Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
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Initial public health response and interim clinical guidance for the 2019 novel coronavirus outbreak - United States, December 31, 2019-February 4, 2020.
Patel A , Jernigan DB , 2019-nCOV CDC Response Team , Abdirizak Fatuma , Abedi Glen , Aggarwal Sharad , Albina Denise , Allen Elizabeth , Andersen Lauren , Anderson Jade , Anderson Megan , Anderson Tara , Anderson Kayla , Bardossy Ana Cecilia , Barry Vaughn , Beer Karlyn , Bell Michael , Berger Sherri , Bertulfo Joseph , Biggs Holly , Bornemann Jennifer , Bornstein Josh , Bower Willie , Bresee Joseph , Brown Clive , Budd Alicia , Buigut Jennifer , Burke Stephen , Burke Rachel , Burns Erin , Butler Jay , Cantrell Russell , Cardemil Cristina , Cates Jordan , Cetron Marty , Chatham-Stephens Kevin , Chatham-Stevens Kevin , Chea Nora , Christensen Bryan , Chu Victoria , Clarke Kevin , Cleveland Angela , Cohen Nicole , Cohen Max , Cohn Amanda , Collins Jennifer , Conners Erin , Curns Aaron , Dahl Rebecca , Daley Walter , Dasari Vishal , Davlantes Elizabeth , Dawson Patrick , Delaney Lisa , Donahue Matthew , Dowell Chad , Dyal Jonathan , Edens William , Eidex Rachel , Epstein Lauren , Evans Mary , Fagan Ryan , Farris Kevin , Feldstein Leora , Fox LeAnne , Frank Mark , Freeman Brandi , Fry Alicia , Fuller James , Galang Romeo , Gerber Sue , Gokhale Runa , Goldstein Sue , Gorman Sue , Gregg William , Greim William , Grube Steven , Hall Aron , Haynes Amber , Hill Sherrasa , Hornsby-Myers Jennifer , Hunter Jennifer , Ionta Christopher , Isenhour Cheryl , Jacobs Max , Jacobs Slifka Kara , Jernigan Daniel , Jhung Michael , Jones-Wormley Jamie , Kambhampati Anita , Kamili Shifaq , Kennedy Pamela , Kent Charlotte , Killerby Marie , Kim Lindsay , Kirking Hannah , Koonin Lisa , Koppaka Ram , Kosmos Christine , Kuhar David , Kuhnert-Tallman Wendi , Kujawski Stephanie , Kumar Archana , Landon Alexander , Lee Leslie , Leung Jessica , Lindstrom Stephen , Link-Gelles Ruth , Lively Joana , Lu Xiaoyan , Lynch Brian , Malapati Lakshmi , Mandel Samantha , Manns Brian , Marano Nina , Marlow Mariel , Marston Barbara , McClung Nancy , McClure Liz , McDonald Emily , McGovern Oliva , Messonnier Nancy , Midgley Claire , Moulia Danielle , Murray Janna , Noelte Kate , Noonan-Smith Michelle , Nordlund Kristen , Norton Emily , Oliver Sara , Pallansch Mark , Parashar Umesh , Patel Anita , Patel Manisha , Pettrone Kristen , Pierce Taran , Pietz Harald , Pillai Satish , Radonovich Lewis , Reagan-Steiner Sarah , Reel Amy , Reese Heather , Rha Brian , Ricks Philip , Rolfes Melissa , Roohi Shahrokh , Roper Lauren , Rotz Lisa , Routh Janell , Sakthivel Senthil Kumar Sarmiento Luisa , Schindelar Jessica , Schneider Eileen , Schuchat Anne , Scott Sarah , Shetty Varun , Shockey Caitlin , Shugart Jill , Stenger Mark , Stuckey Matthew , Sunshine Brittany , Sykes Tamara , Trapp Jonathan , Uyeki Timothy , Vahey Grace , Valderrama Amy , Villanueva Julie , Walker Tunicia , Wallace Megan , Wang Lijuan , Watson John , Weber Angie , Weinbaum Cindy , Weldon William , Westnedge Caroline , Whitaker Brett , Whitaker Michael , Williams Alcia , Williams Holly , Willams Ian , Wong Karen , Xie Amy , Yousef Anna . Am J Transplant 2020 20 (3) 889-895 This article summarizes what is currently known about the 2019 novel coronavirus and offers interim guidance. |
Household Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States.
Lewis NM , Chu VT , Ye D , Conners EE , Gharpure R , Laws RL , Reses HE , Freeman BD , Fajans M , Rabold EM , Dawson P , Buono S , Yin S , Owusu D , Wadhwa A , Pomeroy M , Yousaf A , Pevzner E , Njuguna H , Battey KA , Tran CH , Fields VL , Salvatore P , O'Hegarty M , Vuong J , Chancey R , Gregory C , Banks M , Rispens JR , Dietrich E , Marcenac P , Matanock AM , Duca L , Binder A , Fox G , Lester S , Mills L , Gerber SI , Watson J , Schumacher A , Pawloski L , Thornburg NJ , Hall AJ , Kiphibane T , Willardson S , Christensen K , Page L , Bhattacharyya S , Dasu T , Christiansen A , Pray IW , Westergaard RP , Dunn AC , Tate JE , Nabity SA , Kirking HL . Clin Infect Dis 2020 73 (7) 1805-1813 BACKGROUND: Although many viral respiratory illnesses are transmitted within households, the evidence base for SARS-CoV-2 is nascent. We sought to characterize SARS-CoV-2 transmission within US households and estimate the household secondary infection rate (SIR) to inform strategies to reduce transmission. METHODS: We recruited laboratory-confirmed COVID-19 patients and their household contacts in Utah and Wisconsin during March 22-April 25, 2020. We interviewed patients and all household contacts to obtain demographics and medical histories. At the initial household visit, 14 days later, and when a household contact became newly symptomatic, we collected respiratory swabs from patients and household contacts for testing by SARS-CoV-2 rRT-PCR and sera for SARS-CoV-2 antibodies testing by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). We estimated SIR and odds ratios (OR) to assess risk factors for secondary infection, defined by a positive rRT-PCR or ELISA test. RESULTS: Thirty-two (55%) of 58 households had evidence of secondary infection among household contacts. The SIR was 29% (n = 55/188; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 23-36%) overall, 42% among children (<18 years) of the COVID-19 patient and 33% among spouses/partners. Household contacts to COVID-19 patients with immunocompromised conditions had increased odds of infection (OR: 15.9, 95% CI: 2.4-106.9). Household contacts who themselves had diabetes mellitus had increased odds of infection (OR: 7.1, 95% CI: 1.2-42.5). CONCLUSIONS: We found substantial evidence of secondary infections among household contacts. People with COVID-19, particularly those with immunocompromising conditions or those with household contacts with diabetes, should take care to promptly self-isolate to prevent household transmission. |
Symptoms and Transmission of SARS-CoV-2 Among Children - Utah and Wisconsin, March-May 2020.
Laws RL , Chancey RJ , Rabold EM , Chu VT , Lewis NM , Fajans M , Reses HE , Duca LM , Dawson P , Conners EE , Gharpure R , Yin S , Buono S , Pomeroy M , Yousaf AR , Owusu D , Wadhwa A , Pevzner E , Battey KA , Njuguna H , Fields VL , Salvatore P , O'Hegarty M , Vuong J , Gregory CJ , Banks M , Rispens J , Dietrich E , Marcenac P , Matanock A , Pray I , Westergaard R , Dasu T , Bhattacharyya S , Christiansen A , Page L , Dunn A , Atkinson-Dunn R , Christensen K , Kiphibane T , Willardson S , Fox G , Ye D , Nabity SA , Binder A , Freeman BD , Lester S , Mills L , Thornburg N , Hall AJ , Fry AM , Tate JE , Tran CH , Kirking HL . Pediatrics 2020 147 (1) BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES: Limited data exist on severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 in children. We described infection rates and symptom profiles among pediatric household contacts of individuals with coronavirus disease 2019. METHODS: We enrolled individuals with coronavirus disease 2019 and their household contacts, assessed daily symptoms prospectively for 14 days, and obtained specimens for severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and serology testing. Among pediatric contacts (<18 years), we described transmission, assessed the risk factors for infection, and calculated symptom positive and negative predictive values. We compared secondary infection rates and symptoms between pediatric and adult contacts using generalized estimating equations. RESULTS: Among 58 households, 188 contacts were enrolled (120 adults; 68 children). Secondary infection rates for adults (30%) and children (28%) were similar. Among households with potential for transmission from children, child-to-adult transmission may have occurred in 2 of 10 (20%), and child-to-child transmission may have occurred in 1 of 6 (17%). Pediatric case patients most commonly reported headache (79%), sore throat (68%), and rhinorrhea (68%); symptoms had low positive predictive values, except measured fever (100%; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 44% to 100%). Compared with symptomatic adults, children were less likely to report cough (odds ratio [OR]: 0.15; 95% CI: 0.04 to 0.57), loss of taste (OR: 0.21; 95% CI: 0.06 to 0.74), and loss of smell (OR: 0.29; 95% CI: 0.09 to 0.96) and more likely to report sore throat (OR: 3.4; 95% CI: 1.04 to 11.18). CONCLUSIONS: Children and adults had similar secondary infection rates, but children generally had less frequent and severe symptoms. In two states early in the pandemic, we observed possible transmission from children in approximately one-fifth of households with potential to observe such transmission patterns. |
Enhanced contact investigations for nine early travel-related cases of SARS-CoV-2 in the United States.
Burke RM , Balter S , Barnes E , Barry V , Bartlett K , Beer KD , Benowitz I , Biggs HM , Bruce H , Bryant-Genevier J , Cates J , Chatham-Stephens K , Chea N , Chiou H , Christiansen D , Chu VT , Clark S , Cody SH , Cohen M , Conners EE , Dasari V , Dawson P , DeSalvo T , Donahue M , Dratch A , Duca L , Duchin J , Dyal JW , Feldstein LR , Fenstersheib M , Fischer M , Fisher R , Foo C , Freeman-Ponder B , Fry AM , Gant J , Gautom R , Ghinai I , Gounder P , Grigg CT , Gunzenhauser J , Hall AJ , Han GS , Haupt T , Holshue M , Hunter J , Ibrahim MB , Jacobs MW , Jarashow MC , Joshi K , Kamali T , Kawakami V , Kim M , Kirking HL , Kita-Yarbro A , Klos R , Kobayashi M , Kocharian A , Lang M , Layden J , Leidman E , Lindquist S , Lindstrom S , Link-Gelles R , Marlow M , Mattison CP , McClung N , McPherson TD , Mello L , Midgley CM , Novosad S , Patel MT , Pettrone K , Pillai SK , Pray IW , Reese HE , Rhodes H , Robinson S , Rolfes M , Routh J , Rubin R , Rudman SL , Russell D , Scott S , Shetty V , Smith-Jeffcoat SE , Soda EA , Spitters C , Stierman B , Sunenshine R , Terashita D , Traub E , Vahey GM , Verani JR , Wallace M , Westercamp M , Wortham J , Xie A , Yousaf A , Zahn M . PLoS One 2020 15 (9) e0238342 Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), the respiratory disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), was first identified in Wuhan, China and has since become pandemic. In response to the first cases identified in the United States, close contacts of confirmed COVID-19 cases were investigated to enable early identification and isolation of additional cases and to learn more about risk factors for transmission. Close contacts of nine early travel-related cases in the United States were identified and monitored daily for development of symptoms (active monitoring). Selected close contacts (including those with exposures categorized as higher risk) were targeted for collection of additional exposure information and respiratory samples. Respiratory samples were tested for SARS-CoV-2 by real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Four hundred four close contacts were actively monitored in the jurisdictions that managed the travel-related cases. Three hundred thirty-eight of the 404 close contacts provided at least basic exposure information, of whom 159 close contacts had ≥1 set of respiratory samples collected and tested. Across all actively monitored close contacts, two additional symptomatic COVID-19 cases (i.e., secondary cases) were identified; both secondary cases were in spouses of travel-associated case patients. When considering only household members, all of whom had ≥1 respiratory sample tested for SARS-CoV-2, the secondary attack rate (i.e., the number of secondary cases as a proportion of total close contacts) was 13% (95% CI: 4-38%). The results from these contact tracing investigations suggest that household members, especially significant others, of COVID-19 cases are at highest risk of becoming infected. The importance of personal protective equipment for healthcare workers is also underlined. Isolation of persons with COVID-19, in combination with quarantine of exposed close contacts and practice of everyday preventive behaviors, is important to mitigate spread of COVID-19. |
A prospective cohort study in non-hospitalized household contacts with SARS-CoV-2 infection: symptom profiles and symptom change over time.
Yousaf AR , Duca LM , Chu V , Reses HE , Fajans M , Rabold EM , Laws RL , Gharpure R , Matanock A , Wadhwa A , Pomeroy M , Njuguna H , Fox G , Binder AM , Christiansen A , Freeman B , Gregory C , Tran CH , Owusu D , Ye D , Dietrich E , Pevzner E , Conners EE , Pray I , Rispens J , Vuong J , Christensen K , Banks M , O'Hegarty M , Mills L , Lester S , Thornburg NJ , Lewis N , Dawson P , Marcenac P , Salvatore P , Chancey RJ , Fields V , Buono S , Yin S , Gerber S , Kiphibane T , Dasu T , Bhattacharyya S , Westergaard R , Dunn A , Hall AJ , Fry AM , Tate JE , Kirking HL , Nabity S . Clin Infect Dis 2020 73 (7) e1841-e1849 BACKGROUND: Improved understanding of SARS-CoV-2 spectrum of disease is essential for clinical and public health interventions. There are limited data on mild or asymptomatic infections, but recognition of these individuals is key as they contribute to viral transmission. We describe the symptom profiles from individuals with mild or asymptomatic SARS-CoV-2 infection. METHODS: From March 22 to April 22, 2020 in Wisconsin and Utah, we enrolled and prospectively observed 198 household contacts exposed to SARS-CoV-2. We collected and tested nasopharyngeal (NP) specimens by RT-PCR two or more times during a 14-day period. Contacts completed daily symptom diaries. We characterized symptom profiles on the date of first positive RT-PCR test and described progression of symptoms over time. RESULTS: We identified 47 contacts, median age 24 (3-75) years, with detectable SARS-CoV-2 by RT-PCR. The most commonly reported symptoms on the day of first positive RT-PCR test were upper respiratory (n=32, 68%) and neurologic (n=30, 64%); fever was not commonly reported (n=9, 19%). Eight (17%) individuals were asymptomatic at the date of first positive RT-PCR collection; two (4%) had preceding symptoms that resolved and six (13%) subsequently developed symptoms. Children less frequently reported lower respiratory symptoms (age <18: 21%, age 18-49: 60%, age 50+ years: 69%; p=0.03). CONCLUSIONS: Household contacts with lab-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection reported mild symptoms. When assessed at a single time-point, several contacts appeared to have asymptomatic infection; however, over time all developed symptoms. These findings are important to inform infection control, contact tracing, and community mitigation strategies. |
Loss of Taste and Smell as Distinguishing Symptoms of Coronavirus Disease 2019.
Dawson P , Rabold EM , Laws RL , Conners EE , Gharpure R , Yin S , Buono SA , Dasu T , Bhattacharyya S , Westergaard RP , Pray IW , Ye D , Nabity SA , Tate JE , Kirking HL . Clin Infect Dis 2020 72 (4) 682-685 In a household study, loss of taste and/or smell was the fourth most reported symptom (26/42; 62%) among COVID-19 case-patients and had the highest positive predictive value (83%; 95% CI: 55-95%) among household contacts. Olfactory and taste dysfunctions should be considered for COVID-19 case identification and testing prioritization. |
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- Page last updated:Jan 27, 2025
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