Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
Records 1-22 (of 22 Records) |
Query Trace: Blumenthal W[original query] |
Aspirin use for primary prevention among US adults with and without elevated Lipoprotein(a)
Razavi AC , Richardson LC , Coronado F , Dzaye O , Bhatia HS , Mehta A , Quyyumi AA , Vaccarino V , Budoff MJ , Nasir K , Tsimikas S , Whelton SP , Blaha MJ , Blumenthal RS , Sperling LS . Am J Prev Cardiol 2024 18 100674 OBJECTIVE: Lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] is an atherogenic and prothrombotic lipoprotein associated with atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD). We assessed the association between regular aspirin use and ASCVD mortality among individuals with versus without elevated Lp(a) in a nationally representative US cohort. METHODS: Eligible participants were aged 40-70 years without clinical ASCVD, reported on aspirin use, and had Lp(a) measurements from the Third National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES III, 1988-1994), the only cycle of this nationally representative US cohort to measure Lp(a). Regular aspirin use was defined as taking aspirin ≥30 times in the previous month. Using NHANES III linked mortality records and weighted Cox proportional hazards regression, the association between regular aspirin use and ASCVD mortality was observed in those with and without elevated Lp(a) (≥50 versus <50 mg/dL) over a median 26-year follow-up. RESULTS: Among 2,990 persons meeting inclusion criteria (∼73 million US adults), the mean age was 50 years, 86% were non-Hispanic White, 9% were non-Hispanic Black, 53% were female, and 7% reported regular aspirin use. The median Lp(a) was 14 mg/dL and the proportion with elevated Lp(a) was similar among those with versus without regular aspirin use (15.1% versus 21.9%, p = 0.16). Among individuals with elevated Lp(a), the incidence of ASCVD mortality per 1,000 person-years was lower for those with versus without regular aspirin use (1.2, 95% CI: 0.1-2.3 versus 3.9, 95% CI: 2.8-4.9). In multivariable modeling, regular aspirin use was associated with a 52% lower risk of ASCVD mortality among individuals with elevated Lp(a) (HR=0.48, 95% CI: 0.28-0.83), but not for those without elevated Lp(a) (HR=1.01, 95% CI: 0.81-1.25; p-interaction=0.001). CONCLUSION: Regular aspirin use was associated with significantly lower ASCVD mortality in adults without clinical ASCVD who had elevated Lp(a). These findings may have clinical and public health implications for aspirin utilization in primary prevention. |
Self-Reported Mask Use among Persons with or without SARS CoV-2 Vaccination -United States, December 2020-August 2021 (preprint)
Calamari LE , Weintraub WS , Santos R , Gibbs M , Bertoni AG , Ward LM , Saydah S , Plumb ID , Runyon MS , Wierzba TF , Sanders JW , Herrington D , Espeland MA , Williamson J , Mongraw-Chaffin M , Bertoni A , Alexander-Miller MA , Castri P , Mathews A , Munawar I , Seals AL , Ostasiewski B , Ballard CAP , Gurcan M , Ivanov A , Zapata GM , Westcott M , Blinson K , Blinson L , Mistysyn M , Davis D , Doomy L , Henderson P , Jessup A , Lane K , Levine B , McCanless J , McDaniel S , Melius K , O'Neill C , Pack A , Rathee R , Rushing S , Sheets J , Soots S , Wall M , Wheeler S , White J , Wilkerson L , Wilson R , Wilson K , Burcombe D , Saylor G , Lunn M , Ordonez K , O'Steen A , Wagner L , McCurdy LH , Gibbs MA , Taylor YJ , Calamari L , Tapp H , Ahmed A , Brennan M , Munn L , Dantuluri KL , Hetherington T , Lu LC , Dunn C , Hogg M , Price A , Leonidas M , Manning M , Rossman W , Gohs FX , Harris A , Priem JS , Tochiki P , Wellinsky N , Silva C , Ludden T , Hernandez J , Spencer K , McAlister L , Weintraub W , Miller K , Washington C , Moses A , Dolman S , Zelaya-Portillo J , Erkus J , Blumenthal J , Romero Barrientos RE , Bennett S , Shah S , Mathur S , Boxley C , Kolm P , Franklin E , Ahmed N , Larsen M , Oberhelman R , Keating J , Kissinger P , Schieffelin J , Yukich J , Beron A , Teigen J , Kotloff K , Chen WH , Friedman-Klabanoff D , Berry AA , Powell H , Roane L , Datar R , Correa A , Navalkele B , Min YI , Castillo A , Ward L , Santos RP , Anugu P , Gao Y , Green J , Sandlin R , Moore D , Drake L , Horton D , Johnson KL , Stover M , Lagarde WH , Daniel L , Maguire PD , Hanlon CL , McFayden L , Rigo I , Hines K , Smith L , Harris M , Lissor B , Cook V , Eversole M , Herrin T , Murphy D , Kinney L , Diehl P , Abromitis N , Pierre TSt , Heckman B , Evans D , March J , Whitlock B , Moore W , Arthur S , Conway J , Gallaher TR , Johanson M , Brown S , Dixon T , Reavis M , Henderson S , Zimmer M , Oliver D , Jackson K , Menon M , Bishop B , Roeth R , King-Thiele R , Hamrick TS , Ihmeidan A , Hinkelman A , Okafor C , Bray Brown RB , Brewster A , Bouyi D , Lamont K , Yoshinaga K , Vinod P , Peela AS , Denbel G , Lo J , Mayet-Khan M , Mittal A , Motwani R , Raafat M , Schultz E , Joseph A , Parkeh A , Patel D , Afridi B , Uschner D , Edelstein SL , Santacatterina M , Strylewicz G , Burke B , Gunaratne M , Turney M , Zhou SQ , Tjaden AH , Fette L , Buahin A , Bott M , Graziani S , Soni A , Mores C , Porzucek A , Laborde R , Acharya P , Guill L , Lamphier D , Schaefer A , Satterwhite WM , McKeague A , Ward J , Naranjo DP , Darko N , Castellon K , Brink R , Shehzad H , Kuprianov D , McGlasson D , Hayes D , Edwards S , Daphnis S , Todd B , Goodwin A , Berkelman R , Hanson K , Zeger S , Hopkins J , Reilly C , Edwards K , Gayle H , Redd S . medRxiv 2022 10 Wearing a facemask can help to decrease the transmission of COVID-19. We investigated self-reported mask use among subjects aged 18 years and older participating in the COVID-19 Community Research Partnership (CRP), a prospective longitudinal COVID-19 surveillance study in the mid-Atlantic and southeastern United States. We included those participants who completed >=5 daily surveys each month from December 1, 2020 through August 31, 2021. Mask use was defined as self-reported use of a face mask or face covering on every interaction with others outside the household within a distance of less than 6 feet. Participants were considered vaccinated if they reported receiving >=1 COVID-19 vaccine dose. Participants (n=17,522) were 91% non-Hispanic White, 68% female, median age 57 years, 26% healthcare workers, with 95% self-reported receiving >=1 COVID-19 vaccine dose through August; mean daily survey response was 85%. Mask use was higher among vaccinated than unvaccinated participants across the study period, regardless of the month of the first dose. Mask use remained relatively stable from December 2020 through April (range 71-80% unvaccinated; 86-93% vaccinated) and declined in both groups beginning in mid-May 2021 to 34% and 42% respectively in June 2021; mask use has increased again since July 2021. Mask use by all was lower during weekends and on Christmas and Easter, regardless of vaccination status. Independent predictors of higher mask use were vaccination, age >=65 years, female sex, racial or ethnic minority group, and healthcare worker occupation, whereas a history of self-reported prior COVID-19 illness was associated with lower use. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
The perfect storm: respiratory viral surges and anti-infective shortages
Gross AE , Kabbani S , Blumenthal J . Antimicrob Steward Healthc Epidemiol 2023 3 (1) e89 In late 2022, ∼40% of US households had a family member with influenza, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), and/or severe acute respiratory coronavirus virus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). 1 Increased incidence of influenza and RSV infection occurred much earlier than in the typical respiratory virus season, with the peak occurring in November. 2–4 Furthermore, RSV and influenza-related hospitalization rates were higher than in the past 5 years. This RSV peak coincided with a SARS-CoV-2 peak in early December 2022. 2 The overlap in respiratory viral disease burden in the United States contributed to significant healthcare resource utilization in outpatient and inpatient settings for patients with respiratory infection syndromes, especially in pediatric populations, contributing to shortages in anti-infectives and antipyretics. |
In Reply
Jatlaoui TC , Whiteman MK , Jeng G , Tepper NK , Curtis KM . Obstet Gynecol 2019 133 (3) 582-583 We appreciate the important considerations raised by Blumenthal and Lerma regarding our | recent publication.1 | We agree that continuation is an important programmatic outcome. | However, intrauterine device (IUD) reinsertion after expulsion may not be feasible for all | women owing to cost, insurance coverage, or logistical barriers. Therefore, expulsion is an | essential contributor to continuation, and these data may inform patient-centered counseling. | To provide information pertinent to U.S. practice, we included data on copper and | levonorgestrel IUDs that were ever available in the United States, rather than those included | in a recent review.2 | We agree that certain factors (eg, insertion technique and health care | provider experience) may influence expulsion risk; however, these factors were not | consistently reported by studies and therefore not included in our analysis. | We based our timing categories of postpartum IUD placement on U.S. Medical Eligibility | Criteria for Contraceptive Use recommendations.3 | The majority of data are reported by these | categories, and studies examining the early postpartum period (more than 10 minutes after | placental delivery to less than 4 weeks postpartum) did not provide sufficient data to | separate expulsion rates into additional time periods. Ideally, future studies will describe | outcomes, including uptake, expulsions, and continuation, associated with placements in the | delivery room, during the hospital stay, or at an early postpartum visit to better inform | postpartum contraception care and programs. Nonetheless, postpartum IUD placement is | safe at any time and can be provided based on the woman’s preference. |
Operational characteristics of central cancer registries that support the generation of high-quality surveillance data
Edwards P , Bernacet A , Tangka FKL , Pordell P , Beizer J , Wilson R , Blumenthal W , Jones SF , Cole-Beebe M , Subramanian S . J Registry Manag 2022 49 (1) 10-16 OBJECTIVES: We aim to assess external and internal attributes and operations of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)'s National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) central cancer registries by their consistency in meeting national data quality standards. METHODS: The NPCR 2017 Program Evaluation Instrument (PEI) data were used to assess registry operational attributes, including adoption of electronic reporting, compliance with reporting, staffing, and software used among 46 NPCR registries. These factors were stratified by (1) registries that met the NPCR 12-month standards for all years 2014-2017; (2) registries that met the NPCR 12-month standards at least once in 2014-2017 and met the NPCR 24-month standards for all years 2014-2017; and (3) registries that did not meet the NPCR 24-month standards for all years 2014-2017. Statistical tests helped identify significant differences among registries that consistently, sometimes, or seldom/never achieved data standards. RESULTS: Registries that always met the standards had a higher level of electronic reporting and a higher compliance with reporting among hospitals than registries that sometimes or seldom/never met the standards. Although not a statistically significant finding, the same registries also had a higher proportion of staffing positions filled, a higher proportion of certified tumor registrars, and more quality assurance and information technology staff. CONCLUSIONS: This information may be used to understand the importance of various factors and characteristics, including the adoption of electronic reporting, that may be associated with a registry's ability to consistently meet NPCR standards. The findings may be helpful in identifying best practices for processing high-quality cancer data. |
Leveraging PEPFAR-supported health information systems for COVID-19 pandemic response
Mirza M , Grant-Greene Y , Valles Mpjs , Joseph P , Juin S , Brice S , Dely P , Clement MGR , Kumar M , Silver M , Wambugu S , Seebregts C , Futerman D , Weissglas F , Muthee V , Blumenthal W , Wuhib T , Yoon S , Rosen DH . Emerg Infect Dis 2022 28 (13) S49-s58 Since 2003, the US President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) has supported implementation and maintenance of health information systems for HIV/AIDS and related diseases, such as tuberculosis, in numerous countries. As the COVID-19 pandemic emerged, several countries conducted rapid assessments and enhanced existing PEPFAR-funded HIV and national health information systems to support COVID-19 surveillance data collection, analysis, visualization, and reporting needs. We describe efforts at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) headquarters in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, and CDC country offices that enhanced existing health information systems in support COVID-19 pandemic response. We describe CDC activities in Haiti as an illustration of efforts in PEPFAR countries. We also describe how investments used to establish and maintain standards-based health information systems in resource-constrained settings can have positive effects on health systems beyond their original scope. |
Prevalence of and risk factors for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection in entrants and residents of an Ethiopian prison
Sahle ET , Amogne W , Manyazewal T , Blumenthal J , Jain S , Sun S , Young J , Ellorin E , Woldeamanuel H , Teferra L , Feleke B , Vandenberg O , Rey Z , Briggs-Hagen M , Haubrich R , McCutchan JA . PLoS One 2023 18 (2) e0271666 BACKGROUND: Prisoners generally have a higher prevalence of HIV infection compared to the general population from which they come. Whether this higher prevalence reflects a higher HIV prevalence in those entering prisons or intramural transmission of HIV within prisons or both is unclear. Any of these possibilities would increase the prevalence found in resident prisoners above that in the general population. Moreover, comparisons of HIV prevalence in entrants and residents and in men and women in African prisons are not well documented. The purpose of this study was to estimate and compare the prevalence and risk factors for HIV infection amongst both male as well as female and entrant and resident prisoners in a large Ethiopian Federal Prison. METHODS: We studied consenting prisoners cross-sectionally from August 2014 through November 2016. Prison entrants were screened continuously for HIV infection and its associated risk factors and residents were screened in two waves one year apart. HIV was diagnosed at the prison hospital laboratory based on the Ethiopian national HIV rapid antibody testing protocol. An external, internationally-accredited reference laboratory confirmed results. Agreement of results between the laboratories were assessed. RESULTS: A total of 10,778 participants were screened for HIV. Most participants were young (median age of 26 years, IQR: 21-33), male (84%), single (61%), literate (89%), and urban residents (91%) without prior incarceration (96%). Prevalence of HIV was 3.4% overall. Rates of HIV (p = 0.80) were similar in residents and entrants in wave 1 and in entrants in both waves, but were 1.9-fold higher (5.4% vs 2.8%) in residents than entrants in wave 2 (both p<0.001). At entrance to the prison women were more likely to be HIV+ than men (5.5% in women vs 2.5% in men, p< 0.001). In contrast resident women were less likely to be HIV+, but this difference was not statistically significant (3.2% in women vs 4.3% in men, p = 0.125). Other risk factors associated with HIV infection were increasing age (p<0.001), female gender (p<0.001), marital status (never vs other categories, p = 0.016), smaller number of rooms in their houses pre-imprisonment (p = 0.031), TB diagnosis ever (p<0.001), number of lifetime sex partners (especially having 2-10, p<0.001), and genital ulcer (p = 0.037). CONCLUSIONS: Prevalence of HIV in the residents at this large, central Ethiopian prison was higher than that estimated for the general population and lower than in many other studies from other smaller Ethiopian prisons. A higher prevalence in residents than in entrants were found only in our second wave of screening after one year of continuous screening and treatment, possibly representing increased willingness of residents at increased risk of HIV to participate in the second wave. Thus, this findings did not clearly support intramural transmission of HIV or the effectiveness of screening to reduce prevalence. Finally, the higher HIV prevalence in women than men requires that they be similarly screened and treated for HIV infection. |
Expanding Reach of Occupational Health Knowledge: Contributing Subject-Matter Expertise to Wikipedia as a Class Assignment
Ceballos DM , Herrick RF , Carreón T , Nguyen VT , Chu MT , Sadowski JP , Blumenthal H , Morata TC . Inquiry 2021 58 469580211035735 The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) and several university programs have collaborated on a large effort to expand and improve occupational safety and health content in Wikipedia using a platform developed by Wiki Education. This article describes the initiative, student contributions, and evaluations of this effort by instructors from two universities between 2016 and 2020. The Wiki Education platform allowed instructors to set timelines and track students' progress throughout the semester while students accessed training to best expand health content in Wikipedia. Students chose topics in occupational health based on their interests and by a set of topics deemed as a priority by the "WikiProject Occupational Safety and Health." Students' contributions were peer-reviewed by instructors, NIOSH Wikipedians-in-Residence, and traditional Wikipedians. Students presented their projects in class at the end of the semester. Students from both schools expanded 55 articles, created 8 new articles, and translated 2 articles to Spanish, adding 1270 references; these articles were viewed over 8 million times by May 2020. Feedback received from the implementation suggested that students learned about science communication and digital literacy-providing valuable content on occupational health while reducing misinformation in the public domain. The process of identifying and addressing gaps in occupational health in Wikipedia requires participation and engagement toward improving access to information that otherwise would be restricted to the scientific literature, often behind a paywall. The Wikipedia assignment proved to be an engaging approach for instruction and information literacy. It helped students improve their science communication skills and digital literacy, tools that are likely to be critical for successful communication of science in their future careers. |
Factors affecting the adoption of electronic data reporting and outcomes among selected central cancer registries of the National Program of Cancer Registries
Tangka FKL , Edwards P , Pordell P , Wilson R , Blumenthal W , Jones SF , Jones M , Beizer J , Bernacet A , Cole-Beebe M , Subramanian S . JCO Clin Cancer Inform 2021 5 921-932 PURPOSE: The CDC's National Program of Cancer Registries has expanded the use of electronic reporting to collect more timely information on newly diagnosed cancers. The adoption, implementation, and use of electronic reporting vary significantly among central cancer registries. We identify factors affecting the adoption of electronic reporting among these registries. METHODS: Directors and data managers of nine National Program of Cancer Registries took part in separate 1-hour telephone interviews in early 2019. Directors were asked about their registry's key data quality goals; staffing, resources, and tools used to aid processes; their definition and self-perception of electronic reporting adoption; key helpers and challenges; and cost and sustainability implications for adoption of electronic reporting. Data managers were asked about specific data collection processes, software applications, electronic reporting adoption and self-perception, information technology infrastructure, and helpers and challenges to data collection and processing, data quality, and sustainability of approach. RESULTS: Larger registries identified organizational capacity and technical expertise as key aides. Other help for implementing electronic reporting processes came from partnerships, funding availability, management support, legislation, and access to an interstate data exchange. Common challenges among lower adopters included lack of capacity at both registry and data source levels, insufficient staffing, and a lack of information technology or technical support. Other challenges consisted of automation and interoperability of software, volume of cases received, state political environment, and quality of data received. CONCLUSION: Feedback from the formative evaluation yielded several useful solutions that can guide implementation of electronic reporting and help refine the technical assistance provided to registries. Our findings may help guide future process and economic evaluations of electronic reporting and identify best practices to strengthen registry operations. |
Pursuing Data Modernization in Cancer Surveillance by Developing a Cloud-Based Computing Platform: Real-Time Cancer Case Collection.
Jones DE , Alimi TO , Pordell P , Tangka FK , Blumenthal W , Jones SF , Rogers JD , Benard VB , Richardson LC . JCO Clin Cancer Inform 2021 5 24-29 Cancer surveillance is a field focused on collection of data to evaluate the burden of cancer and apply public health strategies to prevent and control cancer in the community. A key challenge facing the cancer surveillance community is the number of manual tasks required to collect cancer surveillance data, thereby resulting in possible delays in analysis and use of the information. To modernize and automate cancer data collection and reporting, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is planning, developing, and piloting a cancer surveillance cloud-based computing platform (CS-CBCP) with standardized electronic reporting from laboratories and health-care providers. With this system, automation of the cancer case collection process and access to real-time cancer case data can be achieved, which could not be done before. Furthermore, the COVID-19 pandemic has illustrated the importance of continuity of operations plans, and the CS-CBCP has the potential to provide such a platform suitable for remote operations of central cancer registries. |
Population heath informatics can advance interoperability: National Program of Cancer Registries Electronic Pathology Reporting Project
Pollack LA , Jones SF , Blumenthal W , Alimi TO , Jones DE , Rogers JD , Benard VB , Richardson LC . JCO Clin Cancer Inform 2020 4 985-992 PURPOSE: Given the reach, breadth, and volume of data collected from multiple clinical settings and systems, US central cancer registries (CCRs) are uniquely positioned to test and advance cancer health information exchange. This article describes a current Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) National Program of Cancer Registries (NPCR) cancer informatics data exchange initiative. METHODS: CDC is using an established cloud-based platform developed by the Association of Public Health Laboratories (APHL) for national notifiable disease reporting to enable direct transmission of standardized electronic pathology (ePath) data from laboratories to CCRs in multiple states. RESULTS: The APHL Informatics Messaging Services (AIMS) Platform provides an infrastructure to enable a large national laboratory to submit data to a single platform. State health departments receive data from the AIMS Platform through a secure portal, eliminating separate data exchange routes with each CCR. CONCLUSION: Key factors enabling ePath data exchange from laboratories to CCRs are having established cancer registry data standards and using a single platform/portal to reduce data streams. NPCR plans to expand this approach in alignment with ongoing cancer informatics efforts in clinical settings. The 50 CCRs supported by NPCR provide a variety of scenarios to develop and disseminate cancer data informatics initiatives and have tremendous potential to increase the implementation of cancer data exchange. |
Using informatics to improve cancer surveillance.
Blumenthal W , Alimi TO , Jones SF , Jones DE , Rogers JD , Benard VB , Richardson LC . J Am Med Inform Assoc 2020 27 (9) 1488-1495 ![]() ![]() OBJECTIVES: This review summarizes past and current informatics activities at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention National Program of Cancer Registries to inform readers about efforts to improve, standardize, and automate reporting to public health cancer registries. TARGET AUDIENCE: The target audience includes cancer registry experts, informaticians, public health professionals, database specialists, computer scientists, programmers, and system developers who are interested in methods to improve public health surveillance through informatics approaches. SCOPE: This review provides background on central cancer registries and describes the efforts to standardize and automate reporting to these registries. Specific topics include standardized data exchange activities for physician and pathology reporting, software tools for cancer reporting, development of a natural language processing tool for processing unstructured clinical text, and future directions of cancer surveillance informatics. |
Teaching public and population health in medical education: An evaluation framework
Johnson SB , Fair MA , Howley LD , Prunuske J , Cashman SB , Carney JK , Jarris YS , Deyton LR , Blumenthal D , Krane NK , Fiebach NH , Strelnick AH , Morton-Eggleston E , Nickens C , Ortega L . Acad Med 2020 95 (12) 1853-1863 Curriculum models and training activities in medical education have been markedly enhanced to prepare physicians to address the health needs of diverse populations and to advance health equity. While different teaching and experiential learning activities in the public health and population health sciences have been implemented, there is no existing framework to measure the effectiveness of public and population health (PPH) education in medical education programs. In 2015, the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) established the Expert Panel on Public and Population Health in Medical Education, which convened 20 U.S. medical faculty members whose goal was to develop an evaluation framework adapted from the New World Kirkpatrick Model. Institutional leaders can use this framework to assess the effectiveness of PPH curricula for learners, faculty, and community partners. It may also assist institutions with identifying opportunities to improve the integration of PPH content into medical education programs. In this article, the authors present outcomes metrics and practical curricular or institutional illustrations at each Kirkpatrick training evaluation level to assist institutions with the measurement of (1) reaction to the PPH education content, (2) learning accomplished, (3) application of knowledge and skills to practice, and (4) outcomes achieved as a result of PPH education and practice. A fifth level was added to measure the benefit of PPH curricula on the health system and population health. The framework may assist with developing a locally relevant evaluation to further integrate and support PPH education at U.S. medical schools and teaching hospitals. |
Bacteriologically-confirmed pulmonary tuberculosis in an Ethiopian prison: Prevalence from screening of entrant and resident prisoners
Tsegaye Sahle E , Blumenthal J , Jain S , Sun S , Young J , Manyazewal T , Woldeamanuel H , Teferra L , Feleke B , Vandenberg O , Rey Z , Briggs-Hagen M , Haubrich R , Amogne W , McCutchan JA . PLoS One 2019 14 (12) e0226160 BACKGROUND: Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB) is a major health problem in prisons. Multiple studies of TB in regional Ethiopian prisons have assessed prevalence and risk factors but have not examined recently implemented screening programs for TB in prisons. This study compares bacteriologically-confirmed PTB (BC-PTB) prevalence in prison entrants versus residents and identifies risk factors for PTB in Kality prison, a large federal Ethiopian prison located in Addis Ababa, through a study of an enhanced TB screening program. METHODS: Participating prisoners (n = 13,803) consisted of 8,228 entrants screened continuously and 5,575 residents screened in two cross-sectional waves for PTB symptoms, demographics, TB risk factors, and medical history. Participants reporting at least one symptom of PTB were asked to produce sputum which was examined by microscopy for acid-fast bacilli, Xpert MTB/RIF assay and MGIT liquid culture. Prevalence of BC-PTB, defined as evidence of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) in sputum by the above methods, was compared in entrants and residents for the study. Descriptive analysis of prevalence was followed by bivariate and multivariate analyses of risk factors. RESULTS: Prisoners were mainly male (86%), young (median age 26 years) and literate (89%). Prevalence of TB symptoms by screening was 17% (2,334/13,803) with rates in residents >5-fold higher than entrants. Prevalence of BC-PTB detected by screening in participating prisoners was 0.16% (22/13,803). Prevalence in residents increased in the second resident screening compared to the first (R1 = 0.10% and R2 = 0.39%, p = 0.027), but remained higher than in entrants (4.3-fold higher during R1 and 3.1-fold higher during R2). Drug resistance (DR) was found in 38% (5/13) of culture-isolated MTB. Risk factors including being ever diagnosed with TB, history of TB contact and low Body Mass Index (BMI) (<18.5) were significantly associated with BC-PTB (p<0.05). CONCLUSIONS: BC-PTB prevalence was strikingly lower than previously reported from other Ethiopian prisons. PTB appears to be transmitted within this prison based on its higher prevalence in residents than in entrants. Whether a sustained program of PTB screening of entrants and/or residents reduces prevalence of PTB in prisons is not clear from this study, but our findings suggest that resources should be prioritized to resident, rather than entrant, screening due to higher BC-PTB prevalence. Detection of multi- and mono-DR TB in both entrant and resident prisoners warrants regular screening for active TB and adoption of methods to detect drug resistance. |
Processes and outcomes of a community-based participatory research-driven health needs assessment: A tool for moving health disparity reporting to evidence-based action
Akintobi TH , Lockamy E , Goodin L , Hernandez ND , Slocumb T , Blumenthal D , Braithwaite R , Leeks L , Rowland M , Cotton T , Hoffman L . Prog Community Health Partnersh 2018 12 139-147 BACKGROUND: The community-based participatory research (CBPR)-driven health needs assessment was a tool used to inform community-led, -implemented, and -sustained research and prevention strategies. METHODS: The Morehouse School of Medicine Prevention Research Center (MSM PRC) research and prevention initiatives are implemented in direct response to priorities identified through this process and tool. Led by a community-majority coalition board, the assessment coupled state and city secondary data with primary survey data collected by and from community residents. RESULTS: Hypertension, diabetes, obesity, and sexually transmitted infections were most frequently cited individual and community health priorities. Lack of social and family cohesion, limited or no opportunities to exercise, poor nutrition and lack of awareness and knowledge about diseases, and insufficient access to affordable health care were cited determinants of health priorities. CONCLUSIONS: The CBPR-driven community health needs assessment (CHNA) informed and established a data-driven community engaged research agenda, policy, systems and environmental change approaches, community-led grants and job creation leveraging neighborhood contexts and strengths. |
Knowledge and awareness of cervical cancer among HIV-infected women in Ethiopia
Shiferaw N , Brooks MI , Salvador-Davila G , Lonsako S , Kassahun K , Ansel J , Osakwe C , Weldegebreal T , Ahmed I , Asnake M , Blumenthal PD . Obstet Gynecol Int 2016 2016 1274734 Introduction. Cervical cancer is one of the leading causes of cancer death among Ethiopian women. Low awareness of cervical cancer, in combination with low health care seeking behavior, is a key challenge for cervical cancer prevention. This study assessed the knowledge of cervical cancer among HIV-infected women in Ethiopia. Methods. A facility-based cross-sectional survey was conducted from August to September 2012 among HIV-infected women between 21 and 49 years of age. Basic descriptive statistics were performed using SPSS. Results. A total of 432 HIV-infected women participated in this study. About 71% of participants had ever heard of cervical cancer. Among women who had ever heard of cervical cancer, 49% did not know the cause while 74% were able to identify at least one risk factor for cervical cancer. Only 33% of women were able to correctly address when women should seek care and 33% identified at least one treatment option for cervical cancer. Conclusion. This study revealed that knowledge about cervical cancer was generally low, in particular for health care seeking behavior and treatment of cervical cancer. Health awareness programs should be strengthened at both community and health facility levels with emphasis highlighting the causes, risk factors, care seeking behaviors, and treatment options for cervical cancer. |
The single-visit approach as a cervical cancer prevention strategy among women with HIV in Ethiopia: successes and lessons learned
Shiferaw N , Salvador-Davila G , Kassahun K , Brooks MI , Weldegebreal T , Tilahun Y , Zerihun H , Nigatu T , Lulu K , Ahmed I , Blumenthal PD , Asnake M . Glob Health Sci Pract 2016 4 (1) 87-98 INTRODUCTION: Cervical cancer is the second most common form of cancer for women in Ethiopia. Using a single-visit approach to prevent cervical cancer, the Addis Tesfa (New Hope) project in Ethiopia tested women with HIV through visual inspection of the cervix with acetic acid wash (VIA) and, if tests results were positive, offered immediate cryotherapy of the precancerous lesion or referral for loop electrosurgical excision procedure (LEEP). The objective of this article is to review screening and treatment outcomes over nearly 4 years of project implementation and to identify lessons learned to improve cervical cancer prevention programs in Ethiopia and other resource-constrained settings. METHODS: We analyzed aggregate client data from August 2010 to March 2014 to obtain the number of women with HIV who were counseled, screened, and treated, as well as the number of annual follow-up visits made, from the 14 tertiary- and secondary-level health facilities implementing the single-visit approach. A health facility assessment (HFA) was also implemented from August to December 2013 to examine the effects of the single-visit approach on client flow, staff workload, and facility infrastructure 3 years after initiating the approach. RESULTS: Almost all (99%) of the 16,632 women with HIV counseled about the single-visit approach were screened with VIA during the study period; 1,656 (10%) of them tested VIA positive (VIA+) for precancerous lesions. Among those who tested VIA+ and were thus eligible for cryotherapy, 1,481 (97%) received cryotherapy treatment, but only 80 (63%) women eligible for LEEP actually received the treatment. The HFA results showed frequent staff turnover, some shortage of essential supplies, and rooms that were judged by providers to be too small for delivery of cervical cancer prevention services. CONCLUSION: The high proportions of VIA screening and cryotherapy treatment in the Addis Tesfa project suggest high acceptance of such services by women with HIV and feasibility of implementation in secondary- and tertiary-level health facilities. However, success of cervical cancer prevention programming must address wider health system challenges to ensure sustainability and appropriate scale-up to the general population of Ethiopia and other resource-constrained settings. |
World Health Organization guidelines for treatment of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia 2-3 and screen-and-treat strategies to prevent cervical cancer
Santesso N , Mustafa RA , Schunemann HJ , Arbyn M , Blumenthal PD , Cain J , Chirenje M , Denny L , De Vuyst H , Eckert LO , Forhan SE , Franco EL , Gage JC , Garcia F , Herrero R , Jeronimo J , Lu ER , Luciani S , Quek SC , Sankaranarayanan R , Tsu V , Broutet N . Int J Gynaecol Obstet 2015 132 (3) 252-8 BACKGROUND: It is estimated that 1%-2% of women develop cervical intraepithelial neoplasia grade 2-3 (CIN 2-3) annually worldwide. The prevalence among women living with HIV is higher, at 10%. If left untreated, CIN 2-3 can progress to cervical cancer. WHO has previously published guidelines for strategies to screen and treat precancerous cervical lesions and for treatment of histologically confirmed CIN 2-3. METHODS: Guidelines were developed using the WHO Handbook for Guideline Development and the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations, Assessment, Development and Evaluation) approach. A multidisciplinary guideline panel was created. Systematic reviews of randomized controlled trials and observational studies were conducted. Evidence tables and Evidence to Recommendations Tables were prepared and presented to the panel. RESULTS: There are nine recommendations for screen-and-treat strategies to prevent cervical cancer, including the HPV test, cytology, and visual inspection with acetic acid. There are seven for treatment of CIN with cryotherapy, loop electrosurgical excision procedure, and cold knife conization. CONCLUSION: Recommendations have been produced on the basis of the best available evidence. However, high-quality evidence was not available. Such evidence is needed, in particular for screen-and-treat strategies that are relevant to low- and middle-income countries. |
Completeness of American cancer registry treatment data: implications for quality of care research
Mallin K , Palis BE , Watroba N , Stewart AK , Walczak D , Singer J , Barron J , Blumenthal W , Haydu G , Edge SB . J Am Coll Surg 2013 216 (3) 428-37 BACKGROUND: Evaluating and improving the quality of cancer care requires complete information on cancer stage and treatment. Hospital-based registries are a key tool in this effort, but reports in the 1990s showed that they fail to identify a major fraction of outpatient-administered treatment, including chemotherapy, endocrine therapy, and radiation. This can limit their value for evaluating patterns and quality of care. To determine the completeness of registry data in more recent years, we linked administrative claims from 2 private payers in Ohio to the National Cancer Data Base and Ohio Cancer Incidence and Surveillance System. METHODS: Incident breast and colorectal cancers among Ohio residents diagnosed in 2004-2006 were identified from linkage of the National Cancer Data Base, Ohio Cancer Incidence and Surveillance System, and payer insurance claims using ICD-9 and CPT procedure codes, and ICD-9 diagnosis codes. Linkage was accomplished using patient demographics, surgery dates, and hospital facility. Treatment found in claims and registry data were compared and assessed using the kappa statistic. RESULTS: The analytic cohort included 2,552 breast and 822 colorectal cases. Results showed high agreement for breast surgery type, and moderately high agreement for colorectal surgery type. For breast cases, the registries captured 87% of chemotherapy, 86% of radiation, and 64% of endocrine treatment in claims. For colorectal cases, the registry captured 83% of chemotherapy and 84% of radiation in claims. CONCLUSIONS: Hospital-based registries for breast and colon cancer diagnosed in 2004-2006 captured about 85% of radiation and chemotherapy data compared with claims data, a higher percentage than earlier reports. These findings provide direction and a cautionary note to those using registry data for study of patterns and quality of systemic and radiation therapy care. |
Zoster sine herpete: virologic verification by detection of anti-VZV IgG antibody in CSF
Blumenthal DT , Shacham-Shmueli E , Bokstein F , Schmid DS , Cohrs RJ , Nagel MA , Mahalingam R , Gilden D . Neurology 2011 76 (5) 484-5 Classic zoster sine herpete (ZSH) is defined clinically as dermatomal distribution pain without rash. ZSH was designated as a nosologic entity based on virologic confirmation in 3 men over age 60 with chronic thoracic-distribution radicular pain, with amplifiable varicella zoster virus (VZV) DNA found in CSF of the first 2 patients1 and in blood mononuclear cells (MNCs) in the third patient.2 Herein, we describe a patient who developed radicular pain without rash in the same dermatome as his initial cervical-distribution zoster episode, but with a remarkably prolonged interval between episodes, and in whom ZSH was virologically confirmed by the detection of anti-VZV immunoglobulin G (IgG) antibody in CSF with serum/CSF ratios indicative of intrathecal antibody synthesis. |
Multivalent dendrimeric compounds containing carbohydrates expressed on immune cells inhibit infection by primary isolates of HIV-1
Rosa Borges A , Wieczorek L , Johnson B , Benesi AJ , Brown BK , Kensinger RD , Krebs FC , Wigdahl B , Blumenthal R , Puri A , McCutchan FE , Birx DL , Polonis VR , Schengrund CL . Virology 2010 408 (1) 80-8 Specific glycosphingolipids (GSL), found on the surface of target immune cells, are recognized as alternate cell surface receptors by the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) external envelope glycoprotein. In this study, the globotriose and 3'-sialyllactose carbohydrate head groups found on two GSL were covalently attached to a dendrimer core to produce two types of unique multivalent carbohydrates (MVC). These MVC inhibited HIV-1 infection of T cell lines and primary peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) by T cell line-adapted viruses or primary isolates, with IC(50)s ranging from 0.1 to 7.4 mug/ml. Inhibition of Env-mediated membrane fusion by MVC was also observed using a dye-transfer assay. These carbohydrate compounds warrant further investigation as a potential new class of HIV-1 entry inhibitors. The data presented also shed light on the role of carbohydrate moieties in HIV-1 virus-host cell interactions. |
Hunting with lead: association between blood lead levels and wild game consumption
Iqbal S , Blumenthal W , Kennedy C , Yip FY , Pickard S , Flanders WD , Loringer K , Kruger K , Caldwell KL , Jean Brown M . Environ Res 2009 109 (8) 952-9 BACKGROUND: Wild game hunting is a popular activity in many regions of the United States. Recently, the presence of lead fragments in wild game meat, presumably from the bullets or shot used for hunting, has raised concerns about health risks from meat consumption. OBJECTIVE: This study examined the association between blood lead levels (PbB) and wild game consumption. METHODS: We recruited 742 participants, aged 2-92 years, from six North Dakota cities. Blood lead samples were collected from 736 persons. Information on socio-demographic background, housing, lead exposure source, and types of wild game consumption (i.e., venison, other game such as moose, birds) was also collected. Generalized estimating equations (GEE) were used to determine the association between PbB and wild game consumption. RESULTS: Most participants reported consuming wild game (80.8%) obtained from hunting (98.8%). The geometric mean PbB were 1.27 and 0.84mug/dl among persons who did and did not consume wild game, respectively. After adjusting for potential confounders, persons who consumed wild game had 0.30mug/dl (95% confidence interval: 0.16-0.44mug/dl) higher PbB than persons who did not. For all game types, recent (<1 month) wild game consumption was associated with higher PbB. PbB was also higher among those who consumed a larger serving size (≥2oz vs. <2oz); however, this association was significant for 'other game' consumption only. CONCLUSIONS: Participants who consumed wild game had higher PbB than those who did not consume wild game. Careful review of butchering practices and monitoring of meat-packing processes may decrease lead exposure from wild game consumption. |
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