Last data update: Jan 13, 2025. (Total: 48570 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 160 Records) |
Query Trace: Fulton A[original query] |
Call to action: Contribute to the development of the third edition of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans
Piercy KL , Vaux-Bjerke A , Polster M , Fulton JE , George S , Rose KM , Whitfield GP , Wolff-Hughes DL , Barnett EY . Transl J Am Coll Sport Med 2024 10 (1) |
Using location-based services data to map and evaluate a community design intervention to increase bicycling, Denver, Colorado
Park YS , King RJ , Pejavara A , Hathaway K , Wergin J , Townley C , Leonard S , Williamson JM , Galuska DA , Fulton JE . Prev Chronic Dis 2024 21 E80 |
Data for decision makers: Finding policy, systems, and environmental solutions for public health problems
Galuska DA , Fulton JE , O'Neal LJ . Prev Chronic Dis 2024 21 E44 |
Identifying factors associated with physical therapy use versus non-use among injured workers with back pain in Washington State
Chin B , Rundell SD , Sears JM , Fulton-Kehoe D , Spector JT , Franklin GM . Am J Ind Med 2024 BACKGROUND: There is little information about predictors of physical therapy (PT) use among injured workers with back pain. The primary objective of this study is to investigate the associations between PT use and baseline factors not routinely captured in workers' compensation (WC) data. METHODS: We conducted a secondary analysis using the Washington State Workers' Compensation Disability Risk Identification Study Cohort, which combines self-reported surveys with claims data from the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries State Fund. Workers with an accepted or provisional WC claim for back injury between June 2002 and April 2004 were eligible. Baseline factors for PT use were selected from six domains (socio-demographic, pain and function, psychosocial, clinical, health behaviors, and employment-related). The outcome was a binary measure for PT use within 1 year of injury. Bivariate and multivariable logistic regression models were conducted to evaluate the associations between PT use and baseline factors. RESULTS: Among the 1370 eligible study participants, we identified 673 (49%) who received at least one PT service. Baseline factors from five of the six domains (all but health behaviors) were associated with PT use, including gender, income, pain and function measures, injury severity rating, catastrophizing, recovery expectations, fear avoidance, mental health score, body mass index, first provider seen for injury, previous injury, and several work-related factors. CONCLUSION: We identify baseline factors that are associated with PT use, which may be useful in addressing disparities in access to care for injured workers with back pain in a WC system. |
Building Evidence, Building Community: The Physical Activity Policy Research and Evaluation Network (PAPREN)
Lemon SC , Goins KV , Ussery EN , Rose KM , Chriqui JF . J Healthy Eat Act Living 12/28/2021 1 (4) 165-168 Regular physical activity is an essential action people can take to improve their health (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2018). Despite well-established benefits, only 1 in 4 U.S. adults meet the combined aerobic and muscle-strengthening physical activity guidelines (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention). The built environment, defined as the physical makeup of where people live, learn, work, and play, can support or inhibit physical activity. The Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) recommends built environment strategies that combine new or improved pedestrian, bicycle, or transit transportation systems (i.e., activity-friendly routes) with land use components (i.e., connecting everyday destinations) (Community Preventive Services Task Force, 2016). Active People, Healthy NationSM is a national initiative led by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to help 27 million Americans become more physically active by 2027 (Fulton et al., 2018). To reach this goal, states and communities can implement strategies for increasing physical activity (Schmid et al., 2021) across sectors and settings. Each strategy can be designed to ensure equitable access to opportunities for physical activity. However, implementation of physical activity–supportive policies across the United States remains low. The National Complete Streets Coalition reports that only 1,600 jurisdictions (mainly cities) have adopted Complete Streets policies (Smart Growth America); this is a fraction of all U.S. jurisdictions, and the quality of policies varies. There remains a need for applied research to translate knowledge into practice for implementing evidence-based policies to increase physical activity. Best practices that inform the implementation of these strategies are also needed to support communities and states. |
Prevalence of vision zero action plans or strategies: USA, 2021
Webber BJ , Whitfield GP , Rose KM , Stowe EW , Zaganjor H , Ederer DJ , Fulton JE . Inj Prev 2024 BACKGROUND: Vision Zero is a strategy to eliminate traffic fatalities and to promote equitable mobility options for all road users. Using a nationally representative survey, we aimed to estimate the prevalence of Vision Zero action plans or strategies in the USA. METHODS: Municipal officials were surveyed in 2021. In this cross-sectional study, we calculated the prevalence of Vision Zero plans or strategies and compared municipalities with adjusted prevalence ratios (PR) to account for region and sociodemographic characteristics. RESULTS: Among 1955 municipalities participating in the survey (question-specific response rate: 44.3%), the prevalence of a Vision Zero action plan or strategy was 7.7%; 70.5% responded no and 21.8% don't know. Prevalence was 4.8% in small municipalities (1000-2499 residents), 20.3% in medium-large municipalities (50 000-124 999 residents; PR=4.1), and 37.8% in large municipalities (≥125 000 residents; PR=7.6). CONCLUSION: The prevalence of Vision Zero plans and strategies across the USA is low. Additional adoption of Vision Zero plans and strategies could help address traffic fatalities. |
Changes in perceptions of the near-home walking environment among US adults-2015 and 2020 National Health Interview Survey
Soto GW , Whitfield GP , Smith A , Berrigan D , Fulton JE . J Phys Act Health 2023 1-9 BACKGROUND: The built environments in which we work, live, and play can influence physical activity behaviors, and perceptions of these environments are associated with walking behavior. This study's objective is to compare national-level data on perceptions of the near-home walking environment from the 2015 and 2020 National Health Interview Survey. METHODS: Adults in 2015 (n = 30,811) and 2020 (n = 29,636) reported perceptions of walkable supports (roads, sidewalks, paths, or trails; sidewalks on most streets), destinations (shops, stores, or markets; bus or transit stops; movies, libraries, or churches; places that help you relax, clear your mind, and reduce stress), and barriers to walking (traffic; crime; animals). Age-adjusted prevalence estimates, prevalence differences, and 95% confidence intervals were calculated overall and by demographic characteristics. RESULTS: The reported prevalence of roads, sidewalks, paths, or trails for walking increased overall (85.3% in 2015 to 88.0% in 2020) and for many subgroups. Perceived places to walk to for relaxation, to clear your mind, and to reduce stress increased overall (72.1% in 2015 to 77.1% in 2020) and for all subgroups. Perceptions of crime as a barrier to walking decreased overall (12.5% in 2015 to 11.2% in 2020) and for some subgroups. From 2015 to 2020, the proportion of adults perceiving roads, sidewalks, paths, or trails; places to relax; and crime as a barrier to walking improved. CONCLUSIONS: Continuing to monitor perceptions of the walking environment could contribute to progress toward national walking and walkability goals in the United States. |
Physical activity interventions during theschool day: Reviewing policies, practices,and benefits
Cornett K , Murfay K , Fulton JE . J Sch Health 2023 93 (9) 778-787 BACKGROUND: There are many ways to increase physical activity (PA) during the school day as part of a Comprehensive School Physical Activity Plan. This article reviews policies and practices that can be used during the school day to increase PA for students. METHODS: We searched systematic reviews for articles that met criteria (2010-2018, phase 1), followed by a search for individual articles addressing topics for which we did not identify a sufficiently relevant or recent review or to update an earlier review that concluded insufficient evidence (2010-2020, phase 2). We included 45 articles (45 studies, 54 interventions). RESULTS: We grouped studies by intervention type: school-wide PA approaches to reach all students within the school setting (17), physical education (PE) interventions (13), and interventions related to recess (15). Few studies involved secondary schools or rural settings. Among 45 studies reporting PA behavior or fitness outcomes, 37 reported at least 1 improvement. CONCLUSIONS: PA policies, PE, and recess can help improve school health by increasing the PA levels of students. |
Physical activity-friendly policies and community design features in the US, 2014 and 2021
Webber BJ , Whitfield GP , Moore LV , Stowe E , Omura JD , Pejavara A , Galuska DA , Fulton JE . Prev Chronic Dis 2023 20 E72 INTRODUCTION: The 2014 Community-Based Survey of Supports for Healthy Eating and Active Living documented the prevalence of US municipal policy and community design supports for physical activity. The survey was repeated in 2021. Our study examined change in the prevalence of supports from 2014 to 2021, overall and by municipality characteristic. METHODS: Municipalities were sampled independently each survey year. We calculated prevalence in 2014 and 2021 and the prevalence ratio (PR) for 15 supports covering zoning codes, park policies and budgets, design standards, Complete Streets policies, and shared use agreements. We used a Bonferroni-corrected Breslow-Day test to test for interaction by municipality characteristic. RESULTS: In 2014 (2,009 municipalities) compared with 2021 (1,882 municipalities), prevalence increased for several zoning codes: block sizes of walkable distances (PR = 1.46), minimum sidewalk width (PR = 1.19), pedestrian amenities along streets (PR = 1.15), continuous sidewalk coverage (PR = 1.14), and building orientation to pedestrian scale (PR = 1.08). Prevalence also increased for design standards requiring dedicated bicycle infrastructure for roadway expansion projects or street retrofits (PR = 1.19). Prevalence declined for shared use agreements (PR = 0.87). The prevalence gap widened between the most and least populous municipalities for Complete Streets policies (from a gap of 33.6 percentage points [PP] in 2014 to 54.0 PP in 2021) and for zoning codes requiring block sizes that were walkable distances (from 11.8 PP to 41.4 PP). CONCLUSION: To continue progress, more communities could consider adopting physical activity-friendly policies and design features. |
The Impact of Antimalarial Resistance on the Genetic Structure of Plasmodium falciparum in the DRC (preprint)
Verity R , Aydemir O , Brazeau NF , Watson OJ , Hathaway NJ , Mwandagalirwa MK , Marsh PW , Thwai K , Fulton T , Denton M , Morgan AP , Parr JB , Tumwebaze PK , Conrad M , Rosenthal PJ , Ishengoma DS , Ngondi J , Gutman J , Mulenga M , Norris DE , Moss WJ , Mensah BA , Myers-Hansen JL , Ghansah A , Tshefu AK , Ghani AC , Meshnick SR , Bailey JA , Juliano JJ . bioRxiv 2019 656561 The Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) harbors 11% of global malaria cases, yet little is known about the spatial and genetic structure of the parasite population in that country. We sequenced 2537 Plasmodium falciparum infections, including a nationally representative population sample from DRC and samples from surrounding countries, using molecular inversion probes - a novel high-throughput genotyping tool. We identified an east-west divide in haplotypes known to confer resistance to chloroquine and sulfadoxine-pyrimethamine. Furthermore, we identified highly related parasites over large geographic distances, indicative of gene flow and migration. Our results were consistent with a background of isolation by distance combined with the effects of selection for antimalarial drug resistance. This study provides a high-resolution view of parasite genetic structure across a large country in Africa and provides a baseline to study how implementation programs may impact parasite populations. |
Awareness and knowledge of the physical activity guidelines for Americans, 2nd Edition
Chen TJ , Whitfield GP , Watson KB , Fulton JE , Ussery EN , Hyde ET , Rose K . J Phys Act Health 2023 20 (8) 1-10 BACKGROUND: Assessing awareness and knowledge of the Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, 2nd edition (Guidelines), released in 2018, is important for monitoring factors that contribute to increasing physical activity. METHODS: We estimated prevalence of awareness and knowledge of the adult aerobic guideline (≥150 min/wk of moderate-intensity equivalent aerobic physical activity preferably spread out over a week) among adults (n = 3471) and of the youth aerobic guideline (≥60 min/d of mostly moderate- to vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity) among a subset of parents (n = 744) from a nationwide sample of US adults in the 2019 FallStyles survey. We estimated odds ratios using logistic regression, adjusting for demographic and other characteristics. RESULTS: Approximately 1 in 10 US adults and parents reported being aware of the Guidelines. Only 3% of adults knew the correct adult aerobic guideline. The most common responses were "don't know/not sure" (44%) and "30 minutes a day, 5 or more days a week" (28%). Among parents, 15% knew the youth aerobic guideline. Awareness and knowledge tended to be lower with lower education and income. CONCLUSIONS: Limited awareness and knowledge of the Guidelines suggest communication about the Guidelines could be strengthened, especially among adults with low income or education. |
Leisure time physical activity throughout adulthood is associated with lower medicare costs: evidence from the linked NIH-AARP diet and health study cohort
Coughlan D , Saint-Maurice PF , Carlson SA , Fulton J , Matthews CE . BMJ Open Sport Exerc Med 2021 7 (1) e001038 BACKGROUND: There is limited information about the association between long-term leisure time physical activity (LTPA) participation and healthcare costs. The purpose of this study was to investigate the association between LTPA over adulthood with later life healthcare costs in the USA. METHODS: Using Medicare claims data (between 1999 and 2008) linked to the National Institutes of Health-American Association of Retired Persons (NIH-AARP) Diet and Health Study, we examined associations between nine trajectories of physical activity participation throughout adulthood with Medicare costs. RESULTS: Compared with adults who were consistently inactive from adolescence into middle age, average annual healthcare costs were significantly lower for maintainers, adults who maintained moderate (-US$1350 (95% CI: -US$2009 to -US$690) or -15.9% (95% CI: -23.6% to -8.1%)) or high physical activity levels (-US$1200 (95% CI: -US$1777 to -US$622) or -14.1% (95% CI: -20.9% to -7.3%)) and increasers, adults who increased physical activity levels in early adulthood (-US$1874 (95% CI: US$2691 to -US$1057) or -22.0% (95% CI: -31.6% to -12.4%)) or in middle age (-US$824 (95% CI: -US$1580 to -US$69 or -9.7% (95% CI -18.6% to -0.8%)). For the four trajectories where physical activity decreased, the only significant difference was for adults who increased physical activity levels during early adulthood with a decline in middle age (-US$861 (95% CI:-US$1678 to -US$45) or -10.1% (95% CI: -19.7% to -0.5%)). CONCLUSION: Our analyses suggest the healthcare cost burden in later life could be reduced through promotion efforts supporting physical activity participation throughout adulthood. |
Actions to Improve Physical Activity Surveillance in the United States
Pate RR , Berrigan D , Buchner DM , Carlson SA , Dunton G , Fulton JE , Sanchez E , Troiano RP , Whitehead J , Whitsel LP . NAM Perspect 2018 2018 Physical activity, which has been defined as “any bodily movement produced by skeletal muscles that results in energy expenditure” [1], provides important health benefits across the lifespan. However, a large percentage of Americans fail to meet current physical activity guidelines, and this deficiency accounts for a sizeable population health burden. | | A core function of public health, “surveillance” refers to “ongoing, systematic collection, analysis, and interpretation of outcome-specific data for use in the planning, implementation, and evaluation of public health practice” [2,3]. There are many different forms of physical activity, and physical activity is performed at varying intensities, in numerous settings, and for multiple reasons. Physical activity behavior is known to be influenced by personal, social, physical, environmental, institutional, community, and societal factors. Because physical activity is a complex behavior, physical activity surveillance is a complex, multicomponent process. |
Public Health Response to Clusters of Rapid HIV Transmission Among Hispanic or Latino Gay, Bisexual, and Other Men Who Have Sex with Men - Metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, 2021-2022.
Saldana C , Philpott DC , Mauck DE , Hershow RB , Garlow E , Gettings J , Freeman D , France AM , Johnson EN , Ajmal A , Elimam D , Reed K , Sulka A , Adame JF , Andía JF , Gutierrez M , Padilla M , Jimenez NG , Hayes C , McClung RP , Cantos VD , Holland DP , Scott JY , Oster AM , Curran KG , Hassan R , Wortley P . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (10) 261-264 During February 2021-June 2022, the Georgia Department of Public Health (GDPH) detected five clusters of rapid HIV transmission concentrated among Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic) gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) in metropolitan Atlanta. The clusters were detected through routine analysis of HIV-1 nucleotide sequence data obtained through public health surveillance (1,2). Beginning in spring 2021, GDPH partnered with health districts with jurisdiction in four metropolitan Atlanta counties (Cobb, DeKalb, Fulton, and Gwinnett) and CDC to investigate factors contributing to HIV spread, epidemiologic characteristics, and transmission patterns. Activities included review of surveillance and partner services interview data,(†) medical chart reviews, and qualitative interviews with service providers and Hispanic MSM community members. By June 2022, these clusters included 75 persons, including 56% who identified as Hispanic, 96% who reported male sex at birth, 81% who reported male-to-male sexual contact, and 84% of whom resided in the four metropolitan Atlanta counties. Qualitative interviews identified barriers to accessing HIV prevention and care services, including language barriers, immigration- and deportation-related concerns, and cultural norms regarding sexuality-related stigma. GDPH and the health districts expanded coordination, initiated culturally concordant HIV prevention marketing and educational activities, developed partnerships with organizations serving Hispanic communities to enhance outreach and services, and obtained funding for a bilingual patient navigation program with academic partners to provide staff members to help persons overcome barriers and understand the health care system. HIV molecular cluster detection can identify rapid HIV transmission among sexual networks involving ethnic and sexual minority groups, draw attention to the needs of affected populations, and advance health equity through tailored responses that address those needs. |
Prospective association of daily steps with cardiovascular disease: A harmonized meta-analysis
Paluch AE , Bajpai S , Ballin M , Bassett DR , Buford TW , Carnethon MR , Chernofsky A , Dooley EE , Ekelund U , Evenson KR , Galuska DA , Jefferis BJ , Kong L , Kraus WE , Larson MG , Lee IM , Matthews CE , Newton RL Jr , Nordström A , Nordström P , Palta P , Patel AV , Pettee Gabriel K , Pieper CF , Pompeii L , Rees-Punia E , Spartano NL , Vasan RS , Whincup PH , Yang S , Fulton JE . Circulation 2022 147 (2) 122-131 BACKGROUND: Taking fewer than the widely promoted "10 000 steps per day" has recently been associated with lower risk of all-cause mortality. The relationship of steps and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk remains poorly described. A meta-analysis examining the dose-response relationship between steps per day and CVD can help inform clinical and public health guidelines. METHODS: Eight prospective studies (20 152 adults [ie, ≥18 years of age]) were included with device-measured steps and participants followed for CVD events. Studies quantified steps per day and CVD events were defined as fatal and nonfatal coronary heart disease, stroke, and heart failure. Cox proportional hazards regression analyses were completed using study-specific quartiles and hazard ratios (HR) and 95% CI were meta-analyzed with inverse-variance-weighted random effects models. RESULTS: The mean age of participants was 63.2±12.4 years and 52% were women. The mean follow-up was 6.2 years (123 209 person-years), with a total of 1523 CVD events (12.4 per 1000 participant-years) reported. There was a significant difference in the association of steps per day and CVD between older (ie, ≥60 years of age) and younger adults (ie, <60 years of age). For older adults, the HR for quartile 2 was 0.80 (95% CI, 0.69 to 0.93), 0.62 for quartile 3 (95% CI, 0.52 to 0.74), and 0.51 for quartile 4 (95% CI, 0.41 to 0.63) compared with the lowest quartile. For younger adults, the HR for quartile 2 was 0.79 (95% CI, 0.46 to 1.35), 0.90 for quartile 3 (95% CI, 0.64 to 1.25), and 0.95 for quartile 4 (95% CI, 0.61 to 1.48) compared with the lowest quartile. Restricted cubic splines demonstrated a nonlinear association whereby more steps were associated with decreased risk of CVD among older adults. CONCLUSIONS: For older adults, taking more daily steps was associated with a progressively decreased risk of CVD. Monitoring and promoting steps per day is a simple metric for clinician-patient communication and population health to reduce the risk of CVD. |
Association Between Change in Accelerometer-Measured and Self-Reported Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Disease in the Look AHEAD Trial
Look Ahead Study Group , Fulton JE . Diabetes Care 2022 45 (3) 742-749 OBJECTIVE: To conduct post hoc secondary analysis examining the association between change in physical activity. Measured with self-report and accelerometry, from baseline to 1 and 4 years and cardiovascular disease (CVD) outcomes in the Look AHEAD Trial. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS: Participants were adults with overweight/obesity and type 2 diabetes with physical activity. Data at baseline and year 1 or 4 (n = 1,978). Participants were randomized to diabetes support and education or intensive lifestyle intervention. Measures included accelerometry-measured moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA), self-reported physical activity, and composite (morbidity and mortality) CVD outcomes. RESULTS: In pooled analyses of all participants, using Cox proportional hazards models, each 100 MET-min/week increase in accelerometry-measured MVPA from baseline to 4 years was associated with decreased risk of the subsequent primary composite outcome of CVD. Results were consistent for changes in total MVPA (hazard ratio 0.97 [95% CI 0.95, 0.99]) and MVPA accumulated in ≥10-min bouts (hazard ratio 0.95 [95% CI 0.91, 0.98]), with a similar pattern for secondary CVD outcomes. Change in accelerometry-measured MVPA at 1 year and self-reported change in physical activity at 1 and 4 years were not associated with CVD outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Increased accelerometry-measured MVPA from baseline to year 4 is associated with decreased risk of CVD outcomes. This suggests the need for long-term engagement in MVPA to reduce the risk of CVD in adults with overweight/obesity and type 2 diabetes. |
Intensity of physical therapy services: Association with work and health outcomes in injured workers with back pain in Washington State
Chin B , Rundell SD , Sears JM , Fulton-Kehoe D , Spector JT , Franklin GM . Am J Ind Med 2022 66 (1) 94-106 BACKGROUND: Associations between the intensity of physical therapy (PT) treatments and health outcomes among individuals with back pain have been examined in the general population; however, few studies have explored these associations in injured workers. Our study objective was to examine whether intensity of PT treatments is positively associated with work and health outcomes in injured workers with back pain. METHODS: We conducted a secondary analysis of prospective data collected from the Washington State Workers' Compensation (WC) Disability Risk Identification Study Cohort (D-RISC). D-RISC combined survey results with WC data from the Washington State Department of Labor and Industries. Workers with a State Fund WC claim for back injuries between June 2002 and April 2004 and who received PT services within the first year of injury were eligible. Intensity of PT treatment was measured as the type and amount of PT services within 28 days from the first PT visit. Outcome measures included work disability and self-reported measures for working for pay, pain intensity, and functional status at 1-year follow-up. We conducted linear and logistic regression models to test associations. RESULTS: We identified 662 eligible workers. In adjusted models, although the intensity of PT treatment was not significantly associated with work disability at 1-year follow-up, it was associated with lower odds of working for pay, decreased pain intensity, and improved functional status. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings suggest that there may be small benefits from receiving active PT, manual therapy, and frequent PT treatments within 28 days of initiating PT care. |
Changes in physical activity and sedentary time in United States adults in response to COVID-19.
Matthews CE , Saint-Maurice P , Fulton JE , Patel S , Loftfield E , Sampson JN , Keadle SK , Berrigan D . PLoS One 2022 17 (9) e0273919 Physical activity is associated lower risk for a broad range of non-communicable diseases and early mortality, and even small changes in daily activity levels could have a profound effect on public health at the population level. The COVID-19 pandemic reshaped daily life for United States (US) adults resulting in reductions in physical activity early in the pandemic, but its longer-term effects on daily activities are unknown. To examine the longer-term impact of the pandemic on daily activity levels, we conducted a nationwide longitudinal study of 1,635 adults (20-75 years) in AmeriSpeak. Previous-day recalls of time-use, sedentary time, and physical activity were completed on randomly selected days in Fall 2019 (pre-pandemic) and Fall 2020. Overall, US adults reported less time in transportation (-0.47 hrs/d), more total discretionary time (0.40 hrs/d), but no changes in total sedentary time (0.10 hrs/d) or leisure-time physical activity (-0.06 hrs/d). Women reported significantly less total activity (-0.36 hrs/d) and participants with children < 13 yrs reported more sedentary time (0.60 to 0.82 hrs/d) and less moderate-to-vigorous intensity activity (-0.84 to -0.72 hrs/d). Adults without children reported no changes in sedentary time (0.02 hrs/d) or moderate-vigorous intensity activity (-0.06 hrs/d). Adults who started working from home reported no changes in physical activity, but they were among the most sedentary and least active population groups at both timepoints. Our findings describe the complex inter-play between competing behaviors as time-use demands have changed in response to the pandemic, particularly for adults with younger children. Many US adults are likely to continue working from home; therefore, implementation of evidence-based approaches to increase physical activity and reduce sedentary time in this growing population subgroup appears warranted. |
Awareness and knowledge of the 2018 physical activity guidelines among US adults
Chen TiffanyJ , Whitfield GeoffreyP , Ussery EmilyN , Watson KathleenB , Hyde EricT , Fulton JanetE , Rose Ken . Med Sci Sports Exerc 2022 54 56-57 The Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, second edition was released in 2018 and recommends adults do 150 minutes/week of moderate-intensity equivalent aerobic physical activity preferably spread out over a week (adult aerobic guideline). Assessing awareness and knowledge of the guideline is important for monitoring public understanding of physical activity and health. PURPOSE: To describe prevalence and correlates of reported awareness and knowledge of the aerobic guideline among US adults. METHODS: National data from the 2019 FallStyles survey were analyzed. Adults (n=3471) who reported seeing, hearing, or reading anything about governmental physical activity guidelines in the last year were considered aware of the guidelines. Adults who selected 150 minutes spread out over a week when asked about the minimum amount of moderate-intensity physical activity the government recommends for substantial health benefits were considered knowledgeable of the adult aerobic guideline. Weighted prevalence and adjusted odds ratios from logistic regression models were estimated. RESULTS: Overall, 9.2% of adults reported being aware of the guidelines and 2.9% knew the aerobic guideline, though 27.5% selected 30 minutes/day, 5 days/week, which is one way to meet the guideline. After adjusting for covariates, the odds of awareness were higher with older age, higher education level, and among married adults (bivariate differences by income no longer significant). Adults who were aware of the guidelines had higher odds of knowing the guideline (bivariate differences by education, income, and meeting the guideline no longer significant). |
Examining the use of wearable activity monitors and goal setting toward a step goal
Soto Graycie , Omura John D , Fulton Janet E , Whitfield Geoffrey P . Med Sci Sports Exerc 2022 54 170-170 PURPOSE: Wearable activity monitors (wearables) are increasingly used in the US and can help encourage physical activity participation through step counts. Understanding whether wearable users track daily step counts and how they set step goals can help ensure wearables are designed and used to maximize their public health impact. This study examined the proportion of US adults who use wearables, and among users whether wearables are used to track daily step counts and how they determine their daily step count goals. | | METHODS: Data from a nationwide sample of US adults (SummerStyles, 2020) were analyzed (N = 3661). Participants were asked if they have ever used a wearable and were categorized as a current, past, or never user. Current users were asked if they use their wearable to track their daily step count. Those who responded yes were asked if they determine their daily step goal by using the default goal, a personal goal, no goal, or that they gradually increase their step goal. Prevalence of wearable users, use of wearable to track daily step counts, and how users determine daily step count goals were calculated overall and by demographic characteristics. Pairwise t tests were used to identify significant differences between subgroups (p < .05). | | RESULTS: Overall, 31.4% of US adults currently use a wearable activity monitor. Among current users (n = 1219), 88.3% reported using their device to track their daily step count with a greater prevalence among females (91.2%) compared to males (84.6%) and among Hispanics (95.2%) compared to Whites (87.1%). Current wearable users reported determining their step count goal by using the default goal (41.7%), their own personal goal (32.9%), not having a daily goal (17.4%), and gradually increasing their daily goal (8.0%). | | CONCLUSION: Nearly 9 in 10 wearable users track their daily step count on their devices. Most users set step goals based on default settings or personal goals, so establishing evidence-based steps per day guidelines may help wearable users achieve levels of health enhancing physical activity. |
Phylogenomic Comparison of Neisseria gonorrhoeae Causing Disseminated Gonococcal Infections and Uncomplicated Gonorrhea in Georgia, United States.
Cartee JC , Joseph SJ , Weston E , Pham CD , Thomas JCth , Schlanger K , St Cyr SB , Farley MM , Moore AE , Tunali AK , Cloud C , Raphael BH . Open Forum Infect Dis 2022 9 (7) ofac247 Disseminated gonococcal infection (DGI) is a rare complication caused by the systemic dissemination of Neisseria gonorrhoeae to normally sterile anatomical sites. Little is known about the genetic diversity of DGI gonococcal strains and how they relate to other gonococcal strains causing uncomplicated mucosal infections. We used whole genome sequencing to characterize DGI isolates (n = 30) collected from a surveillance system in Georgia, United States, during 2017-2020 to understand phylogenetic clustering among DGI as well as uncomplicated uro- and extragenital gonococcal infection (UGI) isolates (n = 110) collected in Fulton County, Georgia, during 2017-2019. We also investigated the presence or absence of genetic markers related to antimicrobial resistance (AMR) as well as surveyed the genomes for putative virulence genetic factors associated with normal human-serum (NHS) resistance that might facilitate DGI. We found that DGI strains demonstrated significant genetic variability similar to the population structure of isolates causing UGI, with sporadic incidences of geographically clustered DGI strains. DGI isolates contained various AMR markers and genetic mechanisms associated with NHS resistance. DGI isolates had a higher frequency of the porB1A allele compared with UGI (67% vs 9%, P < .0001); however, no single NHS resistance marker was found in all DGI isolates. Continued DGI surveillance with genome-based characterization of DGI isolates is necessary to better understand specific factors that promote systemic dissemination. |
Risk-Factors for Exposure Associated With SARS-CoV-2 Detection After Recent Known or Potential COVID-19 Exposures Among Patients Seeking Medical Care at a Large Urban, Public Hospital in Fulton County, Georgia - A Cross-Sectional Investigation.
Smith-Jeffcoat SE , Sleweon S , Koh M , Khalil GM , Schechter MC , Rebolledo PA , Kasinathan V , Hoffman A , Rossetti R , Shragai T , O'Laughlin K , Espinosa CC , Bankamp B , Bowen MD , Paulick A , Gargis AS , Folster JM , da Silva J , Biedron C , Stewart RJ , Wang YF , Kirking HL , Tate JE . Front Public Health 2022 10 809356 We aimed to describe frequency of COVID-19 exposure risk factors among patients presenting for medical care at an urban, public hospital serving mostly uninsured/Medicare/Medicaid clients and risk factors associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection. Consenting, adult patients seeking care at a public hospital from August to November 2020 were enrolled in this cross-sectional investigation. Saliva, anterior nasal and nasopharyngeal swabs were collected and tested for SARS-CoV-2 using RT-PCR. Participant demographics, close contact, and activities ≤14 days prior to enrollment were collected through interview. Logistic regression was used to identify risk factors associated with testing positive for SARS-CoV-2. Among 1,078 participants, 51.8% were male, 57.0% were aged ≥50 years, 81.3% were non-Hispanic Black, and 7.6% had positive SARS-CoV-2 tests. Only 2.7% reported COVID-19 close contact ≤14 days before enrollment; this group had 6.79 adjusted odds of testing positive (95%CI = 2.78-16.62) than those without a reported exposure. Among participants who did not report COVID-19 close contact, working in proximity to ≥10 people (adjusted OR = 2.17; 95%CI = 1.03-4.55), choir practice (adjusted OR = 11.85; 95%CI = 1.44-97.91), traveling on a plane (adjusted OR = 5.78; 95%CI = 1.70-19.68), and not participating in an essential indoor activity (i.e., grocery shopping, public transit use, or visiting a healthcare facility; adjusted OR = 2.15; 95%CI = 1.07-4.30) were associated with increased odds of testing positive. Among this population of mostly Black, non-Hispanic participants seeking care at a public hospital, we found several activities associated with testing positive for SARS-CoV-2 infection in addition to close contact with a case. Understanding high-risk activities for SARS-CoV-2 infection among different communities is important for issuing awareness and prevention strategies. |
Daily steps and all-cause mortality: a meta-analysis of 15 international cohorts
Paluch AE , Bajpai S , Bassett DR , Carnethon MR , Ekelund U , Evenson KR , Galuska DA , Jefferis BJ , Kraus WE , Lee IM , Matthews CE , Omura JD , Patel AV , Pieper CF , Rees-Punia E , Dallmeier D , Klenk J , Whincup PH , Dooley EE , PetteeGabriel K , Palta P , Pompeii LA , Chernofsky A , Larson MG , Vasan RS , Spartano N , Ballin M , Nordstrm P , Nordstrm A , Anderssen SA , Hansen BH , Cochrane JA , Dwyer T , Wang J , Ferrucci L , Liu F , Schrack J , Urbanek J , Saint-Maurice PF , Yamamoto N , Yoshitake Y , Newton RLJr , Yang S , Shiroma EJ , Fulton JE . Lancet Public Health 2022 7 (3) e219-e228 BACKGROUND: Although 10000 steps per day is widely promoted to have health benefits, there is little evidence to support this recommendation. We aimed to determine the association between number of steps per day and stepping rate with all-cause mortality. METHODS: In this meta-analysis, we identified studies investigating the effect of daily step count on all-cause mortality in adults (aged 18 years), via a previously published systematic review and expert knowledge of the field. We asked participating study investigators to process their participant-level data following a standardised protocol. The primary outcome was all-cause mortality collected from death certificates and country registries. We analysed the dose-response association of steps per day and stepping rate with all-cause mortality. We did Cox proportional hazards regression analyses using study-specific quartiles of steps per day and calculated hazard ratios (HRs) with inverse-variance weighted random effects models. FINDINGS: We identified 15 studies, of which seven were published and eight were unpublished, with study start dates between 1999 and 2018. The total sample included 47471 adults, among whom there were 3013 deaths (101 per 1000 participant-years) over a median follow-up of 71 years ([IQR 43-99]; total sum of follow-up across studies was 297837 person-years). Quartile median steps per day were 3553 for quartile 1, 5801 for quartile 2, 7842 for quartile 3, and 10901 for quartile 4. Compared with the lowest quartile, the adjusted HR for all-cause mortality was 060 (95% CI 051-071) for quartile 2, 055 (049-062) for quartile 3, and 047 (039-057) for quartile 4. Restricted cubic splines showed progressively decreasing risk of mortality among adults aged 60 years and older with increasing number of steps per day until 6000-8000 steps per day and among adults younger than 60 years until 8000-10000 steps per day. Adjusting for number of steps per day, comparing quartile 1 with quartile 4, the association between higher stepping rates and mortality was attenuated but remained significant for a peak of 30 min (HR 067 [95% CI 056-083]) and a peak of 60 min (067 [050-090]), but not significant for time (min per day) spent walking at 40 steps per min or faster (112 [096-132]) and 100 steps per min or faster (086 [058-128]). INTERPRETATION: Taking more steps per day was associated with a progressively lower risk of all-cause mortality, up to a level that varied by age. The findings from this meta-analysis can be used to inform step guidelines for public health promotion of physical activity. FUNDING: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. |
Estimated Number of Deaths Prevented Through Increased Physical Activity Among US Adults.
Saint-Maurice PF , Graubard BI , Troiano RP , Berrigan D , Galuska DA , Fulton JE , Matthews CE . JAMA Intern Med 2022 182 (3) 349-352 This cohort study uses National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey data to estimate the number of deaths that could be prevented through increased physical activity among US adults. |
A Series of Papaya-Associated Salmonella Illness Outbreak Investigations in 2017 and 2019: A Focus on Traceback, Laboratory, and Collaborative Efforts.
Whitney BM , McClure M , Hassan R , Pomeroy M , Seelman SL , Singleton LN , Blessington T , Hardy C , Blankenship J , Pereira E , Davidson CN , Luo Y , Pettengill J , Curry P , McConnell T , Gieraltowski L , Schwensohn C , Basler C , Fritz K , McKenna C , Nieves K , Oliveira J , Sandoval AL , Crosby A , Williams D , Crocker K , Thomas D , Fulton T , Muetter L , Li L , Omoregie E , Holloman K , Brennan C , Thomas N , Barnes A , Viazis S . J Food Prot 2021 84 (11) 2002-2019 In 2017 and 2019, five outbreaks of infections from multiple strains of Salmonella linked to the consumption of whole, fresh Maradol papayas were reported in the United States, resulting in 325 ill persons. Traceback, laboratory, and epidemiologic evidence indicated papayas as the likely vehicle for each of these outbreaks and identified the source of papayas. State and U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) laboratories recovered Salmonella from papaya samples from various points of distribution, including at import entry, and conducted serotyping, pulsed-field gel electrophoresis, and phylogenetic analyses of whole genome sequencing data. Federal and state partners led traceback investigations to determine the source of papayas. Four different suppliers of papayas were linked by traceback and laboratory results to five separate outbreaks of Salmonella infections associated with papayas. In 2017, multiple states tested papaya samples collected at retail, and Maryland and Virginia investigators recovered strains of Salmonella associated with one outbreak. FDA collected 183 papaya samples in 2017, and 11 samples yielded 62 isolates of Salmonella. Eleven serotypes of Salmonella were recovered from FDA papaya samples, and nine serotypes were closely related genetically by pulsed-field gel electrophoresis and whole genome sequencing to clinical isolates of four outbreaks, including the outbreak associated with positive state sample results. Four farms in Mexico were identified, and their names were released to the general public, retailers, and foreign authorities. In 2019, FDA collected 119 papaya samples, three of which yielded Salmonella; none yielded the 2019 outbreak strain. Investigators determined that papayas of interest had been sourced from a single farm in Campeche, Mexico, through traceback. This information was used to protect public health through public guidance, recalls, and import alerts and helped FDA collaborate with Mexican regulatory partners to enhance the food safety requirements for papayas imported from Mexico. |
Surveillance of Meeting the Youth Physical Activity Guideline: Impact of Including Vigorous-Intensity and Bone-Strengthening Activities
Hyde ET , Watson KB , Omura JD , Janz KF , Lee SM , Fulton JE , Carlson SA . Res Q Exerc Sport 2021 93 (4) 1-6 PURPOSE: The US youth physical activity guideline recommends participation in four types of physical activity: moderate-to-vigorous intensity aerobic (MVPA), vigorous-intensity aerobic (VPA), muscle-strengthening, and bone-strengthening physical activity. Current national prevalence estimates of meeting the youth physical activity guideline are typically based on measures of the MVPA and muscle-strengthening components. This study sought to examine differences in prevalence estimates using this current approach and then including measures of all four components. METHODS: Data from US high school student respondents to the 2010 National Youth Physical Activity and Nutrition Survey were analyzed (n = 10,596). Prevalence of students meeting the youth physical activity guideline were assessed and compared using 1) measures of MVPA and muscle-strengthening components only and 2) also including measures of the VPA and bone-strengthening components. RESULTS: Overall, 15.2% students met the MVPA, 50.7% met the muscle-strengthening, 70.6% met the VPA, and 80.7% met the bone-strengthening components. In total, 12.1% (95% confidence interval: 10.9, 13.3) of students met both the MVPA and muscle-strengthening components, and 11.2% (95% confidence interval: 10.0, 12.4) met all four components. CONCLUSIONS: Incorporating additional measures of VPA and bone-strengthening activity into current surveillance systems may not meaningfully impact national estimates of meeting the youth physical activity guideline. |
Costs and Consequences of Eliminating a Routine, Point-Of-Care HIV Screening Program in a High-Prevalence Jail
Hutchinson AB , MacGowan RJ , Margolis AD , Adee MG , Wen W , Bowden CJ , Spaulding AC . Am J Prev Med 2021 61 S32-s38 INTRODUCTION: This study aims to assess the public health impact of eliminating a longstanding routine HIV screening program and replacing it with targeted testing. In addition, costs, outcomes, and cost effectiveness of routine screening are compared with those of targeted testing in the Fulton County Jail, Atlanta, Georgia. METHODS: A published mathematical model was used to assess the cost effectiveness and public health impact of routine screening (March 2013-February 2014) compared with those of targeted testing (January 2018-December 2018) from a health system perspective. Costs, outcomes, and other model inputs were derived from the testing programs and the published literature, and the cost effectiveness analysis was conducted from 2019 to 2020. RESULTS: Routine screening identified 74 more new HIV infections over 1 year than targeted testing, resulting in an estimated 10 HIV transmissions averted and 45 quality-adjusted life-years saved, and was cost saving. The missed opportunity to diagnose infections because routine screening was eliminated resulted in an estimated 8.4 additional HIV transmissions and $3.7 million in additional costs to the healthcare system. CONCLUSIONS: Routine HIV screening in high-prevalence jails is cost effective and has a larger impact on public health than targeted testing. Prioritizing sustained funding for routine, jail-based HIV screening programs in high-prevalence areas may be important to realizing the national HIV prevention goals. |
A new decade of Healthy People: Considerations for comparing youth physical activity across 2 surveillance systems
Chen TJ , Watson KB , Michael SL , Minnaert JJ , Fulton JE , Carlson SA . J Phys Act Health 2021 18 S94-s101 BACKGROUND: Healthy People 2030 includes objectives to increase meeting the aerobic physical activity guideline for ages 6-13 years (of ages 6-17 y, monitored by National Survey of Children's Health [NSCH]) and grades 9 to 12 (mostly aged 14-18+ y, monitored by Youth Risk Behavior Survey [YRBS]). This study compares methodologies, prevalence, and patterns of meeting the guideline, particularly for overlapping ages 14-17 years. METHODS: Nationally representative surveys, 2016-2017 NSCH (adult proxy report, 6-17 y) and 2015 and 2017 YRBS (self-report, grades 9-12), assess meeting the guideline of ≥60 minutes of daily moderate to vigorous physical activity. Prevalence and odds ratios were estimated by age group and demographics. RESULTS: For youth aged 14-17 years, 17.4% (95% confidence interval [CI], 16.1-18.7; NSCH) and 27.0% (95% CI, 25.6-28.5; YRBS) met the guideline. 25.9% (95% CI, 24.8-27.2) aged 6-13 years (NSCH) and 26.6% (95% CI, 25.3-28.0) in grades 9 to 12 (YRBS) met the guideline. Across surveys, fewer females (P < .001) and Asian youth (P < .001 except among NSCH 14-17 y) met the guideline. CONCLUSIONS: Neither methodology nor estimates for meeting the aerobic guideline are similar across surveys, so age continuity between juxtaposed estimates should not be assumed by magnitude nor age for separate Healthy People 2030 youth physical activity objectives. |
Trends in meeting the physical activity guidelines: Muscle-strengthening alone and combined with aerobic activity, United States, 1998-2018
Hyde ET , Whitfield GP , Omura JD , Fulton JE , Carlson SA . J Phys Act Health 2021 18 S37-s44 BACKGROUND: The National Health Interview Survey is unique among US federal surveillance systems with over 20 years of consistent assessment of muscle-strengthening and aerobic activity. The authors examined trends in the prevalence of US adults who met the muscle-strengthening (2 or more days per week) and the combined muscle-strengthening and aerobic physical activity (at least 150 min/wk of moderate-intensity equivalent activity) guidelines from 1998 to 2018. METHODS: The 1998-2018 National Health Interview Survey data were analyzed. Age-adjusted prevalence of meeting the muscle-strengthening and combined aerobic and muscle-strengthening guidelines by selected respondent characteristics were estimated for each year and linear and higher-order trends were assessed. RESULTS: From 1998 to 2018, prevalence of meeting the muscle-strengthening guideline increased from 17.7% to 27.6%, and meeting the combined aerobic and muscle-strengthening guidelines increased from 14.4% to 24.0%. All subgroups demonstrated significant increases in meeting both guideline measures over this period although trends varied across the 21 years; increasing trends were more commonly sustained in the second decade of monitoring. CONCLUSIONS: Although increasing trends in prevalence of meeting the muscle-strengthening and combined guidelines are encouraging, current prevalence estimates remain low. Opportunities exist for the continued promotion of muscle-strengthening activity using evidence-based approaches. |
Amount, type, and timing of domain-specific moderate to vigorous physical activity among US adults
Saint-Maurice PF , Berrigan D , Whitfield GP , Watson KB , Patel S , Loftfield E , Sampson JN , Fulton JE , Matthews CE . J Phys Act Health 2021 18 S114-s122 BACKGROUND: Surveillance of domain-specific physical activity in the United States is lacking. Thus, the authors describe domain-specific moderate to vigorous physical activity (MVPA) in a nationwide sample of US adults. METHODS: Participants from the AmeriSpeak panel (n = 2649; 20-75 y; 50% female) completed the Activities Completed Over Time in 24-Hours previous-day recall. The authors estimated average MVPA duration (in hours per day) overall and in major life domains by sex, age, race/ethnicity, and education. They also described the most commonly reported MVPAs and timing of MVPA during the day. RESULTS: Across all life domains, participants reported an average of 2.5 hours per day in MVPA. Most MVPA was accumulated during work (50% of total, 1.2 h/d) and household activities (28%, 0.7 h/d) with less MVPA reported in leisure time (15%, 0.4 h/d). Time reported in MVPA varied by sex, and race/ethnicity (P < .05). Walking at work and for exercise, childcare, and walking for transportation were the most commonly reported domain-specific MVPAs. A greater proportion of MVPA took place in the morning (∼06:00 h) and evening (∼18:00 h). CONCLUSIONS: Work and household activities accounted for 78% of overall MVPA reported, while leisure-time MVPA accounted for only 15% of the total. Encouraging MVPA during leisure time and transportation remain important targets for promoting MVPA in US adults. |
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