Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
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Risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and receipt of a breathing test in 26 states and the District of Columbia, 2017-2018
Watson KB , Croft JB , Wheaton AG , Liu Y , Punturieri A , Postow L , Carlson SA , Greenlund KJ . Prev Chronic Dis 2024 21 E31 We estimated the prevalence of respiratory symptoms, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) risk level, and receipt of a breathing test among adults without reported COPD in 26 states and the District of Columbia by using 2017-2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data. Among adults without reported COPD, the 3 respiratory symptoms indicating COPD (chronic cough, phlegm or mucus production, shortness of breath) were common (each >10%). About 15.0% were at higher COPD risk (based on the number of symptoms, age, and smoking status); 41.4% of adults at higher risk reported receipt of a breathing test. Patient-provider recognition and communication of risk symptoms, appropriate screening, and follow-up are important for early diagnosis and treatment. |
Racial/ethnic differences in prevalence of arthritis, severe joint pain, and receipt of provider counseling about physical activity for arthritis among adults aged ≥18 Years-United States, 2019
Wise A , Boring MA , Odom EL , Foster AL , Guglielmo D , Master H , Croft JB . Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) 2024 OBJECTIVE: This study examined the racial/ethnic differences in self-reported doctor-diagnosed arthritis, severe joint pain, and provider counseling for physical activity among US adults with arthritis. METHODS: We estimated prevalence by race/ethnicity among 31,997 adults aged ≥18 years in the 2019 National Health Interview Survey. We used multiple logistic regression models to investigate associations between outcomes and race/ethnicity. RESULTS: Compared with non-Hispanic White adults (22.9%), we found a significantly higher age-adjusted prevalence of arthritis among American Indian/Alaska Native adults (30.3%). Among adults with arthritis, higher age-adjusted prevalence of severe joint pain among American Indian/Alaska Native (39.1%), non-Hispanic Black (36.4%), and Hispanic adults (35.7% versus 22.5% [White]) and higher provider counseling for physical activity among non-Hispanic Black adults (58.9% versus 52.1% [White]) were observed and could not be fully explained by differences in socioeconomic factors, body mass index, depression history, and comorbid conditions. Additional models also containing inability to pay medical bills and food insecurity did not explain racial/ethnic differences. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings highlight a need for multi-level interventions to mitigate social and environmental barriers to physical activity and eliminate disparities in arthritis and severe joint pain. |
National, state-level, and county-level prevalence estimates of adults aged 18 years self-reporting a lifetime diagnosis of depression - United States, 2020
Lee B , Wang Y , Carlson SA , Greenlund KJ , Lu H , Liu Y , Croft JB , Eke PI , Town M , Thomas CW . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (24) 644-650 Depression is a major contributor to mortality, morbidity, disability, and economic costs in the United States (1). Examining the geographic distribution of depression at the state and county levels can help guide state- and local-level efforts to prevent, treat, and manage depression. CDC analyzed 2020 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data to estimate the national, state-level, and county-level prevalence of U.S. adults aged ≥18 years self-reporting a lifetime diagnosis of depression (referred to as depression). During 2020, the age-standardized prevalence of depression among adults was 18.5%. Among states, the age-standardized prevalence of depression ranged from 12.7% to 27.5% (median = 19.9%); most of the states with the highest prevalence were in the Appalachian* and southern Mississippi Valley(†) regions. Among 3,143 counties, the model-based age-standardized prevalence of depression ranged from 10.7% to 31.9% (median = 21.8%); most of the counties with the highest prevalence were in the Appalachian region, the southern Mississippi Valley region, and Missouri, Oklahoma, and Washington. These data can help decision-makers prioritize health planning and interventions in areas with the largest gaps or inequities, which could include implementation of evidence-based interventions and practices such as those recommended by The Guide to Community Preventive Services Task Force (CPSTF) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA). |
Geospatial distribution of periodontists and US adults with severe periodontitis
Eke PI , Lu H , Zhang X , Thornton-Evans G , Borgnakke WS , Holt JB , Croft JB . J Am Dent Assoc 2019 150 (2) 103-110 BACKGROUND: In this study, the authors report on the geospatial distributions of periodontists and adults with severe periodontitis in the United States. METHODS: The authors used geospatial analysis to describe the distribution of periodontists and adults, periodontists vis-à-vis estimated density of adults with severe periodontitis, and their ratios to adults with severe periodontitis. The authors identified locations of 5,415 practicing periodontists through the 2014 National Provider Identifier Registry, linked them with the weighted census number of adults, and estimated the number of adults within a series of circular distance zones. RESULTS: Approximately 60% of adults 30 through 79 years lived within 5 miles of a periodontist, 73% within 10 miles, 85% within 20 miles, and 97% within 50 miles. Proximity to a periodontist varied widely. In urban areas, 95% of adults resided within 10 miles of a periodontist and 100% within 20 miles. Only 24% of adults in rural areas lived within 10 miles of a periodontist. Most periodontists (96.1%) practiced in urban areas, clustering along the eastern and western coasts and in the Midwest, 3.1% in urban clusters elsewhere, and 0.8% in rural areas. Ratios of fewer than 8,000 adults with periodontitis to 1 or more periodontists within 10 miles were clustered mostly in the Northeast, central East Coast, Florida, West Coast, Arizona, and Midwest. CONCLUSIONS: In this study, the authors identified wide variations in geographic proximity to a practicing periodontist for adults with severe periodontitis. PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: Dental practitioners may provide preventive care and counseling for periodontitis and referrals for specialty care. Geographic proximity to specialized periodontal care may vary widely by locality. |
Racial and ethnic differences in subjective cognitive decline - United States, 2015-2020
Wooten KG , McGuire LC , Olivari BS , Jackson EMJ , Croft JB . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (10) 249-255 Subjective cognitive decline (SCD), the self-reported experience of worsening or more frequent memory loss or confusion, might be a symptom of early-stage dementia or future serious cognitive decline such as Alzheimer disease* or a related dementia (ADRD) (1). Established modifiable risk factors for ADRD include high blood pressure, inadequate physical activity, obesity, diabetes, depression, current cigarette smoking, and hearing loss (2). An estimated 6.5 million persons aged ≥65 years in the United States live with Alzheimer disease, the most common dementia (1). This number is projected to double by 2060, with the largest increase among non-Hispanic Black or African American (Black), and Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic) adults (1,3). Using data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), CDC assessed racial and ethnic, select demographic, and geographical differences in SCD prevalence, and prevalence of health care professional conversations among those reporting SCD. The age-adjusted prevalence of SCD during 2015-2020 was 9.6% among adults aged ≥45 years (5.0% of Asian or Pacific Islander [A/PI] adults, 9.3% of non-Hispanic White [White] adults, 10.1% of Black adults, 11.4% of Hispanic adults, and 16.7% of non-Hispanic American Indian or Alaska Native [AI/AN] adults). College education was associated with a lower prevalence of SCD among all racial and ethnic groups. Only 47.3% of adults with SCD reported that they had discussed confusion or memory loss with a health care professional. Discussing changes in cognition with a physician can allow for the identification of potentially treatable conditions, early detection of dementia, promotion of dementia risk reduction behaviors, and establishing a treatment or care plan to help adults remain healthy and independent for as long as possible. |
Prevalence and characteristics of arthritis among caregivers - 17 states, 2017 and 2019
Jackson EMJ , Omura JD , Boring MA , Odom EL , Foster AL , Olivari BS , McGuire LC , Croft JB . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (44) 1389-1395 Caregiving provides numerous benefits to both caregivers and care recipients; however, it can also negatively affect caregivers' mental and physical health (1-4), and caregiving tasks often require physical exertion (1). Approximately 44% of adults with arthritis report limitations attributable to arthritis, including trouble doing daily activities (5). These limitations might affect caregivers' ability to provide care, but little is known about arthritis among caregivers. To assess arthritis among caregivers of a family member or friend, CDC examined data from 17 states that administered both the arthritis and caregiving modules as part of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) in either 2017 or 2019. Approximately one in five adults (20.6%) was a caregiver. Prevalence of arthritis was higher among caregivers (35.1%) than noncaregivers (24.5%). Compared with caregivers without arthritis, those with arthritis provided similar types of care and were more likely to have provided care for ≥5 years and for ≥40 hours per week. In addition, higher proportions of caregivers with arthritis reported disabilities compared with those without arthritis, including mobility issues (38.0% versus 7.3%). Arthritis among caregivers might affect their own health as well as the care they can provide. Caregivers can discuss their arthritis and related limitations with a health care professional to identify ways to increase their physical activity and participation in lifestyle management programs.* Such interventions might ease arthritis pain and related limitations and might support them in their ongoing caregiving role. Public health professionals can implement strategies to support caregivers throughout the caregiving process.(†). |
Constructing Statistical Intervals for Small Area Estimates Based on Generalized Linear Mixed Model in Health Surveys.
Wang Y , Zhang X , Lu H , Croft JB , Greenlund KJ . Open J Stat 2022 12 (1) ![]() ![]() Generalized Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) has been widely used in small area estimation for health indicators. Bayesian estimation is usually used to construct statistical intervals, however, its computational intensity is a big challenge for large complex surveys. Frequentist approaches, such as bootstrapping, and Monte Carlo (MC) simulation, are also applied but not evaluated in terms of the interval magnitude, width, and the computational time consumed. The 2013 Florida Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data was used as a case study. County-level estimated prevalence of three health-related outcomes was obtained through a GLMM; and their 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were generated from bootstrapping and MC simulation. The intervals were compared to 95% credential intervals through a hierarchial Bayesian model. The results showed that 95% CIs for county-level estimates of each outcome by using MC simulation were similar to the 95% credible intervals generated by Bayesian estimation and were the most computationally efficient. It could be a viable option for constructing statistical intervals for small area estimation in public health practice. |
Modifiable risk factors for Alzheimer disease and related dementias among adults aged 45 years - United States, 2019
Omura JD , McGuire LC , Patel R , Baumgart M , Lamb R , Jeffers EM , Olivari BS , Croft JB , Thomas CW , Hacker K . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (20) 680-685 Alzheimer disease,* the most common cause of dementia, affects an estimated 6.5 million persons aged ≥65 years in the United States (1). A growing body of evidence has identified potential modifiable risk factors for Alzheimer disease and related dementias (ADRD) (1-3). In 2021, the National Plan to Address Alzheimer's Disease (National Plan) introduced a new goal to "accelerate action to promote healthy aging and reduce risk factors for Alzheimer's disease and related dementias" to help delay onset or slow the progression of ADRD (3). To assess the status of eight potential modifiable risk factors (i.e., high blood pressure, not meeting the aerobic physical activity guideline, obesity, diabetes, depression, current cigarette smoking, hearing loss, and binge drinking), investigators analyzed data from the cognitive decline module that was administered to adults aged ≥45 years in 31 states and the District of Columbia (DC)(†) in the 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey. Among the risk factors, prevalence was highest for high blood pressure (49.9%) and lowest for binge drinking (10.3%) and varied by selected demographic characteristics. Adults with subjective cognitive decline (SCD),(§) an early indicator of possible future ADRD (4), were more likely to report four or more risk factors than were those without SCD (34.3% versus 13.1%). Prevalence of SCD was 11.3% overall and increased from 3.9% among adults with no risk factors to 25.0% among those with four or more risk factors. Implementing evidence-based strategies to address modifiable risk factors can help achieve the National Plan's new goal to reduce risk for ADRD while promoting health aging.(¶)(,)*. |
Geographic differences in sex-specific chronic obstructive pulmonary disease mortality rate trends among adults aged 25 years - United States, 1999-2019
Carlson SA , Wheaton AG , Watson KB , Liu Y , Croft JB , Greenlund KJ . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (18) 613-618 Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) accounts for the majority of deaths from chronic lower respiratory diseases, the fourth leading cause of death in the United States in 2019.* COPD mortality rates are decreasing overall. Although rates in men remain higher than those in women, declines have occurred among men but not women (1). To examine the geographic variation in sex-specific trends in age-adjusted COPD mortality rates among adults aged ≥25 years, CDC analyzed 1999-2019 death certificate data, by urban-rural status,(†) U.S. Census Bureau region,(§) and state. Among women, no significant change in overall COPD mortality occurred during this period; however, rates increased significantly in small metropolitan (average annual percent change [AAPC] = 0.6%), micropolitan (1.2%), and noncore (1.9%) areas and in the Midwest (0.6%). Rates decreased significantly in large central (-0.9%) and fringe metropolitan (-0.4%) areas (and in the Northeast (-0.5%) and West (-1.2%). Among men, rates decreased significantly overall (-1.3%), in all urban-rural areas (range = -1.9% [large central metropolitan] to -0.4% [noncore]) and in all regions (range = -2.0% [West] to -0.9% [Midwest]). Strategies to improve the prevention, treatment, and management of COPD are needed, especially to address geographic differences and improve the trend in women, to reduce COPD deaths. |
State-specific prevalence of inactivity, self-rated health status, and severe joint pain among adults with arthritis - United States, 2019
Duca LM , Helmick CG , Barbour KE , Murphy LB , Guglielmo D , Odom EL , Boring MA , Croft JB . Prev Chronic Dis 2022 19 E23 Arthritis is associated with joint pain, disability, and physical inactivity, potentially resulting in poor quality of life. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention analyzed 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data to estimate state-specific arthritis prevalence and, among adults with arthritis, the prevalence of physical inactivity, fair/poor self-rated health status, and severe joint pain. Among adults with arthritis, age-standardized prevalences of physical inactivity, fair/poor health status, and severe joint pain were high in all states and highest in southeastern states. Increased promotion and use of evidence-based public health interventions for arthritis may improve health-promoting behaviors and health outcomes among adults with arthritis. |
Smoking cessation among U.S. adult smokers with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, 2018
Liu Y , Greenlund KJ , VanFrank B , Xu F , Lu H , Croft JB . Am J Prev Med 2022 62 (4) 492-502 INTRODUCTION: More than 3 of 5 U.S. adults who have ever smoked cigarettes have quit. This study assesses the latest estimates of smoking cessation among U.S. adults with and without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who have ever smoked cigarettes (ever smokers). METHODS: Data from 161,233 ever smokers (12.8% with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) in the 2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System were analyzed in 2020. Weighted percentages of quit ratios (percentage of ever smokers who quit smoking), past-year quit attempts (≥1 day), and recent successful cessation (quit ≥6 months ago) by self-reported physician-diagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease status were obtained from multivariable logistic regression analyses, with adjustment for sociodemographic characteristics, health risk behaviors, depression, and asthma. RESULTS: Adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who smoked had greater age-adjusted past-year quit attempts (68.8% vs 64.3%) but lower recent successful cessation (4.5% vs 5.8%) and quit ratio (53.2% vs 63.9%) than those without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. After adjusting for covariates, adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who smoked had a significantly higher percentage of past-year quit attempts but similar recent successful cessation and a significantly lower lifetime quit ratio than their counterparts without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. CONCLUSIONS: These findings suggest that individuals with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease who try to quit smoking may be less likely to succeed than those without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Evidence-based treatments for smoking cessation remain an important component of a comprehensive approach to helping all adults to quit and are a particularly important element of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management and care. |
Sleep Disorder Symptoms Among Adults in 8 States and the District of Columbia, 2017
Liu Y , Carlson SA , Wheaton AG , Greenlund KJ , Croft JB . Prev Chronic Dis 2021 18 E105 Sleep disorder symptoms (trouble falling asleep or staying asleep, unintentionally falling asleep, snoring loudly, and episodes of having stopped breathing) among US adults (N = 59,108) from 8 states and the District of Columbia were analyzed by using data from the 2017 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. We conducted a multivariable logistic regression to assess the association between the 4 symptoms and sociodemographic characteristics, risk behaviors, and chronic conditions. The 4 symptoms were prevalent and more likely to be reported among adults with any chronic condition(s) than their counterparts without symptoms and among those who slept fewer than 7 hours compared with those who slept 7 to 9 hours. |
Associations of self-reported chronic obstructive pulmonary disease with indicators of economic instability and stress - 16 states, 2017
Carlson SA , Wheaton AG , Liu Y , Moore LV , Eke PI , Croft JB , Greenlund KJ , Thomas CW . Chronic Illn 2021 19 (2) 17423953211059144 OBJECTIVES: To examine the association between chronic obstructive pulmonary disease status and indicators of economic instability and stress to better understand the magnitude of these issues in persons with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. METHODS: Analyzed 2017 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data from 16 states that administered the 'Social Determinants of Health' module, which included economic instability and stress measures (N = 101,461). Associations between self-reported doctor-diagnosed chronic obstructive pulmonary disease status and each measure were examined using multinomial logistic models. RESULTS: Adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were more likely (p < 0.001) than adults without to report not having enough money at month end (21.0% vs. 7.9%) or just enough money (44.9% vs. 37.2%); being unable to pay mortgage, rent, or utility bills (19.2% vs. 8.8%); and that often or sometimes food did not last or could not afford to eat balanced meals (37.9% vs. 20.6%), as well as stress all or most of the time (27.3% vs. 11.6%). Associations were attenuated although remained significant after adjustments for sociodemographic and health characteristics. DISCUSSION: Financial, housing, and food insecurity and frequent stress were more prevalent in adults with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease than without. Findings highlight the importance of including strategies to address challenges related to economic instability and stress in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease management programs. |
Prevalence and Characteristics of Subjective Cognitive Decline Among Unpaid Caregivers Aged 45 Years - 22 States, 2015-2019
Jeffers EM , Bouldin ED , McGuire LC , Knapp KA , Patel R , Guglielmo D , Taylor CA , Croft JB . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (46) 1591-1596 Approximately 20% of U.S. adults are unpaid caregivers (caregivers) (1) who provide support to a family member or friend with a health condition or disability. Although there are benefits to caregiving, it can negatively affect caregivers' physical and mental health (2-4). Much of the assistance caregivers provide, such as administering medications or financial management, relies on cognitive ability, but little is known about caregivers' cognitive functioning. Subjective cognitive decline (SCD), the self-reported experience of worsening or more frequent confusion or memory loss over the past year (5), could affect caregivers' risk for adverse health outcomes and affect the quality of care they provide. CDC analyzed SCD among caregivers aged ≥45 years through a cross-sectional analysis of data from 22 states in the 2015-2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). Among adults aged ≥45 years, SCD was reported by 12.6% of caregivers who provided care to a family member or friend with a health condition or disability in the past 30 days compared with 10.2% of noncaregivers (p<0.001). Caregivers with SCD were more likely to be employed, men, aged 45-64 years, and have chronic health conditions than were noncaregivers with SCD. Caregivers with SCD were more likely to report frequent mental distress, a history of depression, and frequent activity limitations than were caregivers without SCD. SCD among caregivers could adversely affect the quality of care provided to care recipients. Understanding caregivers' cognitive health and the types of care provided is critical to maintaining the health, well-being, and independence of the caregiving dyad. Health care professionals can support patients and their patients' caregivers by increasing awareness among caregivers of the need to monitor their own health. The health care team can work with caregivers to identify potential treatments and access supports that might help them in their caregiving role and compensate for SCD. |
Self-Management Education Class Attendance and Health Care Provider Counseling for Physical Activity Among Adults with Arthritis - United States, 2019
Duca LM , Helmick CG , Barbour KE , Guglielmo D , Murphy LB , Boring MA , Theis KA , Odom EL , Liu Y , Croft JB . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (42) 1466-1471 Arthritis is a highly prevalent and disabling condition among U.S. adults (1); arthritis-attributable functional limitations and severe joint pain affect many aspects of health and quality of life (2). Self-management education (self-management) and physical activity can reduce pain and improve the health status and quality of life of adults with arthritis; however, in 2014, only 11.4% and 61.0% of arthritis patients reported engaging in each, respectively. To assess self-reported self-management class attendance and health care provider physical activity counseling among adults with doctor-diagnosed arthritis, CDC analyzed 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data. In 2019, an age-standardized state median of one in six (16.2%) adults with arthritis reported ever attending a self-management class, and 69.3% reported ever receiving health care provider counselling to be physically active. Prevalences of both differed by state and sociodemographic characteristics; decreased with lower educational attainment, joint pain severity, and urbanicity; and were lower in men than in women. Health care providers can play an important role in promoting self-management class attendance and physical activity by counseling arthritis patients about their benefits and referring patients to evidence-based programs (3). |
Physical Activity Types and Programs Recommended by Primary Care Providers Treating Adults With Arthritis, DocStyles 2018
Guglielmo D , Theis KA , Murphy LB , Boring MA , Helmick CG , Omura JD , Odom EL , Duca LM , Croft JB . Prev Chronic Dis 2021 18 E92 Primary care providers (PCPs) can offer counseling to adults with arthritis on physical activity, which can reduce pain and improve physical function, mental health, and numerous other health outcomes. We analyzed cross-sectional 2018 DocStyles data for 1,366 PCPs who reported they always or sometimes recommend physical activity to adults with arthritis. Most PCPs sampled (88.2%) recommended walking, swimming, or cycling; 65.5% did not recommend any evidence-based, arthritis-appropriate physical activity programs recognized by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Opportunities exist for public health awareness campaigns to educate PCPs about evidence-based physical activity programs proven to optimize health for adults with arthritis when more than counseling is needed. |
Walking and other common physical activities among adults with arthritis - United States, 2019
Guglielmo D , Murphy LB , Theis KA , Boring MA , Helmick CG , Watson KB , Duca LM , Odom EL , Liu Y , Croft JB . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (40) 1408-1414 The numerous health benefits of physical activity include reduced risk for chronic disease and improved mental health and quality of life (1). Physical activity can improve physical function and reduce pain and fall risk among adults with arthritis, a group of approximately 100 conditions affecting joints and surrounding tissues (most commonly osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and lupus) (1). Despite these benefits, the 54.6 million U.S. adults currently living with arthritis are generally less active than adults without arthritis, and only 36.2% of adults with arthritis are aerobically active (i.e., meet aerobic physical activity guidelines*) (2). Little is known about which physical activities adults with arthritis engage in. CDC analyzed 2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data to examine the most common nonwork-related physical activities among adults with arthritis who reported any physical activity during the past month, nationally and by state. In 2019, 67.2% of adults with arthritis reported engaging in physical activity in the past month; among these persons, the most commonly reported activities were walking (70.8%), gardening (13.3%), and weightlifting (7.3%). In 45 U.S. states, at least two thirds of adults with arthritis who engaged in physical activity reported walking. Health care providers can help inactive adults with arthritis become active and, by encouraging physical activity and referring these persons to evidence-based physical activity programs, improve their health and quality of life. |
Sleep duration and quality among U.S. adults with epilepsy: National Health Interview Survey 2013, 2015, and 2017
Tian N , Wheaton AG , Zack M , Croft JB , Greenlund KJ . Epilepsy Behav 2021 122 108194 BACKGROUND: Epilepsy is associated with a high prevalence of sleep disturbance. However, population-based studies on the burden of sleep disturbance in people with epilepsy are limited. This study assessed sleep duration and sleep quality by epilepsy status in the general U.S. adult population aged ≥ 18 years. METHODS: We pooled data of cross-sectional National Health Interview Surveys in 2013, 2015, and 2017 to compare the prevalence of sleep duration and quality among those without epilepsy (N = 93,126) with those with any epilepsy (a history of physician-diagnosed epilepsy) (N = 1774), those with active epilepsy (those with a history of physician-diagnosed epilepsy who were currently taking medication to control it, had one or more seizures in the past year, or both) (N = 1101), and those with inactive epilepsy (those with a history of physician-diagnosed epilepsy who were neither taking medication for epilepsy nor had had a seizure in the past year) (N = 673). We also compared these measures between those with active and those with inactive epilepsy. The prevalences were adjusted for sociodemographics, behaviors, and health covariates, with multivariable logistic regression. We used Z-tests to compare prevalences of sleep duration and quality at the statistical significance level of 0.05. RESULTS: Adults with any epilepsy reported significantly higher adjusted prevalences of short sleep duration (<7 h) (36.0% vs. 31.8%) and long sleep duration (>9 h per day) (6.7% vs. 3.7%) but a lower prevalence of healthy sleep duration (7-9 h per day) (57.4% vs.64.6%) than those without epilepsy. In the past week, adults with any epilepsy reported significantly higher adjusted prevalences than adults without epilepsy of having trouble falling asleep (25.0% vs. 20.3%), staying asleep (34.4% vs. 26.3%), nonrestorative sleep (adults did not wake up feeling well rested) (≥3days) (50.3% vs. 44.3%), and taking medication to help themselves fall asleep or stay asleep (≥1 times) (20.9% vs. 13.5%). However, adults with active epilepsy did not differ from adults with inactive epilepsy with respect to these sleep duration and quality measures. CONCLUSIONS: Adults with epilepsy reported more short or long sleep duration and worse sleep quality than those without epilepsy. Neither seizure occurrence nor antiepileptic drug use accounted for these differences in sleep duration and quality. Careful screening for sleep complaints as well as identifying and intervening on the modifiable risk factors associated with sleep disturbances among people with epilepsy could improve epilepsy outcomes and quality of life. |
Physical activity assessment and recommendation for adults with arthritis by primary care providers-DocStyles, 2018
Guglielmo D , Murphy LB , Theis KA , Helmick CG , Omura JD , Odom EL , Croft JB . Am J Health Promot 2020 35 (4) 890117120981371 PURPOSE: To examine primary care providers' (PCPs) physical activity assessment and recommendation behaviors for adults with arthritis. DESIGN: Cross-sectional. SETTING: 2018 DocStyles online national market research survey of US physicians and nurse practitioners. SAMPLE: 1,389 PCPs seeing adults with arthritis. MEASURES: 2 independent behaviors (assessment and recommendation) as 3 non-mutually exclusive groups: "always assesses," "always recommends," and "both" ("always assesses and recommends"). ANALYSIS: Calculated percentages of each group (overall and by PCP characteristics), and multivariable-adjusted prevalence ratios (PRs) using binary logistic regression. RESULTS: Among PCPs, 49.2% always assessed and 57.7% always recommended physical activity; 39.7% did both. Across all 3 groups, percentages were highest for seeing ≥20 adults with arthritis weekly ("both": 56.4%; "always assesses": 66.7%; "always recommends": 71.3%) and lowest among obstetrician/gynecologists ("both": 26.9%; "always assesses": 36.8%; "always recommends": 40.7%). Multivariable-adjusted associations were strongest for seeing ≥20 adults with arthritis weekly (referent: 1-9 adults) and each of "always assesses" (PR = 1.5 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.3-1.8] and "both" (PR = 1.6 [95% CI: 1.4-1.9]). CONCLUSIONS: Approximately 40% of PCPs sampled always engaged in both behaviors (assessing and recommending physical activity) with adults with arthritis; seeing a high volume of adults with arthritis was consistently related to engaging in each behavior. Evidence-based approaches to support PCP counseling include offering provider education and training, raising awareness of available resources, and using health system supports. |
In 2016, Medicaid and Medicare paid about 65% of all inpatient hospitalization costs for all-age persons hospitalized with epilepsy as the principal diagnosis
Kobau R , Boring M , Zack MM , Croft JB . Epilepsy Behav 2020 114 107601 The purpose of this study was to examine both the distribution of payers for inpatient hospitalizations (all-ages) by principal diagnosis status (epilepsy versus nonepilepsy) and selected organizational- and community-level factors associated with hospitalizations using the Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality's (AHRQ) Healthcare Utilization Project 2016 National Inpatient Sample (NIS) database. We compared cases with epilepsy (any ICD-10CM diagnostic code beginning with "G40") as a principal diagnosis ("epilepsy discharges") versus cases without epilepsy as the principal diagnosis ("nonepilepsy discharges"). Accounting for the complex survey design, we examined how the principal payer source, median income for Zip Code, admission type, hospital location, teaching status, and hospital region varied by principal diagnosis status. For persons of all ages with epilepsy as a principal diagnosis, Medicaid and Medicare public insurance paid for about 65% of inpatient hospitalization costs. The percentage paid by Medicaid among epilepsy discharges (31.6%) significantly exceeded that among nonepilepsy discharges (23.1%). The percentage paid by Medicare among epilepsy discharges (33.9%) was significantly less than that among nonepilepsy discharges (39.7%), as was payment by private insurers (26.1% vs. 30.1%). Median Zip Code income, hospital and admission characteristics, and geographic region differed between hospitalizations with epilepsy versus those with a nonepilepsy discharge. These findings may be used to inform stakeholders' understanding of epilepsy care-related costs and factors associated with hospitalizations for improved interventions and programs. |
Prevalence and trends in cigarette smoking among adults with epilepsy - United States, 2010-2017
Sapkota S , Kobau R , Croft JB , King BA , Thomas C , Zack MM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (47) 1792-1796 Cigarette smoking remains the leading cause of preventable disease and death in the United States (1). Although the percentage of all U.S. adults who smoke cigarettes has declined substantially since the mid-1960s (1,2), marked disparities persist, and declines have not been consistent across population groups (1,2). Studies have shown that cigarette smoking is as common, and sometimes more so, among adults with a history of epilepsy compared with those without a history of epilepsy, but reasons for this are unclear (3-6). Compared with adults without epilepsy, adults with epilepsy report lower household income, more unemployment and disability, worse psychological health, and reduced health-related quality of life (3,4,6,7). Trends in cigarette smoking among U.S. adults with epilepsy have not been previously assessed. CDC analyzed National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) data among 121,497 U.S. adults from 2010, 2013, 2015, and 2017 to assess current cigarette smoking by epilepsy status. From 2010 through 2017, the age-standardized percentages of current smoking were 24.9% among adults with active epilepsy, 25.9% among adults with inactive epilepsy, and 16.6% among adults with no history of epilepsy. After accounting for differences in data collection intervals and patterns in smoking status among subgroups, CDC found that current cigarette smoking declined significantly from 2010 to 2017 among adults with no history of epilepsy (19.3% to 14.0% [p<0.001]) and inactive epilepsy (29.2% to 16.2% [p = 0.03]), but declines among adults with active epilepsy were not statistically significant (26.4% to 21.8% [p = 0.2]). Epilepsy health and social service providers should promote smoking cessation resources to adults with active epilepsy who smoke cigarettes to help them quit smoking and to reduce their risk of smoking-related disease and death. |
Epilepsy by the numbers - From the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Six in 10 adults with active epilepsy saw a neurologist or epilepsy specialist in the past year, United States, 2017
Kobau R , Sapkota S , Pennell PB , Croft JB . Epilepsy Behav 2020 112 107348 This study used the most recent national data on epilepsy from the 2017 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) to examine the distribution of types of provider visits in the last 12 months among 2.9 million adult respondents aged ≥18 years with active epilepsy (self-reported doctor-diagnosed epilepsy taking antiseizure medications and/or having ≥1 seizure in the past year) and compared these estimates with 2010 NHIS data. We calculated age-standardized percentages of visits to a general doctor and an epilepsy specialist during the past 12 months, accounting for the complex survey design. Among US adults with active epilepsy in 2017, 27.1% saw a general doctor only, 9.0% saw a neurologist/epilepsy specialist only, 53.0% visited both a general doctor and a neurologist/epilepsy specialist, and 11.4% did not see either a general doctor or a neurologist/specialist. Overall, 62.0% [95% confidence interval (CI) = 55.2%-67.5%] of adults with active epilepsy visited a neurologist or epilepsy specialist in the past year. A visit in the past 12 months with both provider types was not significantly different in 2017 compared with 2010 (53.0% vs 46.2%) while seeing a general doctor only had declined (41.8% vs 27.1%, p < 0.05). Given that 79.8% of US adults with active epilepsy reported being seen by a general doctor within the past 12 months, epilepsy stakeholders have an opportunity to enhance epilepsy care by ensuring that general practitioners have access to the latest information about epilepsy diagnosis and new treatment options. National Health Interview Survey data can be used to track the distribution of provider visits in the coming decade to assess changes in access to primary care, specialty care, or other types of healthcare for people with epilepsy. |
Estimating health service utilization potential using the supply-concentric demand-accumulation spatial availability index: a pulmonary rehabilitation case study
Matthews KA , Gaglioti AH , Holt JB , Wheaton AG , Croft JB . Int J Health Geogr 2020 19 (1) 30 The potential for a population at a given location to utilize a health service can be estimated using a newly developed measure called the supply-concentric demand accumulation (SCDA) spatial availability index. Spatial availability is the amount of demand at the given location that can be satisfied by the supply of services at a facility, after discounting the intervening demand among other populations that are located nearer to a facility location than the given population location. This differs from spatial accessibility measures which treat absolute distance or travel time as the factor that impedes utilization. The SCDA is illustrated using pulmonary rehabilitation (PR), which is a treatment for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). The spatial availability of PR was estimated for each Census block group in Georgia using the 1105 residents who utilized one of 45 PR facilities located in or around Georgia. Data was provided by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The geographic patterns of the SCDA spatial availability index and the two-step floating catchment area (2SFCA) spatial accessibility index were compared with the observed PR utilization rate using bivariate local indicators of spatial association. The SCDA index was more associated with PR utilization (Morans I = 0.607, P < 0.001) than was the 2SFCA (Morans I = 0.321, P < 0.001). These results suggest that the measures of spatial availability may be a better way to estimate the health care utilization potential than measures of spatial accessibility. |
Epilepsy and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among U.S. adults: National Health Interview Survey 2013, 2015, and 2017
Tian N , Zack M , Wheaton AG , Greenlund KJ , Croft JB . Epilepsy Behav 2020 110 107175 BACKGROUND: Among U.S. adults, over 4 million report a history of epilepsy, and more than 15 million report a history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD); Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, which includes chronic bronchitis and emphysema, is a common somatic comorbidity of epilepsy. This study assessed the relationship between self-reported physician-diagnosed epilepsy and COPD in a large representative sample of the U.S. adult population and explored possible mechanisms. METHODS: Cross-sectional National Health Interview Surveys for 2013, 2015, and 2017 were aggregated to compare the prevalence of COPD between U.S. respondents aged >/=18years with a history of physician-diagnosed epilepsy (n=1783) and without epilepsy (n=93,126). We calculated prevalence of COPD by age-standardized adjustment and prevalence ratios of COPD overall adjusted for sociodemographic and risk factors, by using multivariable logistic regression analyses. A Z-test was conducted to compare the prevalence between people with and without epilepsy at the statistical significance level of 0.05. Prevalence ratios whose 95% confidence intervals did not overlap 1.00 were considered statistically significant. RESULTS: The overall age-standardized prevalence was 5.7% for COPD and 1.8% for epilepsy. Age-standardized prevalence of COPD among respondents with epilepsy (15.4%) exceeded that among those without epilepsy (5.5%). The association remained significantly different among all sociodemographic and risk factor subgroups (p<.05). In the adjusted analyses, epilepsy was also significantly associated with COPD, overall (adjusted prevalence ratio=1.8, 95% confidence interval=1.6-2.1) and in nearly all subgroups defined by selected characteristics. CONCLUSIONS: Epilepsy is associated with a higher prevalence of COPD in U.S. adults. Public health interventions targeting modifiable behavioral and socioeconomic risk factors among people with epilepsy may help prevent COPD and related premature death. |
CDC-supported epilepsy surveillance and epidemiologic studies: A review of progress since 1994
Tian N , Croft JB , Kobau R , Zack MM , Greenlund KJ . Epilepsy Behav 2020 109 107123 To report progress, to identify gaps, and to plan epilepsy surveillance and research activities more effectively, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Epilepsy Program has summarized findings from selected CDC-supported surveillance and epidemiologic studies about epilepsy from 1994 through 2019. We identified publications supported by CDC funding and publications conducted by the CDC Epilepsy Program alone or with partners. We included only epilepsy surveillance and epidemiologic studies focusing on epilepsy burden, epilepsy-related outcomes, and healthcare utilization. We describe the findings of these studies in the following order: 1)prevalence; 2)incidence; 3)epilepsy-related outcomes by selected demographic characteristics; 4)cysticercosis or neurocysticercosis (NCC); 5)traumatic brain injury (TBI); 6)comorbidity; 7)mortality; 8)access to care; 9)quality of care; and 10) cost. We have characterized these findings in relation to the scope of the first three domains of the 2012 Institute of Medicine report on epilepsy and its relevant first four recommendations. From 1994 through 2019, 76 publications on epilepsy-related epidemiologic and surveillance studies were identified. Over the past 25years, CDC has expanded community, state, and national surveillance on epilepsy and supported epidemiologic studies by using multiple assessment methods and validated case-ascertainment criteria to identify epilepsy burden, epilepsy-related outcomes, and healthcare utilization in the general population or in population subgroups. Among identified research opportunities, studies on epilepsy incidence and risk factors, mortality, and cost are considered as important surveillance gaps. Other remaining gaps and suggested surveillance strategies are also proposed. Findings from this review may help epilepsy researchers and other stakeholders reference and prioritize future activities for epidemiologic and surveillance studies in epilepsy. |
Short self-reported sleep duration among caregivers and non-caregivers in 2016
Liu Y , Wheaton AG , Edwards VJ , Xu F , Greenlund KJ , Croft JB . Sleep Health 2020 6 (5) 651-656 INTRODUCTION: Caregiving, providing regular care or assistance to family members or friends with health problems or disabilities, may affect caregivers' sleep. This study examined self-reported short sleep duration by caregiving status among US adults. METHODS: Data of 114,496 respondents aged >/=18 years in 19 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico from the 2016 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System were analyzed. Prevalence of short sleep duration (<7 hours per 24-hour period) by caregiving status was calculated, and adjusted prevalence ratios (PRs) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were derived from a multivariable logistic regression model with adjustment for potential covariates. RESULTS: Nearly 1 of 5 adults reported caregiving within the past month. A higher prevalence of short sleep duration was reported among caregivers (39.5%) than among non-caregivers (34.2%, adjusted PR [95% CI] = 1.12 [1.06-1.19]). Caregivers who reported prolonged caregiving (>/=5 years) reported a higher prevalence of short sleep duration than those with <2 years of caregiving. Similarly, caregivers who provided 20-39 hours of caregiving per week reported a higher prevalence of short sleep duration than those with <20 hours caregiving per week. CONCLUSIONS: Caregivers had a higher prevalence of short sleep duration than noncaregivers. Providing information and community-based resources and supports for caregiving may minimize caregiver stress and improve sleep particularly for those with prolonged or more intense caregiving. |
Racial and ethnic estimates of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias in the United States (2015-2060) in adults aged 65 years
Matthews KA , Xu W , Gaglioti AH , Holt JB , Croft JB , Mack D , McGuire LC . Alzheimers Dement 2019 15 (1) 17-24 Introduction: Alzheimer's disease and related dementias (ADRD) cause a high burden of morbidity and mortality in the United States. Age, race, and ethnicity are important risk factors for ADRD. Method(s): We estimated the future US burden of ADRD by age, sex, and race and ethnicity by applying subgroup-specific prevalence among Medicare Fee-for-Service beneficiaries aged >=65 years in 2014 to subgroup-specific population estimates for 2014 and population projection data from the United States Census Bureau for 2015 to 2060. Result(s): The burden of ADRD in 2014 was an estimated 5.0 million adults aged >=65 years or 1.6% of the population, and there are significant disparities in ADRD prevalence among population subgroups defined by race and ethnicity. ADRD burden will double to 3.3% by 2060 when 13.9 million Americans are projected to have the disease. Discussion(s): These estimates can be used to guide planning and interventions related to caring for the ADRD population and supporting caregivers. |
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and arthritis among US adults, 2016
Liu Y , Wheaton AG , Murphy LB , Xu F , Croft JB , Greenlund KJ . Prev Chronic Dis 2019 16 INTRODUCTION: More than 54 million US adults have arthritis, and more than 15 million US adults have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Arthritis and COPD share many risk factors, such as tobacco use, asthma history, and age. The objective of this study was to assess the relationship between self-reported physician-diagnosed COPD and arthritis in the US adult population. METHODS: We analyzed data from 408,774 respondents aged 18 or older in the 2016 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System to assess the association between self-reported physician-diagnosed COPD and arthritis in the US adult population by using multivariable logistic regression analyses. RESULTS: Overall crude prevalence was 6.4% for COPD and 25.2% for arthritis. The prevalence of age-adjusted COPD was higher among respondents with arthritis than among respondents without arthritis (13.7% vs 3.8%, P < .001). The association remained significant among most subgroups (P < .001) particularly among adults aged 18 to 44 (11.5% vs 2.0%) and never smokers (7.6% vs 1.7%). In multivariable logistic regression analyses, arthritis status was significantly associated with COPD status after controlling for sociodemographic characteristics, risk behaviors, and health-related quality of life measures (adjusted prevalence ratio = 1.5, 95% confidence interval, 1.4-1.5, P < .001). CONCLUSION: Our results confirmed that arthritis is associated with a higher prevalence of COPD in the US adult population. Health care providers may assess COPD and arthritis symptoms for earlier detection of each condition and recommend that patients with COPD and/or arthritis participate in pulmonary rehabilitation and self-management education programs such as the Chronic Disease Self-Management Program, the proven benefits of which include increased aerobic activity and reduced shortness of breath, pain, and depression. |
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and smoking status - United States, 2017
Wheaton AG , Liu Y , Croft JB , VanFrank B , Croxton TL , Punturieri A , Postow L , Greenlund KJ . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019 68 (24) 533-538 Cigarette smoking is the leading cause of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in the United States; however, an estimated one fourth of adults with COPD have never smoked (1). CDC analyzed state-specific Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data from 2017, which indicated that, overall among U.S. adults, 6.2% (age-adjusted) reported having been told by a health care professional that they had COPD. The age-adjusted prevalence of COPD was 15.2% among current cigarette smokers, 7.6% among former smokers, and 2.8% among adults who had never smoked. Higher prevalences of COPD were observed in southeastern and Appalachian states, regardless of smoking status of respondents. Whereas the strong positive correlation between state prevalence of COPD and state prevalence of current smoking was expected among current and former smokers, a similar relationship among adults who had never smoked suggests secondhand smoke exposure as a potential risk factor for COPD. Continued promotion of smoke-free environments might reduce COPD among both those who smoke and those who do not. |
State-specific severe joint pain and physical inactivity among adults with arthritis - United States, 2017
Guglielmo D , Murphy LB , Boring MA , Theis KA , Helmick CG , Hootman JM , Odom EL , Carlson SA , Liu Y , Lu H , Croft JB . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019 68 (17) 381-387 An estimated 54.4 million (approximately one in four) U.S. adults have doctor-diagnosed arthritis (arthritis) (1). Severe joint pain and physical inactivity are common among adults with arthritis and are linked to adverse mental and physical health effects and limitations (2,3). CDC analyzed 2017 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) data to estimate current state-specific prevalence of arthritis and, among adults with arthritis, the prevalences of severe joint pain and physical inactivity. In 2017, the median age-standardized state prevalence of arthritis among adults aged >/=18 years was 22.8% (range = 15.7% [District of Columbia] to 34.6% [West Virginia]) and was generally highest in Appalachia and Lower Mississippi Valley regions.* Among adults with arthritis, age-standardized, state-specific prevalences of both severe joint pain (median = 30.3%; range = 20.8% [Colorado] to 45.2% [Mississippi]) and physical inactivity (median = 33.7%; range = 23.2% [Colorado] to 44.4% [Kentucky]) were highest in southeastern states. Physical inactivity prevalence among those with severe joint pain (47.0%) was higher than that among those with moderate (31.8%) or no/mild joint pain (22.6%). Self-management strategies such as maintaining a healthy weight or being physically active can reduce arthritis pain and prevent or delay arthritis-related disability. Evidence-based physical activity and self-management education programs are available that can improve quality of life among adults with arthritis. |
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