022 case in the state of Minnesota (MN), USA, from an abnormal, uneven MPXV read mapping coverage profile in whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data. We further screened WGS data of 206 U.S. MPXV samples and found seven (3.4 percent) sequenced genomes contained similar abnormal read coverage profiles that suggested putative large deletions or genomic rearrangements. Here, we present three MPXV genomes containing deletions ranging from 2.3 to 15 kb and four genomes containing more complex rearrangements. Five genomic changes were each only seen in one sample, but two sequences from linked cases shared an identical 2.3 kb deletion in the 3' terminal region. All samples were positive using VAC1 and Clade II (formerly West African)-specific MPXV diagnostic tests; however, large deletions and genomic rearrangements like the ones reported here have the potential to result in viruses in which the target of a PCR diagnostic test is deleted. The emergence of genomic rearrangements during the outbreak may have public health implications and highlight the importance of continued genomic surveillance. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
Notes from the field: Emergence of an mpox cluster primarily affecting persons previously vaccinated against mpox - Chicago, Illinois, March 18-June 12, 2023
Faherty EAG , Holly T , Ogale YP , Crisler G , Becht A , Kern D , Nicolae L , Spencer H , Wasz M , Kerins JL , Kittner A , Staton A , Hardnett C , Hutson C , Gigante CM , Quilter L , Kracalik I , Black S , McCollum AM , Rao AK , Tabidze I . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (25) 696-698 ![]() During April 17–May 5, 2023, 13 monkeypox (mpox) cases were reported to the Chicago Department of Public Health (CDPH) after 2 months during which only a single case had been reported. The cluster was remarkable because it comprised more than 10 cases at a time when sporadic cases or small clusters (i.e., involving fewer than three cases) were being reported in the United States, and >69% of the persons in this cluster had received 2 doses of JYNNEOS or 1 dose of ACAM2000 vaccine.* Some cases among persons who received doses of JYNNEOS vaccine are expected to occur based on vaccine effectiveness data (1,2); however, the observed proportion of cases among persons who had received 2 doses of JYNNEOS or 1 dose of ACAM2000 in this cluster was unusual. This increase in cases before large summer events scheduled nationwide and in Chicago raised concerns about possible future case increases. | | On May 9, 2023, CDPH issued a health alert,† urging clinicians to remain vigilant for mpox cases and encouraging vaccination for persons at risk for mpox.§ CDPH and CDC launched an investigation to 1) determine the cluster’s scope and etiology by evaluating patients’ commonalities, JYNNEOS¶ vaccine cold-chain management, whole genome sequencing of clinical samples, and serologic immune response after infections, and to 2) identify important risk factors for mpox exposure to guide prevention efforts. This activity was reviewed by CDC and was conducted consistent with applicable federal law and CDC policy.** |
Identification of tecovirimat resistance-associated mutations in human monkeypox virus - Los Angeles County
Garrigues JM , Hemarajata P , Karan A , Shah NK , Alarcón J , Marutani AN , Finn L , Smith TG , Gigante CM , Davidson W , Wynn NT , Hutson CL , Kim M , Terashita D , Balter SE , Green NM . Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2023 67 (7) e0056823 ![]() Tecovirimat (also known as TPOXX or ST-246) is a drug available for the treatment of mpox through the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Expanded Access Investigational New Drug “compassionate use” protocol ( In Los Angeles County, a fatal case of mpox with tecovirimat resistance was previously reported (1). Epidemiologic surveillance in Los Angeles County has since identified additional cases of severe mpox that did not improve after multiple rounds of tecovirimat treatment, including one involving a person who succumbed to infection (Table 1). Consistent with reports describing severe manifestations of mpox within the current global outbreak (1, 2), the identified cases involved host immunodeficiency due to advanced HIV infection. |
Fatal Human Rabies Infection with Suspected Host-mediated Failure of Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Following a Recognized Zoonotic Exposure-Minnesota, 2021.
Holzbauer SM , Schrodt CA , Prabhu RM , Asch-Kendrick RJ , Ireland M , Klumb C , Firestone MJ , Liu G , Harry K , Ritter JM , Levine MZ , Orciari LA , Wilkins K , Yager P , Gigante CM , Ellison JA , Zhao H , Niezgoda M , Li Y , Levis R , Scott D , Satheshkumar PS , Petersen BW , Rao AK , Bell WR , Bjerk SM , Forrest S , Gao W , Dasheiff R , Russell K , Pappas M , Kiefer J , Bickler W , Wiseman A , Jurantee J , Reichard RR , Smith KE , Lynfield R , Scheftel J , Wallace RM , Bonwitt J . Clin Infect Dis 2023 77 (8) 1201-1208 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: No rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) failure has been documented in humans in the United States using modern cell-culture vaccines. In January 2021, an 84-year-old male died from rabies six months after being bitten by a rabid bat despite receiving timely rabies post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP). We investigated the cause of breakthrough infection. METHODS: We reviewed medical records, laboratory results, and autopsy findings, and performed whole genome sequencing (WGS) to compare patient and bat virus sequences. Storage, administration, and integrity of PEP biologics administered to the patient were assessed; samples from leftover rabies immunoglobulin were evaluated for potency. We conducted risk assessments for persons potentially exposed to the bat and for close contacts of the patient. RESULTS: Rabies virus antibodies present in serum and cerebrospinal fluid were non-neutralizing. Antemortem blood testing revealed the patient had unrecognized monoclonal gammopathy of unknown significance. Autopsy findings showed rabies meningoencephalitis and metastatic prostatic adenocarcinoma. Rabies virus sequences from the patient and the offending bat were identical by WGS. No deviations were identified in potency, quality control, administration, or storage of administered PEP. Of 332 persons assessed for potential rabies exposure to the case patient, three (0.9%) warranted PEP. CONCLUSION: This is the first reported failure of rabies PEP in the Western Hemisphere using a cell culture vaccine. Host-mediated primary vaccine failure attributed to previously unrecognized impaired immunity is the most likely explanation for this breakthrough infection. Clinicians should consider measuring rabies neutralizing antibody titers after completion of PEP if there is any suspicion for immunocompromise. |
Rabies surveillance in the United States during 2021
Ma X , Bonaparte S , Corbett P , Orciari LA , Gigante CM , Kirby JD , Chipman RB , Fehlner-Gardiner C , Thang C , Cedillo VG , Aréchiga-Ceballos N , Rao A , Wallace RM . J Am Vet Med Assoc 2023 261 (7) 1-9 OBJECTIVE: To provide epidemiological information on the occurrence of animal and human rabies in the US during 2021 and summaries of 2021 rabies surveillance for Canada and Mexico. PROCEDURES: State and territorial public health departments and USDA Wildlife Services provided data on animals submitted for rabies testing in 2021. Data were analyzed temporally and geographically to assess trends in domestic animal and wildlife rabies cases. RESULTS: During 2021, 54 US jurisdictions reported 3,663 rabid animals, representing an 18.2% decrease from the 4,479 cases reported in 2020. Texas (n = 456 [12.4%]), Virginia (297 [8.1%]), Pennsylvania (287 [7.8%]), North Carolina (248 [6.8%]), New York (237 [6.5%]), California (220 [6.0%]), and New Jersey (201 [5.5%]) together accounted for > 50% of all animal rabies cases reported in 2021. Of the total reported rabid animals, 3,352 (91.5%) involved wildlife, with bats (n = 1,241 [33.9%]), raccoons (1,030 [28.1%]), skunks (691 [18.9%]), and foxes (314 [8.6%]) representing the primary hosts confirmed with rabies. Rabid cats (216 [5.9%]), cattle (40 [1.1%]), and dogs (36 [1.0%]) accounted for 94% of rabies cases involving domestic animals in 2021. Five human rabies deaths were reported in 2021. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: The number of animal rabies cases reported in the US decreased significantly during 2021; this is thought to be due to factors related to the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Human rabies - Texas, 2021
Blackburn D , Minhaj FS , Al Hammoud R , Orciari L , Miller J , Maness T , Stewart J , Singletary B , Ledezma E , Ellsworth M , Carlo-Angleró A , Niezgoda M , Gigante CM , Rao AK , Satheshkumar PS , Heresi GP , Kieffer A , Wallace RM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (49) 1547-1549 In late August 2021, a boy aged 7 years was bitten by a bat while he was playing outside his apartment home in Medina County, Texas. He informed his parents; however, no rabies postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) was sought because there were no visible bite marks, and the family was unaware that contact with a bat, including in the absence of visible bite marks, might cause rabies. Approximately 2 months later, the child was hospitalized for altered mental status, seizures, and hypersalivation and ultimately received a diagnosis of rabies. Experimental therapies were attempted; however, the child died 22 days after symptom onset. Fifty-seven persons who met criteria for suspected or known exposure to infectious secretions in this case were advised to consult with a medical provider about the need for rabies PEP in accordance with Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) guidelines (1). Rabies, an acute, progressive neuroencephalitis, is nearly always fatal. Although dogs are the most common source of human rabies deaths worldwide and account for an estimated 59,000 annual cases of human rabies globally (2), bats are the most common source of domestically acquired rabies in the United States and have been implicated in 31 (81.6%) of 38 human infections since 2000 (3). Attempts to prevent death or poor neurologic outcomes once rabies symptoms develop have been largely unsuccessful (4). Administration of rabies PEP, comprising rabies immunoglobulin and a series of doses of rabies vaccine, is critical to preventing rabies after an exposure; enhanced public education about the risk posed by bats, and the availability of PEP to prevent rabies, is needed. |
Multiple lineages of monkeypox virus detected in the United States, 2021-2022.
Gigante CM , Korber B , Seabolt MH , Wilkins K , Davidson W , Rao AK , Zhao H , Smith TG , Hughes CM , Minhaj F , Waltenburg MA , Theiler J , Smole S , Gallagher GR , Blythe D , Myers R , Schulte J , Stringer J , Lee P , Mendoza RM , Griffin-Thomas LA , Crain J , Murray J , Atkinson A , Gonzalez AH , Nash J , Batra D , Damon I , McQuiston J , Hutson CL , McCollum AM , Li Y . Science 2022 378 (6619) eadd4153 ![]() ![]() Monkeypox is a viral zoonotic disease endemic in Central and West Africa. In May 2022, dozens of non-endemic countries reported hundreds of monkeypox cases, most with no epidemiological link to Africa. We identified two lineages of monkeypox virus (MPXV) among two 2021 and seven 2022 U.S. monkeypox cases: the major 2022 outbreak variant, B.1, and a minor contemporaneously sampled variant called A.2. Analyses of mutations among these two variants revealed an extreme preference for GA-to-AA mutations indicative of human APOBEC3 cytosine deaminase activity among Clade IIb MPXV (previously West African, Nigeria) sampled since 2017. Such mutations were not enriched within other MPXV clades. These findings suggest that APOBEC3 editing may be a recurrent and a dominant driver of MPXV evolution within the current outbreak. |
Detection of Apparent Early Rabies Infection by LN34 Pan-Lyssavirus Real-Time RT-PCR Assay in Pennsylvania.
Dettinger L , Gigante CM , Sellard M , Seiders M , Patel P , Orciari LA , Yager P , Lute J , Regec A , Li Y , Xia D . Viruses 2022 14 (9) ![]() ![]() The Pennsylvania Department of Health Bureau of Laboratories (PABOL) tested 6855 animal samples for rabies using both the direct fluorescent antibody test (DFA) and LN34 pan-lyssavirus reverse transcriptase quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) during 2017-2019. Only two samples (0.03%) were initially DFA negative but positive by LN34 RT-qPCR. Both cases were confirmed positive upon re-testing at PABOL and confirmatory testing at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention by LN34 RT-qPCR and DFA. Rabies virus sequences from one sample were distinct from all positive samples processed at PABOL within two weeks, ruling out cross-contamination. Levels of rabies virus antigen and RNA were low in all brain structures tested, but were higher in brain stem and rostral spinal cord than in cerebellum, hippocampus or cortex. Taken together, the low level of rabies virus combined with higher abundance in more caudal brain structures suggest early infection. These cases highlight the increased sensitivity and ease of interpretation of LN34 RT-qPCR for low positive cases. |
Elimination of human rabies in Goa, India through an integrated One Health approach
Gibson AD , Yale G , Corfmat J , Appupillai M , Gigante CM , Lopes M , Betodkar U , Costa NC , Fernandes KA , Mathapati P , Suryawanshi PM , Otter N , Thomas G , Ohal P , Airikkala-Otter I , Lohr F , Rupprecht CE , King A , Sutton D , Deuzeman I , Li Y , Wallace RM , Mani RS , Gongal G , Handel IG , Bronsvoort M , Naik V , Desai S , Mazeri S , Gamble L , Mellanby RJ . Nat Commun 2022 13 (1) 2788 Dog-mediated rabies kills tens of thousands of people each year in India, representing one third of the estimated global rabies burden. Whilst the World Health Organization (WHO), World Organization for Animal Health (OIE) and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) have set a target for global dog-mediated human rabies elimination by 2030, examples of large-scale dog vaccination programs demonstrating elimination remain limited in Africa and Asia. We describe the development of a data-driven rabies elimination program from 2013 to 2019 in Goa State, India, culminating in human rabies elimination and a 92% reduction in monthly canine rabies cases. Smartphone technology enabled systematic spatial direction of remote teams to vaccinate over 95,000 dogs at 70% vaccination coverage, and rabies education teams to reach 150,000 children annually. An estimated 2249 disability-adjusted life years (DALYs) were averted over the program period at 526 USD per DALY, making the intervention 'very cost-effective' by WHO definitions. This One Health program demonstrates that human rabies elimination is achievable at the state level in India. |
Rabies surveillance in the United States during 2020
Ma X , Bonaparte S , Toro M , Orciari LA , Gigante CM , Kirby JD , Chipman RB , Fehlner-Gardiner C , Cedillo VG , Aréchiga-Ceballos N , Rao AK , Petersen BW , Wallace RM . J Am Vet Med Assoc 2022 260 (10) 1-9 OBJECTIVE: To provide epidemiological information on animal and human cases of rabies in the US during 2020 and summaries of 2020 rabies surveillance for Canada and Mexico. ANIMALS: All animals submitted for laboratory diagnosis of rabies in the US during 2020. PROCEDURES: State and territorial public health departments and USDA Wildlife Services provided 2020 rabies surveillance data. Data were analyzed temporally and geographically to assess trends in domestic and wildlife rabies cases. RESULTS: During 2020, 54 jurisdictions submitted 87,895 animal samples for rabies testing, of which 85,483 (97.3%) had a conclusive (positive or negative) test result. Of these, 4,479 (5.2%) tested positive for rabies, representing a 4.5% decrease from the 4,690 cases reported in 2019. Texas (n = 580 [12.9%]), Pennsylvania (371 [8.3%]), Virginia (351 [7.8%]), New York (346 [7.7%]), North Carolina (301 [6.7%]), New Jersey (257 [5.7%]), Maryland (256 [5.7%]), and California (248 [5.5%]) together accounted for > 60% of all animal rabies cases reported in 2020. Of the total reported rabid animals, 4,090 (91.3%) involved wildlife, with raccoons (n = 1,403 [31.3%]), bats (1,400 [31.3%]), skunks (846 [18.9%]), and foxes (338 [7.5%]) representing the primary hosts confirmed with rabies. Rabid cats (288 [6.4%]), cattle (43 [1.0%]), and dogs (37 [0.8%]) accounted for 95% of rabies cases involving domestic animals in 2020. No human rabies cases were reported in 2020. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: For the first time since 2006, the number of samples submitted for rabies testing in the US was < 90,000; this is thought to be due to factors related to the COVID-19 pandemic, as similar decreases in sample submission were also reported by Canada and Mexico. |
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