Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
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Query Trace: Cooper AC[original query] |
Understanding U.S. caregivers' perceptions of youth's sexting motivations and concerns about their children's sexting involvement: Fall Consumerstyles Survey, 2018 and 2019
Steele-Baser M , Allen CT , Mercado MC , Cooper AC , Wagner RL . Arch Sex Behav 2024 Sexting is associated with a range of negative outcomes among youth. While parents and caregivers can play a critical role in the prevention of youth risk behaviors, nationally representative research has yet to examine U.S. caregivers' perceptions of youth's sexting motivations to help inform sexting risk prevention efforts. Using 2018 and 2019 Fall ConsumerStyles online panel survey data (N = 1,034), this study estimated and examined U.S. caregivers' perceptions of youth's sexting motivations and the associations of such perceptions with concerns about their children (ages 10-17) getting and sharing sexts (sexual messages, photos, videos). Weighted percentages were calculated to describe caregivers' perceptions of youth's sexting motivations. Logistic regression analyses were performed to examine associations between caregivers' perceptions and concerns about youth's sexting. Results suggest that many caregivers perceive youth sext because they think it is harmless (72.79%), they want to be popular or boast (70.51%), they have low self-esteem (52.00%), and/or it is part of their sexual exploration process (49.05%). Fewer caregivers perceived that youth sext because they want revenge (21.80%) or to harm others (16.06%). Caregivers' concerns about their children getting and sharing sexts were related to perceiving that youth sext because of low self-esteem, sexual exploration processes, or to harm others. The perception that youth sext because they want to be popular or boast was related to concern about youth getting but not sharing sexts. Odds of concern were significantly higher among caregivers from some racial/ethnic subgroups. Findings can inform sexting prevention efforts that include caregivers. |
Perceived racism and demographic, mental health, and behavioral characteristics among high school students during the COVID-19 pandemic - Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey, United States, January-June 2021
Mpofu JJ , Cooper AC , Ashley C , Geda S , Harding RL , Johns MM , Spinks-Franklin A , Njai R , Moyse D , Underwood JM . MMWR Suppl 2022 71 (3) 22-27 Perceived racism in school (i.e., a student's report of being treated badly or unfairly because of their race or ethnicity) is an important yet understudied determinant of adolescent health and well-being. Knowing how perceived racism influences adolescent health can help reduce health inequities. CDC's 2021 Adolescent Behaviors and Experiences Survey (ABES), an online survey of a probability-based, nationally representative sample of U.S. public- and private-school students in grades 9-12 (N = 7,705), was conducted during January-June 2021 to assess student behaviors during the COVID-19 pandemic. CDC analyzed data from ABES to measure perceived racism and the extent to which perceptions of racism are associated with demographic, mental health, and behavioral characteristics. Mental health and behavioral characteristics analyzed included mental health status; virtual connection with others outside of school; serious difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions; and feeling close to persons at school. Demographic characteristics analyzed included sex, race and ethnicity, and grade. Prevalence of perceived racism and associations between perceived racism and demographic, mental health, and behavioral characteristics are reported overall and stratified by race and ethnicity. Approximately one third (35.6%) of U.S. high school students reported perceived racism. Perceived racism was highest among Asian (63.9%), Black (55.2%), and multiracial students (54.5%). Students who reported perceived racism had higher prevalences of poor mental health (38.1%); difficulty concentrating, remembering, or making decisions (44.1%); and not feeling close to persons at school (40.7%). Perceived racism was higher among those students who reported poor mental health than those who did not report poor mental health during the pandemic among Asian (67.9% versus 40.5%), Black (62.1% versus 38.5%), Hispanic (45.7% and 22.9%), and White students (24.5% versus 12.7%). A better understanding of how negative health outcomes are associated with student experiences of racism can guide training for staff and students to promote cultural awareness and antiracist and inclusivity interventions, which are critical for promoting safe school environments for all students. |
Suicidal thoughts and behaviors among high school students - Youth Risk Behavior Survey, United States, 2021
Gaylor EM , Krause KH , Welder LE , Cooper AC , Ashley C , Mack KA , Crosby AE , Trinh E , Ivey-Stephenson AZ , Whittle L . MMWR Suppl 2023 72 (1) 45-54 Suicide is the third leading cause of death among high school-aged youths aged 14-18 years. The 2021 suicide rate for this age group was 9.0 per 100,000 population. Updating a previous analysis of the Youth Risk Behavior Survey during 2009-2019, this report uses 2019 and 2021 data to examine high school students' reports of suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Prevalence estimates are reported by grade, race and ethnicity, sexual identity, and sex of sexual contacts. Unadjusted logistic regression models were used to calculate prevalence differences comparing 2019 to 2021 and prevalence ratios comparing suicidal behavior between subgroups across demographic characteristics to a referent group. From 2019 to 2021, female students had an increased prevalence of seriously considered attempting suicide (from 24.1% to 30%), an increase in making a suicide plan (from 19.9% to 23.6%), and an increase in suicide attempts (from 11.0% to 13.3%). In addition, from 2019 to 2021, Black or African American (Black), Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic), and White female students had an increased prevalence of seriously considered attempting suicide. In 2021, Black female students had an increased prevalence of suicide attempts and Hispanic female students had an increased prevalence of suicide attempts that required medical treatment compared with White female students. Prevalence of suicidal thoughts and behaviors remained stable overall for male students from 2019 to 2021. A comprehensive approach to suicide prevention with a focus on health equity is needed to address these disparities and reduce prevalence of suicidal thoughts and behaviors for all youths. School and community-based strategies include creating safe and supportive environments, promoting connectedness, teaching coping and problem solving, and gatekeeper training. |
Associations of a multilevel school health program and health outcomes among lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth
Suarez NA , Cooper AC , Kaczkowski W , Li J , Robin L , Sims VM . AIDS Educ Prev 2022 34 (5) 395-412 Lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) adolescents are often at higher risk than their heterosexual peers for adverse sexual health, violence, mental health, and substance use outcomes. Schools are a vital resource for enhancing protective behaviors and reducing risk behaviors. Sixteen school districts selected schools to implement a sexual health program (exposed) or usual programming (unexposed). We analyzed LGB student health outcomes using 2015 and 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Surveys. Analyses compared LGB student health outcomes by exposure status across time points using a multilevel approach. Program exposure was associated with decreased odds of ever having sex, ever testing for HIV, and using effective hormonal birth control, and an increased odds of condom use. There were no significant findings among secondary violence, mental health, and substance use outcomes. This evaluation highlights the potential for schools to reduce sexual risk behaviors among LGB youth, and opportunities to improve access to health services. |
The association of LGBTQ-supportive school health policies and practices with sexual health outcomes
Kaczkowski W , Cooper AC , Li J , Robin L . LGBT Health 2022 9 (6) 384-392 Purpose: We examined the association of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ)-supportive school policies and practices with sexual health outcomes among LGB and heterosexual students. Methods: The 2014 and 2016 School Health Profiles data from principals and lead health educators from 117 high schools in 16 local education agencies across the United States assessed LGBTQ-supportive school policies and practices (e.g., having a gay/straight alliance or similar club). The 2015 and 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey data from 75,638 students from the same schools assessed sexual health outcomes (e.g., being currently sexually active). We conducted multilevel cross-sectional logistic regression analyses to examine the associations between school-level LGBTQ-supportive policies and practices with student-level sexual health outcomes, while controlling for sex, grade, race/ethnicity, and school priority status. Results: Several LGBTQ-supportive school policies and practices were significantly associated with lower odds of sexual risk behaviors (e.g., having four or more lifetime sexual partners) and ever being tested for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) among both LGB and heterosexual students but not with using a condom during last sexual intercourse among sexually active gay, bisexual, or heterosexual male students. Having a greater number of LGBTQ-supportive school policies and practices was significantly associated with lower odds of ever having sex for LGB students and with sexual risk behaviors and ever being tested for HIV for heterosexual students. Conclusion: The study highlights the relationship between multifaceted LGBTQ-supportive school policies and practices and improving sexual health outcomes among both LGB and heterosexual students. |
Dosage in implementation of an effective school-based health program impacts youth health risk behaviors and experiences
Li J , Timpe Z , Suarez NA , Phillips E , Kaczkowski W , Cooper AC , Dittus PJ , Robin L , Barrios LC , Ethier KA . J Adolesc Health 2022 71 (3) 334-343 PURPOSE: This study is part of a larger evaluation of a multilevel, multistrategy federal program to reduce high school students' risk for HIV/sexually transmitted infection and unintended pregnancy. Local education agencies supported schools in implementing three strategies: delivering exemplary sexual health education, increasing student access to quality sexual health services, and enhancing safe and supportive school environments (SSE). We examined how levels of school implementation of these strategies moderated program effects on targeted student outcomes. METHODS: The Youth Risk Behavior Survey was implemented in participating local education agencies in 2015 and 2017 to assess student behaviors and experiences, whereas the School Health Profiles surveys assessed school policies and practices in 2014 and 2016. We used these surveys to measure student-level outcomes and school-level program delivery, respectively, which were analyzed using multilevel modeling in a difference-in-differences framework. RESULTS: Levels of SSE implementation significantly moderated program effects on multiple student outcomes, including ever having sex, having four or more lifetime sexual partners, being sexually active, using hormonal birth control, dual use of a condom and hormonal birth control, ever being forced to have sex, missing school because of safety concerns, and lifetime and current marijuana use. However, we found few moderating effects of exemplary sexual health education and sexual health services dosage. DISCUSSION: We found a significant relationship between incremental increases in implementation of activities to increase the safety and supportiveness of school environments and enhanced program effects in improving multiple student health outcomes. These findings suggest that school implementation of SSE activities contributed to intended program effects. |
Examining the relationship between LGBTQ-supportive school health policies and practices and psychosocial health outcomes of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and heterosexual students
Kaczkowski W , Li J , Cooper AC , Robin L . LGBT Health 2021 9 (1) 43-53 Purpose: We examined the association of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, and questioning (LGBTQ)-supportive school policies and practices with psychosocial health outcomes among lesbian, gay, bisexual (LGB), and heterosexual students. Methods: The 2014 and 2016 School Health Profiles data from principals and health educators from 117 schools assessed LGBTQ-supportive school policies and practices. We computed the sum of school policies and practices, indicating the number available for each student. The 2015 and 2017 Youth Risk Behavior Survey data from 75,638 students from the same schools measured psychosocial health outcomes. We conducted multilevel cross-sectional logistic regressions of the associations of school-level policies and practices with student-level health outcomes by sexual identity while controlling for sex, grade, race/ethnicity, and school priority. Results: Several LGBTQ-supportive school policies and practices were significantly associated with lower odds of feeling threatened at school, suicide-related behaviors, and illicit drug use among LGB students. For heterosexual students, having a gay-straight alliance or similar club was linked to multiple health outcomes, whereas other policies and practices were significantly associated with lower odds of safety concerns at school, forced sexual intercourse, feeling sad or hopeless, and illicit drug use. Increasing the sum of policies and practices was linked to lower odds of suicide-related behaviors among LGB students and safety concerns and illicit drug use among heterosexual students. Conclusion: These findings suggest that LGBTQ-supportive school policies and practices are significantly associated with improved psychosocial health outcomes among both LGB and heterosexual students, although more research is needed to better understand these relationships. |
Physical activity, sedentary, and dietary behaviors associated with indicators of mental health and suicide risk
Michael SL , Lowry R , Merlo C , Cooper AC , Hyde ET , McKeon R . Prev Med Rep 2020 19 101153 We used data from the 2017 national Youth Risk Behavior Survey to examine associations between physical activity, sedentary, and healthy dietary behaviors and indicators of mental health, suicidal thoughts, and suicidal attempts among a representative sample of US high school students. Sex-stratified logistic regression was used to separately model each mental health-related outcome on the health-related behaviors, while controlling for race/ethnicity, grade, and body weight status. Significant associations were found between insufficient physical activity, sedentary, and less healthy dietary behaviors and the mental health-related outcomes. Feeling sad and hopeless was associated with not eating breakfast on all 7 days (past week), drinking soda or pop (female only), not meeting the aerobic physical activity guideline (male only), not playing on at least one sports team, and playing video/computer games or using a computer more than two hours (per day). Suicidal thoughts were associated with not eating breakfast on all 7 days, drinking soda or pop, not meeting the aerobic physical activity guideline, and playing video/computer games or using a computer more than two hours per day. Attempted suicide was associated with not eating breakfast on all 7 days, drinking soda or pop, drinking sports drinks, watching television more than two hours per day, and playing video or computer games or using a computer more than two hours per day (male only). While limiting sedentary behaviors and increasing physical activity and healthy dietary behaviors is not a sole solution for improving mental health among adolescents, it could be another possible strategy used in schools to benefit all students. |
Short sleep duration among middle school and high school students - United States, 2015
Wheaton AG , Jones SE , Cooper AC , Croft JB . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (3) 85-90 Insufficient sleep among children and adolescents is associated with increased risk for obesity, diabetes, injuries, poor mental health, attention and behavior problems, and poor academic performance (1-4). The American Academy of Sleep Medicine has recommended that, for optimal health, children aged 6-12 years should regularly sleep 9-12 hours per 24 hours and teens aged 13-18 years should sleep 8-10 hours per 24 hours (1). CDC analyzed data from the 2015 national, state, and large urban school district Youth Risk Behavior Surveys (YRBSs) to determine the prevalence of short sleep duration (<9 hours for children aged 6-12 years and <8 hours for teens aged 13-18 years) on school nights among middle school and high school students in the United States. In nine states that conducted the middle school YRBS and included a question about sleep duration in their questionnaire, the prevalence of short sleep duration among middle school students was 57.8%, with state-level estimates ranging from 50.2% (New Mexico) to 64.7% (Kentucky). The prevalence of short sleep duration among high school students in the national YRBS was 72.7%. State-level estimates of short sleep duration for the 30 states that conducted the high school YRBS and included a question about sleep duration in their questionnaire ranged from 61.8% (South Dakota) to 82.5% (West Virginia). The large percentage of middle school and high school students who do not get enough sleep on school nights suggests a need for promoting sleep health in schools and at home and delaying school start times to permit students adequate time for sleep. |
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- Page last updated:Jan 27, 2025
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