CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
Last data update: Jan 21, 2025. (Total: 6495 publications)
Query Trace: Wiggins L[original query] |
The Human Phenotype Ontology in 2024: phenotypes around the world
Gargano MA , Matentzoglu N , Coleman B , Addo-Lartey EB , Anagnostopoulos AV , Anderton J , Avillach P , Bagley AM , Bakštein E , Balhoff JP , Baynam G , Bello SM , Berk M , Bertram H , Bishop S , Blau H , Bodenstein DF , Botas P , Boztug K , Čady J , Callahan TJ , Cameron R , Carbon SJ , Castellanos F , Caufield JH , Chan LE , Chute CG , Cruz-Rojo J , Dahan-Oliel N , Davids JR , de Dieuleveult M , de Souza V , de Vries BBA , de Vries E , DePaulo JR , Derfalvi B , Dhombres F , Diaz-Byrd C , Dingemans AJM , Donadille B , Duyzend M , Elfeky R , Essaid S , Fabrizzi C , Fico G , Firth HV , Freudenberg-Hua Y , Fullerton JM , Gabriel DL , Gilmour K , Giordano J , Goes FS , Moses RG , Green I , Griese M , Groza T , Gu W , Guthrie J , Gyori B , Hamosh A , Hanauer M , Hanušová K , He YO , Hegde H , Helbig I , Holasová K , Hoyt CT , Huang S , Hurwitz E , Jacobsen JOB , Jiang X , Joseph L , Keramatian K , King B , Knoflach K , Koolen DA , Kraus ML , Kroll C , Kusters M , Ladewig MS , Lagorce D , Lai MC , Lapunzina P , Laraway B , Lewis-Smith D , Li X , Lucano C , Majd M , Marazita ML , Martinez-Glez V , McHenry TH , McInnis MG , McMurry JA , Mihulová M , Millett CE , Mitchell PB , Moslerová V , Narutomi K , Nematollahi S , Nevado J , Nierenberg AA , Čajbiková NN , Nurnberger JI Jr , Ogishima S , Olson D , Ortiz A , Pachajoa H , Perez de Nanclares G , Peters A , Putman T , Rapp CK , Rath A , Reese J , Rekerle L , Roberts AM , Roy S , Sanders SJ , Schuetz C , Schulte EC , Schulze TG , Schwarz M , Scott K , Seelow D , Seitz B , Shen Y , Similuk MN , Simon ES , Singh B , Smedley D , Smith CL , Smolinsky JT , Sperry S , Stafford E , Stefancsik R , Steinhaus R , Strawbridge R , Sundaramurthi JC , Talapova P , Tenorio Castano JA , Tesner P , Thomas RH , Thurm A , Turnovec M , van Gijn ME , Vasilevsky NA , Vlčková M , Walden A , Wang K , Wapner R , Ware JS , Wiafe AA , Wiafe SA , Wiggins LD , Williams AE , Wu C , Wyrwoll MJ , Xiong H , Yalin N , Yamamoto Y , Yatham LN , Yocum AK , Young AH , Yüksel Z , Zandi PP , Zankl A , Zarante I , Zvolský M , Toro S , Carmody LC , Harris NL , Munoz-Torres MC , Danis D , Mungall CJ , Köhler S , Haendel MA , Robinson PN . Nucleic Acids Res 2023 52 D1333-D1346 |
Diagnostic Utility of Serum and Urinary Metabolite Analysis in Patients with Interstitial Cystitis/Painful Bladder Syndrome.
Kim J , De Hoedt A , Wiggins E , Haywood K , Jin P , Greenwood B , Narain NR , Tolstikov V , Bussberg V , Barbour KE , Kiebish MA , Freedland S , Anger JT . Urology 2021 157 85-92 |
Bedaquiline Microheteroresistance after Cessation of Tuberculosis Treatment.
de Vos M , Ley SD , Wiggins KB , Derendinger B , Dippenaar A , Grobbelaar M , Reuter A , Dolby T , Burns S , Schito M , Engelthaler DM , Metcalfe J , Theron G , van Rie A , Posey J , Warren R , Cox H . N Engl J Med 2019 380 (22) 2178-2180 |
Prevalence of Autism Spectrum Disorder Among Children Aged 8 Years - Autism and Developmental Disabilities Monitoring Network, 11 Sites, United States, 2014.
Baio J , Wiggins L , Christensen DL , Maenner MJ , Daniels J , Warren Z , Kurzius-Spencer M , Zahorodny W , Robinson Rosenberg C , White T , Durkin MS , Imm P , Nikolaou L , Yeargin-Allsopp M , Lee LC , Harrington R , Lopez M , Fitzgerald RT , Hewitt A , Pettygrove S , Constantino JN , Vehorn A , Shenouda J , Hall-Lande J , Van Naarden Braun K , Dowling NF . MMWR Surveill Summ 2018 67 (6) 1-23 |
Cognitive outcomes and age of detection of severe mucopolysaccharidosis type 1.
Grosse SD , Lam WK , Wiggins LD , Kemper AR . Genet Med 2017 19 (9) 975-982 |
The Study to Explore Early Development (SEED): a multisite epidemiologic study of autism by the Centers for Autism and Developmental Disabilities Research and Epidemiology (CADDRE) network
Schendel DE , Diguiseppi C , Croen LA , Fallin MD , Reed PL , Schieve LA , Wiggins LD , Daniels J , Grether J , Levy SE , Miller L , Newschaffer C , Pinto-Martin J , Robinson C , Windham GC , Alexander A , Aylsworth AS , Bernal P , Bonner JD , Blaskey L , Bradley C , Collins J , Ferretti CJ , Farzadegan H , Giarelli E , Harvey M , Hepburn S , Herr M , Kaparich K , Landa R , Lee LC , Levenseller B , Meyerer S , Rahbar MH , Ratchford A , Reynolds A , Rosenberg S , Rusyniak J , Shapira SK , Smith K , Souders M , Thompson PA , Young L , Yeargin-Allsopp M . J Autism Dev Disord 2012 42 (10) 2121-40 |
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