Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
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Advancing ethical considerations for data science in injury and violence prevention
Idaikkadar N , Bodin E , Cholli P , Navon L , Ortmann L , Banja J , Waller LA , Alic A , Yuan K , Law R . Public Health Rep 2025 333549241312055 ![]() ![]() Data science is an emerging field that provides new analytical methods. It incorporates novel data sources (eg, internet data) and methods (eg, machine learning) that offer valuable and timely insights into public health issues, including injury and violence prevention. The objective of this research was to describe ethical considerations for public health data scientists conducting injury and violence prevention-related data science projects to prevent unintended ethical, legal, and social consequences, such as loss of privacy or loss of public trust. We first reviewed foundational bioethics and public health ethics literature to identify key ethical concepts relevant to public health data science. After identifying these ethics concepts, we held a series of discussions to organize them under broad ethical domains. Within each domain, we examined relevant ethics concepts from our review of the primary literature. Lastly, we developed questions for each ethical domain to facilitate the early conceptualization stage of the ethical analysis of injury and violence prevention projects. We identified 4 ethical domains: privacy, responsible stewardship, justice as fairness, and inclusivity and engagement. We determined that each domain carries equal weight, with no consideration bearing more importance than the others. Examples of ethical considerations are clearly identifying project goals, determining whether people included in projects are at risk of reidentification through external sources or linkages, and evaluating and minimizing the potential for bias in data sources used. As data science methodologies are incorporated into public health research to work toward reducing the effect of injury and violence on individuals, families, and communities in the United States, we recommend that relevant ethical issues be identified, considered, and addressed. |
Comparison of a non-invasive point-of-care measurement of anemia to conventionally used HemoCue devices in Gambella refugee camp, Ethiopia, 2022
Smith F , Woldeyohannes M , Lusigi M , Samson KLI , Mureverwi BT , Gazarwa D , Mohmand N , Theuri T , Leidman E . PLoS One 2025 20 (1) e0313319 Annual surveys of refugees in Gambella, Ethiopia suggest that anemia is a persistent public health problem among non-pregnant women of reproductive age (NP-WRA, 15-49 years). Measurement of anemia in most refugee camp settings is conducted using an invasive HemoCue 301. We assessed the accuracy and precision of a non-invasive, pulse CO-oximeter in measuring anemia among NP-WRA in four Gambella refugee camps. We conducted a population-representative household survey between November 7 and December 4, 2022. Hemoglobin (Hb) concentration was measured by HemoCue 301, using capillary blood, and Rad-67, a novel non-invasive device. We collected four measurements per participant: two per device. We calculated Rad-67 bias and precision of Hb measurements and sensitivity and specificity of detecting anemia. Of the 812 NP-WRAs selected, 807 (99%) participated in the study. Anemia was detected in 39% of NP-WRA as classified by the Rad-67 compared with 47% of NP-WRA as classified by the HemoCue 301. Average bias of Rad-67 measurements was 1.1 ± 1.0 SD g/dL, using HemoCue 301 as a comparator. Absolute mean difference between the first and second measurements was 0.9 g/dL (95% CI 0.8, 0.9) using the Rad-67, compared with 0.6 g/dL (95% CI 0.5, 0.6) using the HemoCue 301. The Rad-67 had 49% sensitivity and 70% specificity for detecting anemia, compared with the HemoCue 301. The Rad-67 can be a useful tool for anemia screening; however, lower accuracy and precision, and poor sensitivity suggest it cannot immediately replace the HemoCue 301 in the study area. |
Commutability assessment of new standard reference materials (SRMs) for determining serum total 25-hydroxyvitamin D using ligand binding and liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assays
Wise SA , Cavalier É , Lukas P , Peeters S , Le Goff C , Briggs LE , Williams EL , Mineva E , Pfeiffer CM , Vesper H , Popp C , Beckert C , Schultess J , Wang K , Tourneur C , Pease C , Osterritter D , Fischer R , Saida B , Dou C , Kojima S , Weiler HA , Bielecki A , Pham H , Bennett A , You S , Ghoshal AK , Wei B , Vogl C , Freeman J , Parker N , Pagliaro S , Cheek J , Li J , Tsukamoto H , Galvin K , Cashman KD , Liao HC , Hoofnagle AN , Budd JR , Kuszak AJ , Boggs ASP , Burdette CQ , Hahm G , Nalin F , Camara JE . Anal Bioanal Chem 2025 Commutability is where the measurement response for a reference material (RM) is the same as for an individual patient sample with the same concentration of analyte measured using two or more measurement systems. Assessment of commutability is essential when the RM is used in a calibration hierarchy or to ensure that clinical measurements are comparable across different measurement procedures and at different times. The commutability of three new Standard Reference Materials(®) (SRMs) for determining serum total 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D], defined as the sum of 25-hydroxyvitamin D(2) [25(OH)D(2)] and 25-hydroxyvitamin D(3) [25(OH)D(3)], was assessed through an interlaboratory study. The following SRMs were assessed: (1) SRM 2969 Vitamin D Metabolites in Frozen Human Serum (Total 25-Hydroxyvitamin D Low Level), (2) SRM 2970 Vitamin D Metabolites in Frozen Human Serum (25-Hydroxyvitamin D(2) High Level), and (3) SRM 1949 Frozen Human Prenatal Serum. These SRMs represent three clinically relevant situations including (1) low levels of total 25(OH)D, (2) high level of 25(OH)D(2), and (3) 25(OH)D levels in nonpregnant women and women during each of the three trimesters of pregnancy with changing concentrations of vitamin D-binding protein (VDBP). Twelve laboratories using 17 different ligand binding assays and eight laboratories using nine commercial and custom liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) assays provided results in this study. Commutability of the SRMs with patient samples was assessed using the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) approach based on 95% prediction intervals or a pre-set commutability criterion and the recently introduced International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine (IFCC) approach based on differences in bias for the clinical and reference material samples using a commutability criterion of 8.8%. All three SRMs were deemed as commutable with all LC-MS/MS assays using both CLSI and IFCC approaches. SRM 2969 and SRM 2970 were deemed noncommutable for three and seven different ligand binding assays, respectively, when using the IFCC approach. Except for two assays, one or more of the three pregnancy levels of SRM 1949 were deemed noncommutable or inconclusive using different ligand binding assays and the commutability criterion of 8.8%. Overall, a noncommutable assessment for ligand binding assays is determined for these SRMs primarily due to a lack of assay selectivity related to 25(OH)D(2) or an increasing VDBP in pregnancy trimester materials rather than the quality of the SRMs. With results from 17 different ligand binding and nine LC-MS/MS assays, this study provides valuable knowledge for clinical laboratories to inform SRM selection when assessing 25(OH)D status in patient populations, particularly in subpopulations with low levels of 25(OH)D, high levels of 25(OH)D(2), women only, or women who are pregnant. |
Accounting for local incidence when estimating rotavirus vaccine efficacy among countries: a pooled analysis of monovalent rotavirus vaccine trials
Amin AB , Waller LA , Tate JE , Lash TL , Lopman BA . Am J Epidemiol 2024 ![]() Rotavirus vaccine appears to perform sub-optimally in countries with higher rotavirus burden. We hypothesized that differences in the magnitude of rotavirus exposures may bias vaccine efficacy (VE) estimates, so true differences in country-specific rotavirus VE would be exaggerated without accommodating differences in exposure. We estimated VE against any-severity and severe rotavirus gastroenteritis (RVGE) using Poisson regression models fit to pooled individual-level data from Phase II and III monovalent rotavirus vaccine trials conducted between 2000 and 2012. The standard approach model included terms for vaccination, country, and a vaccination-country interaction. Other models used proxies for exposure magnitude like severe RVGE rate or age at severe RVGE instead of country. Country-specific proxies were calculated from placebo group data or extracted from an external meta-analysis. Analyses included 83,592 infants from 23 countries in the Americas, Europe, Africa, and Asia. Using the standard approach, VE against severe RVGE substantially varied (10-100%). Using the severe RVGE rate proxy brought VE from all but two countries between 80% and 86%. Heterogeneity for VE against any-severity RVGE was similarly attenuated. Adjusting for exposure proxies reduced heterogeneity in country-specific rotavirus VE estimates. This phenomenon may extend to other vaccines against partially immunizing pathogens with global disparities in burden. |
Occupational injury and suicide in Washington State, adjusting for pre-injury depression
Applebaum KM , Asfaw A , O'Leary PK , Fox MP , Tripodis Y , Busey A , Gradus JL , Boden LI . Am J Ind Med 2024 INTRODUCTION: Occupational injuries have been associated with increased suicide mortality, but prior studies have not accounted for pre-injury depression. METHODS: We linked injuries that occurred from 1994 to 2000 in the Washington State workers' compensation system with Social Security Administration data on earnings and mortality through 2018. We estimated the subdistribution hazard ratio (sHR) and 95% confidence interval using competing risks regression of suicide deaths with lost time compared with medical-only injuries separately for men and women, adjusting for age, pre-injury annual earnings, and industry. We further adjusted for pre-injury diagnosis of major depressive disorder by using a quantitative bias analysis (QBA), with the prevalence of this disorder in workers derived from an external health insurance claims data set. RESULTS: Elevated suicide mortality was observed following lost-time injuries compared with medical-only injuries for men (sHR = 1.49, 95% CI [1.14, 1.93]) and women (sHR = 1.30, 95% CI [1.00, 1.69]), adjusting for age, pre-injury earnings, and industry. Adjusted for pre-injury depression using a QBA, elevated suicide risk in men remained statistically significant (median sHR = 1.33, simulation interval [1.18, 1.47]) but not for women. DISCUSSION: Workplace injury requiring time off work appeared to remain influential in increasing suicide risk among men, even after controlling for pre-injury depression. The relationship between mental health before and after occupational injury is complex and studies should better integrate mental health pre-injury. CONCLUSIONS: Though many questions remain on the complex relationship between work, depression, injuries, and suicide, employers should work to prevent injuries and consider implementing mental health programs, which could be helpful in reducing suicide risk. |
Applying finite mixture models to quantify respirable dust mass in coal and metal-nonmetal mines using fourier transform infrared spectroscopy
Weakley AT , Parks DA , Miller AL . Appl Spectrosc 2024 37028241296158 Respirable dust mass is a prevalent occupational health hazard to the mining workforce. Mineral matrices observed in the mine environment are complex, time varying, and heterogeneous. This poses a challenge to assessing dust exposure using Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectrometry as calibrations for constituent dust species (e.g., crystalline silica) have historically been trained using homogeneous standards or simple mixtures therein. Investigations have considered direct-on-filter analysis, which collects FT-IR spectra directly from sampling filters for calibration, as an alternative. Direct-on-filter analysis using a partial least squares (PLS) method has gained particular interest recently due to the potential to rapidly quantify multiple species from a single filter at the mine site. By design, heterogeneity, and its presumed impact on method accuracy, cannot be addressed in the laboratory when using a direct-on-filter approach motivating the need for more advanced calibration approaches. When heterogeneity is present, mixture of experts (MoE) finite mixture models offer a promising and novel alternative to PLS direct-on-filter analysis as MoE incorporates cluster discovery, regression, and outlier identification into model fitting. Three MoE models of increasing complexity were tasked with determining respirable dust mass in 243 field samples from thirteen active coal, limestone, sandstone, and silver mines. All MoE models, including those using only "expert" spectroscopic predictors or a combination of expert and categorical "gate" variables (e.g., mine type), significantly outperform PLS in terms of accuracy (α = 0.05). Decomposing bias by mine type shows that accuracy generally improves across all types considered when MoE models are not overfitted. The MoE method's effectiveness was linked to its ability to endogenously classify outliers as well as possibly to the use of an additional cluster model for mass predictions. Overall, MoE methods appear as a capable and novel tool to addressing problems of heterogeneity for direct-on-filter quantitative analysis. |
Assessing occupational styrene exposure in the European and US Glass Reinforced Plastics Industry for the period between 1947 and 2020
Christopher-de Vries Y , Burstyn I , Christensen MW , Notø H , Straif K , Pukkala E , Schlünssen V , Bertke S , van Tongeren M , Kolstad HA , McElvenny D , Basinas I . Int J Hyg Environ Health 2024 264 114494 BACKGROUND: We aimed to develop a method for assessing occupational styrene exposures for application in epidemiological studies on risks of lymphohematopoietic neoplasms and other malignant and non-malignant diseases in the European and the US glass reinforced plastics industries. METHOD: We estimated a linear mixed effects model based on individual airborne personal measurements of styrene from the glass reinforced plastics industry in Denmark, Norway, Sweden, UK, and the US. The most suitable model was chosen based on its predictive power as assessed using cross validation with different combinations of predictors; and by comparing their prediction errors. RESULTS: We created a database containing 21,201 personal and area measurements but a subset of 14,440 personal measurements that spanned a period from 1962 to 2018, were used in the analysis. The selected model included fixed effects for year, sampling duration, measurement reason, product, process and random effects for country and worker. There was strong agreement between the model's predictions and actual exposure values indicating a good fit (Lin's CCC: 0.85 95% CI 0.84, 0.85). There were regional differences in exposure levels, with the UK and the US having comparable exposures that were higher than those in the Nordic countries. Higher exposures were consistent with measurements collected for inspection purposes, the lamination process, and specific products. Styrene exposure levels have decreased annually on average by 7%. CONCLUSION: Our exposure model and the resulting exposure predictions will enable estimation of lifetime occupational exposure for individual workers in the European and the US glass reinforced plastics industry and possibly related health risks among employees. The approach facilitates understanding of the uncertainty in our prediction model and can inform analysis of the bias that application of our exposure assessment approach can produce in epidemiologic analyses of exposure-response associations. Addressing systematic sources of bias can increase confidence in the conclusions of the epidemiologic analysis. |
Characterizing dynamic atmosphere generation system performance for analytical method development
Doepke A , Streicher RP , Shaw PB , NAndrews R , Farwick DR , Westbrook EG , Roberts JL , O'Connor PF , Stastny AL , Kulkarni PS . J Occup Environ Hyg 2024 1-13 A significant portion of the work of developing and validating methods for volatile organic compound (VOC) sampling in workplace atmospheres involves the use of laboratory-generated atmospheres. The sample variability was evaluated from the dynamic atmosphere generation system used for VOC atmosphere generation and sampling. Characterization of the bias and variability of samples was done for a variety of atmospheres containing neat n-heptane and mixtures of VOCs sampled on activated coconut shell charcoal. Estimates of sampling variability ranged from 2% for neat n-heptane to 12% for a component in the 10 VOC mix. Sample variability increased for lower concentration samples and for mixtures of VOCs compared to single component atmospheres. This study can serve as a baseline for future atmosphere sampling experiments evaluating performance at lower concentrations and mixed VOC environments. |
Environmental tobacco smoke exposure in a multi-city cohort of children with asthma: Analyzing true exposure and the validity of caregiver survey
McKeon K , Werthmann D , Straubing R , Rodriguez A , Sosnoff C , Blount BC , Chew GL , Reponen T , Adamkiewicz G , Hsu J , Rabito FA . J Clin Transl Sci 2024 8 (1) Introduction: The avoidance of asthma triggers, like tobacco smoke, facilitates asthma management. Reliance upon caregiver report of their child’s environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) exposure may result in information bias and impaired asthma management. This analysis aimed to characterize the chronicity of ETS exposure, assess the validity of caregiver report of ETS exposure, and investigate the relationship between ETS exposure and asthma attack. Methods: A secondary data analysis was performed on data from a longitudinal study of 162 children aged 7–12 years with asthma living in federally subsidized housing in three US cities (Boston, Cincinnati, and New Orleans). Data were collected at three time points over 1 year. Results: Over 90% of children were exposed to ETS (≥0.25 ng/ml of urine cotinine (UC)). Exposure was consistent over 1 year. Questionnaire data had a sensitivity of 28–34% using UC ≥0.25 ng/ml as the gold standard. High ETS exposure (UC ≥ 30 ng/ml) was significantly associated with asthma attack (aOR 2.97, 0.93–9.52, p = 0.07). Lower levels (UC 0.25–30 ng/ml) were not statistically significant (aOR 1.76, 0.71– 4.38, p = 0.22). No association was found using caregiver-reported ETS exposure. Conclusion: Relying on questionnaire data to assess children’s exposure to tobacco smoke may lead to substantial information bias. For children with asthma, incorrect characterization may substantially impact asthma morbidity. © The Author(s), 2024. |
Using double negative controls to adjust for healthy user bias in a recombinant Zoster Vaccine Safety Study
Li K , Emerman I , Cook AJ , Fireman BH , Sundaram M , Tseng HX , Weintraub ES , Yu O , Nelson JL , Shi X . Am J Epidemiol 2024 Unmeasured confounding is a major concern in many epidemiologic studies that are not randomized. Negative control methods can detect and reduce confounding by leveraging the proxies of the unmeasured confounders, including negative control outcomes (NCO) and exposures (NCE). An NCO is presumably unaffected by the exposure of interest but would be associated with unmeasured confounders; an NCE presumably does not affect the outcome of interest but would be associated with unmeasured confounders. A recently proposed double negative control method leverages both NCO and NCE for unmeasured confounding bias. To demonstrate this relatively new methodology in pharmacoepidemiologic studies, we re-analyzed data from a prior safety study of Recombinant Zoster Vaccine (RZV). The prior study compared risk of safety outcomes of RZV versus unvaccinated comparators, using logistic regression with propensity score adjustment. We identified NCOs and NCEs that could be used to adjust for unmeasured confounding bias that could arise if RZV recipients are incomparable to the comparators due to unmeasured factors. The double negative control analysis yielded relative risk estimates slightly closer to 1.0 than those reported previously, providing additional evidence of RZV safety that is less vulnerable to unmeasured confounding. |
Concordance of traumatic brain injury symptoms, evaluation, and diagnosis between teens and parents: Data from the National Health Interview Survey-Teen
Black LI , Ng AE , Zablotsky B , Peterson A , Daugherty J , Waltzman D , Bose J . J Adolesc Health 2024 PURPOSE: To investigate differences in teen-reported and parent-reported lifetime prevalence estimates of traumatic brain injury (TBI) symptoms, TBI evaluation, and TBI diagnosis among a nationally representative sample of teenagers aged 12-17 years old and their parents. METHODS: Parent-reported data from the 2021 to 2022 National Health Interview Survey linked with teen-reported data from the National Health Interview Survey-Teen July 2021-December 2022 (n = 1,153) were analyzed. Lifetime prevalence estimates for TBI symptoms (e.g., selected symptoms as a result of a blow or jolt to the head), history of evaluation by health professional for TBI (i.e., TBI evaluation), and TBI diagnosis stratified by sociodemographic characteristics and reporter type were produced, and z-tests were conducted to test for differences. Concordance measures were calculated to assess agreement between teen and parent survey responses to TBI measures. RESULTS: Lifetime prevalence of TBI symptoms varied by reporter type across all sociodemographic characteristics with teen-report consistently producing higher estimates. Estimates of TBI evaluation varied by reporter type only among older teens, non-Hispanic teens, and teens who participated in sports; there was no difference for TBI diagnosis. Percent agreement between the 2 reporters ranged from 73% to 95%, prevalence-adjusted bias-adjusted kappa ranged from 0.45 to 0.90, and Cohen's kappa ranged from 0.22 to 0.63. DISCUSSION: There was general agreement for observable outcomes TBI evaluation and TBI diagnosis, but discordance existed in reports of TBI symptoms. These findings suggest that youth self-report of TBI symptoms may enhance surveillance efforts. |
Bias and negative values of COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness estimates from a test-negative design without controlling for prior SARS-CoV-2 infection
Wiegand RE , Fireman B , Najdowski M , Tenforde MW , Link-Gelles R , Ferdinands JM . Nat Commun 2024 15 (1) 10062 Test-negative designs (TNDs) are used to assess vaccine effectiveness (VE). Protection from infection-induced immunity may confound the association between case and vaccination status, but collecting reliable infection history can be challenging. If vaccinated individuals have less infection-induced protection than unvaccinated individuals, failure to account for infection history could underestimate VE, though the bias is not well understood. We simulated individual-level SARS-CoV-2 infection and COVID-19 vaccination histories and a TND. VE against symptomatic infection and VE against severe disease estimates unadjusted for infection history underestimated VE compared to estimates adjusted for infection history, and unadjusted estimates were more likely to be below 0%, which could lead to an incorrect interpretation that COVID-19 vaccines are harmful. TNDs assessing VE immediately following vaccine rollout introduced the largest bias and potential for negative VE against symptomatic infection. Despite the potential for bias, VE estimates from TNDs without prior infection information are useful because underestimation is rarely more than 8 percentage points. |
Assessment and mitigation of bias in influenza and COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness analyses - IVY Network, September 1, 2022-March 30, 2023
Lewis NM , Harker EJ , Leis A , Zhu Y , Talbot HK , Grijalva CG , Halasa N , Chappell JD , Johnson CA , Rice TW , Casey JD , Lauring AS , Gaglani M , Ghamande S , Columbus C , Steingrub JS , Shapiro NI , Duggal A , Felzer J , Prekker ME , Peltan ID , Brown SM , Hager DN , Gong MN , Mohamed A , Exline MC , Khan A , Wilson JG , Mosier J , Qadir N , Chang SY , Ginde AA , Mohr NM , Mallow C , Harris ES , Johnson NJ , Srinivasan V , Gibbs KW , Kwon JH , Vaughn IA , Ramesh M , Safdar B , DeCuir J , Surie D , Dawood FS , Ellington S , Self WH , Martin ET . Vaccine 2024 43 126492 BACKGROUND: In test-negative studies of vaccine effectiveness (VE), including patients with co-circulating, vaccine-preventable, respiratory pathogens in the control group for the pathogen of interest can introduce a downward bias on VE estimates. METHODS: A multicenter sentinel surveillance network in the US prospectively enrolled adults hospitalized with acute respiratory illness from September 1, 2022-March 31, 2023. We evaluated bias in estimates of VE against influenza-associated and COVID-19-associated hospitalization based on: inclusion vs exclusion of patients with a co-circulating virus among VE controls; observance of VE against the co-circulating virus (rather than the virus of interest), unadjusted and adjusted for vaccination against the virus of interest; and observance of influenza or COVID-19 against a sham outcome of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV). RESULTS: Overall VE against influenza-associated hospitalizations was 6 percentage points lower when patients with COVID-19 were included in the control group, and overall VE against COVID-19-associated hospitalizations was 2 percentage points lower when patients with influenza were included in the control group. Analyses of VE against the co-circulating virus and against the sham outcome of RSV showed that downward bias was largely attributable the correlation of vaccination status across pathogens, but also potentially attributable to other sources of residual confounding in VE models. CONCLUSION: Excluding cases of confounding respiratory pathogens from the control group in VE analysis for a pathogen of interest can reduce downward bias. This real-world analysis demonstrates that such exclusion is a helpful bias mitigation strategy, especially for measuring influenza VE, which included a high proportion of COVID-19 cases among controls. |
Best practices for estimating and reporting epidemiological delay distributions of infectious diseases
Charniga K , Park SW , Akhmetzhanov AR , Cori A , Dushoff J , Funk S , Gostic KM , Linton NM , Lison A , Overton CE , Pulliam JRC , Ward T , Cauchemez S , Abbott S . PLoS Comput Biol 2024 20 (10) e1012520 ![]() Epidemiological delays are key quantities that inform public health policy and clinical practice. They are used as inputs for mathematical and statistical models, which in turn can guide control strategies. In recent work, we found that censoring, right truncation, and dynamical bias were rarely addressed correctly when estimating delays and that these biases were large enough to have knock-on impacts across a large number of use cases. Here, we formulate a checklist of best practices for estimating and reporting epidemiological delays. We also provide a flowchart to guide practitioners based on their data. Our examples are focused on the incubation period and serial interval due to their importance in outbreak response and modeling, but our recommendations are applicable to other delays. The recommendations, which are based on the literature and our experience estimating epidemiological delay distributions during outbreak responses, can help improve the robustness and utility of reported estimates and provide guidance for the evaluation of estimates for downstream use in transmission models or other analyses. |
Evaluation of test-negative design estimates of influenza vaccine effectiveness in the context of multiple, co-circulating, vaccine preventable respiratory viruses
Leis AM , Wagner A , Flannery B , Chung JR , Monto AS , Martin ET . Vaccine 2024 42 (26) 126493 Test-negative design (TND) studies are cornerstones of vaccine effectiveness (VE) monitoring for influenza. The introduction of SARS-CoV-2 and RSV vaccines complicate the analysis of this design, with control selection restriction based on other pathogen diagnosis proposed as a solution. We conducted a simulation study and secondary analysis of 2017-18 and 2018-19 TND estimates from a Southeast Michigan ambulatory population to evaluate RSV-status-based control restriction. Simulations suggest that with vaccine-preventable RSV, influenza VE could be moderately biased with RSV prevalence ≥25 % of controls. Real-world analysis showed 151 influenza-negative adults (10.4 %) had RSV detected from the enrollment nasal swab. There were minimal differences in results of adjusted models with or without RSV exclusion from control groups. Findings suggest that inclusion of RSV cases in the control group of TND studies for influenza VE, particularly where RSV is not vaccine preventable, does not currently pose a major concern for bias in VE estimates. |
Modeling the population-level impact of a third dose of MMR vaccine on a mumps outbreak at the University of Iowa
Park SW , Lawal T , Marin M , Marlow MA , Grenfell BT , Masters NB . Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2024 121 (43) e2403808121 Mumps outbreaks among fully vaccinated young adults have raised questions about potential waning of immunity over time and need for a third dose of the measles, mumps, rubella (MMR) vaccine. However, there are currently limited data on real-life effectiveness of the third-dose MMR vaccine in preventing mumps. Here, we used a deterministic compartmental model to infer the effectiveness of the third-dose MMR vaccine in preventing mumps cases by analyzing the mumps outbreak that occurred at the University of Iowa between August 24, 2015, and May 13, 2016. The modeling approach further allowed us to evaluate the population-level impact of vaccination by different timing in relation to the start of the outbreak and varied coverage levels, and to account for potential sources of bias in estimating vaccine effectiveness. We found large uncertainty in vaccine effectiveness estimates; however, our models showed that early introduction of a third dose of MMR vaccine during a mumps outbreak can be effective in preventing transmission. School holidays, such as the winter break, likely played important roles in preventing mumps transmission. |
Opioid-related mortality after occupational injury in Washington State: accounting for preinjury opioid use
Boden LI , Asfaw A , O'Leary PK , Tripodis Y , Busey A , Applebaum KM , Fox MP . Occup Environ Med 2024 OBJECTIVES: To estimate the impact of occupational injury and illness on opioid-related mortality while accounting for confounding by preinjury opioid use. METHODS: We employed a retrospective cohort study design using Washington State workers' compensation data for 1994-2000 injuries linked to US Social Security Administration earnings and mortality data and National Death Index (NDI) cause of death data from 1994 to 2018. We categorised injuries as lost-time versus medical-only, where the former involved more than 3 days off work or permanent disability. We determined death status and cause of death from NDI records. We modelled separate Fine and Gray subdistribution hazard ratios (sHRs) and 95% CIs for injured men and women for opioid-related and all drug-related mortality through 2018. We used quantitative bias analysis to account for unmeasured confounding by preinjury opioid use. RESULTS: The hazard of opioid-related mortality was elevated for workers with lost-time relative to medical-only injuries: sHR for men: 1.53, 95% CI 1.41 to 1.66; for women: 1.31, 95% CI 1.16 to 1.48. Accounting for preinjury opioid use, effect sizes were reduced but remained elevated: sHR for men was 1.43, 95% simulation interval (SI) 1.20 to 1.69; for women: 1.27, 95% SI 1.10 to 1.45. CONCLUSIONS: Occupational injuries and illnesses severe enough to require more than 3 days off work are associated with an increase in the hazard of opioid-related mortality. The estimated increase is reduced when we account for preinjury opioid use, but it remains substantial. Reducing work-related injuries and postinjury opioid prescribing and improving employment and income security may decrease opioid-related mortality. |
Wastewater surveillance for influenza A virus and H5 subtype concurrent with the highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus outbreak in cattle and poultry and associated human cases - United States, May 12-July 13, 2024
Louis S , Mark-Carew M , Biggerstaff M , Yoder J , Boehm AB , Wolfe MK , Flood M , Peters S , Stobierski MG , Coyle J , Leslie MT , Sinner M , Nims D , Salinas V , Lustri L , Bojes H , Shetty V , Burnor E , Rabe A , Ellison-Giles G , Yu AT , Bell A , Meyer S , Lynfield R , Sutton M , Scholz R , Falender R , Matzinger S , Wheeler A , Ahmed FS , Anderson J , Harris K , Walkins A , Bohra S , O'Dell V , Guidry VT , Christensen A , Moore Z , Wilson E , Clayton JL , Parsons H , Kniss K , Budd A , Mercante JW , Reese HE , Welton M , Bias M , Webb J , Cornforth D , Santibañez S , Soelaeman RH , Kaur M , Kirby AE , Barnes JR , Fehrenbach N , Olsen SJ , Honein MA . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (37) 804-809 ![]() ![]() As part of the response to the highly pathogenic avian influenza A(H5N1) virus outbreak in U.S. cattle and poultry and the associated human cases, CDC and partners are monitoring influenza A virus levels and detection of the H5 subtype in wastewater. Among 48 states and the District of Columbia that performed influenza A testing of wastewater during May 12-July 13, 2024, a weekly average of 309 sites in 38 states had sufficient data for analysis, and 11 sites in four states reported high levels of influenza A virus. H5 subtype testing was conducted at 203 sites in 41 states, with H5 detections at 24 sites in nine states. For each detection or high level, CDC and state and local health departments evaluated data from other influenza surveillance systems and partnered with wastewater utilities and agriculture departments to investigate potential sources. Among the four states with high influenza A virus levels detected in wastewater, three states had corresponding evidence of human influenza activity from other influenza surveillance systems. Among the 24 sites with H5 detections, 15 identified animal sources within the sewershed or adjacent county, including eight milk-processing inputs. Data from these early investigations can help health officials optimize the use of wastewater surveillance during the upcoming respiratory illness season. |
External quality assessment-based tumor marker harmonization simulation; insights in achievable harmonization for CA 15-3 and CEA
Van Rossum HH , Holdenrieder S , Yun YM , Patel D , Thelen M , Song J , Unsworth N , Partridge K , Moore M , Cui W , Ramanathan L , Meng QH , Ballieux Bepb , Sturgeon C , Vesper H . Clin Chem Lab Med 2024 OBJECTIVES: CA 15-3 and CEA are tumor markers used in routine clinical care for breast cancer and colorectal cancer, among others. Current measurement procedures (MP) for these tumor markers are considered to be insufficiently harmonized. This study investigated the achievable harmonization for CA 15-3 and CEA by using an in silico simulation of external quality assessment (EQA) data from multiple EQA programs using patient-pool based samples. METHODS: CA 15-3 and CEA data from SKML (2021), UK NEQAS (2020-2021) and KEQAS (2020-2021) were used. A harmonization protocol was defined in which MPs that were considered equivalent were used to value assign EQA samples, and recalibration was only required if the MP had a bias of >5 % with value assigned EQA. Harmonization status was assessed by determining the mean level of agreement and residual variation by CV (%). RESULTS: Only MPs from Abbott, Beckman, Roche and Siemens were available in all EQA programs. For CA 15-3, recalibration was proposed for Beckman MP only and for CEA, recalibration was proposed for Siemens MP only. When the harmonization procedures were applied, for CA 15-3 the pre-harmonization mean bias range per MP was reduced from -29.28 to 9.86 %, into -0.09-0.12 % after harmonization. For CEA, the mean bias range per MP was reduced from -23.78 to 2.00 % pre-harmonization to -3.13-1.42 % post-harmonization. CONCLUSIONS: The present study suggests that a significant improvement in the harmonization status of CA 15-3 and CEA may be achieved by recalibration of a limited number of MPs. |
Estimating community-wide indirect effects of influenza vaccination: triangulation using mathematical models and bias analysis
Arinaminpathy N , Reed C , Biggerstaff M , Nguyen AT , Athni TS , Arnold BF , Hubbard A , Reingold A , Benjamin-Chung J . Am J Epidemiol 2024 ![]() Understanding whether influenza vaccine promotion strategies produce community-wide indirect effects is important for establishing vaccine coverage targets and optimizing vaccine delivery. Empirical epidemiologic studies and mathematical models have been used to estimate indirect effects of vaccines but rarely for the same estimand in the same dataset. Using these approaches together could be a powerful tool for triangulation in infectious disease epidemiology because each approach is subject to distinct sources of bias. We triangulated evidence about indirect effects from a school-located influenza vaccination program using two approaches: a difference-in-difference (DID) analysis, and an age-structured, deterministic, compartmental model. The estimated indirect effect was substantially lower in the mathematical model than in the DID analysis (2.1% (95% Bayesian credible intervals 0.4 - 4.4%) vs. 22.3% (95% CI 7.6% - 37.1%)). To explore reasons for differing estimates, we used sensitivity analyses and probabilistic bias analyses. When we constrained model parameters such that projections matched the DID analysis, results only aligned with the DID analysis with substantially lower pre-existing immunity among school-age children and older adults. Conversely, DID estimates corrected for potential bias only aligned with mathematical model estimates under differential outcome misclassification. We discuss how triangulation using empirical and mathematical modelling approaches could strengthen future studies. |
Protection against influenza hospitalizations from enhanced influenza vaccines among older adults: A systematic review and network meta-analysis
Ferdinands JM , Blanton LH , Alyanak E , Chung JR , Trujillo L , Taliano J , Morgan RL , Fry AM , Grohskopf LA . J Am Geriatr Soc 2024 BACKGROUND: Influenza vaccines are available to help protect persons aged ≥65 years, who experience thousands of influenza hospitalizations annually. Because some influenza vaccines may work better than others, we sought to assess benefit of high-dose (HD), adjuvanted (ADJ), and recombinant (RIV) influenza vaccines ("enhanced influenza vaccines") compared with standard-dose unadjuvanted influenza vaccines (SD) and with one another for prevention of influenza-associated hospitalizations among persons aged ≥65 years. METHODS: We searched MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL, Scopus, and Cochrane Library to identify randomized or observational studies published between January 1990 and October 2023 and reporting relative vaccine effectiveness (rVE) of HD, ADJ, or RIV for prevention of influenza-associated hospitalizations among adults aged ≥65 years. We extracted study data, assessed risk of bias, and conducted random-effects network meta-analysis and meta-regression. RESULTS: We identified 32 studies with 90 rVE estimates from five randomized and 27 observational studies (71,459,918 vaccinated participants). rVE estimates varied across studies and influenza seasons. Pooled rVE from randomized studies was 20% (95% CI -54 to 59) and 25% (95% CI -19 to 53) for ADJ and HD compared with SD, respectively; rVE was 6% (95% CI -109 to 58) for HD compared with ADJ; these differences were not statistically significant. In observational studies, ADJ, HD, and RIV conferred modestly increased protection compared with SD (rVE ranging from 10% to 19%), with no significant differences between HD, ADJ, and RIV. With enhanced vaccines combined, rVE versus SD was 18% (95% CI 3 to 32) from randomized and 11% (95% CI 8 to 14) from observational evidence. Meta-regression of observational studies suggested that those requiring laboratory confirmation of influenza reported greater benefit of enhanced vaccines. CONCLUSIONS: HD, ADJ, and RIV provided stronger protection than SD against influenza hospitalizations among older adults. No differences in benefit were observed in comparisons of enhanced influenza vaccines with one another. |
Antivirals for post-exposure prophylaxis of influenza: a systematic review and network meta-analysis
Zhao Y , Gao Y , Guyatt G , Uyeki TM , Liu P , Liu M , Shen Y , Chen X , Luo S , Li X , Huang R , Hao Q . Lancet 2024 404 (10454) 764-772 BACKGROUND: Antiviral post-exposure prophylaxis with neuraminidase inhibitors can reduce the incidence of influenza and the risk of symptomatic influenza, but the efficacy of the other classes of antiviral remains unclear. To support an update of WHO influenza guidelines, this systematic review and network meta-analysis evaluated antiviral drugs for post-exposure prophylaxis of influenza. METHODS: We systematically searched MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Global Health, Epistemonikos, and for randomised controlled trials published up to Sept 20, 2023 that evaluated the efficacy and safety of antivirals compared with another antiviral or placebo or standard care for prevention of influenza. Pairs of reviewers independently screened studies, extracted data, and assessed the risk of bias. We performed network meta-analyses with frequentist random effects model and assessed the certainty of evidence using the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) approach. The outcomes of interest were symptomatic or asymptomatic infection, admission to hospital, all-cause mortality, adverse events related to antivirals, and serious adverse events. This study is registered with PROSPERO, CRD42023466450. FINDINGS: Of 11 845 records identified by our search, 33 trials of six antivirals (zanamivir, oseltamivir, laninamivir, baloxavir, amantadine, and rimantadine) that enrolled 19 096 individuals (mean age 6·75-81·15 years) were included in this systematic review and network meta-analysis. Most of the studies were rated as having a low risk of bias. Zanamivir, oseltamivir, laninamivir, and baloxavir probably achieve important reductions in symptomatic influenza in individuals at high risk of severe disease (zanamivir: risk ratio 0·35, 95% CI 0·25-0·50; oseltamivir: 0·40, 0·26-0·62; laninamivir: 0·43, 0·30-0·63; baloxavir: 0·43, 0·23-0·79; moderate certainty) when given promptly (eg, within 48 h) after exposure to seasonal influenza. These antivirals probably do not achieve important reductions in symptomatic influenza in individuals at low risk of severe disease when given promptly after exposure to seasonal influenza (moderate certainty). Zanamivir, oseltamivir, laninamivir, and baloxavir might achieve important reductions in symptomatic zoonotic influenza in individuals exposed to novel influenza A viruses associated with severe disease in infected humans when given promptly after exposure (low certainty). Oseltamivir, laninamivir, baloxavir, and amantadine probably decrease the risk of all influenza (symptomatic and asymptomatic infection; moderate certainty). Zanamivir, oseltamivir, laninamivir, and baloxavir probably have little or no effect on prevention of asymptomatic influenza virus infection or all-cause mortality (high or moderate certainty). Oseltamivir probably has little or no effect on admission to hospital (moderate certainty). All six antivirals do not significantly increase the incidence of drug-related adverse events or serious adverse events, although the certainty of evidence varies. INTERPRETATION: Post-exposure prophylaxis with zanamivir, oseltamivir, laninamivir, or baloxavir probably decreases the risk of symptomatic seasonal influenza in individuals at high risk for severe disease after exposure to seasonal influenza viruses. Post-exposure prophylaxis with zanamivir, oseltamivir, laninamivir, or baloxavir might reduce the risk of symptomatic zoonotic influenza after exposure to novel influenza A viruses associated with severe disease in infected humans. FUNDING: World Health Organization. |
School mask policies and SARS-CoV-2 seroprevalence among school-age children-United States, September to December 2021
Nycz E , Deng Y , Van Dyke ME , Bratcher A , Shi J , Iachan R , Berney K , Jones JM , Clarke KEN . Microbiol Spectr 2024 e0069124 During September to December 2021, school mask policies to mitigate SARS-CoV-2 transmission varied throughout the US. We compared infection-induced seroprevalence estimates and estimated seroconversion among children residing in areas with and without school mask requirements. We estimated infection-induced seroprevalence among children in three age groups (5-17, 5-11, and 12-17 years) in areas with and without school district mask requirements for two time points: September 1-30, 2021 and December 15, 2021 to January 14, 2022. Robust Poisson regression models estimated population seroconversion over the semester among initially seronegative children. Permutation tests assessed for significant differences in the estimated population seroconversion due to incident infections by school district mask policy. Residing in an area with no school mask requirement was associated with higher infection-induced seroprevalence among children aged 5-17 years (adjusted prevalence ratio [aPR] = 1.18, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.10, 1.26), and those aged 5-11 years (aPR) = 1.21, 95% CI: 1.10, 1.32) and those aged 12-17 years (aPR = 1.16, 95% CI: 1.07, 1.26), compared with areas requiring masks in school. Estimated population seroconversion during the semester was also significantly higher among children in districts without mask policies than those with school mask requirements among all age groups (5-17 years: 23.7% vs 18.1%, P < 0.001; 5-11 years: 6.4% vs 4.5%, P = 0.002;12-17 years: 27.2% vs 21.0%, P < 0.001). During the U.S. Fall 2021 semester, areas with school mask requirements had lower infection-induced seroprevalence and an estimated lower proportion of seroconversion due to incident infection among school-aged children compared with areas without school mask requirements; causality cannot necessarily be inferred from these associations. IMPORTANCE: During the U.S. Fall 2021 school semester, the estimated proportion of previously uninfected school-aged children who experienced a first infection with SARS-CoV-2 was lower in areas where public school district policies required masks for all staff and students compared with areas where the school districts had no mask requirements. Because children are more likely than adults to experience asymptomatic or mild SARS-CoV-2 infections, the presence of infection-induced antibodies is a more accurate measure of infection history than clinical testing. The proportion of children with these antibodies (i.e., seroprevalence) can improve our understanding of SARS-CoV-2 by detecting more infections and eliminating potential bias due to local testing and reporting practices. Enhanced robustness of surveillance for respiratory infections in children, including records of mitigation policies in communities and schools, as well as seroprevalence data, would establish a better evidence base for policy decisions and response measures during future respiratory outbreaks. |
Antivirals for treatment of severe influenza: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomised controlled trials
Gao Y , Guyatt G , Uyeki TM , Liu M , Chen Y , Zhao Y , Shen Y , Xu J , Zheng Q , Li Z , Zhao W , Luo S , Chen X , Tian J , Hao Q . Lancet 2024 404 (10454) 753-763 BACKGROUND: The optimal antiviral drug for treatment of severe influenza remains unclear. To support updated WHO influenza clinical guidelines, this systematic review and network meta-analysis evaluated antivirals for treatment of patients with severe influenza. METHODS: We systematically searched MEDLINE, Embase, Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, Global Health, Epistemonikos, and for randomised controlled trials published up to Sept 20, 2023, that enrolled hospitalised patients with suspected or laboratory-confirmed influenza and compared direct-acting influenza antivirals against placebo, standard care, or another antiviral. Pairs of coauthors independently extracted data on study characteristics, patient characteristics, antiviral characteristics, and outcomes, with discrepancies resolved by discussion or by a third coauthor. Key outcomes of interest were time to alleviation of symptoms, duration of hospitalisation, admission to intensive care unit, progression to invasive mechanical ventilation, duration of mechanical ventilation, mortality, hospital discharge destination, emergence of antiviral resistance, adverse events, adverse events related to treatments, and serious adverse events. We conducted frequentist network meta-analyses to summarise the evidence and evaluated the certainty of evidence using the GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) approach. This study is registered with PROSPERO, CRD42023456650. FINDINGS: Of 11 878 records identified by our search, eight trials with 1424 participants (mean age 36-60 years for trials that reported mean or median age; 43-78% male patients) were included in this systematic review, of which six were included in the network meta-analysis. The effects of oseltamivir, peramivir, or zanamivir on mortality compared with placebo or standard care without placebo for seasonal and zoonotic influenza were of very low certainty. Compared with placebo or standard care, we found low certainty evidence that duration of hospitalisation for seasonal influenza was reduced with oseltamivir (mean difference -1·63 days, 95% CI -2·81 to -0·45) and peramivir (-1·73 days, -3·33 to -0·13). Compared with standard care, there was little or no difference in time to alleviation of symptoms with oseltamivir (0·34 days, -0·86 to 1·54; low certainty evidence) or peramivir (-0·05 days, -0·69 to 0·59; low certainty evidence). There were no differences in adverse events or serious adverse events with oseltamivir, peramivir, and zanamivir (very low certainty evidence). Uncertainty remains about the effects of antivirals on other outcomes for patients with severe influenza. Due to the small number of eligible trials, we could not test for publication bias. INTERPRETATION: In hospitalised patients with severe influenza, oseltamivir and peramivir might reduce duration of hospitalisation compared with standard care or placebo, although the certainty of evidence is low. The effects of all antivirals on mortality and other important patient outcomes are very uncertain due to scarce data from randomised controlled trials. FUNDING: World Health Organization. |
Inverse probability weighting to estimate impacts of hypothetical occupational limits on radon exposure to reduce lung cancer
Keil AP , Li Y , Lan Q , Bertke S , Daniels RD , Edwards JK , Kelly-Reif K . Am J Epidemiol 2024 ![]() Radon is a known cause of lung cancer. Protective standards for radon exposure are derived largely from studies of working populations that are prone to healthy worker survivor bias. This bias can lead to under-protection of workers and is a key barrier to understanding health effects of many exposures. We apply inverse probability weighting to study a set of hypothetical exposure limits among 4,137 male, White and American Indian radon-exposed uranium miners in the Colorado Plateau followed from 1950 to 2005. We estimate cumulative risk of lung cancer through age 90 under hypothetical occupational limits. We estimate that earlier implementation of the current US Mining Safety and Health Administration annual standard of 4 working level months (implemented here as a monthly exposure limit) could have reduced lung cancer mortality from 16/100 workers to 6/100 workers (95% confidence intervals: 3/100, 8/100), in contrast with previous estimates of 10/100 workers. Our estimate is similar to that among contemporaneous occupational cohorts. Inverse probability weighting is a simple and computationally efficient way address healthy worker survivor bias in order to contrast health effects of exposure limits and estimate the number of excess health outcomes under exposure limits at work. |
At-home specimen self-collection as an additional testing strategy for chlamydia and gonorrhoea: a systematic literature review and meta-analysis
Smith AC , Thorpe PG , Learner ER , Galloway ET , Kersh EN . BMJ Glob Health 2024 9 (8) INTRODUCTION: Chlamydia trachomatis (Ct) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae (Ng) infections are often asymptomatic; screening increases early detection and prevents disease, sequelae and further spread. To increase Ct and Ng testing, several countries have implemented specimen self-collection outside a clinical setting. While specimen self-collection at home is highly acceptable to patients and as accurate as specimens collected by healthcare providers, this strategy is new or not being used in some countries. To understand how offering at home specimen self-collection will affect testing uptake, test results, diagnosis and linkage to care, when compared with collection in clinical settings, we conducted a systematic literature review and meta-analysis of peer-reviewed studies. METHODS: We searched Medline, Embase, Global Health, Cochrane Library, CINAHL (EBSCOHost), Scopus and Clinical Trials. Studies were included if they directly compared specimens self-collected at home or in other non-clinical settings to specimen collection at a healthcare facility (self or clinician) for Ct and/or Ng testing and evaluated the following outcomes: uptake in testing, linkage to care, and concordance (agreement) between the two settings for the same individuals. Risk of bias (RoB) was assessed using Cochrane Risk of Bias (RoB2) tool for randomised control trials (RCTs). RESULTS: 19 studies, from 1998 to 2024, comprising 15 RCTs with a total of 62 369 participants and four concordance studies with 906 participants were included. Uptake of Ct or Ng testing was 2.61 times higher at home compared with clinical settings. There was a high concordance between specimens collected at home and in clinical settings, and linkage to care was not significantly different between the two settings (prevalence ratio 0.96 (95% CI 0.91-1.01)). CONCLUSION: Our meta-analysis and systematic literature review show that offering self-collection of specimens at home or in other non-clinical settings could be used as an additional strategy to increase sexually transmitted infection testing in countries that have not yet widely adopted this collection method. |
Quantile regression for longitudinal data with values below the limit of detection and time-dependent covariates-application to modeling carbon nanotube and nanofiber exposures
Chen IC , Bertke SJ , Dahm MM . Ann Work Expo Health 2024 BACKGROUND: In studies of occupational health, longitudinal environmental exposure, and biomonitoring data are often subject to right skewing and left censoring, in which measurements fall below the limit of detection (LOD). To address right-skewed data, it is common practice to log-transform the data and model the geometric mean, assuming a log-normal distribution. However, if the transformed data do not follow a known distribution, modeling the mean of exposure may result in bias and reduce efficiency. In addition, when examining longitudinal data, it is possible that certain covariates may vary over time. OBJECTIVE: To develop predictive quantile regression models to resolve the issues of left censoring and time-dependent covariates and to quantitatively evaluate if previous and current covariates can predict current and/or future exposure levels. METHODS: To address these gaps, we suggested incorporating different substitution approaches into quantile regression and utilizing a method for selecting a working type of time dependency for covariates. RESULTS: In a simulation study, we demonstrated that, under different types of time-dependent covariates, the approach of multiple random value imputation outperformed the other approaches. We also applied our methods to a carbon nanotube and nanofiber exposure study. The dependent variables are the left-censored mass of elemental carbon at both the respirable and inhalable aerosol size fractions. In this study, we identified some potential time-dependent covariates with respect to worker-level determinants and job tasks. CONCLUSION: Time dependency for covariates is rarely accounted for when analyzing longitudinal environmental exposure and biomonitoring data with values less than the LOD through predictive modeling. Mistreating the time-dependency as time-independency will lead to an efficiency loss of regression parameter estimation. Therefore, we addressed time-varying covariates in longitudinal exposure and biomonitoring data with left-censored measurements and illustrated an entire conditional distribution through different quantiles. |
Impact of internal standard selection on measurement results for long chain fatty acids in blood
Goodwin JM , Kuiper HC , Brister B , Vesper HW . J Mass Spectrom Adv Clin Lab 2024 33 22-30 Introduction: Internal standards correct for measurement variation due to sample loss. Isotope labeled analytes are ideal internal standards for the measurement of fatty acids in human plasma but are not always readily available. For this reason, quantification of multiple analytes at once is most often done using only a single or few internal standards. The magnitude of the impact this has on method accuracy and precision is not well studied for gas chromatography-mass spectrometry systems. Objective: This study aims to estimate bias and changes in uncertainty associated with using alternative fatty acid isotopologue internal standards for the estimation of similar or dissimilar long chain fatty acids. Method: Using a previously reported method for the quantification of 27 fatty acids in human plasma using 18 internal standards we obtained estimates of bias and uncertainty at up to three levels of fatty acid concentration. Results: With some notable exceptions, method accuracy remained relatively stable when using an alternative internal standard (Median Relative Absolute Percent Bias: 1.76%, Median Spike-Recovery Absolute Percent Bias: 8.82%), with larger changes in method precision (Median Increase in Variance: 141%). Additionally, the degree of difference between analyte and internal standard structure was related to the magnitude of bias and uncertainty of the measurement. Conclusion: The data presented here show that the choice of internal standard used to estimate fatty acid concentration can affect the accuracy and reliability of measurement results and, therefore, needs to be assessed carefully when developing analytical methods for the measurement of fatty acid profiles. Disclaimer: The findings and conclusions in this report are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention/the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry. Use of trade names is for identification only and does not imply endorsement by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the Public Health Service, and the US Department of Health and Human Services. © 2024 |
The effectiveness of Hope Groups, a mental health, parenting support, and violence prevention program for families affected by the war in Ukraine: Findings from a pre-post study
Hillis S , Tucker S , Baldonado N , Taradaika E , Bryn L , Kharchenko S , Machabelii T , Taylor R , Green P , Goldman P , Awah I , Baldonado J , Gomez P , Flaxman S , Ratmann O , Lachman JM , Villaveces A , Sherr L , Cluver L . Journal of Migration and Health 2024 10(no pagination) Background: Nearly one in six children lived in war zones in 2023. Evidence-based psychosocial and parenting support has potential to mitigate negative impacts for parents and children co-exposed to war and displacement, especially in relation to mental health and harsh parenting reactions. In the current war in Ukraine, local mental health experts co-created and evaluated, with global experts, the effectiveness of psychosocial and parenting support groups, called 'Hope Groups' on improvements in mental health, positive parenting, and violence against children. This paper aimed to assess the effectiveness of psychosocial and parenting support groups, called 'Hope Groups,' on improvements in caregiver mental health, positive parenting, and prevention of violence against children, for families affected by the war in Ukraine, using a pre/post study design. Method(s): Participants (n = 577) included Ukrainian caregivers, 66% (381) of whom were parents and co-residing caregivers of children ages 0-17, while the remaining 34% were non-resident informal caregivers. Internally displaced, externally displaced, and those living at-home in war-torn regions were invited to groups by trained Ukrainian peer facilitators. Using a pre-post design, we compared individual level frequency measures at three time-points - baseline, midline, and endline, to assess changes in 4 mental health, and 9 parenting and child health outcomes. We analyzed these outcomes using paired t-tests to compare outcomes at baseline-to-midline (after 4-sessions) and baseline-to-endline (after 10-sessions), which estimated the mean changes in days per week and associated percent change, during the respective periods; we quantified uncertainties using bias-corrected and accelerated (BCa) bootstrapping with 95% uncertainty ranges for baseline-midline and baseline-endline estimates. We used this same approach for stratified analyses to assess potential effect modification by displacement status and facilitator type. We further used linear models to adjust for age and sex. Finding(s): Compared to baseline, every mental health, parenting, and child health outcome improved significantly at midline and endline. Mental health ratings showed endline reductions in depressive symptoms of 56.8% (95% CI: -59.0,-54.3; -1.8 days/week), and increases in hopefulness, coping with grief, and self-care, ranging from 62.0% (95% CI: 53.6,71.3; 2.2 days/week) to 77.0% (95% CI: 66.3,88.3; 2.2 days/week). Significant improvements in parenting and child health outcomes included monitoring children, reinforcing positive behavior, supporting child development, protecting child, nonviolent discipline, and child verbalizing emotions. By endline, emotional violence, physical violence, and child despondency had dropped by 57.7% (95% CI: -63.0%,-51.9; -1.3 days/week), 64.0% (95% CI: -79.0,-39.5; -0.22 days/week), and 51.9% (95% CI: -45.1,-57.9; -1.2 days/week), respectively. Outcomes stratified by displacement status remained significant across all groups, as did those according to facilitator type (lay versus professional). Interpretation(s): This study demonstrates preliminary evidence, using a brief survey and pre-post design as is appropriate for acute and early protracted emergency settings, of the feasibility and effectiveness of Hope Groups for war-affected Ukrainian caregivers, on improved mental health, positive parenting, and reduced violence against children. Copyright © 2024 |
A historical survey of key epidemiological studies of ionizing radiation exposure
Little MP , Bazyka D , Gonzalez AB , Brenner AV , Chumak VV , Cullings H , Daniels RD , French B , Grant E , Hamada N , Hauptmann M , Kendall GM , Laurier D , Lee C , Lee WJ , Linet MS , Mabuchi K , Morton LM , Muirhead CR , Preston DL , Rajaraman P , Richardson DB , Sakata R , Samet JM , Simon SL , Sugiyama H , Wakeford R , Zablotska LB . Radiat Res 2024 ![]() In this article we review the history of key epidemiological studies of populations exposed to ionizing radiation. We highlight historical and recent findings regarding radiation-associated risks for incidence and mortality of cancer and non-cancer outcomes with emphasis on study design and methods of exposure assessment and dose estimation along with brief consideration of sources of bias for a few of the more important studies. We examine the findings from the epidemiological studies of the Japanese atomic bomb survivors, persons exposed to radiation for diagnostic or therapeutic purposes, those exposed to environmental sources including Chornobyl and other reactor accidents, and occupationally exposed cohorts. We also summarize results of pooled studies. These summaries are necessarily brief, but we provide references to more detailed information. We discuss possible future directions of study, to include assessment of susceptible populations, and possible new populations, data sources, study designs and methods of analysis. |
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