Last data update: Jan 21, 2025. (Total: 48615 publications since 2009)
Records 1-9 (of 9 Records) |
Query Trace: Finnie RKC[original query] |
Impact of fruit and vegetable incentive programs on food insecurity, fruit and vegetable consumption, and health outcomes: A Community Guide systematic review
Stein R , Finnie RKC , Harmon S , Peng Y , Pritchard C , Vecsey H , Emmons KM , Hargarten S , Simon MA , Blanck HM , Harris D , Bellows L , Colemafn-Jensen A , Fleischhacker S , Koenings MM , Odoms-Young A , Seligman HK , Grant C , Powell A . Am J Prev Med 2024 INTRODUCTION: Food and nutrition security is crucial for health, but many U.S. households experience food insecurity. This systematic review conducted in support of the Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) examines the effectiveness of Fruit and Vegetable Incentive (FVI) programs in reducing food insecurity, increasing fruit and vegetable (FV) consumption, and improving health outcomes among households with lower incomes. METHODS: Community Guide systematic review methods were applied. Studies were identified through a literature search (inception of each database to February 2023). U.S. studies were included if they evaluated programs offering participants financial incentives to purchase FV; were designed for or implemented among populations with lower incomes; reported health-related outcomes; and were published in English as peer-reviewed articles or government reports. RESULTS: This review included 30 studies. Thirteen of 14 datapoints from 12 studies indicated FVI programs reduced household food insecurity. Twenty-one of 29 datapoints from 23 studies showed increased FV consumption. Programs providing incentives to participants at risk for or with diet-related health conditions improved blood glucose levels by a median of 0.64 percentage points. DISCUSSION: Based on the review findings, CPSTF recommends FVI programs for populations with lower incomes to reduce household food insecurity, increase household FV consumption, and improve blood glucose levels in participants at risk for or with diet-related health conditions. Although the review did not find direct evidence of reducing health disparities, the CPSTF expects that these programs will improve health equity across the US by improving the affordability and accessibility of healthier foods for households with lower incomes. |
A Community Guide systematic review: School dietary and physical activity interventions
Buchanan LR , Wethington HR , Finnie RKC , Mercer SL , Merlo C , Michael S , Sliwa S , Pratt CA , Ochiai E . Am J Prev Med 2022 64 (3) 441-451 CONTEXT: Schools can play an important role in supporting a healthy lifestyle by offering nutritious foods and beverages and providing opportunities for physical activity. A healthy diet and regular physical activity may reduce the risk of obesity. This manuscript reports on a Community Guide systematic review examining the effectiveness of interventions in schools combining school meal or fruit and vegetable snack programs and physical activity. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: Studies meeting the intervention definition were identified from a literature search (search period: January 1990-November 2019). Community Guide systematic review methods were used to assess effectiveness as measured by dietary behavior, physical activity, and weight changes; analyses were conducted in 2020. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Interventions (n=24 studies) were considered effective for increasing physical activity (median increase=21.8 minutes/day; interquartile interval= -0.8 to 27.4 minutes/day), modestly increasing fruit and vegetable intake (median relative increase=12.1%; interquartile interval= -4.6%, 73.4%), and decreasing the prevalence of overweight and obesity (median decrease=2.5 percentage points; interquartile interval= -8.1, -1.6 percentage points) among elementary school students through sixth grade. There were not enough studies to determine the effectiveness of interventions for middle- and high-school students. CONCLUSIONS: School meal or fruit and vegetable snack interventions combined with physical activity were effective in increasing physical activity, with modest effects for improving fruit and vegetable consumption and reducing the prevalence of overweight and obesity among elementary students. These results may inform researchers and school administrators about healthy eating and physical activity interventions. |
Tenant-based housing voucher programs: A Community Guide Systematic Review
Finnie RKC , Peng Y , Hahn RA , Schwartz A , Emmons K , Montgomery AE , Muntaner C , Garrison VH , Truman BI , Johnson RL , Fullilove MT , Cobb J , Williams SP , Jones C , Bravo P , Buchanan S . J Public Health Manag Pract 2022 28 (6) E795-e803 CONTEXT: Unaffordable or insecure housing is associated with poor health in children and adults. Tenant-based housing voucher programs (voucher programs) limit rent to 30% or less of household income to help households with low income obtain safe and affordable housing. OBJECTIVE: To determine the effectiveness of voucher programs in improving housing, health, and other health-related outcomes for households with low income. DESIGN: Community Guide systematic review methods were used to assess intervention effectiveness and threats to validity. An updated systematic search based on a previous Community Guide review was conducted for literature published from 1999 to July 2019 using electronic databases. Reference lists of included studies were also searched. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Studies were included if they assessed voucher programs in the United States, had concurrent comparison populations, assessed outcomes of interest, were written in English, and published in peer-reviewed journals or government reports. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Housing quality and stability, neighborhood opportunity (safety and poverty), education, income, employment, physical and mental health, health care use, and risky health behavior. RESULTS: Seven studies met inclusion criteria. Compared with low-income households not offered vouchers, voucher-using households reported increased housing quality (7.9 percentage points [pct pts]), decreased housing insecurity or homelessness (-22.4 pct pts), and decreased neighborhood poverty (-5.2 pct pts).Adults in voucher-using households had improved health care access and physical and mental health. Female youth experienced better physical and mental health but not male youth. Children who entered the voucher programs under 13 years of age had improved educational attainment, employment, and income in their adulthood; children's gains in these outcomes were inversely related to their age at program entry. CONCLUSION: Voucher programs improved health and several health-related outcomes for voucher-using households, particularly young children. Research is still needed to better understand household's experiences and contextual factors that influence achievement of desired outcomes. |
Intimate Partner and Sexual Violence Prevention Among Youth: A Community Guide Systematic Review
Finnie RKC , Okasako-Schmucker DL , Buchanan L , Carty D , Wethington H , Mercer SL , Basile KC , DeGue S , Niolon PH , Bishop J , Titus T , Noursi S , Dickerson SA , Whitaker D , Swider S , Remington P . Am J Prev Med 2021 62 (1) e45-e55 INTRODUCTION: Intimate partner violence and sexual violence are widespread and often occur early in life. This systematic review examines the effectiveness of interventions for primary prevention of intimate partner violence and sexual violence among youth. METHODS: Studies were identified from 2 previous systematic reviews and an updated search (January 2012-June 2016). Included studies were implemented among youth, conducted in high-income countries, and aimed to prevent or reduce the perpetration of intimate partner violence or sexual violence. In 2016-2017, Guide to Community Preventive Services (Community Guide) methods were used to assess effectiveness as determined by perpetration, victimization, or bystander action. When heterogeneity of outcomes prevented usual Community Guide methods, the team systematically applied criteria for favorability (statistically significant at p<0.05 or approaching significance at p<0.10) and consistency (75% of results in the same direction). RESULTS: A total of 28 studies (32 arms) met inclusion and quality of execution criteria. Interventions used combinations of teaching healthy relationship skills, promoting social norms to protect against violence, or creating protective environments. Overall, 18 of 24 study arms reported favorable results on the basis of the direction of effect for decreasing perpetration; however, favorability for bystander action diminished with longer follow-up. Interventions did not demonstrate consistent results for decreasing victimization. A bridge search conducted during Fall 2020 confirmed these results. DISCUSSION: Interventions for the primary prevention of intimate partner violence and sexual violence are effective in reducing perpetration. Increasing bystander action may require additional follow-up as effectiveness diminishes over time. Findings may inform researchers, school personnel, public health, and other decision makers about effective strategies to prevent intimate partner violence and sexual violence among youth. |
Permanent supportive housing with housing first to reduce homelessness and promote health among homeless populations with disability: A Community Guide systematic review
Peng Y , Hahn RA , Finnie RKC , Cobb J , Williams SP , Fielding JE , Johnson RL , Montgomery AE , Schwartz AF , Muntaner C , Garrison VH , Jean-Francois B , Truman BI , Fullilove MT . J Public Health Manag Pract 2020 26 (5) 404-411 CONTEXT: Poor physical and mental health and substance use disorder can be causes and consequences of homelessness. Approximately 2.1 million persons per year in the United States experience homelessness. People experiencing homelessness have high rates of emergency department use, hospitalization, substance use treatment, social services use, arrest, and incarceration. OBJECTIVES: A standard approach to treating homeless persons with a disability is called Treatment First, requiring clients be "housing ready"-that is, in psychiatric treatment and substance-free-before and while receiving permanent housing. A more recent approach, Housing First, provides permanent housing and health, mental health, and other supportive services without requiring clients to be housing ready. To determine the relative effectiveness of these approaches, this systematic review compared the effects of both approaches on housing stability, health outcomes, and health care utilization among persons with disabilities experiencing homelessness. DESIGN: A systematic search (database inception to February 2018) was conducted using 8 databases with terms such as "housing first," "treatment first," and "supportive housing." Reference lists of included studies were also searched. Study design and threats to validity were assessed using Community Guide methods. Medians were calculated when appropriate. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA: Studies were included if they assessed Housing First programs in high-income nations, had concurrent comparison populations, assessed outcomes of interest, and were written in English and published in peer-reviewed journals or government reports. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Housing stability, physical and mental health outcomes, and health care utilization. RESULTS: Twenty-six studies in the United States and Canada met inclusion criteria. Compared with Treatment First, Housing First programs decreased homelessness by 88% and improved housing stability by 41%. For clients living with HIV infection, Housing First programs reduced homelessness by 37%, viral load by 22%, depression by 13%, emergency departments use by 41%, hospitalization by 36%, and mortality by 37%. CONCLUSIONS: Housing First programs improved housing stability and reduced homelessness more effectively than Treatment First programs. In addition, Housing First programs showed health benefits and reduced health services use. Health care systems that serve homeless patients may promote their health and well-being by linking them with effective housing services. |
Healthier food and beverage interventions in schools: Four Community Guide systematic reviews
Wethington HR , Finnie RKC , Buchanan LR , Okasako-Schmucker DL , Mercer SL , Merlo C , Wang Y , Pratt CA , Ochiai E , Glanz K . Am J Prev Med 2020 59 (1) e15-e26 CONTEXT: Healthy eating during childhood is important for optimal growth and helps reduce the risk of obesity, which has potentially serious health consequences. Changing the school food environment may offer one way to improve students' dietary intake. This manuscript reports 4 Community Guide systematic reviews examining the effectiveness of interventions in schools promoting healthy eating and weight. EVIDENCE ACQUISITION: School obesity prevention programs aiming to improve diet were identified from a 2013 Agency for Health Care Research and Quality systematic review and an updated search (August 2012-January 4, 2017). In 2017-2018, Community Guide systematic review methods were used to assess effectiveness as determined by dietary behavior and weight changes. EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS: Interventions improving school meals or offering fruits and vegetables (n=27 studies) are considered effective. Evidence is insufficient to determine the effectiveness of interventions supporting healthier snack foods and beverages outside of school meal programs given inconsistent findings (n=13 studies). Multicomponent interventions to increase availability of healthier foods and beverages are considered effective. These interventions must include 1 component from school meals or fruit and vegetable programs and interventions supporting healthier snack foods and beverages (n=12 studies). There is insufficient evidence to determine the effectiveness of interventions to increase water access because only 2 studies met inclusion criteria. CONCLUSIONS: A total of 2 school-based dietary interventions have favorable effects for improving dietary habits and modest effects for improving or maintaining weight. More evidence is needed regarding interventions with insufficient findings. These reviews may inform researchers and school administrators about healthy eating and obesity prevention interventions. |
Using a Community Preventive Services Task Force Recommendation to prevent and reduce intimate partner violence and sexual violence
Okasako-Schmucker DL , Cole KH , Finnie RKC , Basile KC , DeGue S , Niolon PH , Swider SM , Remington PL . J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2019 28 (10) 1335-1337 Intimate partner violence (IPV) and sexual violence (SV) are preventable public health problems affecting millions in the United States. The Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF), an independent panel of experts that develops evidence-based recommendations based on rigorous systematic reviews, recommends interventions that aim to prevent or reduce IPV and SV among youth aged 12-24 years. Decision makers can use these findings to select interventions appropriate for their populations, identify additional areas for research, and justify funding requests. |
Examining the effectiveness of year-round school calendars on improving educational attainment outcomes within the context of advancement of health equity: A Community Guide Systematic Review
Finnie RKC , Peng Y , Hahn RA , Johnson RL , Fielding JE , Truman BI , Muntaner C , Fullilove MT , Zhang X . J Public Health Manag Pract 2018 25 (6) 590-594 Students may lose knowledge and skills achieved in the school year during the summer break, with losses greatest for students from low-income families. Community Guide systematic review methods were used to summarize evaluations (published 1965-2015) of the effectiveness of year-round school calendars (YRSCs) on academic achievement, a determinant of long-term health. In single-track YRSCs, all students participate in the same school calendar; summer breaks are replaced by short "intersessions" distributed evenly throughout the year. In multi-track YRSCs, cohorts of students follow separate calendar tracks, with breaks at different times throughout the year. An earlier systematic review reported modest gains with single-track calendars and no gains with multi-track calendars. Three studies reported positive and negative effects for single-track programs and potential harm with multi-track programs when low-income students were assigned poorly resourced tracks. Lack of clarity about the role of intersessions as simple school breaks or as additional schooling opportunities in YRSCs leaves the evidence on single-track programs insufficient. Evidence on multi-track YRSCs is also insufficient. |
Expanded in-school instructional time and the advancement of health equity: A Community Guide Systematic Review
Peng Y , Finnie RKC , Hahn RA , Truman BI , Johnson RL , Fielding JE , Muntaner C , Fullilove MT , Zhang X . J Public Health Manag Pract 2018 25 (6) 584-589 Expanded in-school instructional time (EISIT) may reduce racial/ethnic educational achievement gaps, leading to improved employment, and decreased social and health risks. When targeted to low-income and racial/ethnic minority populations, EISIT may thus promote health equity. Community Guide systematic review methods were used to search for qualified studies (through February 2015, 11 included studies) and summarize evidence of the effectiveness of EISIT on educational outcomes. Compared with schools with no time change, schools with expanded days improved students' test scores by a median of 0.05 standard deviation units (range, 0.0-0.25). Two studies found that schools with expanded day and year improved students' standardized test scores (0.04 and 0.15 standard deviation units). Remaining studies were inconclusive. Given the small effect sizes and a lack of information about the use of added time, there is insufficient evidence to determine the effectiveness of EISIT on academic achievement and thus health equity. |
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- Page last updated:Jan 21, 2025
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