Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-11 (of 11 Records) |
Query Trace: Chipungu G[original query] |
Meeting men where they are: Motivators and barriers to accessing health services through a men's mobile wellness clinic, October 2019 to March 2020, Blantyre, Malawi
Nyangulu M , Aholou T , Thorsen V , Ebrahim S , Nkhoma E , Payesa C , Chipungu G , Kalua M , van 't Pad Bosch J , Gibson H , Buie V , Sindani F , Dale H , Behel S , Hassan R , Maida A , Grabbe K . J Epidemiol Glob Health 2024 BACKGROUND: In Malawi approximately, 88.3% people living with HIV are aware of their HIV status. Significant gaps are among men aged 15-34 years; only 72% know their HIV status. To reach men, Jhpiego, in collaboration with the Ministry of Health (MOH), implemented the Men's Mobile Wellness Clinic (MMWC) at workplace settings in Blantyre, Malawi between October 2019 and March 2020. METHODS: We conducted a descriptive qualitative study to understand motivators and barriers to MMWC service uptake by employees and employers. Primary data was drawn from in-depth telephone interviews from four study populations: employers who accepted or declined to host the MMWC at their worksite, and employees who accessed or did not access the services. We performed a thematic analysis using Nvivo 12 software to identify patterns and themes across the dataset. FINDINGS: Main reasons given for using the service among male employees were a desire to know their health status, availability of free health services at the workplace, and good quality services offered by MMWC staff, and support from their supervisor. Men who did not access services stated reasons such as work-clinic scheduling conflicts, lack of adequate promotion of the service, and miscommunication on the criteria about who should attend the MMWC. Employers who accepted to host the MMWC stated convenience and employee's rights to know their health status. Those who declined either stated that employees did not want the services or COVID-19 preventive measures by the MOH between October 2019 and March 2020 restricted participation. CONCLUSION: This study underscores the potential utility of MMWC services including HIV testing among men. The desire to know their health status, availability of free MMWC services at the workplace, good quality services offered by MMWC staff, and the endorsement of MMWC by supervisors were main motivators to access the MMWC services. Sensitizing supervisors and employees about the benefits of the MMWC services, strengthening demand creation, and clarifying eligibility are important to facilitate MMWC uptake among men in Malawi. |
How can global guidelines support sustainable hygiene systems?
Esteves Mills J , Thomas A , Abdalla N , El-Alam R , Al-Shabi K , Ashinyo ME , Bangoura FO , Charles K , Chipungu J , Cole AO , Engebretson B , Goyol K , Grasham CF , Grossi V , Hickling S , Kalandarov S , Ababu AK , Kholmuhammad K , Klaesener-Metzner N , Kugedera Z , Kwakye A , Lee-Llacer A , Maani PP , Makhafola B , Mohamed A , Monirul Alam M , Monse B , Northover H , Palomares A , Patabendi N , Paynter N , Prasad-Gautam O , Panthi SR , Rudge L , Saha S , Salaru I , Saltiel G , Sax L , Shahid MA , Gafur MS , Shrestha S , Szeberényi K , Tidwell JB , Trinies V , Yiha O , Ziganshin R , Gordon B , Cumming O . BMJ Glob Health 2023 8 (10) Hand hygiene is a cost-effective preventive measure to reduce transmission of infectious diseases. Yet, a quarter of the global population lack access to even a basic handwashing facility. | Forthcoming WHO and UNICEF guidelines on hand hygiene in community settings will provide evidence-based recommendations to guide action. | According to consulted future guideline end-users, sustainable implementation of such recommendations to improve hand hygiene requires government-led system-strengthening approaches that build sustainable and resilient national systems. | System-strengthening plans should be underpinned by a comprehensive situational analysis and needs assessment, and monitored on an ongoing basis for course correction where necessary. | Execution of system-strengthening plans should be integrated with existing programmes. | Health sector leadership is required to drive this agenda. |
Population-Based HIV Impact Assessments Survey Methods, Response, and Quality in Zimbabwe, Malawi, and Zambia
Sachathep K , Radin E , Hladik W , Hakim A , Saito S , Burnett J , Brown K , Phillip N , Jonnalagadda S , Low A , Williams D , Patel H , Herman-Roloff A , Musuka G , Barr B , Wadondo-Kabonda N , Chipungu G , Duong Y , Delgado S , Kamocha S , Kinchen S , Kalton G , Schwartz L , Bello G , Mugurungi O , Mulenga L , Parekh B , Porter L , Hoos D , Voetsch AC , Justman J . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2021 87 S6-s16 BACKGROUND: The population-based HIV impact assessment (population-based HIV impact assessments) surveys are among the first to estimate national adult HIV incidence, subnational prevalence of viral load suppression, and pediatric HIV prevalence. We summarize the survey methods implemented in Zimbabwe, Malawi, and Zambia, as well as response rates and quality metrics. METHODS: Each cross-sectional, household-based survey used a 2-stage cluster design. Survey preparations included sample design, questionnaire development, tablet programming for informed consent and data collection, community mobilization, establishing a network of satellite laboratories, and fieldworker training. Interviewers collected demographic, behavioral, and clinical information using tablets. Blood was collected for home-based HIV testing and counseling (HBTC) and point-of-care CD4+ T-cell enumeration with results immediately returned. HIV-positive blood samples underwent laboratory-based confirmatory testing, HIV incidence testing, RNA polymerase chain reaction (viral load), DNA polymerase chain reaction (early infant diagnosis), and serum antiretroviral drug detection. Data were weighted for survey design, and chi square automatic interaction detection-based methods were used to adjust for nonresponse. RESULTS: Each survey recruited a nationally representative, household-based sample of children and adults over a 6-10-month period in 2015 and 2016. Most (84%-90%) of the 12,000-14,000 eligible households in each country participated in the survey, with 77%-81% of eligible adults completing an interview and providing blood for HIV testing. Among eligible children, 59%-73% completed HIV testing. Across the 3 surveys, 97.8% of interview data were complete and had no errors. CONCLUSION: Conducting a national population-based HIV impact assessment with immediate return of HIV and other point-of-care test results was feasible, and data quality was high. |
Infant HIV diagnosis and turn-around time for testing in Malawi, 2015
Ali H , Minchella P , Chipungu G , Kim E , Kandulu J , Midiani D , Kim A , Swaminathan M , Gutreuter S , Nkengasong J , Singer D . Afr J Lab Med 2020 9 (1) 904 BACKGROUND: For HIV-exposed infants in Malawi, there are missed opportunities at each step of the testing and treatment cascade. OBJECTIVE: This study assessed factors associated with HIV positivity among infants in Malawi and turn-around times for infant HIV testing. METHODS: HIV testing data for infants aged 0-18 months from 2012 to 2015 were extracted from the Malawi HIV laboratory information management system and analysed using logistic regression. Turn-around time was defined as time between collection of samples to results dispatch from the laboratory. RESULTS: A total of 106 997 tests were included in the analyses. A subset of 76 006 observations with complete dates were included in the turn-around time analysis. Overall positivity was 4.2%. Factors associated with positivity were increasing age (infants aged 3-6 months: adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 2.24; infants aged 6-9 months: aOR = 3.42; infants aged > 9 months: aOR = 4.24), female sex (aOR = 1.08) and whether the mother was alive and not on antiretroviral therapy at time of the infant's test (aOR = 1.57). Provision of HIV prophylaxis to the infant after birth (aOR = 0.38) was found to be protective against HIV positivity. The median turn-around time was 24 days (increased from 19 to 34 days between 2012 and 2015). CONCLUSION: Infant HIV positivity has decreased in Malawi, whereas turn-around time has increased. Factors associated with positivity include increasing age, female sex, and whether the mother was alive and not on antiretroviral therapy at the time of the infant's test. |
Status of HIV epidemic control among adolescent girls and young women aged 15-24 years - seven African countries, 2015-2017
Brown K , Williams DB , Kinchen S , Saito S , Radin E , Patel H , Low A , Delgado S , Mugurungi O , Musuka G , Tippett Barr BA , Nwankwo-Igomu EA , Ruangtragool L , Hakim AJ , Kalua T , Nyirenda R , Chipungu G , Auld A , Kim E , Payne D , Wadonda-Kabondo N , West C , Brennan E , Deutsch B , Worku A , Jonnalagadda S , Mulenga LB , Dzekedzeke K , Barradas DT , Cai H , Gupta S , Kamocha S , Riggs MA , Sachathep K , Kirungi W , Musinguzi J , Opio A , Biraro S , Bancroft E , Galbraith J , Kiyingi H , Farahani M , Hladik W , Nyangoma E , Ginindza C , Masangane Z , Mhlanga F , Mnisi Z , Munyaradzi P , Zwane A , Burke S , Kayigamba FB , Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha H , Sahabo R , Ao TT , Draghi C , Ryan C , Philip NM , Mosha F , Mulokozi A , Ntigiti P , Ramadhani AA , Somi GR , Makafu C , Mugisha V , Zelothe J , Lavilla K , Lowrance DW , Mdodo R , Gummerson E , Stupp P , Thin K , Frederix K , Davia S , Schwitters AM , McCracken SD , Duong YT , Hoos D , Parekh B , Justman JE , Voetsch AC . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (1) 29-32 In 2016, an estimated 1.5 million females aged 15-24 years were living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in Eastern and Southern Africa, where the prevalence of HIV infection among adolescent girls and young women (3.4%) is more than double that for males in the same age range (1.6%) (1). Progress was assessed toward the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS) 2020 targets for adolescent girls and young women in sub-Saharan Africa (90% of those with HIV infection aware of their status, 90% of HIV-infected persons aware of their status on antiretroviral treatment [ART], and 90% of those on treatment virally suppressed [HIV viral load <1,000 HIV RNA copies/mL]) (2) using data from recent Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (PHIA) surveys in seven countries. The national prevalence of HIV infection in adolescent girls and young women aged 15-24 years, the percentage who were aware of their status, and among those persons who were aware, the percentage who had achieved viral suppression were calculated. The target for viral suppression among all persons with HIV infection is 73% (the product of 90% x 90% x 90%). Among all seven countries, the prevalence of HIV infection among adolescent girls and young women was 3.6%; among those in this group, 46.3% reported being aware of their HIV-positive status, and 45.0% were virally suppressed. Sustained efforts by national HIV and public health programs to diagnose HIV infection in adolescent girls and young women as early as possible to ensure rapid initiation of ART should help achieve epidemic control among adolescent girls and young women. |
Assessing stakeholder perceptions of the acceptability and feasibility of national scale-up for a dual HIV/syphilis rapid diagnostic test in Malawi
Maddox BLP , Wright SS , Namadingo H , Bowen VB , Chipungu GA , Kamb ML . Sex Transm Infect 2017 93 S59-s64 OBJECTIVES: The WHO recommends pregnant women receive both HIV and syphilis testing at their first antenatal care visit, as untreated maternal infections can lead to severe, adverse pregnancy outcomes. One strategy for increasing testing for both HIV and syphilis is the use of point-of-care (rapid) diagnostic tests that are simple, proven effective and inexpensive. In Malawi, pregnant women routinely receive HIV testing, but only 10% are tested for syphilis at their first antenatal care visit. This evaluation explores stakeholder perceptions of a novel, dual HIV/syphilis rapid diagnostic test and potential barriers to national scale-up of the dual test in Malawi. METHODS: During June and July 2015, we conducted 15 semistructured interviews with 25 healthcare workers, laboratorians, Ministry of Health leaders and partner agency representatives working in prevention of mother-to-child transmission in Malawi. We asked stakeholders about the importance of a dual rapid diagnostic test, concerns using and procuring the dual test and recommendations for national expansion. RESULTS: Stakeholders viewed the test favourably, citing the importance of a dual rapid test in preventing missed opportunities for syphilis diagnosis and treatment, improving infant outcomes and increasing syphilis testing coverage. Primary technical concerns were about the additional procedural steps needed to perform the test, the possibility that testers may not adhere to required waiting times before interpreting results and difficulty reading and interpreting test results. Stakeholders thought national scale-up would require demonstration of cost-savings, uniform coordination, revisions to testing guidelines and algorithms, training of testers and a reliable supply chain. CONCLUSIONS: Stakeholders largely support implementation of a dual HIV/syphilis rapid diagnostic test as a feasible alternative to current antenatal testing. Scale-up will require addressing perceived barriers; negotiating changes to existing algorithms and guidelines; and Ministry of Health approval and funding to support training of staff and procurement of supplies. |
Returning HIV-1 viral load results to participant-selected health facilities in national Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (PHIA) household surveys in three sub-Saharan African Countries, 2015 to 2016
Saito S , Duong YT , Metz M , Lee K , Patel H , Sleeman K , Manjengwa J , Ogollah FM , Kasongo W , Mitchell R , Mugurungi O , Chimbwandira F , Moyo C , Maliwa V , Mtengo H , Nkumbula T , Ndongmo CB , Vere NS , Chipungu G , Parekh BS , Justman J , Voetsch AC . J Int AIDS Soc 2017 20 Suppl 7 19-25 INTRODUCTION: Logistical complexities of returning laboratory test results to participants have precluded most population-based HIV surveys conducted in sub-Saharan Africa from doing so. For HIV positive participants, this presents a missed opportunity for engagement into clinical care and improvement in health outcomes. The Population-based HIV Impact Assessment (PHIA) surveys, which measure HIV incidence and the prevalence of viral load (VL) suppression in selected African countries, are returning VL results to health facilities specified by each HIV positive participant within eight weeks of collection. We describe the performance of the specimen and data management systems used to return VL results to PHIA participants in Zimbabwe, Malawi and Zambia. METHODS: Consenting participants underwent home-based counseling and HIV rapid testing as per national testing guidelines; all confirmed HIV positive participants had VL measured at a central laboratory on either the Roche CAP/CTM or Abbott m2000 platform. On a bi-weekly basis, a dedicated data management team produced logs linking the VL test result with the participants' contact information and preferred health facility; project staff sent test results confidentially via project drivers, national courier systems, or electronically through an adapted short message service (SMS). Participants who provided cell phone numbers received SMS or phone call alerts regarding availability of VL results. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: From 29,634 households across the three countries, 78,090 total participants 0 to 64 years in Zimbabwe and Malawi and 0 to 59 years in Zambia underwent blood draw and HIV testing. Of the 8391 total HIV positive participants identified, 8313 (99%) had VL tests performed and 8245 (99%) of these were returned to the selected health facilities. Of the 5979 VL results returned in Zimbabwe and Zambia, 85% were returned within the eight-week goal with a median turnaround time of 48 days (IQR: 33 to 61). In Malawi, where exact return dates were unavailable all 2266 returnable results reached the health facilities by 11 weeks. CONCLUSIONS: The first three PHIA surveys returned the vast majority of VL results to each HIV positive participant's preferred health facility within the eight-week target. Even in the absence of national VL monitoring systems, a system to return VL results from a population-based survey is feasible, but it requires developing laboratory and data management systems and dedicated staff. These are likely important requirements to strengthen return of results systems in routine clinical care. |
Specimen origin, type and testing laboratory are linked to longer turnaround times for HIV viral load testing in Malawi
Minchella PA , Chipungu G , Kim AA , Sarr A , Ali H , Mwenda R , Nkengasong JN , Singer D . PLoS One 2017 12 (2) e0173009 BACKGROUND: Efforts to reach UNAIDS' treatment and viral suppression targets have increased demand for viral load (VL) testing and strained existing laboratory networks, affecting turnaround time. Longer VL turnaround times delay both initiation of formal adherence counseling and switches to second-line therapy for persons failing treatment and contribute to poorer health outcomes. METHODS: We utilized descriptive statistics and logistic regression to analyze VL testing data collected in Malawi between January 2013 and March 2016. The primary outcomes assessed were greater-than-median pretest phase turnaround time (days elapsed from specimen collection to receipt at the laboratory) and greater-than-median test phase turnaround time (days from receipt to testing). RESULTS: The median number of days between specimen collection and testing increased 3-fold between 2013 (8 days, interquartile range (IQR) = 6-16) and 2015 (24, IQR = 13-39) (p<0.001). Multivariable analysis indicated that the odds of longer pretest phase turnaround time were significantly higher for specimen collection districts without laboratories capable of conducting viral load tests (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) = 5.16; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 5.04-5.27) as well as for Malawi's Northern and Southern regions. Longer test phase turnaround time was significantly associated with use of dried blood spots instead of plasma (aOR = 2.30; 95% CI = 2.23-2.37) and for certain testing months and testing laboratories. CONCLUSION: Increased turnaround time for VL testing appeared to be driven in part by categorical factors specific to the phase of turnaround time assessed. Given the implications of longer turnaround time and the global effort to scale up VL testing, addressing these factors via increasing efficiencies, improving quality management systems and generally strengthening the VL spectrum should be considered essential components of controlling the HIV epidemic. |
Progress with scale-up of HIV viral load monitoring - seven sub-Saharan African countries, January 2015-June 2016
Lecher S , Williams J , Fonjungo PN , Kim AA , Ellenberger D , Zhang G , Toure CA , Agolory S , Appiah-Pippim G , Beard S , Borget MY , Carmona S , Chipungu G , Diallo K , Downer M , Edgil D , Haberman H , Hurlston M , Jadzak S , Kiyaga C , MacLeod W , Makumb B , Muttai H , Mwangi C , Mwangi JW , Mwasekaga M , Naluguza M , Ng'Ang ALw , Nguyen S , Sawadogo S , Sleeman K , Stevens W , Kuritsky J , Hader S , Nkengasong J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (47) 1332-1335 The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends viral load testing as the preferred method for monitoring the clinical response of patients with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection to antiretroviral therapy (ART). Viral load monitoring of patients on ART helps ensure early diagnosis and confirmation of ART failure and enables clinicians to take an appropriate course of action for patient management. When viral suppression is achieved and maintained, HIV transmission is substantially decreased, as is HIV-associated morbidity and mortality. CDC and other U.S. government agencies and international partners are supporting multiple countries in sub-Saharan Africa to provide viral load testing of persons with HIV who are on ART. This report examines current capacity for viral load testing based on equipment provided by manufacturers and progress with viral load monitoring of patients on ART in seven sub-Saharan countries (Cote d'Ivoire, Kenya, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Tanzania, and Uganda) during January 2015-June 2016. By June 2016, based on the target numbers for viral load testing set by each country, adequate equipment capacity existed in all but one country. During 2015, two countries tested >85% of patients on ART (Namibia [91%] and South Africa [87%]); four countries tested <25% of patients on ART. In 2015, viral suppression was >80% among those patients who received a viral load test in all countries except Cote d'Ivoire. Sustained country commitment and a coordinated global effort is needed to reach the goal for viral load monitoring of all persons with HIV on ART. |
Early diagnosis of HIV infection in infants - one Caribbean and six sub-Saharan African countries, 2011-2015
Diallo K , Kim AA , Lecher S , Ellenberger D , Beard RS , Dale H , Hurlston M , Rivadeneira M , Fonjungo PN , Broyles LN , Zhang G , Sleeman K , Nguyen S , Jadczak S , Abiola N , Ewetola R , Muwonga J , Fwamba F , Mwangi C , Naluguza M , Kiyaga C , Ssewanyana I , Varough D , Wysler D , Lowrance D , Louis FJ , Desinor O , Buteau J , Kesner F , Rouzier V , Segaren N , Lewis T , Sarr A , Chipungu G , Gupta S , Singer D , Mwenda R , Kapoteza H , Chipeta Z , Knight N , Carmona S , MacLeod W , Sherman G , Pillay Y , Ndongmo CB , Mugisa B , Mwila A , McAuley J , Chipimo PJ , Kaonga W , Nsofwa D , Nsama D , Mwamba FZ , Moyo C , Phiri C , Borget MY , Ya-Kouadio L , Kouame A , Adje-Toure CA , Nkengasong J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (46) 1285-1290 Pediatric human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection remains an important public health issue in resource-limited settings. In 2015, 1.4 million children aged <15 years were estimated to be living with HIV (including 170,000 infants born in 2015), with the vast majority living in sub-Saharan Africa. In 2014, 150,000 children died from HIV-related causes worldwide. Access to timely HIV diagnosis and treatment for HIV-infected infants reduces HIV-associated mortality, which is approximately 50% by age 2 years without treatment. Since 2011, the annual number of HIV-infected children has declined by 50%. Despite this gain, in 2014, only 42% of HIV-exposed infants received a diagnostic test for HIV, and in 2015, only 51% of children living with HIV received antiretroviral therapy (1). Access to services for early infant diagnosis of HIV (which includes access to testing for HIV-exposed infants and clinical diagnosis of HIV-infected infants) is critical for reducing HIV-associated mortality in children aged <15 years. Using data collected from seven countries supported by the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), progress in the provision of HIV testing services for early infant diagnosis was assessed. During 2011-2015, the total number of HIV diagnostic tests performed among HIV-exposed infants within 6 weeks after birth (tests for early infant diagnosis of HIV), as recommended by the World Health Organization (WHO) increased in all seven countries (Cote d'Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Haiti, Malawi, South Africa, Uganda, and Zambia); however, in 2015, the rate of testing for early infant diagnosis among HIV-exposed infants was <50% in five countries. HIV positivity among those tested declined in all seven countries, with three countries (Cote d'Ivoire, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and Uganda) reporting >50% decline. The most common challenges for access to testing for early infant diagnosis included difficulties in specimen transport, long turnaround time between specimen collection and receipt of results, and limitations in supply chain management. Further reductions in HIV mortality in children can be achieved through continued expansion and improvement of services for early infant diagnosis in PEPFAR-supported countries, including initiatives targeted to reach HIV-exposed infants, ensure access to programs for early infant diagnosis of HIV, and facilitate prompt linkage to treatment for children diagnosed with HIV infection. |
Scale-up of HIV viral load monitoring - seven Sub-Saharan African countries
Lecher S , Ellenberger D , Kim AA , Fonjungo PN , Agolory S , Borget MY , Broyles L , Carmona S , Chipungu G , De Cock KM , Deyde V , Downer M , Gupta S , Kaplan JE , Kiyaga C , Knight N , MacLeod W , Makumbi B , Muttai H , Mwangi C , Mwangi JW , Mwasekaga M , Ng'Ang ALw , Pillay Y , Sarr A , Sawadogo S , Singer D , Stevens W , Toure CA , Nkengasong J . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2015 64 (46) 1287-90 To achieve global targets for universal treatment set forth by the Joint United Nations Programme on human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) (UNAIDS), viral load monitoring for HIV-infected persons receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART) must become the standard of care in low- and middle-income countries (LMIC) (1). CDC and other U.S. government agencies, as part of the President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, are supporting multiple countries in sub-Saharan Africa to change from the use of CD4 cell counts for monitoring of clinical response to ART to the use of viral load monitoring, which is the standard of care in developed countries. Viral load monitoring is the preferred method for immunologic monitoring because it enables earlier and more accurate detection of treatment failure before immunologic decline. This report highlights the initial successes and challenges of viral load monitoring in seven countries that have chosen to scale up viral load testing as a national monitoring strategy for patients on ART in response to World Health Organization (WHO) recommendations. Countries initiating viral load scale-up in 2014 observed increases in coverage after scale-up, and countries initiating in 2015 are anticipating similar trends. However, in six of the seven countries, viral load testing coverage in 2015 remained below target levels. Inefficient specimen transport, need for training, delays in procurement and distribution, and limited financial resources to support scale-up hindered progress. Country commitment and effective partnerships are essential to address the financial, operational, technical, and policy challenges of the rising demand for viral load monitoring. |
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