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CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
Last data update: Jan 27, 2025
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Records 1-16 (of 16 Records)
Query Trace:
Whitney AM[original query]
Detection of fungal DNA in human body fluids and tissues during a multistate outbreak of fungal meningitis and other infections.
Gade L
Scheel CM
Pham CD
Lindsley MD
Iqbal N
Cleveland AA
Whitney AM
Lockhart SR
Brandt ME
Litvintseva AP
Eukaryot Cell 2013 12 (5) 677-83
Division of the genus Chryseobacterium: Observation of discontinuities in amino acid identity values, a possible consequence of major extinction events, guides transfer of nine species to the genus Epilithonimonas , eleven species to the genus Kaistella , and three species to the genus Halpernia gen. nov., with description of Kaistella daneshvariae sp. nov. and Epilithonimonas vandammei sp. nov. derived from clinical specimens.
Nicholson AC
Gulvik CA
Whitney AM
Humrighouse BW
Bell ME
Holmes B ,
Steigerwalt AG
Villarma A
Sheth M
Batra D
Rowe LA
Burroughs M
Pryor JC
Bernardet JF , Hugo C , Kämpfer P , Newman JD ,
McQuiston JR
Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2020 70 (8) 4432-4450
Vagococcus bubulae sp. nov., isolated from ground beef, and Vagococcus vulneris sp. nov., isolated from a human foot wound.
Shewmaker PL
Whitney AM
Gulvik CA
Humrighouse BW
Gartin J
Moura H
Barr JR
Moore ERB , Karlsson R , Pinto TCA , Teixeira LM .
Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2019 69 (8) 2268-2276
A real-time multiplex PCR assay for detection of Elizabethkingia species, and differentiating between E. anophelis and E. meningoseptica .
Kelly AJ
Karpathy SE
Gulvik CA
Ivey ML
Whitney AM
Bell ME
Nicholson AC
Humrighouse BH
McQuiston JR
J Clin Microbiol 2019 57 (4)
The draft genomes of Elizabethkingia anophelis of equine origin are genetically similar to three isolates from human clinical specimens.
Johnson WL , Ramachandran A , Torres NJ ,
Nicholson AC
Whitney AM
Bell M
Villarma A
Humrighouse BW
Sheth M
Dowd SE ,
McQuiston JR
Gustafson JE .
PLoS One 2018 13 (7) e0200731
Complete Circularized Genome Sequences of Four Strains of Elizabethkingia anophelis, Including Two Novel Strains Isolated from Wild-Caught Anopheles sinensis.
Pei D ,
Nicholson AC
Jiang J , Chen H ,
Whitney AM
Villarma A
Bell M
Humrighouse B
Rowe LA
Sheth M
Batra D
Juieng P
Loparev VN
McQuiston JR
Lan Y , Ma Y , Xu J .
Genome Announc 2017 5 (47)
Revisiting the taxonomy of the genus Elizabethkingia using whole-genome sequencing, optical mapping, and MALDI-TOF, along with proposal of three novel Elizabethkingia species: Elizabethkingia bruuniana sp. nov., Elizabethkingia ursingii sp. nov., and Elizabethkingia occulta sp. nov.
Nicholson AC
Gulvik CA
Whitney AM
Humrighouse BW
Graziano J
Emery B
Bell M
Loparev V
Juieng P
Gartin J
Bizet C , Clermont D , Criscuolo A , Brisse S ,
McQuiston JR
Antonie Van Leeuwenhoek 2017 111 (1) 55-72
Evolutionary dynamics and genomic features of the Elizabethkingia anophelis 2015 to 2016 Wisconsin outbreak strain.
Perrin A , Larsonneur E ,
Nicholson AC
Edwards DJ , Gundlach KM , Whitney AM , Gulvik CA , Bell ME , Rendueles O , Cury J , Hugon P , Clermont D , Enouf V ,
Loparev V
Juieng P
Monson T , Warshauer D ,
Elbadawi LI
Walters MS
Crist MB
Noble-Wang J
Borlaug G , Rocha EPC , Criscuolo A , Touchon M , Davis JP , Holt KE , McQuiston JR , Brisse S .
Nat Commun 2017 8 15483
Complete Genome Sequences of Enterococcus rotai LMG 26678T and Enterococcus silesiacus LMG 23085T.
Lauer AC
Humrighouse BW
Loparev V
Shewmaker PL
Whitney AM
McQuiston JR
McLaughlin RW .
Genome Announc 2016 4 (6)
Complete Genome Sequences of Four Strains from the 2015-2016 Elizabethkingia anophelis Outbreak.
Nicholson AC
Whitney AM
Emery BD
Bell ME
Gartin JT
Humrighouse BW
Loparev VN
Batra D
Sheth M
Rowe LA
Juieng P
Knipe K
Gulvik C
McQuiston JR
Genome Announc 2016 4 (3)
Oblitimonas alkaliphila gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel genus in the Pseudomonadaceae family recovered from a historical collection of previously unidentified clinical strains
Drobish AM
Emery BD
Whitney AM
Lauer AC
Metcalfe MG
McQuiston JR
Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2016 66 (8) 3063-3070
Phenotypic, genotypic, and antimicrobial characteristics of Streptococcus halichoeri isolated from humans and proposal to rename Streptococcus halichoeri as Streptococcus halichoeri subsp. halichoeri and description of Streptococcus halichoeri subsp. hominis subsp. nov., a bacterium associated with human clinical infections.
Shewmaker PL
Whitney AM
Humrighouse BW
J Clin Microbiol 2016 54 (3) 739-44
Complete Genome Sequence of Strain H5989 of a Novel Devosia Species.
Nicholson AC
Whitney AM
Humrighouse B
Emery B
Loparev V
McQuiston JR
Genome Announc 2015 3 (5)
Evaluation of methods for identification and determination of the taxonomic status of strains belonging to the Streptococcus porcinus-Streptococcus pseudoporcinus complex isolated from animal, human, and dairy sources
Shewmaker PL
Steigerwalt AG
Whitney AM
Morey RE
Graziano JC
Facklam RR
Musser KA , Merquior VL , Teixeira LM .
J Clin Microbiol 2012 50 (11) 3591-7
Mycobacterium chelonae-abscessus complex associated with sinopulmonary disease, northeastern USA
Simmon KE , Brown-Elliott BA , Ridge PG , Durtschi JD , Mann LB , Slechta ES ,
Steigerwalt AG
Moser BD
Whitney AM
Brown JM
Voelkerding KV , McGowan KL , Reilly AF , Kirn TJ ,
Butler WR
Edelstein PH , Wallace RJ Jr , Petti CA .
Emerg Infect Dis 2011 17 (9) 1692-700
Genotypic comparison of invasive Neisseria meningitidis serogroup Y isolates from the United States, South Africa and Israel, 1999-2002
Whitney AM
Coulson GB , von Gottberg A , Block C , Keller N ,
Mayer LW
Messonnier NE
Klugman KP .
J Clin Microbiol 2009 47 (9) 2787-93
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
Content source:
Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities