CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 6504 publications)
Query Trace: Tarr C[original query] |
Characterization of a nonagglutinating toxigenic vibrio cholerae isolate
Gladney LM , Griswold T , Turnsek M , Im MS , Parsons MMB , Katz LS , Tarr CL , Lee CC . Microbiol Spectr 2023 11 (3) e0018223 |
Emergence and global spread of Listeria monocytogenes main clinical clonal complex.
Moura A , Lefrancq N , Wirth T , Leclercq A , Borges V , Gilpin B , Dallman TJ , Frey J , Franz E , Nielsen EM , Thomas J , Pightling A , Howden BP , Tarr CL , Gerner-Smidt P , Cauchemez S , Salje H , Brisse S , Lecuit M . Sci Adv 2021 7 (49) eabj9805 ![]() |
Detection and Clinical Implications of Monovalent Rotavirus Vaccine-Derived Virus Strains in Children with Gastroenteritis in Alberta, Canada.
Zhuo R , Tarr G , Xie J , Freedman SB , Payne DC , Lee BE , McWilliams C , Chui L , Ali S , Pang X . J Clin Microbiol 2021 59 (11) Jcm0115421 ![]() |
Population analysis of Vibrio cholerae in aquatic reservoirs reveals a novel sister species (Vibrio paracholerae sp. nov.) with a history of association with humans.
Islam MT , Nasreen T , Kirchberger P , Liang KYH , Orata FD , Johura FT , Hussain NAS , Im MS , Tarr CL , Alam M , Boucher YF . Appl Environ Microbiol 2021 87 (17) Aem0042221 ![]() |
Yersinia enterocolitica Outbreak Associated with Pasteurized Milk
Gruber JF , Morris S , Warren KA , Kline KE , Schroeder B , Dettinger L , Husband B , Pollard K , Davis C , Miller J , Weltman A , Mattioli M , Ray L , Tarr C , Longenberger AH . Foodborne Pathog Dis 2021 18 (7) 448-454 ![]() |
A Vibrio cholerae Core Genome Multilocus Sequence Typing Scheme to Facilitate the Epidemiological Study of Cholera.
Liang KYH , Orata FD , Islam MT , Nasreen T , Alam M , Tarr CL , Boucher YF . J Bacteriol 2020 202 (24) |
Draft Genome Sequences of Eight Vibrio sp. Clinical Isolates from across the United States That Form a Basal Sister Clade to Vibrio cholerae.
Liang K , Islam MT , Hussain N , Winkjer NS , Im MS , Rowe LA , Tarr CL , Boucher Y . Microbiol Resour Announc 2019 8 (3) |
Draft Genome Sequences of Nine Vibrio sp. Isolates from across the United States Closely Related to Vibrio cholerae.
Islam MT , Liang K , Im MS , Winkjer J , Busby S , Tarr CL , Boucher Y . Microbiol Resour Announc 2018 7 (21) ![]() |
Integrated view of Vibrio cholerae in the Americas.
Domman D , Quilici ML , Dorman MJ , Njamkepo E , Mutreja A , Mather AE , Delgado G , Morales-Espinosa R , Grimont PAD , Lizarraga-Partida ML , Bouchier C , Aanensen DM , Kuri-Morales P , Tarr CL , Dougan G , Parkhill J , Campos J , Cravioto A , Weill FX , Thomson NR . Science 2017 358 (6364) 789-793 |
Genomic history of the seventh pandemic of cholera in Africa.
Weill FX , Domman D , Njamkepo E , Tarr C , Rauzier J , Fawal N , Keddy KH , Salje H , Moore S , Mukhopadhyay AK , Bercion R , Luquero FJ , Ngandjio A , Dosso M , Monakhova E , Garin B , Bouchier C , Pazzani C , Mutreja A , Grunow R , Sidikou F , Bonte L , Breurec S , Damian M , Njanpop-Lafourcade BM , Sapriel G , Page AL , Hamze M , Henkens M , Chowdhury G , Mengel M , Koeck JL , Fournier JM , Dougan G , Grimont PAD , Parkhill J , Holt KE , Piarroux R , Ramamurthy T , Quilici ML , Thomson NR . Science 2017 358 (6364) 785-789 |
Complete Genome Sequence of Vibrio sp. Strain 2521-89, a Close Relative of Vibrio cholerae Isolated from Lake Water in New Mexico, USA.
Liang K , Orata FD , Winkjer NS , Rowe LA , Tarr CL , Boucher Y . Genome Announc 2017 5 (35) |
Whole genome and core genome multilocus sequence typing and single nucleotide polymorphism analyses of Listeria monocytogenes associated with an outbreak linked to cheese, United States, 2013.
Chen Y , Luo Y , Carleton H , Timme R , Melka D , Muruvanda T , Wang C , Kastanis G , Katz LS , Turner L , Fritzinger A , Moore T , Stones R , Blankenship J , Salter M , Parish M , Hammack TS , Evans PS , Tarr CL , Allard MW , Strain EA , Brown EW . Appl Environ Microbiol 2017 83 (15) ![]() |
Multistate outbreak of Listeria monocytogenes infections linked to whole apples used in commercially produced, prepackaged caramel apples: United States, 2014-2015.
Angelo KM , Conrad AR , Saupe A , Dragoo H , West N , Sorenson A , Barnes A , Doyle M , Beal J , Jackson KA , Stroika S , Tarr C , Kucerova Z , Lance S , Gould LH , Wise M , Jackson BR . Epidemiol Infect 2017 145 (5) 1-9 ![]() |
Metagenomics of two severe foodborne outbreaks provides diagnostic signatures and signs of co-infection not attainable by traditional methods.
Huang AD , Luo C , Pena-Gonzalez A , Weigand MR , Tarr C , Konstantinidis KT . Appl Environ Microbiol 2016 83 (3) |
Whole genome-based population biology and epidemiological surveillance of Listeria monocytogenes.
Moura A , Criscuolo A , Pouseele H , Maury MM , Leclercq A , Tarr C , Bjorkman JT , Dallman T , Reimer A , Enouf V , Larsonneur E , Carleton H , Bracq-Dieye H , Katz LS , Jones L , Touchon M , Tourdjman M , Walker M , Stroika S , Cantinelli T , Chenal-Francisque V , Kucerova Z , Rocha EP , Nadon C , Grant K , Nielsen EM , Pot B , Gerner-Smidt P , Lecuit M , Brisse S . Nat Microbiol 2016 2 16185 |
Characterization of clinical and environmental isolates of Vibrio cidicii sp. nov., a close relative of Vibrio navarrensis.
Orata FD , Xu Y , Gladney LM , Rishishwar L , Case RJ , Boucher Y , Jordan IK , Tarr CL . Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2016 66 (10) 4148-4155 |
Use of Whole Genome Sequencing and Patient Interviews To Link a Case of Sporadic Listeriosis to Consumption of Prepackaged Lettuce.
Jackson KA , Stroika S , Katz LS , Beal J , Brandt E , Nadon C , Reimer A , Major B , Conrad A , Tarr C , Jackson BR , Mody RK . J Food Prot 2016 79 (5) 806-809 |
Implementation of Nationwide Real-time Whole-genome Sequencing to Enhance Listeriosis Outbreak Detection and Investigation.
Jackson BR , Tarr C , Strain E , Jackson KA , Conrad A , Carleton H , Katz LS , Stroika S , Gould LH , Mody RK , Silk BJ , Beal J , Chen Y , Timme R , Doyle M , Fields A , Wise M , Tillman G , Defibaugh-Chavez S , Kucerova Z , Sabol A , Roache K , Trees E , Simmons M , Wasilenko J , Kubota K , Pouseele H , Klimke W , Besser J , Brown E , Allard M , Gerner-Smidt P . Clin Infect Dis 2016 63 (3) 380-6 |
Evolutionary Relationships of Outbreak-associated Listeria monocytogenes Strains of Serotypes 1/2a and 1/2b Determined by Whole Genome Sequencing.
Bergholz TM , den Bakker HC , Katz LS , Silk BJ , Jackson KA , Kucerova Z , Joseph LA , Turnsek M , Gladney LM , Halpin JL , Xavier K , Gossack J , Ward TJ , Frace M , Tarr CL . Appl Environ Microbiol 2015 82 (3) 928-38 ![]() |
The Dynamics of Genetic Interactions Between Vibrio metoecus and Vibrio cholerae, Two Close Relatives Co-Occurring in the Environment.
Orata FD , Kirchberger PC , Meheust R , Barlow EJ , Tarr CL , Boucher Y . Genome Biol Evol 2015 7 (10) 2941-2954 |
Phylodynamic analysis of clinical and environmental Vibrio cholerae isolates from Haiti reveals diversification driven by positive selection.
Azarian T , Ali A , Johnson JA , Mohr D , Prosperi M , Veras NM , Jubair M , Strickland SL , Rashid MH , Alam MT , Weppelmann TA , Katz LS , Tarr CL , Colwell RR , Morris JG Jr , Salemi M . mBio 2014 5 (6) |
Genome Sequences of Vibrio navarrensis, a Potential Human Pathogen.
Gladney LM , Katz LS , Knipe KM , Rowe LA , Conley AB , Rishishwar L , Marino-Ramirez L , Jordan IK , Tarr CL . Genome Announc 2014 2 (6) |
Environmental surveillance for toxigenic Vibrio cholerae in surface waters of Haiti.
Kahler AM , Haley BJ , Chen A , Mull BJ , Tarr CL , Turnsek M , Katz LS , Humphrys MS , Derado G , Freeman N , Boncy J , Colwell RR , Huq A , Hill VR . Am J Trop Med Hyg 2014 92 (1) 118-25 |
Molecular and phenotypic characterization of Vibrio navarrensis isolates associated with human illness.
Gladney LM , Tarr CL . J Clin Microbiol 2014 52 (11) 4070-4 |
Draft Genome Sequence of Environmental Vibrio cholerae 2012EL-1759 with Similarities to the V. cholerae O1 Classical Biotype.
Katz LS , Turnsek M , Kahler A , Hill VR , Boyd EF , Tarr CL . Genome Announc 2014 2 (4) |
Population structure of Listeria monocytogenes serotype 4b isolates from sporadic human listeriosis cases in the United States from 2003 to 2008.
Lee S , Ward TJ , Graves LM , Tarr CL , Siletzky RM , Kathariou S . Appl Environ Microbiol 2014 80 (12) 3632-44 |
Evolutionary dynamics of Vibrio cholerae O1 following a single-source introduction to Haiti
Katz LS , Petkau A , Beaulaurier J , Tyler S , Antonova ES , Turnsek MA , Guo Y , Wang S , Paxinos EE , Orata F , Gladney LM , Stroika S , Folster JP , Rowe L , Freeman MM , Knox N , Frace M , Boncy J , Graham M , Hammer BK , Boucher Y , Bashir A , Hanage WP , Van Domselaar G , Tarr CL . mBio 2013 4 (4) |
Novel epidemic clones of Listeria monocytogenes, United States, 2011
Lomonaco S , Verghese B , Gerner-Smidt P , Tarr C , Gladney L , Joseph L , Katz L , Turnsek M , Frace M , Chen Y , Brown E , Meinersmann R , Berrang M , Knabel S . Emerg Infect Dis 2013 19 (1) 147-50 |
Genomic comparison of Escherichia coli O104:H4 isolates from 2009 and 2011 reveals plasmid, and prophage heterogeneity, including shiga toxin encoding phage stx2.
Ahmed SA , Awosika J , Baldwin C , Bishop-Lilly KA , Biswas B , Broomall S , Chain PS , Chertkov O , Chokoshvili O , Coyne S , Davenport K , Detter JC , Dorman W , Erkkila TH , Folster JP , Frey KG , George M , Gleasner C , Henry M , Hill KK , Hubbard K , Insalaco J , Johnson S , Kitzmiller A , Krepps M , Lo CC , Luu T , McNew LA , Minogue T , Munk CA , Osborne B , Patel M , Reitenga KG , Rosenzweig CN , Shea A , Shen X , Strockbine N , Tarr C , Teshima H , van Gieson E , Verratti K , Wolcott M , Xie G , Sozhamannan S , Gibbons HS . PLoS One 2012 7 (11) e48228 |
Genomic characterization of Listeria monocytogenes strains involved in a multistate listeriosis outbreak associated with cantaloupe in US.
Laksanalamai P , Joseph LA , Silk BJ , Burall LS , Tarr CL , Gerner-Smidt P , Datta AR . PLoS One 2012 7 (7) e42448 |
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