Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
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Changes in health indicators among caregivers - United States, 2015-2016 to 2021-2022
Kilmer G , Omura JD , Bouldin ED , Walker J , Spears K , Gore J , Ali AR , McGuire LC . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (34) 740-746 Caregivers provide support to persons who might otherwise require placement in long-term care facilities. Approximately one in five U.S. adults provides care to family members or friends who have a chronic health condition or disability. Promoting the well-being of this large segment of the population is a public health priority as recognized by the 2022 National Strategy to Support Family Caregivers. Although negative associations between caregiving and caregiver health are known, changes in the health status of caregivers over time are not. Data from the 2015-2016 and 2021-2022 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System were analyzed to compare changes in the prevalence of 19 health indicators among cross-sectional samples of caregivers and noncaregivers at different time points. Caregivers experienced improvements in prevalence of four health indicators, whereas six worsened. Some health indicators, such as cigarette smoking, improved for both caregivers and noncaregivers, although smoking prevalence remained higher for caregivers (16.6% versus 11.7%). Prevalence of lifetime depression increased for both groups and remained higher among caregivers (25.6%) than among noncaregivers (18.6%). During 2021-2022, age-adjusted estimates for caregivers were unfavorable for 13 of the 19 health indicators when compared with noncaregivers. Strategies for supporting caregivers are available, and integrating these with existing programs to address mental health and chronic diseases among this population might improve caregiver well-being. For example, many community organizations support caregivers by offering interventions designed to relieve caregiver strain, including skills training, support groups, and care coordination. |
Characteristics of Asian American family caregivers of older adults compared to caregivers of other racial/ethnic groups: Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System 2015-2020
Miyawaki CE , Bouldin ED , Taylor CA , McGuire LC , Markides KS . J Appl Gerontol 2022 7334648221146257 Asian Americans (AAs) are the fastest-growing racial/ethnic minority group in the United States. While otherwise highly heterogeneous, AAs overall value filial piety and eldercare. This study compared the health and caregiving experiences of AA caregivers of older adults to AA non-caregivers and caregivers of older adults across racial/ethnic groups. We used 2015-2020 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data for 315 AA caregivers and 3822 AA non-caregivers, plus 395 American Indian/Alaska Native, 1883 Black, 1292 Hispanic, and 20,321 non-Hispanic White caregivers. Among AAs, 4.3% were caregivers, a lower proportion than in other racial/ethnic groups. Most AA caregivers were female (59%), married (71%), in excellent/very good/good health (76%), and with at least one chronic health condition (66%). Other than relationship to care recipients, caregivers' experiences were similar across racial/ethnic groups: most cared for <20 hours/week and provided household and personal care. Efforts to support AA caregivers should be attentive to cultural practices. |
Prevalence and Characteristics of Subjective Cognitive Decline Among Unpaid Caregivers Aged 45 Years - 22 States, 2015-2019
Jeffers EM , Bouldin ED , McGuire LC , Knapp KA , Patel R , Guglielmo D , Taylor CA , Croft JB . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (46) 1591-1596 Approximately 20% of U.S. adults are unpaid caregivers (caregivers) (1) who provide support to a family member or friend with a health condition or disability. Although there are benefits to caregiving, it can negatively affect caregivers' physical and mental health (2-4). Much of the assistance caregivers provide, such as administering medications or financial management, relies on cognitive ability, but little is known about caregivers' cognitive functioning. Subjective cognitive decline (SCD), the self-reported experience of worsening or more frequent confusion or memory loss over the past year (5), could affect caregivers' risk for adverse health outcomes and affect the quality of care they provide. CDC analyzed SCD among caregivers aged ≥45 years through a cross-sectional analysis of data from 22 states in the 2015-2019 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). Among adults aged ≥45 years, SCD was reported by 12.6% of caregivers who provided care to a family member or friend with a health condition or disability in the past 30 days compared with 10.2% of noncaregivers (p<0.001). Caregivers with SCD were more likely to be employed, men, aged 45-64 years, and have chronic health conditions than were noncaregivers with SCD. Caregivers with SCD were more likely to report frequent mental distress, a history of depression, and frequent activity limitations than were caregivers without SCD. SCD among caregivers could adversely affect the quality of care provided to care recipients. Understanding caregivers' cognitive health and the types of care provided is critical to maintaining the health, well-being, and independence of the caregiving dyad. Health care professionals can support patients and their patients' caregivers by increasing awareness among caregivers of the need to monitor their own health. The health care team can work with caregivers to identify potential treatments and access supports that might help them in their caregiving role and compensate for SCD. |
Baby boomers who provide informal care for people living with dementia in the community
Miyawaki CE , Bouldin ED , Taylor CA , McGuire LC . Int J Environ Res Public Health 2021 18 (18) One in four Baby Boomers fills the informal caregiver role in the United States. The objectives of this study were to estimate the prevalence of Baby Boomers who are informal caregivers for people living with dementia and compare their physical and mental health status to caregivers for persons with conditions other than dementia using 2015–2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System data (n = 10,602). We identified caregiving status (assisting a family member/friend with a long-term illness or disability in the past month, managing personal care, and not caring for a child/grandchild) and whether the care recipient’s major health condition was dementia. We calculated weighted estimates and used chi-square tests and log-binomial regression for comparisons of selected characteristics. Among Baby Boomer caregivers, 15.4% were caring for someone with dementia. Dementia caregivers were more likely to be female, caring for a parent/parent-in-law, and providing care longer than caregivers for persons without dementia. After adjusting for sociodemographic and caregiving characteristics, the prevalence of fair/poor health, frequent mental distress, and chronic conditions were similar across types of caregivers. Although no differences in caregiver’s physical and mental health by care recipient’s dementia status were found, we should underscore the importance of maintaining Baby Boomer caregivers’ health and well-being. © 2021 by the authors. Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. |
Subjective cognitive decline higher among sexual and gender minorities in the United States, 2015-2018
Flatt JD , Cicero EC , Lambrou NH , Wharton W , Anderson JG , Bouldin ED , McGuire LC , Taylor CA . Alzheimers Dement (N Y) 2021 7 (1) e12197 INTRODUCTION: Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) represents self-reported problems with memory, a possible early sign of dementia. Little is known about SCD among sexual and gender minority (SGM) adults who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, and/or transgender or gender non-binary. METHODS: Data were weighted to represent population estimates from 25 states' 2015-2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System to describe SCD in adults ≥45 years by SGM status. Logistic regression tested associations between demographic and health conditions. RESULTS: SCD prevalence was higher in SGM (15.7%; 95% confidence interval [CI]:13.1-18.2) than in non-SGM adults (10.5%; 95% CI:10.1-10.9; P < .0001). SGM adults with SCD were also more likely to report functional limitations due to SCD than non-SGM adults with SCD, 60.8% versus 47.8%, P = .0048. Differences in SCD by SGM status were attenuated after accounting for depression. DISCUSSION: Higher prevalence of SCD in SGM adults highlights the importance of ensuring inclusive screenings, interventions, care services, and resources for SGM adults. |
Unmet needs for assistance related to subjective cognitive decline among community-dwelling middle-aged and older adults in the US: prevalence and impact on health-related quality of life
Bouldin ED , Taylor CA , Knapp KA , Miyawaki CE , Mercado NR , Wooten KG , McGuire LC . Int Psychogeriatr 2020 33 (7) 1-14 OBJECTIVES: To estimate the prevalence of unmet needs for assistance among middle-aged and older adults with subjective cognitive decline (SCD) in the US and to evaluate whether unmet needs were associated with health-related quality of life (HRQOL). DESIGN: Cross-sectional. SETTING: US - 50 states, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. PARTICIPANTS: Community-dwelling adults aged 45 years and older who completed the Cognitive Decline module on the 2015--2018 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System reported experiencing SCD and always, usually, or sometimes needed assistance with day-to-day activities because of SCD (n = 6,568). MEASUREMENTS: We defined SCD as confusion or memory loss that was happening more often or getting worse over the past 12 months. Respondents with SCD were considered to have an unmet need for assistance if they sometimes, rarely, or never got the help they needed with day-to-day activities. We measured three domains of HRQOL: (1) mental (frequent mental distress, ≥14 days of poor mental health in the past 30 days), (2) physical (frequent physical distress, ≥14 days of poor physical health in the past 30 days), and (3) social (SCD always, usually, or sometimes interfered with the ability to work, volunteer, or engage in social activities outside the home). We used log-binomial regression models to estimate prevalence ratios (PRs). All estimates were weighted. RESULTS: In total, 40.2% of people who needed SCD-related assistance reported an unmet need. Among respondents without depression, an unmet need was associated with a higher prevalence of frequent mental distress (PR = 1.55, 95% CI: 1.12-2.13, p = 0.007). Frequent physical distress and social limitations did not differ between people with met and unmet needs. CONCLUSIONS: Middle-aged and older adults with SCD-related needs for assistance frequently did not have those needs met, which could negatively impact their mental health. Interventions to identify and meet the unmet needs among people with SCD may improve HRQOL. |
Baby boomers as caregivers: Results from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System in 44 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, 2015-2017
Miyawaki CE , Bouldin ED , Taylor CA , McGuire LC . Prev Chronic Dis 2020 17 E80 INTRODUCTION: Baby boomers, people born from 1946 through 1964, represent a substantial portion of the US population. Generally, baby boomers have more chronic disease and disability than those in the previous generation. Frequently, they also provide informal care to others. The objective of our study was to estimate the prevalence of informal caregiving among baby boomers and compare the health of baby boomer caregivers and noncaregivers. METHODS: Using data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (2015-2017) for 44 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, we classified 109,268 baby boomers as caregivers or noncaregivers and compared their general health (poor or fair vs good, very good, or excellent), chronic health conditions, and frequent mental distress (FMD). FMD was defined as 14 days or more of poor mental health in the past month. We used log-binomial regression to calculate prevalence ratios, adjusted for age and sex (aPRs), and to separately estimate aPRs for fair or poor health and FMD or at least one chronic health condition. RESULTS: One in 4 baby boomers (24.2%) were caregivers. In adjusted models, male caregivers had a higher prevalence of fair to poor health than noncaregivers (aPR = 1.17; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.06-1.29; P = .001). More caregivers than noncaregivers had at least 1 chronic health condition (aPR = 1.10, 95% CI, 1.07-1.13; P < .001) and more often had FMD (aPR = 1.39; 95% CI, 1.26-1.53; P < .001). CONCLUSION: Our study showed these caregivers had more chronic health conditions and more often had FMD than noncaregivers. The health of baby boomer caregivers is a public health priority, as these caregivers might need support to maintain their own physical and mental health. |
Characteristics and health status of informal unpaid caregivers - 44 states, District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, 2015-2017
Edwards VJ , Bouldin ED , Taylor CA , Olivari BS , McGuire LC . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (7) 183-188 In 2015, an estimated 17.7 million U.S. persons were informal caregivers who provided substantial services through in-home, unpaid assistance to their family members and friends (1). Caregiving can have many benefits, such as enhancing the bond between caregiver and recipient, but it can also place an emotional and physical strain on caregivers, leading to higher rates of depression, lower quality of life, and poorer overall health (2). As the U.S. population continues to age (3), the need for informal caregivers will likely increase. However, little nationally representative information on prevalence of caregivers is available. This study examined demographic characteristics and health status of informal caregivers from 44 states,* the District of Columbia (DC), and Puerto Rico, based on data from the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) collected during 2015-2017. Overall, approximately one in five adults reported that they had provided care to a family member or friend in the preceding 30 days. Fifty-eight percent of caregivers were women, and a majority were non-Hispanic white, with at least some college education, and married or living with a partner. Across all states, 19.2% of caregivers reported being in fair or poor health, although significant state-to-state variation occurred. Caregivers provide important support to family members, friends, and the health care system and might compromise their own health to provide this support (1,2). Better understanding of caregivers and the challenges they face could inform implementation of improvements in support systems that could enhance not only the health of the caregiver, but that of the care recipient as well. For example, additional data regarding demographics at the state level might aid in more effective planning and support of caregivers with evidence-based programs and assistance ( |
Comorbid chronic conditions among older adults with subjective cognitive decline, United States, 2015-2017
Taylor CA , Bouldin ED , Greenlund KJ , McGuire LC . Innov Aging 2020 4 (1) igz045 Background and Objectives: Subjective cognitive decline (SCD), the self-reported experience of worsening or more frequent confusion or memory loss, may be associated with the development or worsening of chronic conditions or complicating their self-management. The objectives of this study were to (i) establish the prevalence of chronic conditions and multiple chronic conditions among adults with SCD, and (ii) compare the prevalence of chronic conditions among people with and without SCD and SCD-related functional limitations. Research Design and Methods: Data were analyzed from the Cognitive Decline module of the Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System administered in 49 states, DC, and Puerto Rico during 2015-2017. Analyses included 220,221 respondents aged 45 years or older who answered the SCD screening question and reported their chronic conditions. Weighted estimates were calculated and chi-square tests were used for comparisons. Results: Persons with a history of stroke, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disorder had significantly higher prevalence of SCD compared to those without. The prevalence of having at least one chronic condition was higher among adults with SCD compared to adults without SCD in each age group (45-64 years: 77.4% vs 47.1%, p < .001; >/=65 years: 86.3% vs 73.5%, p < .001). Among those with SCD, the prevalence of an SCD-related functional limitation was higher among those with at least one chronic condition compared to those with none (45-64 years: 63.3% vs 42.4%, p < .001; >/=65 years: 40.0% vs 25.1%, p < .001). Only half of adults with SCD and a chronic condition had discussed their SCD with a health care professional. Discussion and Implications: SCD and chronic conditions commonly co-occur. Having a chronic condition was associated with greater SCD-related functional limitations. SCD might complicate the management of chronic conditions, and patients and providers should be aware of increased risk for cognitive decline in the presence of chronic diseases. |
The economic value of informal caregiving for persons with dementia: Results from 38 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico, 2015 and 2016 BRFSS
Rabarison KM , Bouldin ED , Bish CL , McGuire LC , Taylor CA , Greenlund KJ . Am J Public Health 2018 108 (10) e1-e8 OBJECTIVES: To estimate the economic value from a societal perspective of informal caregiving of persons with dementia in 38 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. METHODS: Using a cost replacement method and data from the 2015 and 2016 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System caregiver module, the US Bureau of Labor and Statistics May 2016 Occupation Profiles, and the US Department of Labor, we estimated the number and economic direct cost of caregiving hours. RESULTS: An estimated 3.2 million dementia caregivers provided more than 4.1 billion hours of care, with an average of 1278 hours per caregiver. The median hourly value of dementia caregiving was $10.28. Overall, we valued these caregiving hours at $41.5 billion, with an average of $13 069 per caregiver. CONCLUSIONS: Caregivers of persons with dementia provide care that has important economic implications. Without these efforts, many people would either not receive needed care or have to pay for that support. Surveillance data can be used to estimate the contributions of informal caregivers and the economic value of the care they provide. (Am J Public Health. Published online ahead of print August 23, 2018: e1-e8. doi:10.2105/AJPH.2018.304573). |
Subjective cognitive decline among adults aged 45 years - United States, 2015-2016
Taylor CA , Bouldin ED , McGuire LC . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (27) 753-757 Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) is the self-reported experience of worsening or more frequent confusion or memory loss within the previous 12 months (1,2) and one of the earliest noticeable symptoms of Alzheimer's disease (Alzheimer's), a fatal form of dementia (i.e., a decline in mental abilities severe enough to interfere with everyday life) (1). Alzheimer's is the most common form of dementia, although not all memory loss results from Alzheimer's (3). To examine SCD, CDC analyzed combined data from the 2015 and 2016 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS) surveys. Overall, 11.2% of adults aged >/=45 years reported having SCD, 50.6% of whom reported SCD-related functional limitations. Among persons living alone aged >/=45 years, 13.8% reported SCD; among persons with any chronic disease, 15.2% reported SCD. Adults should discuss confusion or memory loss with a health care professional who can assess cognitive decline and address possible treatments and issues related to chronic disease management, medical care, and caregiving. |
Financial and health barriers and caregiving-related difficulties among rural and urban caregivers
Bouldin ED , Shaull L , Andresen EM , Edwards VJ , McGuire LC . J Rural Health 2017 34 (3) 263-274 PURPOSE: To assess whether financial or health-related barriers were more common among rural caregivers and whether rural caregivers experienced more caregiving-related difficulties than their urban peers. METHODS: We used data from 7,436 respondents to the Caregiver Module in 10 states from the 2011-2013 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Respondents were classified as caregivers if they reported providing care to a family member or friend because of a long-term illness or disability. We classified respondents as living in a rural area if they lived outside of a Metropolitan Statistical Area (MSA). We defined a financial barrier as having an annual household income <$25,000 or not being able see a doctor when needed in the past year because of cost. We defined a health barrier as having multiple chronic health conditions, a disability, or fair or poor self-rated health. FINDINGS: Rural caregivers more frequently had financial barriers than urban caregivers (38.1% vs 31.0%, P = .0001), but the prevalence of health barriers was similar (43.3% vs 40.6%, P = .18). After adjusting for demographic differences, financial barriers remained more common among rural caregivers. Rural caregivers were less likely than their urban peers to report that caregiving created any difficulty in both unadjusted and adjusted models (adjusted prevalence ratio = 0.90; P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: Informal caregivers, particularly in rural areas, face financial barriers. Rural caregivers were less likely than urban caregivers to report caregiving-related difficulties. Rural caregivers' coping strategies or skills in identifying informal supports may explain this difference, but additional research is needed to explore this hypothesis. |
Associations between physical activity and cognitive functioning among middle-aged and older adults
Miyawaki CE , Bouldin ED , Kumar GS , McGuire LC . J Nutr Health Aging 2016 21 (6) 637-647 Objectives: To describe aerobic physical activity among middle-aged and older adults by their selfreported cognitive decline and their receipt of informal care for declines in cognitive functioning and most common type of physical activity. Design: Cross-sectional study using data from the 2011 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System. Setting: Landline and cellular telephone survey. Participants: 93,082 respondents aged 45 years and older from 21 US states in 2011. Measurements: Subjective cognitive decline (SCD) was defined as experiencing confusion or memory loss that was happening more often or getting worse during the past 12 months. Regular care was defined as always, usually, or sometimes receiving care from family or friends because of SCD. Using the 2008 Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans, respondents were classified as being inactive, insufficiently active, or sufficiently active based on their reported aerobic exercise. We calculated weighted proportions and used chi-square tests for differences across categories by SCD status and receipt of care. We estimated the prevalence ratio (PR) for being inactive, insufficiently active, and sufficiently active using separate log-binomial regression models, adjusting for covariates. Results: 12.3% of respondents reported SCD and 23.1% of those with SCD received regular care. 29.6% (95%CI: 28.9-30.4) of respondents without SCD were inactive compared to 37.1% (95%CI: 34.7-39.5) of those with SCD who did not receive regular care and 50.2% (95%CI: 45.2-55.1) of those with SCD who received regular care. 52.4% (95%CI: 51.6-53.2) of respondents without SCD were sufficiently active compared to 46.4% (95%CI: 43.8-49.0) of respondents with SCD and received no regular care and 30.6% (95%CI: 26.1-35.6) of respondents with SCD who received regular care. After adjusting for demographic and health status differences, people receiving regular care for SCD had a significantly lower prevalence of meeting aerobic guidelines compared to people without SCD (PR=0.80, 95%CI: 0.69-0.93, p=0.005). The most prevalent physical activity was walking for adults aged > 45 years old (41-52%) regardless of SCD status or receipt of care. Conclusion: Overall, the prevalence of inactivity was high, especially among people with SCD. These findings suggest a need to increase activity among middle-aged and older adults, particularly those with SCD who receive care. Examining ways to increase walking, potentially by involving informal caregivers, could be a promising way for people with SCD to reduce inactivity and gain the health benefits associated with meeting physical activity guidelines. |
Increased confusion and memory loss in households, 2011 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Deokar AJ , Bouldin ED , Edwards VJ , Anderson LA . Prev Chronic Dis 2015 12 E29 Using data from the 2011 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS), we examined households in 13 states (N = 81,012) in which the respondent or another adult household member experienced increased confusion or memory loss (ICML) in the preceding 12 months. A total of 12.6% of households reported at least 1 adult who experienced ICML, and in 5.4% of households all adults experienced ICML. Based on these results, an estimated 4 million households in these 13 states have a member with ICML, potentially affecting more than 10 million people. This study can inform public health communication campaigns aimed at increasing awareness of the signs and symptoms of cognitive decline and augment community planning efforts so that the needs of households in which 1 or more adults has cognitive decline are considered. |
Demographic and health status differences among people aged 45 or older with and without functional difficulties related to increased confusion or memory loss, 2011 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System
Anderson LA , Deokar A , Edwards VJ , Bouldin ED , Greenlund KJ . Prev Chronic Dis 2015 12 E30 We examined the demographic and health characteristics of people aged 45 years or older in 21 states with self-reported increased confusion or memory loss (ICML) (n = 10,583) by whether or not they also reported functional difficulties related to ICML. We used data from the 2011 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System optional module on impact of cognitive impairment. After adjusting for demographic differences, we found that respondents with ICML and functional difficulties were significantly more likely than those with ICML and no functional difficulties to report frequent poor physical health, frequent poor mental health, limited activity due to poor physical or mental health, and a need for more help. Further understanding of the implications for long-term services and supports is needed. |
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