Last data update: Jan 13, 2025. (Total: 48570 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 335 Records) |
Query Trace: Evans K[original query] |
Human papillomavirus vaccination coverage among adolescent boys and girls in the United States: A birth year cohort analysis of the National Immunization Survey-Teen, 2016-2022
Nyika P , Yankey D , Elam-Evans LD , Meyer S , Pingali C , Stokley S , Singleton JA . Vaccine 2024 44 126560 OBJECTIVE: To evaluate human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination coverage among adolescents in the U.S. using birth cohort analysis. METHODS: We conducted a birth cohort analysis among adolescents born during 1999-2009 using National Immunization Survey-Teen (NIS-Teen), a random-digit dialed household telephone survey that also includes vaccination data from providers. We analyzed 131,553 records from 2016 to 2022 NIS-Teen data to determine: trends in coverage with ≥1 HPV vaccine dose before age 13 years and cumulative coverage from age 13-17 years; sociodemographic factors associated with HPV vaccination before age 13 years; missed HPV vaccination opportunities and the potential achievable coverage if opportunities were not missed; and trends in completion of HPV vaccination series. Regression analysis and Kaplan-Meier method provided the average percentage increase in coverage, and cumulative coverage from age 13-17 years stratified by birth cohorts, respectively. RESULTS: HPV vaccination initiation before age 13 years increased from 27.0 % among adolescents born in 1999 to 69.8 % among those born in 2009. Overall, cumulative percent with ≥1 HPV vaccine dose increased from 51.3 % before age 13 years to 74.9 % through age 17 years. Having a preventive visit at ages 11-12 years and being insured were associated with higher ≥1 HPV vaccine dose coverage. Among the 38,568 (29.3 %) adolescents unvaccinated for HPV, 31,513 (82.5 %) missed ≥1 HPV vaccination opportunity. The potential achievable coverage if opportunities were not missed was 94.8 %. Completion of HPV vaccination series before age 13 years increased from 10.3 % among adolescents born in 1999 to 42.2 % among those born in 2009. CONCLUSIONS: Coverage with ≥1 HPV vaccine dose increased by birth cohort among adolescents born 1999-2009 but remained suboptimal, especially among uninsured adolescents. Missed opportunities may be reduced by effective HPV vaccination implementation and uptake strategies and by administering all recommended vaccines during the same visit. |
Increased stillbirth rates and exposure to environmental risk factors for stillbirth in counties with higher social vulnerability: United States, 2015-2018
Moore J , Evans S , Rose CE , Shin M , Carroll Y , Duke CW , Cohen CR , Broussard CS . Matern Child Health J 2024 INTRODUCTION: Exposure to unfavorable environmental conditions during pregnancy, such as extreme heat and air pollution, has been linked to increased risk of stillbirth, defined as fetal mortality at or after 20 weeks' gestation, however no studies have examined its association with social vulnerability. We examined associations between county-level stillbirth rates, environmental risk factors for stillbirth, and social vulnerability in the United States. METHODS: This ecologic study linked county-level data from three nationwide datasets on stillbirths (National Vital Statistics System), environmental conditions (North American Land Data Assimilation System and Environmental Protection Agency), and social vulnerability (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry Social Vulnerability Index). Poisson and negative binomial models were fit to the variables and produced rate ratios to estimate associations among stillbirth rates, environmental risk factors, and social vulnerability. RESULTS: Social vulnerability was positively associated withn stillbirth rates, annual average number of extreme heat days, and ambient concentration of particulate matter ≤ 2.5 μm in diameter (PM2.5). The average number of days that ozone and PM2.5 each exceeded regulatory standards were not associated with stillbirth rates or social vulnerability. A positive association between average annual PM2.5 concentration and stillbirth rates was detected; no other significant associations between environmental risk factors and stillbirth rates were observed. DISCUSSION: We found evidence of associations between social vulnerability and stillbirth rates, and between social vulnerability and environmental risk factors for stillbirth at the county level. Further research could inform understanding of how social vulnerability impacts the relationship between environmental exposures and stillbirth risk. |
Decline in vaccination coverage by age 24 months and vaccination inequities among children born in 2020 and 2021 - National Immunization Survey-Child, United States, 2021-2023
Hill HA , Yankey D , Elam-Evans LD , Mu Y , Chen M , Peacock G , Singleton JA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (38) 844-853 Data from the National Immunization Survey-Child (NIS-Child) were analyzed to estimate coverage with childhood vaccines recommended by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices among U.S. children by age 24 months. Coverage with nearly all vaccines was lower among children born in 2020 and 2021 than it was among those born in 2018 and 2019, with declines ranging from 1.3 to 7.8 percentage points. Analyses of NIS-Child data for earlier birth cohorts have not revealed such widespread declines in routine childhood vaccination coverage. Coverage among children born during 2020-2021 varied by race and ethnicity, health insurance status, poverty status, urbanicity, and jurisdiction. Compared with non-Hispanic White children, coverage with four of the 17 vaccine measures was lower among non-Hispanic Black or African American children as well as Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic) and non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native children. Coverage was also generally lower among those covered by Medicaid or other nonprivate insurance, uninsured children, children living below the federal poverty level, and children living in rural areas. Coverage varied widely by jurisdiction, especially coverage with ≥2 doses of influenza vaccine. Children born during 2020-2021 were born during or after the period of major disruption of primary care from the COVID-19 pandemic. Providers should review children's histories and recommend needed vaccinations during every clinical encounter. Addressing financial barriers, access issues, vaccine hesitancy, and vaccine-related misinformation can also help to increase coverage, reduce disparities, and protect all children from vaccine-preventable diseases. Strategies that have been found effective include implementation of standing orders and reminder and recall systems, strong physician recommendations to vaccinate, and use of immunization information systems to identify areas of lower coverage that could benefit from targeted interventions to increase immunization rates. |
Use of measles and rubella rapid diagnostic tests to improve case detection and targeting of vaccinations
Rachlin A , Hampton LM , Rota PA , Mulders MN , Papania M , Goodson JL , Krause LK , Hanson M , Osborn J , Kelly-Cirino C , Evans B , Sinha A , Warrener L , Featherstone D , Brown D . Vaccines (Basel) 2024 12 (8) Efforts to control and eliminate measles and rubella are aided by high-quality surveillance data-supported by laboratory confirmation-to guide decision-making on routine immunization strategies and locations for conducting preventive supplementary immunization activities (SIAs) and outbreak response. Important developments in rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs) for measles and rubella present new opportunities for the global measles and rubella surveillance program to greatly improve the ability to rapidly detect and respond to outbreaks. Here, we review the status of RDTs for measles and rubella Immunoglobulin M (IgM) testing, as well as ongoing questions and challenges regarding the operational use and deployment of RDTs as part of global measles and rubella surveillance. Efforts to develop IgM RDTs that can be produced at scale are underway. Once validated RDTs are available, clear information on the benefits, challenges, and costs of their implementation will be critical for shaping deployment guidance and informing country plans for sustainably deploying such tests. The wide availability of RDTs could provide new programmatic options for measles and rubella elimination efforts, potentially enabling improvements and flexibility for testing, surveillance, and vaccination. |
The global measles and rubella laboratory network supports high-quality surveillance
Rota PA , Evans R , Ben Mamou MC , Rey-Benito G , Sangal L , Dosseh A , Ghoniem A , Byabamazima CR , Demanou M , Anderson R , Kim G , Bankamp B , Beard RS , Crooke SN , Ramachandran S , Penedos A , Stambos V , Nicholson S , Featherstone D , Mulders MN . Vaccines (Basel) 2024 12 (8) With 762 laboratories, the Global Measles and Rubella Laboratory Network (GMRLN) is the largest laboratory network coordinated by the World Health Organization (WHO). Like the Global Polio Laboratory Network, the GMRLN has multiple tiers, including global specialized laboratories, regional reference laboratories, national laboratories, and, in some countries, subnational laboratories. Regional networks are supervised by regional laboratory coordinators reporting to a global coordinator at WHO headquarters. Laboratories in the GMRLN have strong links to national disease control and vaccination programs. The GMRLN's goal is to support member states in obtaining timely, complete, and reliable laboratory-based surveillance data for measles and rubella as part of the strategy for achieving measles and rubella elimination. Surveillance data are reported to the national program and are included in annual reports on the status of measles and rubella elimination to national verification committees for review by regional verification commissions. Quality within the GMRLN is ensured by monitoring performance through external quality assurance programs, confirmatory and quality control testing, accreditation, and coordination of corrective action and training where needed. The overall performance of the laboratories has remained high over the years despite many challenges, particularly the COVID-19 pandemic. The GMRLN is well-positioned to support high-quality laboratory-based surveillance for measles and rubella and to transition to supporting laboratory testing for other pathogens, including vaccine-preventable diseases. |
Infection preventionists' current and preferred training strategies and tools
Rebmann T , Evans C , Hughes AM , Mazzara RL , Lugo KA , Waechter J , Drummond S , Carnes A , Carlson AL , Glowicz J . Am J Infect Control 2024 BACKGROUND: Educating healthcare staff on infection prevention and control (IPC) is an essential role of infection preventionists (IP), but the COVID-19 pandemic diverted resources away from IPC education. This study's purpose was to conduct an assessment of current IPC training needs. METHODS: Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology members were invited to complete an online survey in May - June, 2023 to assess their current and preferred approaches and tools for training healthcare personnel on IPC. Vendors, retirees, APIC staff, or those not working in a healthcare setting or public health were excluded. RESULTS: In all, 2,432 IPs participated. IPs were more likely to report engaging in impromptu healthcare worker training (i.e., just-in-time teaching and team huddles) versus planned educational activities (i.e., learning modules, formal presentations, train-the-trainer, or simulation; KW=288, p <.001). IPs' top preferred teaching methodologies included simulation or interactive activity and their lowest preferred approach was independent learning modules. IPC training apps were the most frequently requested technology. DISCUSSION: IPs ranked simulation as their top preferred teaching method; however, simulation was one of the least frequently used approaches. IP education should include strategies for delivering effective impromptu training and how to develop and implement interactive simulation-based education. CONCLUSIONS: The expressed needs and preferences of IPs should be considered when developing IPC-related teaching and training tools. |
National vaccination coverage among adolescents aged 13-17 years - National Immunization Survey-Teen, United States, 2023
Pingali C , Yankey D , Chen M , Elam-Evans LD , Markowitz LE , DeSisto CL , Schillie SF , Hughes M , Valier MR , Stokley S , Singleton JA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (33) 708-714 Based on safety and efficacy data, vaccinations are the best defense to protect persons and communities from serious vaccine-preventable diseases. The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices recommends routine vaccination of adolescents aged 11-12 years with three vaccines including tetanus, diphtheria, and acellular pertussis vaccine; quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine; and human papillomavirus vaccine. CDC analyzed data from the 2023 National Immunization Survey-Teen for 16,658 adolescents aged 13-17 years (born during January 2005-December 2010) to assess vaccination coverage in 2023, recent trends in coverage by birth year, and trends in coverage by eligibility for the Vaccines for Children (VFC) program and birth year. In 2023, coverage with all routine vaccines recommended for adolescents was similar to coverage in 2022. Vaccination coverage among VFC-eligible adolescents was generally stable during the COVID-19 pandemic, except for a decrease in the percentage of VFC-eligible adolescents who were up to date with HPV vaccination by age 13 years among those born in 2010 compared with those born in 2007. Whereas coverage differences were found between VFC-eligible and non-VFC-eligible adolescents before the COVID-19 pandemic, coverage was similar among the most recent birth years in the survey. Providers should make strong recommendations for all routine vaccines and review adolescent vaccination records to verify if adolescents are up to date with all recommended vaccines. |
Vital Signs: Trends and disparities in childhood vaccination coverage by vaccines for children program eligibility - National Immunization Survey-Child, United States, 2012-2022
Valier MR , Yankey D , Elam-Evans LD , Chen M , Hill HA , Mu Y , Pingali C , Gomez JA , Arthur BC , Surtees T , Graitcer SB , Dowling NF , Stokley S , Peacock G , Singleton JA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (33) 722-730 INTRODUCTION: The Vaccines for Children (VFC) program was established in 1994 to provide recommended vaccines at no cost to eligible children and help ensure that all U.S. children are protected from life-threatening vaccine-preventable diseases. METHODS: CDC analyzed data from the 2012-2022 National Immunization Survey-Child (NIS-Child) to assess trends in vaccination coverage with ≥1 dose of measles, mumps, and rubella vaccine (MMR), 2-3 doses of rotavirus vaccine, and a combined 7-vaccine series, by VFC program eligibility status, and to examine differences in coverage among VFC-eligible children by sociodemographic characteristics. VFC eligibility was defined as meeting at least one of the following criteria: 1) American Indian or Alaska Native; 2) insured by Medicaid, Indian Health Service (IHS), or uninsured; or 3) ever received at least one vaccination at an IHS-operated center, Tribal health center, or urban Indian health care facility. RESULTS: Overall, approximately 52.2% of U.S. children were VFC eligible. Among VFC-eligible children born during 2011-2020, coverage by age 24 months was stable for ≥1 MMR dose (88.0%-89.9%) and the combined 7-vaccine series (61.4%-65.3%). Rotavirus vaccination coverage by age 8 months was 64.8%-71.1%, increasing by an average of 0.7 percentage points annually. Among all children born in 2020, coverage was 3.8 (≥1 MMR dose), 11.5 (2-3 doses of rotavirus vaccine), and 13.8 (combined 7-vaccine series) percentage points lower among VFC-eligible than among non-VFC-eligible children. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC HEALTH PRACTICE: Although the VFC program has played a vital role in increasing and maintaining high levels of childhood vaccination coverage for 30 years, gaps remain. Enhanced efforts must ensure that parents and guardians of VFC-eligible children are aware of, have confidence in, and are able to obtain all recommended vaccines for their children. |
Gains needed to achieve Healthy People 2030 breastfeeding targets
Noiman A , Kim C , Chen J , Elam-Evans LD , Hamner HC , Li R . Pediatrics 2024 |
Improving public health emergency communication along the U.S. Southern border: Insights from a COVID-19 pilot campaign with truck drivers
Evans S , Rubio B , Piat C , Kamara H , Owen P , Duff B , Chavez A , Bligh LR . Health Promot Pract 2024 15248399241265311 Tens of thousands of trucks cross the U.S.-Mexico border every day. Cross-border truckers' high mobility puts them at risk of acquiring and transmitting infectious diseases and creates challenges reaching them with emergency public health messaging due to their everchanging locations and limited English proficiency. Despite this community-level transmission risk and documented health disparities related to various infectious and noninfectious diseases experienced by truckers themselves, little has been published to provide practical recommendations on better reaching this audience through innovative outreach methods. This article describes a COVID-19 health promotion campaign that aimed to (1) identify, pilot test, and evaluate effective messages, channels, sources, and settings for reaching truckers on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border and (2) build capacity and sustainability for messaging around future health emergencies. The pilot program ran for 6 weeks, June to August 2023, in three key commercial border crossings and delivered approximately 50,000,000 impressions, nearly 45% more impressions than expected. Considerations for practitioners include the areas of design, implementation, and evaluation. The results provide insight into how to design health promotion messages that resonate with cross-border truckers and how to place these messages where they will be seen, heard, and understood. This includes working effectively with community health workers (CHW), known locally as promotores; identifying local partners that allow CHW to set up onsite; and, working with partner organizations including employers. Practical insights for building evaluation metrics into traditional and grassroots outreach strategies to facilitate real-time optimization as well as continued learning across efforts are also described. |
Best practices and lessons learned from the public health disability specialists program: Addressing the needs of people with disabilities during COVID-19
Cree RA , Wray A , Evans A , Lyons S , Burrous H , Nilz M , Clarke C , Li J , Baio J . J Public Health Manag Pract 2024 CONTEXT: The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO) and the National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) applied funding issued by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to implement the Public Health Disability Specialists Program, part of a project to address the needs of people with disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Disability specialists (subject matter experts) were embedded within state, territorial, and city/county health departments to help ensure disability inclusion in emergency planning, mitigation, and recovery efforts. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the success of the Disability Specialists Program in improving emergency response planning, mitigation, and recovery efforts for people with disabilities within participating jurisdictions. DESIGN: Disability specialists worked with their assigned jurisdictions to conduct standardized baseline health department needs assessments to identify existing gaps and inform development and implementation of improvement plans. CDC, ASTHO, and NACCHO implemented a mixed methods framework to evaluate specialists' success. SETTING: State, territorial, and local health departments across 28 jurisdictions between January 2021 and July 2022. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Average number of categories of gaps addressed and qualitative documentation of strategies, barriers, and promising practices. RESULTS: Specialists identified 1010 gaps (approximately 36 per jurisdiction) across eight needs assessment categories, most related to mitigation, recovery, resilience, and sustainability efforts (n = 213) and communication (n = 193). Specialists addressed an average of three categories of gaps identified; common focus areas included equitable COVID-19 vaccine distribution and accessible communications. Specialists commonly mentioned barriers related to limited health agency capacity (eg, resources) and community mistrust. Promising practices to address barriers included sharing best practices through peer-to-peer networks and building and strengthening partnerships between health departments and the disability community. CONCLUSIONS: Embedding disability specialists within state, territorial, and local health departments improved jurisdictional ability to meet evolving public health needs for the entire community, including people with disabilities. |
Investigation of an mpox outbreak affecting many vaccinated persons in Chicago, IL-March 2023-June 2023
Faherty EAG , Holly T , Ogale YP , Spencer H , Becht AM , Crisler G , Wasz M , Stonehouse P , Barbian HJ , Zelinski C , Kittner A , Foulkes D , Anderson KW , Evans T , Nicolae L , Staton A , Hardnett C , Townsend MB , Carson WC , Satheshkumar PS , Hutson CL , Gigante CM , Quilter LAS , Gorman S , Borah B , Black SR , Pacilli M , Kern D , Kerins J , McCollum AM , Rao AK , Tabidze I . Clin Infect Dis 2024 79 (1) 122-129 BACKGROUND: After months of few mpox cases, an increase in cases was reported in Chicago during May 2023, predominantly among fully vaccinated (FV) patients. We investigated the outbreak scope, differences between vaccinated and unvaccinated patients, and hypotheses for monkeypox virus (MPXV) infection after vaccination. METHODS: We interviewed patients and reviewed medical records to assess demographic, behavioral, and clinical characteristics; mpox vaccine status; and vaccine administration routes. We evaluated serum antibody levels after infection and compared patient viral genomes with MPXV sequences in available databases. We discussed potential vaccine compromise with partners who manufactured, handled, and administered the vaccine associated with breakthrough infections. RESULTS: During 18 March-27 June 2023, we identified 49 mpox cases; 57% of these mpox patients were FV. FV patients received both JYNNEOS doses subcutaneously (57%), intradermally (7%), or via heterologous administration (36%). FV patients had more median sex partners (3; interquartile range [IQR] = 1-4) versus not fully vaccinated patients (1; IQR = 1-2). Thirty-six of 37 sequenced specimens belonged to lineage B.1.20 of clade IIb MPXV, which did not demonstrate any amino acid changes relative to B.1, the predominant lineage from May 2022. Vaccinated patients demonstrated expected humoral antibody responses; none were hospitalized. No vaccine storage excursions were identified. Approximately 63% of people at risk for mpox in Chicago were FV during this period. CONCLUSIONS: Our investigation indicated that cases were likely due to frequent behaviors associated with mpox transmission, even with relatively high vaccine effectiveness and vaccine coverage. Cases after vaccination might occur in similar populations. |
Global update on measles molecular epidemiology
Bankamp B , Kim G , Hart D , Beck A , Ben Mamou M , Penedos A , Zhang Y , Evans R , Rota PA . Vaccines (Basel) 2024 12 (7) Molecular surveillance of circulating measles variants serves as a line of evidence for the absence of endemic circulation and provides a means to track chains of transmission. Molecular surveillance for measles (genotyping) is based on the sequence of 450 nucleotides at the end of the nucleoprotein coding region (N450) of the measles genome. Genotyping was established in 1998 and, with over 50,000 sequence submissions to the Measles Nucleotide Surveillance database, has proven to be an effective resource for countries attempting to trace pathways of transmission. This review summarizes the tools used for the molecular surveillance of measles and describes the challenge posed by the decreased number of circulating measles genotypes. The Global Measles and Rubella Laboratory Network addressed this challenge through the development of new tools such as named strains and distinct sequence identifiers that analyze the diversity within the currently circulating genotypes. The advantages and limitations of these approaches are discussed, together with the need to generate additional sequence data including whole genome sequences to ensure the continued utility of strain surveillance for measles. |
COVID-19 Across Pandemic Variant Periods: The Severe Acute Respiratory Infection-Preparedness (SARI-PREP) Study
Mukherjee V , Postelnicu R , Parker C , Rivers PS , Anesi GL , Andrews A , Ables E , Morrell ED , Brett-Major DM , Broadhurst MJ , Cobb JP , Irwin A , Kratochvil CJ , Krolikowski K , Kumar VK , Landsittel DP , Lee RA , Liebler JM , Segal LN , Sevransky JE , Srivastava A , Uyeki TM , Wurfel MM , Wyles D , Evans LE , Lutrick K , Bhatraju PK . Crit Care Explor 2024 6 (7) e1122 IMPORTANCE: The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has evolved through multiple phases in the United States, with significant differences in patient centered outcomes with improvements in hospital strain, medical countermeasures, and overall understanding of the disease. We describe how patient characteristics changed and care progressed over the various pandemic phases; we also emphasize the need for an ongoing clinical network to improve the understanding of known and novel respiratory viral diseases. OBJECTIVES: To describe how patient characteristics and care evolved across the various COVID-19 pandemic periods in those hospitalized with viral severe acute respiratory infection (SARI). DESIGN: Severe Acute Respiratory Infection-Preparedness (SARI-PREP) is a Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Foundation-funded, Society of Critical Care Medicine Discovery-housed, longitudinal multicenter cohort study of viral pneumonia. We defined SARI patients as those hospitalized with laboratory-confirmed respiratory viral infection and an acute syndrome of fever, cough, and radiographic infiltrates or hypoxemia. We collected patient-level data including demographic characteristics, comorbidities, acute physiologic measures, serum and respiratory specimens, therapeutics, and outcomes. Outcomes were described across four pandemic variant periods based on a SARS-CoV-2 sequenced subsample: pre-Delta, Delta, Omicron BA.1, and Omicron post-BA.1. SETTING: Multicenter cohort of adult patients admitted to an acute care ward or ICU from seven hospitals representing diverse geographic regions across the United States. PARTICIPANTS: Patients with SARI caused by infection with respiratory viruses. MAIN OUTCOMES AND RESULTS: Eight hundred seventy-four adult patients with SARI were enrolled at seven study hospitals between March 2020 and April 2023. Most patients (780, 89%) had SARS-CoV-2 infection. Across the COVID-19 cohort, median age was 60 years (interquartile range, 48.0-71.0 yr) and 66% were male. Almost half (430, 49%) of the study population belonged to underserved communities. Most patients (76.5%) were admitted to the ICU, 52.5% received mechanical ventilation, and observed hospital mortality was 25.5%. As the pandemic progressed, we observed decreases in ICU utilization (94% to 58%), hospital length of stay (median, 26.0 to 8.5 d), and hospital mortality (32% to 12%), while the number of comorbid conditions increased. CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: We describe increasing comorbidities but improved outcomes across pandemic variant periods, in the setting of multiple factors, including evolving care delivery, countermeasures, and viral variants. An understanding of patient-level factors may inform treatment options for subsequent variants and future novel pathogens. |
Impaired immune responses in the airways are associated with poor outcome in critically ill COVID-19 patients
Barnett CR , Krolikowski K , Postelnicu R , Mukherjee V , Sulaiman I , Chung M , Angel L , Tsay JJ , Wu BG , Yeung ST , Duerr R , Desvignes L , Khanna K , Li Y , Schluger R , Rafeq S , Collazo D , Kyeremateng Y , Amoroso N , Pradhan D , Das S , Evans L , Uyeki TM , Ghedin E , Silverman GJ , Segal LN , Brosnahan SB . ERJ Open Res 2024 10 (4) INTRODUCTION: Mounting evidence indicates that an individual's humoral adaptive immune response plays a critical role in the setting of SARS-CoV-2 infection, and that the efficiency of the response correlates with disease severity. The relationship between the adaptive immune dynamics in the lower airways with those in the systemic circulation, and how these relate to an individual's clinical response to SARS-CoV-2 infection, are less understood and are the focus of this study. MATERIAL AND METHODS: We investigated the adaptive immune response to SARS-CoV-2 in paired samples from the lower airways and blood from 27 critically ill patients during the first wave of the pandemic (median time from symptom onset to intubation 11 days). Measurements included clinical outcomes (mortality), bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) and blood specimen antibody levels, and BALF viral load. RESULTS: While there was heterogeneity in the levels of the SARS-CoV-2-specific antibodies, we unexpectedly found that some BALF specimens displayed higher levels than the paired concurrent plasma samples, despite the known dilutional effects common in BALF samples. We found that survivors had higher levels of anti-spike, anti-spike-N-terminal domain and anti-spike-receptor-binding domain IgG antibodies in their BALF (p<0.05), while there was no such association with antibody levels in the systemic circulation. DISCUSSION: Our data highlight the critical role of local adaptive immunity in the airways as a key defence mechanism against primary SARS-CoV-2 infection. |
Perceptions of a community-based HIV/STI testing program among Black gay, bisexual, and other MSM in Baltimore: a qualitative analysis
Hassan R , Thornton N , King H , Aufderheide G , Silberzahn B , Huettner S , Jennings JM , Evans KN , Fields EL . AIDS Care 2024 1-10 Black gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBM) are disproportionately affected by HIV and STIs. Safe Spaces 4 Sexual Health (SS4SH), a community-informed, status-neutral HIV/STI testing intervention combines online outreach via geo-social networking apps and social media with mobile van testing. During 2018-2019, we recruited 25 participants for interviews about their perceptions of SS4SH compared to clinic-based testing. Participants were aged 21-65 years (mean 35); 22 (88%) identified as Black/African American; 20 (80%) identified as gay; and 10 (40%) were living with HIV. Interviews were transcribed, coded, and analyzed using a modified thematic constant comparative approach. Five themes emerged; two related to perceptions of online outreach materials (participants were drawn to eye-catching and to-the-point messages and desired more diversity and representation in messages), and three related to preference for the mobile van (participants found SS4SH provided more comfort, more privacy/confidentiality, and increased accessibility and efficiency). GBM is increasingly using geo-social networking apps to meet sexual partners, and tailored online outreach has the potential to reach historically underserved populations. SS4SH is a barrier-reducing strategy that may serve as an entry to a status-neutral approach to services and help reduce stigma and normalize accessing HIV services. |
An evaluation of translife care: A locally developed structural HIV prevention intervention for transgender women in Chicago, Illinois
Kuhns LM , Perloff J , Johnson AK , Paul JL , Pleasant K , Evans K , Denson DJ , Gelaude DJ , Bessler PA , Cervantes M , Muldoon AL , Garofalo R , Hotton AL . AIDS Educ Prev 2024 36 (3) 155-167 Transgender women are disproportionately impacted by HIV infection. We report herein the findings of a pre-post evaluation of the TransLife Care (TLC) project in Chicago, Illinois, on behaviors associated with HIV transmission among transgender women. Participants who received any TLC component versus those who did not were compared using mixed-effects logistic regression with random intercepts across follow-up time points. Ninety-seven participants aged 18 to 59 (median age 24) enrolled; 76.3% were transgender women of color. There was a decrease in condomless sex without consistent PrEP use at 8 months, which was not significantly different between those who did and did not receive the TLC intervention, controlling for calendar time. Evidence does not indicate that the TLC reduces condomless sex without PrEP protection among urban transgender women. However, given the preponderance of evidence of the influence of structural barriers on condomless sex, future research should continue to test the efficacy of structural interventions. |
Maternal periconceptional exposure to drinking water disinfection by-products and neural tube defects in offspring
Kancherla V , Rhoads A , Conway KM , Suhl J , Langlois PH , Hoyt AT , Shaw GM , Evans SP , Moore CA , Luben TJ , Michalski A , Feldkamp ML , Romitti PA . Birth Defects Res 2024 116 (6) e2370 BACKGROUND: Associations between maternal periconceptional exposure to disinfection by-products (DBPs) in drinking water and neural tube defects (NTDs) in offspring are inconclusive, limited in part by exposure misclassification. METHODS: Maternal interview reports of drinking water sources and consumption from the National Birth Defects Prevention Study were linked with DBP concentrations in public water system monitoring data for case children with an NTD and control children delivered during 2000-2005. DBPs analyzed were total trihalomethanes, the five most common haloacetic acids combined, and individual species. Associations were estimated for all NTDs combined and selected subtypes (spina bifida, anencephaly) with maternal periconceptional exposure to DBPs in public water systems and with average daily periconceptional ingestion of DBPs accounting for individual-level consumption and filtration information. Mixed effects logistic regression models with maternal race/ethnicity and educational attainment at delivery as fixed effects and study site as a random intercept were applied. RESULTS: Overall, 111 case and 649 control children were eligible for analyses. Adjusted odds ratios for maternal exposure to DBPs in public water systems ranged from 0.8-1.5 for all NTDs combined, 0.6-2.0 for spina bifida, and 0.7-1.9 for anencephaly; respective ranges for average daily maternal ingestion of DBPs were 0.7-1.1, 0.5-1.5, and 0.6-1.8. Several positive estimates (≥1.2) were observed, but all confidence intervals included the null. CONCLUSIONS: Using community- and individual-level data from a large, US, population-based, case-control study, we observed statistically nonsignificant associations between maternal periconceptional exposure to total and individual DBP species in drinking water and NTDs and subtypes. |
Changes in vaccine hesitancy among parents of children aged 6 months - 17 Years, National Immunization Surveys, 2019-2022
Vashist K , Yankey D , Elam-Evans LD , Mu Y , Valier MR , Pingali C , Hill HA , Santibanez TA , Singleton JA . Vaccine 2024 BACKGROUND: Vaccine hesitancy (VH) has been a major contributor to large outbreaks of vaccine-preventable diseases globally, including in the United States. METHODS: Data from the 2019-2022 National Immunization Surveys were analyzed to assess parental hesitancy toward routine vaccination of their children aged 6 months -17 years. Joinpoint regression was employed to investigate trends in VH from 2019 to 2022 nationally overall and among socio-demographic subgroups. Using logistic regression, the difference between the prevalence of VH before and after the authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 6 months-4 years, 5-11 years, and 12-17 years was computed. Both unadjusted and adjusted estimates were reported. VH was also compared within each socio-demographic subgroup with a reference level, at two-time points- before and after the authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine for each age group. RESULTS: Overall, VH remained around 19.0 % from Q2 2019 to Q3 2022. Parents of non-Hispanic Black children had the largest average quarterly decrease in VH (β = -0.55; p < 0.05 by test for trend). After the authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 6 months to 4 years, the adjusted percentage of children having parents that reported VH decreased by 2.2 (95 % CI: -3.9, -0.6) percentage points (pp) from 21.6 % to 19.4 %. Conversely, for children aged 5-11 years, VH increased by 1.2 (95 % CI: 0.2, 2.3) pp, from 19.8 % to 21.0 %. VH among parents of non-Hispanic Black children decreased after the authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine for adolescents aged 12-17 years but remained significantly higher compared to parents of non-Hispanic White children before and after authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine for all age groups. DISCUSSION: About 1 in 5 children had parents reporting VH from 2019 to 2022. Parental VH increased after the authorization of the COVID-19 vaccine for children aged 5-11 years and declined for children aged 6 months-4 years. |
Lower total cholesterol and triglyceride levels in ankylosing spondylitis than non-inflammatory rheumatic disease controls in a 1978-98 study: a potential effect of increased physical energetics in manual occupations in the pre-2000 chronologic era
Masi AT , Mohan PC , Murugan T , Evans CR , Ryan MJ , Brezka ML , Hanna V , Cooper GR , Aldag JC . Clin Exp Rheumatol 2024 OBJECTIVES: No article on serum lipids in ankylosing spondylitis (AS) and control subjects has been reported from USA. The primary aim of this study was to determine if any difference occurred in serum lipid levels in AS and control rheumatic disorders in two time periods, 1978-98 and 2000-10. The secondary aim was to investigate variables associated with lipid levels and if a difference was found between AS and control disorders. METHODS: The AS patients were compared to non-inflammatory rheumatic disorders (NIRDs) in 1978-98 and 2000-10 surveys and to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in the 2000-10 survey. Patients were matched within 5 years of age, sex, and clinic or hospital source. RESULTS: In the 1978-98 survey, entry mean (SEM) serum cholesterol level [mg/dL] was highly (p<0.001) significantly lower in 69 AS [179.0 (4.8)] than 69 matched NIRD controls [208.0 (5.6)]. In 29 pairs of AS and NIRD subjects having manual labour occupations, mean (SEM) cholesterol level was additionally lower in AS [156.7 (5.9)] and higher in 29 NIRD controls [213.3 (8.6)] (p<0.001). In manual labour workers, mean (SEM) serum triglyceride was significantly lower (p=0.004) in 15 AS [110.3 (14.1)] than 14 NIRD controls [185.2 (19.3)]. In the 2000-10 survey, no lipid difference was found between AS vs. NIRD control patients. CONCLUSIONS: In the 1978-98 survey, AS had significantly lower mean serum cholesterol and triglyceride levels than NIRD control patients. Associated manual labour occupations may have significantly contributed to results, possibly related to increased energy expenditures from physical activity in the pre-2000 era. |
Stroke mortality and stroke hospitalizations: Racial differences and similarities in the geographic patterns of high burden communities among older adults
Evans K , Casper M , Schieb L , DeLara D , Vaughan AS . Prev Chronic Dis 2024 21 E26 |
Reducing hospitalizations and multidrug-resistant organisms via regional decolonization in hospitals and nursing homes
Gussin GM , McKinnell JA , Singh RD , Miller LG , Kleinman K , Saavedra R , Tjoa T , Gohil SK , Catuna TD , Heim LT , Chang J , Estevez M , He J , O'Donnell K , Zahn M , Lee E , Berman C , Nguyen J , Agrawal S , Ashbaugh I , Nedelcu C , Robinson PA , Tam S , Park S , Evans KD , Shimabukuro JA , Lee BY , Fonda E , Jernigan JA , Slayton RB , Stone ND , Janssen L , Weinstein RA , Hayden MK , Lin MY , Peterson EM , Bittencourt CE , Huang SS . Jama 2024 IMPORTANCE: Infections due to multidrug-resistant organisms (MDROs) are associated with increased morbidity, mortality, length of hospitalization, and health care costs. Regional interventions may be advantageous in mitigating MDROs and associated infections. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate whether implementation of a decolonization collaborative is associated with reduced regional MDRO prevalence, incident clinical cultures, infection-related hospitalizations, costs, and deaths. DESIGN, SETTING, AND PARTICIPANTS: This quality improvement study was conducted from July 1, 2017, to July 31, 2019, across 35 health care facilities in Orange County, California. EXPOSURES: Chlorhexidine bathing and nasal iodophor antisepsis for residents in long-term care and hospitalized patients in contact precautions (CP). MAIN OUTCOMES AND MEASURES: Baseline and end of intervention MDRO point prevalence among participating facilities; incident MDRO (nonscreening) clinical cultures among participating and nonparticipating facilities; and infection-related hospitalizations and associated costs and deaths among residents in participating and nonparticipating nursing homes (NHs). RESULTS: Thirty-five facilities (16 hospitals, 16 NHs, 3 long-term acute care hospitals [LTACHs]) adopted the intervention. Comparing decolonization with baseline periods among participating facilities, the mean (SD) MDRO prevalence decreased from 63.9% (12.2%) to 49.9% (11.3%) among NHs, from 80.0% (7.2%) to 53.3% (13.3%) among LTACHs (odds ratio [OR] for NHs and LTACHs, 0.48; 95% CI, 0.40-0.57), and from 64.1% (8.5%) to 55.4% (13.8%) (OR, 0.75; 95% CI, 0.60-0.93) among hospitalized patients in CP. When comparing decolonization with baseline among NHs, the mean (SD) monthly incident MDRO clinical cultures changed from 2.7 (1.9) to 1.7 (1.1) among participating NHs, from 1.7 (1.4) to 1.5 (1.1) among nonparticipating NHs (group × period interaction reduction, 30.4%; 95% CI, 16.4%-42.1%), from 25.5 (18.6) to 25.0 (15.9) among participating hospitals, from 12.5 (10.1) to 14.3 (10.2) among nonparticipating hospitals (group × period interaction reduction, 12.9%; 95% CI, 3.3%-21.5%), and from 14.8 (8.6) to 8.2 (6.1) among LTACHs (all facilities participating; 22.5% reduction; 95% CI, 4.4%-37.1%). For NHs, the rate of infection-related hospitalizations per 1000 resident-days changed from 2.31 during baseline to 1.94 during intervention among participating NHs, and from 1.90 to 2.03 among nonparticipating NHs (group × period interaction reduction, 26.7%; 95% CI, 19.0%-34.5%). Associated hospitalization costs per 1000 resident-days changed from $64 651 to $55 149 among participating NHs and from $55 151 to $59 327 among nonparticipating NHs (group × period interaction reduction, 26.8%; 95% CI, 26.7%-26.9%). Associated hospitalization deaths per 1000 resident-days changed from 0.29 to 0.25 among participating NHs and from 0.23 to 0.24 among nonparticipating NHs (group × period interaction reduction, 23.7%; 95% CI, 4.5%-43.0%). CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE: A regional collaborative involving universal decolonization in long-term care facilities and targeted decolonization among hospital patients in CP was associated with lower MDRO carriage, infections, hospitalizations, costs, and deaths. |
Factors associated with the awareness of and willingness to use HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men, Baltimore, MD, 2017-2019
King H , Thornton N , Evans KN , Tadfor Y , German D , Flynn C , Jennings J , Fields EL . J Racial Ethn Health Disparities 2024 Pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) is an effective tool in protecting persons from acquiring HIV infection through sex or injection drug use. However, awareness and willingness to use PrEP among Black gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (BMSM) remain suboptimal compared to White MSM (WMSM) in the United States. Our aims were to (1) assess the factors associated with PrEP awareness and willingness to use PrEP among MSM and (2) compare the PrEP perceptions among BMSM versus non-Black MSM. Data were drawn from two cross-sectional behavioral surveys in Baltimore, MD: Behavioral Surveillance Research (BESURE) conducted in 2017, and Safe Spaces 4 Sexual Health (SS4SH), conducted in 2018 and 2019. Descriptive statistics were used to summarize the study population. We used Poisson regression models to identify variables associated with awareness of PrEP and willingness to use PrEP. PrEP perceptions were assessed via 13 items scored on a 5-point Likert scale. Finally, we conducted a post-hoc exploratory bivariate analysis of the relationship between PrEP perception and willingness to use PrEP, stratified by race/ethnicity. A total of 261 MSM participated in this study. Many of the participants were aware of PrEP (75.1%). Factors associated with greater PrEP awareness included having greater than a high school education (aRR 1.22, 95% CI 1.04, 1.43); and earning more than $25,000 annually (aRR 1.24, 95% CI 1.08, 1.42). Participants who had received money in exchange for sex one or more times were less likely to be aware of PrEP (aRR 0.59, 95% CI 0.36, 0.95). More than half of the participants were willing to use PrEP (55.3%). In bivariate and multivariable analyses, demographic or behavioral characteristics were not significantly associated with willingness to use PrEP. Higher agreement with the following statements was associated with lower willingness to use PrEP: "Having to take a pill every day is difficult" (RR 0.89, 95% CI 0.82-0.97) and, "I am concerned about the side effects of PrEP" (RR 0.89, 95% CI 0.82-0.96), and "PrEP is for people who have riskier sex lives than I do" (RR 0.86, 95% CI 0.78-0.95). Conversely, higher willingness to use PrEP was associated with comfortable having sex without a condom (RR 1.11, 95% CI 1.02-1.21), less anxious about sex (RR 1.12, 95% CI 1.02-1.24), and my friends think that I should take PrEP (RR 1.19, 95% CI 1.07-1.32). We found BMSM compared to non-Black MSM had higher mean scores related to taking a daily pill (p = 0.041), concerns about side effects (p = 0.012), concerns about people thinking they had HIV (p = 0.001), concerns about the financial costs of PrEP (p = 0.038) and caution when dealing with healthcare organizations/medical mistrust (p = 0.019). Perceptions with a statistically significant lower score among BMSM versus non-Black MSM included statements such as, comfortable having sex without a condom (p = 0.003) and less anxious about sex (p < 0.001). We conclude HIV prevention strategies, programs, and interventions should be cognizant of PrEP perceptions that facilitate or hinder PrEP uptake in Baltimore City, MD. |
Advancing health equity through action in antimicrobial stewardship and healthcare epidemiology
Marcelin JR , Hicks LA , Evans CD , Wiley Z , Kalu IC , Abdul-Mutakabbir JC . Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2024 1-8 |
Changes in the seroprevalence of tick-borne rickettsia and ehrlichia among soldiers-Fort Liberty, North Carolina, 1991-2019
Rockwell EM , Abernathy HA , Evans LM , Bhowmik R , Giandomenico DA , Salzer JS , Maldonado CJ , Choi YS , Boyce RM . J Infect Dis 2024 We obtained samples from the Department of Defense Serum Repository from soldiers who were stationed at Fort Liberty, North Carolina, between 1991 and 2019 to assess temporal trends in tick-borne rickettsiosis and ehrlichiosis. Serological evidence of infection was common, with nearly 1 in 5 (18.9%) demonstrating antibodies. We observed significant decreases in Rickettsia seroprevalence (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 0.42 [95% CI, .27-.65], P = .0001) while over the same period Ehrlichia seroprevalence, albeit less common, nearly doubled (aOR, 3.61 [95% CI, 1.10-13.99], P = .048). The increase in Ehrlichia seroprevalence likely reflects increased transmission resulting from the expanding geographic range of the lone star tick. |
Using trust-based philanthropy with community-based organizations during the COVID-19 pandemic
Powell Rachel , Evans Dorothy , Bednar Hailey , Oladipupo Brittany , Sidibe Turquoise . Journal of Philanthropy and Marketing 2023 n/a e1786 Abstract Community-based organizations (CBOs) fill a critical role in acting as public health partners and trusted resources for their communities, especially in an emergency. The CDC Foundation, an independent, nonprofit organization, used trust-based philanthropy to manage more than 110 COVID-19 grants focused on equitable vaccine information, outreach, and access. The CDC Foundation team uses a trust-based philanthropy paradigm by applying five out of six of the grantmaking practices: do the homework; simplify and streamline paperwork; be transparent and responsive; solicit and act on feedback; and offer support beyond the check. By applying trust-based philanthropy practices, the CDC Foundation is empowering CBOs through flexible grant management and more equitable power dynamics as grantee and grantor. This has been essential to CBOs in their efforts of tackling health inequities during the COVID-19 pandemic and improving community resilience. Lessons learned will inform future collaborations with CBOs where the power dynamics are shared. |
The medications for opioid use disorder study: Methods and initial outcomes from an 18-month study of patients in treatment for opioid use disorder
Dever JA , Hertz MF , Dunlap LJ , Richardson JS , Wolicki SB , Biggers BB , Edlund MJ , Bohm MK , Turcios D , Jiang X , Zhou H , Evans ME , Guy GP Jr . Public Health Rep 2024 333549231222479 OBJECTIVE: Opioid use disorder (OUD) affects approximately 5.6 million people in the United States annually, yet rates of the use of effective medication for OUD (MOUD) treatment are low. We conducted an observational cohort study from August 2017 through May 2021, the MOUD Study, to better understand treatment engagement and factors that may influence treatment experiences and outcomes. In this article, we describe the study design, data collected, and treatment outcomes. METHODS: We recruited adult patients receiving OUD treatment at US outpatient facilities for the MOUD Study. We collected patient-level data at 5 time points (baseline to 18 months) via self-administered questionnaires and health record data. We collected facility-level data via questionnaires administered to facility directors at 2 time points. Across 16 states, 62 OUD treatment facilities participated, and 1974 patients enrolled in the study. We summarized descriptive data on the characteristics of patients and OUD treatment facilities and selected treatment outcomes. RESULTS: Approximately half of the 62 facilities were private, nonprofit organizations; 62% focused primarily on substance use treatment; and 20% also offered mental health services. Most participants were receiving methadone (61%) or buprenorphine (32%) and were predominately non-Hispanic White (68%), aged 25-44 years (62%), and female (54%). Compared with patient-reported estimates at baseline, 18-month estimates suggested that rates of abstinence increased (55% to 77%), and rates of opioid-related overdoses (7% to 2%), emergency department visits (9% to 4%), and arrests (15% to 7%) decreased. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrated the benefits of treatment retention not only on abstinence from opioid use but also on other quality-of-life metrics, with data collected during an extended period. The MOUD Study produced rich, multilevel data that can lay the foundation for an evidence base to inform OUD treatment and support improvement of care and patient outcomes. |
Estimating county-level vaccination coverage using small area estimation with the National Immunization Survey-Child
Seeskin ZH , Ganesh N , Maitra P , Herman P , Wolter KM , Copeland KR , English N , Chen MP , Singleton JA , Santibanez TA , Yankey D , Elam-Evans LD , Sterrett N , Smith CS , Gipson K , Meador S . Vaccine 2023 The National Immunization Survey-Child (NIS-Child) provides annual vaccination coverage estimates in the United States for children aged 19 through 35 months, nationally, for each state, and for select local areas and territories. There is a need for vaccination coverage estimates for smaller geographic areas to support local authority planning and identify counties with potentially low vaccination coverage for possible further intervention. We describe small area estimation methods using 2008-2018 NIS-Child data to generate county-level estimates for children up to two years of age born 2007-2011 and 2012-2016. We applied an empirical best linear unbiased prediction method to combine direct estimates of vaccination coverage with model-based prediction using county-level predictors regarding health and demographic characteristics. We review the predictors commonly selected for the small area models and note multiple predictors related to barriers to vaccination. |
Prevalence and mean number of teeth with amalgam and nonamalgam restorations, United States, 2015 through 2018
Beltrán-Aguilar ED , Thornton-Evans G , Wei L , Bernal J . J Am Dent Assoc 2023 154 (5) 417-426 BACKGROUND: Amalgam has been used for more than 150 years as a safe and reliable restorative material. The authors described the occurrence of amalgam and nonamalgam restorations in the United States in primary and permanent teeth across age groups and according to sociodemographic characteristics. METHODS: The authors used clinical examination data from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey 2015-2018 for participants 2 years and older (n = 17,040). The authors estimated the prevalence and mean number of amalgam and nonamalgam restorations in primary and permanent teeth according to age groups (2-5 years, 6-11 years, 12-15 years, 16-19 years, 20-39 years, 40-59 years, 60-79 years, and ≥ 80 years), race and ethnicity, federal poverty guideline, education, and pregnancy status. RESULTS: The prevalence of amalgam restorations ranged from 4% through 69%. Overall, amalgam restorations were more prevalent in children and adolescents from racial and ethnic minority groups and families at lower poverty levels and with lower education. The mean number of teeth with nonamalgam restorations was higher than those with amalgam restorations in primary teeth of children aged 6 through 11 years, permanent teeth of those 12 through 15 years and 20 through 39 years, and women aged 20 through 49 years, regardless of pregnancy status. The mean number of amalgam restorations was higher than that for nonamalgam restorations in older age groups. CONCLUSIONS: Nonamalgam restorations were the most common in the primary teeth of children older than 5 years and in the permanent teeth of adults younger than 40 years. Amalgam restorations were more common in older adults. Amalgam and nonamalgam restorations were equally common in children younger than 5 years. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The study findings suggest a shift from amalgam to alternative restorative materials in the United States. |
Advancing data capacity for economic outcomes in patient-centered outcomes research: Challenges and opportunities
Timbie JW , Reynolds KA , Evans EL , Brown DS , Cohen JW , Darien G , DeVoe JE , Grosse SD , Holve E , Meltzer DO , Merritt JG , Neumann PJ , Yabroff KR , Smith SR . Med Care 2023 61 S161-s165 The economic impacts of health care treatments and services on individuals and their families are central to many decisions people make about the use of health care. However, without the high-quality data needed to generate evidence on the clinical effectiveness and economic impacts of an intervention, decision-makers are generally limited in their ability to make informed health care decisions that reflect patient values and preferences. The importance of evidence on economic impacts, including nonmedical costs and work-related impacts, was recognized in the reauthorization of the Patient-centered Outcomes Research Trust Fund,1 which added economic outcomes to the range of outcomes that should be considered as part of patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR). |
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