Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
Records 1-14 (of 14 Records) |
Query Trace: Esterhuizen GS[original query] |
Rockmass permeability induced by longwall mining under deep cover: Potential gas inflow from a sheared gas well
Khademian Z , Ajayi KM , Schatzel SJ , Esterhuizen GS , Kim BH . Min Metall Explor 2022 39 (4) 1465-1473 The stability of shale gas wells drilled through current and future coal reserves can be compromised by ground deformations due to nearby longwall mining. Depending on the longwall-induced rockmass permeability, the high-pressure explosive gas from the damaged well may reach mine workings and overwhelm the mine ventilation systems. This study uses geomechanical models to estimate the rockmass permeability induced by mining. A two-panel longwall model of a deep, 341-m-cover mining site in southwestern Pennsylvania is constructed in 3DEC to explicitly model the rockmass by a discrete fracture network (DFN) technique. Stress-induced fracture apertures and permeabilities are calculated across the model and are validated against permeability measurements. A fracture flow code (FFC) is developed to use these results to predict potential inflow to the mine should a gas well breach occur. One hundred DFN realizations are simulated, and the results show that for a gas pressure of 2.4 MPa, the average of the predicted inflow rates to this deep-cover mine is 0.006 m3/s, significantly lower than the average inflow of 0.22 m3/s for a shallow-cover mine (145-m deep) studied in the previous work (Khademian, et al. 2021). The result can help assess the potential hazards of a shale gas well breach for mine safety and evaluate the ventilation requirements to mitigate the risk. © 2022, This is a U.S. Government work and not under copyright protection in the US; foreign copyright protection may apply. |
Assessing Longwall Gateroad Ground Response and Support Alternatives
Esterhuizen GS , Klemetti T , Sears MM , Zhang P , van Dyke M , Dougherty H , Tulu IB . Min Metall Explor 2021 38 (4) 1739-1759 Ground falls in longwall gateroad entries remain a concern in modern longwall operations. The gateroads are subject to changing horizontal and vertical ground stress induced by longwall extraction. These stress changes can result in failure of the strata around an entry leading to large deformations of the entry roof, floor, and ribs. The gateroad support systems are required to control the failed strata while maintaining safe access to the longwall face and unimpeded ventilation. This paper presents research that was conducted to better understand the stability issues in gateroad excavations and to develop procedures for evaluating support and layout alternatives for longwall gateroads. Using the results of a field-monitoring program and numerical model analysis of case histories, a conceptual model of gateroad support needs was developed. The conceptual model formed the basis for developing a set of equations that can be used to estimate likely roof sag and support loading for given roof geology and longwall-induced loading conditions. The developed equations were used to compare predicted gateroad stability to field study results, showing satisfactory agreement. The calculation procedures are used to demonstrate their application in assessing support alternatives at a case study mine. It is concluded that the developed analysis procedures provide realistic assessments of likely ground stability and can be used to evaluate alternative gateroad support systems at operating longwall mines. © 2021, This is a U.S. government work and not under copyright protection in the U.S.; foreign copyright protection may apply. |
Assessing support alternatives for longwall gateroads subject to changing stress
Esterhuizen GS , Tulu IB , Gearhart DF , Dougherty H , van Dyke M . Int J Min Sci Technol 2020 31 (1) 103-110 Longwall gateroad entries are subject to changing horizontal and vertical stress induced by redistribution of loads around the extracted panel. The stress changes can result in significant deformation of the entries that may include roof sag, rib dilation, and floor heave. Mine operators install different types of supports to control the ground response and maintain safe access and ventilation of the longwall face. This paper describes recent research aimed at quantifying the effect of longwall-induced stress changes on ground stability and using the information to assess support alternatives. The research included monitoring of ground and support interaction at several operating longwall mines in the U.S., analysis and calibration of numerical models that adequately represent the bedded rock mass, and observation of the support systems and their response to changes in stress. The models were then used to investigate the impact of geology and stress conditions on ground deformation and support response for various depths of cover and geologic scenarios. The research results were summarized in two regression equations that can be used to estimate the likely roof deformation and height of roof yield due to longwall-induced stress changes. This information is then used to assess the ability of support systems to maintain the stability of the roof. The application of the method is demonstrated with a retrospective analysis of the support performance at an operating longwall mine that experienced a headgate roof fall. The method is shown to produce realistic estimates of gateroad entry stability and support performance, allowing alternative support systems to be assessed during the design and planning stage of longwall operations. |
Bleeder entry evaluation using condition mapping and numerical modeling
Klemetti TM , Van Dyke MA , Esterhuizen GS . Int J Min Sci Technol 2020 31 (1) 137-143 One of the most common critical areas of longwall mining in terms of ground stability are the gateroad and bleeder entries. These critical entries provide much-needed safe access for miners and allow for adequate ventilation required for dilution of hazardous airborne contaminants and must remain open during mining of a multi-panel district. This paper is focused on the stability of the longwall entries subjected to a single abutment load such as bleeders, first tailgate, and last headgate. First tailgate and last headgate are also referred to as blind headgate and tailgate. A study of a longwall district through conditions mapping, support evaluations, and numerical modeling was conducted and evaluated by researchers from the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). The condition mapping and support evaluations were performed on entries that spanned the previous five years of mining and relied on a diverse selection of supports to maintain the functionality of the entry. Numerical modeling was also conducted to evaluate various support types with further investigation and comparison to the condition mapping. The study demonstrated the importance of the abutment load decay versus distance from the gob edge, the potential for a reduction in material handling related injuries, as well as optimal usage of secondary and standing support. |
A case study of the collapse of slender pillars affected by through-going discontinuities at a limestone mine in Pennsylvania
Esterhuizen GS , Tyrna PL , Murphy MM . Rock Mech Rock Eng 2019 52 (12) 4941-4952 The sudden collapse of approximately 3 Ha of room-and-pillar workings at a limestone mine in southwestern Pennsylvania in 2015 resulted in an air blast that injured three mine workers. Subsequent investigations showed that an area encompassing 35 pillars had collapsed. The pillars were 9–10 m wide and up to 18 m high. A notable geologic feature is the through-going joints that dip at 50–80° and can extend from the roof to the floor of the pillars. These structures are thought to have weakened the pillars well below the strength that is predicted by empirical equations for hard-rock pillar design. This paper presents the relevant geotechnical data related to the collapsed area and numerical model results that were used to estimate the pillar loading underneath the variable topography, and compares the pillar loads to some established hard-rock pillar strength equations. The outcome is also compared to a strength equation that was developed specifically for limestone mines in which the negative impact of large angular discontinuities is explicitly accounted for. The results show that established hard-rock pillar strength equations do not adequately account for the impact of large through-going discontinuities on the strength of slender pillars. The equations would have significantly overestimated the strength of the pillars at the case study mine. The critical state of the workings would have been predicted correctly by the limestone pillar strength equation that accounts for the large discontinuities. |
Overview of current US longwall gateroad support practices
Sears MM , Esterhuizen GS , Tulu IB . Min Metall Explor 2019 36 (6) 1137-1144 In 2015, 40 longwall mines provided nearly 60% of the US coal production from underground mining methods. This represents a substantial, yet gradual increase from just under 50% over the last 5 years. As a result of this increased production share, the percentage of ground fall related fatalities in longwall mines has also increased when compared to all US underground coal mines. Additionally, about 80% of ground fall related fatalities have occurred in areas where the roof was supported. In an attempt to better understand the status quo of current US longwall support practices, a sample of 21 longwall mines were visited, representing about 40% of the currently active longwall mines in 4 of the 5 major US longwall producing regions. The resulting data was obtained from a wide variety of overburden depths, geologic conditions, mining heights, ground conditions, support practices, and gateroad configurations. The data collected is reported using both qualitative and quantitative methods. The results from the research update previous efforts in classifying mining accidents and injuries as well as current support practices. This data provides a necessary background for future research aimed at further reduction of ground fall accidents and injuries. |
Analysis of gateroad stability at two longwall mines based on field monitoring results and numerical model analysis
Esterhuizen GS , Gearhart DF , Klemetti T , Dougherty H , van Dyke M . Int J Min Sci Technol 2018 29 (1) 35-43 Coal mine longwall gateroads are subject to changing loading conditions induced by the advancing longwall face. The ground response and support requirements are closely related to the magnitude and orientation of the stress changes, as well as the local geology. This paper presents the monitoring results of gateroad response and support performance at two longwall mines at a 180-m and 600-m depth of cover. At the first mine, a three-entry gateroad layout was used. The second mine used a four-entry, yield-abutment-yield gateroad pillar system. Local ground deformation and support response were monitored at both sites. The monitoring period started during the development stage and continued during first panel retreat and up to second panel retreat. The two data sets were used to compare the response of the entries in two very different geotechnical settings and different gateroad layouts. The monitoring results were used to validate numerical models that simulate the loading conditions and entry response for these widely differing conditions. The validated models were used to compare the load path and ground response at the two mines. This paper demonstrates the potential for numerical models to assist mine engineers in optimizing longwall layouts and gateroad support systems. |
Effect of discontinuity dip direction on hard rock pillar strength
Jessu KV , Kostecki TR , Spearing AJS , Esterhuizen GS . Trans Soc Min Metall Explor Inc 2018 344 (1) 25-30 Discontinuities are geologic occurrences in rock and when present within a pillar, reduce the strength of the pillar. Empirical formulas that are commonly used to determine pillar strength do not explicitly take into account the presence of discontinuities and thus can overestimate the pillar strength. The effect of discontinuities on the strength of pillars has been investigated using numerical models, but in these models, the discontinuity strike was parallel with the pillar faces. In this study, fully three-dimensional hard rock pillars were simulated using numerical modeling to understand the effect of the discontinuity dip direction on square and rectangular hard rock pillars. Based on the results, recommendations to assess a pillar's strength in the presence of a discontinuity are discussed. |
Analysis of monitored ground support and rock mass response in a longwall tailgate entry
Esterhuizen GS , Gearhart DF , Tulu IB . Int J Min Sci Technol 2017 28 (1) 43-51 A comprehensive monitoring program was conducted to measure the rock mass displacements, support response, and stress changes at a longwall tailgate entry in West Virginia. Monitoring was initiated a few days after development of the gateroad entries and continued during passage of the longwall panels on both sides of the entry. Monitoring included overcore stress measurements of the initial stress within the rock mass, changes in cable bolt loading, standing support pressure, roof deformation, rib deformation, stress changes in the coal pillar, and changes in the full three-dimensional stress tensor within the rock mass at six locations around the monitoring site. During the passage of the first longwall, stress measurements in the rock and coal detected minor changes in loading while minor changes were detected in roof deformation. As a result of the relatively favorable stress and geological conditions, the support systems did not experience severe loading or rock deformation until the second panel approached within 10-15 m of the instrumented locations. After reaching the peak loading at about 50-75 mm of roof sag, the cable bolts started to unload, and load was transferred to the standing supports. The standing support system was able to maintain an adequate opening inby the shields to provide ventilation to the first crosscut inby the face, as designed. The results were used to calibrate modeled cable bolt response to field data, and to validate numerical modeling procedures that have been developed to evaluate entry support systems. It is concluded that the support system was more than adequate to control the roof of the tailgate up to the longwall face location. The monitoring results have provided valuable data for the development and validation of support design strategies for longwall tailgate entries. |
Analysis of global and local stress changes in a longwall gateroad
Tulu IB , Esterhuizen GS , Gearhart D , Klemetti TM , Mohamed KM , Su DWH . Int J Min Sci Technol 2017 28 (1) 127-135 A numerical-model-based approach was recently developed for estimating the changes in both the horizontal and vertical loading conditions induced by an approaching longwall face. In this approach, a systematic procedure is used to estimate the model's inputs. Shearing along the bedding planes is modeled with ubiquitous joint elements and interface elements. Coal is modeled with a newly developed coal mass model. The response of the gob is calibrated with back analysis of subsidence data and the results of previously published laboratory tests on rock fragments. The model results were verified with the subsidence and stress data recently collected from a longwall mine in the eastern United States. |
Analysis of roof and pillar failure associated with weak floor at a limestone mine
Murphy MM , Ellenberger JL , Esterhuizen GS , Miller T . Int J Min Sci Technol 2016 26 (3) 471-476 A limestone mine in Ohio has had instability problems that have led to massive roof falls extending to the surface. This study focuses on the role that weak, moisture-sensitive floor has in the instability issues. Previous NIOSH research related to this subject did not include analysis for weak floor or weak bands and recommended that when such issues arise they should be investigated further using a more advanced analysis. Therefore, to further investigate the observed instability occurring on a large scale at the Ohio mine, FLAC3D numerical models were employed to demonstrate the effect that a weak floor has on roof and pillar stability. This case study will provide important information to limestone mine operators regarding the impact of weak floor causing the potential for roof collapse, pillar failure, and subsequent subsidence of the ground surface. |
A case study of multi-seam coal mine entry stability analysis with strength reduction method
Tulu IB , Esterhuizen GS , Klemetti T , Murphy MM , Sumner J , Sloan M . Int J Min Sci Technol 2016 26 (2) 193-196 In this paper, the advantage of using numerical models with the strength reduction method (SRM) to evaluate entry stability in complex multiple-seam conditions is demonstrated. A coal mine under variable topography from the Central Appalachian region is used as a case study. At this mine, unexpected roof conditions were encountered during development below previously mined panels. Stress mapping and observation of ground conditions were used to quantify the success of entry support systems in three room-and-pillar panels. Numerical model analyses were initially conducted to estimate the stresses induced by the multiple-seam mining at the locations of the affected entries. The SRM was used to quantify the stability factor of the supported roof of the entries at selected locations. The SRM-calculated stability factors were compared with observations made during the site visits, and the results demonstrate that the SRM adequately identifies the unexpected roof conditions in this complex case. It is concluded that the SRM can be used to effectively evaluate the likely success of roof supports and the stability condition of entries in coal mines. |
Analysis of alternatives for using cable bolts as primary support at two low-seam coal mines
Esterhuizen GS , Tulu IB . Int J Min Sci Technol 2015 26 (1) 23-30 Cable bolts are sometimes used in low-seam coal mines to provide support in difficult ground conditions. This paper describes cable bolting solutions at two low-seam coal mines in similar ground conditions. Both mines used support systems incorporating cable bolts as part of the primary support system. Two original cable bolt based support systems as well as two modified systems are evaluated to estimate their ability to prevent large roof falls. One of the support systems incorporated passive cable bolts, while the other used pre-tensioned cable bolts. The results and experience at the mines showed that the modified systems provided improved stability over the original support systems. The presence of the cable bolts is the most important contribution to stability against large roof falls, rather than the details of the support pattern. It was also found that a heavy steel channel can improve the safety of the system because of the 'sling' action it provides. Additionally, the analysis showed that fully-grouted rebar bolts load much earlier than the cable bolts, and pre-tensioning of the cable bolts can result in a more uniform distribution of loading in the roof. |
Pillar strength in underground stone mines in the United States
Esterhuizen GS , Dolinar DR , Ellenberger JL . Int J Rock Mech Min Sci 2011 48 (1) 42-50 Stone mines in the Eastern and Midwestern United States make use of the room-and-pillar method of mining to extract relatively flat-laying sedimentary formations. A survey of pillar performance was carried out to identify potential modes of instability. Pillars were found to have been successful in providing support to the overburden, but a small number of individual failed pillars were observed. Failure of the pillars was observed to be related to spalling of the hard brittle rocks, shearing along pre-existing angular discontinuities or progressive extrusion of soft infill materials on bedding planes. A method of estimating the pillar strength and selecting a safety factor for design was developed based on observations of stable and failed pillars, supplemented by numerical models. The developed pillar strength equation can be used to design stable stone mine pillars provided the rock conditions are similar to those included in the study. Published by Elsevier Ltd. |
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