Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 70 Records) |
Query Trace: Galang RR[original query] |
Strengthening maternal and infant health resilience before weather and climate disasters: Preparedness resources from CDC's Division of Reproductive Health
Galang RR , Meeker JR , Leonard JS , Hansen S , Sayyad A , Waits G , McArdle CE , Hall RL . J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2024 This report describes opportunities to address emergency preparedness to incorporate the needs of pregnant and postpartum populations. This report briefly summarizes data on the impacts of weather and climate disasters on maternal and infant health and outlines opportunities for individuals, health care providers, and public health practitioners to increase capacity to prepare for these occurrences, which are becoming more frequent and costly. Specific resources from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Division of Reproductive Health are shared to support individual preparedness, communication of disaster safety messages, and emergency preparedness planning capacity among health care providers and health departments. |
SARS-CoV-2 infection, inflammation and birth outcomes in a prospective NYC pregnancy cohort
Gigase FAJ , Jessel RH , Kaplowitz E , Boychuk N , Ohrn S , Ibroci Est , Castro J , Lynch J , Tubassum R , Balbierz A , Molenaar NM , Graziani M , Missall R , Flores T , Stern T , Carreno JM , Krammer F , Adler A , Brody RI , Lesseur C , Chen J , Ellington S , Galang RR , Snead MC , Howell E , Stone J , Bergink V , Dolan S , Lieb W , Rommel AS , de Witte LD , Janevic T . J Reprod Immunol 2024 163 104243 Associations between antenatal SARS-CoV-2 infection and pregnancy outcomes have been conflicting and the role of the immune system is currently unclear. This prospective cohort study investigated the interaction of antenatal SARS-CoV-2 infection, changes in cytokine and HS-CRP levels, birthweight and gestational age at birth. 2352 pregnant participants from New York City (2020-2022) were included. Plasma levels of interleukin (IL)-1β, IL-6, IL-17A and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (HS-CRP) were quantified in blood specimens obtained across pregnancy. Quantile and linear regression models were conducted to 1) assess the impact of antenatal SARS-CoV-2 infection, overall and by timing of detection of SARS-CoV-2 positivity (< 20 weeks versus ≥ 20 weeks), on birthweight and gestational age at delivery; 2) examine the relationship between SARS-CoV-2 infection and maternal immune changes during pregnancy. All models were adjusted for maternal demographic and obstetric factors and pandemic timing. Birthweight models were additionally adjusted for gestational age at delivery and fetal sex. Immune marker models were also adjusted for gestational age at specimen collection and multiplex assay batch. 371 (15.8%) participants were infected with SARS-CoV-2 during pregnancy, of which 98 (26.4%) were infected at < 20 weeks gestation. Neither SARS-CoV-2 infection in general nor in early or late pregnancy was associated with lower birthweight nor earlier gestational age at delivery. Further, we did not observe cytokine or HS-CRP changes in response to SARS-CoV-2 infection and thus found no evidence to support a potential association between immune dysregulation and the diversity in pregnancy outcomes following infection. |
Planning for the future of maternal immunization: Building on lessons learned from the COVID-19 pandemic
Meaney-Delman D , Carroll S , Polen K , Jatlaoui TC , Meyer S , Oliver S , Gee J , Shimabukuro T , Razzaghi H , Riley L , Galang RR , Tong V , Gilboa S , Ellington S , Cohn A . Vaccine 2024 As the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic unfolded, the clinical and public health community raced to understand SARS-CoV-2 infection and develop life-saving vaccines. Pregnant persons were disproportionately impacted, experiencing more severe illness and adverse pregnancy outcomes. And yet, when COVID-19 vaccines became available in late 2020, safety and efficacy data were not available to inform their use during pregnancy because pregnant persons were excluded from pre-authorization clinical trials. Concerns about vaccine safety during pregnancy and misinformation linking vaccination and infertility circulated widely, creating a lack of vaccine confidence. Many pregnant people initially chose not to get vaccinated, and while vaccination rates rose after safety and effectiveness data became available, COVID-19 vaccine acceptance was suboptimal and varied across racial and ethnic distribution of the pregnant population. The COVID-19 pandemic experience provided valuable insights that can inform current and future approaches to maternal vaccination against. |
Evaluation of cesarean delivery rates and factors associated with cesarean delivery among women enrolled in a pregnancy cohort study at two tertiary hospitals in Thailand
Patamasingh Na Ayudhaya O , Kittikraisak W , Phadungkiatwatana P , Hunt DR , Tomyabatra K , Chotpitayasunondh T , Galang RR , Chang K , Brummer T , Puttanavijarn L , Malek P , Dawood FS , Mott JA . BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2024 24 (1) 149 BACKGROUND: Cesarean delivery rates have increased globally resulting in a public health concern. We estimate rates of cesarean deliveries among Thai women using the World Health Organization (WHO) Robson Classification system and compare rates by Robson group to the Robson guideline for acceptable rates to identify groups that might benefit most from interventions for rate reduction. METHODS: In 2017 and 2018, we established cohorts of pregnant women aged ≥ 18 years seeking prenatal care at two tertiary Thai hospitals and followed them until 6-8 weeks postpartum. Three in-person interviews (enrollment, end of pregnancy, and postpartum) were conducted using structured questionnaires to obtain demographic characteristics, health history, and delivery information. Cesarean delivery indication was classified based on core obstetric variables (parity, previous cesarean delivery, number of fetuses, fetal presentation, gestational week, and onset of labor) assigned to 10 groups according to the Robson Classification. Logistic regression was used to identify factors associated with cesarean delivery among nulliparous women with singleton, cephalic, term pregnancies. RESULTS: Of 2,137 participants, 970 (45%) had cesarean deliveries. The median maternal age at delivery was 29 years (interquartile range, 25-35); 271 (13%) participants had existing medical conditions; and 446 (21%) had pregnancy complications. The cesarean delivery rate varied by Robson group. Multiparous women with > 1 previous uterine scar, with a single cephalic pregnancy, ≥ 37 weeks gestation (group 5) contributed the most (14%) to the overall cesarean rate, whereas those with a single pregnancy with a transverse or oblique lie, including women with previous uterine scars (group 9) contributed the least (< 1%). Factors independently associated with cesarean delivery included age ≥ 25 years, pre-pregnancy obesity, new/worsen medical condition during pregnancy, fetal distress, abnormal labor, infant size for gestational age ≥ 50(th) percentiles, and self-pay for delivery fees. Women with existing blood conditions were less likely to have cesarean delivery. CONCLUSIONS: Almost one in two pregnancies among women in our cohorts resulted in cesarean deliveries. Compared to WHO guidelines, cesarean delivery rates were elevated in selected Robson groups indicating that tailored interventions to minimize non-clinically indicated cesarean delivery for specific groups of pregnancies may be warranted. |
Hospitalization with cardiovascular conditions in the postpartum year among commercially insured women in the U.S
Ford ND , DeSisto CL , Womack LS , Galang RR , Hollier LM , Sperling LS , Wright JS , Ko JY . J Am Coll Cardiol 2024 83 (2) 382-384 Cardiovascular conditions are significant contributors to morbidity and mortality among pregnant and postpartum women.1 | | We used data from the MarketScan Commercial Claims and Encounters database to identify women 12 to 55 years of age who delivered from 2017 to 2019. Delivery hospitalizations and cardiovascular diagnoses and procedures (ie, conditions) were identified using International Classification of Diseases-10th Revision-Clinical Modification codes. Cardiovascular conditions included acute heart failure or pulmonary edema; acute myocardial infarction; arrhythmia; conduction disorders; cardiac arrest, ventricular fibrillation, or ventricular flutter; cardiomyopathy; congenital heart and great artery defects; conversion of cardiac rhythm; endocarditis, myocarditis, or pericarditis; hypertensive heart disease; ischemic heart disease; nonrheumatic valve disorders; pulmonary heart disease; rheumatic heart disease; and other heart diseases and complications. We calculated the prevalence of hospitalizations with any cardiovascular condition in the year postpartum. Among these patients, we calculated the prevalence of cardiovascular conditions at delivery hospitalization and the frequency of postpartum hospitalizations. For postpartum hospitalizations with cardiovascular conditions, we calculated timing relative to delivery hospitalization and the prevalence (95% CI) of specific cardiovascular conditions by timing since delivery hospitalization (early postpartum [1–42 days] vs late postpartum [43–365 days]), accounting for clustering at the patient level. The data were collected and statistically deidentified. The data are also compliant with the conditions set forth in sections 164.514(a) and 164.51(b)(1)(ii) of the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 Privacy Rule; therefore, approval from an Institutional Review Board was not sought. |
Marijuana use among pregnant and nonpregnant women of reproductive age, 2013-2019
Kobernik EK , Ford ND , Levecke M , Galang RR , Hoots B , Roehler DR , Ko JY . Subst Use Misuse 2023 1-9 BACKGROUND: Marijuana is the most commonly used federally illicit substance among reproductive-age women in the United States. Updated information on marijuana use in this population can inform clinical and public health interventions. METHODS: Data from the 2013-2019 National Survey on Drug Use and Health was used to report weighted prevalence estimates of marijuana use in the past month, past 2-12 months, and past year among women aged 18-44 years with self-reported pregnancy status. Bivariate analyses and general linear regression models with Poisson distribution using appropriate survey procedures identified factors associated with past-year marijuana use by pregnancy status. RESULTS: Among pregnant women, 4.9% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 4.1-5.6) reported marijuana use in the past month, 10.4% (95% CI: 9.3-11.5) in the past 2-12 months, and 15.2% (95% CI: 13.9-16.6) in the past year. Among nonpregnant women, 11.8% (95% CI: 11.5-12.0) reported marijuana use in the past month, 7.8% (95% CI: 7.6-8.0) in the past 2-12 months, and 19.5% (95% CI: 19.2-19.9) in the past year. After adjusting for sociodemographic characteristics, past-year marijuana use was 2.3-5.1 times more likely among pregnant, and 2.1 to 4.6 times more likely among nonpregnant women who reported past-year tobacco smoking, alcohol use, or other illicit drug use compared to those reporting no substance use. CONCLUSIONS: Pregnant and nonpregnant women reporting marijuana use, alone or with other substances, can benefit from substance use screening and treatment facilitation. |
CDC Division of Reproductive Health's emergency preparedness resources and activities for radiation emergencies: Public health considerations for women's reproductive health
Riser A , Perez M , Snead MC , Galang RR , Simeone RM , Salame-Alfie A , Rice ME , Sayyad A , Strid P , Yocca J , Meeker JR , Waits G , Hansen S , Hall R , Anstey E , House LD , Okoroh E , Zotti M , Ellington SR . J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2023 32 (12) 1271-1280 Pregnant, postpartum, and lactating people, and infants have unique needs during public health emergencies, including nuclear and radiological incidents. This report provides information on the CDC Division of Reproductive Health's emergency preparedness and response activities to address the needs of women of reproductive age (aged 15-49 years), people who are pregnant, postpartum, or lactating, and infants during a radiation emergency. Highlighted preparedness activities include: (1) development of a quick reference guide to inform key questions about pregnant, postpartum, and lactating people, and infants during radiation emergencies; and (2) exercising the role of reproductive health experts during nuclear and radiological incident preparedness activities. |
Ranked severe maternal morbidity index for population-level surveillance at delivery hospitalization based on hospital discharge data
Kuklina EV , Ewing AC , Satten GA , Callaghan WM , Goodman DA , Ferre CD , Ko JY , Womack LS , Galang RR , Kroelinger CD . PLoS One 2023 18 (11) e0294140 BACKGROUND: Severe maternal morbidity (SMM) is broadly defined as an unexpected and potentially life-threatening event associated with labor and delivery. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) produced 21 different indicators based on International Classification of Diseases, 9th Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9-CM) hospital diagnostic and procedure codes to identify cases of SMM. OBJECTIVES: To examine existing SMM indicators and determine which indicators identified the most in-hospital mortality at delivery hospitalization. METHODS: Data from the 1993-2015 and 2017-2019 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project's National Inpatient Sample were used to report SMM indicator-specific prevalences, in-hospital mortality rates, and population attributable fractions (PAF) of mortality. We hierarchically ranked indicators by their overall PAF of in-hospital mortality. Predictive modeling determined if SMM prevalence remained comparable after transition to ICD-10-CM coding. RESULTS: The study population consisted of 18,198,934 hospitalizations representing 87,864,173 US delivery hospitalizations. The 15 top ranked indicators identified 80% of in-hospital mortality; the proportion identified by the remaining indicators was negligible (2%). The top 15 indicators were: restoration of cardiac rhythm; cardiac arrest; mechanical ventilation; tracheostomy; amniotic fluid embolism; aneurysm; acute respiratory distress syndrome; acute myocardial infarction; shock; thromboembolism, pulmonary embolism; cerebrovascular disorders; sepsis; both DIC and blood transfusion; acute renal failure; and hysterectomy. The overall prevalence of the top 15 ranked SMM indicators (~22,000 SMM cases per year) was comparable after transition to ICD-10-CM coding. CONCLUSIONS: We determined the 15 indicators that identified the most in-hospital mortality at delivery hospitalization in the US. Continued testing of SMM indicators can improve measurement and surveillance of the most severe maternal complications at the population level. |
COVID-19 vaccination recommendations and practices for women of reproductive age by health care providers - Fall DocStyles Survey, United States, 2022
Meghani M , Salvesen Von Essen B , Zapata LB , Polen K , Galang RR , Razzaghi H , Meaney-Delman D , Waits G , Ellington S . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (39) 1045-1051 Pregnant and postpartum women are at increased risk for severe illness from COVID-19 compared with nonpregnant women of reproductive age. COVID-19 vaccination is recommended for all persons ≥6 months of age. Health care providers (HCPs) have a unique opportunity to counsel women of reproductive age, including pregnant and postpartum patients, about the importance of receiving COVID-19, influenza, and tetanus toxoid, reduced diphtheria toxoid, and acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccines. Data from the Fall 2022 DocStyles survey were analyzed to examine the prevalence of COVID-19 vaccination attitudes and practices among HCPs caring for women of reproductive age, and to determine whether providers recommended and offered or administered COVID-19 vaccines to women of reproductive age, including their pregnant patients. Overall, 82.9% of providers reported recommending COVID-19 vaccination to women of reproductive age, and 54.7% offered or administered the vaccine in their practice. Among HCPs who cared for pregnant patients, obstetrician-gynecologists were more likely to recommend COVID-19 vaccination to pregnant patients (94.2%) than were family practitioners or internists (82.1%) (adjusted prevalence ratio [aPR] = 1.1). HCPs were more likely to offer or administer COVID-19 vaccination on-site to pregnant patients if they also offered or administered influenza (aPR = 5.5) and Tdap vaccines (aPR = 2.3). Encouraging HCPs to recommend, offer, and administer the COVID-19 vaccines along with influenza or Tdap vaccines might help reinforce vaccine confidence and increase coverage among women of reproductive age, including pregnant women. |
Differences in delivery hospitalization experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic by maternal race and ethnicity, Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, 2020
Simeone RM , Meghani M , Meeker JR , Zapata LB , Galang RR , Salvesen Von Essen B , Dieke A , Ellington SR . J Perinatol 2023 OBJECTIVE: We investigated maternal COVID-19 related experiences during delivery hospitalizations, and whether experiences differed by maternal race and ethnicity. STUDY DESIGN: Data from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System among women with live births between April-December 2020 were used. Adjusted prevalence ratios (aPR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI) estimated associations between maternal race and ethnicity and COVID-19 related delivery experiences. RESULTS: Among 12,879 women, 3.6% reported infant separation and 1.8% reported not being allowed support persons. Compared with non-Hispanic White women, American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) (aPR = 2.7; CI: 1.2-6.2), Hispanic (aPR = 2.2; CI: 1.5-3.1), non-Hispanic Black (aPR = 2.4; CI: 1.7-3.6), and non-Hispanic Asian (aPR = 2.8; CI: 1.6-4.9) women reported more infant separation due to COVID-19. Not being allowed support persons was more common among AI/AN (aPR = 5.2; CI: 1.8-14.8) and non-Hispanic Black (aPR = 2.3; CI: 1.3-4.1) women. CONCLUSIONS: COVID-19 related delivery hospitalization experiences were unequally distributed among racial and ethnic minorities. |
Vital Signs: Maternity care experiences - United States, April 2023
Mohamoud YA , Cassidy E , Fuchs E , Womack LS , Romero L , Kipling L , Oza-Frank R , Baca K , Galang RR , Stewart A , Carrigan S , Mullen J , Busacker A , Behm B , Hollier LM , Kroelinger C , Mueller T , Barfield WD , Cox S . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (35) 961-967 INTRODUCTION: Maternal deaths increased in the United States during 2018-2021, with documented racial disparities. Respectful maternity care is a component of quality care that includes preventing harm and mistreatment, engaging in effective communication, and providing care equitably. Improving respectful maternity care can be part of multilevel strategies to reduce pregnancy-related deaths. METHODS: CDC analyzed data from the PN View Moms survey administered during April 24-30, 2023, to examine the following components of respectful care: 1) experiences of mistreatment (e.g., violations of physical privacy, ignoring requests for help, or verbal abuse), 2) discrimination (e.g., because of race, ethnicity or skin color; age; or weight), and 3) reasons for holding back from communicating questions or concerns during maternity (pregnancy or delivery) care. RESULTS: Among U.S. mothers with children aged <18 years, 20% reported mistreatment while receiving maternity care for their youngest child. Approximately 30% of Black, Hispanic, and multiracial respondents and approximately 30% of respondents with public insurance or no insurance reported mistreatment. Discrimination during the delivery of maternity care was reported by 29% of respondents. Approximately 40% of Black, Hispanic, and multiracial respondents reported discrimination, and approximately 45% percent of all respondents reported holding back from asking questions or discussing concerns with their provider. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE: Approximately one in five women reported mistreatment during maternity care. Implementing quality improvement initiatives and provider training to encourage a culture of respectful maternity care, encouraging patients to ask questions and share concerns, and working with communities are strategies to improve respectful maternity care. |
Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 seroprevalence and longitudinal antibody response following natural infection in pregnancy: A prospective cohort study
Drake AL , Escudero JN , Aurelio MC , Wetzler EA , Ellington SR , Zapata LB , Galang RR , Snead MC , Yamamoto K , Salerno CC , Richardson BA , Greninger AL , Kachikis AB , Englund JA , LaCourse SM . Womens Health (Lond) 2023 19 17455057231190955 BACKGROUND: Antenatal care provides unique opportunities to assess severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 seroprevalence and antibody response duration after natural infection detected during pregnancy; transplacental antibody transfer may inform peripartum and neonatal protection. We estimated seroprevalence and durability of antibodies from natural infection (anti-nucleocapsid immunoglobulin G) among pregnant people, and evaluated transplacental transfer efficiency. OBJECTIVE AND DESIGN: We conducted a cross-sectional study to measure severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 seroprevalence, and a prospective cohort study to longitudinally measure anti-nucleocapsid immunoglobulin G responses and transplacental transfer of maternally derived anti-nucleocapsid antibodies. METHODS: We screened pregnant people for the seroprevalence study between 9 December 2020 and 19 June 2021 for anti-nucleocapsid immunoglobulin G in Seattle, Washington. We enrolled anti-nucleocapsid immunoglobulin G positive people from the seroprevalence study or identified through medical records with positive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction or antigen positive results in a prospective cohort between 9 December 2020 and 9 August 2022. RESULTS: In the cross-sectional study (N = 1284), 5% (N = 65) tested severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 anti-nucleocapsid immunoglobulin G positive, including 39 (60%) without prior positive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction results and 42 (65%) without symptoms. In the prospective cohort study (N = 107 total; N = 65 from the seroprevalence study), 86 (N = 80%) had anti-nucleocapsid immunoglobulin G positive results during pregnancy. Among 63 participants with delivery samples and prior anti-nucleocapsid positive results, 29 (46%) were anti-nucleocapsid immunoglobulin G negative by delivery. Of 34 remaining anti-nucleocapsid immunoglobulin G positive at delivery with paired cord blood, 19 (56%) had efficient transplacental anti-nucleocapsid immunoglobulin G antibody transfer. Median time from first anti-nucleocapsid immunoglobulin G positive to below positive antibody threshold was 19 weeks and did not differ by prior positive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction status. CONCLUSIONS: Maternally derived severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 antibodies to natural infection may wane before delivery. Vaccines are recommended for pregnant persons to reduce severe illness and confer protection to infants. |
Pandemic-related stressors and mental health among women with a live birth in 2020
Meeker JR , Strid P , Simeone R , D'Angelo DV , Dieke A , von Essen BS , Galang RR , Zapata LB , Ellington S . Arch Womens Ment Health 2023 26 (6) 767-776 The objective of this analysis was to assess the associations between pandemic-related stressors and feeling more anxious/depressed, among women with a live birth. We analyzed data from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) COVID-19 maternal experiences supplement, implemented in 29 U.S. jurisdictions from October 2020-June 2021, among women with a live birth during April-December 2020. We examined stressors by type (economic, housing, childcare, food insecurity, partner, COVID-19 illness) and score (number of stressor types experienced [none, 1-2, 3-4, or 5-6]). Outcomes were feeling 1) more anxious and 2) more depressed than usual due to the pandemic. We calculated adjusted prevalence ratios estimating associations between stressors and outcomes. Among 12,525 respondents, half reported feeling more anxious and 28% more depressed than usual. The prevalence of stressor types was 50% economic, 41% childcare, 18% partner, 17% food insecurity, 12% housing, and 10% COVID-19 illness. Respondents who experienced partner stressors (anxious aPR: 1.81, 95% CI: 1.73-1.90; depressed aPR: 3.01, 95% CI: 2.78-3.25) and food insecurity (anxious aPR: 1.79, 95% CI: 1.71-1.88; depressed aPR: 2.32, 95% CI: 2.13-2.53) had the largest associations with feeling more anxious and depressed than usual. As stressor scores increased, so did the aPRs for feeling more anxious and more depressed due to the pandemic. COVID-19 stressors, not COVID-19 illness, were found to be significantly associated with feeling more anxious and depressed. Pregnant and postpartum women might benefit from access to supports and services to address pandemic-related stressors/social-determinants and feelings of anxiety and depression. |
Risk factors for illness severity among pregnant women with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection – Surveillance for Emerging Threats to Mothers and Babies Network, 20 state, local, and territorial health departments, March 29, 2020 -January 8, 2021 (preprint)
Galang RR , Newton SM , Woodworth KR , Griffin I , Oduyebo T , Sancken CL , Olsen EO , Aveni K , Wingate H , Shephard H , Fussman C , Alaali ZS , Silcox K , Siebman S , Halai UA , Lopez CD , Lush M , Sokale A , Barton J , Chaudhary I , Patrick PH , Schlosser L , Reynolds B , Gaarenstroom N , Chicchelly S , Read JS , de Wilde L , Mbotha D , Azziz-Baumgartner E , Hall AJ , Tong VT , Ellington S , Gilboa SM . medRxiv 2021 2021.02.27.21252169 Background Pregnant women with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) are at increased risk for severe illness compared with nonpregnant women. Data to assess risk factors for illness severity among pregnant women with COVID-19 are limited. This study aimed to determine risk factors associated with COVID-19 illness severity among pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 infection.Methods Pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 infection confirmed by molecular testing were reported during March 29, 2020–January 8, 2021 through the Surveillance for Emerging Threats to Mothers and Babies Network (SET-NET). Criteria for illness severity (asymptomatic, mild, moderate-to-severe, or critical) were adapted from National Institutes of Health and World Health Organization criteria. Crude and adjusted risk ratios for moderate-to-severe or critical COVID-19 illness were calculated for selected demographic and clinical characteristics.Results Among 5,963 pregnant women with SARS-CoV-2 infection, moderate-to-severe or critical COVID-19 illness was associated with age 30–39 years, Black/Non-Hispanic race/ethnicity, healthcare occupation, pre-pregnancy obesity, chronic lung disease, chronic hypertension, cardiovascular disease, and pregestational diabetes mellitus. Risk of moderate-to-severe or critical illness increased with the number of underlying medical or pregnancy-related conditions.Conclusions Pregnant women with moderate-to-severe or critical COVID-19 illness were more likely to be older and have underlying medical conditions compared to pregnant women with asymptomatic infection or mild COVID-19 illness. This information might help pregnant women understand their risk for moderate-to-severe or critical COVID-19 illness and inform targeted public health messaging.Summary Among pregnant women with COVID-19, older age and underlying medical conditions were risk factors for increased illness severity. These findings can be used to inform pregnant women about their risk for severe COVID-19 illness and public health messaging.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.Clinical TrialThis activity was reviewed by CDC, determined to be a non-research, public health surveillance activity, and was conducted consistent with applicable federal law and CDC policy.Clinical Protocols Funding StatementThis study was performed as regular work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. This work is supported by the Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity for Prevention and Control of Emerging Infectious Diseases (ELC) Cooperative Agreement (ELC CK19-1904) and through contractual mechanisms, including the Local Health Department Initiative.Author DeclarationsI confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.YesThe details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:This activity was reviewed by the human subjects advisor of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disorders and was determined to be non-research, public health surveillance and exempt from IRB review. This activity was conducted consistent with applicable federal law and CDC policy. (Department of Health and Human Services - 45 C.F.R. part 46, 21 C.F.R. part 56; 42 U.S.C. Sect. 241(d); 5 U.S.C. Sect. 552a; 44 U.S.C. Sect. 3501 et seq. Available from: necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived.YesI understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, p ease provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).YesI have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable.YesThese data are collected under relevant provisions of the Public Health Service Act and are protected at CDC by an Assurance of Confidentiality (Section 308(d) of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. section 242 m(d)) (, which prohibits use or disclosure of any identifiable or potentially identifiable information collected under the Assurance for purposes other than those set out in the Assurance. Publicly available aggregated data are available: Requests for access will be considered on a case by case basis, and inquiries should be directed to |
Attitudes toward COVID-19 illness and COVID-19 vaccination among pregnant women: a cross-sectional multicenter study during August-December 2020 (preprint)
Battarbee AN , Stockwell MS , Varner M , Newes-Adeyi G , Daugherty M , Gyamfi-Bannerman C , Tita AT , Vorwaller K , Vargas C , Subramaniam A , Reichle L , Galang RR , Powers E , Lucca-Susana M , Parks M , Chen TJ , Razzaghi H , Dawood FS . medRxiv 2021 2021.03.26.21254402 Objective Evaluate pregnant women’s attitudes toward COVID-19 illness and vaccination and identify factors associated with vaccine acceptability.Study Design Cross-sectional survey among pregnant women enrolled in a prospective COVID-19 cohort study in Salt Lake City, UT, Birmingham, AL, and New York, NY, August 9– December 10, 2020. Women were eligible if they were 18-50 years old and <28 weeks of gestation. Upon enrollment, women completed surveys regarding concerns about COVID-19 illness and likelihood of getting COVID-19 vaccine if one were available during pregnancy. Vaccine acceptability was defined as a response of “very likely” or “somewhat likely” on a 4-point Likert scale. Factors associated with vaccine acceptability were assessed with multivariable logistic regression.Results Of 939 pregnant women eligible for the main cohort study, 915 (97%) consented to participate. Among these 915 women, 39% self-identified as White, 23% Black, 33% Hispanic, and 4% Other. Sixty-two percent received an influenza vaccine last season. Seventy-two percent worried about getting sick with COVID-19. If they were to get sick, 92% worried about harm to their pregnancy and 80% about harm to themselves. Only 41% reported they would get a vaccine. Of women who were unlikely to get vaccinated, the most frequently cited concern was vaccine safety for their pregnancy (82%). Non-Hispanic Black and Hispanic women had lower odds of accepting a vaccine compared with non-Hispanic White women (adjusted odds ratios (aOR) 0.4, 95%CI 0.2–0.6 for both). Receipt of influenza vaccine during the previous season was associated with higher odds of vaccine acceptability (aOR 2.1, 95%CI 1.5-3.0).Conclusion Although most pregnant women worried about COVID-19 illness, <50% were willing to get vaccinated during pregnancy. Racial and ethnic disparities in plans to accept COVID-19 vaccine highlight the need to prioritize strategies to address perceived barriers among groups at high risk for COVID-19.Competing Interest StatementAll authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form at and declare: no support from any organization for the submitted work; author CGB has an unrestricted grant from SMFM/AMAG to study prematurity.Funding StatementFunding: This study was funded by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through Contract # 75D30120C08150 with Abt Associates.Author DeclarationsI confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.YesThe details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:Centralized Institutional Review Board approval was obtained (IRB-AAAT1906), and informed consent was obtained from all participants. The Columbia University Medical Center IRB served as the centralized IRB for this study.All necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived.YesI understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).YesI have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable.YesData will automatically be sequestered by site. |
SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and longitudinal antibody response following natural infection in pregnancy: a prospective cohort study (preprint)
Drake AL , Escudero JN , Aurelio MC , Ellington SR , Zapata LB , Galang RR , Snead MC , Yamamoto K , Salerno C , Richardson BA , Greninger AL , Kachikis AB , Englund JA , LaCourse SM . medRxiv 2022 30 Importance: Antenatal care provides unique opportunities to assess SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence and antibody response duration after natural infection detected during pregnancy; transplacental antibody transfer may inform peripartum and neonatal protection. Objective(s): Estimate seroprevalence and durability of antibodies from natural infection (anti-nucleocapsid (anti-N) IgG) among pregnant people, and evaluate transplacental transfer efficiency. Design(s): Seroprevalence study: cross-sectional SARS-CoV-2 antibody screening among pregnant people December 9, 2020-June 19, 2021. Cohort study: Pregnant people screened anti-N IgG+ by Abbott Architect chemiluminescent immunoassay in seroprevalence study or identified through medical records with RT-PCR+ or antigen positive results enrolled in a prospective cohort December 9, 2020-June 30, 2022 to longitudinally measure anti-N IgG responses. We collected cord blood and assessed transplacental transfer of maternally-derived anti-N antibodies. Setting(s): Three hospitals and 14 affiliated clinics providing antenatal and delivery care, Seattle, Washington metropolitan area. Participant(s): Seroprevalence study: pregnant people were screened for SAR-CoV-2 anti-N IgG during routine care. Cohort study: Pregnant people with evidence of prior SARS-CoV-2 infection (screened anti-N IgG+ from seroprevalence study or identified with a RT-PCR+ or antigen positive result from medical records) were enrolled in a cohort study to longitudinally measure anti-N IgG responses. Exposure(s) (for observational studies): COVID-19 diagnosis, symptoms, and disease severity. Main Outcome(s) and Measure(s): Presence and durability of SARS-CoV-2 anti-N IgG, transplacental transfer of maternally-derived anti-N IgG. Result(s): Of 1289 pregnant people screened in the seroprevalence study, 5% (65) tested SARS-CoV-2 anti-N IgG+, including 39 (60%) without prior RT-PCR+ or antigen positive results and 53 (82%) without symptoms. Among 89 participants enrolled in the cohort study, 73 (82%) had anti-N IgG+ results during pregnancy. Among 49 participants with delivery samples 33 (67%) were anti-N IgG negative by delivery. Of 24 remaining anti-N IgG+ at delivery with paired cord blood samples, 12 (50%) had efficient transplacental anti-N IgG antibody transfer. Median time from first anti-N IgG to below positive antibody threshold was 17 weeks and did not differ by prior RT-PCR+ or antigen positive status. Conclusions and Relevance: Maternally-derived SARS-CoV-2 antibodies to natural infection may wane before delivery. Vaccines are recommended for pregnant persons to reduce severe illness and confer protection to infants. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
Maternal cytokine response after SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy (preprint)
Gigase FAJ , Molenaar NM , Missall R , Rommel AS , Lieb W , Ibroci E , Ohrn S , Lynch J , Krammer F , Brody RI , Jessel RH , Sperling RS , Lesseur C , Callipari F , Galang RR , Snead MC , Janevic T , Stone J , Howell EA , Chen J , Pop V , Dolan SM , Bergink V , de Witte LD . bioRxiv 2022 04 Objective: Dysregulation of the immune system during pregnancy is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes. Recent studies report cytokine changes during the acute phase of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. We examine whether there is a lasting association between SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy and peripheral blood cytokine levels. Study design: We conducted a case-control study at the Mount Sinai health system in NYC including 100 SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody positive people matched to 100 SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody negative people on age, race/ethnicity, parity, and insurance status. Blood samples were collected at a median gestational age of 34 weeks. Levels of 14 cytokines were measured. Result(s): Individual cytokine levels and cytokine cluster Eigenvalues did not differ significantly between groups, indicating no persisting maternal cytokine changes after SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy. Conclusion(s): Our findings suggest that the acute inflammatory response after SARS-CoV-2 infection may be restored to normal values during pregnancy. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. |
Gestational SARS-CoV-2 infection is associated with placental expression of immune and trophoblast genes (preprint)
Lesseur C , Jessel RH , Ohrn S , Ma Y , Li Q , Dekio F , Brody RI , Wetmur JG , Gigase FAJ , Lieber M , Lieb W , Lynch J , Afzal O , Ibroci E , Rommel AS , Janevic T , Stone J , Howell EA , Galang RR , Dolan SM , Bergink V , De Witte LD , Chen J . medRxiv 2022 24 Introduction: Maternal SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy is associated with adverse pregnancy outcomes and can have effects on the placenta, even in the absence of severe disease or vertical transmission to the fetus. This study aimed to evaluate histopathologic and molecular effects in the placenta after SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy. Method(s): We performed a study of 45 pregnant participants from the Generation C prospective cohort study at the Mount Sinai Health System in New York City. We compared histologic features and the expression of 48 immune and trophoblast genes in placentas delivered from 15 SARS-CoV-2 IgG antibody positive and 30 IgG SARS-CoV-2 antibody negative mothers. Statistical analyses were performed using Fisher's exact tests, Spearman correlations and linear regression models. Result(s): The median gestational age at the time of SARS-CoV-2 IgG serology test was 35 weeks. Two of the IgG positive participants also had a positive RT-PCR nasal swab at delivery. 82.2% of the infants were delivered at term (>=37 weeks), and gestational age at delivery did not differ between the SARSCoV-2 antibody positive and negative groups. No significant differences were detected between the groups in placental histopathology features. Differential expression analyses revealed decreased expression of two trophoblast genes (PSG3 and CGB3) and increased expression of three immune genes (CXCL10, TLR3 and DDX58) in placentas delivered from SARS-CoV-2 IgG positive participants. Discussion(s): SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy is associated with gene expression changes of immune and trophoblast genes in the placenta at birth which could potentially contribute to long-term health effects in the offspring. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. All rights reserved. No reuse allowed without permission. |
Influenza and tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis vaccination coverage during pregnancy: Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, 2020
Kortsmit K , Oduyebo T , Simeone RM , Kahn KE , Razzaghi H , Galang RR , Ellington S , Ruffo N , Barfield WD , Warner L , Cox S . Public Health Rep 2023 333549231179252 OBJECTIVES: Estimates of vaccination coverage during pregnancy and identification of disparities in vaccination coverage can inform vaccination campaigns and programs. We reported the prevalence of being offered or told to get the influenza vaccine by a health care provider (hereinafter, provider); influenza vaccination coverage during the 12 months before delivery; and tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccination coverage during pregnancy among women with a recent live birth in the United States. METHODS: We analyzed 2020 data from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System from 42 US jurisdictions (n = 41 673). We estimated the overall prevalence of being offered or told to get the influenza vaccine by a provider and influenza vaccination coverage during the 12 months before delivery. We estimated Tdap vaccination coverage during pregnancy from 21 jurisdictions with available data (n = 22 020) by jurisdiction and select characteristics. RESULTS: In 2020, 84.9% of women reported being offered or told to get the influenza vaccine, and 60.9% received it, ranging from 35.0% in Puerto Rico to 79.7% in Massachusetts. Influenza vaccination coverage was lower among women who were not offered or told to get the influenza vaccine (21.4%) than among women who were offered or told to get the vaccine (68.1%). Overall, 72.7% of women received the Tdap vaccine, ranging from 52.8% in Mississippi to 86.7% in New Hampshire. Influenza and Tdap vaccination coverage varied by all characteristics examined. CONCLUSIONS: These results can inform vaccination programs and strategies to address disparities in vaccination coverage during pregnancy and may inform vaccination efforts for other infectious diseases among pregnant women. |
Notes from the field: Exposures to mpox among cases in children aged 12 years - United States, September 25-December 31, 2022
Nemechek K , Stefanos R , Miller EL , Riser A , Kebede B , Galang RR , Hufstetler K , Descamps D , Balenger A , Hennessee I , Neelam V , Hutchins HJ , Labuda SM , Davis KM , McCormick DW , Marx GE , Kimball A , Ruberto I , Williamson T , Rzucidlo P , Willut C , Harold RE , Mangla AT , English A , Brikshavana D , Blanding J , Kim M , Finn LE , Marutani A , Lockwood M , Johnson S , Ditto N , Wilton S , Edmond T , Stokich D , Shinall A , Alravez B , Crawley A , Nambiar A , Gateley EL , Schuman J , White SL , Davis K , Milleron R , Mendez M , Kawakami V , Segaloff HE , Bower WA , Ellington SR , McCollum AM , Pao LZ . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (23) 633-635 During May 17–December 31, 2022, 125 probable or confirmed U.S. monkeypox (mpox)† cases were reported among patients aged <18 years, including 45 (36%) in children aged ≤12 years. Eighty-three cases in persons aged <18 years diagnosed during May 17–September 24, 2022 were previously described (1); 28 (34%) of these were in children aged ≤12 years, 29% of whom did not have reported information on exposure. Among 20 (71%) of 28 patients with documented information on exposure, most were exposed by a household contact. This report updates the previous report using data collected during September 25–December 31, 2022, proposes possible mpox exposure routes in children aged ≤12 years, and describes three U.S. mpox cases in neonates. Household members or caregivers with mpox, including pregnant women and their health care providers, should be informed of the risk of transmission to persons aged <18 years, and strategies to protect persons aged <18 years at risk for exposure, including isolating household contacts with mpox, should be implemented immediately. | | During September 25–December 31, 2022, 17 children aged ≤12 years with probable or confirmed mpox were identified through national surveillance. CDC provided a questionnaire to state and local health departments for collection of the child’s history of exposure to any person with mpox§ during the previous 3 weeks, exposure settings, types of contact (e.g., skin-to-skin, being held or cuddled, diaper change, or toilet use), and precautions taken by the person with mpox (e.g., practiced isolation or covered lesions). This activity was reviewed by CDC and was conducted consistent with applicable federal law and CDC policy.¶ |
Neutralizing antibody responses to messenger RNA coronavirus disease 2019 vaccines versus severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 infection among pregnant women and vaccine-induced antibody transfer to infants
Dawood FS , Tita A , Stockwell MS , Newes-Adeyi G , Wielgosz K , Gyamfi-Bannerman C , Battarbee A , Reichle L , Thornburg N , Ellington S , Galang RR , Vorwaller K , Vargas CY , Morrill T , Parks M , Powers E , Gibson M , Varner M . Open Forum Infect Dis 2023 10 (5) ofad204 BACKGROUND: Early coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine trials excluded pregnant women, resulting in limited data about immunogenicity and maternal-fetal antibody transfer, particularly by gestational timing of vaccination. METHODS: In this multicenter observational immunogenicity study, pregnant and nonpregnant women receiving COVID-19 vaccines were prospectively enrolled. Participants had sera collected before vaccination, at 14-28 days after each vaccine dose, at delivery (umbilical cord and peripheral), and from their infants at 3 and 6 months. Geometric mean titers (GMTs) of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) ID(50) neutralizing antibody (nAb) against D614G-like viruses were compared by participant characteristics. RESULTS: Overall, 23 nonpregnant and 85 pregnant participants (trimester of first vaccine dose: 10 first, 47 second, 28 third) were enrolled. Ninety-three percent (76/82 with blood samples) of pregnant participants had detectable SARS-CoV-2 nAb after 2 vaccine doses, but GMTs (95% confidence intervals) were lower in pregnant participants than nonpregnant participants (1722 [1136-2612] vs 4419 [2012-9703]; P = .04). By 3 and 6 months, 28% and 74% of infants, respectively, of vaccinated participants had no detectable nAb to D614G-like viruses. Among the 71 pregnant participants without detectable nAb before vaccination, cord blood GMTs at delivery were 5-fold higher among participants vaccinated during the third versus first trimester, and cord blood nAb titers appeared inversely correlated with weeks since first vaccine dose (R(2) = 0.06, P = .06). CONCLUSIONS: Though most pregnant women develop nAb after 2 doses of mRNA COVID-19 vaccines, this analysis suggests that infant protection from maternal vaccination varies by gestational timing of vaccination and wanes. Additional prevention strategies such as caregiver vaccination may warrant consideration to optimize infant protection. |
Maternal and newborn hospital outcomes of perinatal SARS-CoV-2 infection: A national registry
Hudak ML , Flannery DD , Barnette K , Getzlaff T , Gautam S , Dhudasia MB , Mukhopadhyay S , Pfeifer MR , Ellington SR , Galang RR , Snead MC , Woodworth KR , Zapata LB , Puopolo KM . Pediatrics 2023 151 (2) OBJECTIVES: The American Academy of Pediatrics National Registry for the Surveillance and Epidemiology of Perinatal coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) (NPC-19) was developed to provide information on the effects of perinatal severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) infection. METHODS: National Registry for the Surveillance and Epidemiology of Perinatal COVID-19 participating centers entered maternal and newborn data for pregnant persons who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection between 14 days before and 10 days after delivery. Incidence of and morbidities associated with maternal and newborn SARS-CoV-2 infection were assessed. RESULTS: From April 6, 2020 to March 19, 2021, 242 centers in the United States centers reported data for 7524 pregnant persons; at the time of delivery, 78.1% of these persons were asymptomatic, 18.2% were symptomatic but not hospitalized specifically for COVID-19, 3.4% were hospitalized for COVID-19 treatment, and 18 (0.2%) died in the hospital of COVID-related complications. Among 7648 newborns, 6486 (84.8%) were tested for SARS-CoV-2, and 144 (2.2%) were positive; the highest rate of newborn infection was observed when mothers first tested positive in the immediate postpartum period (17 of 125, 13.6%). No newborn deaths were attributable to SARS-CoV-2 infection. Overall, 15.6% of newborns were preterm: among tested newborns, 30.1% of polymerase chain reaction-positive and 16.2% of polymerase chain reaction-negative were born preterm (P < .001). Need for mechanical ventilation did not differ by newborn SARS-CoV-2 test result, but those with positive tests were more likely to be admitted to a NICU. CONCLUSIONS: Early in the pandemic, SARS-CoV-2 infection was acquired by newborns at variable rates and without apparent short-term effects. During a period that preceded widespread availability of vaccines, we observed higher than expected numbers of preterm births and maternal in-hospital deaths. |
Emergency preparedness in Tennessee women with a recent live birth
Miller AM , Galang RR , Hall LE , Strid P , Leverett U , Ellington SR . Matern Child Health J 2023 1-8 OBJECTIVES: To assess emergency preparedness (EP) actions in women with a recent live birth. METHODS: Weighted survey procedures were used to evaluate EP actions taken by women with a recent live birth responding to an EP question assessing eight preparedness actions as part of the 2016 Tennessee Pregnancy Risk Assessment and Monitoring System (PRAMS) survey. Factor analysis was used to group preparedness actions. RESULTS: Overall, 82.7% [95% Confidence Interval (CI) 79.3%, 86.1%] of respondents reported any preparedness actions, with 51.8% (95% CI 47.2%, 56.4%) completing 1-4 actions. The most common actions were having supplies at home (63.0%; 95% CI 58.5%, 67.4%), an evacuation plan for children (48.5%; 95% CI 43.9%, 53.2%), supplies in another location (40.2%; 95% CI 35.6%, 44.7%), and a communication plan (39.7%; 95% CI 35.1%, 44.2%). Having personal evacuation plans (31.6%; 95% CI 27.3%, 36.0%) and copies of documents in alternate locations (29.3%; 95% CI 25.0%, 33.5%) were least common. Factor analysis yielded three factors: having plans, having copies of documents, and having supplies. Specific preparedness actions varied by education and income level. CONCLUSIONS FOR PRACTICE: Most Tennessee women (about 8 in 10 women) with a recent live birth reported at least one EP action. A three-part EP question may be sufficient for assessing preparedness in this population. These findings highlight opportunities to improve public health education efforts around EP. |
Cardiac arrest during delivery hospitalization : A cohort study
Ford ND , DeSisto CL , Galang RR , Kuklina EV , Sperling LS , Ko JY . Ann Intern Med 2023 176 (4) 472-479 BACKGROUND: Estimates of cardiac arrest occurring during delivery guide evidence-based strategies to reduce pregnancy-related death. OBJECTIVE: To investigate rate of, maternal characteristics associated with, and survival after cardiac arrest during delivery hospitalization. DESIGN: Retrospective cohort study. SETTING: U.S. acute care hospitals, 2017 to 2019. PARTICIPANTS: Delivery hospitalizations among women aged 12 to 55 years included in the National Inpatient Sample database. MEASUREMENTS: Delivery hospitalizations, cardiac arrest, underlying medical conditions, obstetric outcomes, and severe maternal complications were identified using codes from the International Classification of Diseases, 10th Revision, Clinical Modification. Survival to hospital discharge was based on discharge disposition. RESULTS: Among 10 921 784 U.S. delivery hospitalizations, the cardiac arrest rate was 13.4 per 100 000. Of the 1465 patients who had cardiac arrest, 68.6% (95% CI, 63.2% to 74.0%) survived to hospital discharge. Cardiac arrest was more common among patients who were older, were non-Hispanic Black, had Medicare or Medicaid, or had underlying medical conditions. Acute respiratory distress syndrome was the most common co-occurring diagnosis (56.0% [CI, 50.2% to 61.7%]). Among co-occurring procedures or interventions examined, mechanical ventilation was the most common (53.2% [CI, 47.5% to 59.0%]). The rate of survival to hospital discharge after cardiac arrest was lower with co-occurring disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) without or with transfusion (50.0% [CI, 35.8% to 64.2%] or 54.3% [CI, 39.2% to 69.5%], respectively). LIMITATIONS: Cardiac arrests occurring outside delivery hospitalizations were not included. The temporality of arrest relative to the delivery or other maternal complications is unknown. Data do not distinguish cause of cardiac arrest, such as pregnancy-related complications or other underlying causes among pregnant women. CONCLUSION: Cardiac arrest was observed in approximately 1 in 9000 delivery hospitalizations, among which nearly 7 in 10 women survived to hospital discharge. Survival was lowest during hospitalizations with co-occurring DIC. PRIMARY FUNDING SOURCE: None. |
Counseling women of reproductive age about emergency preparedness - Provider attitudes and practices
Meeker JR , Simeone R , Shapiro-Mendoza CK , Snead M , Hall R , Ellington S , Galang RR . Prev Med 2023 170 107473 We report healthcare provider attitudes and practices on emergency preparedness counseling for women of reproductive age (WRA), including pregnant, postpartum, and lactating women (PPLW), for disasters and weather emergencies. DocStyles is a web-based panel survey of primary healthcare providers in the United States. During March 17-May 17, 2021, obstetricians-gynecologists, family practitioners, internists, nurse practitioners, and physician assistants were asked about the importance of emergency preparedness counseling, level of confidence, frequency, barriers to providing counseling, and preferred resources to support counseling among WRA and PPLW. We calculated frequencies of provider attitudes and practices, and prevalence ratios with 95% CIs for questions with binary responses. Among 1503 respondents (family practitioners (33%), internists (34%), obstetrician-gynecologists (17%), nurse practitioners (8%), and physician assistants (8%)), 77% thought emergency preparedness was important, and 88% thought counseling was necessary for patient health and safety. However, 45% of respondents did not feel confident providing emergency preparedness counseling, and most (70%) had never talked to PPLW about this topic. Respondents cited not having time during clinical visits (48%) and lack of knowledge (34%) as barriers to providing counseling. Most respondents (79%) stated they would use emergency preparedness educational materials for WRA, and 60% said they were willing to take an emergency preparedness training. Healthcare providers have opportunities to provide emergency preparedness counseling; however, many have not, noting lack of time and knowledge as barriers. Emergency preparedness resources combined with training may improve healthcare provider confidence and increase delivery of emergency preparedness counseling. |
COVID-19 vaccination recommendations and practices for women of reproductive age, U.S. Physicians, Fall 2021
Meghani M , Zapata LB , Polen K , Galang RR , Razzaghi H , Meaney-Delman D , Ellington S . Prev Med Rep 2023 32 102141 Pregnant people with COVID-19 are at increased risk for severe illness and adverse pregnancy outcomes. COVID-19 vaccinations are safe and effective, including for pregnant and recently pregnant people. The objective of this analysis was to describe the extent to which primary care physicians across the United States report confidence in talking with female patients of reproductive age about COVID-19 vaccination, recommending COVID-19 vaccinations to pregnant patients, and offering COVID-19 vaccinations at their practices in fall 2021. We analyzed cross-sectional data from the Fall 2021 DocStyles survey, a web-based panel survey of U.S. primary healthcare providers (64% response rate). Family practitioners/internists, obstetrician-gynecologists, and pediatricians were asked about confidence in talking with female patients of reproductive age about COVID-19 vaccination, vaccination practices regarding pregnant patients, and offering COVID-19 vaccinations. We describe results overall and by select physician characteristics. Among 1501 respondents, most were family practitioners/internists (67%), 17% were obstetrician-gynecologists, and 17% were pediatricians. Overall, 63% were very confident talking with female patients of reproductive age about COVID-19 vaccination, 80% recommended pregnant patients get vaccinated as soon as possible, and 50% offered COVID-19 vaccinations at their current practice. Obstetrician-gynecologists were most confident in talking with female patients, but only one-third offered the vaccine at their practices. This analysis found that most physicians felt confident talking about COVID-19 vaccinations and recommended pregnant patients get vaccinated as soon as possible. Provider recommendation for vaccination remains a key strategy for achieving high vaccination coverage, and consistent recommendations may improve vaccine acceptance among pregnant and postpartum people. |
Mpox cases among cisgender women and pregnant persons - United States, May 11-November 7, 2022
Oakley LP , Hufstetler K , O'Shea J , Sharpe JD , McArdle C , Neelam V , Roth NM , Olsen EO , Wolf M , Pao LZ , Gold JAW , Davis KM , Perella D , Epstein S , Lash MK , Samson O , Pavlick J , Feldpausch A , Wallace J , Nambiar A , Ngo V , Halai UA , Richardson CW , Fowler T , Taylor BP , Chou J , Brandon L , Devasia R , Ricketts EK , Stockdale C , Roskosky M , Ostadkar R , Vang Y , Galang RR , Perkins K , Taylor M , Choi MJ , Weidle PJ , Dawson P , Ellington S . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (1) 9-14 Monkeypox (mpox) cases in the 2022 outbreak have primarily occurred among adult gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM); however, other populations have also been affected (1). To date, data on mpox in cisgender women and pregnant persons have been limited. Understanding transmission in these populations is critical for mpox prevention. In addition, among pregnant persons, Monkeypox virus can be transmitted to the fetus during pregnancy or to the neonate through close contact during or after birth (2-5). Adverse pregnancy outcomes, including spontaneous abortion and stillbirth, have been reported in previous mpox outbreaks (3). During May 11-November 7, 2022, CDC and U.S. jurisdictional health departments identified mpox in 769 cisgender women aged ≥15 years, representing 2.7% of all reported mpox cases.(†) Among cases with available data, 44% occurred in cisgender women who were non-Hispanic Black or African American (Black), 25% who were non-Hispanic White (White), and 23% who were Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic). Among cisgender women with available data, 73% reported sexual activity or close intimate contact as the likely route of exposure, with mpox lesions most frequently reported on the legs, arms, and genitals. Twenty-three mpox cases were reported in persons who were pregnant or recently pregnant(§); all identified as cisgender women based on the mpox case report form.(¶) Four pregnant persons required hospitalization for mpox. Eleven pregnant persons received tecovirimat, and no adverse reactions were reported. Continued studies on mpox transmission risks in populations less commonly affected during the outbreak, including cisgender women and pregnant persons, are important to assess and understand the impact of mpox on sexual, reproductive, and overall health. |
Pregnant women's experiences during and after hurricanes Irma and Maria, pregnancy risk assessment monitoring system, Puerto Rico, 2018
Simeone RM , House LD , Salvesen von Essen B , Kortsmit K , Hernandez Virella W , Vargas Bernal MI , Galang RR , D'Angelo DV , Shapiro-Mendoza CK , Ellington SR . Public Health Rep 2023 138 (6) 333549221142571 OBJECTIVE: Exposure to natural disasters during and after pregnancy may increase adverse mental health outcomes. Hurricanes Irma and Maria struck Puerto Rico in September 2017. Our objectives were to understand hurricane-related experiences, maternal health concerns, and the impact of hurricane experiences on postpartum depressive symptoms (PDS). METHODS: We used data from the 2018 Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System to describe differences in maternal hurricane experiences among women who were pregnant during and after the 2017 hurricanes. We assessed maternal concerns and PDS. We estimated adjusted prevalence ratios (aPRs) and 95% CIs for the associations between hurricane experiences and PDS. RESULTS: The most frequently reported hurricane experiences were losing power for ≥1 week (97%) and feeling unsafe due to lack of order/security (70%). Almost 30% of women who were pregnant during the hurricanes reported missing prenatal care. PDS were reported by 13% of women. Most hurricane experiences were associated with an increased prevalence of PDS. Feeling unsafe (aPR = 2.4; 95% CI, 1.2-4.9) and having difficulty getting food (aPR = 2.1; 95% CI, 1.1-4.1) had the strongest associations. CONCLUSIONS: Most women who were pregnant during or after hurricanes Irma and Maria struck Puerto Rico reported negative hurricane experiences, and most experiences were associated with an increased prevalence of PDS. Understanding the experiences of pregnant women during and after disasters and identifying risks for adverse mental health outcomes after pregnancy are important to inform emergency preparedness and prenatal and postpartum care. |
Orthopoxvirus Testing Challenges for Persons in Populations at Low Risk or Without Known Epidemiologic Link to Monkeypox - United States, 2022.
Minhaj FS , Petras JK , Brown JA , Mangla AT , Russo K , Willut C , Lee M , Beverley J , Harold R , Milroy L , Pope B , Gould E , Beeler C , Schneider J , Mostafa HH , Godfred-Cato S , Click ES , Borah BF , Galang RR , Cash-Goldwasser S , Wong JM , McCormick DW , Yu PA , Shelus V , Carpenter A , Schatzman S , Lowe D , Townsend MB , Davidson W , Wynn NT , Satheshkumar PS , O'Connor SM , O'Laughlin K , Rao AK , McCollum AM , Negrón ME , Hutson CL , Salzer JS . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (36) 1155-1158 ![]() Since May 2022, approximately 20,000 cases of monkeypox have been identified in the United States, part of a global outbreak occurring in approximately 90 countries and currently affecting primarily gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) (1). Monkeypox virus (MPXV) spreads from person to person through close, prolonged contact; a small number of cases have occurred in populations who are not MSM (e.g., women and children), and testing is recommended for persons who meet the suspected case definition* (1). CDC previously developed five real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for detection of orthopoxviruses from lesion specimens (2,3). CDC was granted 510(k) clearance for the nonvariola-orthopoxvirus (NVO)-specific PCR assay by the Food and Drug Administration. This assay was implemented within the Laboratory Response Network (LRN) in the early 2000s and became critical for early detection of MPXV and implementation of public health action in previous travel-associated cases as well as during the current outbreak (4-7). PCR assays (NVO and other Orthopoxvirus laboratory developed tests [LDT]) represent the primary tool for monkeypox diagnosis. These tests are highly sensitive, and cross-contamination from other MPXV specimens being processed, tested, or both alongside negative specimens can occasionally lead to false-positive results. This report describes three patients who had atypical rashes and no epidemiologic link to a monkeypox case or known risk factors; these persons received diagnoses of monkeypox based on late cycle threshold (Ct) values ≥34, which were false-positive test results. The initial diagnoses were followed by administration of antiviral treatment (i.e., tecovirimat) and JYNNEOS vaccine postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) to patients' close contacts. After receiving subsequent testing, none of the three patients was confirmed to have monkeypox. Knowledge gained from these and other cases resulted in changes to CDC guidance. When testing for monkeypox in specimens from patients without an epidemiologic link or risk factors or who do not meet clinical criteria (or where these are unknown), laboratory scientists should reextract and retest specimens with late Ct values (based on this report, Ct ≥34 is recommended) (8). CDC can be consulted for complex cases including those that appear atypical or questionable cases and can perform additional viral species- and clade-specific PCR testing and antiorthopoxvirus serologic testing. |
Preterm birth among pregnant persons with severe acute respiratory syndrome Coronavirus 2 infection.
Newton SM , Reeves EL , O'Malley Olsen E , Woodworth KR , Farr SL , Galang RR , Reynolds MR , Harvey E , Shi J , Nestoridi E , Barton J , Ngo VP , Lush M , Longcore ND , Dzimira P , Im LK , Sokale A , Siebman S , Delgado López C , Chen T , Mobley EL , Khuwaja S , Romitti PA , Fredette C , Ellis EM , Silcox K , Hall AJ , Azziz-Baumgartner E , Gilboa SM , Shapiro-Mendoza CK , Tong VT . J Perinatol 2022 42 (10) 1-10 OBJECTIVE: We examined the relationship between trimester of SARS-CoV-2 infection, illness severity, and risk for preterm birth. STUDY DESIGN: We analyzed data for 6336 pregnant persons with SARS-CoV-2 infection in 2020 in the United States. Risk ratios for preterm birth were calculated for illness severity, trimester of infection, and illness severity stratified by trimester of infection adjusted for age, selected underlying medical conditions, and pregnancy complications. RESULT: Pregnant persons with critical COVID-19 or asymptomatic infection, compared to mild COVID-19, in the second or third trimester were at increased risk of preterm birth. Pregnant persons with moderate-to-severe COVID-19 did not show increased risk of preterm birth in any trimester. CONCLUSION: Critical COVID-19 in the second or third trimester was associated with increased risk of preterm birth. This finding can be used to guide prevention strategies, including vaccination, and inform clinical practices for pregnant persons. |
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- Page last updated:Jan 27, 2025
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