Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
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Query Trace: Fitter D[original query] |
U.S. preparedness and response to increasing clade I mpox cases in the Democratic Republic of the Congo - United States, 2024
McQuiston JH , Luce R , Kazadi DM , Bwangandu CN , Mbala-Kingebeni P , Anderson M , Prasher JM , Williams IT , Phan A , Shelus V , Bratcher A , Soke GN , Fonjungo PN , Kabamba J , McCollum AM , Perry R , Rao AK , Doty J , Christensen B , Fuller JA , Baird N , Chaitram J , Brown CK , Kirby AE , Fitter D , Folster JM , Dualeh M , Hartman R , Bart SM , Hughes CM , Nakazawa Y , Sims E , Christie A , Hutson CL . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (19) 435-440 ![]() ![]() Clade I monkeypox virus (MPXV), which can cause severe illness in more people than clade II MPXVs, is endemic in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), but the country has experienced an increase in suspected cases during 2023-2024. In light of the 2022 global outbreak of clade II mpox, the increase in suspected clade I cases in DRC raises concerns that the virus could spread to other countries and underscores the importance of coordinated, urgent global action to support DRC's efforts to contain the virus. To date, no cases of clade I mpox have been detected outside of countries in Central Africa where the virus is endemic. CDC and other partners are working to support DRC's response. In addition, CDC is enhancing U.S. preparedness by raising awareness, strengthening surveillance, expanding diagnostic testing capacity for clade I MPXV, ensuring appropriate specimen handling and waste management, emphasizing the importance of appropriate medical treatment, and communicating guidance on the recommended contact tracing, containment, behavior modification, and vaccination strategies. |
Global VAX: A U.S. contribution to global COVID-19 vaccination efforts, 2021-2023
Dahl BA , Tritter B , Butryn D , Dahlke M , Browning S , Gelting R , Fleming M , Ortiz N , Labrador J , Novak R , Fitter D , Bell E , McGuire M , Rosenbaum R , Pulwer R , Wun J , McCaffrey A , Chowdhury M , Parks N , Cunningham M , Mounts A , Curry D , Richardson D , Grant G . Vaccine 2024 In December 2021 the U.S. Government announced a new, whole-of-government $1.8 billion effort, the Initiative for Global Vaccine Access (Global VAX) in response to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Using the foundation of decades of U.S. government investments in global health and working in close partnership with local governments and key global and multilateral organizations, Global VAX enabled the rapid acceleration of the global COVID-19 vaccine rollout in selected countries, contributing to increased COVID-19 vaccine coverage in some of the world's most vulnerable communities. Through Global VAX, the U.S. Government has supported 125 countries to scale up COVID-19 vaccine delivery and administration while strengthening primary health care systems to respond to future health crises. The progress made by Global VAX has paved the way for a stronger global recovery and improved global health security. |
Perceptions toward Ebola vaccination and correlates of vaccine uptake among high-risk community members in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo
Perera SM , Garbern SC , Mbong EN , Fleming MK , Muhayangabo RF , Ombeni AB , Kulkarni S , Tchoualeu DD , Kallay R , Song E , Powell J , Gainey M , Glenn B , Mutumwa RM , Mustafa SHB , Earle-Richardson G , Fukunaga R , Abad N , Soke GN , Prybylski D , Fitter DL , Levine AC , Doshi RH . PLOS Glob Public Health 2024 4 (1) e0002566 The tenth Ebola Virus Disease (EVD) outbreak (2018-2020, North Kivu, Ituri, South Kivu) in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) was the second-largest EVD outbreak in history. During this outbreak, Ebola vaccination was an integral part of the EVD response. We evaluated community perceptions toward Ebola vaccination and identified correlates of Ebola vaccine uptake among high-risk community members in North Kivu, DRC. In March 2021, a cross-sectional survey among adults was implemented in three health zones. We employed a sampling approach mimicking ring vaccination, targeting EVD survivors, their household members, and their neighbors. Outbreak experiences and perceptions toward the Ebola vaccine were assessed, and modified Poisson regression was used to identify correlates of Ebola vaccine uptake among those offered vaccination. Among the 631 individuals surveyed, most (90.2%) reported a high perceived risk of EVD and 71.6% believed that the vaccine could reduce EVD severity; however, 63.7% believed the vaccine had serious side effects. Among the 474 individuals who had been offered vaccination, 397 (83.8%) received the vaccine, 180 (45.3%) of those vaccinated received the vaccine after two or more offers. Correlates positively associated with vaccine uptake included having heard positive information about the vaccine (RR 1.30, 95% CI 1.06-1.60), the belief that the vaccine could prevent EVD (RR 1.23, 95% CI 1.09-1.39), and reporting that religion influenced all decisions (RR 1.13, 95% CI 1.02-1.25). Ebola vaccine uptake was high in this population, although mixed attitudes and vaccine delays were common. Communicating positive vaccine information, emphasizing the efficacy of the Ebola vaccine, and engaging religious leaders to promote vaccination may aid in increasing Ebola vaccine uptake during future outbreaks. |
Ebola vaccine uptake and attitudes among healthcare workers in North Kivu, Democratic Republic of the Congo, 2021
Doshi RH , Garbern SC , Kulkarni S , Perera SM , Fleming MK , Muhayangabo RF , Ombeni AB , Tchoualeu DD , Kallay R , Song E , Powell J , Gainey M , Glenn B , Mutumwa RM , Hans Bateyi Mustafa S , Earle-Richardson G , Gao H , Abad N , Soke GN , Fitter DL , Hyde TB , Prybylski D , Levine AC , Jalloh MF , Mbong EN . Front Public Health 2023 11 1080700 INTRODUCTION: During the 2018-2020 Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in the eastern part of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), prevention and control measures, such as Ebola vaccination were challenging by community mistrust. We aimed to understand perceptions regarding Ebola vaccination and identify determinants of Ebola vaccine uptake among HCWs. METHODS: In March 2021, we conducted a cross-sectional survey among 438 HCWs from 100 randomly selected health facilities in three health zones (Butembo, Beni, Mabalako) affected by the 10th EVD outbreak in North Kivu, DRC. HCWs were eligible if they were ≥ 18 years and were working in a health facility during the outbreak. We used survey logistic regression to assess correlates of first-offer uptake (i.e., having received the vaccine the first time it was offered vs. after subsequent offers). RESULTS: Of the 438 HCWs enrolled in the study, 420 (95.8%) reported that they were eligible and offered an Ebola vaccine. Among those offered vaccination, self-reported uptake of the Ebola vaccine was 99.0% (95% confidence interval (CI) [98.5-99.4]), but first-offer uptake was 70.2% (95% CI [67.1, 73.5]). Nearly all HCWs (94.3%; 95% CI [92.7-95.5]) perceived themselves to be at risk of contracting EVD. The most common concern was that the vaccine would cause side effects (65.7%; 95% CI [61.4-69.7]). In the multivariable analysis, mistrust of the vaccine source or how the vaccine was produced decreased the odds of first-time uptake. DISCUSSION: Overall uptake of the Ebola vaccine was high among HCWs, but uptake at the first offer was substantially lower, which was associated with mistrust of the vaccine source. Future Ebola vaccination efforts should plan to make repeated vaccination offers to HCWs and address their underlying mistrust in the vaccines, which can, in turn, improve community uptake. |
Ebola Virus Disease Outbreak - Democratic Republic of the Congo, August 2018-November 2019.
Aruna A , Mbala P , Minikulu L , Mukadi D , Bulemfu D , Edidi F , Bulabula J , Tshapenda G , Nsio J , Kitenge R , Mbuyi G , Mwanzembe C , Kombe J , Lubula L , Shako JC , Mossoko M , Mulangu F , Mutombo A , Sana E , Tutu Y , Kabange L , Makengo J , Tshibinkufua F , Ahuka-Mundeke S , Muyembe JJ , Ebola Response CDC , Alarcon Walter , Bonwitt Jesse , Bugli Dante , Bustamante Nirma D , Choi Mary , Dahl Benjamin A , DeCock Kevin , Dismer Amber , Doshi Reena , Dubray Christine , Fitter David , Ghiselli Margherita , Hall Noemi , Hamida Amen Ben , McCollum Andrea M , Neatherlin John , Raghunathan Pratima L , Ravat Fatima , Reynolds Mary G , Rico Adriana , Smith Nailah , Soke Gnakub Norbert , Trudeau Aimee T , Victory Kerton R , Worrell Mary Claire . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019 68 (50) 1162-1165 ![]() ![]() On August 1, 2018, the Democratic Republic of the Congo Ministry of Health (DRC MoH) declared the tenth outbreak of Ebola virus disease (Ebola) in DRC, in the North Kivu province in eastern DRC on the border with Uganda, 8 days after another Ebola outbreak was declared over in northwest Équateur province. During mid- to late-July 2018, a cluster of 26 cases of acute hemorrhagic fever, including 20 deaths, was reported in North Kivu province.* Blood specimens from six patients hospitalized in the Mabalako health zone and sent to the Institut National de Recherche Biomédicale (National Biomedical Research Institute) in Kinshasa tested positive for Ebola virus. Genetic sequencing confirmed that the outbreaks in North Kivu and Équateur provinces were unrelated. From North Kivu province, the outbreak spread north to Ituri province, and south to South Kivu province (1). On July 17, 2019, the World Health Organization designated the North Kivu and Ituri outbreak a public health emergency of international concern, based on the geographic spread of the disease to Goma, the capital of North Kivu province, and to Uganda and the challenges to implementing prevention and control measures specific to this region (2). This report describes the outbreak in the North Kivu and Ituri provinces. As of November 17, 2019, a total of 3,296 Ebola cases and 2,196 (67%) deaths were reported, making this the second largest documented outbreak after the 2014-2016 epidemic in West Africa, which resulted in 28,600 cases and 11,325 deaths.(†) Since August 2018, DRC MoH has been collaborating with partners, including the World Health Organization, the United Nations Children's Fund, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, the International Organization of Migration, The Alliance for International Medical Action (ALIMA), Médecins Sans Frontières, DRC Red Cross National Society, and CDC, to control the outbreak. Enhanced communication and effective community engagement, timing of interventions during periods of relative stability, and intensive training of local residents to manage response activities with periodic supervision by national and international personnel are needed to end the outbreak. |
CDC's COVID-19 international vaccine implementation and evaluation program and lessons from earlier vaccine introductions
Soeters HM , Doshi RH , Fleming M , Adegoke OJ , Ajene U , Aksnes BN , Bennett S , Blau EF , Carlton JG , Clements S , Conklin L , Dahlke M , Duca LM , Feldstein LR , Gidudu JF , Grant G , Hercules M , Igboh LS , Ishizumi A , Jacenko S , Kerr Y , Konne NM , Kulkarni S , Kumar A , Lafond KE , Lam E , Longley AT , McCarron M , Namageyo-Funa A , Ortiz N , Patel JC , Perry RT , Prybylski D , Reddi P , Salman O , Sciarratta CN , Shragai T , Siddula A , Sikare E , Tchoualeu DD , Traicoff D , Tuttle A , Victory KR , Wallace A , Ward K , Wong MKA , Zhou W , Schluter WW , Fitter DL , Mounts A , Bresee JS , Hyde TB . Emerg Infect Dis 2022 28 (13) S208-s216 The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) supports international partners in introducing vaccines, including those against SARS-CoV-2 virus. CDC contributes to the development of global technical tools, guidance, and policy for COVID-19 vaccination and has established its COVID-19 International Vaccine Implementation and Evaluation (CIVIE) program. CIVIE supports ministries of health and their partner organizations in developing or strengthening their national capacities for the planning, implementation, and evaluation of COVID-19 vaccination programs. CIVIE's 7 priority areas for country-specific technical assistance are vaccine policy development, program planning, vaccine confidence and demand, data management and use, workforce development, vaccine safety, and evaluation. We discuss CDC's work on global COVID-19 vaccine implementation, including priorities, challenges, opportunities, and applicable lessons learned from prior experiences with Ebola, influenza, and meningococcal serogroup A conjugate vaccine introductions. |
Cholera outbreak - Haiti, September 2022-January 2023
Vega Ocasio D , Juin S , Berendes D , Heitzinger K , Prentice-Mott G , Desormeaux AM , Jn Charles PD , Rigodon J , Pelletier V , Louis RJ , Vertefeuille J , Boncy J , Joseph G , Compère V , Lafontant D , Andrecy LL , Michel E , Pierre K , Thermidor E , Fitter D , Grant-Greene Y , Lozier M , Marseille S . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (2) 21-25 On September 30, 2022, after >3 years with no confirmed cholera cases (1), the Directorate of Epidemiology, Laboratories and Research (DELR) of the Haitian Ministry of Public Health and Population (Ministère de la Santé Publique et de la Population [MSPP]) was notified of two patients with acute, watery diarrhea in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince. Within 2 days, Haiti's National Public Health Laboratory confirmed the bacterium Vibrio cholerae O1 in specimens from the two patients with suspected cholera infection, and an outbreak investigation began immediately. As of January 3, 2023, >20,000 suspected cholera cases had been reported throughout the country, and 79% of patients have been hospitalized. The moving 14-day case fatality ratio (CFR) was 3.0%. Cholera, which is transmitted through ingestion of water or food contaminated with fecal matter, can cause acute, severe, watery diarrhea that can rapidly lead to dehydration, shock, and death if not treated promptly (2). Haiti is currently facing ongoing worsening of gang violence, population displacement, social unrest, and insecurity, particularly in the metropolitan area of Port-au-Prince, including Belair, Bas-Delmas, Centre-Ville, Martissant, Cité Soleil, Croix-des Bouquets, and Tabarre, creating an environment that has facilitated the current resurgence of cholera (3). This report describes the initial investigation, ongoing outbreak, and public health response to cholera in Haiti. Cholera outbreak responses require a multipronged, multisectoral approach including surveillance; case management; access to safe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) services; targeted oral cholera vaccine (OCV) campaigns; risk communication; and community engagement. This activity was reviewed by CDC and was conducted consistent with applicable federal law and CDC policy. |
Diversity of rotavirus strains circulating in Haiti before and after introduction of monovalent vaccine.
Lucien MAB , Esona MD , Pierre M , Joseph G , Rivire C , Leshem E , Aliabadi N , Desormeaux AM , Andre-Alboth J , Fitter DL , Grant-Greene Y , Tate J , Boncy J , Patel R , Burnett E , Juin S , Parashar UD , Bowen MD . IJID Reg 2022 4 146-151 ![]() BACKGROUND: Haiti introduced a monovalent human group A rotavirus (RVA) vaccine (Rotarix) into its routine infant immunization program in April 2014. The goal of the surveillance program was to characterize RVA strains circulating in Haiti before and after RVA vaccine introduction. METHODS: Stool samples were collected from children <5 years old presenting with acute gastroenteritis at 16 hospitals in Haiti. RVA antigen enzyme immunoassay (EIA) testing was performed, and G and P genotypes were determined for positive specimens. In this study, genotype data for samples collected from May 2012 through April 2014 (the pre-vaccine introduction era) and May 2014 through July 2019 (post-vaccine introduction era) were analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 809 specimens were tested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. During the pre-vaccine introduction era (May 2012 through April 2014), G12P[8] was the predominant genotype, detected in 88-94% of specimens. There was a high prevalence of the equine-like G3P[8] genotype among Haitian children with RVA after vaccine introduction. CONCLUSIONS: The predominance of equine-like G3P[8] in three of five RVA seasons post-vaccine introduction suggests possible vaccine-specific selection pressure in Haiti. These temporal variations in RVA genotype predominance will require continued monitoring in Haiti as the vaccination program continues. |
Impact of monovalent rotavirus vaccine on rotavirus hospitalizations among children younger than 5 years of age in the Ouest and Artibonite Departments, Haiti, 2013 to 2019
Desormeaux AM , Burnett E , Joseph G , Lucien MAB , Aliabadi N , Pierre M , Dély P , Pierre K , Fitter D , Leshem E , Tate JE , Bowen MD , Esona M , Gautier J , Siné F , Katz MA , Grant-Greene Y , Parashar UD , Patel R , Boncy J , Juin S . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2021 105 (5) 1309-1316 Rotavirus is responsible for 26% of diarrheal deaths in Latin America and the Caribbean. Haiti introduced the monovalent rotavirus vaccine in April 2014. The objective of this analysis is to describe the impact of the rotavirus vaccine on hospitalizations among Haitian children younger than 5 years old during the first 5 years after introduction. This analysis includes all children with diarrhea who were enrolled as part of a sentinel surveillance system at two hospitals from May 2013 to April 2019. We compare the proportion of rotavirus-positive specimens in each post-vaccine introduction year to the pre-vaccine period. To account for the potential dilution of the proportion of rotavirus-positive specimens from a waning cholera outbreak, we also analyzed annual trends in the absolute number of positive stools, fit a two-component finite-mixture model to the negative specimens, and fit a negative binomial time series model to the pre-vaccine rotavirus-positive specimens to predict the number of rotavirus diarrhea hospital admissions in the absence of rotavirus vaccination. The overall percentage of rotavirus-positive specimens declined by 22% the first year after introduction, increased by 17% the second year, and declined by 33% to 50% the subsequent 3 years. All sensitivity analyses confirmed an overall decline. We observed a clear annual rotavirus seasonality before and after vaccine introduction, with the greatest activity in December through April, and a biennial pattern, with high sharp peaks and flatter longer periods of increased rotavirus activity in alternating years, consistent with suboptimal vaccination coverage. Overall, our study shows evidence that the introduction of the rotavirus vaccine reduced the burden of severe rotavirus diarrhea. |
Effectiveness of monovalent rotavirus vaccine against hospitalizations due to all rotavirus and equine-like G3P[8] genotypes in Haiti 2014-2019.
Burnett E , Juin S , Esona MD , Desormeaux AM , Aliabadi N , Pierre M , Andre-Alboth J , Leshem E , Etheart MD , Patel R , Dely P , Fitter D , Jean-Denis G , Kalou M , Katz MA , Bowen MD , Grant-Greene Y , Boncy J , Parashar UD , Joseph GA , Tate JE . Vaccine 2021 39 (32) 4458-4462 ![]() BACKGROUND: Rotavirus vaccines are effective in preventing severe rotavirus. Haiti introduced 2-dose monovalent (G1P[8]) rotavirus vaccine recommended for infants at 6 and 10 weeks of age in 2014. We calculated the effectiveness of rotavirus vaccine against hospitalization for acute gastroenteritis in Haiti. METHODS: We enrolled children 6-59 months old admitted May 2014-September 2019 for acute watery diarrhea at any sentinel surveillance hospital. Stool was tested for rotavirus using enzyme immunoassay (EIA) and genotyped with multiplex one-step RT-PCR assay and Sanger sequencing for stratification by genotype. We used a case-negative design where cases were children positive for rotavirus and controls were negative for rotavirus. Only children eligible for vaccination were included and a child was considered vaccinated if vaccine was given ≥ 14 days before enrollment. We used unconditional logistic regression to calculate odds ratios and calculated 2-dose and 1-dose vaccine effectiveness (VE) as (1 - odds ratio) * 100. RESULTS: We included 129 (19%) positive cases and 543 (81%) negative controls. Among cases, 77 (60%) were positive for equine-like G3P[8]. Two doses of rotavirus vaccine were 66% (95% CI: 44, 80) effective against hospitalizations due to any strain of rotavirus and 64% (95% CI: 33, 81) effective against hospitalizations due to the equine-like G3P[8] genotype. CONCLUSIONS: These findings are comparable to other countries in the Americas region. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first VE estimate both against the equine-like G3P[8] genotype and from a Caribbean country. Overall, these results support rotavirus vaccine use and demonstrate the importance of complete vaccination. |
Identification of TB space-time clusters and hotspots in Ouest dpartement, Haiti, 2011-2016
Dismer AM , Charles M , Dear N , Louis-Jean JM , Barthelemy N , Richard M , Morose W , Fitter DL . Public Health Action 2021 11 (2) 101-107 BACKGROUND: Haiti has the highest incidence rate of TB in the Western Hemisphere, with an estimated 170 cases per 100,000 in 2019. Since 2010, control efforts have focused on targeted case-finding activities in urban areas, implementation of rapid molecular diagnostics at high-volume TB centers, and improved reporting. TB analyses are rarely focused on lower geographic units; thus, the major goal was to determine if there were focal areas of TB transmission from 2011 to 2016 at operational geographic levels useful for the National TB Control Program (PNLT). METHODS: We created a geocoder to locate TB cases at the smallest geographic level. Kulldorff's space-time permutation scan, Anselin Moran's I, and Getis-Ord Gi* statistics were used to determine the spatial distribution and clusters of TB. RESULTS: With 91% of cases linked using the geocoder, TB clusters were identified each year. Getis-Ord Gi* analysis revealed 14 distinct spatial clusters of high incidences in the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area. One hundred retrospective space-time clusters were detected. CONCLUSION: Our study confirms the presence of TB hotspots in the Ouest département, with most clusters in the Port-au-Prince metropolitan area. Results will help the PNLT and its partners better design case-finding strategies for these areas. |
Treatment success for patients with tuberculosis receiving care in areas severely affected by Hurricane Matthew - Haiti, 2016
Charles M , Richard M , Reichler MR , Koama JB , Morose W , Fitter DL . PLoS One 2021 16 (3) e0247750 BACKGROUND: On October 4, 2016, Hurricane Matthew struck southwest Haiti as a category 4 storm. The goal of this study was to evaluate the impact of the hurricane on tuberculosis (TB) services and patient outcomes in the three severely affected departments-Sud, Grand'Anse, and Nippes-of southwest Haiti. METHODS: We developed a standard questionnaire to assess a convenience sample of health facilities in the affected areas, a patient tracking form, and a line list for tracking all patients with drug-susceptible TB registered in care six months before the hurricane. We analyzed data from the national TB electronic surveillance system to determine outcomes for all patients receiving anti-TB treatment in the affected areas. We used logistic regression analysis to determine factors associated with treatment success. RESULTS: Of the 66 health facilities in the three affected departments, we assessed 31, accounting for 536 (45.7%) of 1,174 TB patients registered in care when Hurricane Matthew made landfall in Haiti. Three (9.7%) health facilities sustained moderate to severe damage, whereas 18 (58.1%) were closed for <1 week, and five (16.1%) for ≥1 week. Four weeks after the hurricane, 398 (73.1%) of the 536 patients in the assessed facilities were located. Treatment success in the affected departments one year after the hurricane was 81.4%. Receiving care outside the municipality of residence (adjusted odds ratio [aOR]: 0.46, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.27-0.80) and HIV positivity (aOR: 0.31, 95% CI: 0.19-0.51) or unknown HIV status (aOR: 0.49, 95% CI: 0.33-0.74) were associated with significantly lower rates of treatment success. CONCLUSIONS: Despite major challenges, a high percentage of patients receiving anti-TB treatment before the hurricane were located and successfully treated in southwest Haiti. The lessons learned and results presented here may help inform policies and guidelines in similar settings for effective TB control after a natural disaster. |
COVID-19 Vaccine Second-Dose Completion and Interval Between First and Second Doses Among Vaccinated Persons - United States, December 14, 2020-February 14, 2021.
Kriss JL , Reynolds LE , Wang A , Stokley S , Cole MM , Harris LQ , Shaw LK , Black CL , Singleton JA , Fitter DL , Rose DA , Ritchey MD , Toblin RL . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (11) 389-395 In December 2020, two COVID-19 vaccines (Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna) received Emergency Use Authorization from the Food and Drug Administration.*(,)(†) Both vaccines require 2 doses for a completed series. The recommended interval between doses is 21 days for Pfizer-BioNTech and 28 days for Moderna; however, up to 42 days between doses is permissible when a delay is unavoidable.(§) Two analyses of COVID-19 vaccine administration data were conducted among persons who initiated the vaccination series during December 14, 2020-February 14, 2021, and whose doses were reported to CDC through February 20, 2021. The first analysis was conducted to determine whether persons who received a first dose and had sufficient time to receive the second dose (i.e., as of February 14, 2021, >25 days from receipt of Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine or >32 days from receipt of Moderna vaccine had elapsed) had received the second dose. A second analysis was conducted among persons who received a second COVID-19 dose by February 14, 2021, to determine whether the dose was received during the recommended dosing interval, which in this study was defined as 17-25 days (Pfizer-BioNTech) and 24-32 days (Moderna) after the first dose. Analyses were stratified by jurisdiction and by demographic characteristics. In the first analysis, among 12,496,258 persons who received the first vaccine dose and for whom sufficient time had elapsed to receive the second dose, 88.0% had completed the series, 8.6% had not received the second dose but remained within the allowable interval (≤42 days since the first dose), and 3.4% had missed the second dose (outside the allowable interval, >42 days since the first dose). The percentage of persons who missed the second dose varied by jurisdiction (range = 0.0%-9.1%) and among demographic groups was highest among non-Hispanic American Indian/Alaska Native (AI/AN) persons (5.1%) and persons aged 16-44 years (4.0%). In the second analysis, among 14,205,768 persons who received a second dose, 95.6% received the dose within the recommended interval, although percentages varied by jurisdiction (range = 79.0%-99.9%). Public health officials should identify and address possible barriers to completing the COVID-19 vaccination series to ensure equitable coverage across communities and maximum health benefits for recipients. Strategies to ensure series completion could include scheduling second-dose appointments at the first-dose administration and sending reminders for second-dose visits. |
Vaccination of contacts of Ebola virus disease survivors to prevent further transmission.
Doshi RH , Fleming M , Mukoka AK , Carter RJ , Hyde TB , Choi M , Nzaji MK , Bateyi SH , Christie A , Nichol ST , Damon IK , Beach M , Musenga EM , Fitter DL . Lancet Glob Health 2020 8 (12) e1455-e1456 ![]() ![]() On April 10, 2020, just 2 days before the anticipated declaration of the end of the North Kivu and Ituri Ebola virus disease (EVD) outbreak in DR Congo, and 53 days after the last confirmed case of EVD had been reported, a new case was confirmed. Sequencing of patient samples from the case in April and six others that followed indicated that these cases were likely to have come from a reintroduction of the virus from a persistently infected survivor.1 This group of cases marked the second flare-up linked to an EVD survivor during this outbreak. In November, 2019, a relapse case in North Kivu resulted in widespread transmission across multiple health zones, helping to extend the outbreak by at least 3 months. |
Public Health Responses to COVID-19 Outbreaks on Cruise Ships - Worldwide, February-March 2020.
Moriarty LF , Plucinski MM , Marston BJ , Kurbatova EV , Knust B , Murray EL , Pesik N , Rose D , Fitter D , Kobayashi M , Toda M , Canty PT , Scheuer T , Halsey ES , Cohen NJ , Stockman L , Wadford DA , Medley AM , Green G , Regan JJ , Tardivel K , White S , Brown C , Morales C , Yen C , Wittry B , Freeland A , Naramore S , Novak RT , Daigle D , Weinberg M , Acosta A , Herzig C , Kapella BK , Jacobson KR , Lamba K , Ishizumi A , Sarisky J , Svendsen E , Blocher T , Wu C , Charles J , Wagner R , Stewart A , Mead PS , Kurylo E , Campbell S , Murray R , Weidle P , Cetron M , Friedman CR . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (12) 347-352 ![]() ![]() An estimated 30 million passengers are transported on 272 cruise ships worldwide each year* (1). Cruise ships bring diverse populations into proximity for many days, facilitating transmission of respiratory illness (2). SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes coronavirus disease (COVID-19) was first identified in Wuhan, China, in December 2019 and has since spread worldwide to at least 187 countries and territories. Widespread COVID-19 transmission on cruise ships has been reported as well (3). Passengers on certain cruise ship voyages might be aged >/=65 years, which places them at greater risk for severe consequences of SARS-CoV-2 infection (4). During February-March 2020, COVID-19 outbreaks associated with three cruise ship voyages have caused more than 800 laboratory-confirmed cases among passengers and crew, including 10 deaths. Transmission occurred across multiple voyages of several ships. This report describes public health responses to COVID-19 outbreaks on these ships. COVID-19 on cruise ships poses a risk for rapid spread of disease, causing outbreaks in a vulnerable population, and aggressive efforts are required to contain spread. All persons should defer all cruise travel worldwide during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Hypertensive disorders in pregnancy and maternal and neonatal outcomes in Haiti: the importance of surveillance and data collection
Bridwell M , Handzel E , Hynes M , Jean-Louis R , Fitter D , Hogue C , Grand-Pierre R , Pierre H , Pearce B . BMC Pregnancy Childbirth 2019 19 (1) 208 BACKGROUND: This study aims to determine reported prevalence of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy (HDP) and maternal and neonatal outcomes associated with these disorders among women delivering at selected hospitals across Haiti. METHODS: A retrospective review of 8822 singleton deliveries between January 2012 and December 2014 was conducted at four hospitals in separate Departments across Haiti. Researchers examined the proportion of women with reported HDP (hypertension, preeclampsia, eclampsia) and the association between women with HDP and three neonatal outcomes: low birth weight, preterm birth, and stillbirths; and two maternal outcomes: placental abruption and maternal death in Hopital Albert Schweitzer (HAS). Odds ratios for associations between HDP and perinatal outcomes at HAS were assessed using logistic regression, adjusting for potential confounders. RESULTS: Of the 8822 singleton births included in the study, 510 (5.8%) had a reported HDP (including 285 (55.9%) preeclampsia, 119 (23.3%) eclampsia, and 106 (20.8%) hypertension). Prevalence of HDP among each hospital was: HAS (13.5%), Hopital Immaculee Conception des Cayes (HIC) (3.2%), Fort Liberte (4.3%), and Hopital Sacre Coeur de Milot (HSC) (3.0%). Among women at HAS with HDP, the adjusted odds of having a low birth weight baby was four times that of women without HDP (aOR 4.17, 95% CI 3.19-5.45), more than three times that for stillbirths (aOR 3.51, 95% CI 2.43-5.06), and five times as likely to result in maternal death (aOR 5.13, 95% CI 1.53-17.25). Among the three types of HDP, eclampsia was associated with the greatest odds of adverse events with five times the odds of having a low birth weight baby (aOR 5.00, 95% CI 2.84-8.79), six times the odds for stillbirths (aOR 6.34, 95% CI 3.40-11.82), and more than twelve times as likely to result in maternal death (aOR 12.70, 95% CI 2.33-69.31). CONCLUSIONS: A high prevalence of HDP was found among a cohort of Haitian mothers. HDP was associated with higher rates of adverse maternal and neonatal outcomes in HAS, which is comparable to studies of HDP conducted in high-income countries. |
Increase in reported cholera cases in Haiti following Hurricane Matthew: An interrupted time series model
Hulland E , Subaiya S , Pierre K , Barthelemy N , Pierre JS , Dismer A , Juin S , Fitter D , Brunkard J . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2019 100 (2) 368-373 Matthew, a category 4 hurricane, struck Haiti on October 4, 2016, causing widespread flooding and damage to buildings and crops, and resulted in many deaths. The damage caused by Matthew raised concerns of increased cholera transmission particularly in Sud and Grand'Anse departments, regions which were hit most heavily by the storm. To evaluate the change in reported cholera cases following Hurricane Matthew on reported cholera cases, we used interrupted time series regression models of daily reported cholera cases, controlling for the impact of both rainfall, following a 4-week lag, and seasonality, from 2013 through 2016. Our results indicate a significant increase in reported cholera cases after Matthew, suggesting that the storm resulted in an immediate surge in suspect cases, and a decline in reported cholera cases in the 46-day post-storm period, after controlling for rainfall and seasonality. Regression models stratified by the department indicate that the impact of the hurricane was regional, with larger surges in the two most highly storm-affected departments: Sud and Grand'Anse. These models were able to provide input to the Ministry of Health in Haiti on the national and regional impact of Hurricane Matthew and, with further development, could provide the flexibility of use in other emergency situations. This article highlights the need for continued cholera prevention and control efforts, particularly in the wake of natural disasters such as hurricanes, and the continued need for intensive cholera surveillance nationally. |
Loss to follow-up among patients receiving anti-tuberculosis treatment, Haiti, 2011-2015
Schnaubelt ER , Charles M , Richard M , Fitter DL , Morose W , Cegielski JP . Public Health Action 2018 8 (4) 154-161 Setting: Tuberculosis (TB) treatment facilities in Haiti. Objective: To assess factors associated with loss to follow-up (LTFU) among patients receiving treatment for tuberculosis (TB) in Haiti. Design: We analyzed Haiti's national surveillance data for patients started on anti-tuberculosis treatment from 2011 to 2015 to determine factors associated with LTFU using multivariable logistic regression and describe LTFU in terms of subnational units to target future intervention strategies. We also conducted a survival analysis to estimate hazard ratios of factors associated with time to LTFU. Results: Of 81 490 TB cases reported, 7423 (9.1%) were LTFU during anti-tuberculosis treatment, increasing from 7.1% in 2011 to 10.3% in 2015. Six high-volume facilities had significantly higher rates of LTFU (14.3-31.9%) than the rest of the country, accounting for 18.8% of all TB cases reported, but 41.7% of all LTFU patients. Male sex, previous treatment history, and human immunodeficiency virus infection were associated with higher rates of LTFU. The median time to LTFU was 94 days. Conclusion: A small number of facilities accounted for disproportionately high rates of LTFU. These results identify characteristics of facilities and individuals leading to concentrated interventions to reduce LTFU and improve treatment success. |
Infection prevention and control training and capacity building during the Ebola epidemic in Guinea
Soeters HM , Koivogui L , de Beer L , Johnson CY , Diaby D , Ouedraogo A , Toure F , Bangoura FO , Chang MA , Chea N , Dotson EM , Finlay A , Fitter D , Hamel MJ , Hazim C , Larzelere M , Park BJ , Rowe AK , Thompson-Paul AM , Twyman A , Barry M , Ntaw G , Diallo AO . PLoS One 2018 13 (2) e0193291 BACKGROUND: During the 2014-2016 Ebola epidemic in West Africa, a key epidemiological feature was disease transmission within healthcare facilities, indicating a need for infection prevention and control (IPC) training and support. METHODS: IPC training was provided to frontline healthcare workers (HCW) in healthcare facilities that were not Ebola treatment units, as well as to IPC trainers and IPC supervisors placed in healthcare facilities. Trainings included both didactic and hands-on components, and were assessed using pre-tests, post-tests and practical evaluations. We calculated median percent increase in knowledge. RESULTS: From October-December 2014, 20 IPC courses trained 1,625 Guineans: 1,521 HCW, 55 IPC trainers, and 49 IPC supervisors. Median test scores increased 40% (interquartile range [IQR]: 19-86%) among HCW, 15% (IQR: 8-33%) among IPC trainers, and 21% (IQR: 15-30%) among IPC supervisors (all P<0.0001) to post-test scores of 83%, 93%, and 93%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: IPC training resulted in clear improvements in knowledge and was feasible in a public health emergency setting. This method of IPC training addressed a high demand among HCW. Valuable lessons were learned to facilitate expansion of IPC training to other prefectures; this model may be considered when responding to other large outbreaks. |
Strengthening national disease surveillance and response-Haiti, 2010-2015
Juin S , Schaad N , Lafontant D , Joseph GA , Barzilay E , Boncy J , Barrais R , Louis FJ , Jean Charles NL , Corvil S , Barthelemy N , Dismer A , Pierre JS , Archer RW , Antoine M , Marston B , Katz M , Dely P , Adrien P , Fitter DL , Lowrance D , Patel R . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2017 97 12-20 Haiti's health system has faced many challenges over the years, with competing health priorities in the context of chronic financial and human resource limitations. As a result, the existing notifiable disease surveillance system was unable to provide the most basic epidemiologic data for public health decision-making and action. In the wake of the January 2010 earthquake, the Haitian Ministry of Public Health and Population collaborated with the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Pan American Health Organization, and other local and international partners to implement a functional national surveillance system. More than 7 years later, it is important to take the opportunity to reflect on progress made on surveillance and response in Haiti, including disease detection, reporting, outbreak investigation, and response. The national epidemiologic surveillance network that started with 51 sites in 2010 has been expanded to 357 sites as of December 2015. Disease outbreaks identified via the surveillance system, or other surveillance approaches, are investigated by epidemiologists trained by the Ministry of Health's Field Epidemiology Training Program. Other related surveillance modules have been developed on the same model and electronic platform, allowing the country to document the impact of interventions, track progress, and monitor health problems. Sustainability remains the greatest challenge since most of the funding for surveillance come from external sources. |
Trends in tuberculosis case notification and treatment success, Haiti, 2010-2015
Charles M , Richard M , Joseph P , Bury MR , Perrin G , Louis FJ , Fitter DL , Marston BJ , Deyde V , Boncy J , Morose W , Pape JW , Lowrance DW . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2017 97 49-56 Since the 2010 earthquake, tuberculosis (TB) control has been a major priority for health sector response and recovery efforts in Haiti. The goal of this study was to analyze trends in TB case notification in Haiti from the aggregate data reported by the National TB Control Program to understand the effects of such efforts. A total of 95,745 TB patients were registered for treatment in Haiti between 2010 and 2015. Three regions, the West, Artibonite, and North departments accounted for 68% of the TB cases notified during the period. Patients in the 15-34 age groups represented 53% (50,560) of all cases. Case notification rates of all forms of TB increased from 142.7/100,000 in 2010 to 153.4 in 2015, peaking at 163.4 cases/100,000 in 2013. Case notification for smear-positive pulmonary TB increased from 85.5 cases/100,000 to 105.7 cases/100,000, whereas treatment success rates remained stable at 79-80% during the period. Active TB case finding efforts in high-risk communities and the introduction of new diagnostics have contributed to increasing TB case notification trends in Haiti from 2010 to 2015. Targeted interventions and novel strategies are being implemented to reach high-risk populations and underserved communities. |
Haiti's commitment to malaria elimination: Progress in the face of challenges, 2010-2016
Lemoine JF , Boncy J , Filler S , Kachur SP , Fitter D , Chang MA . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2017 97 43-48 Haiti is committed to malaria elimination by 2020. Following a 2010 earthquake and cholera epidemic, Haiti capitalized on investments in its health system to refocus on malaria elimination. Efforts, including expanding diagnostics, ensuring efficacy of standard treatments, building institutional capacity, and strengthening surveillance were undertaken to complement the broad health system strengthening activities. These efforts led to the adoption and scale-up of malaria rapid diagnostic tests as a diagnostic modality. In addition, drug-resistant monitoring has been established in the country, along with the development of molecular testing capacity for the Plasmodium falciparum parasite at the National Public Health Laboratory. The development and piloting of surveillance activities to include an enhanced community-based approach for testing and treatment of patients has increased the ability of the Ministry of Health to map foci of transmission and respond promptly to outbreaks. The reinforcement of evidence-based approaches coupled with strong collaboration among the Ministry of Health and partners has demonstrated that malaria elimination by 2020 is a realistic prospect. |
Applying a new framework for public health systems recovery following emergencies and disasters: The example of Haiti following a major earthquake and cholera outbreak
Fitter DL , Delson DB , Guillaume FD , Schaad AW , Moffett DB , Poncelet JL , Lowrance D , Gelting R . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2017 97 4-11 Emergencies can often directly impact health systems of an affected region or country, especially in resource-constrained areas. Health system recovery following an emergency is a complex and dynamic process. Health system recovery efforts have often been structured around the World Health Organization's health systems building blocks as demonstrated by the Post-Disaster Needs Assessment. Although this structure is valuable and well known, it can overlook the intricacies of public health systems. We retrospectively examine public health systems recovery, a subset of the larger health system, following the 2010 Haiti earthquake and cholera outbreak, through the lens of the 10 essential public health services. This framework illustrates the comprehensive nature of and helps categorize the activities necessary for a well-functioning public health system and can complement other assessments. Outlining the features of a public health system for recovery in structured manner can also help lay the foundation for sustainable long-term development leading to a more robust and resilient health system. |
Evaluation of the field performance of ImmunoCard STAT! rapid diagnostic test for rotavirus in Dadaab refugee camp and at the Kenya-Somalia Border
Ope M , Nyoka R , Unshur A , Oyier FO , Mowlid SA , Owino B , Ochieng SB , Okello CI , Montgomery JM , Wagacha B , Galev A , Abdow A , Esona MD , Tate J , Fitter D , Cookson ST , Arunmozhi B , Marano N . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2017 96 (6) 1302-1306 Rotavirus commonly causes diarrhea in children, leading to hospitalization and even death. Rapid diagnostic tests are feasible alternatives for determining rotavirus outbreaks in refugee camps that have inadequate laboratory capacity.We evaluated the field performance of ImmunoCard STAT! Rotavirus (ICS-RV) in Dadaab Refugee Camp and at the Kenya-Somalia border. From May to December 2014, we prospectively enrolled children aged < 5 years hospitalized with acute diarrhea, defined as >= 3 episodes of loose stool in 24 hours for < 7 days. Stool samples were collected and tested by trained surveillance clerks using ICS-RV per manufacturer's instructions. The field performance characteristics of ICS-RV were evaluated against the gold standard test, PremierTM Rotaclone enzyme immunoassay. The operational characteristics were evaluated usingWorld Health Organization (WHO) ASSURED criteria to determine whether ICS-RV is appropriate as a point-of-care test by administering a standard questionnaire and observing surveillance clerks performing the test. We enrolled 213 patients with a median age of 10 months (range = 1-48); 58.2%weremale. A total of 71 (33.3%) and 60 (28.2%) patients tested positive for rotavirus infection by immunoassay and ICS-RV, respectively. The sensitivity, specificity, and positive and negative predictive values of ICS-RV compared with the immunoassay were 83.1% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 72.3-91.0), 99.3% (95% CI = 96.1-100), 98.3% (95% CI = 91.1-100), and 92.1% (95% CI = 86.6-95.5), respectively. The ICS-RV fulfilled theWHO ASSURED criteria for point-of-care testing. ICS-RV is a field-ready point-of-care test with good field performance and operational characteristics. It can be useful in determining rotavirus outbreaks in resource-limited settings. |
Implementation of broad screening with Ebola rapid diagnostic tests in Forecariah, Guinea
Louis FJ , Huang JY , Nebie YK , Koivogui L , Jayaraman G , Abiola N , Vansteelandt A , Worrel MC , Shang J , Murphy LB , Fitter DL , Marston BJ , Martel L . Afr J Lab Med 2017 6 (1) 484 Background: Laboratory-enhanced surveillance is critical for rapidly detecting the potential re-emergence of Ebola virus disease. Rapid diagnostic tests (RDT) for Ebola antigens could expand diagnostic capacity for Ebola virus disease. Objectives: The Guinean National Coordination for Ebola Response conducted a pilot implementation to determine the feasibility of broad screening of patients and corpses with the OraQuick Ebola RDT. Methods: The implementation team developed protocols and trained healthcare workers to screen patients and corpses in Forecariah prefecture, Guinea, from 15 October to 30 November 2015. Data collected included number of consultations, number of fevers reported or measured, number of tests performed for patients or corpses and results of confirmatory RT-PCR testing. Data on malaria RDT results were collected for comparison. Feedback from Ebola RDT users was collected informally during supervision visits and forums. Results: There were 3738 consultations at the 15 selected healthcare facilities; 74.6% of consultations were for febrile illness. Among 2787 eligible febrile patients, 2633 were tested for malaria and 1628 OraQuick Ebola RDTs were performed. A total of 322 OraQuick Ebola RDTs were conducted on corpses. All Ebola tests on eligible patients were negative. Conclusions: Access to Ebola testing was expanded by the implementation of RDTs in an emergency situation. Feedback from Ebola RDT users and lessons learned will contribute to improving quality for RDT expansion. |
Transmission of Zika Virus - Haiti, October 12, 2015-September 10, 2016
Journel I , Andrecy LL , Metellus D , Pierre JS , Faublas RM , Juin S , Dismer AM , Fitter DL , Neptune D , Laraque MJ , Corvil S , Pierre M , Buteau J , Lafontant D , Patel R , Lemoine JF , Lowrance DW , Charles M , Boncy J , Adrien P . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2017 66 (6) 172-176 Zika virus disease is caused by infection with a flavivirus with broad geographic distribution and is most frequently transmitted by the bite of an infected mosquito. The disease was first identified in the World Health Organization's Region of the Americas in 2015 and was followed by a surge in reported cases of congenital microcephaly in Brazil; Zika virus disease rapidly spread to the rest of the region and the Caribbean, including Haiti. Infection with the virus is associated with adverse fetal outcomes and rare neurologic complications in adults. The magnitude of public health issues associated with Zika virus led the World Health Organization to declare the Zika virus outbreak a Public Health Emergency of International Concern on February 1, 2016 (2). Because many persons with mild Zika virus disease are asymptomatic and might not seek care, it is difficult to estimate the actual incidence of Zika virus infection. During October 12, 2015-September 10, 2016, the Haitian Ministry of Public Health and Population (Ministere de la Sante Publique et de la Population [MSPP]) detected 3,036 suspected cases of Zika virus infection in the general population, 22 suspected cases of Zika virus disease among pregnant women, 13 suspected cases of Guillain-Barre syndrome (GBS), and 29 suspected cases of Zika-associated congenital microcephaly. Nineteen (0.6%) patients with suspected Zika virus disease, residing in Ouest (10 patients), Artibonite (six), and Centre (three) administrative departments, have been confirmed by laboratory testing, including two among pregnant women and 17 in the general population. Ongoing laboratory-enhanced surveillance to monitor Zika virus disease in Haiti is important to understanding the outbreak and ensuring effective response activities. |
Ebola virus persistence in breast milk after no reported illness: a likely source of virus transmission from mother to child.
Sissoko D , Keita M , Diallo B , Aliabadi N , Fitter DL , Dahl BA , Bore JA , Koundouno FR , Singethan K , Meisel S , Enkirch T , Mazzarelli A , Amburgey V , Faye O , Sall AA , Magassouba N , Carroll MW , Anglaret X , Malvy D , Formenty P , Aylward RB , Keita S , Djingarey MH , Loman NJ , Gunther S , Duraffour S . Clin Infect Dis 2016 64 (4) 513-516 ![]() A nine-month-old infant died from Ebola virus (EBOV) disease with unknown epidemiological link. While her parents did not report previous illness, laboratory investigations revealed persisting EBOV RNA in the mother's breast milk and the father's seminal fluid. Genomic analysis strongly suggests EBOV transmission to the child through breastfeeding. |
Perceptions of health communication, water treatment and sanitation in Artibonite Department, Haiti, March-April 2012
Williams HA , Gaines J , Patrick M , Berendes D , Fitter D , Handzel T . PLoS One 2015 10 (11) e0142778 The international response to Haiti's ongoing cholera outbreak has been multifaceted, including health education efforts by community health workers and the distribution of free water treatment products. Artibonite Department was the first region affected by the outbreak. Numerous organizations have been involved in cholera response efforts in Haiti with many focusing on efforts to improve water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH). Multiple types of water treatment products have been distributed, creating the potential for confusion over correct dosage and water treatment methods. We utilized qualitative methods in Artibonite to determine the population's response to WASH messages, use and acceptability of water treatment products, and water treatment and sanitation knowledge, attitudes and practices at the household level. We conducted eighteen focus group discussions (FGDs): 17 FGDs were held with community members (nine among females, eight among males); one FGD was held with community health workers. Health messages related to WASH were well-retained, with reported improvements in hand-washing. Community health workers were identified as valued sources of health information. Most participants noted a paucity of water-treatment products. Sanitation, specifically the construction of latrines, was the most commonly identified need. Lack of funds was the primary reason given for not constructing a latrine. The construction and maintenance of potable water and sanitation services is needed to ensure a sustainable change. |
Ebola virus disease - Sierra Leone and Guinea, August 2015
Hersey S , Martel LD , Jambai A , Keita S , Yoti Z , Meyer E , Seeman S , Bennett S , Ratto J , Morgan O , Akyeampong MA , Sainvil S , Worrell MC , Fitter D , Arnold KE . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2015 64 (35) 981-4 The Ebola virus disease (Ebola) outbreak in West Africa began in late 2013 in Guinea (1) and spread unchecked during early 2014. By mid-2014, it had become the first Ebola epidemic ever documented. Transmission was occurring in multiple districts of Guinea, Liberia, and Sierra Leone, and for the first time, in capital cities (2). On August 8, 2014, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the outbreak to be a Public Health Emergency of International Concern (3). Ministries of Health, with assistance from multinational collaborators, have reduced Ebola transmission, and the number of cases is now declining. While Liberia has not reported a case since July 12, 2015, transmission has continued in Guinea and Sierra Leone, although the numbers of cases reported are at the lowest point in a year. In August 2015, Guinea and Sierra Leone reported 10 and four confirmed cases, respectively, compared with a peak of 526 (Guinea) and 1,997 (Sierra Leone) in November 2014. This report details the current situation in Guinea and Sierra Leone, outlines strategies to interrupt transmission, and highlights the need to maintain public health response capacity and vigilance for new cases at this critical time to end the outbreak. |
Evaluation of the national tuberculosis surveillance program in Haiti
Salyer SJ , Fitter DL , Milo R , Blanton C , Ho JL , Geffrard H , Morose W , Marston BJ . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2015 19 (9) 1045-50 OBJECTIVE: To assess the quality of tuberculosis (TB) surveillance in Haiti, including whether underreporting from facilities to the national level contributes to low national case registration. METHODS: We collected 2010 and 2012 TB case totals, reviewed laboratory registries, and abstracted individual TB case reports from 32 of 263 anti-tuberculosis treatment facilities randomly selected after stratification/weighting toward higher-volume facilities. We compared site results to national databases maintained by a non-governmental organization partner (International Child Care [ICC]) for 2010 and 2012, and the National TB Program (Programme National de Lutte contre la Tuberculose, PNLT) for 2012 only. RESULTS: Case registries were available at 30/32 facilities for 2010 and all 32 for 2012. Totals of 3711 (2010) and 4143 (2012) cases were reported at the facilities. Case totals per site were higher in site registries than in the national databases by 361 (9.7%) (ICC 2010), 28 (0.8%) (ICC 2012), and 31 (0.8%) cases (PNLT 2012). Of abstracted individual cases, respectively 11.8% and 6.8% were not recorded in national databases for 2010 (n = 323) and 2012 (n = 351). CONCLUSIONS: The evaluation demonstrated an improvement in reporting registered TB cases to the PNLT in Haiti between 2010 and 2012. Further improvement in case notification will require enhanced case detection and diagnosis. |
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