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Records 1-28 (of 28 Records)
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Wilkins P[original query]
Optimization of pan-lyssavirus LN34 assay for streamlined rabies diagnostics by real-time RT-PCR
Gigante CM
Wicker V
Wilkins K
Seiders M ,
Zhao H
Patel P ,
Orciari L
Condori RE , Dettinger L ,
Yager P
Xia D ,
Li Y
J Virol Methods 2024 115070
Notes from the field: Mpox cluster caused by tecovirimat-resistant monkeypox virus - Five States, October 2023-February 2024
Gigante CM
Takakuwa J
McGrath D
Kling C
Smith TG
Peng M
Wilkins K
Garrigues JM , Holly T , Barbian H , Kittner A , Haydel D , Ortega E , Richardson G , Hand J , Hacker JK , Espinosa A , Haw M , Kath C , Bielby M , Short K , Johnson K , De La Cruz N ,
Davidson W
Hughes C
Green NM ,
Baird N
Rao AK
Hutson CL
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2024 73 (40) 903-905
How did the 2022 global mpox outbreak happen? A travel-associated case 6 months earlier may provide important clues
Kreuze MA
Minhaj FS
Duwell M ,
Gigante CM
Kim AM , Crum D , Perlmutter R , Rubin JH , Myers R , Lukula SL , Ravi-Caldwell N , Sockwell D ,
Chen TH
de Perio MA
Hughes CM
Davidson WB
Wilkins K
Baird N
Lowe D
Li Y
McCollum AM
Blythe D ,
Rao AK
Travel Med Infect Dis 2023 55 102618
Fatal Human Rabies Infection with Suspected Host-mediated Failure of Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Following a Recognized Zoonotic Exposure-Minnesota, 2021.
Holzbauer SM
Schrodt CA
Prabhu RM , Asch-Kendrick RJ , Ireland M , Klumb C , Firestone MJ , Liu G , Harry K ,
Ritter JM
Levine MZ
Orciari LA
Wilkins K
Yager P
Gigante CM
Ellison JA
Zhao H
Niezgoda M
Li Y , Levis R , Scott D ,
Satheshkumar PS
Petersen BW
Rao AK
Bell WR , Bjerk SM , Forrest S , Gao W , Dasheiff R , Russell K , Pappas M , Kiefer J , Bickler W , Wiseman A , Jurantee J , Reichard RR , Smith KE , Lynfield R , Scheftel J ,
Wallace RM
Bonwitt J
Clin Infect Dis 2023 77 (8) 1201-1208
Multiple lineages of monkeypox virus detected in the United States, 2021-2022.
Gigante CM
Korber B ,
Seabolt MH
Wilkins K
Davidson W
Rao AK
Zhao H
Smith TG
Hughes CM
Minhaj F
Waltenburg MA
Theiler J , Smole S , Gallagher GR , Blythe D , Myers R , Schulte J , Stringer J , Lee P , Mendoza RM , Griffin-Thomas LA , Crain J , Murray J , Atkinson A , Gonzalez AH , Nash J ,
Batra D
Damon I
McQuiston J
Hutson CL
McCollum AM
Li Y
Science 2022 378 (6619) eadd4153
Inhibition of vaccinia virus L1 N-myristoylation by the host N-myristoyltransferase inhibitor IMP-1088 generates non-infectious virions defective in cell entry.
Priyamvada L
Kallemeijn WW , Faronato M ,
Wilkins K
Goldsmith CS
Cotter CA , Ojeda S , Solari R , Moss B , Tate EW ,
Satheshkumar PS
PLoS Pathog 2022 18 (10) e1010662
Monkeypox in a Traveler Returning from Nigeria - Dallas, Texas, July 2021.
Rao AK
Schulte J ,
Chen TH
Hughes CM
Davidson W
Neff JM , Markarian M ,
Delea KC
Wada S , Liddell A , Alexander S ,
Sunshine B
Huang P , Honza HT ,
Rey A
Monroe B
Doty J
Christensen B
Delaney L
Massey J ,
Waltenburg M
Schrodt CA
Kuhar D
Satheshkumar PS
Kondas A
Li Y
Wilkins K
Sage KM ,
Yu Y
Yu P
Feldpausch A ,
McQuiston J
Damon IK
McCollum AM
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (14) 509-516
Development of a Multiplex Bead Assay To Detect Immunoglobulin G Antibodies to Babesia duncani in Human Serum.
Wang Y
Aderohunmu T
Bishop H
McAuliffe I
Rivera HN
Smith D
Wilkins PP
Bowden KE
Reed MS
Svoboda P
Stuchlik O
Pohl J
Wiegand RE
Handali S
J Clin Microbiol 2021 59 (11) Jcm0045821
The origins and genomic diversity of American Civil War Era smallpox vaccine strains.
Duggan AT , Klunk J , Porter AF , Dhody AN , Hicks R , Smith GL , Humphreys M ,
McCollum AM
Davidson WB
Wilkins K
Li Y
Burke A , Polasky H , Flanders L , Poinar D , Raphenya AR , Lau TTY , Alcock B , McArthur AG , Golding GB , Holmes EC , Poinar HN .
Genome Biol 2020 21 (1) 175
Genome of Alaskapox Virus, A Novel Orthopoxvirus Isolated from Alaska.
Gigante CM
Gao J
Tang S
McCollum AM
Wilkins K
Reynolds MG
Davidson W
McLaughlin J ,
Olson VA
Li Y
Viruses 2019 11 (8)
Outbreak of human monkeypox in Nigeria in 2017-18: a clinical and epidemiological report.
Yinka-Ogunleye A , Aruna O , Dalhat M , Ogoina D ,
McCollum A
Disu Y , Mamadu I , Akinpelu A , Ahmad A , Burga J , Ndoreraho A , Nkunzimana E , Manneh L , Mohammed A , Adeoye O , Tom-Aba D , Silenou B ,
Ipadeola O
Saleh M
Adeyemo A , Nwadiutor I , Aworabhi N , Uke P , John D , Wakama P ,
Reynolds M
Mauldin MR
Doty J
Wilkins K
Musa J , Khalakdina A , Adedeji A , Mba N , Ojo O , Krause G , Ihekweazu C .
Lancet Infect Dis 2019 19 (8) 872-879
Genome Sequences of Akhmeta Virus, an Early Divergent Old World Orthopoxvirus.
Gao J
Gigante C
Khmaladze E ,
Liu P
Tang S
Wilkins K
Zhao K
Davidson W
Nakazawa Y
Maghlakelidze G
Geleishvili M
Kokhreidze M ,
Carroll DS
Emerson G
Li Y
Viruses 2018 10 (5)
Multi-site evaluation of the LN34 pan-lyssavirus real-time RT-PCR assay for post-mortem rabies diagnostics.
Gigante CM
Dettinger L , Powell JW , Seiders M ,
Condori REC
Griesser R , Okogi K , Carlos M , Pesko K , Breckenridge M , Simon EMM , Chu Myjv , Davis AD , Brunt SJ ,
Orciari L
Yager P
Carson WC
Hartloge C
Saliki JT , Sanchez S , Deldari M , Hsieh K ,
Wadhwa A
Wilkins K
Peredo VY , Rabideau P , Gruhn N , Cadet R , Isloor S , Nath SS , Joseph T ,
Gao J
Wallace R
Reynolds M
Olson VA
Li Y
PLoS One 2018 13 (5) e0197074
Characterization of Eptesipoxvirus, a novel poxvirus from a microchiropteran bat.
Tu SL ,
Nakazawa Y
Gao J
Wilkins K
Gallardo-Romero N
Li Y
Emerson GL
Carroll DS
Upton C .
Virus Genes 2017 53 (6) 856-867
Detection and Molecular Characterization of Zoonotic Poxviruses Circulating in the Amazon Region of Colombia, 2014.
Usme-Ciro JA , Paredes A , Walteros DM , Tolosa-Perez EN , Laiton-Donato K , Pinzon MD ,
Petersen BW
Gallardo-Romero NF
Li Y
Wilkins K
Davidson W
Gao J
Patel N
Nakazawa Y
Reynolds MG
Satheshkumar PS
Emerson GL
Paez-Martinez A .
Emerg Infect Dis 2017 23 (4) 649-653
A Pan-Lyssavirus Taqman Real-Time RT-PCR Assay for the Detection of Highly Variable Rabies virus and Other Lyssaviruses.
Wadhwa A
Wilkins K
Gao J
Condori Condori RE
Gigante CM
Zhao H
Ma X
Ellison JA
Greenberg L
Velasco-Villa A
Orciari L
Li Y
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2017 11 (1) e0005258
Evaluation of the GeneXpert for Human Monkeypox Diagnosis.
Li D
Wilkins K
McCollum AM
Osadebe L
Kabamba J , Nguete B , Likafi T , Balilo MP , Lushima RS , Malekani J ,
Damon IK
Vickery MC , Pukuta E , Nkawa F , Karhemere S , Tamfum JM , Okitolonda EW ,
Li Y
Reynolds MG
Am J Trop Med Hyg 2016 96 (2) 405-410
Identification and Characterization of Microsatellite Markers Derived from the Whole Genome Analysis of Taenia solium.
Pajuelo MJ , Eguiluz M , Dahlstrom E , Requena D , Guzman F , Ramirez M , Sheen P ,
Frace M
Sammons S
Cama V
Anzick S , Bruno D , Mahanty S ,
Wilkins P
Nash T , Gonzalez A , Garcia HH , Gilman RH , Porcella S , Zimic M .
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2015 9 (12) e0004316
Variola virus-specific diagnostic assays: characterization, sensitivity, and specificity.
Kondas AV
Olson VA
Li Y
Abel J
Laker M
Rose L
Wilkins K
Turner J
Kline R
Damon IK
J Clin Microbiol 2015 53 (4) 1406-10
Specific qPCR assays for the detection of orf virus, pseudocowpox virus and bovine papular stomatitis virus.
Zhao H
Wilkins K
Damon IK
Li Y
J Virol Methods 2013 194 229-34
Novel poxvirus in big brown bats, northwestern United States
Emerson GL
Nordhausen R , Garner MM , Huckabee JR , Johnson S , Wohrle RD ,
Davidson WB
Wilkins K
Li Y
Doty JB
Gallardo-Romero NF
Metcalfe MG
Karem KL
Damon IK
Carroll DS
Emerg Infect Dis 2013 19 (6) 1002-4
The current status of laboratory diagnosis of Angiostrongylus cantonensis infections in humans using serologic and molecular methods.
Wilkins PP
Qvarnstrom Y
Whelen AC , Saucier C ,
da Silva AJ
Eamsobhana P .
Hawaii J Med Public Health 2013 2 55-57
Detection of human monkeypox in the Republic of the Congo following intensive community education
Reynolds MG
Emerson GL
Pukuta E , Karhemere S , Muyembe JJ , Bikindou A ,
McCollum AM
Moses C ,
Wilkins K
Zhao H
Damon IK
Karem KL
Li Y
Carroll DS
Mombouli JV .
Am J Trop Med Hyg 2013 88 (5) 982-985
Outbreak of human trichinellosis in Northern California caused by Trichinella murrelli
Hall RL
Lindsay A , Hammond C ,
Montgomery SP
Wilkins PP
da Silva AJ
McAuliffe I
de Almeida M
Bishop H
Mathison B
Sun B , Largusa R ,
Jones JL
Am J Trop Med Hyg 2012 87 (2) 297-302
Investigation of the first laboratory-acquired human cowpox virus infection in the United States.
McCollum AM
Austin C , Nawrocki J ,
Howland J
Pryde J , Vaid A ,
Holmes D
Weil MR
Li Y
Wilkins K
Zhao H
Smith SK
Karem K
Reynolds MG
Damon IK
J Infect Dis 2012 206 (1) 63-8
The third described case of transfusion-transmitted Babesia duncani
Bloch EM ,
Herwaldt BL
Leiby DA , Shaieb A , Herron RM , Chervenak M ,
Reed W
Hunter R , Ryals R , Hagar W ,
Xayavong MV
Slemenda SB ,
Pieniazek NJ
Wilkins PP
Kjemtrup AM .
Transfusion 2011 52 (7) 1517-22
Real-time PCR assays for the specific detection of monkeypox virus West African and Congo Basin strain DNA
Li Y
Zhao H
Wilkins K
Hughes C
Damon IK
J Virol Methods 2010 169 (1) 223-7
Comparison of two multiple-locus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis methods for molecular strain typing of human Brucella melitensis isolates from the Middle East
Tiller RV
Boshra M , Huynh LY , Van Ert MN , Wagner DM , Klena J , Mohsen TS , El-Shafie SS , Keim P ,
Hoffmaster AR
Wilkins PP
Pimentel G .
J Clin Microbiol 2009 47 (7) 2226-31
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
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Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities