Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 48650 publications since 2009)
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Query Trace: Abbas I[original query] |
A toolkit to facilitate the selection and measurement of health equity indicators for cardiovascular disease
Wei D , McPherson S , Moeti R , Boakye A , Whiting-Collins L , Abbas A , Montgomery E , Toledo L , Vaughan M . Prev Chronic Dis 2024 21 E78 Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is the leading cause of illness and death in the US and is substantially affected by social determinants of health, such as social, economic, and environmental factors. CVD disproportionately affects groups that have been economically and socially marginalized, yet health care and public health professionals often lack tools for collecting and using data to understand and address CVD inequities among their populations of focus. The Health Equity Indicators for Cardiovascular Disease Toolkit (HEI for CVD Toolkit) seeks to address this gap by providing metrics, measurement guidance, and resources to support users collecting, measuring, and analyzing data relevant to their CVD work. The toolkit includes a conceptual framework (a visual model for understanding health inequities in CVD); a comprehensive list of health equity indicators (metrics of inequities that influence CVD prevention, care, and management); guidance in definitions, measures, and data sources; lessons learned and examples of HEI implementation; and other resources to support health equity measurement. To develop this toolkit, we performed literature scans to identify primary topics and themes relevant to addressing inequities in CVD, engaged with subject matter experts in health equity and CVD, and conducted pilot studies to understand the feasibility of gathering and analyzing data on the social determinants of health in various settings. This comprehensive development process resulted in a toolkit that can help users understand the drivers of inequities in their communities or patient populations, assess progress, evaluate intervention outcomes, and guide actions to address CVD disparities. |
Expanding the use of mathematical modeling in healthcare epidemiology and infection prevention and control
Grant R , Rubin M , Abbas M , Pittet D , Srinivasan A , Jernigan JA , Bell M , Samore M , Harbarth S , Slayton RB . Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2024 1-6 During the coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic, mathematical modeling has been widely used to understand epidemiological burden, trends, and transmission dynamics, to facilitate policy decisions, and, to a lesser extent, to evaluate infection prevention and control (IPC) measures. This review highlights the added value of using conventional epidemiology and modeling approaches to address the complexity of healthcare-associated infections (HAI) and antimicrobial resistance. It demonstrates how epidemiological surveillance data and modeling can be used to infer transmission dynamics in healthcare settings and to forecast healthcare impact, how modeling can be used to improve the validity of interpretation of epidemiological surveillance data, how modeling can be used to estimate the impact of IPC interventions, and how modeling can be used to guide IPC and antimicrobial treatment and stewardship decision-making. There are several priority areas for expanding the use of modeling in healthcare epidemiology and IPC. Importantly, modeling should be viewed as complementary to conventional healthcare epidemiological approaches, and this requires collaboration and active coordination between IPC, healthcare epidemiology, and mathematical modeling groups. |
The role of stroke care infrastructure on the effectiveness of a hub-and-spoke telestroke model in South Carolina
Srinivasan M , Scott A , Soo J , Sreedhara M , Popat S , Beasley KL , Jackson TN , Abbas A , Keaton WA , Holmstedt C , Harvey J , Kruis R , McLeod S , Ahn R . J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2024 107702 OBJECTIVE: To examine the relationship between stroke care infrastructure and stroke quality-of-care outcomes at 29 spoke hospitals participating in the <name concealed for blinding purposes> hub-and-spoke telestroke network. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Encounter-level data from <name concealed for blinding purposes> telestroke patient registry were filtered to include encounters during 2015-2022 for patients aged 18 and above with a clinical diagnosis of acute ischemic stroke, and who received intravenous tissue plasminogen activator. Unadjusted and adjusted generalized estimating equations assessed associations between time-related stroke quality-of-care metrics captured during the encounter and the existence of the two components of stroke care infrastructure-stroke coordinators and stroke center certifications-across all hospitals and within hospital subgroups defined by size and rurality. RESULTS: Telestroke encounters at spoke hospitals with stroke coordinators and stroke center certifications were associated with shorter door-to-needle (DTN) times (60.9 min for hospitals with both components and 57.3 min for hospitals with one, vs. 81.2 min for hospitals with neither component, p <.001). Similar patterns were observed for the percentage of encounters with DTN time of ≤60 min (63.8% and 68.9% vs. 32.0%, p <.001) and ≤45 min (34.0% and 38.4% vs. 8.42%, p <.001). Associations were similar for other metrics (e.g., door-to-registration time), and were stronger for smaller (vs. larger) hospitals and rural (vs. urban) hospitals. CONCLUSIONS: Stroke coordinators or stroke center certifications may be important for stroke quality of care, especially at spoke hospitals with limited resources or in rural areas. |
How real-time case-based malaria surveillance helps Zanzibar get a step closer to malaria elimination: Description of operational platform and resources
Mkali HR , Lalji SM , Al-Mafazy AW , Joseph JJ , Mwaipape OS , Ali AS , Abbas FB , Ali MH , Hassan WS , Reaves EJ , Kitojo C , Serbantez N , Kabula BI , Nyinondi SS , McKay M , Cressman G , Ngondi JM , Reithinger R . Glob Health Sci Pract 2023 11 (5) Testing and treating asymptomatic populations have the potential to reduce the population's parasite reservoir and reduce malaria transmission. Zanzibar's malaria case notification (MCN) platform collects detailed sociodemographic and epidemiological data from all confirmed malaria cases to inform programmatic decision-making. We describe the design and operationalization process of the platform and other malaria surveillance resources that are enabling Zanzibar's progress toward malaria elimination.The MCN platform consists of an interactive short message service (SMS) system for case notification, a software application for Android mobile devices, a visual question set and workflow manager, a back-end database server, and a web browser-based application for data analytics, configuration, and management. Malaria case data were collected from August 2012 to December 2021 and reported via SMS from all public and private health facilities to a central database and then to district malaria surveillance officers' mobile devices. Data included patient names, shehia (administrative area), and date of diagnosis, enabling officers to track patients, ideally within 24 hours of reporting. Patients' household members were tested for malaria using conventional rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs). Treatment using artemisinin-based combination therapy was provided for persons testing positive.Between 2012 and 2021, a total of 48,899 index malaria cases were confirmed at health facilities, 22,152 (45.3%) within 24 hours of reporting; 41,886 (85.7%) cases were fully investigated and followed up to the household level. A total of 111,811 additional household members were tested with RDTs, of whom 10,602 (9.5%) were malaria positive.The MCN platform reports malaria case data in near real time, enabling prompt follow-up of index cases and prompt testing and treatment of members in index case households. Along with routine testing and treatment and other preventive interventions, the MCN platform is foundational to the programmatic efforts in further reducing malaria and ultimately eliminating autochthonous malaria transmission in Zanzibar. |
Highly multiplexed ddPCR-amplicon sequencing reveals strong Plasmodium falciparum population structure and isolated populations amenable to local elimination efforts in Zanzibar (preprint)
Holzschuh A , Lerch A , Gerlovina I , Fakih BS , Al-Mafazy AWH , Reaves EJ , Ali A , Abbas F , Ali MH , Ali MA , Hetzel MW , Yukich J , Koepfli C . bioRxiv 2023 06 Over the past 15 years, Zanzibar has made great strides towards malaria elimination; yet progress has stalled. Parasite genetic data of Plasmodium falciparum may inform strategies for malaria elimination by helping to identify contributory factors to parasite persistence. Here we elucidate fine-scale parasite population structure and infer relatedness and connectivity of infections using an identity-by-descent (IBD) approach. We sequenced 518 P. falciparum samples from 5 districts covering both main islands using a novel, highly multiplexed droplet digital PCR (ddPCR)-based amplicon deep sequencing method targeting 35 microhaplotypes and drug-resistance loci. Despite high genetic diversity, we observe strong fine-scale spatial and temporal structure of local parasite populations, including isolated populations on Pemba Island and genetically admixed populations on Unguja Island, providing evidence of ongoing local transmission. We observe a high proportion of highly related parasites in individuals living closer together, including between clinical index cases and the mostly asymptomatic cases surrounding them, consistent with isolation-by-distance. We identify a substantial fraction (2.9%) of related parasite pairs between Zanzibar, and mainland Tanzania and Kenya, consistent with recent importation. We identify haplotypes known to confer resistance to known antimalarials in all districts, including multidrug-resistant parasites, but most parasites remain sensitive to current first-line treatments. Our study provides a high-resolution view of parasite genetic structure across the Zanzibar archipelago and reveals actionable patterns, including isolated parasite populations, which may be prioritized for malaria elimination. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted bioRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license. |
How enhanced surveillance is helping Zanzibar get one step closer to malaria elimination: description of the operational platforms and resources for real-time case-based malaria surveillance (preprint)
Mkali HR , Lalji SM , Al-Mafazy AW , Joseph JJ , Mwaipape OS , Ali AS , Abbas FB , Ali MH , Hassan WS , Reaves EJ , Kitojo C , Serbantez N , Kabula BI , Nyinondi SS , McKay M , Cressman G , Ngondi JM , Reithinger R . medRxiv 2023 24 Testing and treating asymptomatic populations has the potential to reduce the population's parasite reservoir and reduce malaria transmission. Zanzibar's electronic malaria case notification (MCN) platform collects detailed socio-demographic and epidemiological data from all confirmed malaria cases to inform programmatic decision-making. This Field Action Report describes the design and operationalization process of the platform, as well as other malaria surveillance resources that are enabling Zanzibar to progress toward malaria elimination. The MCN platform consists of an interactive short message service (SMS) system for case notification, a software application for Android mobile devices, a visual question set and workflow manager, a back-end database server, and a web browser-based application for data analytics, configuration, and management. Malaria case data were collected from August 2012 to December 2021 and reported via SMS from all public and private health facilities to a central database, and then to District Malaria Surveillance Officers' mobile devices. Data included patient names, shehia and date of diagnosis, which enabled the officers to track patients, ideally within 24 hours of reporting. Patients' household members were tested for malaria using conventional rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs). Treatment using artemisinin-based combination therapy was provided for persons testing positive. Between 2012 and 2021, a total of 48,899 index malaria cases were confirmed at health facilities, 22,152 (45.3%) of whom within 24 hours of reporting; 41,886 (85.7%) cases were fully investigated and followed up to household level. A total of 111,811 additional household members were tested with RDTs, of whom 10,602 (9.5%) were malaria positive. The MCN platform reports malaria case data in near real-time, enabling prompt testing and treatment of members in index case households. Along with routine testing and treatment and other preventive interventions, combined with comprehensive reactive-case detection efforts, the continued use of the MCN platform is likely to reduce malaria transmission and malaria morbidity even further, thereby enhancing malaria elimination in Zanzibar. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license. |
Spatio-temporal dynamics of malaria in Zanzibar, 2015-2020 (preprint)
Bisanzio D , Lalji S , Abbas FB , Ali MH , Hassan WS , Mkali HR , Al-Mafazy AW , Joseph JJ , Nyinondi SS , Kitojo C , Serbantez N , Reaves E , Eckert E , Ngondi J , Reithinger R . medRxiv 2022 27 Background: Despite the continued high coverage of malaria interventions, malaria elimination in Zanzibar remains elusive, with the annual number of cases increasing gradually over the last 3 years. The aims of the analyses presented here were to (i) assess the spatio-temporal dynamics of malaria in Zanzibar between 2015 and 2020, and (ii) identify malaria hotspots that would allow Zanzibar to develop an epidemiological stratification for more effective and granular intervention targeting, thereby allowing for more effective programmatic resource allocations. Method(s): Data routinely collected by Zanzibar's Malaria Case Notification (MCN) system were analyzed. The system collects detailed socio-demographic and epidemiological data from all malaria cases who are passively detected and reported at the islands' 313 public and private health facilities (defined as primary index cases), as well as through case follow-up and reactive case detection (defined as secondary cases). Using these data, spatio-temporal analyses were performed to identify the spatial heterogeneity of case reporting at shehia (ward) level during transmission seasons and its correlation with 2015-2020 rainfall. Result(s): From January 1, 2015, to April 30, 2020, 22,686 index cases were notified by health facilities and reported through the MCN system. Number of cases reported showed declining trends from 2015 to 2017, followed by an increase from 2018 to 2020. More than 40% of cases had a travel history outside Zanzibar in the month prior to testing positive for malaria. The proportion of followed-up index cases was approximately 70% for all years. Change point analysis identified 10 distinct periods of malaria transmission across the study period, and the seasonality of reported index cases was significantly correlated to the amount of precipitation that occurred during the previous rainy season. Out of Zanzibar's 388 shehias, 79 (20.3%) were identified as malaria hotspots in any given year between 2015 and 2020; these hotspots reported 52% of all index cases during the study period. Of the 79 shehias identified as hotspots, 12 (3% of all shehias) were hotspots in more than four years, i.e., considered temporally stable, reporting 14.5% of all index cases. Conclusion(s): Our findings confirm that the scale-up of malaria interventions has greatly reduced malaria transmission in Zanzibar since 2006, with mean annual shehia incidence being 3.8 cases per 1,000 over the 2015-2020 study period. Spatio-temporal analyses identified hotspots, some of which were stable across multiple years. From a programmatic perspective, malaria efforts should progress from an approach that is based on universal coverage of interventions to an approach that is more tailored and nuanced, with resources prioritized and allocated to a select number of hotspot shehias. Copyright The copyright holder for this preprint is the author/funder, who has granted medRxiv a license to display the preprint in perpetuity. It is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license. |
Multiplexed ddPCR-amplicon sequencing reveals isolated Plasmodium falciparum populations amenable to local elimination in Zanzibar, Tanzania
Holzschuh A , Lerch A , Gerlovina I , Fakih BS , Al-Mafazy AH , Reaves EJ , Ali A , Abbas F , Ali MH , Ali MA , Hetzel MW , Yukich J , Koepfli C . Nat Commun 2023 14 (1) 3699 ![]() Zanzibar has made significant progress toward malaria elimination, but recent stagnation requires novel approaches. We developed a highly multiplexed droplet digital PCR (ddPCR)-based amplicon sequencing method targeting 35 microhaplotypes and drug-resistance loci, and successfully sequenced 290 samples from five districts covering both main islands. Here, we elucidate fine-scale Plasmodium falciparum population structure and infer relatedness and connectivity of infections using an identity-by-descent (IBD) approach. Despite high genetic diversity, we observe pronounced fine-scale spatial and temporal parasite genetic structure. Clusters of near-clonal infections on Pemba indicate persistent local transmission with limited parasite importation, presenting an opportunity for local elimination efforts. Furthermore, we observe an admixed parasite population on Unguja and detect a substantial fraction (2.9%) of significantly related infection pairs between Zanzibar and the mainland, suggesting recent importation. Our study provides a high-resolution view of parasite genetic structure across the Zanzibar archipelago and provides actionable insights for prioritizing malaria elimination efforts. |
From paper files to web-based application for data-driven monitoring of HIV programs: Nigeria's journey to a national data repository for decision-making and patient care
Dalhatu I , Aniekwe C , Bashorun A , Abdulkadir A , Dirlikov E , Ohakanu S , Adedokun O , Oladipo A , Jahun I , Murie L , Yoon S , Abdu-Aguye MG , Sylvanus A , Indyer S , Abbas I , Bello M , Nalda N , Alagi M , Odafe S , Adebajo S , Ogorry O , Akpu M , Okoye I , Kakanfo K , Onovo AA , Ashefor G , Nzelu C , Ikpeazu A , Aliyu G , Ellerbrock T , Boyd M , Stafford KA , Swaminathan M . Methods Inf Med 2023 62 130-139 BACKGROUND: Timely and reliable data are crucial for clinical, epidemiologic, and program management decision making. Electronic health information systems provide platforms for managing large longitudinal patient records. Nigeria implemented the National Data Repository (NDR) to create a central data warehouse of all people living with human immunodeficiency virus (PLHIV) while providing useful functionalities to aid decision making at different levels of program implementation. OBJECTIVE: We describe the Nigeria NDR and its development process, including its use for surveillance, research, and national HIV program monitoring toward achieving HIV epidemic control. METHODS: Stakeholder engagement meetings were held in 2013 to gather information on data elements and vocabulary standards for reporting patient-level information, technical infrastructure, human capacity requirements, and information flow. Findings from these meetings guided the development of the NDR. An implementation guide provided common terminologies and data reporting structures for data exchange between the NDR and the electronic medical record (EMR) systems. Data from the EMR were encoded in extensible markup language and sent to the NDR over secure hypertext transfer protocol after going through a series of validation processes. RESULTS: By June 30, 2021, the NDR had up-to-date records of 1,477,064 (94.4%) patients receiving HIV treatment across 1,985 health facilities, of which 1,266,512 (85.7%) patient records had fingerprint template data to support unique patient identification and record linkage to prevent registration of the same patient under different identities. Data from the NDR was used to support HIV program monitoring, case-based surveillance and production of products like the monthly lists of patients who have treatment interruptions and dashboards for monitoring HIV test and start. CONCLUSION: The NDR enabled the availability of reliable and timely data for surveillance, research, and HIV program monitoring to guide program improvements to accelerate progress toward epidemic control. |
Spatiotemporal dynamics of malaria in Zanzibar, 2015-2020
Bisanzio D , Lalji S , Abbas FB , Ali MH , Hassan W , Mkali HR , Al-Mafazy AW , Joseph JJ , Nyinondi S , Kitojo C , Serbantez N , Reaves E , Eckert E , Ngondi JM , Reithinger R . BMJ Glob Health 2023 8 (1) BACKGROUND: Despite high coverage of malaria interventions, malaria elimination in Zanzibar remains elusive, with the annual number of cases increasing gradually over the last 3 years. OBJECTIVE: The aims of the study were to (1) assess the spatiotemporal dynamics of malaria in Zanzibar between 2015 and 2020 and (2) identify malaria hotspots that would allow Zanzibar to develop an epidemiological stratification for more effective and granular intervention targeting. METHODS: In this study, we analysed data routinely collected by Zanzibar's Malaria Case Notification (MCN) system. The system collects sociodemographic and epidemiological data from all malaria cases. Cases are passively detected at health facilities (ie, primary index cases) and through case follow-up and reactive case detection (ie, secondary cases). Analyses were performed to identify the spatial heterogeneity of case reporting at shehia (ward) level during transmission seasons. RESULTS: From 1 January 2015 to 30 April 2020, the MCN system reported 22 686 index cases. Number of cases reported showed a declining trends from 2015 to 2016, followed by an increase from 2017 to 2020. More than 40% of cases had a travel history outside Zanzibar in the month prior to testing positive for malaria. The proportion of followed up index cases was approximately 70% for all years. Out of 387 shehias, 79 (20.4%) were identified as malaria hotspots in any given year; these hotspots reported 52% of all index cases during the study period. Of the 79 hotspot shehias, 12 were hotspots in more than 4 years, that is, considered temporally stable, reporting 14.5% of all index cases. CONCLUSIONS: Our findings confirm that the scale-up of malaria interventions has greatly reduced malaria transmission in Zanzibar since 2006. Analyses identified hotspots, some of which were stable across multiple years. Malaria efforts should progress from a universal intervention coverage approach to an approach that is more tailored to a select number of hotspot shehias. |
Commitment to Hypertension Control During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Million Hearts Initiative Exemplars.
Abbas A , Hannan J , Stolp H , Coronado F , Sperling LS . Prev Chronic Dis 2022 19 E47 Hypertension is a major risk factor for cardiovascular diseases, but 3 of 4 US adults do not have their blood pressure adequately controlled. Million Hearts (US Department of Health and Human Services) is a national initiative that promotes a set of priorities and interventions to optimize delivery of evidence-based strategies to manage cardiovascular disease, including hypertension. The COVID-19 pandemic, however, has disrupted routine care and preventive service delivery. We identified examples of clinical and health organizations that adapted services and care processes to continue a focus on monitoring and controlling hypertension during the pandemic. Eight Hypertension Control Exemplars were identified and interviewed. They reported various adapted care strategies including telemedicine, engaging patients in self-measured blood pressure monitoring, adapting or implementing medication management services, activating partnerships to respond to patient needs or expand services, and implementing unique patient outreach approaches. Documenting these hypertension control strategies can help increase adoption of adaptive approaches during public health emergencies and routine care. |
Association between dispatch complaint and critical prehospital time intervals in suspected stroke 911 activations in the National Emergency Medical Services Information System, 2012-2016
Abbas AY , Odom EC , Nwaise I . J Stroke Cerebrovasc Dis 2021 31 (3) 106228 OBJECTIVE: Emergency Medical Services can help improve stroke outcomes by recognizing stroke symptoms, establishing response priority for 911 calls, and minimizing prehospital delays. This study examines 911 stroke events and evaluates associations between events dispatched as stroke and critical EMS time intervals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Data from the National Emergency Medical Services Information System, 2012 to 2016, were analyzed. Activations from 911 calls with a primary or secondary provider impression of stroke were included for adult patients transported to a hospital destination. Three prehospital time intervals were evaluated: (1) response time (RT) ≤8 min, (2) on-scene time (OST) ≤15 min, and (3) transport time (TT) ≤12 min. Associations between stroke dispatch complaint and prehospital time intervals were assessed using multivariate regression to estimate adjusted risk ratios (ARR) and 95% confidence intervals (CIs). RESULTS: Approximately 37% of stroke dispatch complaints were identified by EMS as a suspected stroke. Compared to stroke events without a stroke dispatch complaint, median OST was shorter for events with a stroke dispatch (16 min vs. 14 min, respectively). In adjusted analyses, events dispatched as stroke were more likely to meet the EMS time benchmark for OST ≤15 min (OST, 1.20 [1.20-1.21]), but not RT or TT (RT, [1.00-1.01]; TT, 0.95 [0.94-0.95]). CONCLUSIONS: Our results indicate that dispatcher recognition of stroke symptoms reduces the time spent on-scene by EMS personnel. These findings can inform future EMS stroke education and quality improvement efforts to emphasize dispatcher recognition of stroke signs and symptoms, as EMS dispatchers play a crucial role in optimizing the prehospital response. |
Risk factors associated with malaria infection identified through reactive case detection in Zanzibar, 2012-2019
Mkali HR , Reaves EJ , Lalji SM , Al-Mafazy AW , Joseph JJ , Ali AS , Abbas FB , Ali MH , Hassan WS , Kitojo C , Serbantez N , Kabula BI , Nyinondi SS , Bisanzio D , McKay M , Eckert E , Reithinger R , Ngondi JM . Malar J 2021 20 (1) 485 BACKGROUND: Over the past two decades, Zanzibar substantially reduced malaria burden. As malaria decreases, sustainable improvements in control interventions may increasingly depend on accurate knowledge of malaria risk factors to further target interventions. This study aimed to investigate the risk factors associated with malaria infection in Zanzibar. METHODS: Surveillance data from Zanzibar's Malaria Case Notification system from August 2012 and December 2019 were analyzed. This system collects data on malaria cases passively detected and reported by all health facilities (index cases), and household-based reactive case detection (RCD) activities linked to those primary cases. All members of households of the index cases were screened for malaria using a malaria rapid diagnostic test (RDT). Individuals with a positive RDT were treated with artemisinin-based combination therapy. Univariate and multivariate logistic regression analyses were done to investigate the association between RDT positivity among the household members and explanatory factors with adjustment for seasonality and clustering at Shehia level. RESULTS: A total of 30,647 cases were reported of whom household RCD was completed for 21,443 (63%) index case households and 85,318 household members tested for malaria. The findings show that younger age (p-value for trend [Ptrend] < 0.001), history of fever in the last 2 weeks (odds ratio [OR] = 35.7; 95% CI 32.3-39.5), travel outside Zanzibar in the last 30 days (OR = 2.5; 95% CI 2.3-2.8) and living in Unguja (OR = 1.2; 95% CI 1.0-1.5) were independently associated with increased odds of RDT positivity. In contrast, male gender (OR=0.8; 95% CI 0.7-0.9), sleeping under an LLIN the previous night (OR = 0.9; 95% CI 0.7-0.9), having higher household net access (Ptrend < 0.001), and living in a household that received IRS in the last 12 months (OR = 0.8; 95% CI 0.7-0.9) were independently associated with reduced odds of RDT positivity. A significant effect modification of combining IRS and LLIN was also noted (OR = 0.7; 95% CI 0.6-0.8). CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that vector control remains an important malaria prevention intervention: they underscore the need to maintain universal access to LLINs, the persistent promotion of LLIN use, and application of IRS. Additionally, enhanced behavioural change and preventive strategies targeting children aged 5-14 years and travellers are needed. |
Comparison of common acute respiratory infection case definitions for identification of hospitalized influenza cases at a population-based surveillance site in Egypt
Rowlinson E , Peters L , Mansour A , Mansour H , Azazzy N , Said M , Samy S , Abbas E , Abu Elsood H , Fahim M , Eid A , Reaves E , Van Beneden C , Hamid S , Olsen S , Fitzner J , Dueger E . PLoS One 2021 16 (3) e0248563 BACKGROUND: Multiple case definitions are used to identify hospitalized patients with community-acquired acute respiratory infections (ARI). We evaluated several commonly used hospitalized ARI case definitions to identify influenza cases. METHODS: The study included all patients from a population-based surveillance site in Damanhour, Egypt hospitalized for a broad set of criteria consistent with community acquired ARIs. Naso- and oropharyngeal (NP/OP) swabs were tested for influenza using RT-PCR. Sensitivity, specificity and PPV for influenza identification was compared between the 2014 WHO Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI) definition (fever ≥38°C and cough with onset within 10 days), the 2011 WHO SARI definition (fever ≥38°C and cough with onset within 7 days), the 2006 PAHO SARI definition, the International Emerging Infections Program (IEIP) pneumonia case definition, and the International Management of Childhood Illness (IMCI) case definitions for moderate and severe pneumonia. RESULTS: From June 2009-December 2012, 5768 NP/OP swabs were obtained from 6113 hospitalized ARI patients; 799 (13.9%) were influenza positive. The 2014 WHO SARI case definition captured the greatest number of ARI patients, influenza positive patients and ARI deaths compared to the other case definitions examined. Sensitivity for influenza detection was highest for the 2014 WHO SARI definition with 88.6%, compared to the 2011 WHO SARI (78.2%) the 2006 PAHO SARI (15.8%) the IEIP pneumonia (61.0%) and the IMCI moderate and severe pneumonia (33.8% and 38.9%) case definitions (IMCI applies to <5 only). CONCLUSIONS: Our results support use of the 2014 WHO SARI definition for identifying influenza positive hospitalized SARI cases as it captures the highest proportion of ARI deaths and influenza positive cases. Routine use of this case definition for hospital-based surveillance will provide a solid, globally comparable foundation on which to build needed response efforts for novel pandemic viruses. |
Global burden of respiratory infections associated with seasonal influenza in children under 5 years in 2018: a systematic review and modelling study
Wang X , Li Y , O'Brien KL , Madhi SA , Widdowson MA , Byass P , Omer SB , Abbas Q , Ali A , Amu A , Azziz-Baumgartner E , Bassat Q , Abdullah Brooks W , Chaves SS , Chung A , Cohen C , Echavarria M , Fasce RA , Gentile A , Gordon A , Groome M , Heikkinen T , Hirve S , Jara JH , Katz MA , Khuri-Bulos N , Krishnan A , de Leon O , Lucero MG , McCracken JP , Mira-Iglesias A , Moisi JC , Munywoki PK , Ourohire M , Polack FP , Rahi M , Rasmussen ZA , Rath BA , Saha SK , Simoes EA , Sotomayor V , Thamthitiwat S , Treurnicht FK , Wamukoya M , Yoshida LM , Zar HJ , Campbell H , Nair H . Lancet Glob Health 2020 8 (4) e497-e510 BACKGROUND: Seasonal influenza virus is a common cause of acute lower respiratory infection (ALRI) in young children. In 2008, we estimated that 20 million influenza-virus-associated ALRI and 1 million influenza-virus-associated severe ALRI occurred in children under 5 years globally. Despite this substantial burden, only a few low-income and middle-income countries have adopted routine influenza vaccination policies for children and, where present, these have achieved only low or unknown levels of vaccine uptake. Moreover, the influenza burden might have changed due to the emergence and circulation of influenza A/H1N1pdm09. We aimed to incorporate new data to update estimates of the global number of cases, hospital admissions, and mortality from influenza-virus-associated respiratory infections in children under 5 years in 2018. METHODS: We estimated the regional and global burden of influenza-associated respiratory infections in children under 5 years from a systematic review of 100 studies published between Jan 1, 1995, and Dec 31, 2018, and a further 57 high-quality unpublished studies. We adapted the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale to assess the risk of bias. We estimated incidence and hospitalisation rates of influenza-virus-associated respiratory infections by severity, case ascertainment, region, and age. We estimated in-hospital deaths from influenza virus ALRI by combining hospital admissions and in-hospital case-fatality ratios of influenza virus ALRI. We estimated the upper bound of influenza virus-associated ALRI deaths based on the number of in-hospital deaths, US paediatric influenza-associated death data, and population-based childhood all-cause pneumonia mortality data in six sites in low-income and lower-middle-income countries. FINDINGS: In 2018, among children under 5 years globally, there were an estimated 109.5 million influenza virus episodes (uncertainty range [UR] 63.1-190.6), 10.1 million influenza-virus-associated ALRI cases (6.8-15.1); 870 000 influenza-virus-associated ALRI hospital admissions (543 000-1 415 000), 15 300 in-hospital deaths (5800-43 800), and up to 34 800 (13 200-97 200) overall influenza-virus-associated ALRI deaths. Influenza virus accounted for 7% of ALRI cases, 5% of ALRI hospital admissions, and 4% of ALRI deaths in children under 5 years. About 23% of the hospital admissions and 36% of the in-hospital deaths were in infants under 6 months. About 82% of the in-hospital deaths occurred in low-income and lower-middle-income countries. INTERPRETATION: A large proportion of the influenza-associated burden occurs among young infants and in low-income and lower middle-income countries. Our findings provide new and important evidence for maternal and paediatric influenza immunisation, and should inform future immunisation policy particularly in low-income and middle-income countries. FUNDING: WHO; Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. |
Peaks, Means, and Determinants of Real-Time TVOC Exposures Associated with Cleaning and Disinfecting Tasks in Healthcare Settings.
Virji MA , Liang X , Su FC , LeBouf RF , Stefaniak AB , Stanton ML , Henneberger PK , Houseman EA . Ann Work Expo Health 2019 63 (7) 759-772 ![]() ![]() Cleaning and disinfecting tasks and product use are associated with elevated prevalence of asthma and respiratory symptoms among healthcare workers; however, the levels of exposure that pose a health risk remain unclear. The objective of this study was to estimate the peak, average, and determinants of real-time total volatile organic compound (TVOC) exposure associated with cleaning tasks and product-use. TVOC exposures were measured using monitors equipped with a photoionization detector (PID). A simple correction factor was applied to the real-time measurements, calculated as a ratio of the full-shift average TVOC concentrations from a time-integrated canister and the PID sample, for each sample pair. During sampling, auxiliary information, e.g. tasks, products used, engineering controls, was recorded on standardized data collection forms at 5-min intervals. Five-minute averaged air measurements (n = 10 276) from 129 time-series comprising 92 workers and four hospitals were used to model the determinants of exposures. The statistical model simultaneously accounted for censored data and non-stationary autocorrelation and was fit using Markov-Chain Monte Carlo within a Bayesian context. Log-transformed corrected concentrations (cTVOC) were modeled, with the fixed-effects of tasks and covariates, that were systematically gathered during sampling, and random effect of person-day. The model-predicted geometric mean (GM) cTVOC concentrations ranged from 387 parts per billion (ppb) for the task of using a product containing formaldehyde in laboratories to 2091 ppb for the task of using skin wipes containing quaternary ammonium compounds, with a GM of 925 ppb when no products were used. Peak exposures quantified as the 95th percentile of 15-min averages for these tasks ranged from 3172 to 17 360 ppb. Peak and GM task exposures varied by occupation and hospital unit. In the multiple regression model, use of sprays was associated with increasing exposures, while presence of local exhaust ventilation, large room volume, and automatic sterilizer use were associated with decreasing exposures. A detailed understanding of factors affecting TVOC exposure can inform targeted interventions to reduce exposures and can be used in epidemiologic studies as metrics of short-duration peak exposures. |
Characterization of cleaning and disinfecting tasks and product use among hospital occupations
Saito R , Abbas Virji M , Henneberger PK , Humann MJ , LeBouf RF , Stanton ML , Liang X , Stefaniak AB . Am J Ind Med 2014 58 (1) 101-11 BACKGROUND: Healthcare workers have an elevated prevalence of asthma and related symptoms associated with the use of cleaning/disinfecting products. The objective of this study was to identify and characterize cleaning/disinfecting tasks and products used among hospital occupations. METHODS: Workers from 14 occupations at five hospitals were monitored for 216 shifts, and work tasks and products used were recorded at five-minute intervals. The major chemical constituents of each product were identified from safety data sheets. RESULTS: Cleaning and disinfecting tasks were performed with a high frequency at least once per shift in many occupations. Medical equipment preparers, housekeepers, floor strippers/waxers, and endoscopy technicians spent on average 108-177 min/shift performing cleaning/disinfecting tasks. Many occupations used products containing amines and quaternary ammonium compounds for >100 min/shift. CONCLUSIONS: This analysis demonstrates that many occupations besides housekeeping incur exposures to cleaning/disinfecting products, albeit for different durations and using products containing different chemicals. |
Association between alcohol and cardiovascular disease: Mendelian randomisation analysis based on individual participant data.
Holmes MV , Dale CE , Zuccolo L , Silverwood RJ , Guo Y , Ye Z , Prieto-Merino D , Dehghan A , Trompet S , Wong A , Cavadino A , Drogan D , Padmanabhan S , Li S , Yesupriya A , Leusink M , Sundstrom J , Hubacek JA , Pikhart H , Swerdlow DI , Panayiotou AG , Borinskaya SA , Finan C , Shah S , Kuchenbaecker KB , Shah T , Engmann J , Folkersen L , Eriksson P , Ricceri F , Melander O , Sacerdote C , Gamble DM , Rayaprolu S , Ross OA , McLachlan S , Vikhireva O , Sluijs I , Scott RA , Adamkova V , Flicker L , Bockxmeer FM , Power C , Marques-Vidal P , Meade T , Marmot MG , Ferro JM , Paulos-Pinheiro S , Humphries SE , Talmud PJ , Mateo Leach I , Verweij N , Linneberg A , Skaaby T , Doevendans PA , Cramer MJ , Harst Pv , Klungel OH , Dowling NF , Dominiczak AF , Kumari M , Nicolaides AN , Weikert C , Boeing H , Ebrahim S , Gaunt TR , Price JF , Lannfelt L , Peasey A , Kubinova R , Pajak A , Malyutina S , Voevoda MI , Tamosiunas A , Maitland-van der Zee AH , Norman PE , Hankey GJ , Bergmann MM , Hofman A , Franco OH , Cooper J , Palmen J , Spiering W , Jong PA , Kuh D , Hardy R , Uitterlinden AG , Ikram MA , Ford I , Hypponen E , Almeida OP , Wareham NJ , Khaw KT , Hamsten A , Husemoen LL , Tjonneland A , Tolstrup JS , Rimm E , Beulens JW , Verschuren WM , Onland-Moret NC , Hofker MH , Wannamethee SG , Whincup PH , Morris R , Vicente AM , Watkins H , Farrall M , Jukema JW , Meschia J , Cupples LA , Sharp SJ , Fornage M , Kooperberg C , LaCroix AZ , Dai JY , Lanktree MB , Siscovick DS , Jorgenson E , Spring B , Coresh J , Li YR , Buxbaum SG , Schreiner PJ , Ellison RC , Tsai MY , Patel SR , Redline S , Johnson AD , Hoogeveen RC , Hakonarson H , Rotter JI , Boerwinkle E , Bakker PI , Kivimaki M , Asselbergs FW , Sattar N , Lawlor DA , Whittaker J , Davey Smith G , Mukamal K , Psaty BM , Wilson JG , Lange LA , Hamidovic A , Hingorani AD , Nordestgaard BG , Bobak M , Leon DA , Langenberg C , Palmer TM , Reiner AP , Keating BJ , Dudbridge F , Casas JP . BMJ 2014 349 g4164 ![]() OBJECTIVE: To use the rs1229984 variant in the alcohol dehydrogenase 1B gene (ADH1B) as an instrument to investigate the causal role of alcohol in cardiovascular disease. DESIGN: Mendelian randomisation meta-analysis of 56 epidemiological studies. PARTICIPANTS: 261 991 individuals of European descent, including 20 259 coronary heart disease cases and 10 164 stroke events. Data were available on ADH1B rs1229984 variant, alcohol phenotypes, and cardiovascular biomarkers. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Odds ratio for coronary heart disease and stroke associated with the ADH1B variant in all individuals and by categories of alcohol consumption. RESULTS: Carriers of the A-allele of ADH1B rs1229984 consumed 17.2% fewer units of alcohol per week (95% confidence interval 15.6% to 18.9%), had a lower prevalence of binge drinking (odds ratio 0.78 (95% CI 0.73 to 0.84)), and had higher abstention (odds ratio 1.27 (1.21 to 1.34)) than non-carriers. Rs1229984 A-allele carriers had lower systolic blood pressure (-0.88 (-1.19 to -0.56) mm Hg), interleukin-6 levels (-5.2% (-7.8 to -2.4%)), waist circumference (-0.3 (-0.6 to -0.1) cm), and body mass index (-0.17 (-0.24 to -0.10) kg/m(2)). Rs1229984 A-allele carriers had lower odds of coronary heart disease (odds ratio 0.90 (0.84 to 0.96)). The protective association of the ADH1B rs1229984 A-allele variant remained the same across all categories of alcohol consumption (P=0.83 for heterogeneity). Although no association of rs1229984 was identified with the combined subtypes of stroke, carriers of the A-allele had lower odds of ischaemic stroke (odds ratio 0.83 (0.72 to 0.95)). CONCLUSIONS: Individuals with a genetic variant associated with non-drinking and lower alcohol consumption had a more favourable cardiovascular profile and a reduced risk of coronary heart disease than those without the genetic variant. This suggests that reduction of alcohol consumption, even for light to moderate drinkers, is beneficial for cardiovascular health. |
Dermal exposure potential from textiles that contain silver nanoparticles
Stefaniak AB , Duling MG , Lawrence RB , Thomas TA , LeBouf RF , Wade EE , Abbas Virji M . Int J Occup Environ Health 2014 20 (3) 220-234 BACKGROUND: Factors that influence exposure to silver particles from the use of textiles are not well understood. OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of product treatment and physiological factors on silver release from two textiles. METHODS: Atomic and absorbance spectroscopy, electron microscopy, and dynamic light scattering (DLS) were applied to characterize the chemical and physical properties of the textiles and evaluate silver release in artificial sweat and saliva under varying physiological conditions. One textile had silver incorporated into fiber threads (masterbatch process) and the other had silver nanoparticles coated on fiber surfaces (finishing process). RESULTS: Several complementary and confirmatory analytical techniques (spectroscopy, microscopy, etc.) were required to properly assess silver release. Silver released into artificial sweat or saliva was primarily in ionic form. In a simulated "use" and laundering experiment, the total cumulative amount of silver ion released was greater for the finishing process textile (0.51+/-0.04%) than the masterbatch process textile (0.21+/-0.01%); P<0.01. CONCLUSIONS: We found that the process (masterbatch vs finishing) used to treat textile fibers was a more influential exposure factor than physiological properties of artificial sweat or saliva. |
Pattern of morbidity and mortality in Karbala hospitals during Ashura mass gathering at Karbala, Iraq, 2010
Al-Lami F , Al-Fatlawi A , Bloland P , Nawwar A , Jetheer A , Hantoosh H , Radhi F , Mohan B , Abbas M , Kamil A , Khayatt I , Baqir H . East Mediterr Health J 2013 19 S13-S18 Religious mass gatherings are increasingly common in Iraq and can harbour considerable public health risks. This study was aimed at determining morbidity and mortality patterns in hospitals in Karbala city, Iraq during the mass gathering for Ashura in 2010. We conducted a cross-sectional study on attendees at the 3 public hospitals in the city. The study period was divided into pre-event, event, and post-event phases. Morbidity and mortality data were obtained from hospital registry books and the coroners office. About 80% of the 18 415 consultations were at emergency rooms. Average daily emergency room attendance was higher during the event compared with pre- and post-event phases, while average daily admissions decreased. Compared with the pre-event phase, a 7-fold increase in febrile disorders and a 2-fold increase in chronic diseases and injuries were noted during the event phase. There was no difference between the 3 phases for average daily death rate,nor for cause of death. |
Impact and cost-effectiveness of Haemophilus influenzae type b conjugate vaccination in India
Clark AD , Griffiths UK , Abbas SS , Rao KD , Privor-Dumm L , Hajjeh R , Johnson H , Sanderson C , Santosham M . J Pediatr 2013 163 S60-72 OBJECTIVE: To estimate the potential health impact and cost-effectiveness of nationwide Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccination in India. STUDY DESIGN: A decision support model was used, bringing together estimates of demography, epidemiology, Hib vaccine effectiveness, Hib vaccine costs, and health care costs. Scenarios favorable and unfavorable to the vaccine were evaluated. State-level analyses indicate where the vaccine might have the greatest impact and value. RESULTS: Between 2012 and 2031, Hib conjugate vaccination is estimated to prevent over 200 000 child deaths (approximately 1% of deaths in children <5 years of age) in India at an incremental cost of US$127 million per year. From a government perspective, state-level cost-effectiveness ranged from US$192 to US$1033 per discounted disability adjusted life years averted. With the inclusion of household health care costs, cost-effectiveness ranged from US$155-US$939 per discounted disability adjusted life year averted. These values are below the World Health Organization thresholds for cost effectiveness of public health interventions. CONCLUSIONS: Hib conjugate vaccination is a cost-effective intervention in all States of India. This conclusion does not alter with plausible changes in key parameters. Although investment in Hib conjugate vaccination would significantly increase the cost of the Universal Immunization Program, about 15% of the incremental cost would be offset by health care cost savings. Efforts should be made to expedite the nationwide introduction of Hib conjugate vaccination in India. |
Release of beryllium from mineral ores in artificial lung and skin surface fluids
Duling MG , Stefaniak AB , Lawrence RB , Chipera SJ , Abbas Virji M . Environ Geochem Health 2011 34 (3) 313-22 Exposure to some manufactured beryllium compounds via skin contact or inhalation can cause sensitization. A portion of sensitized persons who inhale beryllium may develop chronic beryllium disease (CBD). Little is understood about exposures to naturally occurring beryllium minerals. The purpose of this study was to assess the bioaccessibility of beryllium from bertrandite ore. Dissolution of bertrandite from two mine pits (Monitor and Blue Chalk) was evaluated for both the dermal and inhalation exposure pathways by determining bioaccessibility in artificial sweat (pH 5.3 and pH 6.5), airway lining fluid (SUF, pH 7.3), and alveolar macrophage phagolysosomal fluid (PSF, pH 4.5). Significantly more beryllium was released from Monitor pit ore than Blue Chalk pit ore in artificial sweat buffered to pH 5.3 (0.88 +/- 0.01% vs. 0.36 +/- 0.00%) and pH 6.5 (0.09 +/- 0.00% vs. 0.03 +/- 0.01%). Rates of beryllium released from the ores in artificial sweat were faster than previously measured for manufactured forms of beryllium (e.g., beryllium oxide), known to induce sensitization in mice. In SUF, levels of beryllium were below the analytical limit of detection. In PSF, beryllium dissolution was biphasic (initial rapid diffusion followed by latter slower surface reactions). During the latter phase, dissolution half-times were 1,400 to 2,000 days, and rate constants were ~7 x 10(-10) g/(cm(2).day), indicating that bertrandite is persistent in the lung. These data indicate that it is prudent to control skin and inhalation exposures to bertrandite dusts. |
Influence of artificial gastric juice composition on bioaccessibility of cobalt- and tungsten-containing powders
Stefaniak AB , Abbas Virji M , Harvey CJ , Sbarra DC , Day GA , Hoover MD . Int J Hyg Environ Health 2010 213 (2) 107-15 The dissolution of metal-containing particles in the gastric compartment is poorly understood. The purpose of this study was to elucidate the influence of artificial gastric juice chemical composition on bioaccessibility of metals associated with ingestion-based health concerns. Dissolution rates were evaluated for well-characterized feedstock cobalt, tungsten metal, and tungsten carbide powders, chemically bonded pre-sintered (spray dryer material) and post-sintered (chamfer grinder) cemented tungsten carbide materials, and an admixture of pure cobalt and pure tungsten carbide, prepared by mechanically blending the two feedstock powders. Dissolution of each study material was evaluated in three different formulations of artificial gastric juice (from simplest to most chemically complex): American Society of Testing Materials (ASTM), U.S. Pharmacopoeia (USP), and National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH). Approximately 20% of cobalt dissolved in the first dissolution phase (t(1/2) = 0.02 days) and the remaining 80% was released in the second long-term dissolution phase (t(1/2) = 0.5 to 1 days). Artificial gastric juice chemical composition did not influence dissolution rate constant values (k, g/cm(2)day) of cobalt powder, either alone or as an admixture. Approximately 100% of the tungsten and tungsten carbide that dissolved was released in a single dissolution phase; k-values of each material differed significantly in the solvents: NIOSH > ASTM > USP (p<0.05). The k-values of cobalt and tungsten carbide in pre- and post-sintered cemented tungsten carbide powders were significantly different from values for the pure feedstock powders. Solvent composition had little influence on oral bioaccessibility of highly soluble cobalt and our data support consideration of the oral exposure route as a contributing pathway to total-body exposure. Solvent composition appeared to influence bioaccessibility of the low soluble tungsten compounds, though differences may be due to variability in the data associated with the small masses of materials that dissolved. Nonetheless, ingestion exposure may not contribute appreciably to total body burden given the short residence time of material in the stomach and relatively long dissolution half-times of these materials (t(1/2) = 60 to 380 days). |
Varicella-zoster virus subunit vaccine
Vafai A . Open Vaccine J 2009 2 (1) 17-27 Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) causes chickenpox (Varicella) in children and shingles (Zoster) in elderly and immunosuppressed individuals. An attenuated VZV vaccine has been approved for general immunization to prevent varicella and zoster in the United States. Although this vaccine provides a high degree of protection against virus infection, the virus becomes latent in dorsal root ganglia and will reactivate to produce zoster. Therefore, there is a need for developing additional VZV vaccines that are capable of eliciting immune response to the virus but will not establish viral latency. Our studies have been focused on the development of a truncated secretory VZV glycoprotein (VZVgE) subunit vaccine. The results from our studies have shown that the VZV subunit vaccine: (1) elicits the induction of neutralizing antibodies in animals as well as in humans; and (2) stimulates the induction of VZVgE-specific antibodies in VZV-seropositive human mononuclear cells. Such a VZV glycoprotein antigen, therefore, may have the potential to be used as a candidate VZV glycoprotein subunit vaccine for prevention of primary VZV infection (Varicella) or boosting immune response against VZV reactivation (Zoster) in adults, the elderly and immunosuppressed individuals. copyright Abbas Wafai; Licensee Bentham Open. |
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