CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
Last data update: Sep 16, 2024. (Total: 6309 publications)
Query Trace: Wallace B[original query] |
Rabies surveillance in the United States during 2022
Ma X , Boutelle C , Bonaparte S , Orciari LA , Condori RE , Kirby JD , Chipman RB , Fehlner-Gardiner C , Thang C , Cedillo VG , Aréchiga-Ceballos N , Nakazawa Y , Wallace RM . J Am Vet Med Assoc 2024 1-8 |
Reemergence of a big brown bat lyssavirus rabies variant in striped skunks in Flagstaff, Arizona, USA, 2021-2023
Gilbert AT , Van Pelt LI , Hastings LA , Gigante CM , Orciari LA , Kelley S , Fitzpatrick K , Condori REC , Li Y , Brunt S , Davis A , Hopken MW , Mankowski CCP , Wallace RM , Rupprecht CE , Chipman RB , Bergman DL . Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 2024 |
Development of COVID-19 vaccine policy - United States, 2020-2023
Oliver SE , Wallace M , Twentyman E , Moulia DL , Godfrey M , Link-Gelles R , Meyer S , Fleming-Dutra KE , Hall E , Wolicki J , MacNeil J , Bell BP , Lee GM , Daley MF , Cohn A , Wharton M . Vaccine 2023 |
Association between SARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy and gestational diabetes: a claims-based cohort study
Rincón-Guevara O , Wallace B , Kompaniyets L , Barrett CE , Bull-Otterson L . Clin Infect Dis 2024 |
Public health impact of the U.S. Scenario Modeling Hub
Borchering RK , Healy JM , Cadwell BL , Johansson MA , Slayton RB , Wallace M , Biggerstaff M . Epidemics 2023 44 100705 |
Interim recommendations for use of bivalent mRNA COVID-19 vaccines for persons aged 6 months - United States, April 2023
Moulia DL , Wallace M , Roper LE , Godfrey M , Rosenblum HG , Link-Gelles R , Britton A , Daley MF , Meyer S , Fleming-Dutra KE , Oliver SE , Twentyman E . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (24) 657-662 |
Defining County-Level Terrestrial Rabies Freedom Using the US National Rabies Surveillance System: Surveillance Data Analysis.
Kunkel A , Veytsel G , Bonaparte S , Meek H , Ma X , Davis AJ , Bonwitt J , Wallace RM . JMIR Public Health Surveill 2023 9 e43061 |
Fatal Human Rabies Infection with Suspected Host-mediated Failure of Post-Exposure Prophylaxis Following a Recognized Zoonotic Exposure-Minnesota, 2021.
Holzbauer SM , Schrodt CA , Prabhu RM , Asch-Kendrick RJ , Ireland M , Klumb C , Firestone MJ , Liu G , Harry K , Ritter JM , Levine MZ , Orciari LA , Wilkins K , Yager P , Gigante CM , Ellison JA , Zhao H , Niezgoda M , Li Y , Levis R , Scott D , Satheshkumar PS , Petersen BW , Rao AK , Bell WR , Bjerk SM , Forrest S , Gao W , Dasheiff R , Russell K , Pappas M , Kiefer J , Bickler W , Wiseman A , Jurantee J , Reichard RR , Smith KE , Lynfield R , Scheftel J , Wallace RM , Bonwitt J . Clin Infect Dis 2023 77 (8) 1201-1208 |
Cushing AC , Sheldon J , Martinelli L , Grome H , Souza M , Dunn J , Craig LE , Carlson A , Niezgoda M , Satheshkumar PS , Wallace R . J Zoo Wildl Med 2023 53 (4) 797-800 |
Vaccine Preventable Zoonotic Diseases: Challenges and Opportunities for Public Health Progress.
Carpenter A , Waltenburg MA , Hall A , Kile J , Killerby M , Knust B , Negron M , Nichols M , Wallace RM , Behravesh CB , McQuiston JH . Vaccines (Basel) 2022 10 (7) |
A generalizable one health framework for the control of zoonotic diseases.
Ghai RR , Wallace RM , Kile JC , Shoemaker TR , Vieira AR , Negron ME , Shadomy SV , Sinclair JR , Goryoka GW , Salyer SJ , Barton Behravesh C . Sci Rep 2022 12 (1) 8588 |
Divergent Rabies Virus Variant of Probable Bat Origin in 2 Gray Foxes, New Mexico, USA.
Condori Rene E, Aragon Adam, Breckenridge Mike, Pesko Kendra, Mower Kerry, Ettestad Paul, Melman Sandra, Velasco-Villa Andres, Orciari Lillian A, Yager Pamela, Streicker Daniel G, Gigante Crystal M, Morgan Clint, Wallace Ryan, Li Yu. Emerging infectious diseases 2022 28(6) 1137-1145 . Emerging infectious diseases 2022 28(6) 1137-1145 |
Defining the risk of SARS-CoV-2 variants on immune protection.
DeGrace MM , Ghedin E , Frieman MB , Krammer F , Grifoni A , Alisoltani A , Alter G , Amara RR , Baric RS , Barouch DH , Bloom JD , Bloyet LM , Bonenfant G , Boon ACM , Boritz EA , Bratt DL , Bricker TL , Brown L , Buchser WJ , Carreo JM , Cohen-Lavi L , Darling TL , Davis-Gardner ME , Dearlove BL , Di H , Dittmann M , Doria-Rose NA , Douek DC , Drosten C , Edara VV , Ellebedy A , Fabrizio TP , Ferrari G , Florence WC , Fouchier RAM , Franks J , Garca-Sastre A , Godzik A , Gonzalez-Reiche AS , Gordon A , Haagmans BL , Halfmann PJ , Ho DD , Holbrook MR , Huang Y , James SL , Jaroszewski L , Jeevan T , Johnson RM , Jones TC , Joshi A , Kawaoka Y , Kercher L , Koopmans MPG , Korber B , Koren E , Koup RA , LeGresley EB , Lemieux JE , Liebeskind MJ , Liu Z , Livingston B , Logue JP , Luo Y , McDermott AB , McElrath MJ , Meliopoulos VA , Menachery VD , Montefiori DC , Mhlemann B , Munster VJ , Munt JE , Nair MS , Netzl A , Niewiadomska AM , O'Dell S , Pekosz A , Perlman S , Pontelli MC , Rockx B , Rolland M , Rothlauf PW , Sacharen S , Scheuermann RH , Schmidt SD , Schotsaert M , Schultz-Cherry S , Seder RA , Sedova M , Sette A , Shabman RS , Shen X , Shi PY , Shukla M , Simon V , Stumpf S , Sullivan NJ , Thackray LB , Theiler J , Thomas PG , Trifkovic S , Treli S , Turner SA , Vakaki MA , vanBakel H , VanBlargan LA , Vincent LR , Wallace ZS , Wang L , Wang M , Wang P , Wang W , Weaver SC , Webby RJ , Weiss CD , Wentworth DE , Weston SM , Whelan SPJ , Whitener BM , Wilks SH , Xie X , Ying B , Yoon H , Zhou B , Hertz T , Smith DJ , Diamond MS , Post DJ , Suthar MS . Nature 2022 605 (7911) 640-652 |
Risk for Stillbirth Among Women With and Without COVID-19 at Delivery Hospitalization - United States, March 2020-September 2021.
DeSisto CL , Wallace B , Simeone RM , Polen K , Ko JY , Meaney-Delman D , Ellington SR . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2021 70 (47) 1640-1645 |
Every Dog Has Its Data: Evaluation of a Technology-Aided Canine Rabies Vaccination Campaign to Implement a Microplanning Approach.
Monroe B , Ludder F , Dilius P , Crowdis K , Lohr F , Cleaton J , Gamble L , Blanton J , Etheart M , Pieracci EG , Natal Vigilato MA , Molina-Flores B , Millien M , Gibson AD , Wallace RM . Front Public Health 2021 9 757668 |
Assessing the practicalities of joint snakebite and dog rabies control programs: Commonalities and potential pitfalls.
Scott TP , Sharma SK , Wallace RM , Nel LH , Adhikari SK , Abela-Ridder B , Thumbi SM . Toxicon X 2021 12 100084 |
The Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices' Ethical Principles for Allocating Initial Supplies of COVID-19 Vaccine - United States, 2020.
McClung N , Chamberland M , Kinlaw K , Bowen Matthew D , Wallace M , Bell BP , Lee GM , Talbot HK , Romero JR , Oliver SE , Dooling K . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2020 69 (47) 1782-1786 |
Portable Rabies Virus Sequencing in Canine Rabies Endemic Countries Using the Oxford Nanopore MinION.
Gigante CM , Yale G , Condori RE , Costa NC , Long NV , Minh PQ , Chuong VD , Tho ND , Thanh NT , Thin NX , Hanh NTH , Wambura G , Ade F , Mito O , Chuchu V , Muturi M , Mwatondo A , Hampson K , Thumbi SM , Thomae BG , de Paz VH , Meneses S , Munyua P , Moran D , Cadena L , Gibson A , Wallace RM , Pieracci EG , Li Y . Viruses 2020 12 (11) |
COVID-19 in Americans aboard the Diamond Princess cruise ship.
Plucinski MM , Wallace M , Uehara A , Kurbatova EV , Tobolowsky FA , Schneider ZD , Ishizumi A , Bozio CH , Kobayashi M , Toda M , Stewart A , Wagner RL , Moriarty LF , Murray R , Queen K , Tao Y , Paden C , Mauldin MR , Zhang J , Li Y , Elkins CA , Lu X , Herzig CTA , Novak R , Bower W , Medley AM , Acosta AM , Knust B , Cantey PT , Pesik NT , Halsey ES , Cetron MS , Tong S , Marston BJ , Friedman CR . Clin Infect Dis 2020 72 (10) e448-e457 |
Using the LN34 Pan-Lyssavirus Real-Time RT-PCR Assay for Rabies Diagnosis and Rapid Genetic Typing from Formalin-Fixed Human Brain Tissue.
Condori RE , Niezgoda M , Lopez G , Matos CA , Mateo ED , Gigante C , Hartloge C , Filpo AP , Haim J , Satheshkumar PS , Petersen B , Wallace R , Olson V , Li Y . Viruses 2020 12 (1) |
International Society of Cardiovascular Infectious Diseases Guidelines for the Diagnosis, Treatment and Prevention of Disseminated Mycobacterium chimaera Infection Following Cardiac Surgery with Cardiopulmonary Bypass.
Hasse B , Hannan M , Keller PM , Maurer FP , Sommerstein R , Mertz D , Wagner D , Fernandez-Hidalgo N , Nomura J , Manfrin V , Bettex D , Conte AH , Durante-Mangoni E , Hing-Cheung Tang T , Stuart RL , Lundgren J , Gordon S , Jarashow MC , Schreiber PW , Niemann S , Kohl TA , Daley C , Stewardson AJ , Whitener CJ , Perkins K , Plachouras D , Lamagni T , Chand M , Freiberger T , Zweifel S , Sander P , Schulthess B , Scriven J , Sax H , van Ingen J , Mestres CA , Diekema D , Brown-Elliott BA , Wallace RJJr , Baddour LM , Miro JM , Hoen B . J Hosp Infect 2019 104 (2) 214-235 |
Implementation of the US Department of Health and Human Services Zika Specimen Repository and Its Effect on Zika Diagnostic Test Development, 2016.
Petway M , Anderson L , Humes R , Sincock S , Kuhnert-Tallman W , Miller J , Wallace RL . Public Health Rep 2019 134 53s-57s |
Translocation of a Stray Cat Infected with Rabies from North Carolina to a Terrestrial Rabies-Free County in Ohio, 2017.
Singh AJ , Chipman RB , de Fijter S , Gary R , Haskell MG , Kirby J , Yu L , Condori RE , Orciari L , Wallace R . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (42) 1174-1177 |
Mycobacterium decipiens sp. nov., a new species closely related to the Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex.
Brown-Elliott BA , Simmer PJ , Trovato A , Hyle EP , Droz S , Buckwalter SP , Borroni E , Branda JA , Iana E , Mariottini A , Nelson J , Matteelli A , Toney NC , Scarparo C , de Man TJB , Vasireddy R , Gandhi RT , Wengenack NL , Cirillo DM , Wallace RJ , Tortoli E . Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2018 68 (11) 3557-3562 |
Multi-site evaluation of the LN34 pan-lyssavirus real-time RT-PCR assay for post-mortem rabies diagnostics.
Gigante CM , Dettinger L , Powell JW , Seiders M , Condori REC , Griesser R , Okogi K , Carlos M , Pesko K , Breckenridge M , Simon EMM , Chu Myjv , Davis AD , Brunt SJ , Orciari L , Yager P , Carson WC , Hartloge C , Saliki JT , Sanchez S , Deldari M , Hsieh K , Wadhwa A , Wilkins K , Peredo VY , Rabideau P , Gruhn N , Cadet R , Isloor S , Nath SS , Joseph T , Gao J , Wallace R , Reynolds M , Olson VA , Li Y . PLoS One 2018 13 (5) e0197074 |
A measles outbreak in an underimmunized Amish community in Ohio
Gastanaduy PA , Budd J , Fisher N , Redd SB , Fletcher J , Miller J , McFadden DJ 3rd , Rota J , Rota PA , Hickman C , Fowler B , Tatham L , Wallace GS , de Fijter S , Parker Fiebelkorn A , DiOrio M . N Engl J Med 2016 375 (14) 1343-1354 |
Population Genetic Analysis Reveals a High Genetic Diversity in the Brazilian Cryptococcus gattii VGII Population and Shifts the Global Origin from the Amazon Rainforest to the Semi-arid Desert in the Northeast of Brazil.
Souto AC , Bonfietti LX , Ferreira-Paim K , Trilles L , Martins M , Ribeiro-Alves M , Pham CD , Martins L , Dos Santos W , Chang M , Brito-Santos F , Santos DC , Fortes S , Lockhart SR , Wanke B , Melhem MS , Lazera MS , Meyer W . PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2016 10 (8) e0004885 |
Notes from the field: Assessment of health facilities for control of canine rabies - Gondar City, Amhara Region, Ethiopia, 2015
Pieracci EG , Schroeder B , Mengistu A , Melaku A , Shiferaw M , Blanton JD , Wallace R . MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2016 65 (17) 456-7 |
Government response to the discovery of a rabies virus reservoir species on a previously designated rabies-free island, Taiwan, 1999-2014
Chang SS , Tsai HJ , Chang FY , Lee TS , Huang KC , Fang KY , Wallace RM , Inoue S , Fei CY . Zoonoses Public Health 2015 63 (5) 396-402 |
Elimination of endemic measles, rubella, and congenital rubella syndrome from the Western hemisphere: the US experience.
Papania MJ , Wallace GS , Rota PA , Icenogle JP , Fiebelkorn AP , Armstrong GL , Reef SE , Redd SB , Abernathy ES , Barskey AE , Hao L , McLean HQ , Rota JS , Bellini WJ , Seward JF . JAMA Pediatr 2013 168 (2) 148-55 |
- Page last reviewed:Feb 1, 2024
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