Last data update: Feb 28, 2025. (Total: 48803 publications since 2009)
Records 1-12 (of 12 Records) |
Query Trace: Chen GX[original query] |
Working hours, shift, and remote work by industry and occupation in U.S. full-time workers
Chen GX . Work Health Safety 2024 Background: This study examines working hours, shift work, and remote work patterns by occupation and industry among U.S. full-time workers, along with the association between working and sleeping hours. Methods: Utilizing data from 2011 to 2020 American Time Use Survey, this national household survey examines how individuals aged 15 years or older in the United States spend their time within a 24-hour period. Findings: In 2011 to 2019, U.S. full-time workers averaged 8.1 hours of work and 7.8 hours spent sleep on workdays, increasing to 9.6 hours on non-workdays. Among all occupations, Emergency medical technicians and paramedics had the longest average working hours (10.4 hours). Protective services occupations had the highest percentage (41.7%) of workers reporting often working shifts other than daytime. Among all industries, truck transportation industry had the longest average working hours (9.2). Food services and drinking places industries had the highest percentage (28.6%) of workers reporting often working shifts other than daytime. Working hours showed a negative association with sleeping hours. In 2020, 34.0% of full-time workers reported remote work due to COVID-19, with the largest percentage (72.3%) occurring in business and financial operations. Conclusions: The study findings offer essential benchmarks for comparing working hours and schedules across diverse occupations and industries. These insights empower occupational health practitioners to advocate for prevention measures, addressing health concerns arising from prolonged working hours and shift work. © 2024 The Author(s). |
Research gaps and needs for preventing worker fatigue in the transportation and utilities industries
Sieber WK , Chen GX , Krueger GP , Lincoln JE , Menéndez CC , O'Connor MB . Am J Ind Med 2022 65 (11) 857-866 BACKGROUND: The transportation and utilities industries include establishments engaged in the movement of passengers and freight, or the provision of public power, water, and other services. Along with the warehousing industry, they make up the US National Occupational Research Agenda's Transportation, Warehousing and Utilities (TWU) industry sector. In 2018 the sector composed 5% of the US workforce, with approximately 8 million workers. TWU workers experienced 19% of all fatalities among U.S. workers in 2018 and 7% of total occupational injuries and illnesses. METHODS: Around-the-clock operations, heavy workloads, long and irregular shifts, complicated schedules, and time pressures characterize work across the US TWU sector. However, there are considerable differences in worker priorities and concerns between TWU industries. Major areas of concern within the sector include disparities in work schedules; required training for employee fatigue awareness and prevention; physical and mental job demands; and safety culture. RESULTS: Strategies for fatigue mitigation are critical to reduce the prevalence of injuries, safety-critical events, and crashes in TWU workers. Further research on the incidence and characterization of fatigue among TWU workers will guide the development of effective mitigation strategies. The influence of work scheduling on missed sleep opportunities and disrupted circadian rhythms should be determined. Evaluation of fatigue mitigation strategies can lead to the adoption of the most effective ones for each TWU industry. CONCLUSION: Implementation of effective strategies is critical for the health, safety, wellbeing, and productivity of workers in the TWU sector. |
Truck driver reported unrealistically tight delivery schedules linked to their opinions of maximum speed limits and hours-of-service rules and their compliance with these safety laws and regulations
Chen GX , Sieber WK , Collins JW , Hitchcock EM , Lincoln JE , Pratt SG , Sweeney MH . Saf Sci 2021 133 Objectives: The study objectives were to examine U.S. long-haul truck drivers (LHTDs)' opinions on their safety needs and to assess the associations of driver reported unrealistically tight delivery schedules with: (1) their opinions on their compensation, maximum speed limits, and Hours-of-Service (HOS) regulations, and (2) their behaviors of noncompliance with these safety laws and regulations. Method(s): National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health analyzed data from its 2010 national survey of LHTD health and injury. A total of 1,265 drivers completed the survey. Logistic regression was used to examine the associations between driver reported unrealistically tight delivery schedule and their opinion on safety and unsafe driving behaviors. Result(s): Drivers who reported often receiving an unrealistically tight delivery schedule (an estimated 15.5% of LHTDs) were significantly more likely than drivers who reported never receiving an unrealistically tight delivery schedule to report that: (1) increasing the current maximum speed limit on interstate highways by 10 miles per hour (mph) would improve safety (odds ratio (OR) = 2.1); (2) strictly enforcing HOS rules would not improve safety (OR = 1.8); (3) they often drove 10 mph or more over the speed limit (OR = 7.5); (4) HOS regulations were often violated (OR = 10.9); (5) they often continued to drive despite fatigue, bad weather, or heavy traffic because their must delivery or pick up a load at a given time (OR = 7.5); and (6) their work was never adequately rewarded (OR = 4.5). When presented with 11 potential safety strategies, the largest percentage of LHTDs (95.4%) selected that building more truck stops/parking areas would improve truck driver safety. Conclusion(s): Driver reported unrealistically tight delivery schedules are associated with drivers' beliefs in safety laws/regulations and risk-taking behaviors. LHTDs see building more truck stops/rest areas as the most wanted safety need among the 11 potential safety strategies that were asked about in the survey. |
Evaluation of an in-vehicle monitoring system (IVMS) to reduce risky driving behaviors in commercial drivers: Comparison of in-cab warning lights and supervisory coaching with videos of driving behavior
Bell JL , Taylor MA , Chen GX , Kirk RD , Leatherman ER . J Safety Res 2016 60 125-136 Problem: Roadway incidents are the leading cause of work-related death in the United States.: Methods: The objective of this research was to evaluate whether two types of feedback from a commercially available in-vehicle monitoring system (IVMS) would reduce the incidence of risky driving behaviors in drivers from two companies. IVMS were installed in 315 vehicles representing the industries of local truck transportation and oil and gas support operations, and data were collected over an approximate two-year period in intervention and control groups. In one period, intervention group drivers were given feedback from in-cab warning lights from an IVMS that indicated occurrence of harsh vehicle maneuvers. In another period, intervention group drivers viewed video recordings of their risky driving behaviors with supervisors, and were coached by supervisors on safe driving practices.: Results: Risky driving behaviors declined significantly more during the period with coaching plus instant feedback with lights in comparison to the period with lights-only feedback (ORadj = 0.61 95% CI 0.43-0.86; Holm-adjusted p = 0.035) and the control group (ORadj = 0.52 95% CI 0.33-0.82; Holm-adjusted p = 0.032). Lights-only feedback was not found to be significantly different than the control group's decline from baseline (ORadj = 0.86 95% CI 0.51-1.43; Holm-adjusted p. >. 0.05).: Conclusions: The largest decline in the rate of risky driving behaviors occurred when feedback included both supervisory coaching and lights.: Practical applications: Supervisory coaching is an effective form of feedback to improve driving habits in the workplace. The potential advantages and limitations of this IVMS-based intervention program are discussed. |
A pilot study of healthy living options at 16 truck stops across the United States
Lincoln JE , Birdsey J , Sieber WK , Chen GX , Hitchcock EM , Nakata A , Robinson CF . Am J Health Promot 2016 32 (3) 546-553 PURPOSE: There is a growing body of evidence that the built environment influences diet and exercise and, as a consequence, community health status. Since long-haul truck drivers spend long periods of time at truck stops, it is important to know if this built environment includes resources that contribute to the emotional and physical well-being of drivers. SETTING: The truck stop environment was defined as the truck stop itself, grocery stores, and medical clinics near the truck stop that could be accessed by a large truck or safely on foot. DESIGN: Researchers at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) developed and utilized a checklist to record the availability of resources for personal hygiene and comfort, communication and mental stimulation, health care, safety, physical activity, and nutrition at truck stops. SUBJECTS: The NIOSH checklist was used to collect data at a convenience sample of 16 truck stops throughout the United States along both high-flow and low-flow truck traffic routes. MEASURES: The checklist was completed by observation within and around the truck stops. RESULTS: No truck stops offered exercise facilities, 94% lacked access to health care, 81% lacked a walking path, 50% lacked fresh fruit, and 37% lacked fresh vegetables in their restaurant or convenience store. CONCLUSION: The NIOSH found that most truck stops did not provide an overall healthy living environment. |
The influence of daily sleep patterns of commercial truck drivers on driving performance
Chen GX , Fang Y , Guo F , Hanowski RJ . Accid Anal Prev 2016 91 55-63 Fatigued and drowsy driving has been found to be a major cause of truck crashes. Lack of sleep is the number one cause of fatigue and drowsiness. However, there are limited data on the sleep patterns (sleep duration, sleep percentage in the duration of non-work period, and the time when sleep occurred) of truck drivers in non-work periods and the impact on driving performance. This paper examined sleep patterns of 96 commercial truck drivers during non-work periods and evaluated the influence these sleep patterns had on truck driving performance. Data were from the Naturalistic Truck Driving Study. Each driver participated in the study for approximately four weeks. A shift was defined as a non-work period followed by a work period. A total of 1397 shifts were identified. Four distinct sleep patterns were identified based on sleep duration, sleep start/end point in a non-work period, and the percentage of sleep with reference to the duration of non-work period. Driving performance was measured by safety-critical events, which included crashes, near-crashes, crash-relevant conflicts, and unintentional lane deviations. Negative binomial regression was used to evaluate the association between the sleep patterns and driving performance, adjusted for driver demographic information. The results showed that the sleep pattern with the highest safety-critical event rate was associated with shorter sleep, sleep in the early stage of a non-work period, and less sleep between 1 a.m. and 5 a.m. This study also found that male drivers, with fewer years of commercial vehicle driving experience and higher body mass index, were associated with deteriorated driving performance and increased driving risk. The results of this study could inform hours-of-service policy-making and benefit safety management in the trucking industry. |
NIOSH national survey of long-haul truck drivers: injury and safety
Chen GX , Sieber WK , Lincoln JE , Birdsey J , Hitchcock EM , Nakata A , Robinson CF , Collins JW , Sweeney MH . Accid Anal Prev 2015 85 66-72 Approximately 1,701,500 people were employed as heavy and tractor-trailer truck drivers in the United States in 2012. The majority of them were long-haul truck drivers (LHTDs). There are limited data on occupational injury and safety in LHTDs, which prompted a targeted national survey. The National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health conducted a nationally representative survey of 1265 LHTDs at 32 truck stops across the contiguous United States in 2010. Data were collected on truck crashes, near misses, moving violations, work-related injuries, work environment, safety climate, driver training, job satisfaction, and driving behaviors. Results suggested that an estimated 2.6% of LHTDs reported a truck crash in 2010, 35% reported at least one crash while working as an LHTD, 24% reported at least one near miss in the previous 7 days, 17% reported at least one moving violation ticket and 4.7% reported a non-crash injury involving days away from work in the previous 12 months. The majority (68%) of non-crash injuries among company drivers were not reported to employers. An estimate of 73% of LHTDs (16% often and 58% sometimes) perceived their delivery schedules unrealistically tight; 24% often continued driving despite fatigue, bad weather, or heavy traffic because they needed to deliver or pick up a load at a given time; 4.5% often drove 10miles per hours or more over the speed limit; 6.0% never wore a seatbelt; 36% were often frustrated by other drivers on the road; 35% often had to wait for access to a loading dock; 37% reported being noncompliant with hours-of-service rules (10% often and 27% sometimes); 38% of LHTDs perceived their entry-level training inadequate; and 15% did not feel that safety of workers was a high priority with their management. This survey brings to light a number of important safety issues for further research and interventions, e.g., high prevalence of truck crashes, injury underreporting, unrealistically tight delivery schedules, noncompliance with hours-of-service rules, and inadequate entry-level training. |
Vital Signs: seat belt use among long-haul truck drivers - United States, 2010
Chen GX , Collins JW , Sieber WK , Pratt SG , Rodriguez-Acosta RL , Lincoln JE , Birdsey J , Hitchcock EM , Robinson CF . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2015 64 (8) 217-21 BACKGROUND: Motor vehicle crashes were the leading cause of occupational fatalities in the United States in 2012, accounting for 25% of deaths. Truck drivers accounted for 46% of these deaths. This study estimates the prevalence of seat belt use and identifies factors associated with nonuse of seat belts among long-haul truck drivers (LHTDs), a group of workers at high risk for fatalities resulting from truck crashes. METHODS: CDC analyzed data from its 2010 national survey of LHTD health and injury. A total of 1,265 drivers completed the survey interview. Logistic regression was used to examine the association between seat belt nonuse and risk factors. RESULTS: An estimated 86.1% of LHTDs reported often using a seat belt, 7.8% used it sometimes, and 6.0% never. Reporting never using a belt was associated with often driving ≥10 mph (16 kph) over the speed limit (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] = 2.9), working for a company with no written safety program (AOR = 2.8), receiving two or more tickets for moving violations in the preceding 12 months (AOR = 2.2), living in a state without a primary belt law (AOR = 2.1); and being female (AOR = 2.3). CONCLUSIONS: Approximately 14% of LHTDs are at increased risk for injury and death because they do not use a seat belt on every trip. Safety programs and other management interventions, engineering changes, and design changes might increase seat belt use among LHTDs. IMPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC HEALTH: Primary state belt laws can help increase belt use among LHTDs. Manufacturers can use recently collected anthropometric data to design better-fitting and more comfortable seat belt systems. |
National Survey of US Long-Haul Truck Driver Health and Injury: health behaviors
Birdsey J , Sieber WK , Chen GX , Hitchcock EM , Lincoln JE , Nakata A , Robinson CF , Sweeney MH . J Occup Environ Med 2015 57 (2) 210-216 OBJECTIVE: To compare selected health behaviors and body mass index (modifiable risk factors) of US long-haul truck drivers to the US working population by sex. METHODS: The National Survey of US Long-Haul Truck Driver Health and Injury interviewed a nationally representative sample of long-haul truck drivers (n = 1265) at truck stops. Age-adjusted results were compared with national health surveys. RESULTS: Compared with US workers, drivers had significantly higher body mass index, current cigarette use, and pack-years of smoking; lower prevalence of annual influenza vaccination; and generally lower alcohol consumption. Physical activity level was low for most drivers, and 25% had never had their cholesterol levels tested. CONCLUSIONS: Working conditions common to long-haul trucking may create significant barriers to certain healthy behaviors; thus, transportation and health professionals should address the unique work environment when developing interventions for long-haul drivers. |
Occupational fatalities among driver/sales workers and truck drivers in the United States, 2003-2008
Chen GX , Amandus HE , Wu N . Am J Ind Med 2014 57 (7) 800-9 BACKGROUND: This study provides a national profile of occupational fatalities among truck drivers and driver-sales workers. METHODS: Data from the 2003-2008 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries were used. Cases were extracted specifically for occupational subcategories included in the Driver/Sales Workers and Truck Drivers occupational category: Driver/Sales Workers, Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers, and Light Truck or Delivery Services Drivers. RESULTS: In 2003-2008, the group Driver/Sales Workers and Truck Drivers had 5,568 occupational fatalities, representing 17% of all occupational fatalities in the United States. The majority of these fatalities were in the subgroup Heavy and Tractor-Trailer Truck Drivers (85%) and due to transportation incidents (80%). Older and male drivers had higher fatality rates than their counterparts. CONCLUSIONS: Findings suggest a need for targeted interventions to reduce highway fatalities among heavy truck drivers. Better employment data are needed to separate the three occupational subcategories by worker characteristic and employment history for use in research and prevention efforts. |
Obesity and other risk factors: the National Survey of U.S. Long-Haul Truck Driver Health and Injury
Sieber WK , Robinson CF , Birdsey J , Chen GX , Hitchcock EM , Lincoln JE , Nakata A , Sweeney MH . Am J Ind Med 2014 57 (6) 615-26 BACKGROUND: Drivers of heavy and tractor-trailer trucks accounted for 56% of all production and nonsupervisory employees in the truck transportation industry in 2011. There are limited data for illness and injury in long-haul truck drivers, which prompted a targeted national survey. METHODS: Interviewers collected data during 2010 from 1,670 long-haul truck drivers at 32 truck stops across the 48 contiguous United States that were used to compute prevalence estimates for self-reported health conditions and risk factors. RESULTS: Obesity (69% vs. 31%, P < 0.01) and current smoking (51% vs. 19%, P < 0.01) were twice as prevalent in long-haul truck drivers as in the 2010 U.S. adult working population. Sixty-one percent reported having two or more of the risk factors: hypertension, obesity, smoking, high cholesterol, no physical activity, 6 or fewer hours of sleep per 24-hr period. CONCLUSION: Survey findings suggest a need for targeted interventions and continued surveillance for long-haul truck drivers. |
Nonfatal work-related motor vehicle injuries treated in emergency departments in the United States, 1998-2002
Chen GX . Am J Ind Med 2009 52 (9) 698-706 BACKGROUND: Current data on nonfatal work-related motor vehicle injuries are limited and fragmented, often excluding government workers, self-employed workers, and workers on small farms. This study seeks to bridge the present data gap by providing a national profile of nonfatal work-related motor vehicle injuries across all industries and occupations. METHODS: Study subjects were people who suffered nonfatal work-related motor vehicle injuries and were treated in a hospital emergency department in the United States. Subjects were identified from a stratified probability sample of emergency departments. National estimates and rates were computed. RESULTS: From 1998 to 2002, the average annual rate of nonfatal work-related motor vehicle injuries was 7 injuries per 10,000 full-time equivalents. The rate was three times higher in men than in women. The rates were higher in workers 15-19 years of age and in workers 70 years or older. Justice, public order, and safety workers had the largest number of injuries, and taxicab service employees had the highest injury rate of all industries. Truck drivers had the largest number of injuries, and police and detectives, public service employees had the highest injury rate of all occupations. CONCLUSION: Future efforts need to develop and enhance the use of surveillance information at the federal and state level for work-related nonfatal motor vehicle injuries. Prevention efforts need to address occupational motor vehicle safety for both commercial truck/bus drivers and workers who are not commercial drivers but who drive light motor vehicles on the job. |
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