Last data update: Jan 13, 2025. (Total: 48570 publications since 2009)
Records 1-30 (of 94 Records) |
Query Trace: Baggett H[original query] |
Ebola outbreak control in the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Garfield R , Fonjungo P , Soke G , Baggett H , Montgomery J , Luce R , Klena J , Mbala-Kingebeni P , Ahuka S , Mwamba D , Muyembe-Tamfam JJ , Agolory S . Disaster Med Public Health Prep 2024 18 e287 Health Security is a major concern for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It is the second largest country in Africa, borders nine other countries, has more than 80 million inhabitants, and has suffered from decades of neglect and conflicts together with multiple recurrent disease outbreaks, including Ebola. |
Epidemiology of human metapneumovirus among children with severe or very severe pneumonia in high pneumonia burden settings: the PERCH study experience
Miyakawa R , Zhang H , Brooks WA , Prosperi C , Baggett HC , Feikin DR , Hammitt LL , Howie SRC , Kotloff KL , Levine OS , Madhi SA , Murdoch DR , O'Brien KL , Scott JAG , Thea DM , Antonio M , Awori JO , Bunthi C , Driscoll AJ , Ebruke B , Fancourt NS , Higdon MM , Karron RA , Moore DP , Morpeth SC , Mulindwa JM , Park DE , Rahman MZ , Rahman M , Salaudeen RA , Sawatwong P , Seidenberg P , Sow SO , Tapia MD , Knoll MD . Clin Microbiol Infect 2024 OBJECTIVES: After respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), human metapneumovirus (hMPV) was the second-ranked pathogen attributed to severe pneumonia in the PERCH study. We sought to characterize hMPV-positive cases in high burden settings, which have limited data, by comparing to RSV-positive and other cases. METHODS: Children aged 1-59 months hospitalized with suspected severe pneumonia and age/season-matched community controls in seven African and Asian countries had nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal swabs tested by multiplex PCR for 32 respiratory pathogens, among other clinical and lab assessments at admission. Odds ratios adjusted for age and site (aOR) were calculated using logistic regression. Etiologic probability was estimated using Bayesian nested partial latent class analysis. Latent class analysis identified syndromic constellations of clinical characteristics. RESULTS: HMPV was detected more frequently among cases (267/3887, 6.9%) than controls (115/4976, 2.3%), among cases with pneumonia chest X-ray findings (8.5%) than without (5.5%), and among controls with respiratory tract illness (3.8%) than without (1.8%; all p≤0.001). HMPV-positive cases were negatively associated with the detection of other viruses (aOR=0.18), especially RSV (aOR=0.11; all p<0.0001), and positively associated with the detection of bacteria (aORs 1.77, p=0.03). No single clinical syndrome distinguished hMPV-positive from other cases. Among hMPV-positive cases, 65.2% were aged <1 year and 27.5% had pneumonia danger signs; positive predictive value was 74.5%; mortality was 3.9%, similar to RSV-positive (2.4%) and lower than other cases (9.6%). CONCLUSIONS: HMPV-associated severe pediatric pneumonia in high burden settings was predominantly in young infants and clinically indistinguishable from RSV. HMPV-positives had low case fatality, similar to that in RSV-positives. |
Factors predicting mortality in hospitalised HIV-negative children with lower-chest-wall indrawing pneumonia and implications for management
Gallagher KE , Awori JO , Knoll MD , Rhodes J , Higdon MM , Hammitt LL , Prosperi C , Baggett HC , Brooks WA , Fancourt N , Feikin DR , Howie SRC , Kotloff KL , Tapia MD , Levine OS , Madhi SA , Murdoch DR , O'Brien KL , Thea DM , Baillie VL , Ebruke BE , Kamau A , Moore DP , Mwananyanda L , Olutunde EO , Seidenberg P , Sow SO , Thamthitiwat S , Scott JAG . PLoS One 2024 19 (3) e0297159 INTRODUCTION: In 2012, the World Health Organization revised treatment guidelines for childhood pneumonia with lower chest wall indrawing (LCWI) but no 'danger signs', to recommend home-based treatment. We analysed data from children hospitalized with LCWI pneumonia in the Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health (PERCH) study to identify sub-groups with high odds of mortality, who might continue to benefit from hospital management but may not be admitted by staff implementing the 2012 guidelines. We compare the proportion of deaths identified using the criteria in the 2012 guidelines, and the proportion of deaths identified using an alternative set of criteria from our model. METHODS: PERCH enrolled a cohort of 2189 HIV-negative children aged 2-59 months who were admitted to hospital with LCWI pneumonia (without obvious cyanosis, inability to feed, vomiting, convulsions, lethargy or head nodding) between 2011-2014 in Kenya, Zambia, South Africa, Mali, The Gambia, Bangladesh, and Thailand. We analysed risk factors for mortality among these cases using predictive logistic regression. Malnutrition was defined as mid-upper-arm circumference <125mm or weight-for-age z-score <-2. RESULTS: Among 2189 cases, 76 (3·6%) died. Mortality was associated with oxygen saturation <92% (aOR 3·33, 1·99-5·99), HIV negative but exposed status (4·59, 1·81-11·7), moderate or severe malnutrition (6·85, 3·22-14·6) and younger age (infants compared to children 12-59 months old, OR 2·03, 95%CI 1·05-3·93). At least one of three risk factors: hypoxaemia, HIV exposure, or malnutrition identified 807 children in this population, 40% of LCWI pneumonia cases and identified 86% of the children who died in hospital (65/76). Risk factors identified using the 2012 WHO treatment guidelines identified 66% of the children who died in hospital (n = 50/76). CONCLUSIONS: Although it focuses on treatment failure in hospital, this study supports the proposal for better risk stratification of children with LCWI pneumonia. Those who have hypoxaemia, any malnutrition or those who were born to HIV positive mothers, experience poorer outcomes than other children with LCWI pneumonia. Consistent identification of these risk factors should be prioritised and children with at least one of these risk factors should not be managed in the community. |
The role of U.S public health agencies in addressing long COVID
Patel PR , Desai JR , Plescia M , Baggett J , Briss P . Am J Prev Med 2024 Long COVID (or post-COVID conditions) refers to symptoms or health conditions that persist or occur ≥4 weeks after SARS-CoV-2 infection.1 Symptoms such as brain fog, fatigue, pain, dyspnea, depression, and a wide range of other manifestations can occur and may be debilitating. The mechanism(s) of these outcomes are poorly understood, creating challenges to prevention and treatment. The study of Long COVID is rapidly evolving and approaches to describe its burden vary. However, prevalence estimates of activity- or work-limiting Long COVID among U.S. adults in the 3-5 million range have been reported.2,3 The vast number of individuals at risk of, or with symptoms of Long COVID underscores the urgency of addressing this complex public health issue. | | In April 2022, the Biden Administration launched a U.S. government-wide response to Long COVID.4 In that same year, the Department of Health and Human Services published three Long COVID reports: the National Research Action Plan5; Services and Supports for Longer-Term Impacts of COVID-196; and Health+ Long COVID Human-Centered Design Report7. These reports help direct federal efforts and identify priorities, including several that align with core public health activities (as outlined in the 10 Essential Public Health Services8). However, they do not describe the role of public health organizations in addressing Long COVID. We aimed to identify key areas in which an enhanced public health approach to Long COVID is needed. |
Causes of severe pneumonia requiring hospital admission in children without HIV infection from Africa and Asia: the PERCH multi-country case-control study
Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health Study Group , O'Brien Katherine L , Levine Orin S , Knoll Maria Deloria , Feikin Daniel R , DeLuca Andrea N , Driscoll Amanda J , Fancourt Nicholas , Fu Wei , Haddix Meredith , Hammitt Laura L , Higdon Melissa M , Kagucia E Wangeci , Karron Ruth A , Li Mengying , Park Daniel E , Prosperi Christine , Shi Qiyuan , Wu Zhenke , Zeger Scott L , Watson Nora L , Crawley Jane , Murdoch David R , Brooks W Abdullah , Endtz Hubert P , Zaman Khalequ , Goswami Doli , Hossain Lokman , Jahan Yasmin , Chisti Mohammod Jobayer , Howie Stephen R C , Ebruke Bernard E , Antonio Martin , McLellan Jessica L , Machuka Eunice M , Shamsul Arifin , Zaman Syed M A , Mackenzie Grant , Scott J Anthony G , Awori Juliet O , Morpeth Susan C , Kamau Alice , Kazungu Sidi , Ominde Micah Silaba , Kotloff Karen L , Tapia Milagritos D , Sow Samba O , Sylla Mamadou , Tamboura Boubou , Onwuchekwa Uma , Kourouma Nana , Toure Aliou , Sissoko Seydou , Madhi Shabir A , Moore David P , Adrian Peter V , Baillie Vicky L , Kuwanda Locadiah , Mudau Azwifarwi , Groome Michelle J , Mahomed Nasreen , Simões Eric A F , Baggett Henry C , Thamthitiwat Somsak , Maloney Susan A , Bunthi Charatdao , Rhodes Julia , Sawatwong Pongpun , Akarasewi Pasakorn , Thea Donald M , Mwananyanda Lawrence , Chipeta James , Seidenberg Phil , Mwansa James , Somwe Somwe Wa , Kwenda Geoffrey , Anderson Trevor P , Mitchell Joanne L . Lancet 2019 394 (10200) 757-779 BACKGROUND: Pneumonia is the leading cause of death among children younger than 5 years. In this study, we estimated causes of pneumonia in young African and Asian children, using novel analytical methods applied to clinical and microbiological findings. METHODS: We did a multi-site, international case-control study in nine study sites in seven countries: Bangladesh, The Gambia, Kenya, Mali, South Africa, Thailand, and Zambia. All sites enrolled in the study for 24 months. Cases were children aged 1-59 months admitted to hospital with severe pneumonia. Controls were age-group-matched children randomly selected from communities surrounding study sites. Nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal (NP-OP), urine, blood, induced sputum, lung aspirate, pleural fluid, and gastric aspirates were tested with cultures, multiplex PCR, or both. Primary analyses were restricted to cases without HIV infection and with abnormal chest x-rays and to controls without HIV infection. We applied a Bayesian, partial latent class analysis to estimate probabilities of aetiological agents at the individual and population level, incorporating case and control data. FINDINGS: Between Aug 15, 2011, and Jan 30, 2014, we enrolled 4232 cases and 5119 community controls. The primary analysis group was comprised of 1769 (41·8% of 4232) cases without HIV infection and with positive chest x-rays and 5102 (99·7% of 5119) community controls without HIV infection. Wheezing was present in 555 (31·7%) of 1752 cases (range by site 10·6-97·3%). 30-day case-fatality ratio was 6·4% (114 of 1769 cases). Blood cultures were positive in 56 (3·2%) of 1749 cases, and Streptococcus pneumoniae was the most common bacteria isolated (19 [33·9%] of 56). Almost all cases (98·9%) and controls (98·0%) had at least one pathogen detected by PCR in the NP-OP specimen. The detection of respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), parainfluenza virus, human metapneumovirus, influenza virus, S pneumoniae, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib), H influenzae non-type b, and Pneumocystis jirovecii in NP-OP specimens was associated with case status. The aetiology analysis estimated that viruses accounted for 61·4% (95% credible interval [CrI] 57·3-65·6) of causes, whereas bacteria accounted for 27·3% (23·3-31·6) and Mycobacterium tuberculosis for 5·9% (3·9-8·3). Viruses were less common (54·5%, 95% CrI 47·4-61·5 vs 68·0%, 62·7-72·7) and bacteria more common (33·7%, 27·2-40·8 vs 22·8%, 18·3-27·6) in very severe pneumonia cases than in severe cases. RSV had the greatest aetiological fraction (31·1%, 95% CrI 28·4-34·2) of all pathogens. Human rhinovirus, human metapneumovirus A or B, human parainfluenza virus, S pneumoniae, M tuberculosis, and H influenzae each accounted for 5% or more of the aetiological distribution. We observed differences in aetiological fraction by age for Bordetella pertussis, parainfluenza types 1 and 3, parechovirus-enterovirus, P jirovecii, RSV, rhinovirus, Staphylococcus aureus, and S pneumoniae, and differences by severity for RSV, S aureus, S pneumoniae, and parainfluenza type 3. The leading ten pathogens of each site accounted for 79% or more of the site's aetiological fraction. INTERPRETATION: In our study, a small set of pathogens accounted for most cases of pneumonia requiring hospital admission. Preventing and treating a subset of pathogens could substantially affect childhood pneumonia outcomes. FUNDING: Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. |
Continuing contributions of field epidemiology training programs to global COVID-19 response
Bell E , Mittendorf C , Meyer E , Barnum O , Reddy C , Williams S , Baggett H , Turcios-Ruiz R . Emerg Infect Dis 2022 28 (13) S129-s137 We documented the contributions of Field Epidemiology Training Program (FETP) trainees and graduates to global COVID-19 preparedness and response efforts. During February-July 2021, we conducted surveys designed in accordance with the World Health Organization's COVID-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan. We quantified trainee and graduate engagement in responses and identified themes through qualitative analysis of activity descriptions. Thirty-two programs with 2,300 trainees and 7,372 graduates reported near-universal engagement across response activities, particularly those aligned with the FETP curriculum. Graduates were more frequently engaged than were trainees in pandemic response activities. Common themes in the activity descriptions were epidemiology and surveillance, leading risk communication, monitoring and assessment, managing logistics and operations, training and capacity building, and developing guidelines and protocols. We describe continued FETP contributions to the response. Findings indicate the wide-ranging utility of FETPs to strengthen countries' emergency response capacity, furthering global health security. |
Strengthening the global One Health workforce: Veterinarians in CDC-supported field epidemiology training programs
Seffren V , Lowther S , Guerra M , Kinzer MH , Turcios-Ruiz R , Henderson A , Shadomy S , Baggett HC , Harris JR , Njoh E , Salyer SJ . One Health 2022 14 100382 Background: Effective prevention, detection, and response to disease threats at the human-animal-environment interface rely on a multisectoral, One Health workforce. Since 2009, the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has supported Field Epidemiology Training Programs (FETPs) to train veterinarians and veterinary paraprofessionals (VPPs) alongside their human health counterparts in the principles of epidemiology, disease surveillance, and outbreak investigations. We aim to describe and evaluate characteristics of CDC-supported FETPs enrolling veterinarians/VPPs to understand these programs contribution to the strengthening of the global One Health workforce. Methods: We surveyed staff from CDC-supported FETPs that enroll veterinarians and VPPs regarding cohort demographics, graduate retention, and veterinary and One Health relevant curriculum inclusion. Descriptive data was analyzed using R Version 3.5.1. Results: Forty-seven FETPs reported veterinarian/VPP trainees, 68% responded to our questionnaire, and 64% reported veterinary/VPP graduates in 2017. The veterinary/VPP graduates in 2017 made up 12% of cohorts. Programs reported 74% of graduated veterinarians/VPPs retained employment within national ministries of agriculture. Common veterinary and One Health curriculum topics were specimen collection and submission (93%), zoonotic disease (90%) and biosafety practices (83%); least covered included animal/livestock production and health promotion (23%) and transboundary animal diseases (27%). Less than half (41%) of programs reported the curriculum being sufficient for veterinarians/VPPs to perform animal health specific job functions, despite most programs being linked to the ministry of agriculture (75%) and providing veterinary-specific mentorship (63%). Conclusions: Our results indicate that FETPs provide valuable training opportunities for animal health sector professionals, strengthening the epidemiology capacity within the ministries retaining them. While veterinary/VPP trainees could benefit from the inclusion of animal-specific curricula needed to fulfill their job functions, at present, FETPs continue to serve as multisectoral, competency-based, in-service training important in strengthening the global One Health workforce by jointly training the animal and human health sectors. © 2022 |
Qualitative evaluation of enabling factors and barriers to the success and sustainability of national public health institutes in Cambodia, Colombia, Liberia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda and Zambia
Woldetsadik MA , Bratton S , Fitzpatrick K , Ravat F , Del Castillo L , McIntosh KJ , Jarvis D , Carnevale CR , Cassell CH , Chhea C , Prieto Alvarado F , MaCauley J , Jani I , Ilori E , Nsanzimana S , Mukonka VM , Baggett HC . BMJ Open 2022 12 (4) e056767 OBJECTIVES: The success of National Public Health Institutes (NPHIs) in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs) is critical to countries' ability to deliver public health services to their populations and effectively respond to public health emergencies. However, empirical data are limited on factors that promote or are barriers to the sustainability of NPHIs. This evaluation explored stakeholders' perceptions about enabling factors and barriers to the success and sustainability of NPHIs in seven countries where the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has supported NPHI development and strengthening. DESIGN: Qualitative study. SETTING: Cambodia, Colombia, Liberia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda and Zambia. PARTICIPANTS: NPHI staff, non-NPHI government staff, and non-governmental and international organisation staff. METHODS: We conducted semistructured, in-person interviews at a location chosen by the participants in the seven countries. We analysed data using a directed content analysis approach. RESULTS: We interviewed 43 NPHI staff, 29 non-NPHI government staff and 24 staff from non-governmental and international organisations. Participants identified five enabling factors critical to the success and sustainability of NPHIs: (1) strong leadership, (2) financial autonomy, (3) political commitment and country ownership, (4) strengthening capacity of NPHI staff and (5) forming strategic partnerships. Three themes emerged related to major barriers or threats to the sustainability of NPHIs: (1) reliance on partner funding to maintain key activities, (2) changes in NPHI leadership and (3) staff attrition and turnover. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings contribute to the scant literature on sustainability of NPHIs in LMICs by identifying essential components of sustainability and types of support needed from various stakeholders. Integrating these components into each step of NPHI development and ensuring sufficient support will be critical to strengthening public health systems and safeguarding their continuity. Our findings offer potential approaches for country leadership to direct efforts to strengthen and sustain NPHIs. |
Field epidemiology training programs contribute to COVID-19 preparedness and response globally.
Hu AE , Fontaine R , Turcios-Ruiz R , Abedi AA , Williams S , Hilmers A , Njoh E , Bell E , Reddy C , Ijaz K , Baggett HC . BMC Public Health 2022 22 (1) 63 BACKGROUND: Field epidemiology training programs (FETPs) have trained field epidemiologists who strengthen global capacities for surveillance and response to public health threats. We describe how FETP residents and graduates have contributed to COVID-19 preparedness and response globally. METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional survey of FETPs between March 13 and April 15, 2020 to understand how FETP residents or graduates were contributing to COVID-19 response activities. The survey tool was structured around the eight Pillars of the World Health Organization's (WHO) Strategic Preparedness and Response Plan for COVID-19. We used descriptive statistics to summarize quantitative results and content analysis for qualitative data. RESULTS: Among 88 invited programs, 65 (74%) responded and indicated that FETP residents and graduates have engaged in the COVID-19 response across all six WHO regions. Response efforts focused on country-level coordination (98%), surveillance, rapid response teams, case investigations (97%), activities at points of entry (92%), and risk communication and community engagement (82%). Descriptions of FETP contributions to COVID-19 preparedness and response are categorized into seven main themes: conducting epidemiological activities, managing logistics and coordination, leading risk communication efforts, providing guidance, supporting surveillance activities, training and developing the workforce, and holding leadership positions. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings demonstrate the value of FETPs in responding to public health threats like COVID-19. This program provides critical assistance to countries' COVID-19 response efforts but also enhances epidemiologic workforce capacity, public health emergency infrastructure and helps ensure global health security as prescribed in the WHO's International Health Regulations. |
Stakeholders' assessment of US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's contributions to the development of National Public Health Institutes in seven countries
Woldetsadik MA , Fitzpatrick K , Del Castillo L , Miller B , Jarvis D , Carnevale C , Ravat F , Cassell CH , Williams A , Young SK , Clemente J , Baggett HC , Bratton S . J Public Health Policy 2021 42 (4) 589-601 National Public Health Institutes (NPHIs) can strengthen countries' public health capacities to prevent, detect, and respond to public health emergencies. This qualitative evaluation assessed the role of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in NPHI development and strengthening of public health functions. We interviewed NPHI staff (N = 43), non-NPHI government staff (N = 29), and non-governmental organization staff (N = 24) in seven countries where CDC has supported NPHI development: Cambodia, Colombia, Liberia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Rwanda, and Zambia. Participants identified four areas of support that were the most important: workforce capacity building, technical assistance for key public health functions, identifying institutional gaps and priorities, and funding to support countries' priorities. Participants underscored the need for capacity building directed toward country-driven priorities during planning and implementation. Continued support for NPHI development from CDC and other partners is vital to building stronger public health systems, improving population health, and strengthening global health security. |
Etiology and clinical characteristics of severe pneumonia among young children in Thailand: Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health (PERCH) case-control study findings, 2012-2013
Bunthi C , Rhodes J , Thamthitiwat S , Higdon MM , Chuananon S , Amorninthapichet T , Paveenkittiporn W , Chittaganpitch M , Sawatwong P , Hammitt LL , Feikin DR , Murdoch DR , Deloria-Knoll M , O'Brien KL , Prosperi C , Maloney SA , Baggett HC , Akarasewi P . Pediatr Infect Dis J 2021 40 S91-s100 BACKGROUND: Pneumonia remains the leading cause of death among children <5 years of age beyond the neonatal period in Thailand. Using data from the Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health (PERCH) Study, we provide a detailed description of pneumonia cases and etiology in Thailand to inform local treatment and prevention strategies in this age group. METHODS: PERCH, a multi-country case-control study, evaluated the etiology of hospitalized cases of severe and very severe pneumonia among children 1-59 months of age. The Thailand site enrolled children for 24 consecutive months during January 2012-February 2014 with staggered start dates in 2 provinces. Cases were children hospitalized with pre-2013 WHO-defined severe or very severe pneumonia. Community controls were randomly selected from health services registries in each province. Analyses were restricted to HIV-negative cases and controls. We calculated adjusted odds ratios (ORs) and 95% CIs comparing organism prevalence detected by nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal (NP/OP) polymerase chain reaction between cases and controls. The PERCH Integrated Analysis (PIA) used Bayesian latent variable analysis to estimate pathogen-specific etiologic fractions and 95% credible intervals. RESULTS: Over 96% of both cases (n = 223) and controls (n = 659) had at least 1 organism detected; multiple organisms were detected in 86% of cases and 88% of controls. Among 98 chest Radiograph positive (CXR+) cases, respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) had the highest NP/OP prevalence (22.9%) and the strongest association with case status (OR 20.5; 95% CI: 10.2, 41.3) and accounted for 34.6% of the total etiologic fraction. Tuberculosis (TB) accounted for 10% (95% CrI: 1.6-26%) of the etiologic fraction among CXR+ cases. DISCUSSION: More than one-third of hospitalized cases of severe and very severe CXR+ pneumonia among children 1-59 months of age in Thailand were attributable to RSV. TB accounted for 10% of cases, supporting evaluation for TB among children hospitalized with pneumonia in high-burden settings. Similarities in pneumonia etiology in Thailand and other PERCH sites suggest that global control strategies based on PERCH study findings are relevant to Thailand and similar settings. |
Introduction to the site-specific etiologic results from the Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health (PERCH) Study
Deloria Knoll M , Prosperi C , Baggett HC , Brooks WA , Feikin DR , Hammitt LL , Howie SRC , Kotloff KL , Madhi SA , Murdoch DR , Scott JAG , Thea DM , O'Brien KL . Pediatr Infect Dis J 2021 40 S1-s6 The Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health (PERCH) study evaluated the etiology of severe and very severe pneumonia in children hospitalized in 7 African and Asian countries. Here, we summarize the highlights of in-depth site-specific etiology analyses published separately in this issue, including how etiology varies by age, mortality status, malnutrition, severity, HIV status, and more. These site-specific results impart important lessons that can inform disease control policy implications. |
Epidemiology of the Rhinovirus (RV) in African and Southeast Asian Children: A Case-Control Pneumonia Etiology Study
Baillie VL , Moore DP , Mathunjwa A , Baggett HC , Brooks A , Feikin DR , Hammitt LL , Howie SRC , Knoll MD , Kotloff KL , Levine OS , O'Brien KL , Scott AG , Thea DM , Antonio M , Awori JO , Driscoll AJ , Fancourt NSS , Higdon MM , Karron RA , Morpeth SC , Mulindwa JM , Murdoch DR , Park DE , Prosperi C , Rahman MZ , Rahman M , Salaudeen RA , Sawatwong P , Somwe SW , Sow SO , Tapia MD , Simões EAF , Madhi SA . Viruses 2021 13 (7) Rhinovirus (RV) is commonly detected in asymptomatic children; hence, its pathogenicity during childhood pneumonia remains controversial. We evaluated RV epidemiology in HIV-uninfected children hospitalized with clinical pneumonia and among community controls. PERCH was a case-control study that enrolled children (1-59 months) hospitalized with severe and very severe pneumonia per World Health Organization clinical criteria and age-frequency-matched community controls in seven countries. Nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal swabs were collected for all participants, combined, and tested for RV and 18 other respiratory viruses using the Fast Track multiplex real-time PCR assay. RV detection was more common among cases (24%) than controls (21%) (aOR = 1.5, 95%CI:1.3-1.6). This association was driven by the children aged 12-59 months, where 28% of cases vs. 18% of controls were RV-positive (aOR = 2.1, 95%CI:1.8-2.5). Wheezing was 1.8-fold (aOR 95%CI:1.4-2.2) more prevalent among pneumonia cases who were RV-positive vs. RV-negative. Of the RV-positive cases, 13% had a higher probability (>75%) that RV was the cause of their pneumonia based on the PERCH integrated etiology analysis; 99% of these cases occurred in children over 12 months in Bangladesh. RV was commonly identified in both cases and controls and was significantly associated with severe pneumonia status among children over 12 months of age, particularly those in Bangladesh. RV-positive pneumonia was associated with wheezing. |
Impact of Kenya's Frontline Epidemiology Training Program on Outbreak Detection and Surveillance Reporting: A Geographical Assessment, 2014-2017
Macharia D , Jinnai Y , Hirai M , Galgalo T , Lowther SA , Ekechi CO , Widdowson MA , Turcios-Ruiz R , Williams SG , Baggett HKC , Bunnell RE , Oyugi E , Langat D , Makayotto L , Gura Z , Cassell CH . Health Secur 2021 19 (3) 243-253 Rapid detection and response to infectious disease outbreaks requires a robust surveillance system with a sufficient number of trained public health workforce personnel. The Frontline Field Epidemiology Training Program (Frontline) is a focused 3-month program targeting local ministries of health to strengthen local disease surveillance and reporting capacities. Limited literature exists on the impact of Frontline graduates on disease surveillance completeness and timeliness reporting. Using routinely collected Ministry of Health data, we mapped the distribution of graduates between 2014 and 2017 across 47 Kenyan counties. Completeness was defined as the proportion of complete reports received from health facilities in a county compared with the total number of health facilities in that county. Timeliness was defined as the proportion of health facilities submitting surveillance reports on time to the county. Using a panel analysis and controlling for county-fixed effects, we evaluated the relationship between the number of Frontline graduates and priority disease reporting of measles. We found that Frontline training was correlated with improved completeness and timeliness of weekly reporting for priority diseases. The number of Frontline graduates increased by 700%, from 57 graduates in 2014 to 456 graduates in 2017. The annual average rates of reporting completeness increased from 0.8% in 2014 to 55.1% in 2017. The annual average timeliness reporting rates increased from 0.1% in 2014 to 40.5% in 2017. These findings demonstrate how global health security implementation progress in workforce development may influence surveillance and disease reporting. |
The Global Field Epidemiology Roadmap: Enhancing Global Health Security by Accelerating the Development of Field Epidemiology Capacity Worldwide.
O'Carroll PW , Kirk MD , Reddy C , Morgan OW , Baggett HC . Health Secur 2021 19 (3) 349-351 The covid-19 pandemic reminds us yet again of the critical importance of an effective field epidemiology workforce to safeguard and promote the health of countries' citizens, prevent the spread of infectious disease, and strengthen global health security. For the past 4 decades, field epidemiology training programs (FETPs)1,2 have worked to address precisely this need in countries throughout the world. FETPs are service-based, hands-on programs that emphasize learning by doing. They are designed to develop skilled and experienced field epidemiologists who can detect, investigate, and control disease outbreaks; conduct surveillance; analyze epidemiological data; measure the impact of interventions; and carry out applied epidemiological studies. Today, more than 85 FETPs are providing invaluable field epidemiology services to ministries of health in more than 165 countries and territories,3 and, as cases surge, the COVID-19 pandemic offers myriad examples of impactful contributions of FETP trainees and graduates to the response around the globe.4 |
Upper Respiratory Tract Co-detection of Human Endemic Coronaviruses and High-density Pneumococcus Associated With Increased Severity Among HIV-Uninfected Children Under 5 Years Old in the PERCH Study.
Park DE , Higdon MM , Prosperi C , Baggett HC , Brooks WA , Feikin DR , Hammitt LL , Howie SRC , Kotloff KL , Levine OS , Madhi SA , Murdoch DR , O'Brien KL , Scott JAG , Thea DM , Antonio M , Awori JO , Baillie VL , Bunthi C , Kwenda G , Mackenzie GA , Moore DP , Morpeth SC , Mwananyanda L , Paveenkittiporn W , Ziaur Rahman M , Rahman M , Rhodes J , Sow SO , Tapia MD , Deloria Knoll M . Pediatr Infect Dis J 2021 40 (6) 503-512 BACKGROUND: Severity of viral respiratory illnesses can be increased with bacterial coinfection and can vary by sex, but influence of coinfection and sex on human endemic coronavirus (CoV) species, which generally cause mild to moderate respiratory illness, is unknown. We evaluated CoV and pneumococcal co-detection by sex in childhood pneumonia. METHODS: In the 2011-2014 Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health study, nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal (NP/OP) swabs and other samples were collected from 3981 children <5 years hospitalized with severe or very severe pneumonia in 7 countries. Severity by NP/OP detection status of CoV (NL63, 229E, OC43 or HKU1) and high-density (≥6.9 log10 copies/mL) pneumococcus (HDSpn) by real-time polymerase chain reaction was assessed by sex using logistic regression adjusted for age and site. RESULTS: There were 43 (1.1%) CoV+/HDSpn+, 247 CoV+/HDSpn-, 449 CoV-/HDSpn+ and 3149 CoV-/HDSpn- cases with no significant difference in co-detection frequency by sex (range 51.2%-64.0% male, P = 0.06). More CoV+/HDSpn+ pneumonia was very severe compared with other groups for both males (13/22, 59.1% versus range 29.1%-34.7%, P = 0.04) and females (10/21, 47.6% versus 32.5%-43.5%, P = 0.009), but only male CoV+/HDSpn+ required supplemental oxygen more frequently (45.0% versus 20.6%-28.6%, P < 0.001) and had higher mortality (35.0% versus 5.3%-7.1%, P = 0.004) than other groups. For females with CoV+/HDSpn+, supplemental oxygen was 25.0% versus 24.8%-33.3% (P = 0.58) and mortality was 10.0% versus 9.2%-12.9% (P = 0.69). CONCLUSIONS: Co-detection of endemic CoV and HDSpn was rare in children hospitalized with pneumonia, but associated with higher severity and mortality in males. Findings may warrant investigation of differences in severity by sex with co-detection of HDSpn and SARS-CoV-2. |
Community-Associated Outbreak of COVID-19 in a Correctional Facility - Utah, September 2020-January 2021.
Lewis NM , Salmanson AP , Price A , Risk I , Guymon C , Wisner M , Gardner K , Fukunaga R , Schwitters A , Lambert L , Baggett HC , Ewetola R , Dunn AC . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (13) 467-472 Transmission of SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, is common in congregate settings such as correctional and detention facilities (1-3). On September 17, 2020, a Utah correctional facility (facility A) received a report of laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection in a dental health care provider (DHCP) who had treated incarcerated persons at facility A on September 14, 2020 while asymptomatic. On September 21, 2020, the roommate of an incarcerated person who had received dental treatment experienced COVID-19-compatible symptoms*; both were housed in block 1 of facility A (one of 16 occupied blocks across eight residential units). Two days later, the roommate received a positive SARS-CoV-2 test result, becoming the first person with a known-associated case of COVID-19 at facility A. During September 23-24, 2020, screening of 10 incarcerated persons who had received treatment from the DHCP identified another two persons with COVID-19, prompting isolation of all three patients in an unoccupied block at the facility. Within block 1, group activities were stopped to limit interaction among staff members and incarcerated persons and prevent further spread. During September 14-24, 2020, six facility A staff members, one of whom had previous close contact(†) with one of the patients, also reported symptoms. On September 27, 2020, an outbreak was confirmed after specimens from all remaining incarcerated persons in block 1 were tested; an additional 46 cases of COVID-19 were identified, which were reported to the Salt Lake County Health Department and the Utah Department of Health. On September 30, 2020, CDC, in collaboration with both health departments and the correctional facility, initiated an investigation to identify factors associated with the outbreak and implement control measures. As of January 31, 2021, a total of 1,368 cases among 2,632 incarcerated persons (attack rate = 52%) and 88 cases among 550 staff members (attack rate = 16%) were reported in facility A. Among 33 hospitalized incarcerated persons, 11 died. Quarantine and monitoring of potentially exposed persons and implementation of available prevention measures, including vaccination, are important in preventing introduction and spread of SARS-CoV-2 in correctional facilities and other congregate settings (4). |
Zambia field epidemiology training program: strengthening health security through workforce development
Kumar R , Kateule E , Sinyange N , Malambo W , Kayeye S , Chizema E , Chongwe G , Minor P , Kapina M , Baggett HC , Yard E , Mukonka V . Pan Afr Med J 2020 36 323 The Zambia Field Epidemiology Training Program (ZFETP) was established by the Ministry of Health (MoH) during 2014, in order to increase the number of trained field epidemiologists who can investigate outbreaks, strengthen disease surveillance, and support data-driven decision making. We describe the ZFETP´s approach to public health workforce development and health security strengthening, key milestones five years after program launch, and recommendations to ensure program sustainability. Program description: ZFETP was established as a tripartite arrangement between the Zambia MoH, the University of Zambia School of Public Health, and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The program runs two tiers: Advanced and Frontline. To date, ZFETP has enrolled three FETP-Advanced cohorts (training 24 residents) and four Frontline cohorts (training 71 trainees). In 2016, ZFETP moved organizationally to the newly established Zambia National Public Health Institute (ZNPHI). This re-positioning raised the program´s profile by providing residents with increased opportunities to lead high-profile outbreak investigations and analyze national surveillance data-achievements that were recognized on a national stage. These successes attracted investment from the Government of Republic of Zambia (GRZ) and donors, thus accelerating field epidemiology workforce capacity development in Zambia. In its first five years, ZFETP achieved early success due in part to commitment from GRZ, and organizational positioning within the newly formed ZNPHI, which have catalyzed ZFETP´s institutionalization. During the next five years, ZFETP seeks to sustain this momentum by expanding training of both tiers, in order to accelerate the professional development of field epidemiologists at all levels of the public health system. |
Digital auscultation in PERCH: Associations with chest radiography and pneumonia mortality in children
McCollum ED , Park DE , Watson NL , Fancourt NSS , Focht C , Baggett HC , Abdullah Brooks W , Howie SRC , Kotloff KL , Levine OS , Madhi SA , Murdoch DR , Scott JAG , Thea DM , Awori JO , Chipeta J , Chuananon S , DeLuca AN , Driscoll AJ , Ebruke BE , Elhilal M , Emmanouilidou D , Githua LP , Higdon MM , Hossain L , Jahan Y , Karron RA , Kyalo J , Moore DP , Mulindwa JM , Naorat S , Prosperi C , Verwey C , West JE , Knoll MD , Brien KLO , Feikin DR , Hammitt LL . Pediatr Pulmonol 2020 55 (11) 3197-3208 BACKGROUND: Whether digitally recorded lung sounds are associated with radiographic pneumonia or clinical outcomes among children in low-income and middle-income countries is unknown. We sought to address these knowledge gaps. METHODS: We enrolled 1-59 month old children hospitalized with pneumonia at eight African and Asian Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health sites in six countries, recorded digital stethoscope lung sounds, obtained chest radiographs, and collected clinical outcomes. Recordings were processed and reclassified into binary categories positive or negative for adventitial lung sounds. Listening and reading panels classified recordings and radiographs. Recording classification associations with chest radiographs with World Health Organization (WHO)-defined primary endpoint pneumonia (radiographic pneumonia) or mortality were evaluated. We also examined case fatality among risk strata. RESULTS: Among children without WHO danger signs, wheezing (without crackles) had a lower adjusted odds ratio (aOR) for radiographic pneumonia (0.35, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.15, 0.82), compared to children with normal recordings. Neither crackle only (no wheeze) (aOR 2.13, 95%CI 0.91, 4.96) or any wheeze (with or without crackle) (aOR 0.63, 95%CI 0.34, 1.15) were associated with radiographic pneumonia. Among children with WHO danger signs no lung recording classification was independently associated with radiographic pneumonia, although trends towards greater odds of radiographic pneumonia were observed among children classified with crackle only (no wheeze) or any wheeze (with or without crackle). Among children without WHO danger signs, those with recorded wheezing had a lower case fatality than those without wheezing (3.8% vs 9.1%, p=0.03). CONCLUSIONS: Among lower risk children without WHO danger signs digitally recorded wheezing is associated with a lower odds for radiographic pneumonia and with lower mortality. Although further research is needed, these data indicate that with further development digital auscultation may eventually contribute to child pneumonia care. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. |
Pneumococcal colonization prevalence and density among Thai children with severe pneumonia and community controls
Piralam B , Prosperi C , Thamthitiwat S , Bunthi C , Sawatwong P , Sangwichian O , Higdon MM , Watson NL , Deloria Knoll M , Paveenkittiporn W , Chara C , Hurst CP , Akarasewi P , Rhodes J , Maloney SA , O'Brien KL , Baggett HC . PLoS One 2020 15 (4) e0232151 BACKGROUND: Pneumococcal colonization prevalence and colonization density, which has been associated with invasive disease, can offer insight into local pneumococcal ecology and help inform vaccine policy discussions. METHODS: The Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health Project (PERCH), a multi-country case-control study, evaluated the etiology of hospitalized cases of severe and very severe pneumonia among children aged 1-59 months. The PERCH Thailand site enrolled children during January 2012-February 2014. We determined pneumococcal colonization prevalence and density, and serotype distribution of colonizing isolates. RESULTS: We enrolled 224 severe/very severe pneumonia cases and 659 community controls in Thailand. Compared to controls, cases had lower colonization prevalence (54.5% vs. 62.5%, p = 0.12) and lower median colonization density (42.1 vs. 210.2 x 103 copies/mL, p <0.0001); 42% of cases had documented antibiotic pretreatment vs. 0.8% of controls. In no sub-group of assessed cases did pneumococcal colonization density exceed the median for controls, including cases with no prior antibiotics (63.9x103 copies/mL), with consolidation on chest x-ray (76.5x103 copies/mL) or with pneumococcus detected in whole blood by PCR (9.3x103 copies/mL). Serotype distribution was similar among cases and controls, and a high percentage of colonizing isolates from cases and controls were serotypes included in PCV10 (70.0% and 61.8%, respectively) and PCV13 (76.7% and 67.9%, respectively). CONCLUSIONS: Pneumococcal colonization is common among children aged <5 years in Thailand. However, colonization density was not higher among children with severe pneumonia compared to controls. These results can inform discussions about PCV introduction and provide baseline data to monitor PCV impact after introduction in Thailand. |
Medical costs associated with metastatic breast cancer in younger, midlife, and older women
Trogdon JG , Baggett CD , Gogate A , Reeder-Hayes KE , Rotter J , Zhou X , Ekwueme DU , Fairley TL , Wheeler SB . Breast Cancer Res Treat 2020 181 (3) 653-665 PURPOSE: We estimated average medical costs due to metastatic breast cancer (mBC) among younger (aged 18-44), midlife (aged 45-64), and older women (aged 65 and older) by phase of care: initial, continuing, and terminal. METHODS: We used 2003-2014 North Carolina cancer registry data linked with administrative claims from public and private payers. We developed a claims-based algorithm to identify breast cancer patients who progressed to metastatic disease. We matched breast cancer patients (mBC and earlier stage) to non-cancer patients on age group, county of residence, and insurance plan. Outcomes were average monthly medical expenditures and expected medical expenditures by phase. We used regression to estimate excess costs attributed to mBC as the difference in mean payments between patients with mBC (N = 4806) and patients with each earlier-stage breast cancer (stage 1, stage 2, stage 3, and unknown stage; N = 21,772) and non-cancer controls (N = 109,631) by treatment phase and age group. RESULTS: Adjusted monthly costs for women with mBC were significantly higher than for women with earlier-stage breast cancer and non-cancer controls for all age groups and treatment phases except the initial treatment among women with stage 3 breast cancer at diagnosis. The largest expected total costs were for women aged 18-44 with mBC during the continuing phase ($209,961 95% Confidence Interval $165,736-254,186). CONCLUSIONS: We found substantial excess costs for mBC among younger women and during the continuing and terminal phases of survivorship. It is important to assess whether this care is high value for these women. |
Assessment of SARS-CoV-2 Infection Prevalence in Homeless Shelters - Four U.S. Cities, March 27-April 15, 2020.
Mosites E , Parker EM , Clarke KEN , Gaeta JM , Baggett TP , Imbert E , Sankaran M , Scarborough A , Huster K , Hanson M , Gonzales E , Rauch J , Page L , McMichael TM , Keating R , Marx GE , Andrews T , Schmit K , Morris SB , Dowling NF , Peacock G . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (17) 521-522 In the United States, approximately 1.4 million persons access emergency shelter or transitional housing each year (1). These settings can pose risks for communicable disease spread. In late March and early April 2020, public health teams responded to clusters (two or more cases in the preceding 2 weeks) of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) in residents and staff members from five homeless shelters in Boston, Massachusetts (one shelter); San Francisco, California (one); and Seattle, Washington (three). The investigations were performed in coordination with academic partners, health care providers, and homeless service providers. Investigations included reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction testing at commercial and public health laboratories for SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, over approximately 1-2 weeks for residents and staff members at the five shelters. During the same period, the team in Seattle, Washington, also tested residents and staff members at 12 shelters where a single case in each had been identified. In Atlanta, Georgia, a team proactively tested residents and staff members at two shelters with no known COVID-19 cases in the preceding 2 weeks. In each city, the objective was to test all shelter residents and staff members at each assessed facility, irrespective of symptoms. Persons who tested positive were transported to hospitals or predesignated community isolation areas. |
Konzo outbreak in the Western Province of Zambia
Siddiqi OK , Kapina M , Kumar R , Ngomah Moraes A , Kabwe P , Mazaba ML , Hachaambwa L , Ng'uni NM , Chikoti PC , Morel-Espinosa M , Jarrett JM , Baggett HC , Chizema-Kawesha E . Neurology 2020 94 (14) e1495-e1501 OBJECTIVE: To identify the etiology of an outbreak of spastic paraparesis among women and children in the Western Province of Zambia suspected to be konzo. METHODS: We conducted an outbreak investigation of individuals from Mongu District, Western Province, Zambia, who previously developed lower extremity weakness. Cases were classified with the World Health Organization definition of konzo. Active case finding was conducted through door-to-door evaluation in affected villages and sensitization at local health clinics. Demographic, medical, and dietary history was used to identify common exposures in all cases. Urine and blood specimens were taken to evaluate for konzo and alternative etiologies. RESULTS: We identified 32 cases of konzo exclusively affecting children 6 to 14 years of age and predominantly females >14 years of age. Fourteen of 15 (93%) cases >/=15 years of age were female, 11 (73%) of whom were breastfeeding at the time of symptom onset. Cassava was the most commonly consumed food (median [range] 14 [4-21] times per week), while protein-rich foods were consumed <1 time per week for all cases. Of the 30 patients providing urine specimens, median thiocyanate level was 281 (interquartile range 149-522) mumol/L, and 73% of urine samples had thiocyanate levels >136 mumol/L, the 95th percentile of the US population in 2013 to 2014. CONCLUSION: This investigation revealed the first documented cases of konzo in Zambia, occurring in poor communities with diets high in cassava and low in protein, consistent with previous descriptions from neighboring countries. |
One field epidemiologist per 200,000 population: Lessons learned from implementing a global public health workforce target
Williams SG , Fontaine RE , Turcios Ruiz RM , Walke H , Ijaz K , Baggett HC . Health Secur 2020 18 S113-s118 The World Health Organization monitoring and evaluation framework for the International Health Regulations (IHR, 2005) describes the targets for the Joint External Evaluation (JEE) indicators. For workforce development, the JEE defines the optimal target for attaining and complying with the IHR (2005) as 1 trained field epidemiologist (or equivalent) per 200,000 population. We explain the derivation and use of the current field epidemiology workforce development target and identify the limitations and lessons learned in applying it to various countries' public health systems. This article also proposes a way forward for improvements and implementation of this workforce development target. |
Enhanced surveillance for severe pneumonia, Thailand 2010-2015
Bunthi C , Baggett HC , Gregory CJ , Thamthitiwat S , Yingyong T , Paveenkittiporn W , Kerdsin A , Chittaganpitch M , Ruangchira-Urai R , Akarasewi P , Ungchusak K . BMC Public Health 2019 19 472 Background: The etiology of severe pneumonia is frequently not identified by routine disease surveillance in Thailand. Since 2010, the Thailand Ministry of Public Health (MOPH) and US CDC have conducted surveillance to detect known and new etiologies of severe pneumonia. Methods: Surveillance for severe community-acquired pneumonia was initiated in December 2010 among 30 hospitals in 17 provinces covering all regions of Thailand. Interlinked clinical, laboratory, pathological and epidemiological components of the network were created with specialized guidelines for each to aid case investigation and notification. Severe pneumonia was defined as chest-radiograph confirmed pneumonia of unknown etiology in a patient hospitalized ≤48 h and requiring intubation with ventilator support or who died within 48 h after hospitalization; patients with underlying chronic pulmonary or neurological disease were excluded. Respiratory and pathological specimens were tested by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction for nine viruses, including Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV), and 14 bacteria. Cases were reported via a secure web-based system. Results: Of specimens from 972 cases available for testing during December 2010 through December 2015, 589 (60.6%) had a potential etiology identified; 399 (67.8%) were from children aged < 5 years. At least one viral agent was detected in 394 (40.5%) cases, with the most common of single vial pathogen detected being respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) (110/589, 18.7%) especially in children under 5 years. Bacterial pathogens were detected in 341 cases of which 67 cases had apparent mixed infections. The system added MERS-CoV testing in September 2012 as part of Thailand's outbreak preparedness; no cases were identified from the 767 samples tested. Conclusions: Enhanced surveillance improved the understanding of the etiology of severe pneumonia cases and improved the MOPH's preparedness and response capacity for emerging respiratory pathogens in Thailand thereby enhanced global health security. Guidelines for investigation of severe pneumonia from this project were incorporated into surveillance and research activities within Thailand and shared for adaption by other countries. |
The predictive performance of a pneumonia severity score in HIV-negative children presenting to hospital in seven low and middle-income countries
Gallagher KE , Knoll MD , Prosperi C , Baggett HC , Brooks WA , Feiken DR , Hammitt LL , Howie SRC , Kotloff KL , Levine OS , Madhi SA , Murdoch DR , O'Brien KL , Thea DM , Awori JO , Baillie VL , Ebruke BE , Goswami D , Kamau A , Maloney SA , Moore DP , Mwananyanda L , Olutunde EO , Seidenberg P , Sissoko S , Sylla M , Thamthitiwat S , Zaman K , Scott JAG . Clin Infect Dis 2019 70 (6) 1050-1057 BACKGROUND: In 2015, pneumonia remained the leading cause of mortality in children between 1-59 months old. METHODS: Data from 1802 HIV-negative children between 1-59 months old enrolled in the Pneumonia Etiology Research for Child Health (PERCH) study with severe or very severe pneumonia during 2011-14 were used to build a parsimonious multivariable model predicting mortality using backwards stepwise logistic regression. The PERCH severity score, derived from model coefficients, was validated on a second, temporally discrete dataset of a further 1819 cases and compared to other available scores using the c-statistic. RESULTS: Predictors of mortality, across seven low and middle-income countries, were: age <1 year, female sex, 3 or more days of illness prior to presentation to hospital, low weight-for-height, unresponsiveness, deep breathing, hypoxemia, grunting and the absence of cough. The model discriminated well between those who died and those who survived (c-statistic: 0.84), but the predictive capacity of the PERCH 5-stratum score derived from the coefficients was moderate (c=0.76). The performance of the Respiratory Index of Severity in Children (RISC) score was similar (c=0.76). The number of WHO danger signs demonstrated the highest discrimination (c=0.82; 1.5% died if no danger signs, 10% if 1 danger sign and 33% if 2 or more danger signs). CONCLUSIONS: The PERCH severity score could be used to interpret geographic variations in pneumonia mortality and etiology. The number of WHO danger signs on presentation to hospital could be the most useful, of the currently available tools, to aid clinical management of pneumonia. |
Population-based bloodstream infection surveillance in rural Thailand, 2007-2014
Rhodes J , Jorakate P , Makprasert S , Sangwichian O , Kaewpan A , Akarachotpong T , Srisaengchai P , Thamthitiwat S , Khemla S , Yuenprakhon S , Paveenkittiporn W , Kerdsin A , Whistler T , Baggett HC , Gregory CJ . BMC Public Health 2019 19 521 Background: Bloodstream infection (BSI) surveillance is essential to characterize the public health threat of bacteremia. We summarize BSI epidemiology in rural Thailand over an eight year period. Methods: Population-based surveillance captured clinically indicated blood cultures and associated antimicrobial susceptibility results performed in all 20 hospitals in Nakhon Phanom (NP) and Sa Kaeo (SK) provinces. BSIs were classified as community-onset (CO) when positive cultures were obtained ≤2 days after hospital admission and hospital-onset (HO) thereafter. Hospitalization denominator data were available for incidence estimates for 2009-2014. Results: From 2007 to 2014 a total of 11,166 BSIs were identified from 134,441 blood cultures. Annual CO BSI incidence ranged between 89.2 and 123.5 cases per 100,000 persons in SK and NP until 2011. Afterwards, CO incidence remained stable in SK and increased in NP, reaching 155.7 in 2013. Increases in CO BSI incidence over time were limited to persons aged ≥50 years. Ten pathogens, in rank order, accounted for > 65% of CO BSIs in both provinces, all age-groups, and all years: Escherichia coli, Klebsiella pneumoniae, Burkholderia pseudomallei, Staphylococcus aureus, Salmonella non-typhi spp., Streptococcus pneumoniae, Acinetobacter spp., Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus pyogenes, Pseudomonas aeruginosa. HO BSI incidence increased in NP from 0.58 cases per 1000 hospitalizations in 2009 to 0.91 in 2014, but were higher (ranging from 1.9 to 2.3) in SK throughout the study period. Extended-spectrum beta-lactamase production among E. coli isolates and multi-drug resistance among Acinetobacter spp. isolates was common (> 25% of isolates), especially among HO cases (> 50% of isolates), and became more common over time, while methicillin-resistance among S. aureus isolates (10%) showed no clear trend. Carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae were documented in 2011-2014. Conclusions: Population-based surveillance documented CO BSI incidence estimates higher than previously reported from Thailand and the region, with temporal increases seen in older populations. The most commonly observed pathogens including resistance profiles were similar to leading pathogens and resistance profiles worldwide, thus; prevention strategies with demonstrated success elsewhere may prove effective in Thailand. |
Pneumococcal pneumonia prevalence among adults with severe acute respiratory illness in Thailand - comparison of Bayesian latent class modeling and conventional analysis
Lu Y , Joseph L , Belisle P , Sawatwong P , Jatapai A , Whistler T , Thamthitiwat S , Paveenkittiporn W , Khemla S , Van Beneden CA , Baggett HC , Gregory CJ . BMC Infect Dis 2019 19 (1) 423 BACKGROUND: Determining the etiology of pneumonia is essential to guide public health interventions. Diagnostic test results, including from polymerase chain reaction (PCR) assays of upper respiratory tract specimens, have been used to estimate prevalence of pneumococcal pneumonia. However limitations in test sensitivity and specificity and the specimen types available make establishing a definitive diagnosis challenging. Prevalence estimates for pneumococcal pneumonia could be biased in the absence of a true gold standard reference test for detecting Streptococcus pneumoniae. METHODS: We conducted a case control study to identify etiologies of community acquired pneumonia (CAP) from April 2014 through August 2015 in Thailand. We estimated the prevalence of pneumococcal pneumonia among adults hospitalized for CAP using Bayesian latent class models (BLCMs) incorporating results of real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) testing of upper respiratory tract specimens and a urine antigen test (UAT) from cases and controls. We compared the prevalence estimate to conventional analyses using only UAT as a reference test. RESULTS: The estimated prevalence of pneumococcal pneumonia was 8% (95% CI: 5-11%) by conventional analyses. By BLCM, we estimated the prevalence to be 10% (95% CrI: 7-16%) using binary qPCR and UAT results, and 11% (95% CrI: 7-17%) using binary UAT results and qPCR cycle threshold (Ct) values. CONCLUSIONS: BLCM suggests a > 25% higher prevalence of pneumococcal pneumonia than estimated by a conventional approach assuming UAT as a gold standard reference test. Higher quantities of pneumococcal DNA in the upper respiratory tract were associated with pneumococcal pneumonia in adults but the addition of a second specific pneumococcal test was required to accurately estimate disease status and prevalence. By incorporating the inherent uncertainty of diagnostic tests, BLCM can obtain more reliable estimates of disease status and improve understanding of underlying etiology. |
Mumps outbreak in an unimmunized population - Luanshya District, Copperbelt Province, Zambia, 2015
Kateule E , Kumar R , Mulenga M , Daka V , Banda K , Anderson R , McNall R , McGrew M , Baggett HC , Kasongo W . Pan Afr Med J 2018 31 (3) Introduction: Mumps is a vaccine-preventable viral disease that may cause deafness, orchitis, encephalitis or death. However, mumps vaccine is not included in Zambia's Expanded Program for Immunization. In January 2015, Integrated Disease Surveillance and Response data revealed an increase in reported mumps cases in Luanshya District. We investigated to confirm the etiology and generate epidemiological data on mumps in Zambia. Method(s): We conducted active case finding, examined possible case-patients, and administered a standard questionnaire. A suspected mumps case was defined as acute onset of salivary gland swelling in a Luanshya resident during January-June 2015. Eight case-patients provided serum samples to test for mumps-specific immunoglobulin IgM, and buccal swabs to test for mumps viral RNA by RT-PCR, and genotyping of mumps virus at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Atlanta, Georgia, USA. Result(s): From January - June 2015, a total of 283 mumps cases were reported in Luanshya, peaking in April (71 cases) and clustering (81%) in two townships. Of 72 suspected case-patients interviewed, 81% were aged < 15 years (29%, 1-4 years) and 61% were female. Common clinical characteristics were buccal tenderness (29%) and fever > 37.5C (29%). Mumps virus genotype D was confirmed in five case-patients who tested positive by RT-PCR; six case-patients were sero-positive for anti-mumps IgM antibodies (total seven lab-confirmed cases). Conclusion(s): Our findings represent the first reported epidemiologic description of mumps in Zambia. While the epidemiology is consistent with prior descriptions of mumps in unimmunized populations and no serious complications arose, this report provides data to inform policy discussions regarding mumps vaccination in Zambia. |
Epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance of invasive non-typhoidal Salmonellosis in rural Thailand from 2006-2014
Whistler T , Sapchookul P , McCormick DW , Sangwichian O , Jorakate P , Makprasert S , Jatapai A , Naorat S , Surin U , Koosakunwat S , Supcharassaeng S , Piralam B , Mikoleit M , Baggett HC , Rhodes J , Gregory CJ . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2018 12 (8) e0006718 INTRODUCTION: Invasive salmonellosis is a common cause of bloodstream infection in Southeast Asia. Limited epidemiologic and antimicrobial resistance data are available from the region. METHODS: Blood cultures performed in all 20 hospitals in the northeastern province of Nakhon Phanom (NP) and eastern province of Sa Kaeo (SK), Thailand were captured in a bloodstream infection surveillance system. Cultures were performed as clinically indicated in hospitalized patients; patients with multiple positive cultures had only the first included. Bottles were incubated using the BacT/Alert system (bioMerieux, Thailand) and isolates were identified using standard microbiological techniques; all Salmonella isolates were classified to at least the serogroup level. Antimicrobial resistance was assessed using disk diffusion. RESULTS: Salmonella was the fifth most common pathogen identified in 147,535 cultures with 525 cases (211 in Nakhon Phanom (NP) and 314 in Sa Kaeo (SK)). The overall adjusted iNTS incidence rate in NP was 4.0 cases/100,000 person-years (95% CI 3.5-4.5) and in SK 6.4 cases/100,000 person-years (95% CI 5.7-7.1; p = 0.001). The most common serogroups were C (39.4%), D (35.0%) and B (9.9%). Serogroup D predominated in NP (103/211) with 59.2% of this serogroup being Salmonella serovar Enteritidis. Serogroup C predominated in SK (166/314) with 84.3% of this serogroup being Salmonella serovar Choleraesuis. Antibiotic resistance was 68.2% (343/503) for ampicillin, 1.2% (6/482) for ciprofloxacin (or 58.1% (280/482) if both intermediate and resistant phenotypes are considered), 17.0% (87/512) for trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole, and 12.2% (59/484) for third-generation cephalosporins (cefotaxime or ceftazidime). Multidrug resistance was seen in 99/516 isolates (19.2%). CONCLUSIONS: The NTS isolates causing bloodstream infections in rural Thailand are commonly resistant to ampicillin, cefotaxime, and TMP-SMX. Observed differences between NP and SK indicate that serogroup distribution and antibiotic resistance may substantially differ throughout Thailand and the region. |
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