Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-8 (of 8 Records) |
Query Trace: Collins CB Jr[original query] |
Progress toward achieving national HIV/AIDS strategy goals for quality of life among persons aged ≥50 years with diagnosed HIV - medical monitoring project, United States, 2017-2023
Beer L , Tie Y , Crim SM , Weiser J , Taussig J , Craw JA , Buchacz KA , Dobbs A , Collins CB Jr , Johnston ME , De Los Reyes A , Gelaude D , Hughes K , Desamu-Thorpe R , Prejean J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (36) 781-787 Ensuring good quality of life (QoL) among persons with diagnosed HIV (PWH) is a priority of the National HIV/AIDS Strategy (NHAS), which established 2025 goals for improving QoL. Goals are monitored through five indicators: self-rated health, unmet needs for mental health services, unemployment, hunger or food insecurity, and unstable housing or homelessness. Among the growing population of PWH aged ≥50 years, progress toward these goals has not been assessed. Data collected during the 2017-2022 cycles of the Medical Monitoring Project, an annual complex sample survey of U.S. adults with diagnosed HIV, assessed progress toward NHAS 2025 QoL goals among PWH aged ≥50 years, overall and by age group. The recent estimated annual percentage change from baseline (2017 or 2018) to 2022 was calculated for each indicator. Among PWH aged ≥50 years, the 2025 goal of 95% PWH with good or better self-rated health is 46.2% higher than the 2022 estimate. The 2025 goals of a 50% reduction in the other indicators range from 26.3% to 56.3% lower than the 2022 estimates. Decreasing hunger or food insecurity by 50% among PWH aged ≥65 was the only goal met by 2022. If recent trends continue, other NHAS QoL 2025 goals are unlikely to be met. Multisectoral strategies to improve access to housing, employment, food, and mental health will be needed to meet NHAS 2025 goals for QoL among older PWH. |
Selecting evidence-based HIV prevention behavioral interventions for HIV-negative persons for national dissemination
Collins CB Jr , Baack BN , Tomlinson H , Lyles C , Cleveland JC , Purcell DW , Ortiz-Ricard A , Mermin J . AIDS Behav 2019 23 (9) 2226-2237 This paper describes the development of a formula to determine which evidence-based behavioral interventions (EBIs) targeting HIV-negative persons would be cost-saving in comparison to the lifetime cost of HIV treatment and the process by which this formula was used to prioritize those with greatest potential impact for continued dissemination. We developed a prevention benefit index (PBI) to rank risk-reduction EBIs for HIV-negative persons based on their estimated cost for achieving the behavior change per one would-be incident infection of HIV. Inputs for calculating the PBI included the mean estimated cost-per-client served, EBI effect size for the behavior change, and the HIV incidence per 100,000 persons in the target population. EBIs for which the PBI was </= $402,000, the estimated lifetime cost of HIV care, were considered cost-saving. We were able to calculate a PBI for 35 EBI and target population combinations. Ten EBIs were cost-saving having a PBI below $402,000. One EBI did not move forward for dissemination due to high start-up dissemination costs. DHAP now supports the dissemination of 9 unique EBIs targeting 13 populations of HIV-negative persons. The application of a process, such as the PBI, may assist other health-field policymakers when making decisions about how to select and fund implementation of EBIs. |
Implementation of evidence-based HIV interventions for gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men
Jeffries WL IV , Garrett S , Phields M , Olubajo B , Lemon E , Valdes-Salgado R , Collins CB Jr . AIDS Behav 2017 21 (10) 3000-3012 The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provides trainings to support implementation of five evidence-based HIV prevention interventions (EBIs) for men who have sex with men (MSM): d-up: Defend Yourself!; Many Men, Many Voices; Mpowerment; Personalized Cognitive Counseling; and Popular Opinion Leader. We evaluated trainees' implementation of these EBIs and, using multivariable logistic regression, examined factors associated with implementation. Approximately 43% of trainees had implemented the EBIs for which they received training. Implementation was associated with working in community-based organizations (vs. health departments or other settings); acquiring training for Mpowerment or Popular Opinion Leader (vs. Personalized Cognitive Counseling); having ≥3 funding sources (vs. one); and having (vs. not having) sufficient time and necessary EBI resources. Findings suggest that implementation may vary by trainee characteristics, especially those related to employment setting, EBI training, funding, and perceived implementation barriers. Efforts that address these factors may help to improve EBI implementation among trainees. |
Lessons learned from dissemination of evidence-based interventions for HIV prevention
Collins CB Jr , Sapiano TN . Am J Prev Med 2016 51 S140-7 In 1999, IOM issued a report that recommended that the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention should disseminate evidence-based HIV prevention interventions (EBIs) to be implemented by health departments, community-based organizations, drug treatment centers, and clinics. Based on these recommendations, the Diffusion of Effective Behavioral Interventions Project was initiated in 2000 and began disseminating interventions into public health practice. For 15 years, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has disseminated 29 EBIs to more than 11,300 agencies. Lessons were identified during the 15 years of implementation regarding successful methods of dissemination of EBIs. Lessons around selecting interventions for dissemination, developing a dissemination infrastructure including a resource website (, and engagement with stakeholders are discussed. A continuous development approach ensured that intervention implementation materials, instructions, and technical assistance were all tailored to the needs of end users, focus populations, and agency capacities. Six follow-up studies demonstrated that adopters of EBIs were able to obtain comparable outcomes to those of the original efficacy research. The Diffusion of Effective Behavioral Interventions Project may offer guidance for other large, national, evidence-based public health dissemination projects. |
Evaluation of the dissemination, implementation, and sustainability of the "Partnership for Health" intervention
August EM , Hayek S , Casillas D , Wortley P , Collins CB Jr . J Public Health Manag Pract 2015 22 (6) E14-8 Partnership for Health (PfH) is an evidence-based, clinician-delivered HIV prevention program conducted in the United States for HIV-positive patients. This intervention strives to reduce risky sexual behaviors through provider-patient discussions on safer sex and HIV status disclosure. A cross-sectional, mixed-methods design was used to evaluate the dissemination and implementation of PfH, including training evaluations, an online trainee survey, and interviews with national trainers for PfH. Descriptive statistics were calculated with the categorical data, whereas thematic analysis was completed with the qualitative data. Between 2007 and 2013, PfH was disseminated to 776 individuals from 104 different organizations in 21 states/territories. The smallest proportion of trainees was physicians (6.9%). More than three-fourths of survey respondents (78.6%) reported using PfH, but less than one-third (31.8%) used the intervention with every patient. The PfH training supports the implementation of the intervention; however, challenges were experienced in clinician engagement. Tailored strategies to recruit and train clinicians providing care to HIV-positive patients are required. |
A comparison of the Interactive Systems Framework (ISF) for Dissemination and Implementation and the CDC Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention's Research-to-Practice model for behavioral interventions
Collins CB Jr , Edwards AE , Jones PL , Kay L , Cox PJ , Puddy RW . Am J Community Psychol 2012 50 518-29 Translating evidence-based HIV/STD prevention interventions and research findings into applicable HIV prevention practice has become an important challenge for the fields of community psychology and public health due to evidence-based interventions and evidence-based practice being given higher priority and endorsement by federal, state, and local health department funders. The Interactive Systems Framework (ISF) for Dissemination and Implementation and the Division of HIV/AIDS Prevention (DHAP) Research-to-Practice model both address this challenge. The DHAP model and the ISF are each presented with a brief history and an introduction of their features from synthesis of research findings through translation into intervention materials to implementation by prevention providers. This paper describes why the ISF and the DHAP model were developed and the similarities and differences between them. Specific examples of the use of the models to translate research to practice and the subsequent implications for support of each model are provided. The paper concludes that the ISF and the DHAP model are truly complementary with some unique differences, while both contribute substantially to addressing the gap between identifying effective programs and ensuring their widespread adoption in the field. |
Implementing packaged HIV-prevention interventions for HIV-positive individuals: considerations for clinic-based and community-based interventions
Collins CB Jr , Hearn KD , Whittier DN , Freeman A , Stallworth JD , Phields M . Public Health Rep 2010 125 55-63 Providing efficacious human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) prevention services to HIV-positive individuals is an appropriate strategy to reduce new infections. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has identified interventions with evidence of efficacy for prevention with positives (PwP). Through its process of disseminating evidence-based interventions (EBIs), CDC has attempted to diffuse four of these interventions into practice. One of these interventions has been diffused to community-based organizations, whereas another has been diffused to medical clinics serving HIV-positive people. A third intervention was originally developed with HIV-positive individuals using methadone, but uptake by methadone clinics has not occurred. A fourth intervention for HIV-positive adolescents and young adults has had disappointing adoption levels. Unique implementation challenges have been encountered in various intervention settings. Lessons learned in the dissemination of the first four PwP interventions will facilitate implementation of three new PwP EBIs currently being packaged for dissemination. |
Evidence based interventions for preventing HIV transmission: commentary on Rotheram-Borus et al. (2009)
Collins CB Jr . AIDS Behav 2009 13 (3) 414-9; discussion 420-3 In their article “Family Wellness, Not HIV Prevention” Rotheram-Borus et al. (2009) state that “sustained improvements in global health require creating a prevention infrastructure to meet the multiple health challenges experienced by local communities.” They then identify four fundamental shifts in HIV and disease prevention. This commentary points out that these shifts are not new but are already being implemented, and some lessons learned indicate they are not complete solutions but strategies that can be integrated with other approaches to the delivery of behavioral and biomedical prevention. | The four suggested shifts are discussed in the following sections. |
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