Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 97 Records) |
Query Trace: Carpenter A[original query] |
Veterinary care and flea preventatives are limited in homeless shelters and outreach organizations serving people experiencing homelessness
Carpenter A , Rich SN , Dell B , Adams S , Bestul N , Henderson R , Grano C , Sprague B , Leopold J , Schiffman E , Lomeli A , Zadeh H , Alarcón J , Halai UA , Nam YS , Seifu L , Dvm SS , Crum D , Mosites E , Salzer JS , Hinckley AF , Marx GE , McCormick DW . J Am Vet Med Assoc 2024 1-5 OBJECTIVE: Pet ownership among people experiencing homelessness (PEH) is common, but access to shelter, veterinary care, and flea-preventative products for PEH who own pets in the US is not well described. We sought to evaluate current knowledge of fleas and flea-borne diseases and characterize practices around pets and service animals among staff at homeless shelters and outreach organizations. METHODS: In-person surveys were administered to staff at homeless shelters and on outreach teams in 7 states from August 2022 to April 2023 to evaluate knowledge, attitudes, and practices and to assess homeless shelter/organizational characteristics. RESULTS: Surveys were administered to 333 staff members at 60 homeless shelters and among 29 outreach teams. Seventy-eight percent of homeless shelters allowed pets or service animals. Only 2% of homeless shelters and 7% of outreach teams provided veterinary care; 15% of homeless shelters and 7% of outreach teams provided flea preventatives. Nearly three-quarters of surveyed homeless shelter staff responded that no steps were taken to treat fleas at their shelters. CONCLUSIONS: Veterinary care and availability of flea-preventative products are limited in homeless shelter and outreach organizations serving people experiencing homelessness. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Pets of PEH might be at an increased risk of flea infestation and flea-borne diseases because of limited access to veterinary care and preventatives. Improving knowledge and access to flea prevention, screening, and treatment are critical to ensure PEH and their pets can consistently access homeless shelters or outreach services, and to prevent flea-borne disease transmission. |
Severe and fatal Rocky Mountain spotted fever after exposure in Tecate, Mexico - California, July 2023-January 2024
Kjemtrup AM , Hacker JK , Monroe M , Williams V , Lines C , Lopez K , Paddock CD , Carpenter A , Salzer JS , Villalba JA , Bhatnagar J , Shah S , Iniguez-Stevens E , Efthemeou TC , Hernandez V , Vugia DJ , Kramer VL . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (47) 1069-1075 Rocky Mountain spotted fever (RMSF) is a tickborne disease endemic in areas of the Americas. Persistent high incidence of the disease exists in northern Mexico, perpetuated by local populations of brown dog ticks (Rhipicephalus sanguineus sensu lato) and free-roaming dogs. Six cases of RMSF caused by Rickettsia rickettsii, including three deaths, were reported to the California Department of Public Health during July 2023-January 2024. All six patients were eventually determined to have had exposure to R. rickettsii in Tecate, Mexico, a municipality on the U.S. border that had not been previously described as a high-risk RMSF area. Identification and reporting of the cases were complicated by challenges in diagnosis. The serious nature of the disease and delays in initiating appropriate treatment can result in life-threatening consequences. Epidemiologic collaborations among local, state, federal, and international public health agencies were essential to identifying Tecate as the location of exposure. Further collaborations will be important for directing future prevention measures. Increased health care provider awareness of RMSF is critical on both sides of the border to facilitate earlier diagnosis and initiation of appropriate treatment. |
Identification of raccoon rabies virus variant in a stray kitten: the role of veterinary practitioners in detection and reporting of a non-native zoonotic pathogen-Nebraska, 2023
Carpenter A , Price ER , Stein SR , Beron AJ , Divis A , Mix S , Hess AR , Nelson KM , Wetzel CT , Fredrick J , Huse L , Horn A , Loy DS , Loy JD , Morgan CN , Rodriguez SE , Shelus V , Gigante CM , Hutson CL , Orciari LA , Swedberg C , Boutelle C , Chipman RB , Donahue M , Wallace RM , Buss BF . J Am Vet Med Assoc 2024 1-4 ![]() Rabies is a fatal encephalitic disease affecting all mammals. This report describes identification of raccoon rabies virus variant isolated from a stray kitten in an urban Midwestern city that is nonendemic for this virus variant. The kitten originally presented with nonspecific neurologic abnormalities. Astute veterinary, wildlife, and public health professionals played a critical role in the identification of this fatal zoonotic disease and the extensive public health and wildlife management response that ensued. This case serves as an important reminder of the risk of rabies in unvaccinated animals or those without known vaccination status, including stray animals. |
Notes from the field: Enhanced surveillance for raccoon rabies virus variant and vaccination of wildlife for management - Omaha, Nebraska, October 2023-July 2024
Stein SR , Beron AJ , Nelson KM , Price E , Rodriguez SE , Shelus V , Carpenter A , Hess AR , Boutelle C , Morgan CN , Gigante CM , Hutson CL , Loy JD , Loy DS , Wetzel C , Frederick J , Huse L , Orciari L , Chipman RB , Wallace RM , Donahue M , Buss BF . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (41) 933-935 ![]() On September 28, 2023, a kitten aged approximately 6 weeks found in Omaha, Nebraska, had test results positive for rabies at the Nebraska Veterinary Diagnostic Center (NVDC) after dying with neurologic signs and having bitten and scratched its caretakers. Preliminary investigation identified 10 exposed persons for whom postexposure prophylaxis (PEP)(†) was recommended. Subsequent variant-typing by NVDC yielded a presumptive positive result for the Eastern raccoon rabies virus variant (RRVV), which CDC confirmed on October 6. |
Pediatric and adolescent HIV viral load coverage and suppression rates in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic in 12 PEPFAR-supported sub-Saharan African countries in 2019 and 2020
Carpenter D , Hast M , Buono N , Hrapcak S , Sato K , Mrina R , Cox MH , Agaba PA , Vrazo AC , Wolf H , Rivadeneira ED , Shang JD , Mayer MM , Prao AH , Longuma HO , Kabwe C , Lwana PN , Tilahun T , Ts'oeu M , Mutisya I , Omoto LN , Cowan JG , Deus Mijt , Fagbamigbe OJ , Ene U , Ikpeazu A , Ndlovu MB , Matiko E , Schaad N , Bisimba J , Lema E , Musokotwane K , Maphosa T , Buthelezi B , Olarinoye A , Lawal I , Mukungunugwa S , Mwambona JT , Wondimu T , Kathure IA , Igboelina OD , Nzima VN , Bissai RG , Lenka M , Shasha W , Olivier NK , Matsinhe M , Wate A , Godfrey L , Alexander H , Alemnji G , Lecher S . PLOS Glob Public Health 2024 4 (8) e0003513 The early period of the COVID-19 pandemic limited access to HIV services for children and adolescents living with HIV (C/ALHIV). To determine progress in providing care and treatment services, we describe viral load coverage (VLC) and suppression (VLS) (<1000 copies/ mL) rates during the COVID-19 pandemic in 12 United States President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)-supported countries. Data for children (0-9 years) and adolescents (10-19 years) on VLC and VLS were analyzed for 12 sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries between 2019 (pre-COVID-19) and 2020 (during COVID-19). We report the number of viral load (VL) tests, and percent change in VLC and VLS for patients on ART. For 12 countries, 181,192 children had a VL test during the pre-COVID-19 period compared with 177,683 December 2020 during COVID-19. VLC decreased from 68.8% to 68.3% overall. However, 9 countries experienced an increase ranging from a 0.7%-point increase for Tanzania and Zimbabwe to a 15.3%-point increase for Nigeria. VLS increased for all countries from 71.2% to 77.7%. For adolescents the number with a VL test increased from 377,342 to 402,792. VLC decreased from 77.4% to 77.1%. However, 7 countries experienced an increase ranging from 1.8% for Mozambique to 13.8% for Cameroon. VLS increased for all countries from 76.8% to 83.8%. This analysis shows variation in HIV VLC across 12 SSA countries. VLS consistently improved across all countries demonstrating resilience of countries during 2020. Countries should continue to improve clinical outcomes from C/ALHIV despite service disruptions that may occur during pandemic response. |
Informing digital programs for lupus self-management education: A systematic scoping review
Carpenter K , Gilman S , French M , Shakur Y , Dunlop-Thomas C , Cullerton L , Drenkard C , Barbour KE , Lim SS . Arthritis Care Res (Hoboken) 2024 OBJECTIVE: We describe the characteristics, content, and effectiveness of digital self-management (SM) education programs for lupus and other chronic conditions to identify gaps and inform the improvement of future programs in lupus. METHODS: Three bibliographic databases were searched for articles published between May 2012 and April 2022. The search was cast to capture the breadth of digital SM education programs in the following conditions: lupus, epilepsy, fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, sickle cell anemia, Sjogren's syndrome, psoriatic arthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis. Title and abstract screening, as well as full-text review, was conducted by two independent reviewers. Data extraction was first completed by one author charting all studies and then, a second time, by four members of the research team charting collaboratively. RESULTS: Of the 1,969 articles identified through the search, 14 met inclusion criteria. Two additional articles were included following bibliography review. The 16 articles represented 12 unique digital SM education programs. Programs covered five conditions: epilepsy (n=3), fibromyalgia (n=2), multiple sclerosis (n=4), lupus (n=1), and rheumatoid arthritis (n=2). Most programs were asynchronous and internet-based (n=9) with a prescribed sequence of content (n=8). Peer, technical, or specialist support was offered in seven programs. Most programs demonstrated statistically significant improvement of symptoms in the intervention group (n=8). CONCLUSION: This scoping review summarizes the current landscape for digital SM education programs in lupus and similar conditions. In lupus, further investigation will fill in the gaps around digital SM education needs, user experience and evaluation of outcomes. |
Knowledge and practices related to louse- and flea-borne diseases among staff providing services to people experiencing homelessness in the United States
Rich SN , Carpenter A , Dell B , Henderson R , Adams S , Bestul N , Grano C , Sprague B , Leopold J , Schiffman EK , Lomeli A , Zadeh H , Alarcón J , Halai UA , Nam YS , Seifu L , Slavinski S , Crum D , Mosites E , Salzer JS , Hinckley AF , McCormick DW , Marx GE . Zoonoses Public Health 2024 BACKGROUND AND AIMS: Louse-borne Bartonella quintana infection and flea-borne murine typhus are two potentially serious vector-borne diseases that have led to periodic outbreaks among people experiencing homelessness in the United States. Little is known about louse- and flea-borne disease awareness and prevention among staff who provide services to the population. We surveyed staff in seven US states to identify gaps in knowledge and prevention practices for these diseases. METHODS AND RESULTS: Surveys were administered to 333 staff at 89 homeless shelters and outreach teams in California, Colorado, Georgia, Maryland, Minnesota, New York and Washington from August 2022 to April 2023. Most participants (>68%) agreed that body lice and fleas are a problem for people experiencing homelessness. About half were aware that diseases could be transmitted by these vectors; however, most could not accurately identify which diseases. Less than a quarter of staff could describe an appropriate protocol for managing body lice or fleas. Misconceptions included that clients must isolate or be denied services until they are medically cleared. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings reveal significant knowledge gaps among staff who provide services to people experiencing homelessness in the prevention and control of louse- and flea-borne diseases. This demonstrates an urgent need for staff training to both reduce disease and prevent unnecessary restrictions on services and housing. |
Epidemiologic and genomic evidence for zoonotic transmission of SARS-CoV-2 among people and animals on a Michigan mink farm, United States, 2020
Ghai RR , Straily A , Wineland N , Calogero J , Stobierski MG , Signs K , Blievernicht M , Torres-Mendoza Y , Waltenburg MA , Condrey JA , Blankenship HM , Riner D , Barr N , Schalow M , Goodrich J , Collins C , Ahmad A , Metz JM , Herzegh O , Straka K , Arsnoe DM , Duffiney AG , Shriner SA , Kainulainen MH , Carpenter A , Whitehill F , Wendling NM , Stoddard RA , Retchless AC , Uehara A , Tao Y , Li Y , Zhang J , Tong S , Barton Behravesh C . Viruses 2023 15 (12) ![]() ![]() Farmed mink are one of few animals in which infection with SARS-CoV-2 has resulted in sustained transmission among a population and spillback from mink to people. In September 2020, mink on a Michigan farm exhibited increased morbidity and mortality rates due to confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. We conducted an epidemiologic investigation to identify the source of initial mink exposure, assess the degree of spread within the facility's overall mink population, and evaluate the risk of further viral spread on the farm and in surrounding wildlife habitats. Three farm employees reported symptoms consistent with COVID-19 the same day that increased mortality rates were observed among the mink herd. One of these individuals, and another asymptomatic employee, tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 by real-time reverse transcription PCR (RT-qPCR) 9 days later. All but one mink sampled on the farm were positive for SARS-CoV-2 based on nucleic acid detection from at least one oral, nasal, or rectal swab tested by RT-qPCR (99%). Sequence analysis showed high degrees of similarity between sequences from mink and the two positive farm employees. Epidemiologic and genomic data, including the presence of F486L and N501T mutations believed to arise through mink adaptation, support the hypothesis that the two employees with SARS-CoV-2 nucleic acid detection contracted COVID-19 from mink. However, the specific source of virus introduction onto the farm was not identified. Three companion animals living with mink farm employees and 31 wild animals of six species sampled in the surrounding area were negative for SARS-CoV-2 by RT-qPCR. Results from this investigation support the necessity of a One Health approach to manage the zoonotic spread of SARS-CoV-2 and underscores the critical need for multifaceted public health approaches to prevent the introduction and spread of respiratory viruses on mink farms. |
Clinical Policy: Critical Issues in the Management of Adult Patients Presenting to the Emergency Department With Mild Traumatic Brain Injury: Approved by ACEP Board of Directors, February 1, 2023 Clinical Policy Endorsed by the Emergency Nurses Association (April 5, 2023)
Valente JH , Anderson JD , Paolo WF , Sarmiento K , Tomaszewski CA , Haukoos JS , Diercks DB , Diercks DB , Anderson JD , Byyny R , Carpenter CR , Friedman B , Gemme SR , Gerardo CJ , Godwin SA , Hahn SA , Hatten BW , Haukoos JS , Kaji A , Kwok H , Lo BM , Mace SE , Moran M , Promes SB , Shah KH , Shih RD , Silvers SM , Slivinski A , Smith MD , Thiessen MEW , Tomaszewski CA , Trent S , Valente JH , Wall SP , Westafer LM , Yu Y , Cantrill SV , Finnell JT , Schulz T , Vandertulip K . Ann Emerg Med 2023 81 (5) e63-e105 This 2023 Clinical Policy from the American College of Emergency Physicians is an update of the 2008 “Clinical Policy: Neuroimaging and Decisionmaking in Adult Mild Traumatic Brain Injury in the Acute Setting.” A writing subcommittee conducted a systematic review of the literature to derive evidence-based recommendations to answer the following questions: 1) In the adult emergency department patient presenting with minor head injury, are there clinical decision tools to identify patients who do not require a head computed tomography? 2) In the adult emergency department patient presenting with minor head injury, a normal baseline neurologic examination, and taking an anticoagulant or antiplatelet medication, is discharge safe after a single head computed tomography? and 3) In the adult emergency department patient diagnosed with mild traumatic brain injury or concussion, are there clinical decision tools or factors to identify patients requiring follow-up care for postconcussive syndrome or to identify patients with delayed sequelae after emergency department discharge? Evidence was graded and recommendations were made based on the strength of the available data. Widespread and consistent implementation of evidence-based clinical recommendations is warranted to improve patient care. |
In situ hybridization (RNAscope) detection of bluetongue virus serotypes 10 and 17 in experimentally co-infected culicoides sonorensis
Carpenter M , Benavides Obon A , Kopanke J , Lee J , Reed K , Sherman T , Rodgers C , Stenglein M , McDermott E , Mayo C . Pathogens 2023 12 (10) ![]() Bluetongue virus (BTV) is a segmented, double-stranded RNA virus transmitted by Culicoides biting midges. Infection of domestic and wild ruminants with BTV can result in a devastating disease and significant economic losses. As a virus with a segmented genome, reassortment among the BTV serotypes that have co-infected a host may increase genetic diversity, which can alter BTV transmission dynamics and generate epizootic events. The objective of this study was to determine the extent of dissemination and characterize the tropism of BTV serotypes 10 and 17 in co-infected Culicoides sonorensis. Midges were exposed to both BTV serotypes via blood meal and processed for histologic slides 10 days after infection. An in situ hybridization approach was employed using the RNAscope platform to detect the nucleic acid segment 2 of both serotypes. Observations of the mosaic patterns in which serotypes did not often overlap suggest that co-infection at the cellular level may not be abundant with these two serotypes in C. sonorensis. This could be a consequence of superinfection exclusion. Understanding BTV co-infection and its biological consequences will add an important dimension to the modeling of viral evolution and emergence. |
Fleaborne typhus-associated deaths - Los Angeles County, California, 2022
Alarcón J , Sanosyan A , Contreras ZA , Ngo VP , Carpenter A , Hacker JK , Probert WS , Terashita D , Balter S , Halai UA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (31) 838-843 Fleaborne typhus (also known as murine typhus), a widely distributed vectorborne zoonosis caused by Rickettsia typhi, is a moderately severe, but infrequently fatal illness; among patients who receive doxycycline, the case-fatality rate is <1%. Fleaborne typhus is a mandated reportable condition in California. Reported fleaborne typhus cases in Los Angeles County have been increasing since 2010, with the highest number (171) reported during 2022. During June-October 2022, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health learned of three fleaborne typhus-associated deaths. This report describes the clinical presentation, illness course, and methods used to diagnose fleaborne typhus in these three cases. Severe fleaborne typhus manifestations among these cases included hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, a rare immune hyperactivation syndrome that can occur in the infection setting; myocarditis; and septic shock with disseminated intravascular coagulation. Increased health care provider and public health awareness of the prevalence and severity of fleaborne typhus and of the importance of early doxycycline therapy is essential for prevention and treatment efforts. |
Health care provider knowledge regarding alpha-gal syndrome - United States, March-May 2022
Carpenter A , Drexler NA , McCormick DW , Thompson JM , Kersh G , Commins SP , Salzer JS . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (30) 809-814 Alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) is an emerging, tick bite-associated immunoglobulin E-mediated allergic condition characterized by a reaction to the oligosaccharide galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (alpha-gal), which is found in mammalian meat and products derived from mammals, including milk, other dairy products, and some pharmaceutical products. Symptoms range from mild (e.g., a rash or gastrointestinal upset) to severe (anaphylaxis); onset typically occurs ≥2 hours after exposure to alpha-gal. No treatment or cure is currently available. Despite the potential life-threating reactions associated with AGS, most patients perceive that health care providers (HCPs) have little or no knowledge of AGS. A U.S. web-based survey of 1,500 HCPs revealed limited knowledge of AGS, identified areas for continuing medical education, and described self-reported diagnostic and management practices. Overall, 42% of surveyed HCPs had never heard of AGS, and among those who had, fewer than one third knew how to diagnose the condition. Two thirds of respondents indicated that guidelines for the diagnosis and management of AGS would be useful clinical resources. Limited awareness and knowledge of AGS among HCPs likely contributes to underdiagnosis of this condition and inadequate patient management, and underestimates of the number of AGS patients in the United States, which currently relies on laboratory testing data alone. |
Geographic distribution of suspected alpha-gal syndrome cases - United States, January 2017-December 2022
Thompson JM , Carpenter A , Kersh GJ , Wachs T , Commins SP , Salzer JS . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (30) 815-820 Alpha-gal syndrome (AGS) is an emerging, tick bite-associated allergic condition characterized by a potentially life-threatening immunoglobulin E (IgE)-mediated hypersensitivity to galactose-alpha-1,3-galactose (alpha-gal), an oligosaccharide found in most nonprimate mammalian meat and products derived from these mammals. Specific symptoms and severity of AGS vary among persons, and no treatment or cure is currently available. During 2010-2018, more than 34,000 suspected cases of AGS were identified in the United States, but current knowledge of where cases occur is limited. This study examined alpha-gal-specific IgE (sIgE) antibody testing results submitted to the commercial laboratory responsible for nearly all testing in the United States before 2022 to assess the geographic distribution and magnitude of this emerging condition. During January 1, 2017-December 31, 2022, a total of 357,119 tests were submitted from residences in the United States, corresponding to 295,400 persons. Overall, 90,018 (30.5%) persons received a positive test result in the study period, and the number of persons with positive test results increased from 13,371 in 2017 to 18,885 in 2021. Among 233,521 persons for whom geographic data were available, suspected cases predominantly occurred in counties within the southern, midwestern, and mid-Atlantic U.S. Census Bureau regions. These data highlight the evolving emergence of AGS and can be used to help state and local health agencies initiate surveillance and target public health outreach and health care provider education to high-risk localities. |
SARS-CoV-2 outbreak among staff and evacuees at Operation Allies Welcome Safe Havens
Meeker JR , Gosdin L , Siu A , Turner L , Zusman BD , Sadigh KS , Carpenter R , Dopson S , Saindon J , Kyaw NTT , Segaloff HE , Pritchard N , Shahum A , Traboulsi R , Worrell MC , Beaucham C , Gandhi P , Winslow DL , Rotz L , Talley L , Mosites E , Boyd AT . Public Health Nurs 2023 40 (5) 758-761 We report on five SARS-CoV-2 congregate setting outbreaks at U.S. Operation Allies Welcome Safe Havens/military facilities. Outbreak data were collected, and attack rates were calculated for various populations. Even in vaccinated populations, there was rapid spread, illustrating the importance of institutional prevention and mitigation policies in congregate settings. |
Genomic deletions and rearrangements in monkeypox virus from the 2022 outbreak, USA (preprint)
Gigante CM , Plumb M , Ruprecht A , Zhao H , Wicker V , Wilkins K , Matheny A , Khan T , Davidson W , Sheth M , Burgin A , Burroughs M , Padilla J , Lee JS , Batra D , Hetrick EE , Howard DT , Garfin J , Tate L , Hubsmith SJ , Mendoza RM , Stanek D , Gillani S , Lee M , Mangla A , Blythe D , SierraPatev S , Carpenter-Azevedo K , Huard RC , Gallagher G , Hall J , Ash S , Kovar L , Seabolt MH , Weigand MR , Damon I , Satheshkumar PS , McCollum AM , Hutson CL , Wang X , Li Y . bioRxiv 2022 17 Genomic surveillance of monkeypox virus (MPXV) during the 2022 outbreak has been mainly focused on single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) changes. DNA viruses, including MPXV, have a lower SNP mutation rate than RNA viruses due to higher fidelity replication machinery. We identified a large genomic rearrangement in a MPXV sequence from a 2022 case in the state of Minnesota (MN), USA, from an abnormal, uneven MPXV read mapping coverage profile in whole-genome sequencing (WGS) data. We further screened WGS data of 206 U.S. MPXV samples and found seven (3.4 percent) sequenced genomes contained similar abnormal read coverage profiles that suggested putative large deletions or genomic rearrangements. Here, we present three MPXV genomes containing deletions ranging from 2.3 to 15 kb and four genomes containing more complex rearrangements. Five genomic changes were each only seen in one sample, but two sequences from linked cases shared an identical 2.3 kb deletion in the 3' terminal region. All samples were positive using VAC1 and Clade II (formerly West African)-specific MPXV diagnostic tests; however, large deletions and genomic rearrangements like the ones reported here have the potential to result in viruses in which the target of a PCR diagnostic test is deleted. The emergence of genomic rearrangements during the outbreak may have public health implications and highlight the importance of continued genomic surveillance. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
Containment of a Verona integron-encoded metallo-beta-lactamase-producing pseudomonas aeruginosa outbreak associated with an acute care hospital sink-Tennessee, 2018-2020
Chan A , Thure K , Tobey K , Shugart A , Schmedes S , Burks JAth , Hardin H , Moore C , Carpenter T , Brooks S , Gable P , Moulton Meissner H , McAllister G , Lawsin A , Laufer Halpin A , Spalding Walters M , Keaton A . Open Forum Infect Dis 2023 10 (5) ofad194 ![]() ![]() BACKGROUND: Contaminated healthcare facility wastewater plumbing is recognized as a source of carbapenemase-producing organism transmission. In August 2019, the Tennessee Department of Health (TDH) identified a patient colonized with Verona integron-encoded metallo-beta-lactamase-producing carbapenem-resistant Pseudomonas aeruginosa (VIM-CRPA). A record review revealed that 33% (4 of 12) of all reported patients in Tennessee with VIM had history of prior admission to acute care hospital (ACH) A intensive care unit (ICU) Room X, prompting further investigation. METHODS: A case was defined as polymerase chain reaction detection of bla(VIM) in a patient with prior admission to ACH A from November 2017 to November 2020. The TDH performed point prevalence surveys, discharge screening, onsite observations, and environmental testing at ACH A. The VIM-CRPA isolates underwent whole-genome sequencing (WGS). RESULTS: In a screening of 44% (n = 11) of 25 patients admitted to Room X between January and June 2020, we identified 36% (n = 4) colonized with VIM-CRPA, resulting in 8 cases associated with Room X from March 2018 to June 2020. No additional cases were identified in 2 point-prevalence surveys of the ACH A ICU. Samples from the bathroom and handwashing sink drains in Room X grew VIM-CRPA; all available case and environmental isolates were found to be ST253 harboring bla(VIM-1) and to be closely related by WGS. Transmission ended after implementation of intensive water management and infection control interventions. CONCLUSIONS: A single ICU room's contaminated drains were associated with 8 VIM-CRPA cases over a 2-year period. This outbreak highlights the need to include wastewater plumbing in hospital water management plans to mitigate the risk of transmission of antibiotic-resistant organisms to patients. |
Clinical and epidemiologic features of SARS-CoV-2 in dogs and cats compiled through national surveillance in the United States
Liew AY , Carpenter A , Moore TA , Wallace RM , Hamer SA , Hamer GL , Fischer RSB , Zecca IB , Davila E , Auckland LD , Rooney JA , Killian ML , Tell RM , Rekant SI , Burrell SD , Ghai RR , Behravesh CB . J Am Vet Med Assoc 2023 261 (4) 480-489 OBJECTIVE: To characterize clinical and epidemiologic features of SARS-CoV-2 in companion animals detected through both passive and active surveillance in the US. ANIMALS: 204 companion animals (109 cats, 95 dogs) across 33 states with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infections between March 2020 and December 2021. PROCEDURES: Public health officials, animal health officials, and academic researchers investigating zoonotic SARS-CoV-2 transmission events reported clinical, laboratory, and epidemiologic information through a standardized One Health surveillance process developed by the CDC and partners. RESULTS: Among dogs and cats identified through passive surveillance, 94% (n = 87) had reported exposure to a person with COVID-19 before infection. Clinical signs of illness were present in 74% of pets identified through passive surveillance and 27% of pets identified through active surveillance. Duration of illness in pets averaged 15 days in cats and 12 days in dogs. The average time between human and pet onset of illness was 10 days. Viral nucleic acid was first detected at 3 days after exposure in both cats and dogs. Antibodies were detected starting 5 days after exposure, and titers were highest at 9 days in cats and 14 days in dogs. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Results of the present study supported that cats and dogs primarily become infected with SARS-CoV-2 following exposure to a person with COVID-19, most often their owners. Case investigation and surveillance that include both people and animals are necessary to understand transmission dynamics and viral evolution of zoonotic diseases like SARS-CoV-2. |
HIV viral load scale-up among children and adolescents: Trends in viral load suppression, sample type and processing in 7 PEPFAR countries, 2015-2018
Hrapcak S , Pals S , Itoh M , Peters N , Carpenter D , Hackett S , Prao AK , Adje-Toure C , Eboi E , Mutisya I , Nyabiage Omoto L , Ondondo RO , Bowen N , Nyanya W , Kayira D , Kaba MD , Mwenda R , Deus MI , Almeida J , Cuco RMM , Boylan A , Beard S , Ashikoto S , van Rooyen G , Kindra G , Diallo K , Carmona S , Nazziwa E , Mwangi C , Ntale J , Ssewanyana I , Nabadda SN , Nabukenya M , Ellenberger D , Rivadeneira E . Pediatr Infect Dis J 2023 42 (4) e102-e104 HIV-positive children and adolescents face gaps in viral load (VL) testing. To understand trends in pediatric/adolescent VL testing, 7 countries collected data from Laboratory Information Management Systems. Results showed increasing proportion of VL tests done through dried blood spot (DBS) and decreased sample rejection rates for DBS compared with plasma, supporting use of DBS VL when skilled phlebotomy is unavailable. |
The status of adolescent testing and treatment in PEPFAR-supported programs, October 2017-September 2020
Hrapcak S , Hast M , Okegbe T , Gross J , Williams J , Patel M , Wolf H , Siberry G , Lee L , Wiersma S , Agaba P , Carpenter D , Rivadeneira E . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2023 93 (1) 15-24 BACKGROUND: Adolescents have poorer outcomes across the HIV cascade compared to adults. We aimed to assess progress in HIV case-finding, antiretroviral treatment (ART), viral load coverage (VLC), and viral load suppression (VLS) among adolescents enrolled in the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR)-supported programs over a three-year period that included the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. METHODS: We analyzed PEPFAR program data in 28 countries/regions for adolescents 10-19 years between year 1 (October 2017-September 2018), year 2 (October 2018-September 2019), and year 3 (October 2019-September 2020). We calculated the number and percent change for HIV tests, HIV-positive tests, and total number on ART. Calculated indicators included positivity, percent of positives newly initiated on ART (ART linkage), VLC (percent of ART patients on ART for ≥6 months with a documented viral load result within the past 12 months), and VLS (percent of viral load tests with <1000 copies/mL). RESULTS: Between Years 1 and 3, the number of HIV tests conducted decreased by 44.2%, with a 29.1% decrease in the number of positive tests. Positivity increased from 1.3% to 1.6%. The number of adolescents receiving ART increased by 10.4%. Additionally, ART linkage increased (77.8% to 86.7%) as did VLC (69.4% to 79.4%) and VLS (72.8% to 81.5%). CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate PEPFAR's success in increasing the adolescent treatment cohort. We identified ongoing gaps in adolescent case-finding, linkage, VLC, and VLS that could be addressed with a strategic mix of testing strategies, optimal ART regimens, and adolescent-focused service delivery models. |
Retention and predictors of attrition among HIV-infected children on antiretroviral therapy in Cte d'Ivoire between 2012 and 2016
Touré F , Etheredge GD , Brennan C , Parris K , Diallo MO , Ouffoue AF , Ekra A , Prao H , Assamoua NV , Gnongoue C , Kone F , Koffi C , Kamagaté F , Rivadeneira E , Carpenter D . Pediatr Infect Dis J 2023 42 (4) 299-304 BACKGROUND: An estimated 21,000 children aged 0-14 years were living with HIV in Côte d'Ivoire in 2020, of whom only 49% have been diagnosed and are receiving antiretroviral therapy (ART). Retention in HIV care and treatment is key to optimize clinical outcomes. We evaluated pediatric retention in select care and treatment centers (CTCs) in Côte d'Ivoire. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed medical records using 2-stage cluster sampling for children under 15 years initiated on ART between 2012 and 2016. Kaplan-Meier time-to-event analysis was done to estimate cumulative attrition rates per total person-years of observation. Cox proportional hazard regression was performed to identify factors associated with attrition. RESULTS: A total of 1198 patient records from 33 CTCs were reviewed. Retention at 12, 24, 36, 48 and 60 months after ART initiation was 91%, 84%, 74%, 72% and 70%, respectively. A total of 309 attrition events occurred over 3169 person-years of follow-up [266 children were lost to follow-up (LTFU), 29 transferred to another facility and 14 died]. LTFU determinants included attending a "public-private" CTC [adjusted hazard ratio (aHR) 6.05; 95% confidence interval (CI): 4.23-8.65], receiving care at a CTC without an on-site laboratory (aHR: 4.01; 95% CI: 1.70-9.46) or attending a CTC without an electronic medical record (EMR) system (aHR: 2.22; 95% CI: 1.59-3.12). CONCLUSIONS: In Cote d'Ivoire, patients attending a CTC that is public-private, does not have on-site laboratory or EMR system were likely to be LTFU. Decentralization of laboratory services and scaling use of EMR systems could help to improve pediatric retention. |
One Health Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 in People and Animals on Multiple Mink Farms in Utah.
Cossaboom CM , Wendling NM , Lewis NM , Rettler H , Harvey RR , Amman BR , Towner JS , Spengler JR , Erickson R , Burnett C , Young EL , Oakeson K , Carpenter A , Kainulainen MH , Chatterjee P , Flint M , Uehara A , Li Y , Zhang J , Kelleher A , Lynch B , Retchless AC , Tong S , Ahmad A , Bunkley P , Godino C , Herzegh O , Drobeniuc J , Rooney J , Taylor D , Barton Behravesh C . Viruses 2022 15 (1) ![]() ![]() From July-November 2020, mink (Neogale vison) on 12 Utah farms experienced an increase in mortality rates due to confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. We conducted epidemiologic investigations on six farms to identify the source of virus introduction, track cross-species transmission, and assess viral evolution. Interviews were conducted and specimens were collected from persons living or working on participating farms and from multiple animal species. Swabs and sera were tested by SARS-CoV-2 real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) and serological assays, respectively. Whole genome sequencing was attempted for specimens with cycle threshold values <30. Evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was detected by rRT-PCR or serology in ≥1 person, farmed mink, dog, and/or feral cat on each farm. Sequence analysis showed high similarity between mink and human sequences on corresponding farms. On farms sampled at multiple time points, mink tested rRT-PCR positive up to 16 weeks post-onset of increased mortality. Workers likely introduced SARS-CoV-2 to mink, and mink transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to other animal species; mink-to-human transmission was not identified. Our findings provide critical evidence to support interventions to prevent and manage SARS-CoV-2 in people and animals on mink farms and emphasizes the importance of a One Health approach to address emerging zoonoses. |
Postdelivery intervention to prevent type 2 diabetes and the cost-effectiveness of screening criteria for gestational diabetes
Neuwahl SJ , Sharma AJ , Zhang P , Hoerger TJ . Prev Chronic Dis 2022 19 E89 PURPOSE AND OBJECTIVES: The objective of our study was to model the costs and benefits of 2 screening criteria for people with gestational diabetes. Because people with a history of gestational diabetes are at increased risk for type 2 diabetes, we modeled the effects of a postdelivery intervention based on the Diabetes Prevention Program, which is offered to all people with a history of gestational diabetes defined by either set of criteria. INTERVENTION APPROACH: We used a probabilistic decision tree model to compare the cost-effectiveness of the International Association of Diabetes in Pregnancy Study Group's (IADPSG's) screening criteria and the Carpenter-Coustan screening criteria for gestational diabetes through delivery and a follow-up period during which people might develop type 2 diabetes after pregnancy. EVALUATION METHODS: The model included perinatal outcomes for the infant and mother and a 10-year postdelivery period to model maternal progression to type 2 diabetes. The model assumed the health care system perspective. People with gestational diabetes received treatment for gestational diabetes during pregnancy, and we assumed that 10% would participate in a Diabetes Prevention Program-based postdelivery intervention to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes. We estimated the cost-effectiveness of each screening strategy in quality-adjusted life-years (QALYs) in 2022 dollars. RESULTS: At 10% participation in a Diabetes Prevention Program-based postdelivery intervention, the Carpenter-Coustan criteria were cost-effective, compared with no screening ($66,085 per QALY). The IADPSG screening criteria were slightly less cost-effective, compared with no screening ($97,878 per QALY) or Carpenter-Coustan screening criteria ($122,279 per QALY). With participation rates of 23% or higher, the IADPSG screening criteria were highly cost-effective ($48,588 per QALY), compared with Carpenter-Coustan screening criteria. IMPLICATIONS FOR PUBLIC HEALTH: Diagnosing a larger proportion of pregnant people using the IADPSG screening criteria, compared with using Carpenter-Coustan screening criteria, is not cost-effective at low levels of participation. However, with moderate levels of participation (23%) in a Diabetes Prevention Program-based postdelivery intervention, the expanded IADPSG screening criteria are cost-effective and reach up to 4 times as many people as Carpenter-Coustan screening. |
Epidemiologic and clinical features of children and adolescents aged <18 years with monkeypox - United States, May 17-September 24, 2022
Hennessee I , Shelus V , McArdle CE , Wolf M , Schatzman S , Carpenter A , Minhaj FS , Petras JK , Cash-Goldwasser S , Maloney M , Sosa L , Jones SA , Mangla AT , Harold RE , Beverley J , Saunders KE , Adams JN , Stanek DR , Feldpausch A , Pavlick J , Cahill M , O'Dell V , Kim M , Alarcón J , Finn LE , Goss M , Duwell M , Crum DA , Williams TW , Hansen K , Heddy M , Mallory K , McDermott D , Cuadera MKQ , Adler E , Lee EH , Shinall A , Thomas C , Ricketts EK , Koonce T , Rynk DB , Cogswell K , McLafferty M , Perella D , Stockdale C , Dell B , Roskosky M , White SL , Davis KR , Milleron RS , Mackey S , Barringer LA , Bruce H , Barrett D , D'Angeli M , Kocharian A , Klos R , Dawson P , Ellington SR , Mayer O , Godfred-Cato S , Labuda SM , McCormick DW , McCollum AM , Rao AK , Salzer JS , Kimball A , Gold JAW . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (44) 1407-1411 Data on monkeypox in children and adolescents aged <18 years are limited (1,2). During May 17-September 24, 2022, a total of 25,038 monkeypox cases were reported in the United States,(dagger) primarily among adult gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (3). During this period, CDC and U.S. jurisdictional health departments identified Monkeypox virus (MPXV) infections in 83 persons aged <18 years, accounting for 0.3% of reported cases. Among 28 children aged 0-12 years with monkeypox, 64% were boys, and most had direct skin-to-skin contact with an adult with monkeypox who was caring for the child in a household setting. Among 55 adolescents aged 13-17 years, most were male (89%), and male-to-male sexual contact was the most common presumed exposure route (66%). Most children and adolescents with monkeypox were non-Hispanic Black or African American (Black) (47%) or Hispanic or Latino (Hispanic) (35%). Most (89%) were not hospitalized, none received intensive care unit (ICU)-level care, and none died. Monkeypox in children and adolescents remains rare in the United States. Ensuring equitable access to monkeypox vaccination, testing, and treatment is a critical public health priority. Vaccination for adolescents with risk factors and provision of prevention information for persons with monkeypox caring for children might prevent additional infections. |
Monkeypox virus infection resulting from an occupational needlestick - florida, 2022
Mendoza R , Petras JK , Jenkins P , Gorensek MJ , Mableson S , Lee PA , Carpenter A , Jones H , de Perio MA , Chisty Z , Brueck S , Rao AK , Salzer JS , Stanek D , Blackmore C . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (42) 1348-1349 In August 2022, the Florida Department of Health notified CDC of a nurse who acquired monkeypox through an occupational exposure while providing care to a patient with monkeypox. To date, occupationally acquired Monkeypox virus (MPXV) infections in health care personnel (HCP) have been rarely reported during the 2022 multinational outbreak (1,2). This report describes the first reported U.S. case and recommends approaches for preventing occupationally acquired MPXV infections in HCP. |
Monkeypox in a young infant - Florida, 2022
Saunders KE , Van Horn AN , Medlin HK , Carpenter A , Lee PA , Gutierrez L , Dillon J , Newman AP , Kimball A , McCormick DW , Stanek DR . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (38) 1220-1221 In August 2022, the Florida Department of Health (FDOH) was notified of a suspected case of monkeypox in an infant aged <2 months who was admitted to a Florida hospital with a rash and cellulitis. This case report highlights findings from the related epidemiologic investigation and describes the public health actions taken. This activity was reviewed by CDC and was conducted consistent with applicable federal law and CDC policy.* This is the youngest patient with confirmed monkeypox infection in Florida to date. |
Orthopoxvirus Testing Challenges for Persons in Populations at Low Risk or Without Known Epidemiologic Link to Monkeypox - United States, 2022.
Minhaj FS , Petras JK , Brown JA , Mangla AT , Russo K , Willut C , Lee M , Beverley J , Harold R , Milroy L , Pope B , Gould E , Beeler C , Schneider J , Mostafa HH , Godfred-Cato S , Click ES , Borah BF , Galang RR , Cash-Goldwasser S , Wong JM , McCormick DW , Yu PA , Shelus V , Carpenter A , Schatzman S , Lowe D , Townsend MB , Davidson W , Wynn NT , Satheshkumar PS , O'Connor SM , O'Laughlin K , Rao AK , McCollum AM , Negrón ME , Hutson CL , Salzer JS . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (36) 1155-1158 ![]() Since May 2022, approximately 20,000 cases of monkeypox have been identified in the United States, part of a global outbreak occurring in approximately 90 countries and currently affecting primarily gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (MSM) (1). Monkeypox virus (MPXV) spreads from person to person through close, prolonged contact; a small number of cases have occurred in populations who are not MSM (e.g., women and children), and testing is recommended for persons who meet the suspected case definition* (1). CDC previously developed five real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays for detection of orthopoxviruses from lesion specimens (2,3). CDC was granted 510(k) clearance for the nonvariola-orthopoxvirus (NVO)-specific PCR assay by the Food and Drug Administration. This assay was implemented within the Laboratory Response Network (LRN) in the early 2000s and became critical for early detection of MPXV and implementation of public health action in previous travel-associated cases as well as during the current outbreak (4-7). PCR assays (NVO and other Orthopoxvirus laboratory developed tests [LDT]) represent the primary tool for monkeypox diagnosis. These tests are highly sensitive, and cross-contamination from other MPXV specimens being processed, tested, or both alongside negative specimens can occasionally lead to false-positive results. This report describes three patients who had atypical rashes and no epidemiologic link to a monkeypox case or known risk factors; these persons received diagnoses of monkeypox based on late cycle threshold (Ct) values ≥34, which were false-positive test results. The initial diagnoses were followed by administration of antiviral treatment (i.e., tecovirimat) and JYNNEOS vaccine postexposure prophylaxis (PEP) to patients' close contacts. After receiving subsequent testing, none of the three patients was confirmed to have monkeypox. Knowledge gained from these and other cases resulted in changes to CDC guidance. When testing for monkeypox in specimens from patients without an epidemiologic link or risk factors or who do not meet clinical criteria (or where these are unknown), laboratory scientists should reextract and retest specimens with late Ct values (based on this report, Ct ≥34 is recommended) (8). CDC can be consulted for complex cases including those that appear atypical or questionable cases and can perform additional viral species- and clade-specific PCR testing and antiorthopoxvirus serologic testing. |
Substance misuse and condomless sex among transgender youth
Schlissel AC , Carpenter R , Avripas S , Heim Viox M , Johns MM , Harper C , Michaels S , Dunville R . Transgend Health 2022 7 (4) 314-322 PURPOSE: The purpose of this research is to explore the relationship between substance use and sexual risk behaviors among transgender youth. METHODS: Data from the transgender subsample of the Survey of Today's Adolescent Relationships and Transitions (n=1567) were analyzed to assess associations between substance misuse (binge drinking, prescription drug misuse, illicit drugs) and sexual risk behaviors (condom use during sex). Multivariate logistic regression models calculated adjusted odds ratios (AORs) for substance use by sexual risk behavior controlling for race/ethnicity, gender identity (transgender male, transgender female, genderqueer/gender nonconforming), age, sexual identity, and region. RESULTS: Among participants, lifetime marijuana use (AOR=0.45), cocaine use (AOR=0.46), prescription drug misuse (AOR=0.52), and injecting substances with a needle (AOR=0.45) were all associated with lower odds of reporting condom use during the last act of receptive anal sex. Similarly, marijuana use in the last 30 days (AOR=0.46), lifetime marijuana use (AOR=0.25), heroin use (AOR=0.29), methamphetamine use (AOR=0.32), misuse of prescription drugs (AOR=0.40), and injecting substances with a needle (AOR=0.17) were all associated with lower odds of reporting condom use during the last act of insertive anal sex. No associations between substance use and condom use during last act of receptive frontal (vaginal) sex were found. CONCLUSION: We found that transgender youth who reported any lifetime substance use were more likely to report condomless sex during receptive and insertive anal sex than those who did not report substance use. Significant differences exist among demographic groups, type of substance use, and sexual risk behaviors for respondents based on gender identity. |
Outcomes of HIV positive children and adolescents initiated on antiretroviral treatment in Nigeria (2007-2016)
Anukam O , Blanco N , Jumare J , Lo J , Babatunde E , Odafe S , Onotu D , Ene U , Fagbamigbe J , Carpenter D , Rivadeneira ED , Omoigberale AI , Charurat M , Swaminathan M , Stafford KA . J Int Assoc Provid AIDS Care 2022 21 23259582221117009 Background: This manuscript aimed to examine treatment outcomes of HIV-positive children and adolescents. Methods: We retrospectively analyzed data of a sample of patients aged 0-19 years who initiated ART (October 2007-September 2016) in participating sites in 30 states and the Federal Capital Territory in Nigeria. Results: Among 4006 patients alive at the end of the follow up period, 138 (3.4%) were LTFU. Adolescents had a significantly higher risk of being LTFU than children aged 3-5 years (HR 2.47 [95% CI 1.40-4.34]). Patients with advanced disease had a significantly higher risk of being LTFU (Stage IV HR, 3.66 [95% CI: 2.00-6.68]). On average, optimal ART refill adherence was met by 67.3% of patients. Conclusion: Our findings suggest that focusing on preventing and managing advanced disease and interventions supporting adolescents when transferring to adult care is warranted. |
Vaccine Preventable Zoonotic Diseases: Challenges and Opportunities for Public Health Progress.
Carpenter A , Waltenburg MA , Hall A , Kile J , Killerby M , Knust B , Negron M , Nichols M , Wallace RM , Behravesh CB , McQuiston JH . Vaccines (Basel) 2022 10 (7) ![]() ![]() Zoonotic diseases represent a heavy global burden, causing important economic losses, impacting animal health and production, and costing millions of human lives. The vaccination of animals and humans to prevent inter-species zoonotic disease transmission is an important intervention. However, efforts to develop and implement vaccine interventions to reduce zoonotic disease impacts are often limited to the veterinary and agricultural sectors and do not reflect the shared burden of disease. Multisectoral collaboration, including co-development opportunities for human and animal vaccines, expanding vaccine use to include animal reservoirs such as wildlife, and strategically using vaccines to interrupt complex transmission cycles is needed. Addressing zoonoses requires a multi-faceted One Health approach, wherein vaccinating people and animals plays a critical role. |
Effect of Cloth Masks and N95 Respirators on Maximal Exercise Performance in Collegiate Athletes.
Darnell ME , Quinn TD , Carnahan SP , Carpenter T , Meglino N , Yorio PL , Doperak JM . Int J Environ Res Public Health 2022 19 (13) This study compared exercise performance and comfort while wearing an N95 filtering facepiece respirator (N95), cloth mask, or no intervention control for source control during a maximal graded treadmill exercise test (GXT). Twelve Division 1 athletes (50% female, age = 20.1 ± 1.2, BMI = 23.5 ± 1.6) completed GXTs under three randomized conditions (N95, cloth mask, control). GXT duration, heart rate (HR), respiration rate (RR), transcutaneous oxygen saturation (SpO(2)), transcutaneous carbon dioxide (TcPCO(2)), rating of perceived exertion (RPE), and perceived comfort were measured. Participants ran significantly longer in control (26.06 min) versus N95 (24.20 min, p = 0.03) or cloth masks (24.06 min, p = 0.04). No differences occurred in the slope of HR or SpO(2) across conditions (p > 0.05). TcPCO(2) decreased faster in control (B = -0.89) versus N95 (B = 0.14, p = 0.02) or cloth masks (B = -0.26, p = 0.03). RR increased faster in control (B = 8.32) versus cloth masks (B = 6.20, p = 0.04). RPE increased faster in the N95 (B = 1.91) and cloth masks (B = 1.79) versus control (B = 1.59, p < 0.001 and p = 0.05, respectively). Facial irritation/itching/pinching was higher in the N95 versus cloth masks, but sweat/moisture buildup was lower (p < 0.05 for all). Wearing cloth masks or N95s for source control may impact exercise performance, especially at higher intensities. Significant physiological differences were observed between cloth masks and N95s compared to control, while no physiological differences were found between cloth masks and N95s; however, comfort my differ. |
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