Last data update: Jan 06, 2025. (Total: 48515 publications since 2009)
Records 1-14 (of 14 Records) |
Query Trace: Beck TW[original query] |
Perceived benefits and barriers of a COVID-19 test to stay program in a school district serving Black or African American people with low income, December 2021
Kamitani E , Holman EJ , Philpott D , Parasram VD , Ruth LJ , Onyeuku C , Carter B , Gwynn E , Beck TW , Regan K , Hagler LR , Clark A , Shelley G , Thomas ES . Public Health Rep 2023 333549231155472 OBJECTIVES: Quarantine after exposure to COVID-19 has resulted in substantial loss of in-person learning in schools from prekindergarten through grade 12. Test to Stay (TTS), a strategy that limits the spread of SARS-CoV-2 while prioritizing in-person learning, requires substantial investment in resources. The objective of this study was to assess the perceived benefits, barriers, and facilitators of implementing TTS in an urban school district in the Midwest serving primarily Black or African American people with low income. METHODS: In December 2021, we used a concurrent mixed-methods approach to understand perceived benefits, barriers, and facilitators of implementing TTS by combining quantitative analysis of telephone surveys conducted with parents (n = 124) and a qualitative inquiry involving key informants from the school district and local health department (n = 22). We analyzed quantitative data using descriptive statistics. We used thematic analysis to analyze qualitative data. RESULTS: Quantitative findings showed that parents supported TTS because it was convenient (n = 83, 97%) and effective (n = 82, 95%) in keeping students learning in person (n = 82, 95%) and preventing the spread of COVID-19 (n = 80, 93%). Qualitative interviews with informants found that having a clear protocol and assigning staff to specified tasks allowed for successful TTS implementation. However, insufficient staffing and testing resources, parent mistrust of testing, and lack of communication from schools were perceived barriers. CONCLUSION: The school community strongly supported TTS despite the many implementation challenges faced. This study emphasized the importance of ensuring resources for equitable implementation of COVID-19 prevention strategies and the critical role of communication. |
Design of a water curtain to reduce accumulations of float coal dust in longwall returns
Seaman CE , Shahan MR , Beck TW , Mischler SE . Int J Min Sci Technol 2020 30 (4) 443-447 Accumulation of float coal dust (FCD) in underground mines is an explosion hazard that affects all underground coal mine workers. While this hazard is addressed by the application of rock dust, inadequate rock dusting practices can leave miners exposed to an explosion risk. Researchers at the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) have focused on developing a water curtain that removes FCD from the airstream, thereby reducing the buildup of FCD in mine airways. In this study, the number and spacing of the active sprays in the water curtain were varied to determine the optimal configuration to obtain peak knockdown efficiency (KE) while minimizing water consumption. |
Calibration of the cloud and aerosol spectrometer for coal dust composition and morphology
Barone TL , Hesse E , Seaman CE , Baran AJ , Beck TW , Harris ML , Jaques PA , Lee T , Mischler SE . Adv Powder Technol 2019 30 (9) 1805-1814 The cloud and aerosol spectrometer (CAS) was calibrated to enable CAS sizing of coal dust for studies on flammable dust control. Coal dust sizes were determined by light-scattering theories for irregular particles that account for particle composition and morphology in computing coal dust diameters. Coal dust size computations were compared with test dust that was generated by cyclone separation and air-jet sieving and characterized by aerodynamic particle sizer (APS) and computer-controlled scanning electron microscopy (CCSEM) measurements. For test dust in the range of 0.5–32 μm, coal dust size distributions were consistent with cyclone-separated and sieve-segregated sizes. For the 3–20 μm size range, the coal dust size distribution had a mass median diameter that was 14% larger than that of the APS. This difference was reasonable considering that the basic calibration for glass spheres had 13% uncertainty. For the 20–32 μm and 32–45 μm test dusts, mass median diameters differed from CCSEM measurements by only 4% and 5%, respectively. Overall, the results suggest agreement between test dust sizes and computations for coal dust. Alternatively, using conventional Mie theory computations for spheres, coal dust mass median diameters were 35% and 40% larger than APS and CCSEM measurements, respectively. |
CFD gas distribution analysis for different continuous-miner scrubber redirection configurations
Zheng Y , Organiscak JA , Zhou L , Beck TW , Rider JP . Trans Soc Min Metall Explor Inc 2017 342 (1) 15-21 The U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH)'s Pittsburgh Mining Research Division (PMRD) recently developed a series of models using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to study gas distribution around a continuous mining machine with various fan-powered flooded bed scrubber discharge configurations in an exhaust curtain working face. CFD models utilizing species transport model without reactions in FLUENT were constructed to evaluate the redirection of scrubber discharge toward the mining face rather than behind the return curtain. The study illustrates the gas distribution in the slab (second) cut. The following scenarios are considered in this study: 100 percent of the discharge redirected back toward the face on the off-curtain side; 100 percent of the discharge redirected back toward the face, but divided equally to both sides; and 15 percent of the discharge redirected toward the face on the off-curtain side, with 85 percent directed toward the return curtain. These models are compared against a model with a conventional scrubber discharge where air is directed away from the face into the return. The models were validated against experimental data, proving to accurately predict sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) gas levels at four gas monitoring locations. This study includes a predictive simulation examining a 45 degrees scrubber angle compared with the 23 degrees angle for the 100 percent redirected, equally divided case. This paper describes the validation of the CFD models based on experimental data of the gas distribution results. |
Foam property tests to evaluate the potential for longwall shield dust control
Reed WR , Beck TW , Zheng Y , Klima S , Driscoll J . Min Eng 2018 70 (1) 35-41 Tests were conducted to determine properties of four foam agents for their potential use in longwall mining dust control. Foam has been tried in underground mining in the past for dust control and is currently being reconsidered for use in underground coal longwall operations in order to help those operations comply with the Mine Safety and Health Administration's lower coal mine respirable dust standard of 1.5 mg/m3. Foams were generated using two different methods. One method used compressed air and water pressure to generate foam, while the other method used low-pressure air generated by a blower and water pressure using a foam generator developed by the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health. Foam property tests, consisting of a foam expansion ratio test and a water drainage test, were conducted to classify foams. Compressed-Air-generated foams tended to have low expansion ratios, from 10 to 19, with high water drainage. Blower-Air-generated foams had higher foam expansion ratios, from 30 to 60, with lower water drainage. Foams produced within these ranges of expansion ratios are stable and potentially suitable for dust control. The test results eliminated two foam agents for future testing because they had poor expansion ratios. The remaining two foam agents seem to have properties adequate for dust control. These material property tests can be used to classify foams for their potential use in longwall mining dust control. |
Open-air sprays for capturing and controlling airborne float coal dust on longwall faces
Beck TW , Seaman CE , Shahan MR , Mischler SE . Min Eng 2018 70 (1) 42-48 Float dust deposits in coal mine return airways pose a risk in the event of a methane ignition. Controlling airborne dust prior to deposition in the return would make current rock dusting practices more effective and reduce the risk of coal-dust-fueled explosions. The goal of this U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health study is to determine the potential of open-Air water sprays to reduce concentrations of airborne float coal dust, smaller than 75 microm in diameter, in longwall face airstreams. This study evaluated unconfined water sprays in a featureless tunnel ventilated at a typical longwall face velocity of 3.6 m/s (700 fpm). Experiments were conducted for two nozzle orientations and two water pressures for hollow cone, full cone, flat fan, air atomizing and hydraulic atomizing spray nozzles. Gravimetric samples show that airborne float dust removal efficiencies averaged 19.6 percent for all sprays under all conditions. The results indicate that the preferred spray nozzle should be operated at high fluid pressures to produce smaller droplets and move more air. These findings agree with past respirable dust control research, providing guidance on spray selection and spray array design in ongoing efforts to control airborne float dust over the entire longwall ventilated opening. |
Comparison of the CAS-POL and IOM samplers for determining the knockdown efficiencies of water sprays on float coal dust
Seaman CE , Shahan MR , Beck TW , Mischler SE . J Occup Environ Hyg 2017 15 (3) 0 Float coal dust, generated by mining operations, is distributed throughout mine airways by ventilating air designed to purge gases and respirable dust. Float coal dust poses an explosion hazard in the event of a methane ignition. Current regulation requires the application of inert rock dust in areas subjected to float coal dust in order to mitigate the hazard. An alternate method using water sprays, which have been effective in controlling respirable dust hazards, has been proposed as a way to control float coal dust generated on longwall faces. However, the knockdown efficiency of the proposed water sprays on float coal dust needs to be verified. This study used gravimetric isokinetic Institute of Occupational Medicine (IOM) samplers alongside a real-time aerosol monitor (Cloud Aerosol Spectrometer with polarization; CAS-POL) to study the effects of spray type, operating pressure, and spray orientation on knockdown efficiencies for seven different water sprays. Because the CAS-POL has not been used to study mining dust, the CAS-POL measurements were validated with respect to the IOM samplers. This study found that the CAS-POL was able to resolve the same trends measured by the IOM samplers, while providing additional knockdown information for specific particle size ranges and locations in the test area. In addition, the CAS-POL data was not prone to the same process errors, which may occur due to the handling of the IOM filter media, and was able to provide a faster analysis of the data after testing. This study also determined that pressure was the leading design criteria influencing spray knockdown efficiency, with spray type also having some effect and orientation having little to no effect. The results of this study will be used to design future full-scale float coal dust capture tests involving multiple sprays, which will be evaluated using the CAS-POL. |
Experimental study on foam coverage on simulated longwall roof
Reed WR , Zheng Y , Klima S , Shahan MR , Beck TW . Trans Soc Min Metall Explor Inc 2017 342 (1) 72-82 Testing was conducted to determine the ability of foam to maintain roof coverage in a simulated longwall mining environment. Approximately 27 percent of respirable coal mine dust can be attributed to longwall shield movement, and developing controls for this dust source has been difficult. The application of foam is a possible dust control method for this source. Laboratory testing of two foam agents was conducted to determine the ability of the foam to adhere to a simulated longwall face roof surface. Two different foam generation methods were used: compressed air and blower air. Using a new imaging technology, image processing and analysis utilizing ImageJ software produced quantifiable results of foam roof coverage. For compressed air foam in 3.3 m/s (650 fpm) ventilation, 98 percent of agent A was intact while 95 percent of agent B was intact on the roof at three minutes after application. At 30 minutes after application, 94 percent of agent A was intact while only 20 percent of agent B remained. For blower air in 3.3 m/s (650 fpm) ventilation, the results were dependent upon nozzle type. Three different nozzles were tested. At 30 min after application, 74 to 92 percent of foam agent A remained, while 3 to 50 percent of foam agent B remained. Compressed air foam seems to remain intact for longer durations and is easier to apply than blower air foam. However, more water drained from the foam when using compressed air foam, which demonstrates that blower air foam retains more water at the roof surface. Agent A seemed to be the better performer as far as roof application is concerned. This testing demonstrates that roof application of foam is feasible and is able to withstand a typical face ventilation velocity, establishing this technique's potential for longwall shield dust control. |
Characterization of airborne float coal dust emitted during continuous mining, longwall mining and belt transport
Shahan MR , Seaman CE , Beck TW , Colinet JF , Mischler SE . Min Eng 2017 69 (9) 61-66 Float coal dust is produced by various mining methods, carried by ventilating air and deposited on the floor, roof and ribs of mine airways. It deposited, float dust is re-entrained during a methane explosion. Without sufficient inert rock dust quantities, this float coal dust can propagate an explosion throughout mining entries. Consequently, controlling float coaf dust is of critical interest to mining operations. Rock dusting, which is the adding of inert material to airway surfaces, is the main control technique currently used by the coal mining industry to reduce the float coal dust explosion hazard. To assist the industry in reducing this hazard, the Pittsburgh Mining Research Division of the U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health initiated a project to investigate methods and technologies to reduce float ooal dust in underground coal mines through prevention, capture and suppression prior to deposition. Field characterization studies were performed to determine quantitatively the sources, types and amounts of dust produced during various coal mining processes. The operations chosen for study were a continuous miner section, a longwall section and a coal-handling facility. For each of these operations, the primary dust sources were confirmed to be the continuous mining machine, longwall shearer and conveyor belt transfer points, respectively. Respirable and total airborne float dust samples were collected and analyzed for each operation, and the ratio of total airborne float coal dust to respirable dust was calculated. During the continuous mining process, the ratio of total airborne float ooal dust to respirable dust ranged from 10.3 to 13.6. The ratios measured on the longwall face were between 1B.5 and 21.5. The total airborne float coal dust to respirable dust ratio observed during belt transport ranged between 7.5 and 21.8. |
Influence of continuous mining arrangements on respirable dust exposures
Beck TW , Organiscak JA , Pollock DE , Potts JD , Reed WR . Trans Soc Min Metall Explor Inc 2016 340 (1) 1-10 In underground continuous mining operations, ventilation, water sprays and machine-mounted flooded-bed scrubbers are the primary means of controlling respirable dust exposures at the working face. Changes in mining arrangements - such as face ventilation configuration, orientation of crosscuts mined in relation to the section ventilation and equipment operator positioning - can have impacts on the ability of dust controls to reduce occupational respirable dust exposures. This study reports and analyzes dust concentrations measured by the Pittsburgh Mining Research Division for remote-controlled continuous mining machine operators as well as haulage operators at 10 U.S. underground mines. The results of these respirable dust surveys show that continuous miner exposures varied little with depth of cut but are significantly higher with exhaust ventilation. Haulage operators experienced elevated concentrations with blowing face ventilation. Elevated dust concentrations were observed for both continuous miner operators and haulage operators when working in crosscuts driven into or counter to the section airflow. Individual cuts are highlighted to demonstrate instances of minimal and excessive dust exposures attributable to particular mining configurations. These findings form the basis for recommendations for lowering face worker respirable dust exposures. |
Sampling and analysis method for measuring airborne coal dust mass in mixtures with limestone (rock) dust
Barone TL , Patts JR , Janisko SJ , Colinet JF , Patts LD , Beck TW , Mischler SE . J Occup Environ Hyg 2015 13 (4) 0 Airborne coal dust mass measurements in underground bituminous coal mines can be challenged by the presence of airborne limestone dust, which is an incombustible dust applied to prevent the propagation of dust explosions. To accurately measure the coal portion of this mixed airborne dust, the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) developed a sampling and analysis protocol that used a stainless steel cassette adapted with an isokinetic inlet and the low temperature ashing (LTA) analytical method. The Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) routinely utilizes this LTA method to quantify the incombustible content of bulk dust samples collected from the roof, floor, and ribs of mining entries. The use of the stainless steel cassette with isokinetic inlet allowed NIOSH to adopt the LTA method for the analysis of airborne dust samples. Mixtures of known coal and limestone dust masses were prepared in the laboratory, loaded into the stainless steel cassettes, and analyzed to assess the accuracy of this method. Coal dust mass measurements differed from predicted values by an average of 0.5%, 0.2%, and 0.1% for samples containing 20%, 91%, and 95% limestone dust, respectively. The ability of this method to accurately quantify the laboratory samples confirmed the validity of this method and allowed NIOSH to successfully measure the coal fraction of airborne dust samples collected in an underground coal mine. |
Evaluations of bit sleeve and twisted-body bit designs for controlling roof bolter dust
Beck TW . Min Eng 2015 67 (2) 34-40 Drilling into coal mine roof strata to install roof bolts has the potential to release substantial quantities of respirable dust. Due to the proximity of drill holes to the breathing zone of roof bolting personnel, dust escaping the holes and avoiding capture by the dust collection system pose a potential respiratory health risk. Controls are available to complement the typical dry vacuum collection system and minimize harmful exposures during the initial phase of drilling. This paper examines the use of a bit sleeve in combination with a dust-hog-type bit to improve dust extraction during the critical initial phase of drilling. A twisted-body drill bit is also evaluated to determine the quantity of dust liberated in comparison with the dust-hog-type bit. Based on the results of our laboratory tests, the bit sleeve may reduce dust emissions by one-half during the initial phase of drilling before the drill bit is fully enclosed by the drill hole. Because collaring is responsible for the largest dust liberations, overall dust emission can also be substantially reduced. The use of a twisted-body bit has minimal improvement on dust capture compared with the commonly used dust-hog-type bit. |
CFD analysis on gas distribution for different scrubber redirection configurations in sump cut
Zheng Y , Organiscak JA , Zhou L , Beck TW , Rider JP . Trans Soc Min Metall Explor Inc 2015 338 (1) 423-432 The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health's Office of Mine Safety and Health Research recently developed a series of models using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) to study the gas distribution around a continuous mining machine with various fan-powered flooded bed scrubber discharge configurations. CFD models using Species Transport Model without reactions in FLUENT were constructed to evaluate the redirection of scrubber discharge toward the mining face rather than behind the return curtain. The following scenarios are considered in this study: 100 percent of the discharge redirected back toward the face on the off-curtain side of the continuous miner; 100 percent of the discharge redirected back toward the face, but divided equally to both sides of the machine; and 15 percent of the discharge redirected toward the face on the off-curtain side of the machine, with 85 percent directed into the return. These models were compared against a model with a conventional scrubber discharge, where air is directed away from the face into the return. The CFD models were calibrated and validated based on experimental data and accurately predicted sulfur hexafluoride (SF(6)) gas levels at four gas monitoring locations. One additional prediction model was simulated to consider a different scrubber discharge angle for the 100 percent redirected, equally divided case. These models identified relatively high gassy areas around the continuous miner, which may not warrant their use in coal mines with medium to high methane liberation rates. This paper describes the methodology used to develop the CFD models, and the validation of the models based on experimental data. |
Examination of redirected continuous miner scrubber discharge configurations for exhaust face ventilation systems
Organiscak JA , Beck TW . Trans Soc Min Metall Explor Inc 2013 334 (1) 435-443 The U.S. National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) Office of Mine Safety and Health Research (OMSHR) has recently studied several redirected scrubber discharge configurations in its full-scale continuous miner gallery for both dust and gas control when using an exhaust face ventilation system. Dust and gas measurements around the continuous mining machine in the laboratory showed that the conventional scrubber discharge directed outby the face with a 12.2-m (40-ft) exhaust curtain setback appeared to be one of the better configurations for controlling dust and gas. Redirecting all the air toward the face equally up both sides of the machine increased the dust and gas concentrations around the machine. When all of the air was redirected toward the face on the off-curtain side of the machine, gas accumulations tended to be reduced at the face, at the expense of increased dust levels in the return and on the curtain side of the mining machine. A 6.1-m (20-ft) exhaust curtain setback without the scrubber operating resulted in the lowest dust levels around the continuous mining machine, but this configuration resulted in some of the highest levels of dust in the return and gas on the off-curtain side of the mining face. Two field studies showed some similarities to the laboratory findings, with elevated dust levels at the rear corners of the continuous miner when all of the scrubber exhaust was redirected toward the face either up the off-tubing side or equally up both sides of the mining machine. |
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