Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 95 Records) |
Query Trace: Burnett E[original query] |
Rotavirus vaccine effectiveness stratified by national-level characteristics: an introduction to the 24-country MNSSTER-V Project, 2007-2023
Burnett E , Umana J , Anwari P , Mujuru HA , Groome MJ , Van Trang N , Iniguez V , Gheorghita S , Sahakyan G , Nazurdinov A , Michael F , Mandomando I , Desormeaux AM , Eraliev U , Enweronu-Laryea C , Nalunkuma C , Bonkoungou I , Muhsen K , Luhata Lungayo C , Omore R , Goldfarb DM , Robinson AL , McCracken J , Uwimana J , N'Zue K , Rey-Benito G , Weldegebriel G , Mwenda JM , Parashar UD , Tate JE . J Infect Dis 2024 BACKGROUND: Rotavirus vaccines are moderately protective against illness in high mortality settings compared with low mortality settings. Vaccine effectiveness (VE) evaluations may clarify our understanding of these disparities, but estimates among key subpopulations and against rare outcomes are not available in many analyses due to sample size. We combined 25 datasets from test-negative design case-control evaluations in 24 countries that enrolled children with medically-attended diarrhea, laboratory-confirmed rotavirus stool testing, and documented vaccination status. We calculated rotavirus VE stratified by country-level characteristics. METHODS: Children 3-59 months old with birthdates and surveillance hospital arrival dates were included; other variables were standardized as available. Children were considered vaccinated if they received ≥1 dose of rotavirus vaccine >14 days before arrival. We summarized child- and country- level characteristics, including national <5-year-old child mortality rate (U5M). Following the manufacturer recommended dose schedule, complete- and partial-series adjusted VE were estimated using logistic regression models. RESULTS: We included 6,626 rotavirus positive children (cases) and 19,459 rotavirus negative children (controls). Adjusted complete series VE was significantly higher among children from countries in the low and medium U5M strata (74% (95%CI: 64-81)) compared to all groups within the high U5M strata (range: 52% (95%CI: 42- 60) to 46% (95%CI: 31-57)). Partial series were lower than complete series estimates. CONCLUSIONS: These findings are consistent with the published literature, though they suggest heterogeneity in vaccine performance within broad child mortality levels. Our findings also highlight the importance of complete-series vaccination. |
Assessing COVID-19 pandemic impacts on the health of PWID using a novel data sharing model
Bradley H , Luisi N , Carter A , Pigott TD , Abramovitz D , Allen ST , Asher A , Austin C , Bartholomew TS , Baum M , Board A , Boodram B , Borquez A , Brookmeyer KA , Buchacz K , Burnett J , Cooper HLF , Crepaz N , Debeck K , Feinberg J , Fong C , Freeman E , Furukawa NW , Genberg B , Gorbach P , Hagan H , Hayashi K , Huriaux E , Hurley H , Keruly J , Kristensen K , Lai S , Martin NK , Mateu-Gelabert P , McClain GM Jr , Mehta S , Mok WY , Reynoso M , Strathdee S , Torigian N , Weng CA , Westergaard R , Young A , Jarlais DCD . Aids 2024 OBJECTIVE: Using an innovative data sharing model, we assessed the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health of people who inject drugs (PWID). DESIGN: The PWID Data Collaborative was established in 2021 to promote data sharing across PWID studies in North America. Contributing studies submitted aggregate data on 23 standardized indicators during four time periods: pre-pandemic (Mar 2019 - Feb 2020), early-pandemic (Mar 2020 - Feb 2021), mid-pandemic (Mar 2021 - Feb 2022), and late pandemic (Mar 2022 - Feb 2023). METHODS: We present study-specific and meta-analyzed estimates for the percentage of PWID who took medications for opioid use disorder, received substance use treatment, shared syringes or injection equipment, had a mental health condition, had been incarcerated, or had experienced houselessness. To examine change over time across indicators, we fit a random effects meta-regression model to prevalence estimates using time as a moderator. RESULTS: Thirteen studies contributed estimates to the Data Collaborative on these indicators, representing 6,213 PWID interviews. We observed minimal change across prevalence of the six indicators between the pre-pandemic (March 2019 - February 2020) and three subsequent time periods, overall or within individual studies. Considerable heterogeneity was observed across study- and time-specific estimates. CONCLUSIONS: Limited pandemic-related change observed in indicators of PWID health is likely a result of policy and supportive service-related changes and may also reflect resilience among service providers and PWID themselves. The Data Collaborative is an unprecedented data sharing model with potential to greatly improve the quality and timeliness of data on the health of PWID. |
Correction: An observational analysis of the impact of deltamethrin + piperonyl butoxide insecticide-treated nets on malaria case incidence and entomological indicators in Ebonyi State, Nigeria, 2017-2021
Davis KM , Okoko OO , Oduola AO , Inyama PU , Uneke CJ , Ambrose K , Seyoum A , Uhomoibhi P , Rhoda DA , Clary CB , Millar J , Littrell M , Rogers JH , Yoshimizu M , Inyang U , Maire M , Burnett SM . Malar J 2024 23 (1) 349 |
An observational analysis of the impact of deltamethrin + piperonyl butoxide insecticide-treated nets on malaria case incidence and entomological indicators in Ebonyi State, Nigeria, 2017-2021
Davis KM , Okoko OO , Oduola AO , Inyama PU , Uneke CJ , Ambrose K , Seyoum A , Uhomoibhi P , Rhoda DA , Clary CB , Millar J , Littrell M , Rogers JH , Yoshimizu M , Inyang U , Maire M , Burnett SM . Malar J 2024 23 (1) 317 BACKGROUND: Intense pyrethroid resistance threatens the effectiveness of the primary vector control intervention, insecticide-treated nets (ITNs), in Nigeria, the country with the largest malaria burden globally. In this study, the epidemiological and entomological impact of a new type of ITN (piperonyl-butoxide [PBO] ITNs) distributed in Ebonyi State were evaluated. The epidemiological impact was also compared to the impact of standard pyrethroid-only ITNs in Cross River State. METHODS: A controlled interrupted time series analysis was conducted on monthly malaria incidence data collected at the health facility level, using a multilevel mixed-effects negative binomial model. Data were analysed two years before and after the PBO ITN campaign in Ebonyi State (December 2017 to November 2021). A pre-post analysis, with no comparison group, was used to assess the impact of PBO ITNs on human biting rates and indoor resting density in Ebonyi during the high transmission season immediately before and after the PBO ITN campaign. RESULTS: In Ebonyi, PBO ITNs were associated with a 46.7% decrease (95%CI: -51.5, -40.8%; p < 0.001) in malaria case incidence in the 2 years after the PBO ITN distribution compared to a modelled scenario of no ITNs distributed, with a significant decrease from 269.6 predicted cases per 1000 population to 143.6. In Cross River, there was a significant 28.6% increase (95%CI: -10.4, 49.1%; p < 0.001) in malaria case incidence following the standard ITN distribution, with an increase from 71.2 predicted cases per 1000 population to 91.6. In Ebonyi, the human biting rate was 72% lower (IRR: 0.28; 95%CI 0.21, 0.39; p < 0.001) and indoor resting density was 73% lower (IRR: 0.27; 95%CI 0.21, 0.35; p < 0.001) after the PBO ITNs were distributed. CONCLUSIONS: The epidemiological and entomological impact of the PBO ITNs underscore the impact of these ITNs in areas with confirmed pyrethroid resistance. These findings contribute to ongoing research on the impact of new types of ITNs in Nigeria, providing critical evidence for the Nigeria National Malaria Elimination Programme and other countries for future ITN procurement decisions as part of mass ITN campaign planning and malaria programming. |
Intersecting structural and psychosocial conditions: investigating injection drug use and HIV among transgender women
Burnett J , Olansky E , Baugher AR , Lee K , Callens S , Wejnert C . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2024 BACKGROUND: Transgender women continue to face a significant burden of health disparities with HIV infection as a critical public health concern. Substance use is higher among transgender women compared to cisgender women. However, little is known about transgender women who inject drugs and risk for HIV in the United States. The objectives were to explore HIV prevalence, injection-related behaviors, and HIV prevention and care outcomes among transgender women who inject drugs and to compare transgender women to a general sample of people who inject drugs (PWID). METHODS: Participants from National HIV Behavioral Surveillance were recruited via respondent-driven sampling, interviewed, and tested for HIV infection in 2019-2020. Log-linked Poisson regression models were used to test for associations between injection drug use and selected characteristics. RESULTS: Among 1,561 transgender women, 7% injected drugs in the past 12 months. HIV prevalence was higher among transgender women who inject (aPR=1.5, 95%CI=1.2-1.8) than those who do not. Multiple psychosocial conditions were associated with injection drug use. Among transgender women with HIV, those who inject were less likely to take antiretroviral therapy (aPR=0.8, 95%CI=0.7-1.0) than those who do not. Methamphetamine was the most commonly injected drug (67%); most accessed a syringe services program (66%). CONCLUSION: Transgender women who inject have substantial challenges related to health outcomes including high HIV prevalence and exposure to psychosocial conditions, such as homelessness, incarceration, and exchange sex, that may exacerbate risks associated with injection drug use. This population may benefit from increased access to non-judgmental and culturally competent harm reduction services. |
Physicians’ self-reported knowledge and behaviors related to prescribing opioids for chronic pain and diagnosing opioid use disorder, DocStyles, 2020
Ragan-Burnett KR , Curtis CR , Schmit KM , Mikosz CA , Schieber LZ , Guy GP , Haegerich TM . AJPM Focus 2024 3 (6) Introduction: In 2016, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention released the Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain (2016 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guideline) to improve opioid prescribing while minimizing associated risks. This analysis sought to understand guideline-concordant knowledge and self-reported practices among primary care physicians. Methods: Data from Spring DocStyles 2020, a cross-sectional, web-based survey of practicing U.S. physicians, were analyzed in 2022 and 2023. Demographic, knowledge, and practice characteristics of primary care physicians overall (N=1,007) and among specific subsets—(1) primary care physicians who provided care for patients with chronic pain (n=600), (2) primary care physicians who did not provide care for patients with chronic pain (n=337), and (3) primary care physicians who reported not obtaining or seeking a buprenorphine waiver (n=624)—were examined. Results: A majority of physicians (72.6%) were unable to select a series of options consistent with diagnostic criteria for opioid use disorder; of those physicians, almost half (47.9%) reported treating at least 1 patient with medications for opioid use disorder. A minority of physicians (17.5%) reported having a buprenorphine prescribing waiver. Among physicians who prescribed opioids for chronic pain (88.5%), 54.4% concurrently prescribed benzodiazepines. About one third (33.5%) reported not taking patients with chronic pain. Conclusions: There were critical practice gaps among primary care physicians related to 2016 Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Guideline topics. Increasing knowledge of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's opioid prescribing recommendations can benefit physician practice, patient outcomes, and public health strategies in addressing the opioid overdose crisis and implementing safer and more effective pain care. © 2024 |
Monovalent rotavirus vaccine effectiveness and long-term impact among children <5 years old in Antananarivo, Madagascar, 2010-2022
Raboba JL , Rahajamanana VL , Rakotojoelimaria HE , Masembe YV , Martin PR , Weldegebriel GG , Diallo AO , Burnett E , Tate JE , Parashar UD , Mwenda JM , Seheri M , Magagula N , Mphahlele J , Robinson AL . Vaccine 2024 42 (26) 126321 ![]() BACKGROUND: Monovalent rotavirus vaccine substantially reduced rotavirus disease burden after introduction (May 2014) in Madagascar. We examined the effectiveness and long-term impact on acute watery diarrhea and rotavirus-related hospitalizations among children <5 years old at two hospitals in Antananarivo, Madagascar (2010-2022). METHODS: We used a test-negative case-control design to estimate monovalent rotavirus vaccine effectiveness (VE) against laboratory-confirmed rotavirus hospitalizations among children age 6-23 months with documented vaccination status adjusted for year of symptom onset, rotavirus season, age group, nutritional status, and clinical severity. To evaluate the impact, we expanded to children age 0-59 months with acute watery diarrhea. First, we used admission logbook data to compare the proportion of all hospitalizations attributed to diarrhea in the pre-vaccine (January 2010-December 2013), transition period (January 2014-December 2014), and post-vaccine (January 2015-December 2022) periods. Second, we used active surveillance data (June 2013-May 2022) to describe rotavirus positivity and detected genotypes by vaccine introduction period and surveillance year (1 June-31 May). RESULT: Adjusted VE of at least one dose against hospitalization due to rotavirus diarrhea among children age 6-23 months was 61 % (95 % CI: -39 %-89 %). The annual median proportion of hospitalizations attributed to diarrhea declined from 28 % in the pre-vaccine to 10 % in the post-vaccine period. Rotavirus positivity among hospitalized children age 0-59 months with acute watery diarrhea was substantially higher during the pre-vaccine (59 %) than the post-vaccine (23 %) period. In the pre-vaccine period, G3P[8] (76 %) and G2P[4] (12 %) were the dominant genotypes detected. Although genotypes varied by surveillance year, G1P[8] and G2P[4] represented >50 % of the genotypes detected post-introduction. CONCLUSIONS: Rotavirus vaccine has been successfully implemented in Madagascar's routine childhood immunization program and had a large impact on rotavirus disease burden, supporting continued use of rotavirus vaccines in Madagascar. |
Changes in HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis awareness and use among males who inject drugs who have sex with men by sexual identity, 19 US urban areas, 2018 & 2022
Eustaquio PC , Burnett J , Prejean J , Chapin-Bardales J , Cha S . Aids 2024 BACKGROUND: Men who inject drugs who have sex with men (MWIDSM) may acquire HIV through injecting drugs or sex. Interventions to increase awareness of HIV preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP) have focused on gay/bisexual MSM and may not be reaching heterosexual-identifying men or people who inject drugs (PWID). We explored changes in PrEP awareness and use among MWIDSM from 2018 to 2022 by sexual identity. METHODS: We used data from the 2018 and 2022 National HIV Behavioral Surveillance among PWID recruited via respondent-driven sampling in 19 urban areas in the US. We examined changes in PrEP awareness and use over time by sexual identity among HIV-negative men who inject drugs and who had sex with another man in the past 12 months using log-linked Poisson regression models with robust standard errors with an interaction term between year and sexual identity. RESULTS: Among 758 HIV-negative MWIDSM (463 in 2018; 295 in 2022), nearly all sample participants were likely indicated for PrEP (94.2 and 92.9%, respectively). PrEP awareness increased from 2018 to 2022 among gay/bisexual-identifying MWIDSM [45.5-65.5%; aPR = 1.49, 95% confidence interval (95% CI) = 1.30-1.70] but remained stable for heterosexual-identifying MWIDSM (39.4-40.8%; aPR = 1.01, 95% CI 0.75-1.36). PrEP use remained low among all MWIDSM (2.5-7.7%, among heterosexually identifying; 15.3 to 10.2% among gay/bisexual-identifying). CONCLUSION: PrEP awareness increased among gay/bisexual-identifying MWIDSM but not among heterosexual-identifying. PrEP use was low for all MWIDSM. Public health initiatives catered to MWIDSM should focus on improved campaigns and expanding PrEP accessibility in existing healthcare, harm reduction, and social services. |
Past-year HIV testing, current antiretroviral therapy use, and participation in services for people who inject drugs
Sokale I , Wilkerson J , Wermuth P , Atem F , Burnett J , Wejnert C , Khuwaja S , Troisi C . AIDS Behav 2024 Evaluating routine HIV testing and treatment and use of services for people who inject drugs (PWID) is critical to curb the ongoing HIV epidemic. We analyzed data from the 2018 National HIV Behavioral Surveillance of PWID aged 18 years or older, recruited using respondent-driven sampling and offered anonymous HIV testing after survey. We performed bivariate and multivariable analyses with log-linked Poisson regression of the generalized linear models to examine the associations between demographics and PWID service use, past-year HIV testing, and current antiretroviral therapy (ART) use. Among 10,311 HIV-negative PWID, 56% reported past-year HIV testing, and of the 553 HIV-positive PWID, 69% reported current ART use. Of the HIV-negative PWID, 64% (2874/4482) in drug treatment and 62% (3386/5440) who used syringe service programs (SSPs) reported past-year HIV testing. Among HIV-positive PWID, 75% (187/248) in drug treatment and 67% (200/298) SSP participants were on ART. In the adjusted multivariable model, past-year HIV testing was associated with drug use treatment (aPR 1.26, 95% CI 1.23-1.31) and SSP participation (aPR 1.19, 95% CI 1.13-1.26) among HIV-negative PWID. Current ART use was associated with drug use treatment (aPR 1.13, 95% CI 1.00-1.28) but the link was not significant probably due to small sample size. Findings support the expansion and improvement of PWID-targeted services, into comprehensive programs, including drug use treatment, SSP, and HIV testing and treatment. |
Reduction of malaria case incidence following the introduction of clothianidin-based indoor residual spraying in previously unsprayed districts: an observational analysis using health facility register data from Côte d'Ivoire, 2018-2022
Hilton ER , Gning-Cisse N , Assi A , Eyakou M , Koffi J , Gnakou B , Kouassi B , Flatley C , Chabi J , Gbalegba C , Alex Aimain S , Yah Kokrasset C , Antoine Tanoh M , N'Gotta S , Yao O , Egou Assi H , Konan P , Davis K , Constant E , Belemvire A , Yepassis-Zembrou P , Zinzindohoue P , Kouadio B , Burnett S . BMJ Glob Health 2024 9 (3) BACKGROUND: Indoor residual spraying (IRS) using neonicotinoid-based insecticides (clothianidin and combined clothianidin with deltamethrin) was deployed in two previously unsprayed districts of Côte d'Ivoire in 2020 and 2021 to complement standard pyrethroid insecticide-treated nets. This retrospective observational study uses health facility register data to assess the impact of IRS on clinically reported malaria case incidence. METHODS: Health facility data were abstracted from consultation registers for the period September 2018 to April 2022 in two IRS districts and two control districts that did not receive IRS. Malaria cases reported by community health workers (CHWs) were obtained from district reports and District Health Information Systems 2. Facilities missing complete data were excluded. Controlled interrupted time series models were used to estimate the effect of IRS on monthly all-ages population-adjusted confirmed malaria cases and cases averted by IRS. Models controlled for transmission season, precipitation, vegetation, temperature, proportion of cases reported by CHWs, proportion of tested out of suspected cases and non-malaria outpatient visits. RESULTS: An estimated 10 988 (95% CI 5694 to 18 188) malaria cases were averted in IRS districts the year following the 2020 IRS campaign, representing a 15.9% reduction compared with if IRS had not been deployed. Case incidence in IRS districts dropped by 27.7% (incidence rate ratio (IRR) 0.723, 95% CI 0.592 to 0.885) the month after the campaign. In the 8 months after the 2021 campaign, 14 170 (95% CI 13 133 to 15 025) estimated cases were averted, a 24.7% reduction, and incidence in IRS districts dropped by 37.9% (IRR 0.621, 95% CI 0.462 to 0.835) immediately after IRS. Case incidence in control districts did not change following IRS either year (p>0.05) and the difference in incidence level change between IRS and control districts was significant both years (p<0.05). CONCLUSION: Deployment of clothianidin-based IRS was associated with a reduction in malaria case rates in two districts of Côte d'Ivoire following IRS deployment in 2020 and 2021. |
Increasing support for the prevention of adverse childhood experiences and substance use: Implementation of narrative change strategies in local health departments
Harper CR , Tan-Schriner C , Royster J , Morgan KL , Burnett V , Treves-Kagan S , Bradford J , Ettman L , Espinosa O , Marziale E . Am J Community Psychol 2024 Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) are potentially traumatic but preventable experiences that occur before the ages of 18, including child abuse, witnessing violence, and parental substance use. ACEs have been linked with increased risk for substance use, along with a variety of other negative health outcomes. However, there is limited evidence of community-level strategies that link ACEs and substance to increase awareness of prevention efforts. This article reports on a $2.9 million program to promote health equity and inform narratives for the prevention of ACEs and substance use within three Midwestern communities. Program partners sought to create new transformational narratives that linked ACEs and substance use, while underscoring the importance of addressing social determinants of health (SDOH) that lead to disparities in ACEs and substance use. A mixed-methods evaluation design included document review, in-depth interviews with program staff (N = 8) and community liaisons (N = 2), and site reports from program staff (N = 8) and their community partners (N = 17). Analyses showed that successful implementation efforts had early leadership buy-in and support, set clear and manageable expectations at the outset of implementation, and developed strong relationships with organizations that engage in health equity work. Training and technical assistance were critical to helping community partners build trust, recognize each other's perspectives, broaden and reframe their world view, and better understand narrative efforts for the primary prevention of ACEs and substance use. |
Intussusception risk following oral monovalent rotavirus vaccination in 3 Asian countries: A self-control case series evaluation
Burnett E , Riaz A , Anwari P , Myat TW , Chavers TP , Talat N , Safi N , Aung NNT , Cortese MM , Sultana S , Samsor A , Thu HM , Saddal NS , Safi S , Lin H , Qazi SH , Safi H , Ali A , Parashar UD , Tate JE . Vaccine 2023 41 (48) 7220-7225 Rotavirus vaccines have substantially decreased rotavirus hospitalizations in countries where they have been implemented. In some high- and middle-income countries, a low-level of increased risk of intussusception, a type of acute bowel obstruction, has been detected following rotavirus vaccination. However, no increased risk of intussusception was found in India, South Africa, or a network of 7 other African countries. We assessed the association between a 2-dose monovalent rotavirus vaccine (Rotarix) and intussusception in 3 early-adopter low-income Asian countries -- Afghanistan, Myanmar, and Pakistan. Children <12 months of age admitted to a sentinel surveillance hospital with Brighton level 1 intussusception were eligible for enrollment. We collected information about each child's vaccination status and used the self-controlled case series method to calculate the relative incidence of intussusception 1-7 days, 8-21 days, and 1-21 days following each dose of vaccine and derived confidence intervals with bootstrapping. Of the 585 children meeting the analytic criteria, the median age at intussusception symptom onset was 24 weeks (IQR: 19-29). Overall, 494 (84 %) children received the first Rotarix dose and 398 (68 %) received the second dose. There was no increased intussusception risk during any of the risk periods following the first (1-7 days: 1.01 (95 %CI: 0.39, 2.60); 8-21 days: 1.37 (95 %CI: 0.81, 2.32); 1-21 days: 1.28 (95 %CI: 0.78, 2.11)) or second (1-7 days: 0.81 (95 %CI: 0.42, 1.54); 8-21 days: 0.77 (95 %CI: 0.53, 1.16); 1-21 days: 0.78 (95 %CI: 0.53, 1.16)) rotavirus vaccine dose. Our findings are consistent with other data showing no increased intussusception risk with rotavirus vaccination in low-income countries and add to the growing body of evidence demonstrating safety of rotavirus vaccines. |
Using serial cross-sectional surveys to create a retrospective nested cohort to determine HIV incidence from 20 U.S. Cities - 2008-2019
Burnett JC , Broz D , Berg J , Callens S , Wejnert C . AIDS 2023 37 (15) 2399-2407 OBJECTIVE: To estimate HIV incidence using successive cross-sectional surveys by creating retrospective nested cohorts among men who have sex with men (MSM), people who inject drugs (PWID), and heterosexually active persons (HET). DESIGN: Cohorts were created among participants who had at least one repeat observation across four surveillance cycles from National HIV Behavioral Surveillance in 20 U.S. cities. METHODS: Repeat participants were identified using a combination of date of birth, race/ethnicity, metropolitan statistical area, and gender. The analysis was limited to participants who tested negative for HIV at baseline and were assumed to be at-risk between cycles. We calculated person-years at risk from the individual time between cycles and used the total number of seroconversions to estimate incidence and a Poisson distribution to approximate variance. Rate ratios were calculated by age, gender, race/ethnicity, and region. RESULTS: From 2008 to 2019, successive surveys recaptured nested cohorts of 1,747 MSM, 3,708 PWID, and 1,396 HET. We observed an incidence rate of 2.5 per 100 person-years (95% confidence interval [CI]: 2.1 to 2.8) among MSM; 0.6 per 100 person-years (95% CI: 0.5 to 0.7) among PWID; and 0.3 per 100 person-years (95% CI: 0.1-0.4) among HET. HIV incidence was higher among younger MSM, Black MSM (compared to white MSM) and PWID residing in the South and Territories (compared to the Midwest). CONCLUSIONS: These estimates are consistent with previously published incidence estimates from prospective cohort studies among these populations. Using repeat cross-sectional surveys to simulate a cohort, may serve as another strategy in estimating HIV incidence. |
Indirect protection from rotavirus vaccines: a systematic review
Chavers T , Cates J , Burnett E , Parashar UD , Tate JE . Expert Rev Vaccines 2024 INTRODUCTION: Rotavirus vaccines may provide indirect protection by reducing transmission in the population and thus reducing disease burden. METHODS: This systematic review summarizes estimates of indirect protection from rotavirus vaccines and the methods used to obtain these estimates. RESULTS: We identified 71 studies published between 2009 and 2022 that provided 399 estimates of indirect protection from rotavirus vaccine. Most estimates (73%) evaluated hospitalizations due to rotavirus gastroenteritis as the outcome and unvaccinated children <5 years old as the age group (64%), but there was considerable variability in methods to evaluate indirect protection. For hospitalizations due to rotavirus gastroenteritis among unvaccinated children <5 years old, the median incidence rate ratio was 0.60 (IQR: 0.40-0.87, n = 110 estimates), the median relative percent change in percent positivity was 25% (IQR: 13-44%, n = 49 estimates), and the median relative percent change in absolute number of rotavirus positive tests or rotavirus-specific International Classification of Diseases codes was 42% (IQR: 16-66%, n = 40 estimates). CONCLUSIONS: These findings broadly suggest rotavirus vaccines provide some indirect protection. There is a need to standardize measurement of indirect rotavirus vaccine protection, particularly using consistent outcomes and metrics, and stratifying results by standardized age groups and years since vaccine introduction. |
Effectiveness and impact of monovalent rotavirus vaccination in Afghanistan: a test-negative case-control analysis
Anwari P , Burnett E , Safi N , Samsor A , Safi H , Chavers TP , Parashar UD , Clark AD , Tate JE . Lancet Glob Health 2024 12 (9) e1517-e1525 BACKGROUND: Afghanistan introduced monovalent rotavirus vaccine (Rotarix) into its national immunisation schedule in January, 2018. While post-licensure studies have shown substantial declines in rotavirus gastroenteritis cases and deaths globally, there is little evidence of rotavirus vaccine effectiveness and impact from low-income countries in Asia. We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the Rotarix vaccine and the impact of Rotarix vaccine on rotavirus gastroenteritis hospitalisations (ie, hospital admissions) among children younger than 5 years in Afghanistan. METHODS: We used a test-negative case-control design embedded in an active sentinel surveillance platform to evaluate vaccine effectiveness. Children born on or after Jan 1, 2018, who had documentation of their rotavirus vaccination status and who were admitted for acute gastroenteritis at one of four sentinel hospitals from May, 2018 to December, 2021 were eligible to be included. We used an unconditional logistic regression model to estimate vaccine effectiveness and 95% CIs for a complete series of doses compared with no rotavirus vaccine doses among patients admitted with acute gastroenteritis. Vaccine effectiveness against hospitalisation was calculated as (1 - [odds of being vaccinated in cases] / [odds of being vaccinated in controls]) × 100%. We compared pre-vaccine (2013-15) and post-vaccine (2019-21) surveillance data from two sites to calculate vaccine impact. FINDINGS: The vaccine effectiveness analysis included 1172 cases and 2173 controls. Approximately 2108 (63·0%) of 3345 cases and controls were male, 1237 (37·0%) were female, and 2171 (65·0%) were aged 6-11 months. Two doses of Rotarix were 45% (95% CI 22-62) effective against rotavirus hospitalisation in children aged 6-59 months, adjusting for age, severity, admission year, and rotavirus season. Rotavirus positivity decreased from 51% pre-vaccine to 39% post-vaccine, resulting in a 39% adjusted reduction in rotavirus positivity among children younger than 5 years admitted with acute gastroenteritis. INTERPRETATION: Rotarix showed moderate effectiveness in preventing rotavirus gastroenteritis hospitalisations, consistent with findings in other low-income countries. These findings support the continued administration of the rotavirus vaccine in Afghanistan. FUNDING: Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. TRANSLATION: For the Dari translation of the abstract see Supplementary Materials section. |
A distinct cross-reactive autoimmune response in multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) (preprint)
Bodansky A , Sabatino JJ , Vazquez SE , Chou J , Novak T , Moffitt KL , Miller HS , Kung AF , Rackaityte E , Zamecnik CR , Rajan JV , Kortbawi H , Mandel-Brehm C , Mitchell A , Wang CY , Saxena A , Zorn K , Yu DJL , Asaki J , Pluvinage JV , Wilson MR , Loftis LL , Hobbs CV , Tarquinio KM , Kong M , Fitzgerald JC , Espinal PS , Walker TC , Schwartz SP , Crandall H , Irby K , Staat MA , Rowan CM , Schuster JE , Halasa NB , Gertz SJ , Mack EH , Maddux AB , Cvijanovich NZ , Zinter MS , Zambrano LD , Campbell AP , Randolph AG , Anderson MS , DeRisi JL , Kelley H , Murdock M , Colston C , Typpo KV , Sanders RC , Yates M , Smith C , Port E , Mansour R , Shankman S , Baig N , Zorensky F , Chatani B , McLaughlin G , Jones K , Coates BM , Newhams MM , Kucukak S , McNamara ER , Moon HK , Kobayashi T , Melo J , Jackson SR , Rosales MKE , Young C , Chen SR , Da Costa Aguiar R , Gutierrez-Arcelus M , Elkins M , Williams D , Williams L , Cheng L , Zhang Y , Crethers D , Morley D , Steltz S , Zakar K , Armant MA , Ciuculescu F , Flori HR , Dahmer MK , Levy ER , Behl S , Drapeau NM , Kietzman A , Hill S , Cullimore ML , McCulloh RJ , Nofziger RA , Rohlfs CC , Burnett R , Bush J , Reed N , Ampofo KK , Patel MM . medRxiv 2023 30 Multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C) is a severe, post-infectious sequela of SARS-CoV-2 infection, yet the pathophysiological mechanism connecting the infection to the broad inflammatory syndrome remains unknown. Here we leveraged a large set of MIS-C patient samples (n=199) to identify a distinct set of host proteins that are differentially targeted by patient autoantibodies relative to matched controls. We identified an autoreactive epitope within SNX8, a protein expressed primarily in immune cells which regulates an antiviral pathway associated with MIS-C pathogenesis. In parallel, we also probed the SARS-CoV-2 proteome-wide MIS-C patient antibody response and found it to be differentially reactive to a distinct domain of the SARS-CoV-2 nucleocapsid (N) protein relative to controls. This viral N region and the mapped SNX8 epitope bear remarkable biochemical similarity. Furthermore, we find that many children with anti-SNX8 autoantibodies also have T-cells cross-reactive to both SNX8 and this distinct domain of the SARS-CoV-2 N protein. Together, these findings suggest that MIS-C patients develop a distinct immune response against the SARS-CoV-2 N protein that is associated with cross reactivity to the self-protein SNX8, demonstrating a link from the infection to the inflammatory syndrome. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license. |
Evaluating the impact of indoor residual spraying on malaria transmission in Madagascar using routine health data (preprint)
Hilton ER , Rabeherisoa S , Ramandimbiarijaona H , Rajaratnam J , Belemvire A , Kapesa L , Zohdy S , Dentinger C , Gandaho T , Jacob D , Burnett S , Razafinjato C . medRxiv 2023 17 Introduction Indoor residual spraying (IRS) and insecticide-treated bed-nets (ITNs) are cornerstone malaria prevention methods in Madagascar. This retrospective observational study uses routine data to evaluate the impacts of IRS overall, sustained IRS exposure over multiple years, and level of spray coverage (structures sprayed/found) in nine districts where non-pyrethroid IRS was deployed to complement standard pyrethroid ITNs from 2017 to 2020. Methods Multilevel negative-binomial generalized linear models were fit to estimate the effects of IRS exposure overall; consecutive years of IRS exposure; and spray coverage level on monthly all-ages population-adjusted malaria cases confirmed by rapid diagnostic test at the health facility level. The study period extended from July 2016 to June 2017. Facilities missing data and non-geolocated communes were excluded. Facilities in IRS districts were matched with control facilities by propensity score analysis. Models controlled for ITN survivorship, mass drug administration coverage, precipitation, enhanced vegetation index, seasonal effects, and district. Predicted cases under a counterfactual no IRS scenario and number of cases averted by IRS were estimated using the fitted models. Results Exposure to IRS overall reduced case incidence by an estimated 30.3% from 165.8 cases per 1,000 population (95%CI=139.7-196.7) under a counterfactual no IRS scenario, to 114.3 (95%CI=96.5-135.3), over 12 months post-IRS campaign in 9 districts. A third year of IRS reduced malaria cases 30.9% more than a first year (IRR=0.578, 95%CI=0.578-0.825, P<0.001) and 26.7% more than a second year (IRR=0.733, 95%CI=0.611-0.878, P=0.001). There was no significant difference between a first and second year (P>0.05). Coverage of 86%-90% was associated with a 19.7% reduction in incidence (IRR= 0.803, 95%CI=0.690-0.934, P=0.005) compared to coverage <=85%, although these results were not robust to sensitivity analysis. Conclusion This study demonstrates that non-pyrethroid IRS appears to substantially reduce malaria incidence in Madagascar and that sustained implementation of IRS over 3 years confers additional benefits. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license. |
Using routine health data to evaluate the impact of indoor residual spraying on malaria transmission in Madagascar
Hilton ER , Rabeherisoa S , Ramandimbiarijaona H , Rajaratnam J , Belemvire A , Kapesa L , Zohdy S , Dentinger C , Gandaho T , Jacob D , Burnett S , Razafinjato C . BMJ Glob Health 2023 8 (7) INTRODUCTION: Indoor residual spraying (IRS) and insecticide-treated bed nets (ITNs) are cornerstone malaria prevention methods in Madagascar. This retrospective observational study uses routine data to evaluate the impacts of IRS overall, sustained IRS exposure over multiple years and level of spray coverage (structures sprayed/found) in nine districts where non-pyrethroid IRS was deployed to complement standard pyrethroid ITNs from 2017 to 2020. METHODS: Multilevel negative-binomial generalised linear models were fit to estimate the effects of IRS exposure overall, consecutive years of IRS exposure and spray coverage level on monthly all-ages population-adjusted malaria cases confirmed by rapid diagnostic test at the health facility level. The study period extended from July 2016 to June 2021. Facilities with missing data and non-geolocated communes were excluded. Facilities in IRS districts were matched with control facilities by propensity score analysis. Models were controlled for ITN survivorship, mass drug administration coverage, precipitation, enhanced vegetation index, seasonal effects and district. Predicted cases under a counterfactual no IRS scenario and number of cases averted by IRS were estimated using the fitted models. RESULTS: Exposure to IRS overall reduced case incidence by an estimated 30.3% from 165.8 cases per 1000 population (95% CI=139.7 to 196.7) under a counterfactual no IRS scenario, to 114.3 (95% CI=96.5 to 135.3) over 12 months post-IRS campaign in nine districts. A third year of IRS reduced malaria cases 30.9% more than a first year (incidence rate ratio (IRR)=0.578, 95% CI=0.578 to 0.825, p<0.001) and 26.7% more than a second year (IRR=0.733, 95% CI=0.611 to 0.878, p=0.001). There was no significant difference between the first and second year (p>0.05). Coverage of 86%-90% was associated with a 19.7% reduction in incidence (IRR=0.803, 95% CI=0.690 to 0.934, p=0.005) compared with coverage ≤85%, although these results were not robust to sensitivity analysis. CONCLUSION: This study demonstrates that non-pyrethroid IRS appears to substantially reduce malaria incidence in Madagascar and that sustained implementation of IRS over three years confers additional benefits. |
COVID-19 burden in adult correctional or detention facilities and the surrounding communities, January 1, 2020-July 20, 2021
Hershow RB , Burnett JC , Nicolae L , Marquez N , Everett M , Tyagi E , Williams SP . J Correct Health Care 2023 29 (4) 241-246 We estimated the COVID-19 burden in adult correctional or detention facilities and associated counties by state, facility jurisdiction, and county urbanicity. COVID-19 cumulative incidence (cases per 1,000 persons) for each U.S. correctional or detention facility and people ages 18 years and older in the associated county was estimated between January 1, 2020 and July 20, 2021. Across 46 U.S. states, 1,083 correctional or detention facilities in 718 counties were included. The median COVID-19 incidence rate was higher in facilities than in associated counties for 42 of 46 states and for all facility jurisdictions and county urbanicity categories. COVID-19 burden was higher in most facilities than in associated counties. Implementing COVID-19 mitigation measures in correctional settings is needed to prevent SARS-CoV-2 transmission in facilities and associated counties. |
Is Symptom Screening Useful for Identifying COVID-19 Infection in School Settings? Georgia, USA.
Swanson M , Hast M , Burnett E , Oraka E , Kimball A , Morris E , Marcet PL , Almendares O , Franklin R , Mehari L , McCloud J , Kirking HL , Tate JE , Scott C . J Sch Nurs 2021 37 (6) 503-512 This study's goal was to characterize the utility of symptom screening in staff and students for COVID-19 identification and control of transmission in a school setting. We conducted a secondary analysis of cross-sectional data for staff, students and associated household members in a Georgia school district exposed to COVID-19 cases who received RT-PCR testing and symptom monitoring. Among positive contacts, 30/49 (61%) of students and 1/6 (17%) of staff reported no symptoms consistent with COVID-19. Symptom sensitivity was 30% in elementary students and 42% in middle/high students. Fifty-three percent (10/19) of symptomatic positive contacts had at least one household member test positive for SARS-CoV-2 compared with 50% (10/20) of asymptomatic positive contacts. The absence of symptoms in children is not indicative of a lack of SARS-CoV-2 infection or reduced risk of infection for associated household members. Testing all close contacts of people with COVID-19 in schools is needed to interrupt transmission networks. |
Rapid analysis of drugs: A pilot surveillance system to detect changes in the illicit drug supply to guide timely harm reduction responses - eight syringe services programs, Maryland, November 2021-August 2022
Russell E , Sisco E , Thomson A , Lopes J , Rybak M , Burnett M , Heilman D , Appley MG , Gladden RM . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (17) 458-462 A record number of 2,912 drug overdose deaths occurred in Maryland during the 12-month period July 1, 2020-June 30, 2021. Illicitly manufactured fentanyl, fentanyl analogs, or both* were involved in 84% of these deaths.(†) Timely identification of illicit drug market changes (e.g., fentanyl rapidly replacing heroin) could improve the public health response, specifically communications about risks for novel psychoactive substances. During November 19, 2021-August 31, 2022, the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)(§) tested 496 deidentified drug paraphernalia samples that staff members collected at eight Maryland syringe services programs (SSPs), also known as needle exchange programs,(¶) in partnership with the Maryland Department of Health Center for Harm Reduction Services (CHRS).** All test results were available within 48 hours. Among the 496 paraphernalia samples collected, 367 (74.0%) tested positive for an opioid, and 364 (99.2%) of these samples contained fentanyl or fentanyl analogs. Approximately four fifths of fentanyl-positive samples also tested positive for the veterinary medicine xylazine, a sedative that when combined with opioids might increase the potential for fatal respiratory depression and soft tissue infections when injected (1). For 248 of the 496 samples, SSP participants also completed a questionnaire about the drugs they had intended to purchase. Among the 212 participants who had intended to buy an opioid, 87.7% were exposed to fentanyl, fentanyl analogs, or both, and 85.8% were unknowingly exposed to xylazine. Results improved awareness of fentanyl and xylazine among SSP staff members and galvanized efforts to enhance SSPs' wound care services for participants experiencing soft tissue injuries possibly associated with injecting xylazine. Rapid analysis of drug paraphernalia can provide timely data on changing illicit drug markets that can be used to mitigate the harms of drug use more effectively. |
Characteristics of intussusception among children <24 months old before rotavirus vaccine introduction in Lao PDR
Douangboupha V , Vorasane S , Sivixay S , Thammavong C , Vongphacachanh T , Soulithone V , Saysanasongkham S , Sisanon I , Narongsack S , Chankongsine S , Sydasak S , Yathotou V , Franzel-Sassanpour L , Parashar UD , Tate JE , Cortese M , Burnett E . Asian J Surg 2023 46 (8) 3225-3227 Intussusception, the invagination of the bowel into a distal | segment, is the most common cause of acute bowel obstruction | in infants.1 Nearly all intussusception cases require either enema | or surgical reduction and untreated intussusception can result in | death. Typically, the cause of naturally occurring intussusception | is unknown but rotavirus vaccines are associated with a small | elevated risk of intussusception in some settings.2 In preparation | for rotavirus vaccine introduction, we describe intussusception | epidemiology and management in Lao PDR |
Spatiotemporal variation in risk of Shigella infection in childhood: a global risk mapping and prediction model using individual participant data
Badr HS , Colston JM , Nguyen NH , Chen YT , Burnett E , Ali SA , Rayamajhi A , Satter SM , Van Trang N , Eibach D , Krumkamp R , May J , Adegnika AA , Manouana GP , Kremsner PG , Chilengi R , Hatyoka L , Debes AK , Ateudjieu J , Faruque ASG , Hossain MJ , Kanungo S , Kotloff KL , Mandomando I , Nisar MI , Omore R , Sow SO , Zaidi AKM , Lambrecht N , Adu B , Page N , Platts-Mills JA , Mavacala Freitas C , Pelkonen T , Ashorn P , Maleta K , Ahmed T , Bessong P , Bhutta ZA , Mason C , Mduma E , Olortegui MP , Peñataro Yori P , Lima AAM , Kang G , Humphrey J , Ntozini R , Prendergast AJ , Okada K , Wongboot W , Langeland N , Moyo SJ , Gaensbauer J , Melgar M , Freeman M , Chard AN , Thongpaseuth V , Houpt E , Zaitchik BF , Kosek MN . Lancet Glob Health 2023 11 (3) e373-e384 BACKGROUND: Diarrhoeal disease is a leading cause of childhood illness and death globally, and Shigella is a major aetiological contributor for which a vaccine might soon be available. The primary objective of this study was to model the spatiotemporal variation in paediatric Shigella infection and map its predicted prevalence across low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). METHODS: Individual participant data for Shigella positivity in stool samples were sourced from multiple LMIC-based studies of children aged 59 months or younger. Covariates included household-level and participant-level factors ascertained by study investigators and environmental and hydrometeorological variables extracted from various data products at georeferenced child locations. Multivariate models were fitted and prevalence predictions obtained by syndrome and age stratum. FINDINGS: 20 studies from 23 countries (including locations in Central America and South America, sub-Saharan Africa, and south and southeast Asia) contributed 66 563 sample results. Age, symptom status, and study design contributed most to model performance followed by temperature, wind speed, relative humidity, and soil moisture. Probability of Shigella infection exceeded 20% when both precipitation and soil moisture were above average and had a 43% peak in uncomplicated diarrhoea cases at 33°C temperatures, above which it decreased. Compared with unimproved sanitation, improved sanitation decreased the odds of Shigella infection by 19% (odds ratio [OR]=0·81 [95% CI 0·76-0·86]) and open defecation decreased them by 18% (OR=0·82 [0·76-0·88]). INTERPRETATION: The distribution of Shigella is more sensitive to climatological factors, such as temperature, than previously recognised. Conditions in much of sub-Saharan Africa are particularly propitious for Shigella transmission, although hotspots also occur in South America and Central America, the Ganges-Brahmaputra Delta, and the island of New Guinea. These findings can inform prioritisation of populations for future vaccine trials and campaigns. FUNDING: NASA, National Institutes of Health-The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, and Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. |
One Health Investigation of SARS-CoV-2 in People and Animals on Multiple Mink Farms in Utah.
Cossaboom CM , Wendling NM , Lewis NM , Rettler H , Harvey RR , Amman BR , Towner JS , Spengler JR , Erickson R , Burnett C , Young EL , Oakeson K , Carpenter A , Kainulainen MH , Chatterjee P , Flint M , Uehara A , Li Y , Zhang J , Kelleher A , Lynch B , Retchless AC , Tong S , Ahmad A , Bunkley P , Godino C , Herzegh O , Drobeniuc J , Rooney J , Taylor D , Barton Behravesh C . Viruses 2022 15 (1) ![]() ![]() From July-November 2020, mink (Neogale vison) on 12 Utah farms experienced an increase in mortality rates due to confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection. We conducted epidemiologic investigations on six farms to identify the source of virus introduction, track cross-species transmission, and assess viral evolution. Interviews were conducted and specimens were collected from persons living or working on participating farms and from multiple animal species. Swabs and sera were tested by SARS-CoV-2 real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (rRT-PCR) and serological assays, respectively. Whole genome sequencing was attempted for specimens with cycle threshold values <30. Evidence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was detected by rRT-PCR or serology in ≥1 person, farmed mink, dog, and/or feral cat on each farm. Sequence analysis showed high similarity between mink and human sequences on corresponding farms. On farms sampled at multiple time points, mink tested rRT-PCR positive up to 16 weeks post-onset of increased mortality. Workers likely introduced SARS-CoV-2 to mink, and mink transmitted SARS-CoV-2 to other animal species; mink-to-human transmission was not identified. Our findings provide critical evidence to support interventions to prevent and manage SARS-CoV-2 in people and animals on mink farms and emphasizes the importance of a One Health approach to address emerging zoonoses. |
Genome Sequences of Hemolytic and Nonhemolytic Listeria innocua Strains from Human, Food, and Environmental Sources.
McIntosh T , Kucerova Z , Katz LS , Lilley CM , Rowe LA , Unoarumhi Y , Batra D , Burnett E , Smikle M , Lee C . Microbiol Resour Announc 2022 11 (12) e0072322 ![]() ![]() This report describes genome sequences for nine Listeria innocua strains that varied in hemolytic phenotypes on sheep blood agar. All strains were sequenced using Pacific Biosciences (PacBio) single-molecule real-time (SMRT) chemistry; overall, the average read length of these sequences was 2,869,880 bp, with an average GC content of 37%. |
Epidemiology and pre-vaccine burden of rotavirus diarrhea in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC): Results of sentinel surveillance, 2009-2019.
Luhata Lungayo C , Burke RM , Cikomola A , Mukamba E , Burnett E , Tate JE , Samuel Otomba J , Albert MK , Nimpa MM , Dommergues MA , Pukuta E , Mwenda JM , Shaba K , Paluku GK , N'Diaye A , Ditekemena J , Launay O , Jouffroy R . Vaccine 2022 40 (41) 5933-5941 ![]() INTRODUCTION: Since August 2009, the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has implemented sentinel site surveillance for rotavirus gastroenteritis. Limited hospital studies have been carried out, in DRC, describing the epidemiology of rotavirus diarrhea before rotavirus vaccine introduction in October 2019. This analysis describes the epidemiology of rotavirus gastroenteritis and characteristics of circulating viral strains from 2009 to 2019. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We analyzed demographic and clinic data collected from children < 5 years old enrolled at three rotavirus sentinel surveillance sites in DRC during 2009-2019, prior to rotavirus vaccine introduction in 2019. Data have been described and presented as mean ± standard deviation for quantitative variables with normal distribution, or as median with an interquartile range [Q1-Q3] for quantitative variables with non-normal distribution, or as absolute value with percentage for qualitative variables. RESULTS: Between August 2009 and December 2019, 4,928 children < 5 years old were admitted to sentinel surveillance sites for gastroenteritis in the DRC; the rotavirus positivity rate was 60 %. There was a slight male gender predominance (56 %), and the majority of children (79 %) were 0-11 months of age. Every year, the incidence was highest between May and September corresponding to the dry and cool season. Genotyping was performed for 50 % of confirmed rotavirus cases. The most common G genotypes were G1 (39 %) and G2 (24 %) and most common P genotypes were P[6] (49 %) and P[8] (37 %). The most common G-P genotype combinations were G1P[8] (22 %), G2P[6] (16 %) and G1P[6] (14 %). Genotype distribution varied by site, age group, and year. CONCLUSION: From 2009 to 2019, rotavirus-associated gastroenteritis represented a significant burden among DRC children under 5 who were admitted to sentinel sites. G1P[8] was the most commonly identified genotype. Continued monitoring after the introduction of rotavirus vaccine will be essential to monitor any changes in epidemiology. |
Diversity of rotavirus strains circulating in Haiti before and after introduction of monovalent vaccine.
Lucien MAB , Esona MD , Pierre M , Joseph G , Rivire C , Leshem E , Aliabadi N , Desormeaux AM , Andre-Alboth J , Fitter DL , Grant-Greene Y , Tate J , Boncy J , Patel R , Burnett E , Juin S , Parashar UD , Bowen MD . IJID Reg 2022 4 146-151 ![]() BACKGROUND: Haiti introduced a monovalent human group A rotavirus (RVA) vaccine (Rotarix) into its routine infant immunization program in April 2014. The goal of the surveillance program was to characterize RVA strains circulating in Haiti before and after RVA vaccine introduction. METHODS: Stool samples were collected from children <5 years old presenting with acute gastroenteritis at 16 hospitals in Haiti. RVA antigen enzyme immunoassay (EIA) testing was performed, and G and P genotypes were determined for positive specimens. In this study, genotype data for samples collected from May 2012 through April 2014 (the pre-vaccine introduction era) and May 2014 through July 2019 (post-vaccine introduction era) were analyzed. RESULTS: A total of 809 specimens were tested by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. During the pre-vaccine introduction era (May 2012 through April 2014), G12P[8] was the predominant genotype, detected in 88-94% of specimens. There was a high prevalence of the equine-like G3P[8] genotype among Haitian children with RVA after vaccine introduction. CONCLUSIONS: The predominance of equine-like G3P[8] in three of five RVA seasons post-vaccine introduction suggests possible vaccine-specific selection pressure in Haiti. These temporal variations in RVA genotype predominance will require continued monitoring in Haiti as the vaccination program continues. |
Interim Analysis of Acute Hepatitis of Unknown Etiology in Children Aged <10 Years - United States, October 2021-June 2022.
Cates J , Baker JM , Almendares O , Kambhampati AK , Burke RM , Balachandran N , Burnett E , Potts CC , Reagan-Steiner S , Kirking HL , Sugerman D , Parashar UD , Tate JE . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (26) 852-858 On April 21, 2022, CDC issued a health advisory(†) encouraging U.S. clinicians to report all patients aged <10 years with hepatitis of unknown etiology to public health authorities, after identification of similar cases in both the United States (1) and Europe.(§) A high proportion of initially reported patients had adenovirus detected in whole blood specimens, thus the health advisory encouraged clinicians to consider requesting adenovirus testing, preferentially on whole blood specimens. For patients meeting the criteria in the health advisory (patients under investigation [PUIs]), jurisdictional public health authorities abstracted medical charts and interviewed patient caregivers. As of June 15, 2022, a total of 296 PUIs with hepatitis onset on or after October 1, 2021, were reported from 42 U.S. jurisdictions. The median age of PUIs was 2 years, 2 months. Most PUIs were hospitalized (89.9%); 18 (6.1%) required a liver transplant, and 11 (3.7%) died. Adenovirus was detected in a respiratory, blood, or stool specimen of 100 (44.6%) of 224 patients.(¶) Current or past infection with SARS-CoV-2 (the virus that causes COVID-19) was reported in 10 of 98 (10.2%) and 32 of 123 (26.0%) patients, respectively. No common exposures (e.g., travel, food, or toxicants) were identified. This nationwide investigation is ongoing. Further clinical data are needed to understand the cause of hepatitis in these patients and to assess the potential association with adenovirus. |
Major changes in spatiotemporal trends of US rotavirus laboratory detections after rotavirus vaccine introduction-2009-2021
Burnett E , Parashar UD , Winn A , Curns AT , Tate JE . Pediatr Infect Dis J 2022 41 (9) 759-763 For the 15 years before rotavirus vaccine introduction in 2006, annual rotavirus activity in the United States showed a distinct spatiotemporal pattern, peaking first in the Southwest and last in the Northeast. We modeled spatiotemporal trends in rotavirus laboratory detections from 2009 to 2021. Laboratories reporting to the National Respiratory and Enteric Virus Surveillance System were eligible for inclusion in a given surveillance year (July to June) if ≥1 polymerase chain reaction or enzyme immunoassay rotavirus test per week was reported during ≥26 weeks and totaling ≥100 annual tests. For each laboratory, the season peak was the week with the highest 7-week moving average of the number of rotavirus positive tests during the national season, defined as the period with a 3-week moving average of >10% rotavirus positivity lasting ≥2 consecutive weeks. We input peak week as a continuous variable and the geospatial coordinates of each laboratory into a spherical variogram model for Kriging spatial interpolation. We also created a state-level bivariate choropleth map using tertiles of the 2010-2019 average birth rates and rotavirus vaccine coverage. Following the established biennial trend, the 2010-2011, 2012-2013, 2014-2015, 2016-2017, and 2018-2019 surveillance years had >10% rotavirus positivity for ≥2 weeks and were included in the geospatial analysis. During all 5 seasons included in the geospatial analysis, the earliest peak week occurred in Oklahoma, Arkansas, and the western Gulf coast, a pattern markedly different from prevaccine seasons. These states also had the average lowest rotavirus vaccine coverage and highest birth rate, suggesting that more rapid accumulation of susceptible children drives annual rotavirus season activity. Increasing vaccine coverage remains a key tool in reducing rotavirus burden. |
Whole-Genome Sequencing Reveals Multiple Subpopulations of Dominant and Persistent Lineage I Isolates of Listeria monocytogenes in Two Meat Processing Facilities during 2011-2015.
Burnett E , Kucerova Z , Freeman M , Kathariou S , Chen J , Smikle M . Microorganisms 2022 10 (5) ![]() ![]() Listeria monocytogenes is a foodborne pathogen with a highly clonal population structure comprising multiple phylogenetic sub-groups that can persist within food processing environments and contaminate food. The epidemiology of L. monocytogenes is well-described in some developed countries; however, little is known about the prevalence and population structure of this pathogen in food and food processing environments located in less developed regions. The aim of this study was to determine the genetic characteristics and clonal relatedness of L. monocytogenes that were isolated from two Jamaican meat processing facilities. Of the 37 isolates collected between 2011 and 2015, only a single lineage II isolate was recovered (serotype 1/2c), and the remaining were lineage I isolates representing serotypes 4b, 1/2b, 3b, and two untypeable isolates. Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE) delineated isolates into seven pulsotypes, and whole-genome sequencing (WGS) categorized most isolates within one of three clonal complexes (CC): CC2 (N = 12), CC5 (N = 11), and CC288 (N = 11). Isolates representing CC1 (N = 2) and CC9 (N = 1) were also recovered. Virulence-associated genes such as inlA and the LIPI-3 cluster were detected in multiple isolates, along with the stress survival islet cluster-1 (SSI-1), and benzalkonium (bcrABC) and cadmium (cad1, cad2, cad4) resistance cassettes. Multiple isolates that belong to the same CC and matching PFGE patterns were isolated from food and the environment from both facilities across multiple years, suggesting the presence of persistent strains of L. monocytogenes, and/or constant re-entry of the pathogens into the facilities from common sources. These findings highlight the ability of lineage I isolates of L. monocytogenes to colonize, persist, and predominate within two meat-producing environments, and underscores the need for robust surveillance strategies to monitor and mitigate against these important foodborne pathogens. |
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