Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 207 Records) |
Query Trace: Flannery B[original query] |
Influenza vaccine effectiveness against medically attended outpatient illness, United States, 2023-24 season
Chung JR , Price AM , Zimmerman RK , Moehling Geffel K , House SL , Curley T , Wernli KJ , Phillips CH , Martin ET , Vaughn IA , Murugan V , Scotch M , Saade EA , Faryar KA , Gaglani M , Ramm JD , Williams OL , Walter EB , Kirby M , Keong LM , Kondor R , Ellington SR , Flannery B . Clin Infect Dis 2025 ![]() BACKGROUND: The 2023-24 U.S. influenza season was characterized by a predominance of A(H1N1)pdm09 virus circulation with co-circulation of A(H3N2) and B/Victoria viruses. We estimated vaccine effectiveness (VE) in the United States against mild-to-moderate medically attended influenza illness in the 2023-24 season. METHODS: We enrolled outpatients aged ≥8 months with acute respiratory illness in 7 states. Respiratory specimens were tested for influenza type/subtype by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). Influenza VE was estimated with a test-negative design comparing odds of testing positive for influenza among vaccinated versus unvaccinated participants. We estimated VE by virus sub-type/lineage and A(H1N1)pdm09 genetic subclades. RESULTS: Among 6,589 enrolled patients, 1,770 (27%) tested positive for influenza including 796 A(H1N1)pdm09, 563 B/Victoria, and 323 A(H3N2). Vaccine effectiveness against any influenza illness was 41% (95% Confidence Interval [CI]: 32 to 49): 28% (95% CI: 13 to 40) against influenza A(H1N1)pdm09, 68% (95% CI: 59 to 76) against B/Victoria, and 30% (95% CI: 9 to 47) against A(H3N2). Statistically significant protection against any influenza was found for all age groups except adults aged 50-64 years. Lack of protection in this age group was specific to influenza A-associated illness. We observed differences in VE by birth cohort and A(H1N1)pdm09 virus genetic subclade. CONCLUSIONS: Vaccination reduced outpatient medically attended influenza overall by 41% and provided protection overall against circulating influenza A and B viruses. Serologic studies would help inform differences observed by age groups. |
Neonatal early-onset sepsis: Epidemiology, microbiology, and controversies in practice
Flannery DD , Ramachandran V , Schrag SJ . Clin Perinatol 2024 Early-onset sepsis (EOS) is a significant cause of neonatal morbidity and mortality.1 EOS pathogenesis typically involves ascending infection of the fetal compartment by maternal colonizing gastrointestinal and genitourinary microbial flora or exposure during labor and delivery with subsequent neonatal colonization and infection.2 Signs of neonatal EOS can be difficult to distinguish from clinical instability associated with prematurity and from newborn physiologic transition to extrauterine life.3 EOS is defined by the isolation of pathogenic microbial species from blood or spinal fluid culture in the first 3 days after birth, although definitions vary and may extend to the first week after birth. Sensitivity of neonatal cultures is high, but concerns persist about maternal antibiotic exposures and small blood volumes affecting results.4 Limitations of EOS risk assessment and diagnosis, in addition to substantial infection-attributable morbidity and mortality, have led to high rates of antibiotic use among newborns.5,6 | Several advancements have been made over the last decades in the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of neonatal EOS.7 Prevention efforts have focused on detecting maternal vaginal-rectal colonization with group B Streptococcus (GBS) and administering intrapartum antibiotic prophylaxis (IAP). Targeted prevention strategies do not exist for other organisms, such as Escherichia coli. Automated culture technology has improved diagnostic yield, though limitations remain for the newborn population. Treatment primarily consists of antimicrobials and supportive (often intensive) care. Increases in drug-resistant infections have led to debate about the risks and benefits of broad versus narrow empiric antibiotic regimens for suspected EOS. | Here, we review the contemporary epidemiology and microbiology of neonatal EOS in the United States and highlight differences between term and preterm newborns and across international settings. We explore 4 current controversies in neonatal EOS: (1) the pros and cons of IAP, (2) options for the current plateau in EOS prevention, (3) optimal empiric treatment regimen, and (4) ongoing disparities in EOS. |
Influenza vaccine effectiveness against hospitalizations and emergency department or urgent care encounters for children, adolescents, and adults during the 2023-2024 season, United States
Tenforde MW , Reeves EL , Weber ZA , Tartof SY , Klein NP , Dascomb K , DeSilva MB , Yang DH , Grannis SJ , Irving SA , Ong TC , Link-Gelles R , Salas SB , Sy LS , Lewin B , Contreras R , Zerbo O , Fireman B , Hansen J , Timbol J , Sheffield T , Bride D , Arndorfer J , VanOtterloo J , McEvoy CE , Akinsete OO , Essien IJ , Dixon BE , Rogerson C , Fadel WF , Duszynski T , Naleway AL , Barron MA , Rao S , Mayer D , Chavez C , Ball SW , Payne AB , Ray C , Dickerson M , Neelam V , Adams K , Flannery B , DeCuir J , Garg S . Clin Infect Dis 2024 BACKGROUND: The 2023-2024 influenza season had predominant influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 virus activity, but A(H3N2) and B viruses co-circulated. Seasonal influenza vaccine strains were well-matched to these viruses. METHODS: Using health care encounters data from health systems in 8 states, we evaluated influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) against influenza-associated medical encounters from October 2023-April 2024. Using a test-negative design, we compared the odds of vaccination between patients with an acute respiratory illness (ARI) who tested positive (cases) versus negative (controls) for influenza by molecular assay, adjusting for confounders. VE was stratified by age group, influenza type (overall, influenza A, influenza B), and care setting (hospitalization, emergency department or urgent care [ED/UC] encounter). RESULTS: Overall, 74,000 encounters in children and adolescents aged 6 months - 17 years (3,479 hospitalizations, 70,521 ED/UC encounters) and 267,606 in adults aged ≥18 years (66,828 hospitalizations, 200,778 ED/UC encounters) were included. Across care settings, among children and adolescents 15% (2,758/17,833) of cases versus 32% (18,240/56,167) of controls had received vaccination. Among adults, 25% (11,632/46,614) of cases versus 44% (97,811/220,992) of controls across care settings had received vaccination. VE was 58% (95% confidence interval [95% CI]: 44-69%) against hospitalization and 58% (95% CI: 56-60%) against ED/UC encounters for children and adolescents, and 39% (95% CI: 35-43) against hospitalization and 47% (95% CI: 46-49%) against ED/UC encounters for adults. Across age groups, VE was higher against influenza B than influenza A. CONCLUSIONS: Influenza vaccines provided protection against influenza-associated illness across health care settings and age groups during the 2023-2024 influenza season. |
Influenza vaccine effectiveness against illness and asymptomatic infection in 2022-2023: A prospective cohort study
White EB , Grant L , Mak J , Olsho L , Edwards LJ , Naleway A , Burgess JL , Ellingson KD , Tyner H , Gaglani M , Lutrick K , Caban-Martinez A , Newes-Adeyi G , Duque J , Yoon SK , Phillips AL , Thompson M , Britton A , Flannery B , Fowlkes A . Clin Infect Dis 2024 BACKGROUND: Previous estimates of vaccine effectiveness (VE) against asymptomatic influenza virus infection based on seroconversion have varied widely and may be biased. We estimated 2022-2023 influenza VE against illness and asymptomatic infection in a prospective cohort. METHODS: In the HEROES-RECOVER cohort, adults at increased occupational risk of influenza exposure across 7 US sites provided weekly symptom reports and nasal swabs for reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) influenza testing. Laboratory-confirmed influenza virus infections were classified as symptomatic (≥1 symptom) or asymptomatic during the week of testing. Participants reported demographic information and vaccination through surveys; most sites verified vaccination through medical record and immunization registry review. Person-time was calculated as days from the site-specific influenza season start (September-October 2022) through date of infection, study withdrawal, or season end (May 2023). We compared influenza incidence among vaccinated versus unvaccinated participants overall, by symptom status, and by influenza A subtype, using Cox proportional hazards regression adjusted for site and occupation. We estimated VE as (1 - adjusted hazard ratio) × 100%. RESULTS: In total, 269 of 3785 (7.1%) participants had laboratory-confirmed influenza, including 263 (98%) influenza A virus infections and 201 (75%) symptomatic illnesses. Incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza illness among vaccinated versus unvaccinated participants was 23.7 and 33.2 episodes per 100 000 person-days, respectively (VE: 38%; 95% CI: 15%-55%). Incidence of asymptomatic influenza virus infection was 8.0 versus 11.6 per 100 000 (VE: 13%; 95% CI: -47%, 49%). CONCLUSIONS: Vaccination reduced incidence of symptomatic but not asymptomatic influenza virus infection, suggesting that influenza vaccination attenuates progression from infection to illness. |
Evaluation of test-negative design estimates of influenza vaccine effectiveness in the context of multiple, co-circulating, vaccine preventable respiratory viruses
Leis AM , Wagner A , Flannery B , Chung JR , Monto AS , Martin ET . Vaccine 2024 42 (26) 126493 Test-negative design (TND) studies are cornerstones of vaccine effectiveness (VE) monitoring for influenza. The introduction of SARS-CoV-2 and RSV vaccines complicate the analysis of this design, with control selection restriction based on other pathogen diagnosis proposed as a solution. We conducted a simulation study and secondary analysis of 2017-18 and 2018-19 TND estimates from a Southeast Michigan ambulatory population to evaluate RSV-status-based control restriction. Simulations suggest that with vaccine-preventable RSV, influenza VE could be moderately biased with RSV prevalence ≥25 % of controls. Real-world analysis showed 151 influenza-negative adults (10.4 %) had RSV detected from the enrollment nasal swab. There were minimal differences in results of adjusted models with or without RSV exclusion from control groups. Findings suggest that inclusion of RSV cases in the control group of TND studies for influenza VE, particularly where RSV is not vaccine preventable, does not currently pose a major concern for bias in VE estimates. |
Elevated body mass index is not significantly associated with reduced influenza vaccine effectiveness
King JP , Nguyen HQ , Kiniry EL , Phillips CH , Gaglani M , Martin ET , Geffel KM , Nowalk MP , Chung JR , Flannery B , Belongia EA . Sci Rep 2024 14 (1) 21466 Elevated body mass index (BMI) has been linked to severe influenza illness and impaired vaccine immunogenicity, but the relationship between BMI and clinical vaccine effectiveness (VE) is less well described. This secondary analysis of data from a test-negative study of outpatients with acute respiratory illness assessed BMI and VE against medically attended, PCR-confirmed influenza over seven seasons (2011-12 through 2017-18). Vaccination status was determined from electronic medical records (EMR) and self-report; BMI was estimated from EMR-documented height and weight categorized for adults as obesity (≥ 30 kg/m(2)), overweight (25-29 kg/m(2)), or normal and for children based on standardized z-scales. Current season VE by virus type/subtype was estimated separately for adults and children. Pooled VE for all seasons was calculated as 1-adjusted odds ratios from logistic regression with an interaction term for BMI and vaccination. Among 28,089 adults and 12,380 children, BMI category was not significantly associated with VE against outpatient influenza for any type/subtype. Adjusted VE against A/H3N2, A/H1N1pdm09, and B in adults ranged from 16-31, 46-54, and 44-57%, and in children from 29-34, 57-65, and 50-55%, respectively, across the BMI categories. Elevated BMI was not associated with reduced VE against laboratory confirmed, outpatient influenza illness. |
Respiratory Viral Infections from 2015 to 2022 in the HIVE Cohort of American Households: Incidence, illness characteristics, and seasonality
Monto AS , Foster-Tucker JE , Callear AP , Leis AM , Godonou ET , Smith M , Truscon R , Johnson E , Thomas LJ , Thompson MS , Fry AM , Flannery B , Malosh RE , Petrie JG , Lauring AS , Martin ET . J Infect Dis 2024 BACKGROUND: Viral respiratory illnesses are the most common acute illnesses experienced and generally follow a predicted pattern over time. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic interrupted that pattern. METHODS: The HIVE (Household Influenza Vaccine Evaluation) study was established in 2010 to follow a cohort of Southeast Michigan households over time. Initially focused on influenza, surveillance was expanded to include other major respiratory pathogens, and, starting in 2015, the population was followed year-round. Symptoms of acute illness were reported, and respiratory specimens were collected and tested to identify viral infections. Based on the known population being followed, virus-specific incidence was calculated. RESULTS: From 2015 to 2022, 1755 participants were followed in HIVE for 7785 person-years with 7833 illnesses documented. Before the pandemic, rhinovirus (RV) and common cold human coronaviruses (HCoVs) were the viruses most frequently identified, and incidence decreased with increasing age. Type A influenza was next but with comparable incidence by age. Parainfluenza and respiratory syncytial viruses were less frequent overall, followed by human metapneumoviruses. Incidence was highest in young children, but infections were frequently documented in all age groups. Seasonality followed patterns established decades ago. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic disrupted these patterns, except for RV and, to a lesser extent, HCoVs. In the first two years of the pandemic, RV incidence far exceeded that of SARS-CoV-2. CONCLUSION: Longitudinal cohort studies are important in comparing the incidence, seasonality, and characteristics of different respiratory viral infections. Studies documented the differential effect of the pandemic on the incidence of respiratory viruses in addition to SARS-CoV-2. |
Influenza vaccine effectiveness against influenza a-associated emergency department, urgent care, and hospitalization encounters among US Adults, 2022-2023
Tenforde MW , Weber ZA , Yang DH , DeSilva MB , Dascomb K , Irving SA , Naleway AL , Gaglani M , Fireman B , Lewis N , Zerbo O , Goddard K , Timbol J , Hansen JR , Grisel N , Arndorfer J , McEvoy CE , Essien IJ , Rao S , Grannis SJ , Kharbanda AB , Natarajan K , Ong TC , Embi PJ , Ball SW , Dunne MM , Kirshner L , Wiegand RE , Dickerson M , Patel P , Ray C , Flannery B , Garg S , Adams K , Klein NP . J Infect Dis 2024 230 (1) 141-151 BACKGROUND: The 2022-2023 United States influenza season had unusually early influenza activity with high hospitalization rates. Vaccine-matched A(H3N2) viruses predominated, with lower levels of A(H1N1)pdm09 activity also observed. METHODS: Using the test-negative design, we evaluated influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) during the 2022-2023 season against influenza A-associated emergency department/urgent care (ED/UC) visits and hospitalizations from October 2022 to March 2023 among adults (aged ≥18 years) with acute respiratory illness (ARI). VE was estimated by comparing odds of seasonal influenza vaccination among case-patients (influenza A test positive by molecular assay) and controls (influenza test negative), applying inverse-propensity-to-be-vaccinated weights. RESULTS: The analysis included 85 389 ED/UC ARI encounters (17.0% influenza A positive; 37.8% vaccinated overall) and 19 751 hospitalizations (9.5% influenza A positive; 52.8% vaccinated overall). VE against influenza A-associated ED/UC encounters was 44% (95% confidence interval [CI], 40%-47%) overall and 45% and 41% among adults aged 18-64 and ≥65 years, respectively. VE against influenza A-associated hospitalizations was 35% (95% CI, 27%-43%) overall and 23% and 41% among adults aged 18-64 and ≥65 years, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: VE was moderate during the 2022-2023 influenza season, a season characterized with increased burden of influenza and co-circulation with other respiratory viruses. Vaccination is likely to substantially reduce morbidity, mortality, and strain on healthcare resources. |
Antibody response to symptomatic infection with SARS-CoV-2 omicron variant viruses, December 2021-June 2022
Sandford R , Yadav R , Noble EK , Sumner K , Joshi D , Tartof SY , Wernli KJ , Martin ET , Gaglani M , Zimmerman RK , Talbot HK , Grijalva CG , Belongia EA , Carlson C , Coughlin M , Flannery B , Pearce B , Rogier E . Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2024 18 (7) e13339 ![]() We describe humoral immune responses in 105 ambulatory patients with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 Omicron variant infection. In dried blood spot (DBS) collected within 5 days of illness onset and during convalescence, we measured binding antibody (bAb) against ancestral spike protein receptor binding domain (RBD) and nucleocapsid (N) protein using a commercial multiplex bead assay. Geometric mean bAb concentrations against RBD increased by a factor of 2.5 from 1258 to 3189 units/mL and by a factor of 47 against N protein from 5.5 to 259 units/mL between acute illness and convalescence; lower concentrations were associated with greater geometric mean ratios. Paired DBS specimens may be used to evaluate humoral response to SARS-CoV-2 infection. |
Antibody response to sequential vaccination with cell culture, recombinant, or egg-based influenza vaccines among U.S. adults
Boyce TG , Levine MZ , McClure DL , King JP , Flannery B , Nguyen HQ , Belongia EA . Hum Vaccin Immunother 2024 20 (1) 2370087 The immune response to inactivated influenza vaccines (IIV) is influenced by multiple factors, including hemagglutinin content and egg-based manufacturing. Only two US-licensed vaccines are manufactured without egg passage: cell culture-based inactivated vaccine (ccIIV) and recombinant vaccine (RIV). We conducted a randomized open-label trial in central Wisconsin during the 2018-19 and 2019-20 seasons to compare immunogenicity of sequential vaccination. Participants 18-64 years old were randomized 1:1:1 to receive RIV, ccIIV or IIV in strata defined by number of influenza vaccine doses in the prior 3 years. They were revaccinated with the same product in year two. Paired serum samples were tested by hemagglutination inhibition against egg-adapted and cell-grown vaccine viruses. Serologic endpoints included geometric mean titer (GMT), mean fold rise, and percent seroconversion. There were 373 participants randomized and vaccinated in 2018-19; 332 were revaccinated in 2019-20. In 2018-19, RIV and ccIIV were not more immunogenic than IIV against A/H1N1. The post-vaccination GMT against the cell-grown 3C.2a A/H3N2 vaccine virus was higher for RIV vs IIV (p = .001) and RIV vs ccIIV (p = .001). The antibody response to influenza B viruses was similar across study arms. In 2019-20, GMT against the cell-grown 3C.3a A/H3N2 vaccine virus was higher for RIV vs IIV (p = .03) and for RIV vs ccIIV (p = .001). RIV revaccination generated significantly greater backboosting to the antigenically distinct 3C.2a A/H3N2 virus (2018-19 vaccine strain) compared to ccIIV or IIV. This study adds to the evidence that RIV elicits a superior immunologic response against A/H3N2 viruses compared to other licensed influenza vaccine products. |
Late-season influenza vaccine effectiveness against medically attended outpatient illness, United States, December 2022-April 2023
Chung JR , Shirk P , Gaglani M , Mutnal MB , Nowalk MP , Moehling Geffel K , House SL , Curley T , Wernli KJ , Kiniry EL , Martin ET , Vaughn IA , Murugan V , Lim ES , Saade E , Faryar K , Williams OL , Walter EB , Price AM , Barnes JR , DaSilva J , Kondor R , Ellington S , Flannery B . Influenza Other Respir Viruses 2024 18 (6) e13342 ![]() BACKGROUND: The 2022-23 US influenza season peaked early in fall 2022. METHODS: Late-season influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) against outpatient, laboratory-confirmed influenza was calculated among participants of the US Influenza VE Network using a test-negative design. RESULTS: Of 2561 participants enrolled from December 12, 2022 to April 30, 2023, 91 laboratory-confirmed influenza cases primarily had A(H1N1)pdm09 (6B.1A.5a.2a.1) or A(H3N2) (3C.2a1b.2a.2b). Overall, VE was 30% (95% confidence interval -9%, 54%); low late-season activity precluded estimation for most subgroups. CONCLUSIONS: 2022-23 late-season outpatient influenza VE was not statistically significant. Genomic characterization may improve the identification of influenza viruses that circulate postinfluenza peak. |
A diagnostic algorithm for detection of leishmania spp. In human fresh and fixed tissue samples
Silva-Flannery LM , de Almeida ME , da Silva AJ , Bollweg BC , Fair PS , Ritter JM , Paddock CD , Martines RB , Zaki SR . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2024 Leishmaniasis is an important travel-related parasitic infection in the United States. Treatment regimens vary by Leishmania species and require an accurate diagnosis. The sensitivity and specificity of diagnostic methods depend on the type and condition of specimen analyzed. To identify the best algorithm for detection of parasites in fresh and fixed tissue samples, we evaluated parasite cultures, two PCR methods, and Leishmania immunohistochemistry (IHC) in samples received by the CDC from 2012 through 2019. The sensitivity and specificity of IHC assays were evaluated in fresh specimens tested. Diagnostic accuracy for formalin-fixed tissue was evaluated by using PCR-based methods and IHC. Of 100 suspected cases with fresh tissue available, Leishmania spp. infection was identified by PCR in 56% (56/100) of specimens; from these, 80% (45/56) were positive by parasite culture and 59% (33/56) by IHC. Of 420 possible cases where only fixed specimens were available, 58% (244/420) were positive by IHC and/or PCR. Of these, 96% (235/420) were positive by IHC and 84% (204/420) by PCR-based methods. Overall parasite detection using all methodologies was similar for fresh and formalin-fixed tissue specimens (56% versus 58%, respectively). Although PCR-based methods were superior for diagnosis of leishmaniasis and species identification in fresh samples, IHC in combination with PCR increased the accuracy for Leishmania spp. detection in fixed samples. In conclusion, PCR is the most effective method for detecting Leishmania infection in fresh tissue samples, whereas for formalin-fixed samples, IHC and PCR-based methods should be used in combination. |
US public health preparedness and response to highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses
Kojima N , Blumberg A , Radcliffe R , Flannery B , Uyeki TM . Jama 2024 ![]() ![]() US public health preparedness and response to highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) viruses are assessed in this survey study conducted by the CDC. | eng |
Reduced effectiveness of repeat influenza vaccination: distinguishing among within-season waning, recent clinical infection, and subclinical infection
Bi Q , Dickerman BA , Nguyen HQ , Martin ET , Gaglani M , Wernli KJ , Balasubramani GK , Flannery B , Lipsitch M , Cobey S . J Infect Dis 2024 Studies have reported that prior-season influenza vaccination is associated with higher risk of clinical influenza infection among vaccinees. This effect might arise from incomplete consideration of within-season waning and recent infection. Using data from the US Flu Vaccine Effectiveness (VE) Network (2011-2012 to 2018-2019 seasons), we found that repeat vaccinees were vaccinated earlier in a season by one week. After accounting for waning VE, repeat vaccinees were still more likely to test positive for A(H3N2) (OR=1.11, 95%CI:1.02-1.21) but not for influenza B or A(H1N1). We found that clinical infection influenced individuals' decision to vaccinate in the following season while protecting against clinical infection of the same (sub)type. However, adjusting for recent clinical infections did not strongly influence the estimated effect of prior-season vaccination. In contrast, we found that adjusting for subclinical infection could theoretically attenuate this effect. Additional investigation is needed to determine the impact of subclinical infections on VE. |
ORF virus causes tumor-promoting inflammation in sheep and goats
Pintus D , Cancedda MG , Puggioni G , Scivoli R , Rocchigiani AM , Maestrale C , Coradduzza E , Bechere R , Silva-Flannery L , Bullock HA , Macciocu S , Montesu MA , Marras V , Dore S , Ritter JM , Ligios C . Vet Pathol 2024 3009858241241794 ![]() ORF virus (ORFV) causes contagious ecthyma ("ORF"), a disease of sheep and goats characterized by lesions ranging from vesicles and pustules to atypical papilloma-like and angiomatous lesions in the skin and mucosae. The authors investigated the molecular factors leading to the ORF-associated atypical tumor-like changes. Fifteen lambs, 15 kids, and an adult ram clinically affected by natural ORFV infection were enrolled in the study and examined by several methods. ORFV was detected by viral culture or real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) in the lesioned tissues and in the blood of the clinically affected sheep and goats. Surprisingly, ORFV was also detected in the blood of healthy goats from an affected herd. Microscopically, they found a pseudo-papillomatous proliferation of the epithelium, while the dermis and lamina propria were expanded by a proliferating neovascular component that highly expressed the viral vascular endothelial growth factor (vVEGF) and its host receptor vascular endothelial growth factor receptor 2 (VEGFR2). Immunohistochemistry, immunofluorescence, and in situ hybridization for mRNA showed that epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) was expressed in the fibrovascular component, in the infiltrating CD163+ macrophages, and in the basal stratum of the epidermis. Confocal immunofluorescence microscopy demonstrated that CD163+ macrophages were associated with VEGF and VEGFR2. Finally, they found by quantitative RT-PCR the overexpression of the interleukin-6 and VEGFR2 genes in the lesioned tissues. These findings suggest that ORFV activates an inflammatory reaction characterized by CD163+ macrophages expressing EGFR and VEGFR2, which might play an oncogenic role through synergistic action with vVEGF signaling. |
Post-recovery health domain scores among outpatients by SARS-CoV-2 testing status during the pre-Delta period
King JP , Chung JR , Donahue JG , Martin ET , Leis AM , Monto AS , Gaglani M , Dunnigan K , Raiyani C , Saydah S , Flannery B , Belongia EA . BMC Infect Dis 2024 24 (1) 300 BACKGROUND: Symptoms of COVID-19 including fatigue and dyspnea, may persist for weeks to months after SARS-CoV-2 infection. This study compared self-reported disability among SARS-CoV-2-positive and negative persons with mild to moderate COVID-19-like illness who presented for outpatient care before widespread COVID-19 vaccination. METHODS: Unvaccinated adults with COVID-19-like illness enrolled within 10 days of illness onset at three US Flu Vaccine Effectiveness Network sites were tested for SARS-CoV-2 by molecular assay. Enrollees completed an enrollment questionnaire and two follow-up surveys (7-24 days and 2-7 months after illness onset) online or by phone to assess illness characteristics and health status. The second follow-up survey included questions measuring global health, physical function, fatigue, and dyspnea. Scores in the four domains were compared by participants' SARS-CoV-2 test results in univariate analysis and multivariable Gamma regression. RESULTS: During September 22, 2020 - February 13, 2021, 2712 eligible adults were enrolled, 1541 completed the first follow-up survey, and 650 completed the second follow-up survey. SARS-CoV-2-positive participants were more likely to report fever at acute illness but were otherwise comparable to SARS-CoV-2-negative participants. At first follow-up, SARS-CoV-2-positive participants were less likely to have reported fully or mostly recovered from their illness compared to SARS-CoV-2-negative participants. At second follow-up, no differences by SARS-CoV-2 test results were detected in the four domains in the multivariable model. CONCLUSION: Self-reported disability was similar among outpatient SARS-CoV-2-positive and -negative adults 2-7 months after illness onset. |
Interim estimates of 2023-24 seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness - United States
Frutos AM , Price AM , Harker E , Reeves EL , Ahmad HM , Murugan V , Martin ET , House S , Saade EA , Zimmerman RK , Gaglani M , Wernli KJ , Walter EB , Michaels MG , Staat MA , Weinberg GA , Selvarangan R , Boom JA , Klein EJ , Halasa NB , Ginde AA , Gibbs KW , Zhu Y , Self WH , Tartof SY , Klein NP , Dascomb K , DeSilva MB , Weber ZA , Yang DH , Ball SW , Surie D , DeCuir J , Dawood FS , Moline HL , Toepfer AP , Clopper BR , Link-Gelles R , Payne AB , Chung JR , Flannery B , Lewis NM , Olson SM , Adams K , Tenforde MW , Garg S , Grohskopf LA , Reed C , Ellington S . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (8) 168-174 In the United States, annual influenza vaccination is recommended for all persons aged ≥6 months. Using data from four vaccine effectiveness (VE) networks during the 2023-24 influenza season, interim influenza VE was estimated among patients aged ≥6 months with acute respiratory illness-associated medical encounters using a test-negative case-control study design. Among children and adolescents aged 6 months-17 years, VE against influenza-associated outpatient visits ranged from 59% to 67% and against influenza-associated hospitalization ranged from 52% to 61%. Among adults aged ≥18 years, VE against influenza-associated outpatient visits ranged from 33% to 49% and against hospitalization from 41% to 44%. VE against influenza A ranged from 46% to 59% for children and adolescents and from 27% to 46% for adults across settings. VE against influenza B ranged from 64% to 89% for pediatric patients in outpatient settings and from 60% to 78% for all adults across settings. These findings demonstrate that the 2023-24 seasonal influenza vaccine is effective at reducing the risk for medically attended influenza virus infection. CDC recommends that all persons aged ≥6 months who have not yet been vaccinated this season get vaccinated while influenza circulates locally. |
Pathology and monkeypox virus localization in tissues from immunocompromised patients with severe or fatal mpox
Ritter JM , Martines RB , Bhatnagar J , Rao AK , Villalba JA , Silva-Flannery L , Lee E , Bullock HA , Hutson CL , Cederroth T , Harris CK , Hord K , Xu Y , Brown CA , Guccione JP , Miller M , Paddock CD , Reagan-Steiner S . J Infect Dis 2024 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Pathology and monkeypox virus (MPXV) tissue tropism in severe and fatal human mpox is not thoroughly described but can help elucidate the disease pathogenesis and the role of coinfections in immunocompromised patients. METHODS: We analyzed biopsy and autopsy tissues from 22 patients with severe or fatal outcomes to characterize pathology and viral antigen and DNA distribution in tissues by immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization. Tissue-based testing for coinfections was also performed. RESULTS: Mucocutaneous lesions showed necrotizing and proliferative epithelial changes. Deceased patients with autopsy tissues evaluated had digestive tract lesions, and half had systemic tissue necrosis with thrombotic vasculopathy in lymphoid tissues, lung, or other solid organs. Half also had bronchopneumonia, and one-third had acute lung injury. All cases had MPXV antigen and DNA detected in tissues. Coinfections were identified in 5/16 (31%) biopsy and 4/6 (67%) autopsy cases. DISCUSSION: Severe mpox in immunocompromised patients is characterized by extensive viral infection of tissues and viremic dissemination that can progress despite available therapeutics. Digestive tract and lung involvement are common and associated with prominent histopathological and clinical manifestations. Coinfections may complicate mpox diagnosis and treatment. Significant viral DNA (likely correlating to infectious virus) in tissues necessitates enhanced biosafety measures in healthcare and autopsy settings. |
Redirecting antibody responses from egg-adapted epitopes following repeat vaccination with recombinant or cell culture-based versus egg-based influenza vaccines
Liu F , Gross FL , Joshi S , Gaglani M , Naleway AL , Murthy K , Groom HC , Wesley MG , Edwards LJ , Grant L , Kim SS , Sambhara S , Gangappa S , Tumpey T , Thompson MG , Fry AM , Flannery B , Dawood FS , Levine MZ . Nat Commun 2024 15 (1) 254 Repeat vaccination with egg-based influenza vaccines could preferentially boost antibodies targeting the egg-adapted epitopes and reduce immunogenicity to circulating viruses. In this randomized trial ( NCT03722589), sera pre- and post-vaccination with quadrivalent inactivated egg-based (IIV4), cell culture-based (ccIIV4), and recombinant (RIV4) influenza vaccines were collected from healthcare personnel (18-64 years) in 2018-19 (N = 723) and 2019-20 (N = 684) influenza seasons. We performed an exploratory analysis. Vaccine egg-adapted changes had the most impact on A(H3N2) immunogenicity. In year 1, RIV4 induced higher neutralizing and total HA head binding antibodies to cell- A(H3N2) virus than ccIIV4 and IIV4. In year 2, among the 7 repeat vaccination arms (IIV4-IIV4, IIV4-ccIIV4, IIV4-RIV4, RIV4-ccIIV4, RIV4-RIV4, ccIIV4-ccIIV4 and ccIIV4-RIV4), repeat vaccination with either RIV4 or ccIIV4 further improved antibody responses to circulating viruses with decreased neutralizing antibody egg/cell ratio. RIV4 also had higher post-vaccination A(H1N1)pdm09 and A(H3N2) HA stalk antibodies in year 1, but there was no significant difference in HA stalk antibody fold rise among vaccine groups in either year 1 or year 2. Multiple seasons of non-egg-based vaccination may be needed to redirect antibody responses from immune memory to egg-adapted epitopes and re-focus the immune responses towards epitopes on the circulating viruses to improve vaccine effectiveness. |
Work attendance with acute respiratory illness before and during COVID-19 pandemic, United States, 2018-2022
Ahmed F , Nowalk MP , Zimmerman RK , Bear T , Grijalva CG , Talbot HK , Florea A , Tartof SY , Gaglani M , Smith M , McLean HQ , King JP , Martin ET , Monto AS , Phillips CH , Wernli KJ , Flannery B , Chung JR , Uzicanin A . Emerg Infect Dis 2023 29 (12) 2442-2450 Both SARS-CoV-2 and influenza virus can be transmitted by asymptomatic, presymptomatic, or symptomatic infected persons. We assessed effects on work attendance while ill before and during the COVID-19 pandemic in the United States by analyzing data collected prospectively from persons with acute respiratory illnesses enrolled in a multistate study during 2018-2022. Persons with previous hybrid work experience were significantly less likely to work onsite on the day before through the first 3 days of illness than those without that experience, an effect more pronounced during the COVID-19 pandemic than during prepandemic influenza seasons. Persons with influenza or COVID-19 were significantly less likely to work onsite than persons with other acute respiratory illnesses. Among persons with positive COVID-19 test results available by the second or third day of illness, few worked onsite. Hybrid and remote work policies might reduce workplace exposures and help reduce spread of respiratory viruses. |
Influenza vaccine effectiveness against influenza-A-associated emergency department, urgent care, and hospitalization encounters among U.S. adults, 2022-2023
Tenforde MW , Weber ZA , Yang DH , DeSilva MB , Dascomb K , Irving SA , Naleway AL , Gaglani M , Fireman B , Lewis N , Zerbo O , Goddard K , Timbol J , Hansen JR , Grisel N , Arndorfer J , McEvoy CE , Essien IJ , Rao S , Grannis SJ , Kharbanda AB , Natarajan K , Ong TC , Embi PJ , Ball SW , Dunne MM , Kirshner L , Wiegand RE , Dickerson M , Patel P , Ray C , Flannery B , Garg S , Adams K , Klein NP . J Infect Dis 2023 BACKGROUND: The 2022-2023 United States influenza season had unusually early influenza activity with high hospitalization rates. Vaccine-matched A(H3N2) viruses predominated, with lower levels of A(H1N1)pdm09 activity also observed. METHODS: Using the test-negative design, we evaluated influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) during the 2022-2023 season against influenza-A-associated emergency department/urgent care (ED/UC) visits and hospitalizations from October 2022-March 2023 among adults (age ≥18 years) with acute respiratory illness (ARI). VE was estimated by comparing odds of seasonal influenza vaccination among case-patients (influenza A test-positive by molecular assay) and controls (influenza test-negative), applying inverse-propensity-to-be-vaccinated weights. RESULTS: The analysis included 85,389 ED/UC ARI encounters (17.0% influenza-A-positive; 37.8% vaccinated overall) and 19,751 hospitalizations (9.5% influenza-A-positive; 52.8% vaccinated overall). VE against influenza-A-associated ED/UC encounters was 44% (95% confidence interval [95%CI]: 40-47%) overall and 45% and 41% among adults aged 18-64 and ≥65 years, respectively. VE against influenza-A-associated hospitalizations was 35% (95%CI: 27-43%) overall and 23% and 41% among adults aged 18-64 and ≥65 years, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: VE was moderate during the 2022-2023 influenza season, a season characterized with increased burden of influenza and co-circulation with other respiratory viruses. Vaccination is likely to substantially reduce morbidity, mortality, and strain on healthcare resources. |
Communicating the value of influenza vaccines to patients: Translating vaccine effectiveness to acceptance
Tenforde MW , Dawood FS , Ellington SR , Grohskopf LA , Flannery B , Garg S , Reed C . Ann Intern Med 2023 176 (12) 1670-1671 Influenza vaccines have been routinely recommended in the United States for some groups since 1960 and for everyone 6 months of age or older for more than a decade. Yet, annual influenza vaccination coverage has rarely exceeded 50% in children and younger adults or 70% in adults aged 65 years or older (1). Long-standing barriers to influenza vaccine uptake include beliefs that influenza illness is mild or inconsequential and vaccines are not effective, concerns about safety and adverse effects, and distrust of the medical system and disparities in access to vaccines (1, 2). | | During the COVID-19 pandemic, influenza vaccination coverage rates remained low overall and declined in some groups (1, 3). Although the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic temporarily interrupted circulation of seasonal respiratory viruses, the United States experienced high levels of influenza virus, SARS-CoV-2, and respiratory syncytial virus co-circulation during the 2022 to 2023 influenza season, putting a strain on health care resources. As the 2023 to 2024 season begins, internal medicine physicians and other health care professionals play an important role in communicating the benefits of vaccinations against influenza and other respiratory viruses. A health care professional’s recommendation and offer of or referral for vaccination have been shown over many seasons to be one of the strongest factors associated with willingness to get vaccinated (2). |
Vaccine effectiveness against pediatric influenza-a-associated urgent care, emergency department, and hospital encounters during the 2022-2023 Season, VISION Network
Adams K , Weber ZA , Yang DH , Klein NP , DeSilva MB , Dascomb K , Irving SA , Naleway AL , Rao S , Gaglani M , Flannery B , Garg S , Kharbanda AB , Grannis SJ , Ong TC , Embi PJ , Natarajan K , Fireman B , Zerbo O , Goddard K , Timbol J , Hansen JR , Grisel N , Arndorfer J , Ball SW , Dunne MM , Kirshner L , Chung JR , Tenforde MW . Clin Infect Dis 2023 BACKGROUND: During the 2022-2023 influenza season, the United States experienced the highest influenza-associated pediatric hospitalization rate since 2010-2011. Influenza A/H3N2 infections were predominant. METHODS: We analyzed acute respiratory illness (ARI)-associated emergency department or urgent care (ED/UC) encounters or hospitalizations at three health systems among children and adolescents aged 6 months-17 years who had influenza molecular testing during October 2022-March 2023. We estimated influenza A vaccine effectiveness (VE) using a test-negative approach. The odds of vaccination among influenza-A-positive cases and influenza-negative controls were compared after adjusting for confounders and applying inverse-propensity-to-be-vaccinated weights. We developed overall and age-stratified VE models. RESULTS: Overall, 13,547 of 44,787 (30.2%) eligible ED/UC encounters and 263 of 1,862 (14.1%) hospitalizations were influenza-A-positive cases. Among ED/UC patients, 15.2% of influenza-positive versus 27.1% of influenza-negative patients were vaccinated; VE was 48% (95% confidence interval [CI], 44%-52%) overall, 53% (95% CI, 47%-58%) among children aged 6 months-4 years and 38% (95% CI, 30%-45%) among those aged 9-17 years. Among hospitalizations, 17.5% of influenza-positive versus 33.4% of influenza-negative patients were vaccinated; VE was 40% (95% CI, 6%-61%) overall, 56% (95% CI, 23%-75%) among children ages 6 months-4 years and 46% (95% CI, 2%-70%) among those 5-17 years. CONCLUSIONS: During the 2022-2023 influenza season, vaccination reduced the risk of influenza-associated ED/UC encounters and hospitalizations by almost half (overall VE 40-48%). Influenza vaccination is a critical tool to prevent moderate-to-severe influenza illness in children and adolescents. |
Influenza antiviral shortages reported by state and territorial public health officials, 2022-2023
Kojima N , Peterson L , Hawkins R , Allen M , Flannery B , Uyeki TM . JAMA 2023 330 (18) 1793-1795 This study provides survey results from state and territorial public health preparedness directors regarding antiviral shortages during the 2022-2023 respiratory viral season. | eng |
Transmission of yellow fever vaccine virus through blood transfusion and organ transplantation in the USA in 2021: Report of an investigation
Gould CV , Free RJ , Bhatnagar J , Soto RA , Royer TL , Maley WR , Moss S , Berk MA , Craig-Shapiro R , Kodiyanplakkal RPL , Westblade LF , Muthukumar T , Puius YA , Raina A , Hadi A , Gyure KA , Trief D , Pereira M , Kuehnert MJ , Ballen V , Kessler DA , Dailey K , Omura C , Doan T , Miller S , Wilson MR , Lehman JA , Ritter JM , Lee E , Silva-Flannery L , Reagan-Steiner S , Velez JO , Laven JJ , Fitzpatrick KA , Panella A , Davis EH , Hughes HR , Brault AC , St George K , Dean AB , Ackelsberg J , Basavaraju SV , Chiu CY , Staples JE . Lancet Microbe 2023 4 (9) e711-e721 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: In 2021, four patients who had received solid organ transplants in the USA developed encephalitis beginning 2-6 weeks after transplantation from a common organ donor. We describe an investigation into the cause of encephalitis in these patients. METHODS: From Nov 7, 2021, to Feb 24, 2022, we conducted a public health investigation involving 15 agencies and medical centres in the USA. We tested various specimens (blood, cerebrospinal fluid, intraocular fluid, serum, and tissues) from the organ donor and recipients by serology, RT-PCR, immunohistochemistry, metagenomic next-generation sequencing, and host gene expression, and conducted a traceback of blood transfusions received by the organ donor. FINDINGS: We identified one read from yellow fever virus in cerebrospinal fluid from the recipient of a kidney using metagenomic next-generation sequencing. Recent infection with yellow fever virus was confirmed in all four organ recipients by identification of yellow fever virus RNA consistent with the 17D vaccine strain in brain tissue from one recipient and seroconversion after transplantation in three recipients. Two patients recovered and two patients had no neurological recovery and died. 3 days before organ procurement, the organ donor received a blood transfusion from a donor who had received a yellow fever vaccine 6 days before blood donation. INTERPRETATION: This investigation substantiates the use of metagenomic next-generation sequencing for the broad-based detection of rare or unexpected pathogens. Health-care workers providing vaccinations should inform patients of the need to defer blood donation for at least 2 weeks after receiving a yellow fever vaccine. Despite mitigation strategies and safety interventions, a low risk of transfusion-transmitted infections remains. FUNDING: US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, and the CDC Epidemiology and Laboratory Capacity Cooperative Agreement for Infectious Diseases. |
Clinical symptoms among ambulatory patients tested for SARS-CoV-2 (preprint)
Chung JR , Kim SS , Jackson ML , Jackson LA , Belongia EA , King JP , Zimmerman RK , Nowalk MP , Martin ET , Monto AS , Gaglani M , Smith ME , Patel M , Flannery B . medRxiv 2020 2020.10.20.20213272 We compared symptoms and characteristics of 4961 ambulatory patients with and without laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. Findings indicate that clinical symptoms alone would be insufficient to distinguish between COVID-19 and other respiratory infections (e.g., influenza) and/or to evaluate the effects of preventive interventions (e.g., vaccinations).Competing Interest StatementAll authors have completed the ICMJE uniform disclosure form at and declare: AM reports personal fees from Sanofi Pasteur and from Seqirus outside the submitted work; EB reports grants from CDC during the conduct of the study. EM reports grants from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention during the conduct of the study and personal fees from Pfizer outside the submitted work; LJ reports grants from CDC during the conduct of the study and grants from Novavax outside the submitted work; MG reports grants from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention during the conduct of the study and grants from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Abt Associates outside the submitted work; MJ reports grants from Centers for Disease Control during the conduct of the study and grants from Sanofi Pasteur outside the submitted work; MN reports grants from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institutes of Health during the conduct of the study and grants from Merck & Co outside the submitted work; RZ reports grants from Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and National Institutes of Health during the conduct of the study and grants from Sanofi Pasteur outside the submitted work. All other authors have nothing to disclose.Funding StatementThis work was supported through cooperative agreements funded by US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and, at the University of Pittsburgh, by infrastructure funding by UL1 TR001857 from National Institutes of Health.Author DeclarationsI confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.YesThe details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:Approved or waived by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) IRB with reliance on: 1.University of Michigan IRB (Approved) a. CDC protocol 6238 b. University of Michigan protocol HUM00119183 2. University of Pittsburgh IRB (Approved) a. CDC protocol 6219 b. University of Pittsburgh protocol STUDY19070407 3. Baylor Scott and White Health IRB (Approved) a. CDC protocols 7125 and 7277 b. Baylor Scott and White protocols 160145 and 20-153 4. Kaiser Permanente Washington Research Institute (Waived) 5. Marshfield Clinic Research Institute (Approved) a. CDC protocol 6197 b. Marshfield Clinic Research Institute protocol BEL10511 All necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived.YesI understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).Yes I have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable.YesData may be made available in accordance with CDC data availability policy. |
A randomized controlled trial of antibody response to 2019-20 cell-based inactivated and egg-based live attenuated influenza vaccines in children and young adults (preprint)
Williams KV , Zhai B , Alcorn JF , Patricia Nowalk M , Levine MZ , Kim SS , Flannery B , Moehling Geffel K , Jaber Merranko A , Nagg JP , Collins M , Susick M , Clarke KS , Zimmerman RK , Martin JM . medRxiv 2021 2021.09.02.21263043 Background Hemagglutination inhibition (HAI) titers to the live-attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV4) are typically lower than its counterpart egg-based inactivated influenza vaccines (IIV). Similar comparisons have not been made between LAIV4 and the 4-strain, cell-culture inactivated influenza vaccine (ccIIV4). We compared healthy children and young adult HAI titers against the 2019-2020 LAIV4 and ccIIV4.Methods Participants aged 4-21 years were randomized 1:1 to receive ccIIV4 (n =100) or LAIV4 (n=98). Blood was drawn prevaccination and on day 28 (21-35) post vaccination. HAI assays against egg-grown A/H1N1, A/H3N2, both vaccine B strains and cell-grown A/H3N2 antigens were conducted. Outcomes were geometric mean titers (GMT) and geometric mean fold rise (GMFR) in titers.Results GMTs to A/H1N1, A/H3N2 and B/Victoria increased following both ccIIV and LAIV and to B/Yamagata following ccIIV (p<0.05). The GMFR range was 2.4-3.0 times higher for ccIIV4 than for LAIV4 (p<0.001). Within vaccine types, egg-grown A/H3N2 GMTs were higher (p<0.05) than cell-grown GMTs [ccIIV4 day 28: egg=205 (95% CI: 178-237); cell=136 (95% CI:113-165); LAIV4 day 28: egg=96 (95% CI: 83-112); cell=63 (95% CI: 58-74)]. The GMFR to A/H3N2 cell-grown and egg-grown antigens were similar. Pre-vaccination titers inversely predicted GMFR.Conclusion The HAI response to ccIIV4 was greater than LAIV4 in this study of mostly older children, and day 0 HAI titers inversely predicted GMFR for both vaccines. For both vaccines, the A/H3N2 cell-grown antigen levels were lower than egg-grown, but the GMFR for cell-grown and egg-grown did not differ significantly within vaccine type.Clinical Trials No NCT03982069Competing Interest StatementConflict of Interest: RKZ has received funding by Sanofi for an unrelated study. MPN has research funding from Merck & Co., Inc. for an unrelated study. JMM has received funding from Merck, Sharp and Dohme for an unrelated study.Clinical TrialClinical Trials No.: NCT03982069Funding StatementThis work was supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) [5U01IP001035] and by National Institutes of Health (NIH) [UL1TR001857], [KL2 TR001856], and/or [TL1 TR001858]. This work represents the views of the authors and not the CDC or NIH. Pennsylvania Statewide Immunization Information System (PA-SIIS) vaccine registry was used to verify vaccination status. These data were supplied in part by the Bureau of Health Statistics & Registries, Pennsylvania Department of Health, Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. The Pennsylvania Department of Health specifically disclaims responsibility for any analyses, interpretations, or conclusions. REDCap and the Department of Biomedical Informatics grant support (Clinical and Translational Sciences Institute at the University of Pittsburgh Grant Number UL1-TR-001857). Study data were collected and managed using REDCap electronic data capture tools hosted at the University of Pittsburgh. Author DeclarationsI confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.YesThe details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:The Institutional Review Boards at the University of Pittsburgh and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) approved this study. Written informed consent and assent, where appropriate, were obtained from all participants and/or their parents/legal guardians prior to beginning study procedures.All necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived.YesI understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field expla ning why the study was not registered in advance).YesI have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable.YesData can be made available upon request.HAIhemagglutination inhibition assayIIVinactivated influenza vaccineccIIV4cell-culture-based inactivated influenza vaccine quadrivalentLAIV4Egg-based live attenuated influenza vaccine quadrivalentEMRElectronic medical recordRDEReceptor-destroying enzymePBSPhosphate-buffered salineCDCCenters for Disease Control and PreventionFDAFood and Drug AdministrationGMTGeometric mean titersGMFRGeometric mean fold riseACIPAdvisory Committee on Immunization PracticePA-SIISPennsylvania Statewide Immunization Information System |
Methods for Estimation of SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence and Reported COVID-19 Cases in U.S. Children, August 2020—May 2021 (preprint)
Couture A , Lyons BC , Mehrotra ML , Sosa L , Ezike N , Ahmed FS , Brown CM , Yendell S , Azzam IA , Katić BJ , Cope A , Dickerson K , Stone J , Traxler LB , Dunn JR , Davis LB , Reed C , Clarke KEN , Flannery B , Charles MD . medRxiv 2021 2021.09.26.21263756 Background and Objectives Case-based surveillance of pediatric COVID-19 cases underestimates the prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infections among children and adolescents. Our objectives were to: 1) estimate monthly SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroprevalence among children aged 0-17 years and 2) calculate ratios of SARS-CoV-2 infections to reported COVID-19 cases among children and adolescents in 14 U.S. states.Methods Using data from commercial laboratory seroprevalence surveys, we estimated monthly SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroprevalence among children aged 0-17 years from August 2020 through May 2021. Seroprevalence estimates were based on SARS-CoV-2 anti-nucleocapsid immunoassays from February to May 2021. We compared estimated numbers of children infected with SARS-CoV-2 by May 2021 to cumulative incidence of confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases from case-based surveillance, and calculated infection: case ratios by state and type of anti-SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid immunoassay used for seroprevalence testing.Results Analyses included 67,321 serum specimens tested for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies among children in 14 U.S. states. Estimated ratios of SARS-CoV-2 infections to reported confirmed and probable COVID-19 cases among children and adolescents varied by state and type of immunoassay, ranging from 0.8-13.3 in May 2021.Conclusions Through May 2021, the majority of children in selected states did not have detectable SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid antibodies. Case-based surveillance underestimated the number of children infected with SARS-CoV-2, however the predicted extent of the underestimate varied by state, immunoassay, and over time. Continued monitoring of pediatric SARS-CoV-2 antibody seroprevalence should inform prevention and vaccination strategies.Competing Interest StatementThe authors have declared no competing interest.Funding StatementFunding for this work was supported by CDC (Atlanta, Georgia).Author DeclarationsI confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.YesThe details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:This activity was reviewed by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and determined to be consistent with non human participant research activity. Informed consent was waived, as data were deidentified. All necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived.YesI understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).YesI have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable.YesDeidentified individual participant data will not be made available.CDCCenters of Disease Control and PreventionMIS-CMultisystem inflammatory syndrome in childrenEUAEmergency Use AuthorizationFDAU.S. Food and Drug AdministrationACIPAdvisory Committee on Immunizations PracticesNNucleocapsidSSpikeIgImmunoglobulinCIConfidence intervals |
mRNA Vaccine Effectiveness against COVID-19 among Symptomatic Outpatients Aged ≥16 Years in the United States, February – May 2021 (preprint)
Kim SS , Chung JR , Belongia EA , McLean HQ , King JP , Nowalk MP , Zimmerman RK , Balasubramani GK , Martin ET , Monto AS , Lamerato LE , Gaglani M , Smith ME , Dunnigan KM , Jackson ML , Jackson LA , Tenforde MW , Verani JR , Kobayashi M , Schrag S , Patel MM , Flannery B . medRxiv 2021 2021.07.20.21260647 Evaluations of vaccine effectiveness (VE) are important to monitor as COVID-19 vaccines are introduced in the general population. Research staff enrolled symptomatic participants seeking outpatient medical care for COVID-19-like illness or SARS-CoV-2 testing from a multisite network. VE was evaluated using the test-negative design. Among 236 SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid amplification test-positive and 576 test-negative participants aged ≥16 years, VE of mRNA vaccines against COVID-19 was 91% (95% CI: 83-95) for full vaccination and 75% (95% CI: 55-87) for partial vaccination. Vaccination was associated with prevention of most COVID-19 cases among people seeking outpatient medical care.Competing Interest StatementMPN reports grants from Merck & Co. outside the submitted work. RKZ reports grants from Sanofi Pasteur outside the submitted work. GKB reports grants from Merck & Co outside the submitted work and consulting fees from New World Medical, LLC. ETM reports grants from Merck & Co. outside the submitted work and consulting fees from Pfizer. ASM reports consulting fees from Sanofi Pasteur and Seqirus. LEL reports grants from Xcenda, Inc., eMAXHealth, AstraZeneca, Pfizer, Evidera outside the submitted work. MLJ reports grants from Sanofi Pasteur. All other authors report nothing to disclose.Funding StatementThis work was supported by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention through cooperative agreements U01IP001034-U01IP001039. At Pittsburgh, the project was also supported by the National Institutes of Health through grant ULTR001857.Author DeclarationsI confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.YesThe details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention IRB project determination numbers for included projects: 0900f3eb81c2e791, 0900f3eb81c52dc5; 0900f3eb81c52420, 0900f3eb81bc746b, 6238All necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived.YesI understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).YesI have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable.YesDe-identified dataset can be made available upon request |
Impact of Diabetes Status on Immunogenicity of Trivalent Inactivated Influenza Vaccine in Older Adults (preprint)
Spencer S , Chung JR , Belongia EA , Sundaram M , Meece J , Coleman LA , Zimmerman RK , Nowalk MP , Moehling Geffel K , Ross T , Carter CE , Shay D , Levine M , Liepkalns J , Kim JH , Sambhara S , Thompson MG , Flannery B . medRxiv 2021 2021.10.04.21264429 Individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus experience high rates of influenza virus infection and complications. We compared the magnitude and duration of serologic response to trivalent influenza vaccine in adults aged 50-80 with and without type 2 diabetes mellitus. Serologic response to influenza vaccination was similar in both groups: greater fold-increases in antibody titer occurred among individuals with lower pre-vaccination antibody titers. Waning of antibody titers was not influenced by diabetes status.Competing Interest StatementKKM, MPN and RZ have received research funds from Merck & Co., Inc and Pfizer, Inc. KKM and RZ have received research funds from Sanofi Pasteur, Inc. LC is currently employed by Novartis. The remaining authors report no conflicts of interest.Funding StatementThis study was supported by cooperative agreements U01 IP000471 and U01 IP000467 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The findings and conclusions in this report are those of those authors and do not necessarily represent the views of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Author DeclarationsI confirm all relevant ethical guidelines have been followed, and any necessary IRB and/or ethics committee approvals have been obtained.YesThe details of the IRB/oversight body that provided approval or exemption for the research described are given below:Institutional Review Boards at the University of Pittsburgh and Marshfield Clinic approved this study.All necessary patient/participant consent has been obtained and the appropriate institutional forms have been archived.YesI understand that all clinical trials and any other prospective interventional studies must be registered with an ICMJE-approved registry, such as I confirm that any such study reported in the manuscript has been registered and the trial registration ID is provided (note: if posting a prospective study registered retrospectively, please provide a statement in the trial ID field explaining why the study was not registered in advance).YesI have followed all appropriate research reporting guidelines and uploaded the relevant EQUATOR Network research reporting checklist(s) and other pertinent material as supplementary files, if applicable.YesData are not publicly available at this time. |
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