Last data update: Jan 13, 2025. (Total: 48570 publications since 2009)
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Changes in self-reported mask use after the lifting of state-issued mask mandates in 20 US States, February-June 2021
Ajiboye AS , Dunphy C , Vo L , Howard-Williams M , Ladva CN , Robinson SJ , McCord R , Gakh M , Weber R , Sunshine G . J Public Health Manag Pract 2024 OBJECTIVE: In April 2020, the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommended community masking to prevent the transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Since then, a total of 39 US states and DC issued mask mandates. Despite CDC recommendations and supporting evidence that masking reduces COVID-19 community transmission, from January to June 20, 2021 states lifted their mask mandates for all individuals. This study examined the association between lifting state-issued mask mandates and mask-wearing behavior in 2021. DESIGN: We estimated a difference-in-difference model, comparing changes in the likelihood for individuals to wear a mask in states that lifted their mask mandate relative to states that kept their mandates in place between February and June of 2021. SETTING: Individuals were surveyed from across the United States. PARTICIPANTS: We used masking behavior data collected by the Porter Novelli View 360 + national surveys (N = 3459), and data from state-issued mask mandates obtained by CDC and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. MAIN OUTCOMES: The outcome variable of interest was self-reported mask use during the 30 days prior to the survey data collection. RESULTS: In the overall population, lifting mask mandates did not significantly influence mask-wearing behavior. Mask wearing did significantly decrease in response to the lifting of mask mandates among individuals living in rural counties and individuals who had not yet decided whether they would receive a COVID-19 vaccine. CONCLUSION: Policies around COVID-19 behavioral mitigation, specifically amongst those unsure about vaccination and in rural areas, may help reduce the transmission of COVID-19 and other respiratory viruses, especially in communities with low vaccination rates. |
Tuberculosis preventive treatment update - U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief, 36 Countries, 2016-2023
Ajiboye AS , O'Connor S , Smith JP , Ahmedov S , Coggin WL , Charles M , Ghosh S , Pierre P , Shah N , Teran RA , Moonan PK , Date A . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (11) 233-238 Tuberculosis (TB) is the leading cause of death among persons with HIV. In 2022, an estimated 167,000 TB-related deaths occurred globally among persons with HIV. TB preventive treatment (TPT) helps prevent TB disease and is recommended for persons at high risk for developing TB, including those with HIV. TPT, when taken with antiretroviral treatment (ART), can reduce TB-attributable deaths among persons with HIV. In 2018, the U.S. President's Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) program committed to offer one course of TPT to all eligible clients receiving ART. This analysis describes trends in TPT initiation and completion among PEPFAR-supported programs in 36 countries in Africa, Central and South America, and Asia during fiscal years (FYs) 2017-2023. Overall, TPT initiation rates peaked in FY19, a possible sign of programmatic saturation. TPT initiation among clients who had been on ART <6 months reached 59%, and overall completion rates up to 87% were reported. Approximately 13 million persons with HIV have completed TPT since FY17, but widespread adoption of shorter regimens, patient-centered approaches, and electronic medical record systems might be needed to ensure full TPT coverage. Through PEPFAR's partnership with national HIV programs, TPT has become the standard of care for persons with HIV. |
Predictors of HIV testing among youth 15-24 years in urban Ethiopia, 2017-2018 Ethiopia population-based HIV impact assessment
Ajiboye AS , Eshetu F , Lulseged S , Getaneh Y , Tademe N , Kifle T , Bray R , Eshete H , Demissie Y , Dykewicz CA , Hoos D . PLoS One 2023 18 (7) e0265710 INTRODUCTION: Youth (adolescents and young adults) aged 15-24 years comprise approximately 22% of Ethiopia's total population and make up 0.73% of HIV cases in urban Ethiopia. However, only 63% of HIV-positive youth are aware of their HIV status. We describe the HIV testing behaviors of youth 15-24 years and determined the characteristics of those who were most likely to be tested for HIV within the past year. METHODS: Using data from the 2017-2018 Ethiopia Population-based HIV Impact Assessment, we provide survey-weighted estimates and prevalence risk ratios for engagement in HIV testing in the 12 months preceding the survey. We model the likelihood of HIV testing one year or more before the survey compared to never testing, using a multinomial logistic regression model. RESULTS: Among HIV-negative and unaware HIV-positive youth 15-24 years old (N = 7,508), 21.8% [95% Confidence Interval (CI): 20.4-23.3%] reported testing for HIV in the last 12 months. Female youth [Prevalence Ratio (PR) = 1.6, 95% CI: 1.4-1.8], those aged 20-24 years (PR = 2.6, 95% CI:2.3-2.9), and those ever married (PR = 2.8, 95% CI: 2.5-3.1) were more likely to have tested for HIV within the last year. Adjusting for select demographic characteristics, sex with a non-spousal or non-live-in partner [Relative Risk (RR) = 0.3, 95% CI:0.1-0.8] among males did not increase their likelihood to test for HIV in the prior 12 months. Female youth engaged in antenatal care (RR = 3.0, 95% CI: 1.7-5.3) were more likely to test for HIV in the past year. CONCLUSION: The Ethiopian HIV case finding strategy may consider approaches for reaching untested youth, with a specific focus on adolescent males,15-19 years of age. This is critical towards achieving the UNAIDS HIV testing goal of 95% of all individuals living with HIV aware of their status by 2030. |
Predictors of HIV Testing among Youth 15-24 Years in Urban Ethiopia, 2017-2018 Ethiopia Population-Based HIV Impact Assessment (preprint)
Ajiboye AS , Eshetu F , Lulseged S , Getaneh Y , Tademe N , Kifle T , Bray R , Eshete H , Demissie Y , Dykewicz CA , Hoos D . medRxiv 2022 20 Introduction: Youth (adolescents and young adults) aged 15-24 years comprise approximately 22% of Ethiopia's total population and make up 0.73% of HIV cases in urban Ethiopia. However, only 63% of HIV-positive youth are aware of their HIV status. We described the HIV testing behaviors of youth 15-24 years and determined the characteristics of those who were most likely to be tested for HIV within the past year. Method(s): Using data from the 2017-2018 Ethiopia Population-based HIV Impact Assessment, we provide survey-weighted estimates and prevalence risk ratios for engagement in HIV testing in the 12 months preceding the survey. We model the likelihood of HIV testing one year or more before the survey compared to never testing, using a multinomial logistic regression model. Result(s): Among HIV-negative and unaware HIV-positive youth 15-24 years old (N=7,508), 21.8% [95% Confidence Interval (CI): 20.4-23.3%] reported testing for HIV in the last 12 months. Female youth [Prevalence Ratio (PR)=1.6, 95% CI: 1.4-1.8], those aged 20-24 years (PR=2.6, 95% CI:2.3-2.9), and those ever married (PR=2.8, 95% CI: 2.5-3.1) were more likely to have tested for HIV within the last year. Adjusting for select demographic characteristics, sex with a non-spousal or non-live-in partner [Relative Risk (RR)=0.3, 95% CI:0.1-0.8] among males did not increase their likelihood to test for HIV in the prior 12 months. Female youth engaged in antenatal care (RR=3.0, 95% CI: 1.7-5.3) were more likely to test for HIV in the past year. Conclusion(s): The Ethiopian HIV case finding strategy may consider approaches for reaching untested youth, with a specific focus on adolescent males. This is critical towards achieving the UNAIDS HIV testing goal of 95% of all individuals living with HIV aware of their status by 2030. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. This article is a US Government work. It is not subject to copyright under 17 USC 105 and is also made available for use under a CC0 license. |
Exploring parent-engaged developmental monitoring of young children before and during the COVID-19 pandemic, Porter Novelli Styles 2019 and 2021
Nestor C , Sonikar P , Eberhardt A , Ajiboye AS , Tinker S , Green KK . Disabil Health J 2023 101474 BACKGROUND: Early identification of developmental delays may have been negatively impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. Parental engagement in developmental monitoring is a key component to successfully identifying developmental concerns. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this project was to understand whether parental engagement in developmental monitoring changed over the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, from Spring 2019 to Fall 2021. METHODS: Survey data were obtained from 2019 SpringStyles and 2021 FallStyles Porter Novelli Public Services ConsumerStyles cross-sectional surveys. Only respondents with at least one child under the age of 8 at the time of the survey were included in the analytic sample (2019 N = 403; 2021 N = 344). Participants were asked several questions about how they monitor their children's development. Changes in frequency of developmental monitoring from 2019 to 2021 were estimated using chi-squared tests. RESULTS: In both 2019 and 2021, 89% of parents reported engaging in any type of developmental monitoring. Within the group of parents who engaged in any monitoring, there were no differences across years in the percentage of parents reporting using the methods surveyed, except that a smaller percentage reported comparing their children to others in 2021 (25%) compared to 2019 (36%, p < 0.002). CONCLUSIONS: Despite major disruptions to families' lives, there were no significant changes to parents' overall engagement in developmental monitoring prior to and during the COVID-19 pandemic. |
Duration of Behavioral Policy Interventions and Incidence of COVID-19 by Social Vulnerability of US Counties, April-December 2020.
Kao SZ , Sharpe JD , Lane RI , Njai R , McCord RF , Ajiboye AS , Ladva CN , Vo L , Ekwueme DU . Public Health Rep 2022 138 (1) 333549221125202 OBJECTIVE: State-issued behavioral policy interventions (BPIs) can limit community spread of COVID-19, but their effects on COVID-19 transmission may vary by level of social vulnerability in the community. We examined the association between the duration of BPIs and the incidence of COVID-19 across levels of social vulnerability in US counties. METHODS: We used COVID-19 case counts from USAFacts and policy data on BPIs (face mask mandates, stay-at-home orders, gathering bans) in place from April through December 2020 and the 2018 Social Vulnerability Index (SVI) from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We conducted multilevel linear regression to estimate the associations between duration of each BPI and monthly incidence of COVID-19 (cases per 100000 population) by SVI quartiles (grouped as low, moderate low, moderate high, and high social vulnerability) for 3141 US counties. RESULTS: Having a BPI in place for longer durations (ie, 2 months) was associated with lower incidence of COVID-19 compared with having a BPI in place for <1 month. Compared with having no BPI in place or a BPI in place for <1 month, differences in marginal mean monthly incidence of COVID-19 per 100000 population for a BPI in place for 2 months ranged from -4 cases in counties with low SVI to -401 cases in counties with high SVI for face mask mandates, from -31 cases in counties with low SVI to -208 cases in counties with high SVI for stay-at-home orders, and from -227 cases in counties with low SVI to -628 cases in counties with high SVI for gathering bans. CONCLUSIONS: Establishing COVID-19 prevention measures for longer durations may help reduce COVID-19 transmission, especially in communities with high levels of social vulnerability. |
Spatial distribution and determinants of HIV prevalence among adults in urban Ethiopia: Findings from the Ethiopia Population-based HIV Impact Assessment Survey (2017-2018)
Gelibo T , Lulseged S , Eshetu F , Abdella S , Melaku Z , Ajiboye S , Demissie M , Solmo C , Ahmed J , Getaneh Y , Kaydos-Daniels SC , Abate E . PLoS One 2022 17 (7) e0271221 The design and evaluation of national HIV programs often rely on aggregated national data, which may obscure localized HIV epidemics. In Ethiopia, even though the national adult HIV prevalence has decreased, little information is available about local areas and subpopulations. To inform HIV prevention efforts for specific populations, we identified geographic locations and drivers of HIV transmission. We used data from adults aged 15-64 years who participated in the Ethiopian Population-based HIV Impact Assessment survey (October 2017-April 2018). Location-related information for the survey clusters was obtained from the 2007 Ethiopia population census. Spatial autocorrelation of HIV prevalence data were analyzed via a Global Moran's I test. Geographically weighted regression analysis was used to show the relationship of covariates. The finding indicated that uncircumcised men in certain hotspot towns and divorced or widowed individuals in hotspot woredas/towns might have contributed to the average increase in HIV prevalence in the hotspot areas. Hotspot analysis findings indicated that, localized, context-specific intervention efforts tailored to at-risk populations, such as divorced or widowed women or uncircumcised men, could decrease HIV transmission and prevalence in urban Ethiopia. |
Unawareness of HIV Infection Among Men Aged 15-59 Years in 13 Sub-Saharan African Countries: Findings From the Population-Based HIV Impact Assessments, 2015-2019
West CA , Chang GC , Currie DW , Bray R , Kinchen S , Behel S , McCullough-Sanden R , Low A , Bissek A , Shang JD , Ndongmo CB , Dokubo EK , Balachandra S , Lobognon LR , Dube L , Nuwagaba-Biribonwoha H , Li M , Pasipamire M , Getaneh Y , Lulseged S , Eshetu F , Kingwara L , Zielinski-Gutierrez E , Tlhomola M , Ramphalla P , Kalua T , Auld AF , Williams DB , Remera E , Rwibasira GN , Mugisha V , Malamba SS , Mushi J , Jalloh MF , Mgomella GS , Kirungi WL , Biraro S , Awor AC , Barradas DT , Mugurungi O , Rogers JH , Bronson M , Bodika SM , Ajiboye A , Gaffga N , Moore C , Patel HK , Voetsch AC . J Acquir Immune Defic Syndr 2021 87 S97-s106 BACKGROUND: Identifying men living with HIV in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) is critical to end the epidemic. We describe the underlying factors of unawareness among men aged 15-59 years who ever tested for HIV in 13 SSA countries. METHODS: Using pooled data from the nationally representative Population-based HIV Impact Assessments, we fit a log-binomial regression model to identify characteristics related to HIV positivity among HIV-positive unaware and HIV-negative men ever tested for HIV. RESULTS: A total of 114,776 men were interviewed and tested for HIV; 4.4% were HIV-positive. Of those, 33.7% were unaware of their HIV-positive status, (range: 20.2%-58.7%, in Rwanda and Cote d'Ivoire). Most unaware men reported they had ever received an HIV test (63.0%). Age, region, marital status, and education were significantly associated with HIV positivity. Men who had HIV-positive sexual partners (adjusted prevalence ratio [aPR]: 5.73; confidence interval [95% CI]: 4.13 to 7.95) or sexual partners with unknown HIV status (aPR: 2.32; 95% CI: 1.89 to 2.84) were more likely to be HIV-positive unaware, as were men who tested more than 12 months compared with HIV-negative men who tested within 12 months before the interview (aPR: 1.58; 95% CI: 1.31 to 1.91). Tuberculosis diagnosis and not being circumcised were also associated with HIV positivity. CONCLUSION: Targeting subgroups of men at risk for infection who once tested negative could improve yield of testing programs. Interventions include improving partner testing, frequency of testing, outreach and educational strategies, and availability of HIV testing where men are accessing routine health services. |
COVID-19 Mitigation Efforts and Testing During an In-Person Training Event - Uganda, October 12-29, 2020.
Laws RL , Biraro S , Kirungi W , Gianetti B , Aibo D , Awor AC , West C , Sachathep KK , Kiyingi H , Ward J , Mwangi C , Nkurunziza P , Okimait D , Currie D , Ajiboye A , Moore CS , Patel H , Sendagala S , Naluguza M , Mugisha V , Low A , Delgado S , Hoos D , Brown K , Galbraith JS , Hladik W , Nelson L , El-Sadr W , Musinguzi J , Voetsch AC . Clin Infect Dis 2021 73 S42-S44 Large public-health training events may result in SARS-CoV-2 transmission. Universal SARS-CoV-2 testing during trainings for the Uganda Population-based HIV Impact Assessment identified 28/475 (5.9%) individuals with COVID-19 among attendees; most (89.3%) were asymptomatic. Effective COVID-19 mitigation measures, along with SARS-CoV-2 testing, are recommended for in-person trainings, particularly when trainees will have subsequent contact with survey participants. |
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- Page last updated:Jan 13, 2025
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