Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 68 Records) |
Query Trace: Dietz PM[original query] |
Health Status and Health Care Use Among Adolescents Identified With and Without Autism in Early Childhood - Four U.S. Sites, 2018-2020
Powell PS , Pazol K , Wiggins LD , Daniels JL , Dichter GS , Bradley CB , Pretzel R , Kloetzer J , McKenzie C , Scott A , Robinson B , Sims AS , Kasten EP , Fallin MD , Levy SE , Dietz PM , Cogswell ME . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (17) 605-611 Persons identified in early childhood as having autism spectrum disorder (autism) often have co-occurring health problems that extend into adolescence (1-3). Although only limited data exist on their health and use of health care services as they transition to adolescence, emerging data suggest that a minority of these persons receive recommended guidance* from their primary care providers (PCPs) starting at age 12 years to ensure a planned transition from pediatric to adult health care (4,5). To address this gap in data, researchers analyzed preliminary data from a follow-up survey of parents and guardians of adolescents aged 12-16 years who previously participated in the Study to Explore Early Development ( The adolescents were originally studied at ages 2-5 years and identified at that age as having autism (autism group) or as general population controls (control group). Adjusted prevalence ratios (aPRs) that accounted for differences in demographic characteristics were used to compare outcomes between groups. Adolescents in the autism group were more likely than were those in the control group to have physical difficulties (21.2% versus 1.6%; aPR = 11.6; 95% confidence interval [CI] = 4.2-31.9), and to have additional mental health or other conditions(†) (one or more condition: 63.0% versus 28.9%; aPR = 1.9; 95% CI = 1.5-2.5). Adolescents in the autism group were more likely to receive mental health services (41.8% versus 22.1%; aPR = 1.8, 95% CI = 1.3-2.6) but were also more likely to have an unmet medical or mental health service need(§) (11.0% versus 3.2%; aPR = 3.1; 95% CI = 1.1-8.8). In both groups, a small percentage of adolescents (autism, 7.5%; control, 14.1%) received recommended health care transition (transition) guidance. These findings are consistent with previous research (4,5) indicating that few adolescents receive the recommended transition guidance and suggest that adolescents identified with autism in early childhood are more likely than adolescents in the general population to have unmet health care service needs. Improved provider training on the heath care needs of adolescents with autism and coordination of comprehensive programs(¶) to meet their needs can improve delivery of services and adherence to recommended guidance for transitioning from pediatric to adult health care. |
Comparison of Two Case Definitions for Ascertaining Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder among 8-Year-Old Children
Maenner MJ , Graves SJ , Peacock G , Honein MA , Boyle CA , Dietz PM . Am J Epidemiol 2021 190 (10) 2198-2207 The Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network conducts population-based surveillance of autism spectrum disorder (ASD) in multiple US communities among 8-year-old children. To classify ASD, ADDM sites collected text descriptions of behaviors from medical and educational evaluations which were reviewed and coded by ADDM clinicians. This process took at least four years to publish data from a given surveillance year. In 2018, we developed an alternative case definition utilizing ASD diagnoses or classifications made by community professionals. Using surveillance years 2014 and 2016 data, we compared the new and previous ASD case definitions. Compared to the prevalence based on the previous case definition, the prevalence based on the new case definition was similar for 2014 and slightly lower for 2016. Sex and race/ethnicity prevalence ratios were nearly unchanged. Compared to the previous case definition, the new case definition's sensitivity was 86% and positive predictive value was 89%. The new case definition does not require clinical review and collects about half as much data yielding more timely reporting. It also more directly measures community identification of ASD, thus allowing for more valid comparisons among communities, and reduces resource requirements while retaining similar measurement properties to the previous definition. |
Prevalence of intellectual disability among eight-year-old children from selected communities in the United States, 2014
Patrick ME , Shaw KA , Dietz PM , Baio J , Yeargin-Allsopp M , Bilder DA , Kirby RS , Hall-Lande JA , Harrington RA , Lee LC , Lopez MLC , Daniels J , Maenner MJ . Disabil Health J 2020 14 (2) 101023 BACKGROUND: Children with intellectual disability (ID), characterized by impairments in intellectual functioning and adaptive behavior, benefit from early identification and access to services. Previous U.S. estimates used administrative data or parent report with limited information for demographic subgroups. OBJECTIVE: Using empiric measures we examined ID characteristics among 8-year-old children and estimated prevalence by sex, race/ethnicity, geographic area and socioeconomic status (SES) area indicators. METHODS: We analyzed data for 8-year-old children in 9 geographic areas participating in the 2014 Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network. Children with ID were identified through record review of IQ test data. Census and American Community Survey data were used to estimate the denominator. RESULTS: Overall, 11.8 per 1,000 (1.2%) had ID (IQ ≤ 70), of whom 39% (n = 998) also had autism spectrum disorder. Among children with ID, 1,823 had adaptive behavior test scores for which 64% were characterized as impaired. ID prevalence per 1,000 was 15.8 (95% confidence interval [95% CI], 15.0-16.5) among males and 7.7 (95% CI, 7.2-8.2) among females. ID prevalence was 17.7 (95% CI, 16.6-18.9) among children who were non-Hispanic black; 12.0 (95% CI, 11.1-13.0), among Hispanic; 8.6 (95% CI, 7.1-10.4), among non-Hispanic Asian; and 8.0 (95% CI, 7.5-8.6), among non-Hispanic white. Prevalence varied across geographic areas and was inversely associated with SES. CONCLUSIONS: ID prevalence varied substantively among racial, ethnic, geographic, and SES groups. Results can inform strategies to enhance identification and improve access to services particularly for children who are minorities or living in areas with lower SES. |
Potential contributions of clinical and community testing in identifying persons with undiagnosed HIV infection in the United States
Kahn JG , Bendavid E , Dietz PM , Hutchinson A , Horvath H , McCabe D , Wolitski RJ . J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care 2020 19 2325958220950902 BACKGROUND: An estimated 166,155 individuals in the United States have undiagnosed HIV infection. We modeled the numbers of HIV-infected individuals who could be diagnosed in clinical and community settings by broadly implementing HIV screening guidelines. SETTING: United States. METHODS: We modeled testing for general population (once lifetime) and high-risk populations (annual): men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs, and high-risk heterosexuals. We used published data on HIV infections, HIV testing, engagement in clinical care, and risk status disclosure. RESULTS: In clinical settings, about 76 million never-tested low-risk and 2.6 million high-risk individuals would be tested, yielding 36,000 and 55,000 HIV diagnoses, respectively. In community settings, 30 million low-risk and 4.4 million high-risk individuals would be tested, yielding 75,000 HIV diagnoses. CONCLUSION: HIV testing in clinical and community settings diagnoses similar numbers of individuals. Lifetime and risk-based testing are both needed to substantially reduce undiagnosed HIV. |
Trends in women with an HIV diagnosis at delivery hospitalization in the United States, 2006-2014
Aslam MV , Owusu-Edusei K , Nesheim SR , Gray KM , Lampe MA , Dietz PM . Public Health Rep 2020 135 (4) 33354920935074 OBJECTIVES: The risk of mother-to-child HIV transmission can be reduced to </=0.5% if the mother's HIV status is known before delivery. This study describes 2006-2014 trends in diagnosed HIV infection documented on delivery discharge records and associated sociodemographic characteristics among women who gave birth in US hospitals. METHODS: We analyzed data from the 2006-2014 National Inpatient Sample and identified delivery discharges and women with diagnosed HIV infection by using International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification codes. We used a generalized linear model with log link and binomial distribution to assess trends and the association of sociodemographic characteristics with an HIV diagnosis on delivery discharge records. RESULTS: During 2006-2014, an HIV diagnosis was documented on approximately 3900-4400 delivery discharge records annually. The probability of having an HIV diagnosis on delivery discharge records decreased 3% per year (adjusted relative risk [aRR] = 0.97; 95% CI, 0.94-0.99), with significant declines identified among white women aged 25-34 (aRR = 0.93; 95% CI, 0.88-0.97) or those using Medicaid (aRR = 0.93; 95% CI, 0.90-0.97); among black women aged 25-34 (aRR = 0.95; 95% CI, 0.92-0.99); and among privately insured women who were black (aRR = 0.96; 95% CI, 0.92-0.99), Hispanic (aRR = 0.92; 95% CI, 0.86-0.98), or aged 25-34 (aRR = 0.96; 95% CI, 0.92-0.99). The probability of having an HIV diagnosis on delivery discharge records was greater for women who were black (aRR = 8.45; 95% CI, 7.56-9.44) or Hispanic (aRR = 1.56; 95% CI, 1.33-1.83) than white; for women aged 25-34 (aRR = 2.33; 95% CI, 2.12-2.55) or aged >/=35 (aRR = 3.04; 95% CI, 2.79-3.31) than for women aged 13-24; and for Medicaid recipients (aRR = 2.70; 95% CI, 2.45-2.98) or the uninsured (aRR = 1.87; 95% CI, 1.60-2.19) than for privately insured patients. CONCLUSION: During 2006-2014, the probability of having an HIV diagnosis declined among select sociodemographic groups of women delivering neonates. High-impact prevention efforts tailored to women remaining at higher risk for HIV infection can reduce the risk of mother-to-child HIV transmission. |
National and state estimates of adults with autism spectrum disorder
Dietz PM , Rose CE , McArthur D , Maenner M . J Autism Dev Disord 2020 50 (12) 4258-4266 ![]() U.S. national and state population-based estimates of adults living with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) are nonexistent due to the lack of existing surveillance systems funded to address this need. Therefore, we estimated national and state prevalence of adults 18-84 years living with ASD using simulation in conjunction with Bayesian hierarchal models. In 2017, we estimated that approximately 2.21% (95% simulation interval (SI) 1.95%, 2.45%) or 5,437,988 U.S. adults aged 18 and older have ASD, with state prevalence ranging from 1.97% (95% SI 1.55%, 2.45%) in Louisiana to 2.42% (95% SI 1.93%, 2.99%) in Massachusetts. Prevalence and case estimates of adults living with ASD (diagnosed and undiagnosed) can help states estimate the need for diagnosing and providing services to those unidentified. |
Prevalence of autism spectrum disorder among children aged 8 years - Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 sites, United States, 2016
Maenner MJ , Shaw KA , Baio J , Washington A , Patrick M , DiRienzo M , Christensen DL , Wiggins LD , Pettygrove S , Andrews JG , Lopez M , Hudson A , Baroud T , Schwenk Y , White T , Rosenberg CR , Lee LC , Harrington RA , Huston M , Hewitt A , Esler A , Hall-Lande J , Poynter JN , Hallas-Muchow L , Constantino JN , Fitzgerald RT , Zahorodny W , Shenouda J , Daniels JL , Warren Z , Vehorn A , Salinas A , Durkin MS , Dietz PM . MMWR Surveill Summ 2020 69 (4) 1-12 PROBLEM/CONDITION: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD). PERIOD COVERED: 2016. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: The Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (ADDM) Network is an active surveillance program that provides estimates of the prevalence of ASD among children aged 8 years whose parents or guardians live in 11 ADDM Network sites in the United States (Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, Tennessee, and Wisconsin). Surveillance is conducted in two phases. The first phase involves review and abstraction of comprehensive evaluations that were completed by medical and educational service providers in the community. In the second phase, experienced clinicians who systematically review all abstracted information determine ASD case status. The case definition is based on ASD criteria described in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition. RESULTS: For 2016, across all 11 sites, ASD prevalence was 18.5 per 1,000 (one in 54) children aged 8 years, and ASD was 4.3 times as prevalent among boys as among girls. ASD prevalence varied by site, ranging from 13.1 (Colorado) to 31.4 (New Jersey). Prevalence estimates were approximately identical for non-Hispanic white (white), non-Hispanic black (black), and Asian/Pacific Islander children (18.5, 18.3, and 17.9, respectively) but lower for Hispanic children (15.4). Among children with ASD for whom data on intellectual or cognitive functioning were available, 33% were classified as having intellectual disability (intelligence quotient [IQ] </=70); this percentage was higher among girls than boys (40% versus 32%) and among black and Hispanic than white children (47%, 36%, and 27%, respectively). Black children with ASD were less likely to have a first evaluation by age 36 months than were white children with ASD (40% versus 45%). The overall median age at earliest known ASD diagnosis (51 months) was similar by sex and racial and ethnic groups; however, black children with IQ </=70 had a later median age at ASD diagnosis than white children with IQ </=70 (48 months versus 42 months). INTERPRETATION: The prevalence of ASD varied considerably across sites and was higher than previous estimates since 2014. Although no overall difference in ASD prevalence between black and white children aged 8 years was observed, the disparities for black children persisted in early evaluation and diagnosis of ASD. Hispanic children also continue to be identified as having ASD less frequently than white or black children. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTION: These findings highlight the variability in the evaluation and detection of ASD across communities and between sociodemographic groups. Continued efforts are needed for early and equitable identification of ASD and timely enrollment in services. |
Early identification of autism spectrum disorder among children aged 4 years - Early Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, six sites, United States, 2016
Shaw KA , Maenner MJ , Baio J , Washington A , Christensen DL , Wiggins LD , Pettygrove S , Andrews JG , White T , Rosenberg CR , Constantino JN , Fitzgerald RT , Zahorodny W , Shenouda J , Daniels JL , Salinas A , Durkin MS , Dietz PM . MMWR Surveill Summ 2020 69 (3) 1-11 PROBLEM/CONDITION: Autism spectrum disorder (ASD). PERIOD COVERED: 2016. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: The Early Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring (Early ADDM) Network, a subset of the overall ADDM Network, is an active surveillance program that estimates ASD prevalence and monitors early identification of ASD among children aged 4 years. Children included in surveillance year 2016 were born in 2012 and had a parent or guardian who lived in the surveillance area in Arizona, Colorado, Missouri, New Jersey, North Carolina, or Wisconsin, at any time during 2016. Children were identified from records of community sources including general pediatric health clinics, special education programs, and early intervention programs. Data from comprehensive evaluations performed by community professionals were abstracted and reviewed by trained clinicians using a standardized ASD surveillance case definition with criteria from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5). RESULTS: In 2016, the overall ASD prevalence was 15.6 per 1,000 (one in 64) children aged 4 years for Early ADDM Network sites. Prevalence varied from 8.8 per 1,000 in Missouri to 25.3 per 1,000 in New Jersey. At every site, prevalence was higher among boys than among girls, with an overall male-to-female prevalence ratio of 3.5 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 3.1-4.1). Prevalence of ASD between non-Hispanic white (white) and non-Hispanic black (black) children was similar at each site (overall prevalence ratio: 0.9; 95% CI = 0.8-1.1). The prevalence of ASD using DSM-5 criteria was lower than the prevalence using Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) criteria at one of four sites that used criteria from both editions. Among sites where >/=60% of children aged 4 years had information about intellectual disability (intelligence quotient </=70 or examiner's statement of intellectual disability documented in an evaluation), 53% of children with ASD had co-occurring intellectual disability. Of all children aged 4 years with ASD, 84% had a first evaluation at age </=36 months and 71% of children who met the surveillance case definition had a previous ASD diagnosis from a community provider. Median age at first evaluation and diagnosis for this age group was 26 months and 33 months, respectively. Cumulative incidence of autism diagnoses received by age 48 months was higher for children aged 4 years than for those aged 8 years identified in Early ADDM Network surveillance areas in 2016. INTERPRETATION: In 2016, the overall prevalence of ASD in the Early ADDM Network using DSM-5 criteria (15.6 per 1,000 children aged 4 years) was higher than the 2014 estimate using DSM-5 criteria (14.1 per 1,000). Children born in 2012 had a higher cumulative incidence of ASD diagnoses by age 48 months compared with children born in 2008, which indicates more early identification of ASD in the younger group. The disparity in ASD prevalence has decreased between white and black children. Prevalence of co-occurring intellectual disability was higher than in 2014, suggesting children with intellectual disability continue to be identified at younger ages. More children received evaluations by age 36 months in 2016 than in 2014, which is consistent with Healthy People 2020 goals. Median age at earliest ASD diagnosis has not changed considerably since 2014. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTION: More children aged 4 years with ASD are being evaluated by age 36 months and diagnosed by age 48 months, but there is still room for improvement in early identification. Timely evaluation of children by community providers as soon as developmental concerns have been identified might result in earlier ASD diagnoses, earlier receipt of evidence-based interventions, and improved developmental outcomes. |
National trends in hepatitis C infection by opioid use disorder status among pregnant women at delivery hospitalization - United States, 2000-2015
Ko JY , Haight SC , Schillie SF , Bohm MK , Dietz PM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019 68 (39) 833-838 Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is transmitted primarily through parenteral exposures to infectious blood or body fluids that contain blood (e.g., via injection drug use, needle stick injuries) (1). In the last 10 years, increases in HCV infection in the general U.S. population (1) and among pregnant women (2) are attributed to a surge in injection drug use associated with the opioid crisis. Opioid use disorders among pregnant women have increased (3), and approximately 68% of pregnant women with HCV infection have opioid use disorder (4). National trends in HCV infection among pregnant women by opioid use disorder status have not been reported to date. CDC analyzed hospital discharge data from the 2000-2015 Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP) to determine whether HCV infection trends differ by opioid use disorder status at delivery. During this period, the national rate of HCV infection among women giving birth increased >400%, from 0.8 to 4.1 per 1,000 deliveries. Among women with opioid use disorder, rates of HCV infection increased 148%, from 87.4 to 216.9 per 1,000 deliveries, and among those without opioid use disorder, rates increased 271%, although the rates in this group were much lower, increasing from 0.7 to 2.6 per 1,000 deliveries. These findings align with prior ecological data linking hepatitis C increases with the opioid crisis (2). Treatment of opioid use disorder should include screening and referral for related conditions such as HCV infection. |
HIV testing, access to HIV-related services, and late-stage HIV diagnoses across US states, 2013-2016
Krueger A , Van Handel M , Dietz PM , Williams WO , Patel D , Johnson AS . Am J Public Health 2019 109 (11) e1-e7 Objectives. To examine state-level factors associated with late-stage HIV diagnoses in the United States.Methods. We examined state-level factors associated with late-stage diagnoses by estimating negative binomial regression models. We used 2013 to 2016 data from the National HIV Surveillance System (late-stage diagnoses), the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (HIV testing), and the American Community Survey (sociodemographics).Results. Among individuals 25 to 44 years old, a 5% increase in the percentage of the state population tested for HIV in the preceding 12 months was associated with a 3% decrease in late-stage diagnoses. Among both individuals 25 to 44 years of age and those aged 45 years and older, a 5% increase in the percentage of the population living in a rural area was associated with a 2% to 3% increase in late-stage diagnoses.Conclusions. Increasing HIV testing may lower late-stage HIV diagnoses among younger individuals. Increasing HIV-related services may benefit both younger and older people in rural areas. (Am J Public Health. Published online ahead of print September 19, 2019: e1-e7. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2019.305273). |
Estimated cost of comprehensive syringe service program in the United States
Teshale EH , Asher A , Aslam MV , Augustine R , Duncan E , Rose-Wood A , Ward J , Mermin J , Owusu-Edusei K , Dietz PM . PLoS One 2019 14 (4) e0216205 OBJECTIVE: To estimate the cost of establishing and operating a comprehensive syringe service program (SSP) free to clients in the United States. METHODS: We identified the major cost components of a comprehensive SSP: (one-time start-up cost, and annual costs associated with personnel, operations, and prevention/medical services) and estimated the anticipated total costs (2016 US dollars) based on program size (number of clients served each year) and geographic location of the service (rural, suburban, and urban). RESULTS: The estimated costs ranged from $0.4 million for a small rural SSP (serving 250 clients) to $1.9 million for a large urban SSP (serving 2,500 clients), of which 1.6% and 0.8% is the start-up cost of a small rural and large urban SSP, respectively. Cost per syringe distributed varied from $3 (small urban SSP) to $1 (large rural SSP), and cost per client per year varied from $2000 (small urban SSP) to $700 (large rural SSP). CONCLUSIONS: Estimates of the cost of SSPs in the United States vary by number of clients served and geographic location of service. Accurate costing can be useful for planning programs, developing policy, allocating funds for establishing and supporting SSPs, and providing data for economic evaluation of SSPs. |
Factors associated with state variation in mortality among persons living with diagnosed HIV infection
Krueger AL , Van Handel M , Dietz PM , Williams WO , Satcher Johnson A , Klein PW , Cohen S , Mandsager P , Cheever LW , Rhodes P , Purcell DW . J Community Health 2019 44 (5) 963-973 In the United States, the all-cause mortality rate among persons living with diagnosed HIV infection (PLWH) is almost twice as high as among the general population. We aimed to identify amendable factors that state public health programs can influence to reduce mortality among PLWH. Using generalized estimating equations (GEE), we estimated age-group-specific models (24-34, 35-54, >/= 55 years) to assess the association between state-level mortality rates among PLWH during 2010-2014 (National HIV Surveillance System) and amendable factors (percentage of Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program (RWHAP) clients with viral suppression, percentage of residents with healthcare coverage, state-enacted anti-discrimination laws index) while controlling for sociodemographic nonamendable factors. Controlling for nonamendable factors, states with 5% higher viral suppression among RWHAP clients had a 3-5% lower mortality rates across all age groups [adjusted Risk Ratio (aRR): 0.95, 95% Confidence Interval (CI): 0.92-0.99 for 24-34 years, aRR: 0.97, 95%CI: 0.94-0.99 for 35-54 years, aRR: 0.96, 95%CI: 0.94-0.99 for >/= 55 years]; states with 5% higher health care coverage had 4-11% lower mortality rate among older age groups (aRR: 0.96, 95%CI: 0.93-0.99 for 34-54 years; aRR: 0.89, 95%CI: 0.81-0.97 for >/= 55 years); and having laws that address one additional area of anti-discrimination was associated with a 2-3% lower mortality rate among older age groups (aRR: 0.98, 95%CI: 0.95-1.00 for 34-54 years; aRR: 0.97, 95%CI: 0.94-0.99 for >/= 55 years). The mortality rate among PLWH was lower in states with higher levels of residents with healthcare coverage, anti-discrimination laws, and viral suppression among RWHAP clients. States can influence these factors through programs and policies. |
Number and cost of hospitalizations with principal and secondary diagnoses of tuberculosis, United States
Aslam MV , Owusu-Edusei K , Marks SM , Asay GRB , Miramontes R , Kolasa M , Winston CA , Dietz PM . Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2018 22 (12) 1495-1504 OBJECTIVE: To estimate the number and cost of hospitalizations with a diagnosis of active tuberculosis (TB) disease in the United States. METHODS: We analyzed the 2014 National In-Patient Sample using the International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-9) codes to identify hospitalizations with a principal (TB-PD) or any secondary discharge (TB-SD) TB diagnosis. We used a generalized linear model with log link and gamma distribution to estimate the cost per TB-PD and TB-SD episode adjusted for patient demographics, insurer, clinical elements, and hospital characteristics. RESULTS: We estimated 4985 TB-PD and 6080 TB-SD hospitalizations nationwide. TB-PD adjusted averaged $16 695 per episode (95%CI $16 168-$17 221). The average for miliary/disseminated TB ($22 498, 95%CI $21 067-$23 929) or TB of the central nervous system ($28 338, 95%CI $25 836-$30 840) was significantly greater than for pulmonary TB ($14 819, 95%CI $14 284-$15 354). The most common principal diagnoses for TB-SD were septicemia (n = 965 hospitalizations), human immunodeficiency virus infection (n = 610), pneumonia (n = 565), and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and bronchiectasis (COPD-B, n = 150). The adjusted average cost per TB-SD episode was $15 909 (95%CI $15 337-$16 481), varying between $8687 (95%CI $8337-$9036) for COPD-B and $23 335 (95%CI $21 979-$24 690) for septicemia. TB-PD cost the US health care system $123.4 million (95%CI $106.3-$140.5) and TB-SD cost $141.9 million ($128.4-$155.5), of which Medicaid/Medicare covered respectively 67.2% and 69.7%. CONCLUSIONS: TB hospitalizations result in substantial costs within the US health care system. |
Increasing syphilis diagnoses among females giving birth in US hospitals, 2010-2014
Aslam MV , Owusu-Edusei K , Kidd SE , Torrone EA , Dietz PM . Sex Transm Dis 2018 46 (3) 147-152 BACKGROUND: National trends in syphilis rates among females delivering newborns are not well characterized. We assessed 2010-2014 trends in syphilis diagnoses documented on discharge records and associated factors among females who have given birth in US hospitals. METHODS: We calculated quarterly trends in syphilis rates (per 100,000 deliveries) by using ICD-9 codes on delivery discharge records from the National Inpatient Sample. Changes in trends were determined by using Joinpoint software. We estimated relative risks (RR) to assess the association of syphilis diagnoses with race/ethnicity, age, insurance status, household income, and census region. RESULTS: Overall, estimated syphilis rates decreased during 2010-2012 at 1.0% per quarter (P < .001) and increased afterwards at 1.8% (P < .001). The syphilis rate increase was statistically significant across all sociodemographic groups and all US regions, with substantial increases identified among whites (35.2% per quarter; P < .001) and Medicaid recipients (15.1%; P < .001). In 2014, the risk of syphilis diagnosis was greater among blacks (RR, 13.02; 95% confidence interval [CI], 9.46-17.92) or Hispanics (RR, 4.53; 95% CI, 3.19-6.42), compared with whites; Medicaid recipients (RR, 4.63; 95% CI, 3.38-6.33) or uninsured persons (RR, 2.84; 95% CI, 1.74-4.63), compared with privately insured patients; females with the lowest household income (RR, 5.32; 95% CI, 3.55-7.97), compared with the highest income; and females in the South (RR, 2.42; 95% CI, 1.66-3.53), compared with the West. CONCLUSIONS: Increasing syphilis rates among pregnant females of all backgrounds reinforce the importance of prenatal screening and treatment. |
A multifaceted strategy to implement brief smoking cessation counselling during antenatal care in Argentina and Uruguay: a cluster randomized trial
Althabe F , Aleman A , Berrueta M , Morello P , Gibbons L , Colomar M , Tong VT , Dietz PM , Farr SL , Ciganda A , Mazzoni A , Llambi L , Becu A , Smith RA , Johnson C , Belizan JM , Buekens PM . Nicotine Tob Res 2015 18 (5) 1083-1092 INTRODUCTION: We evaluated a multifaceted intervention to increase the frequency of pregnant women who received brief smoking cessation counselling based on the 5As. METHODS: We randomly assigned (1:1) 20 antenatal care clusters in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Montevideo, Uruguay to receive a multifaceted intervention to implement brief smoking cessation counselling into routine antenatal care, or no intervention. Outcomes included receipt of 5As, smoking until the end of pregnancy, and attitudes and readiness of providers towards providing counseling. Women's outcomes were surveyed at baseline and at the end of the 14 to 18-month intervention at the postpartum hospital stay. Cessation was verified with saliva cotinine. The trial took place between October 03, 2011 and November 29, 2013. RESULTS: The rate of women who recalled receiving the 5As increased from 14.0% to 33.6% in the intervention group (median rate change, 22.1%), and 10.8% to 17.0% in the control group (median rate change, 4.6%) (P=0.001 for the difference in change between groups). The proportion of women who continued smoking during pregnancy was unchanged at follow-up in both groups; the relative difference between groups was not significant (ratio of odds ratios 1.16, 95% CI, 0.98 -1.37; P=0.086). No effect observed in attitudes and readiness of providers. CONCLUSION: The intervention showed a moderate effect in increasing the proportion of women who recalled receiving the 5As, with a third receiving counselling in more than one visit. The frequency of women who smoked until the end of the pregnancy was not significantly reduced by the intervention. IMPLICATION: No implementation trials of smoking cessation interventions for pregnant women have been carried out in Latin American or in middle-income countries where health care systems or capacities may differ. We evaluated a multifaceted strategy designed to increase the frequency of pregnant women who receive brief smoking cessation counseling based on the 5As in Argentina and Uruguay. We found that the intervention showed a moderate effect in increasing the proportion of women receiving the 5As, with a third of women receiving counselling in more than one visit. However, the frequency of women who smoked until the end of the pregnancy was not significantly reduced by the intervention. |
HIV testing among outpatients with Medicaid and commercial insurance
Dietz PM , Van Handel M , Wang H , Peters PJ , Zhang J , Viall A , Branson BM . PLoS One 2015 10 (12) e0144965 OBJECTIVE: To assess HIV testing and factors associated with receipt of testing among persons with Medicaid and commercial insurance during 2012. METHODS: Outpatient and laboratory claims were analyzed from two databases: all Medicaid claims from six states and all claims from Medicaid health plans from four other states and a large national convenience sample of patients with commercial insurance in the United States. We excluded those aged <13 years and >64 years, enrolled <9 of the 12 months, pregnant females, and previously diagnosed with HIV. We identified patients with new HIV diagnoses that followed (did not precede) the HIV test, using HIV ICD-9 codes. HIV testing percentages were assessed by patient demographics and other tests or diagnoses that occurred during the same visit. RESULTS: During 2012, 89,242 of 2,069,536 patients (4.3%) with Medicaid had at least one HIV test, and 850 (1.0%) of those tested received a new HIV diagnosis. Among 27,206,804 patients with commercial insurance, 757,646 (2.8%) had at least one HIV test, and 5,884 (0.8%) of those tested received a new HIV diagnosis. During visits that included an HIV test, 80.2% of Medicaid and 83.0% of commercial insurance claims also included a test or diagnosis for a sexually transmitted infection (STI), and/or Hepatitis B or C virus at the same visit. CONCLUSIONS: HIV testing primarily took place concurrently with screening or diagnoses for STIs or Hepatitis B or C. We found little evidence to suggest routine screening for HIV infection was widespread. |
Smoking patterns and receipt of cessation services among pregnant women in Argentina and Uruguay
Berrueta M , Morello P , Aleman A , Tong VT , Johnson C , Dietz PM , Farr SL , Mazzoni A , Colomar M , Ciganda A , Llambi L , Becu A , Gibbons L , Smith RA , Buekens P , Belizan JM , Althabe F . Nicotine Tob Res 2015 18 (5) 1116-25 INTRODUCTION: The 5A's strategy, a best-practice approach for cessation counseling, has been widely implemented in high-income countries for pregnant women; however, no studies have evaluated implementation in middle-income countries. The study objectives were to assess smoking patterns and receipt of 5A's among pregnant women in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Montevideo, Uruguay. METHODS: Data were collected through administered questionnaires to women at delivery hospitalizations during October 2011-May 2012. Eligible women attended one of 12 maternity hospitals or 21 associated prenatal care clinics. The questionnaire included demographic data, tobacco use/cessation behaviors, and receipt of the 5A's. Self-reported cessation was verified with saliva cotinine. RESULTS: Overall, of 3,400 pregnant women, 32.8% smoked at the beginning of pregnancy; 11.9% quit upon learning they were pregnant or later during pregnancy, and 20.9% smoked throughout pregnancy. Smoking prevalence varied by country with 16.1% and 26.7% who smoked throughout pregnancy in Argentina and Uruguay, respectively. Among pregnant smokers in Argentina, 23.8% reported that a provider asked them about smoking at more than one prenatal care visit; 18.5% were advised to quit; 5.3% were assessed for readiness to quit, 4.7% were provided assistance, and 0.7% reported follow-up was arranged. In Uruguay, those percentages were 36.3%, 27.9%, 5.4%, 5.6% and 0.2%, respectively. CONCLUSIONS: Approximately, one in six pregnant women smoked throughout pregnancy in Buenos Aires and one in four in Montevideo. However, a low percentage of smokers received any cessation assistance in both countries. Healthcare providers are not fully implementing the recommended 5A's intervention to help pregnant women quit smoking. |
County-level correlates of CDC-funded HIV testing events, United States, 2012
Hayek S , Heitgerd JL , Williams WO , Krueger AL , Dietz PM . J Community Health 2015 40 (5) 1031-6 HIV prevalence and socio-demographic data were analyzed to assess the alignment of CDC-funded HIV testing activity in 2012 with its high-impact prevention approach. CDC-funded HIV-testing was conducted in counties with high HIV prevalence and in places potentially more affected by HIV as measured by urbanicity, percent black, percent poverty, and percent uninsured. The percent Hispanic/Latino was associated with a lower probability of HIV testing activity. Higher percentages of black and Hispanic/Latino in the population was positively associated with new HIV diagnoses. Analyzing county-level data confirmed the appropriateness of CDC-funded HIV testing activities under a high-impact prevention approach but also suggested areas for possible improvement. |
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention funding for HIV testing associated with higher state percentage of persons tested
Hayek S , Dietz PM , Van Handel M , Zhang J , Shrestha RK , Huang YL , Wan C , Mermin J . J Public Health Manag Pract 2015 21 (6) 531-7 OBJECTIVES: To assess the association between state per capita allocations of Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funding for HIV testing and the percentage of persons tested for HIV. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: We examined data from 2 sources: 2011 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System and 2010-2011 State HIV Budget Allocations Reports. Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data were used to estimate the percentage of persons aged 18 to 64 years who had reported testing for HIV in the last 2 years in the United States by state. State HIV Budget Allocations Reports were used to calculate the state mean annual per capita allocations for CDC-funded HIV testing reported by state and local health departments in the United States. DESIGN: The association between the state fixed-effect per capita allocations for CDC-funded HIV testing and self-reported HIV testing in the last 2 years among persons aged 18 to 64 years was assessed with a hierarchical logistic regression model adjusting for individual-level characteristics. MAIN OUTCOME: The percentage of persons tested for HIV in the last 2 years. RESULTS: In 2011, 18.7% (95% confidence interval = 18.4-19.0) of persons reported being tested for HIV in last 2 years (state range, 9.7%-28.2%). During 2010-2011, the state mean annual per capita allocation for CDC-funded HIV testing was $0.34 (state range, $0.04-$1.04). A $0.30 increase in per capita allocation for CDC-funded HIV testing was associated with an increase of 2.4 percentage points (14.0% vs 16.4%) in the percentage of persons tested for HIV per state. CONCLUSIONS: Providing HIV testing resources to health departments was associated with an increased percentage of state residents tested for HIV. |
Trends in gestational weight gain: the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, 2000-2009
Johnson JL , Farr SL , Dietz PM , Sharma AJ , Barfield WD , Robbins CL . Am J Obstet Gynecol 2015 212 (6) 806 e1-8 OBJECTIVE: Achieving adequate gestational weight gain is important for optimal health of the infant and mother. We estimate current population-based trends of gestational weight gain. STUDY DESIGN: We analyzed data from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System for 124,348 women who delivered live infants in 14 states during 2000-2009. We examined prevalence and trends in gestational weight gain in pounds as a continuous variable, and within 1990 Institute of Medicine recommendations (yes/no) as a dichotomous variable. We examined adjusted trends in mean gestational weight gain using multivariable linear regression and gestational weight gain within recommendations using multivariable multinomial logistic regression. RESULTS: During 2000-2009, 35.8% of women gained within Institute of Medicine gestational weight gain recommendations, 44.4% gained above, and 19.8% gained below. From 2000-2009, there was a biennial 1.0 percentage point decrease in women gaining within Institute of Medicine gestational weight gain recommendations (P-trend <.01) and a biennial 0.8 percentage point increase in women gaining above Institute of Medicine recommendations (P-trend <.01). The percentage of women gaining weight below Institute of Medicine recommendations remained relatively constant from 2000-2009 (P-trend= .14). The adjusted odds of gaining within Institute of Medicine recommendations were lower in 2006-2007 (aOR= 0.90, 95% CI: 0.85-0.96) and 2008-2009 (aOR=0.90, 95% CI: 0.85-0.96) relative to 2000-2001. CONCLUSION: Overall, from 2000-2009 the percentage of women gaining within Institute of Medicine recommendations slightly decreased while mean gestational weight gain slightly increased. Efforts are needed to develop and implement strategies to ensure that women achieve gestational weight gain within recommendations. |
Ebola virus disease in health care workers - Sierra Leone, 2014
Kilmarx PH , Clarke KR , Dietz PM , Hamel MJ , Husain F , McFadden JD , Park BJ , Sugerman DE , Bresee JS , Mermin J , McAuley J , Jambai A . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2014 63 (49) 1168-71 Health care workers (HCWs) are at increased risk for infection in outbreaks of Ebola virus disease (Ebola). To characterize Ebola in HCWs in Sierra Leone and guide prevention efforts, surveillance data from the national Viral Hemorrhagic Fever database were analyzed. In addition, site visits and interviews with HCWs and health facility administrators were conducted. As of October 31, 2014, a total of 199 (5.2%) of the total of 3,854 laboratory-confirmed Ebola cases reported from Sierra Leone were in HCWs, representing a much higher estimated cumulative incidence of confirmed Ebola in HCWs than in non-HCWs, based on national data on the number of HCW. The peak number of confirmed Ebola cases in HCWs was reported in August (65 cases), and the highest number and percentage of confirmed Ebola cases in HCWs was in Kenema District (65 cases, 12.9% of cases in Kenema), mostly from Kenema General Hospital. Confirmed Ebola cases in HCWs continued to be reported through October and were from 12 of 14 districts in Sierra Leone. A broad range of challenges were reported in implementing infection prevention and control measures. In response, the Ministry of Health and Sanitation and partners are developing standard operating procedures for multiple aspects of infection prevention, including patient isolation and safe burials; recruiting and training staff in infection prevention and control; procuring needed commodities and equipment, including personal protective equipment and vehicles for safe transport of Ebola patients and corpses; renovating and constructing Ebola care facilities designed to reduce risk for nosocomial transmission; monitoring and evaluating infection prevention and control practices; and investigating new cases of Ebola in HCWs as sentinel public health events to identify and address ongoing prevention failures. |
Ohio primary health care providers' practices and attitudes regarding screening women with prior gestational diabetes for type 2 diabetes mellitus - 2010
Rodgers L , Conrey EJ , Wapner A , Ko JY , Dietz PM , Oza-Frank R . Prev Chronic Dis 2014 11 E213 INTRODUCTION: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is associated with a 7-fold increased lifetime risk for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. Early diagnosis of type 2 diabetes is crucial for preventing complications. Despite recommendations for type 2 diabetes screening every 1 to 3 years for women with previous diagnoses of GDM and all women aged 45 years or older, screening prevalence is unknown. We sought to assess Ohio primary health care providers' practices and attitudes regarding assessing GDM history and risk for progression to type 2 diabetes. METHODS: During 2010, we mailed surveys to 1,400 randomly selected Ohio family physicians and internal medicine physicians; we conducted analyses during 2011-2013. Overall responses were weighted to adjust for stratified sampling. Chi-square tests compared categorical variables. RESULTS: Overall response rate was 34% (380 eligible responses). Among all respondents, 57% reported that all new female patients in their practices are routinely asked about GDM history; 62% reported screening women aged 45 years or younger with prior GDM every 1 to 3 years for glucose intolerance; and 42% reported that screening for type 2 diabetes among women with prior GDM is a high or very high priority in their practice. CONCLUSION: Because knowing a patient's GDM history is the critical first step in the prevention of progression to type 2 diabetes for women who had GDM, suboptimal screening for both GDM history and subsequent glucose abnormalities demonstrates missed opportunities for identifying and counseling women with increased risk for type 2 diabetes. |
Pregnant women's secondhand smoke exposure and receipt of screening and brief advice by prenatal care providers in Argentina and Uruguay
Tong VT , Morello P , Aleman A , Johnson C , Dietz PM , Farr SL , Mazzoni A , Berrueta M , Colomar M , Ciganda A , Becu A , Bittar Gonzalez MG , Llambi L , Gibbons L , Smith RA , Buekens P , Belizan JM , Althabe F . Matern Child Health J 2014 19 (6) 1376-83 Secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure has negative effects on maternal and infant health. SHS exposure among pregnant women in Argentina and Uruguay has not been previously described, nor has the proportion of those who have received screening and advice to avoid SHS during prenatal care. Women who attended one of 21 clusters of publicly-funded prenatal care clinics were interviewed regarding SHS exposure during pregnancy at their delivery hospitalization during 2011-2012. Analyses were conducted using SURVEYFREQ procedure in SAS version 9.3 to account for prenatal clinic clusters. Of 3,427 pregnant women, 43.4 % had a partner who smoked, 52.3 % lived with household members who smoked cigarettes, and 34.4 % had no or partial smoke-free home rule. Of 528 pregnant women who worked outside of the home, 21.6 % reported past month SHS exposure at work and 38.1 % reported no or partial smoke-free work policy. Overall, 35.9 % of women were exposed to SHS at home or work. In at least one prenatal care visit, 67.2 % of women were screened for SHS exposure, and 56.6 % received advice to avoid SHS. Also, 52.6 % of women always avoided SHS for their unborn baby's health. In summary, a third of pregnant women attending publicly-funded prenatal clinics were exposed to SHS, and only half of pregnant women always avoided SHS for their unborn baby's health. Provider screening and advice rates can be improved in these prenatal care settings, as all pregnant women should be screened and advised of the harms of SHS and how to avoid it. |
Accuracy of self-reported smoking cessation during pregnancy
Tong VT , Althabe F , Aleman A , Johnson CC , Dietz PM , Berrueta M , Morello P , Colomar M , Buekens P , Sosnoff CS . Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand 2014 94 (1) 106-11 Evidence of bias of self-reported smoking cessation during pregnancy is reported in high-income countries but not elsewhere. We sought to evaluate self-reported smoking cessation during pregnancy using biochemical verification and to compare characteristics of women with and without biochemically-confirmed cessation in Argentina and Uruguay. In a cross-sectional study from October 2011-May 2012, women who attended one of 21 prenatal clinics and delivered at selected hospitals in Buenos Aires, Argentina and Montevideo, Uruguay were surveyed about their smoking cessation during pregnancy. We tested saliva collected from women <12 hours after delivery for cotinine to evaluate self-reported smoking cessation during pregnancy. Overall, 10.0% (44/441) of women who self-reported smoking cessation during pregnancy had biochemical evidence of continued smoking. Women who reported quitting later in pregnancy had a higher percentage of nondisclosure (17.2%) than women who reported quitting when learning of their pregnancy (6.4%). |
Evaluating universal education and screening for postpartum depression using population-based data
Farr SL , Denk CE , Dahms EW , Dietz PM . J Womens Health (Larchmt) 2014 23 (8) 657-63 BACKGROUND: In 2006, New Jersey was the first state to mandate prenatal education and screening at hospital delivery for postpartum depression. We sought to evaluate provision of prenatal education and screening at delivery, estimate the prevalence of postpartum depressive symptoms, and identify venues where additional screening and education could occur. METHODS: For women who delivered live infants during 2009 and 2010 in New Jersey, data on Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale scores assessed at hospital delivery and recorded on birth records were linked to survey data from the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), a population-based survey of mothers completed 2-8 months postpartum (n=2,391). The PRAMS survey assesses postpartum depressive symptoms and whether the woman's prenatal care provider discussed the signs and symptoms of perinatal depression with her, used as a proxy for prenatal education on depression. RESULTS: Two-thirds (67.0%) of women reported that a prenatal care provider discussed depression with them and 89.6% were screened for depression at hospital delivery. Among the 13% of women with depressive symptoms at hospital delivery or later in the postpartum period, over a third were Women, Infants, and Children program (WIC) participants, 13% to 32% had an infant in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), over 80% attended the maternal postpartum check-up, and over 88% of their infants attended ≥1 well baby visits. CONCLUSIONS: Prenatal education and screening for depression at hospital delivery is feasible and results in the majority of women being educated and screened. However, missed opportunities for education and screening exist. More information is needed on how to utilize WIC, NICU, and well baby and postpartum encounters to ensure effective education, accurate diagnosis, and treatment for depressed mothers. |
Routine HIV screening in two health-care settings - New York City and New Orleans, 2011-2013
Lin X , Dietz PM , Rodriguez V , Lester D , Hernandez P , Moreno-Walton L , Johnson G , Van Handel MM , Skarbinski J , Mattson CL , Stratford D , Belcher L , Branson BM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2014 63 (25) 537-41 Approximately 16% of the estimated 1.1 million persons living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in the United States are unaware of their infection and thus unable to benefit from effective treatment that improves health and reduces transmission risk. Since 2006, CDC has recommended that health-care providers screen for HIV all patients aged 13-64 years unless prevalence of undiagnosed HIV infection in their patients has been documented to be <0.1%. This report describes novel HIV screening programs at the Urban Health Plan (UHP), Inc. in New York City and the Interim Louisiana Hospital (ILH) in New Orleans. Data were provided by the two programs. UHP screened a monthly average of 986 patients for HIV during January 2011-September 2013. Of the 32,534 patients screened, 148 (0.45%) tested HIV-positive, of whom 147 (99%) received their test result and 43 (29%) were newly diagnosed. None of the 148 patients with HIV infection were previously receiving medical care, and 120 (81%) were linked to HIV medical care. The ILH emergency department (ED) and the urgent-care center (UCC) screened a monthly average of 1,323 patients from mid-March to December 2013. Of the 12,568 patients screened, 102 (0.81%) tested HIV-positive, of whom 100 (98%) received their test result, 77 (75%) were newly diagnosed, and five (5%) had acute HIV infection. Linkage to HIV medical care was successful for 67 (74%) of 91 patients not already in care. Routine HIV screening identified patients with new and previously diagnosed HIV infection and facilitated their linkage to medical care. The two HIV screening programs highlighted in this report can serve as models that could be adapted by other health-care settings. |
History of preterm birth and subsequent cardiovascular disease: a systematic review
Robbins CL , Hutchings Y , Dietz PM , Kuklina EV , Callaghan WM . Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014 210 (4) 285-97 A history of preterm birth (PTB) may be an important lifetime risk factor for cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women. We identified all peer-reviewed journal articles that met study criteria (English language, human studies, female, and adults ≥19 years old), that were found in the PubMed/MEDLINE databases, and that were published between Jan. 1, 1995, and Sept. 17, 2012. We summarized 10 studies that assessed the association between having a history of PTB and subsequent CVD morbidity or death. Compared with women who had term deliveries, women with any history of PTB had increased risk of CVD morbidity (variously defined; adjusted hazard ratio [aHR] ranged from 1.2-2.9; 2 studies), ischemic heart disease (aHR, 1.3-2.1; 3 studies), stroke (aHR, 1.7; 1 study), and atherosclerosis (aHR, 4.1; 1 study). Four of 5 studies that examined death showed that women with a history of PTB have twice the risk of CVD death compared with women who had term births. Two studies reported statistically significant higher risk of CVD-related morbidity and death outcomes (variously defined) among women with ≥2 pregnancies that ended in PTBs compared with women who had at least 2 births but which ended in only 1 PTB. Future research is needed to understand the potential impact of enhanced monitoring of CVD risk factors in women with a history of PTB on risk of future CVD risk. |
Clinical interventions to reduce secondhand smoke exposure among pregnant women: a systematic review
Tong VT , Dietz PM , Rolle IV , Kennedy SM , Thomas W , England LJ . Tob Control 2014 24 (3) 217-23 OBJECTIVE: To conduct a systematic review of clinical interventions to reduce secondhand smoke (SHS) exposure among non-smoking pregnant women. DATA SOURCES: We searched 16 databases for publications from 1990 to January 2013, with no language restrictions. STUDY SELECTION: Papers were included if they met the following criteria: (1) the study population included non-smoking pregnant women exposed to SHS, (2) the clinical interventions were intended to reduce SHS exposure at home, (3) the study included a control group and (4) outcomes included either reduced SHS exposure of non-smoking pregnant women at home or quit rates among smoking partners during the pregnancy of the woman. DATA EXTRACTION: Two coders independently reviewed each abstract or full text to identify eligible papers. Two abstractors independently coded papers based on US Preventive Services Task Force criteria for study quality (good, fair, poor), and studies without biochemically-verified outcome measures were considered poor quality. DATA SYNTHESIS: From 4670 papers, we identified five studies that met our inclusion criteria: four focused on reducing SHS exposure among non-smoking pregnant women, and one focused on providing cessation support for smoking partners of pregnant women. All were randomised controlled trials, and all reported positive findings. Three studies were judged poor quality because outcome measures were not biochemically-verified, and two were considered fair quality. CONCLUSIONS: Clinical interventions delivered in prenatal care settings appear to reduce SHS exposure, but study weaknesses limit our ability to draw firm conclusions. More rigorous studies, using biochemical validation, are needed to identify strategies for reducing SHS exposure in pregnant women. |
Validation of obstetric estimate of gestational age on US birth certificates
Dietz PM , Bombard JM , Hutchings YL , Gauthier JP , Gambatese MA , Ko JY , Martin JA , Callaghan WM . Am J Obstet Gynecol 2014 210 (4) 335.e1-5 OBJECTIVE: The birth certificate variable obstetric estimate of gestational age (GA) has not been previously validated against GA based on estimated date of delivery from medical records. STUDY DESIGN: We estimated sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value, negative predictive value and the corresponding 95% confidence intervals (CIs) for preterm delivery (<37 weeks' gestation) based on obstetric estimate using estimated date of delivery-based GA as the gold standard. Trained abstractors obtained the estimated date of delivery from the prenatal record (64.8% in New York City, and 94.6% in Vermont), or, when not available, from the hospital delivery record for 2 population-based samples: 586 live births delivered in New York City and 649 live births delivered in Vermont during 2009. Weights were applied to account for nonresponse and sampling design. RESULTS: In New York City, the preterm delivery rate based on estimated date of delivery was 9.7% (95% CI, 7.6-12.4) and 8.2% (95% CI, 6.3-10.6) based on obstetric estimate; in Vermont, it was 6.8% (95% CI, 5.4-8.4) based on estimated date of delivery and 6.3% (95% CI, 5.1-7.8) based on obstetric estimate. In New York City, sensitivity of obstetric estimate-based preterm delivery was 82.5% (95% CI, 69.4-90.8), specificity 98.1% (95% CI, 96.4-99.1), positive predictive value 98.0% (95% CI, 95.2-99.2), and negative predictive value 98.8% (95% CI, 99.6-99.9). In Vermont, sensitivity of obstetric estimate-based preterm delivery was 93.8% (95% CI, 81.8-98.1), specificity 99.6% (95% CI, 98.5-99.9), positive predictive value 100%, and negative predictive value 100%. CONCLUSION: Obstetric estimate-based preterm delivery had excellent specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value. Sensitivity was moderate in New York City and excellent in Vermont. These results suggest obstetric estimate-based preterm delivery from the birth certificate is useful for the surveillance of preterm delivery. |
Trends in smoking before, during, and after pregnancy--Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, United States, 40 sites, 2000-2010
Tong VT , Dietz PM , Morrow B , D'Angelo DV , Farr SL , Rockhill KM , England LJ . MMWR Surveill Summ 2013 62 (6) 1-19 PROBLEM: Smoking during pregnancy increases the risk for complications such as fetal growth restriction, preterm delivery, and infant death. In 2002, 5%-8% of preterm deliveries, 13%-19% of term infants with growth restriction, 5%-7% of preterm-related deaths, and 23%-34% of deaths from sudden infant death syndrome were attributable to prenatal smoking in the United States. REPORTING PERIOD COVERED: 2000-2010. DESCRIPTION OF SYSTEM: The Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS) was initiated in 1987 and is an ongoing state- and population-based surveillance system designed to monitor selected maternal behaviors and experiences that occur before, during, and after pregnancy among females who deliver live-born infants in the United States. Self-reported questionnaire data are linked to selected birth certificate data and are weighted to represent all women delivering live infants in the state. Self-reported smoking data were obtained from the PRAMS questionnaire and birth certificates. This report provides data on trends (aggregated and site-specific estimates) in smoking before, during, and after pregnancy from 40 PRAMS sites during 2000-2010. RESULTS: For the majority of sites, smoking prevalence before, during, or after pregnancy did not change over time. During 2000-2010, smoking prevalence decreased in three sites (Minnesota, New York state, and Utah) for all three measures and in eight sites (Colorado, Illinois, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York City, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming) for one or two of the measures. Smoking prevalence increased for all three measures in three sites (Louisiana, Mississippi, and West Virginia); an increase in prevalence before pregnancy (only) occurred in Oklahoma, and an increase during and after pregnancy occurred in Maine. For a subgroup of 10 sites for which data were available for the entire 11-year study period (Alaska, Arkansas, Colorado, Hawaii, Maine, Nebraska, Oklahoma, Utah, Washington, and West Virginia), the prevalence of smoking before pregnancy remained unchanged, with approximately one in five women reporting smoking before pregnancy (23.6% in 2000 to 24.7% in 2010). The prevalence of smoking during pregnancy decreased (p = 0.04; linear trend assessed with logistic regression) from 13.3% in 2000 to 12.3% in 2010, and the prevalence of smoking after delivery decreased (p<0.01) from 18.6% in 2000 to 17.2% in 2010. INTERPRETATION: The results indicate that efforts to reduce smoking prevalence among female smokers before pregnancy have not been effective; however, tobacco-control efforts have been minimally effective in reducing smoking prevalence during and after pregnancy. Current tobacco-control efforts in most sites might be insufficient to reach national objectives related to reducing prevalence of smoking during pregnancy. PUBLIC HEALTH ACTION: States with no change in or increasing smoking prevalence before, during, and after pregnancy can help reduce prevalence through sustained and comprehensive tobacco-control efforts (e.g., mass media campaigns, coverage of tobacco cessation, 100% smoke-free policies, and tobacco excise taxes). |
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