Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 63 Records) |
Query Trace: Casper M[original query] |
Assessing mental health effects of eastern kentucky households after the state's deadliest flood: Using a Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER)
Johnson O , Balasuriya L , Riley T , Lockard AS , Raleigh A , Ellis M , Schnall AH , Hanchey A , Thoroughman D . Disaster Med Public Health Prep 2025 18 e331 ![]() OBJECTIVES: On July 28, 2022, eastern Kentucky experienced the state's deadliest flood in recorded history. In response to ongoing mental health concerns from community members who survived the flood, local health department directors in affected communities requested technical assistance from the Kentucky Department for Public Health and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. METHODS: Two simultaneous Community Assessments for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPERs) were conducted 6 weeks after the flood. Four counties were assessed in each CASPER. EpiInfo7 was used to calculate the unweighted and weighted frequencies and percentages to estimate the number and percentage of households with a particular response in each CASPER. RESULTS: Approximately a third (30.5%) of households in CASPER 1 and approximately 40% of households in CASPER 2 reported experiencing ≥1 mental health problems. Individual-level mental health questions from a modified 3-stage CASPER found approximately 15% of persons in both CASPERs reported a Patient Health Questionnaire-2 (PHQ-2) score ≥3 and approximately 20% of persons in both CASPERs reported Generalized Anxiety Disorder-2 (GAD-2) score ≥3. CONCLUSIONS: These findings indicated households experienced mental health problems after the flood. Depression and anxiety were prevalent among persons living in flood-affected areas. If ever needed, households preferred to receive mental health services in-person and locally. |
Experiences of communities living in shelters during the 2022 Eastern Kentucky floods
Balasuriya L , Johnson O , Riley T , Lockard AS , McManus P , Raleigh A , Ellis M , Schnall AH , Hanchey A , Darling S , Bolen K , Thoroughman D . Disaster Med Public Health Prep 2024 18 e309 BACKGROUND: On July 28, 2022, floods in eastern Kentucky displaced over 600 individuals. With the goal of understanding mental health needs of affected families, we surveyed households living in flood evacuation shelters after the 2022 Kentucky floods. METHODS: Families experiencing displacement from the 2022 Kentucky floods currently living in three different temporary shelter locations were surveyed via convenience sampling. A rapid community needs assessment involving in-person interviews using modified two stage cluster methodology (CASPER) was conducted between September 6-9, 2022. RESULTS: Teams conducted 61 household interviews. Since the flood, 27.7% reported that their household received services from behavioral health and 19.6% received grief counseling. Experiencing agitation (36.7%), difficulty concentrating (47.5%), nightmares (62.3%), or suicidal thoughts/self-harm (6.6%) were reported by households surveyed. Over one-fourth (27.0%) of individuals surveyed reported being depressed nearly every day. Over 20% reported anhedonia (inability to feel pleasure) nearly every day. Over 75% of individuals surveyed reported being anxious several days or more over the last two weeks. Over one-third of individuals (34.0%) reported being unable to stop worrying nearly every day. Of those individuals surveyed, 36.1% reported barriers to mental health services. CONCLUSIONS: Symptoms of depressed mood, anhedonia, anxiety, and nightmares were prevalent in displaced families six weeks after the 2022 Kentucky floods. Providing and encouraging access to mental health services are important priorities during disaster recovery. |
Applying a bayesian spatiotemporal model to examine excess county-level cardiovascular disease death rates during the COVID-19 pandemic
Vaughan AS , Quick H , Beck KB , Woodruff RC , DeLara D , Casper M . Am J Epidemiol 2024 ![]() Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, national cardiovascular disease (CVD) death rates increased, especially among younger adults. County-level variation has not been documented. Using county-level CVD deaths (ICD-10 codes: I00-I99) from the US National Vital Statistics System, we developed a Bayesian multivariate spatiotemporal model to estimate excess CVD death rates in 2020 based on trends from 2010-2019 for adults aged 35-64 and ≥65 years. Among adults aged 35-64 years, 64.7% of counties experienced significant excess CVD death rates. The median county-level CVD death rate in 2020 was 150 per 100,000 persons, which exceeded the predicted rate for 2020 (median excess death rate: 11 per 100,000; median excess rate ratio: 1.08). Among adults aged ≥65 years, 15.2% of counties experienced significant excess CVD death rates. The median county-level CVD death rate was 1,546 per 100,000 in 2020, which exceeded the predicted rate in 2020 (median excess death rate: 48 per 100,000, median excess rate ratio: 1.03). Counties with significant excess death rates in 2020 were geographically dispersed. In 2020, disruptions of county-level CVD death rates were widespread, especially among younger adults, suggesting the continued importance of CVD prevention and treatment in younger adults in communities across the country. |
Evaluating an equity-focused approach to assess climate resilience and disaster priorities through a community survey
Lovell S , Vickery J , López P , Rodríguez AJ , Cummings BJ , Moloney K , Berman J , Bostrom A , Isaksen TB , Estrada E , Hartwell C , Kohler P , Kramer CB , Patel R , Schnall AH , Smith MH , Errett NA . PLoS One 2024 19 (6) e0302106 As the Duwamish Valley community in Seattle, Washington, U.S.A. and other environmental justice communities nationally contend with growing risks from climate change, there have been calls for a more community-centered approach to understanding impacts and priorities to inform resilience planning. To engage community members and identify climate justice and resilience priorities, a partnership of community leaders, government-based practitioners, and academics co-produced a survey instrument and collected data from the community using the Seattle Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (SASPER), an approach adapted from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER). In addition, we conducted a process and outcome project evaluation using quantitative survey data collected from volunteers and qualitative semi-structured interviews with project team members. In October and November 2022, teams of volunteers from partner organizations collected 162 surveys from households in the Duwamish Valley. Poor air quality, extreme heat, and wildfires were among the highest reported hazards of concern. Most Duwamish Valley households agreed or strongly agreed that their neighborhood has a strong sense of community (64%) and that they have people nearby to call when they need help (69%). Forty-seven percent of households indicated willingness to get involved with resilience planning, and 62% of households said that they would use a Resilience Hub during an emergency. Survey volunteers evaluated their participation positively, with over 85% agreeing or strongly agreeing that they learned new skills, were prepared for the survey, and would participate in future assessments. The evaluation interviews underscored that while the SASPER may have demonstrated feasibility in a pre-disaster phase, CASPER may not meet all community/partner needs in the immediate disaster response phase because of its lack of focus on equity and logistical requirements. Future research should focus on identifying less resource intensive data collection approaches that maintain the rigor and reputation of CASPER while enabling a focus on equity. |
County-level cardiac rehabilitation and broadband availability: Opportunities for hybrid care in the United States
DeLara DL , Pollack LM , Wall HK , Chang A , Schieb L , Matthews K , Stolp H , Pack QR , Casper M , Jackson SL . J Cardiopulm Rehabil Prev 2024 PURPOSE: Cardiac rehabilitation (CR) improves patient outcomes and quality of life and can be provided virtually through hybrid CR. However, little is known about CR availability in conjunction with broadband access, a requirement for hybrid CR. This study examined the intersection of CR and broadband availability at the county level, nationwide. METHODS: Data were gathered and analyzed in 2022 from the 2019 American Community Survey, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and the Federal Communications Commission. Spatially adaptive floating catchments were used to calculate county-level percent CR availability among Medicare fee-for-service beneficiaries. Counties were categorized: by CR availability, whether lowest (ie, CR deserts), medium, or highest; and by broadband availability, whether CR deserts with majority-available broadband, or dual deserts. Results were stratified by state. County-level characteristics were examined for statistical significance by CR availability category. RESULTS: Almost half of US adults (n = 116 325 976, 47.2%) lived in CR desert counties (1691 counties). Among adults in CR desert counties, 96.8% were in CR deserts with majority-available broadband (112 626 906). By state, the percentage of the adult population living in CR desert counties ranged from 3.2% (New Hampshire) to 100% (Hawaii and Washington, DC). Statistically significant differences in county CR availability existed by race/ethnicity, education, and income. CONCLUSIONS: Almost half of US adults live in CR deserts. Given that up to 97% of adults living in CR deserts may have broadband access, implementation of hybrid CR programs that include a telehealth component could expand CR availability to as many as 113 million US adults. |
Stroke mortality and stroke hospitalizations: Racial differences and similarities in the geographic patterns of high burden communities among older adults
Evans K , Casper M , Schieb L , DeLara D , Vaughan AS . Prev Chronic Dis 2024 21 E26 |
Finding optimal locations for implementing innovative hypertension management approaches among African American populations: Mapping barbershops, hair salons, and community health centers
Fujii Y , Streeter TE , Schieb L , Casper M , Wall HK . Prev Chronic Dis 2024 21 E10 |
Rural-urban disparities in cardiovascular disease mortality vary by poverty level and region
Sekkarie A , Woodruff RC , Casper M , Paul AT , Vaughan AS . J Rural Health 2024 PURPOSE: To examine rural and urban disparities in cardiovascular disease (CVD) death rates by poverty level and region. METHODS: Using 2021 county-level population and mortality data for CVD deaths listed as the underlying cause among adults aged 35-64 years, we calculated age-standardized CVD death rates and rate ratios (RR) for 4 categories of counties: high-poverty rural, high-poverty urban, low-poverty rural, and low-poverty urban (referent). Results are presented nationally and by US Census region. FINDINGS: Rural and urban disparities in CVD mortality varied markedly by poverty and region. Nationally, the CVD death rate was highest among high-poverty rural areas (191 deaths per 100,000, RR: 1.76, CI: 1.73-1.78). By region, Southern high-poverty rural areas had the highest CVD death rate (256 deaths per 100,000) and largest disparity relative to low-poverty urban areas (RR: 2.05; CI: 2.01-2.09). In the Midwest and West, CVD death rates among high-poverty areas were higher than low-poverty areas, regardless of rural or urban classification. CONCLUSIONS: Results reinforce the importance of prioritizing high-poverty rural areas, especially in the South, in efforts to reduce CVD mortality. These efforts may need to consider socioeconomic conditions and region, in addition to rural and urban disparities. |
Differences in geographic patterns of absolute and relative black-white disparities in stroke mortality in the United States
Flynn A , Vaughan AS , Casper M . Prev Chronic Dis 2022 19 E63 In the US, racial disparities in stroke death rates are particularly large among working age adults, for whom the stroke death rate in 2019 among non-Hispanic Black adults aged 35 to 64 years was 2.4 times that of their non-Hispanic White counterparts (1,2). These national disparities occur in the context of marked local variation in stroke death rates among both Black and White populations. Within the Stroke Belt (a band of southern US states with high stroke mortality), stroke death rates for both Black and White populations are persistently high (3). However, county-level racial disparities in stroke death rates have not been documented. These data are critical to addressing racial inequities in stroke mortality by shaping public health agendas, engaging communities, and guiding prioritization and development of programs, interventions, and policies (2,4). Therefore, we calculated race-specific stroke death rates in 2019 for adults aged 35 to 64 years and mapped the geographic variation of the largest absolute and relative BlackWhite disparities in stroke death rates (Map A) and of the highest stroke death rates for Black populations and White populations (Map B). |
A dynamic visualization tool of local trends in heart disease and stroke mortality in the United States
Le P , Casper M , Vaughan AS . Prev Chronic Dis 2022 19 E57 ![]() Efforts in the US to prevent and treat cardiovascular disease (CVD) contributed to large decreases in death rates for decades; however, in the last decade, progress has stalled, and in many counties, CVD death rates have increased. Because of these increases, there is heightened urgency to disseminate high-quality data on the temporal trends in CVD mortality. The Local Trends in Heart Disease and Stroke Mortality Dashboard is an online, interactive visualization of US county-level death rates and trends for several CVD outcomes across stratifications of age, race and ethnicity, and sex. This powerful visualization tool generates national maps of death rates and trends, state maps of death rates and trends, county-level line plots of annual death rates, and bar charts of percentage changes. County-level death rates and trends were estimated by applying a Bayesian spatiotemporal model to data obtained from the National Vital Statistics System of the National Center for Health Statistics and US Census bridged-race intercensal estimates for the years 1999 through 2019. The Local Trends in Heart Disease and Stroke Mortality Dashboard makes it easy for public health practitioners, health care providers, and community leaders to monitor county-level spatiotemporal trends in CVD mortality by age group, race and ethnicity, and sex and provides key information for identifying and addressing local health inequities in CVD mortality trends. |
The where of when: Geographic variation in the timing of recent increases in US county-level heart disease death rates
Vaughan AS , Flynn A , Casper M . Ann Epidemiol 2022 72 18-24 ![]() PURPOSE: Within the context of local increases in US heart disease death rates, we estimated when increasing heart disease death rates began by county among adults aged 35-64 years and characterized geographic variation. METHODS: We applied Bayesian spatiotemporal models to vital statistics data to estimate the timing (i.e., the year) of increasing county-level heart disease death rates during 1999-2019 among adults aged 35-64 years. To examine geographic variation, we stratified results by US Census region and urban-rural classification. RESULTS: The onset of increasing heart disease death rates among adults aged 35-64 years spanned the two-decade study period from 1999 through 2019. Overall, 43.5% (95% CI: 41.3, 45.6) of counties began increasing before 2011, with early increases more prevalent outside of the most urban counties and outside of the Northeast. Roughly one-in-five (18.4% [95% CI: 15.6, 20.7]) counties continued to decline throughout the study period. CONCLUSIONS: This variation suggests that factors associated with these geographic classifications may be critical in establishing the timing of changing trends in heart disease death rates. These results reinforce the importance of spatiotemporal surveillance in the early identification of adverse trends and in informing opportunities for tailored policies and programs. |
County-level trends in hypertension-related cardiovascular disease mortality-United States, 2000 to 2019
Vaughan AS , Coronado F , Casper M , Loustalot F , Wright JS . J Am Heart Assoc 2022 11 (7) e024785 ![]() Background Amid stagnating declines in national cardiovascular disease (CVD) mortality, documenting trends in county-level hypertension-related CVD death rates can help activate local efforts prioritizing hypertension prevention, detection, and control. Methods and Results Using death certificate data from the National Vital Statistics System, Bayesian spatiotemporal models were used to estimate county-level hypertension-related CVD death rates and corresponding trends during 2000 to 2010 and 2010 to 2019 for adults aged 35 years overall and by age group, race or ethnicity, and sex. Among adults aged 35 to 64years, county-level hypertension-related CVD death rates increased from a median of 23.2 per 100000 in 2000 to 43.4 per 100000 in 2019. Among adults aged 65years, county-level hypertension-related CVD death rates increased from a median of 362.1 per 100000 in 2000 to 430.1 per 100000 in 2019. Increases were larger and more prevalent among adults aged 35 to 64years than those aged 65years. More than 75% of counties experienced increasing hypertension-related CVD death rates among patients aged 35 to 64years during 2000 to 2010 and 2010 to 2019 (76.2% [95% credible interval, 74.7-78.4] and 86.2% [95% credible interval, 84.6-87.6], respectively), compared with 48.2% (95% credible interval, 47.0-49.7) during 2000 to 2010 and 66.1% (95% credible interval, 64.9-67.1) for patients aged 65years. The highest rates for both age groups were among men and Black populations. All racial and ethnic categories in both age groups experienced widespread county-level increases. Conclusions Large, widespread county-level increases in hypertension-related CVD mortality sound an alarm for intensified clinical and public health actions to improve hypertension prevention, detection, and control and prevent subsequent CVD deaths in counties across the nation. |
Prevalence and trends of coronary heart disease in the United States, 2011 to 2018
Lee YH , Fang J , Schieb L , Park S , Casper M , Gillespie C . JAMA Cardiol 2022 7 (4) 459-462 This survey study examines prevalence of coronary heart disease and the trend from 2011 to 2018 using self-reported data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. |
Community Assessment for Mental and Physical Health Effects After Hurricane Irma - Florida Keys, May 2019
Torres-Mendoza Y , Kerr A , Schnall AH , Blackmore C , Hartley SD . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (26) 937-941 Disasters can adversely affect population health, resulting in increased need for health services. Hurricane Irma made landfall in the Florida Keys (Monroe County) as a Category 4 hurricane on September 10, 2017. The hurricane caused substantial damage to 65% of homes and resulted in 40 persons injured and 17 deaths from hurricane-related causes.* During 2018, the county suicide rate increased to 34.9 per 100,000 population from the 5-year (2013-2017) average of 25.2 per 100,000 population (1). In May 2019, 20 months after the hurricane, the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) conducted a modified Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) to assess the community's mental, physical, and economic health and develop public health interventions to decrease the suicide rate. A consenting adult member from 231 households was interviewed, and a weighted cluster analysis was conducted to estimate the number and percentage of households throughout the Florida Keys with a particular response, as well as the number and percentage of persons at risk for suicide. During the 20 months since Hurricane Irma, 17% of households reported a need for a mental health care provider; 37.9% of these did not receive those services. A modified CASPER was used to calculate population estimates of suicide risk in an area of high landfall for hurricanes; estimated population suicide risk was 7.3%. Respondents reported worsening of respiratory conditions (17.7%), anxiety (17.0%), and depression (11.3%). Emergency preparedness plans should consider strengthening mental health service delivery after a hurricane, particularly during the long-term recovery phase. |
Unequal Local Progress Towards Healthy People 2020 Objectives for Stroke and Coronary Heart Disease Mortality
Woodruff RC , Casper M , Loustalot F , Vaughan AS . Stroke 2021 52 (6) Strokeaha121034100 ![]() BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Healthy People establishes objectives to monitor the nation's health. Healthy People 2020 included objectives to reduce national stroke and coronary heart disease (CHD) mortality by 20% (to 34.8 and 103.4 deaths per 100 000, respectively). Documenting the proportion and geographic distribution of counties meeting neither the Healthy People 2020 target nor an equivalent proportional reduction can help identify high-priority geographic areas for future intervention. METHODS: County-level mortality data for stroke (International Classification of Diseases, Tenth Revision codes I60-I69) and CHD (I20-I25) and bridged-race population estimates were used. Bayesian spatiotemporal models estimated age-standardized county-level death rates in 2007 and 2017 which were used to calculate and map the proportion and 95% credible interval of counties achieving neither the national Healthy People 2020 target nor a 20% reduction in mortality. RESULTS: In 2017, 45.8% of counties (credible interval, 42.9-48.3) met neither metric for stroke mortality. These counties had a median stroke death rate of 42.2 deaths per 100 000 in 2017, representing a median 12.8% decline. For CHD mortality, 26.1% (credible interval, 25.0-27.8) of counties met neither metric. These counties had a median CHD death rate of 127.1 deaths per 100 000 in 2017, representing a 10.2% decline. For both outcomes, counties achieving neither metric were not limited to counties with traditionally high stroke and CHD death rates. CONCLUSIONS: Recent declines in stroke and CHD mortality have not been equal across US counties. Focusing solely on high mortality counties may miss opportunities in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease and in learning more about factors leading to successful reductions in mortality. |
Changing spatiotemporal trends in county-level heart failure death rates in the United States, 1999 to 2018
Vaughan AS , George MG , Jackson SL , Schieb L , Casper M . J Am Heart Assoc 2021 10 (4) e018125 ![]() Background Amid recently rising heart failure (HF) death rates in the United States, we describe county-level trends in HF mortality from 1999 to 2018 by racial/ethnic group and sex for ages 35 to 64 years and 65 years and older. Methods and Results Applying a hierarchical Bayesian model to National Vital Statistics data representing all US deaths, ages 35 years and older, we estimated annual age-standardized county-level HF death rates and percent change by age group, racial/ethnic group, and sex from 1999 through 2018. During 1999 to 2011, ~30% of counties experienced increasing HF death rates among adults ages 35 to 64 years. However, during 2011 to 2018, 86.9% (95% CI, 85.2-88.2) of counties experienced increasing mortality. Likewise, for ages 65 years and older, during 1999 to 2005 and 2005 to 2011, 27.8% (95% CI, 25.8-29.8) and 12.6% (95% CI, 11.2-13.9) of counties, respectively, experienced increasing mortality. However, during 2011 to 2018, most counties (67.4% [95% CI, 65.4-69.5]) experienced increasing mortality. These temporal patterns by age group held across racial/ethnic group and sex. Conclusions These results provide local context to previously documented recent national increases in HF death rates. Although county-level declines were most common before 2011, some counties and demographic groups experienced increasing HF death rates during this period of national declines. However, recent county-level increases were pervasive, occurring across counties, racial/ethnic group, and sex, particularly among ages 35 to 64 years. These spatiotemporal patterns highlight the need to identify and address underlying clinical risk factors and social determinants of health contributing to these increasing trends. |
Progress toward achieving national targets for reducing coronary heart disease and stroke mortality: A county-level perspective
Vaughan AS , Woodruff RC , Shay CM , Loustalot F , Casper M . J Am Heart Assoc 2021 10 (4) e019562 ![]() Background The American Heart Association and Healthy People 2020 established objectives to reduce coronary heart disease (CHD) and stroke death rates by 20% by the year 2020, with 2007 as the baseline year. We examined county-level achievement of the targeted reduction in CHD and stroke death rates from 2007 to 2017. Methods and Results Applying a hierarchical Bayesian model to National Vital Statistics data, we estimated annual age-standardized county-level death rates and the corresponding percentage change during 2007 to 2017 for those aged 35 to 64 and ≥65 years and by urban-rural classification. For those aged ≥35 years, 56.1% (95% credible interval [CI], 54.1%-57.7%) and 39.8% (95% CI, 36.9%-42.7%) of counties achieved a 20% reduction in CHD and stroke death rates, respectively. For both CHD and stroke, the proportions of counties achieving a 20% reduction were lower for those aged 35 to 64 years than for those aged ≥65 years (CHD: 32.2% [95% CI, 29.4%-35.6%] and 64.1% [95% CI, 62.3%-65.7%]), respectively; stroke: 17.9% [95% CI, 13.9%-22.2%] and 45.6% [95% CI, 42.8%-48.3%]). Counties achieving a 20% reduction in death rates were more commonly urban counties (except stroke death rates for those aged ≥65 years). Conclusions Our analysis found substantial, but uneven, achievement of the targeted 20% reduction in CHD and stroke death rates, defined by the American Heart Association and Healthy People. The large proportion of counties not achieving the targeted reduction suggests a renewed focus on CHD and stroke prevention and treatment, especially among younger adults living outside of urban centers. These county-level patterns provide a foundation for robust responses by clinicians, public health professionals, and communities. |
Historic and recent trends in county-level coronary heart disease death rates by race, gender, and age group, United States, 1979-2017
Vaughan AS , Schieb L , Casper M . PLoS One 2020 15 (7) e0235839 ![]() Given recent slowing of declines in national all-cause, heart disease, and stroke mortality, examining spatiotemporal distributions of coronary heart disease (CHD) death rates and trends can provide data critical to improving the cardiovascular health of populations. This paper documents county-level CHD death rates and trends by age group, race, and gender from 1979 through 2017. Using data from the National Vital Statistics System and a Bayesian multivariate space-time conditional autoregressive model, we estimated county-level age-standardized annual CHD death rates for 1979 through 2017 by age group (35-64 years, 65 years and older), race (white, black, other), and gender (men, women). We then estimated county-level total percent change in CHD death rates during four intervals (1979-1990, 1990-2000, 2000-2010, 2010-2017) using log-linear regression models. For all intervals, national CHD death rates declined for all groups. Prior to 2010, although most counties across age, race, and gender experienced declines, pockets of increasing CHD death rates were observed in the Mississippi Delta, Oklahoma, East Texas, and New Mexico across age groups and gender, and were more prominent among non-white populations than whites. Since 2010, across age, race, and gender, county-level declines in CHD death rates have slowed, with a marked increase in the percent of counties with increasing CHD death rates (e.g. 4.4% and 19.9% for ages 35 and older during 1979-1990 and 2010-2017, respectively). Recent increases were especially prevalent and geographically widespread among ages 35-64 years, with 40.5% of counties (95% CI: 38.4, 43.1) experiencing increases. Spatiotemporal differences in these long term, county-level results can inform responses by the public health community, medical providers, researchers, and communities to address troubling recent trends. |
Stagnating national declines in stroke mortality mask widespread county-level increases, 2010-2016
Hall EW , Vaughan AS , Ritchey MD , Schieb L , Casper M . Stroke 2019 50 (12) Strokeaha119026695 ![]() Background and Purpose- Recent national and state-level trends show a stalling or reversal of previously declining stroke death rates. These national trends may mask local geographic variation and changes in stroke mortality. We assessed county-level trends in stroke mortality among adults aged 35 to 64 and >/=65 years. Methods- We used data from National Vital Statistics Systems and a Bayesian multivariate space-time conditional autoregressive model to estimate age-standardized annual stroke death rates for 2010 through 2016 among middle-aged adults (35-64 years) and older adults (>/=65 years) in US counties. We used log-linear regression models to estimate average annual and total percent change in stroke mortality during the period. Results- Nationally, the annual percent change in stroke mortality from 2010 to 2016 was -0.7% (95% CI, -4.2% to 3.0%) among middle-aged adults and -3.5% (95% CI, -10.7% to 4.3%) among older adults, resulting in 2016 rates of 15.0 per 100 000 and 259.8 per 100 000, respectively. Increasing county-level stroke mortality was more prevalent among middle-aged adults (56.6% of counties) compared with among older adults (26.1% of counties). About half (48.3%) of middle-aged adults, representing 60.2 million individuals, lived in counties in which stroke mortality increased. Conclusions- County-level increases in stroke mortality clarify previously reported national and state-level trends, particularly among middle-aged adults. Roughly 3xas many counties experienced increases in stroke death rates for middle-aged adults compared with older adults. This highlights a need to address stroke prevention and treatment for middle-aged adults while continuing efforts to reduce stroke mortality among the more highly burdened older adults. Efforts to reverse these troubling local trends will likely require joint public health and clinical efforts to develop innovative and integrated approaches for stroke prevention and care, with a focus on community-level characteristics that support stroke-free living for all. |
Population health, place, and space: Spatial perspectives in chronic disease research and practice
Casper M , Kramer MR , Peacock JM , Vaughan AS . Prev Chronic Dis 2019 16 E123 Understanding the role of place and space in shaping the geographic distributions of chronic disease is critical to informing appropriate public health responses for chronic disease prevention and treatment. A geospatial perspective on chronic disease expands the focus of public health efforts beyond the individual, providing insights and guidance for action at the community, regional, and/or national levels. Accordingly, the articles in this special collection advance our understanding of population health dynamics and geospatial disparities for a wide range of chronic disease outcomes across 3 broad themes: | | Examining connections between community-level characteristics and population health | Developing and applying spatial statistical methods and new geospatial tools | Using maps and geospatial results to guide program and policy decisions |
Community Assessments for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPERs) - US Virgin Islands, 2017-2018
Schnall AH , Wolkin AF , Roth JJ , Ellis EM . Am J Public Health 2019 109 S303-s308 Objectives. To assess preparedness levels of communities to help public health and others plan for disasters or emergencies and tailor messaging to increase community preparedness.Methods. US Virgin Islands Department of Health conducted a Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) in June 2017, 2 hurricane response CASPERs in November 2017, and a recovery CASPER in February 2018. CASPER is a 2-stage cluster sampling method designed to provide household-based information about a community's needs in a timely, inexpensive, and representative manner.Results. Roughly the same amount of households reported having a 3-day supply of food and water before and 3 months after the hurricanes. During the response, approximately a third of households resupplied between 3 and 6 days and an additional approximately 40% between days 7 and 14.Conclusions. On the basis of the CASPERs, we were able to track whether households had an emergency preparedness kit, whether they used it during the storms (and what was missing), and if they resupplied their kit in recovery.Public Health Implications. CASPER is a promising tool to measure community preparedness to help state, local, tribal, and territorial jurisdictions plan for disasters or emergencies. |
Community assessments for mosquito prevention and control experiences, attitudes, and practices - U.S. Virgin Islands, 2017 and 2018
Seger KR , Roth JJr , Schnall AH , Ellis BR , Ellis EM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2019 68 (22) 500-504 Aedes aegypti, the mosquito that carries dengue, chikungunya, and Zika viruses, is present throughout the U.S. Virgin Islands (USVI). To reduce mosquitoborne disease transmission, the USVI Department of Health (VIDOH) is responsible for integrated mosquito management. During January 2016-January 2018, USVI experienced its first Zika outbreak, with most cases reported during January-December 2016, as well as two Category 5 hurricanes (Irma on St. Thomas/St. John on September 6, 2017, and Maria on St. Croix on September 19, 2017). The hurricanes severely damaged mosquito protection-related building structures (e.g., screens, roofs) and infrastructure (e.g., electricity, air conditioning) and might have created an environment more conducive to mosquito breeding. VIDOH, with requested technical assistance from CDC, conducted three Community Assessments for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPERs) to provide rapid community information at the household level. The three CASPERs were conducted to inform 1) the Zika outbreak response, 2) the hurricane response, and 3) the hurricane recovery. The CASPERs assessed mosquito prevention and control-related experiences, attitudes, and practices; household and environmental conditions associated with mosquito breeding, prevention, and control; and other nonmosquito-related information to inform outbreak and disaster response planning. Approximately 40% of households were very concerned about contracting Zika virus during the Zika outbreak and hurricane responses. Environmental conditions were reported to become more favorable for mosquito breeding between the Zika outbreak and hurricane response. Between 75%-80% of the community supported mosquito-spraying in all assessments. VIDOH used these data to support real-time outbreak and hurricane response planning. Mosquito prevention and control community assessments can provide rapid, actionable information to advise both mosquito education and control and emergency response and recovery efforts. The CASPER design can be used by vector control programs to enhance routine and response operations. |
Application of geographic information systems to address chronic disease priorities: Experiences in state and local health departments
Brissette I , Casper M , Huston SL , Jordan M , Karns B , Kippes C , Kramer MR , Peacock JM , Vaughan AS . Prev Chronic Dis 2019 16 E65 Summary | What is already known about this topic? | Health departments are keenly aware of the importance of local-level data to effectively and efficiently reduce the burden of chronic disease. We asked 4 state and local health departments about their experiences using GIS to address chronic disease priorities. | | What is added by this report? | These responses reveal the extent to which maps and spatial analyses help to 1) document the geographic patterns of chronic disease, 2) inform resource allocation and policy, 3) develop culturally competent programs, and 4) assist with program planning, monitoring, and evaluation. | | What are the implications for public health practice? | The continued and enhanced application of GIS to chronic disease surveillance, prevention, and treatment priorities can provide valuable benefits to both health departments and the communities they serve. |
The rate stabilizing tool: Generating stable local-level measures of chronic disease
Quick H , Tootoo J , Li R , Vaughan AS , Schieb L , Casper M , Miranda ML . Prev Chronic Dis 2019 16 E38 ![]() Accurate and precise estimates of local-level epidemiologic measures are critical to informing policy and program decisions, but they often require advanced statistical knowledge, programming/coding skills, and extensive computing power. In response, we developed the Rate Stabilizing Tool (RST), an ArcGIS-based tool that enables users to input their own record-level data to generate more reliable age-standardized measures of chronic disease (eg, prevalence rates, mortality rates) or other population health outcomes at the county or census tract levels. The RST uses 2 forms of empirical Bayesian modeling (nonspatial and spatial) to estimate age-standardized rates and 95% credible intervals for user-specified geographic units. The RST also provides indicators of the reliability of point estimates. In addition to reviewing the RST's statistical techniques, we present results from a simulation study that illustrates the key benefit of smoothing. We demonstrate the dramatic reduction in root mean-squared error (rMSE), indicating a better compromise between accuracy and stability for both smoothing approaches relative to the unsmoothed estimates. Finally, we provide an example of the RST's use. This example uses heart disease mortality data for North Carolina census tracts to map the RST output, including reliability of estimates, and demonstrates a subsequent statistical test. |
Addressing community needs during the hurricane response and recovery efforts through Community Assessments for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER)-United States Virgin Islands, 2017-2018
Schnall AH , Roth JJ , Ellis B , Seger K , Davis M , Ellis EM . Disaster Med Public Health Prep 2019 13 (1) 53-62 OBJECTIVES: Two category 5 storms hit the US Virgin Islands (USVI) within 13 days of each other in September 2017. This caused an almost complete loss of power and devastated critical infrastructure such as the hospitals and airports METHODS: The USVI Department of Health conducted 2 response Community Assessments for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPERs) in November 2017 and a recovery CASPER in February 2018. CASPER is a 2-stage cluster sampling method designed to provide household-based information about a community's needs in a timely, inexpensive, and representative manner. RESULTS: Almost 70% of homes were damaged or destroyed, 81.2% of homes still needed repair, and 10.4% of respondents felt their home was unsafe to live in approximately 5 months after the storms. Eighteen percent of individual respondents indicated that their mental health was "not good" for 14 or more days in the past month, a significant increase from 2016. CONCLUSION: The CASPERs helped characterize the status and needs of residents after the devastating hurricanes and illustrate the evolving needs of the community and the progression of the recovery process. CASPER findings were shared with response and recovery partners to promote data-driven recovery efforts, improve the efficiency of the current response and recovery efforts, and strengthen emergency preparedness in USVI. (Disaster Med Public Health Preparedness. 2019;13:53-62). |
Getting the message out: Social media and word-of-mouth as effective communication methods during emergencies
Wolkin AF , Schnall AH , Nakata NK , Ellis EM . Prehosp Disaster Med 2018 34 (1) 1-6 Effective communication is a critical part of managing an emergency. During an emergency, the ways in which health agencies normally communicate warnings may not reach all of the intended audience. Not all communities are the same, and households within communities are diverse. Because different communities prefer different communication methods, community leaders and emergency planners need to know their communities' preferred methods for seeking information about an emergency. This descriptive report explores findings from previous community assessments that have collected information on communication preferences, including television (TV), social media, and word-of-mouth (WoM) delivery methods. Data were analyzed from 12 Community Assessments for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPERs) conducted from 2014-2017 that included questions regarding primary and trusted communication sources. A CASPER is a rapid needs assessment designed to gather household-based information from a community. In 75.0% of the CASPERs, households reported TV as their primary source of information for specific emergency events (range = 24.0%-83.1%). Households reporting social media as their primary source of information differed widely across CASPERs (3.2%-41.8%). In five of the CASPERs, nearly one-half of households reported WoM as their primary source of information. These CASPERs were conducted in response to a specific emergency (ie, chemical spill, harmful algal bloom, hurricane, and flood). The CASPERs conducted as part of a preparedness activity had lower percentages of households reporting WoM as their primary source of information (8.3%-10.4%). The findings in this report demonstrate the need for emergency plans to include hybrid communication models, combining traditional methods with newer technologies to reach the broadest audience. Although TV was the most commonly reported preferred source of information, segments of the population relied on social media and WoM messaging. By using multiple methods for risk communication, emergency planners are more likely to reach the whole community and engage vulnerable populations that might not have access to, trust in, or understanding of traditional news sources. Multiple communication channels that include user-generated content, such as social media and WoM, can increase the timeliness of messaging and provide community members with message confirmation from sources they trust encouraging them to take protective public health actions.Wolkin AF, Schnall AH, Nakata NK, Ellis EM. Getting the message out: social media and word-of-mouth as effective communication methods during emergencies. |
Changing rate orders of race-gender heart disease death rates: An exploration of county-level race-gender disparities
Vaughan AS , Quick H , Schieb L , Kramer MR , Taylor HA , Casper M . SSM Popul Health 2019 7 100334 A holistic view of racial and gender disparities that simultaneously compares multiple groups can suggest associated underlying contextual factors. Therefore, to more comprehensively understand temporal changes in combined racial and gender disparities, we examine variations in the orders of county-level race-gender specific heart disease death rates by age group from 1973-2015. We estimated county-level heart disease death rates by race, gender, and age group (35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74, 75-84, >/= 85, and >/= 35) from the National Vital Statistics System of the National Center for Health Statistics from 1973-2015. We then ordered these rates from lowest to highest for each county and year. The predominant national rate order (i.e., white women (WW) < black women (BW) < white men (WM) < black men (BM)) was most common in younger age groups. Inverted rates for black women and white men (WW<WM<BW<BM) was observed nationally only for ages 35-44, but was observed in at least some counties for all age groups < 75. From 1973 through 1979, national rates for black men aged >/= 35 were lower than those for white men. This national observation was found in a minority of counties, primarily among ages 55-64 and 65-74. The observed rates orders and their differences over time and place suggest that social and economic forces may be driving trends in heart disease mortality. Learning more about the places and times that deviate from the predominant rate order can further inform our understanding of these macro-level drivers of heart disease mortality trends. |
Before the here and now: What we can learn from variation in spatiotemporal patterns of changing heart disease mortality by age group, time period, and birth cohort
Vaughan AS , Schieb L , Quick H , Kramer MR , Casper M . Soc Sci Med 2018 217 97-105 One hypothesized explanation for the recent slowing of declines in heart disease death rates is the generational shift in the timing and accumulation of risk factors. However, directly testing this hypothesis requires historical age-group-specific risk factor data that do not exist. Using national death records, we compared spatiotemporal patterns of heart disease death rates by age group, time period, and birth cohort to provide insight into possible drivers of trends. To do this, we calculated county-level percent change for five time periods (1973-1980, 1980-1990, 1990-2000, 2000-2010, 2010-2015) for four age groups (35-44, 45-54, 55-64, 65-74), resulting in eight birth cohorts for each decade from the 1900s through the 1970s. From 1973 through 1990, few counties experienced increased heart disease death rates. In 1990-2000, 49.0% of counties for ages 35-44 were increasing, while all other age groups continued to decrease. In 2000-2010, heart disease death rates for ages 45-54 increased in 30.4% of counties. In 2010-2015, all four age groups showed widespread increasing county-level heart disease death rates. Likewise, birth cohorts from the 1900s through the 1930s experienced consistently decreasing heart disease death rates in almost all counties. Similarly, with the exception of 2010-2015, most counties experienced decreases for the 1940s birth cohort. For birth cohorts in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s, increases were common and geographically widespread for all age groups and calendar years. This analysis revealed variation in trends across age groups and across counties. However, trends in heart disease death rates tended to be generally decreasing and increasing for early and late birth cohorts, respectively. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that recent increases in heart disease mortality stem from the beginnings of the obesity and diabetes epidemics. However, the common geographic patterns within the earliest and latest time periods support the importance of place-based macro-level factors. |
Nursing home adoption of the National Healthcare Safety Network Long-term Care Facility Component
Dick AW , Bell JM , Stone ND , Chastain AM , Sorbero M , Stone PW . Am J Infect Control 2018 47 (1) 59-64 BACKGROUND: Health care-associated infections pose a significant problem in nursing homes (NHs). The Long-term Care Facility Component of the National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN) was launched in 2012, and since then, enrollment of NHs into NHSN has been deemed a national priority. Our goal was to understand the characteristics of NHs reporting to the NHSN compared to other NHs across the country. METHODS: To meet this goal, we quantified the characteristics of NHs by NHSN enrollment status and reporting consistency using the Certification and Survey Provider Enhanced Reporting (CASPER) data linked to NHSN enrollment and reporting data. RESULTS: Of the 16,081 NHs in our sample, 262 (or 1.6% of NHs) had enrolled in NHSN by the end of 2015; these early adopting facilities were more likely to be for-profit and had a higher percentage of Medicare residents. By the end of 2016, enrollment expanded by more than 5-fold to 1,956 facilities (or 12.2% of NHs). In our analysis, the characteristics of those later adopting NHs were more similar to NHs nationally than the early adopters. Specifically, bed size and hospital-based facilities were related to both early and late adoption of NHSN. CONCLUSIONS: The types of NHs that have enrolled in NHSN have changed substantially since the program began. The increased enrollment was likely due to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS)-funded "C. difficile Infection (CDI) Reporting and Reduction Project" that incentivized Quality Innovation Network-Quality Improvement Organizations (QIN-QIOs) to support NH enrollment and participation in NHSN. Further understanding of a facility's ability to enroll in and maintain reporting to NHSN, and how this relates to infection prevention staffing and infrastructure in NHs and infection rates among NH residents, is needed. |
Assessment of behavioral health concerns in the community affected by the Flint Water Crisis - Michigan (USA) 2016
Fortenberry GZ , Reynolds P , Burrer SL , Johnson-Lawrence V , Wang A , Schnall A , Pullins P , Kieszak S , Bayleyegn T , Wolkin A . Prehosp Disaster Med 2018 33 (3) 1-10 OBJECTIVES: The Flint Community Resilience Group (Flint, Michigan USA) and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC; Atlanta, Georgia USA) assessed behavioral health concerns among community members to determine the impact of lead contamination of the Flint, Michigan water supply. METHODS: A Community Assessment for Public Health Emergency Response (CASPER) was conducted from May 17 through May 19, 2016 using a multi-stage cluster sampling design to select households and individuals to interview. RESULTS: One-half of households felt overlooked by decision makers. The majority of households self-reported that at least one member experienced more behavioral health concerns than usual. The prevalence of negative quality of life indicators and financial concerns in Flint was higher than previously reported in the Michigan 2012 and 2014 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) survey. CONCLUSIONS: The following can be considered to guide recovery efforts in Flint: identifying additional resources for behavioral health interventions and conducting follow-up behavioral health assessments to evaluate changes in behavioral health concerns over time; considering the impact of household economic factors when implementing behavioral health interventions; and ensuring community involvement and engagement in recovery efforts to ease community stress and anxiety. FortenberryGZ, ReynoldsP, BurrerSL, Johnson-LawrenceV, WangA, SchnallA, PullinsP, KieszakS, BayleyegnT, WolkinA. Assessment of behavioral health concerns in the community affected by the Flint water crisis - Michigan (USA) 2016. |
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