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CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
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Records 1-30 (of 30 Records)
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Spiropoulou Christina F[original query]
Exploring inactivation of SARS-CoV-2, MERS-CoV, Ebola, Lassa, and Nipah viruses on N95 and KN95 respirator material using photoactivated methylene blue to enable reuse.
Scholte Florine EM
Kabra Kareem B , Tritsch Sarah R ,
Montgomery Joel M
Spiropoulou Christina F
Mores Christopher N , Harcourt Brian H .
Am J Infect Control 2022 50 (8) 863-870
Screening and Identification of Lujo Virus Inhibitors Using a Recombinant Reporter Virus Platform.
Welch SR
Spengler JR
Genzer SC
Chatterjee P
Flint M
Bergeron É
Montgomery JM
Nichol ST
Albariño CG
Spiropoulou CF
Viruses 2021 13 (7)
A single mutation in Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus discovered in ticks impairs infectivity in human cells.
Hua BL
Scholte FE
Ohlendorf V , Kopp A , Marklewitz M , Drosten C ,
Nichol ST
Spiropoulou C
Junglen S ,
Bergeron É
Elife 2020 9
Remdesivir targets a structurally analogous region of the Ebola virus and SARS-CoV-2 polymerases.
Albariño CG
Perry JK , Chang S , Tchesnokov EP ,
Guerrero L
Chakrabarti A
Shrivastava-Ranjan P
Chatterjee P
McMullan LK
Martin R , Jordan R , Götte M ,
Montgomery JM
Nichol ST
Flint M
Porter D ,
Spiropoulou CF
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2020 117 (43) 26946-26954
Towards a Sustainable One Health Approach to Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Prevention: Focus Areas and Gaps in Knowledge.
Sorvillo TE
Rodriguez SE
Hudson P , Carey M , Rodriguez LL ,
Spiropoulou CF
Bird BH
Spengler JR
Bente DA .
Trop Med Infect Dis 2020 5 (3)
The Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus NSm Protein is Dispensable for Growth In Vitro and Disease in Ifnar -/- Mice.
Welch SR
Scholte FEM
Spengler JR
Ritter JM
Coleman-McCray JD
Harmon JR
Nichol ST
Zaki SR
Spiropoulou CF
Bergeron E
Microorganisms 2020 8 (5)
Inhibition of Nipah Virus by Defective Interfering Particles.
Welch SR
Tilston NL ,
Whitmer SLM
Harmon JR
Scholte FEM
Spengler JR
Duprex WP ,
Nichol ST
Spiropoulou CF
J Infect Dis 2020 221 S460-S470
Stable Occupancy of the Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus-Encoded Deubiquitinase Blocks Viral Infection.
Scholte FEM
Hua BL
Spengler JR
Dzimianski JV ,
Coleman-McCray JD
Welch SR
McMullan LK
Nichol ST
Pegan SD ,
Spiropoulou CF
Bergeron E
mBio 2019 10 (4)
Characterisation of infectious Ebola virus from the ongoing outbreak to guide response activities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a phylogenetic and in vitro analysis.
McMullan LK
Flint M
Chakrabarti A
Guerrero L
Porter D ,
Nichol ST
Spiropoulou CF
Albarino C
Lancet Infect Dis 2019 19 (9) 1023-1032
Protection from lethal Lassa disease can be achieved both before and after virus exposure by administration of single-cycle replicating Lassa virus replicon particles.
Kainulainen MH
Spengler JR
Welch SR
Coleman-McCray JD
Harmon JR
Scholte FEM
Goldsmith CS
Nichol ST
Albarino CG
Spiropoulou CF
J Infect Dis 2019 220 (8) 1281-1289
A genome-wide CRISPR screen identifies N-acetylglucosamine-1-phosphate transferase as a potential antiviral target for Ebola virus.
Flint M
Chatterjee P
Lin DL ,
McMullan LK
Shrivastava-Ranjan P
Bergeron E
Welch SR
Nichol ST
Tai AW ,
Spiropoulou CF
Nat Commun 2019 10 (1) 285
Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever and expansion from endemic regions.
Spengler JR
Bergeron E
Spiropoulou CF
Curr Opin Virol 2019 34 70-78
The S Genome Segment Is Sufficient to Maintain Pathogenicity in Intra-Clade Lassa Virus Reassortants in a Guinea Pig Model.
Welch SR
Scholte FEM
Albarino CG
Kainulainen MH
Coleman-McCray JD
Guerrero LW
Chakrabarti AK
Klena JD
Nichol ST
Spengler JR
Spiropoulou CF
Front Cell Infect Microbiol 2018 8 240
Development of a reverse genetics system for Sosuga virus allows rapid screening of antiviral compounds.
Welch SR
Chakrabarti AK
Wiggleton Guerrero L
Jenks HM
Nichol ST
Spiropoulou CF
Albarino CG
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2018 12 (3) e0006326
Initiation, extension, and termination of RNA synthesis by a paramyxovirus polymerase.
Jordan PC , Liu C , Raynaud P ,
Spiropoulou CF
Symons JA , Beigelman L , Deval J .
PLoS Pathog 2018 14 (2) e1006889
Genome Sequences of Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Strains Isolated in South Africa, Namibia, and Turkey.
Zivcec M
Albarino CG
Guerrero LIW
Ksiazek TG ,
Nichol ST
Swanepoel R ,
Rollin PE
Spiropoulou CF
Genome Announc 2017 5 (42)
Lassa and Ebola virus inhibitors identified using minigenome and recombinant virus reporter systems.
Welch SR
Guerrero LW
Chakrabarti AK
McMullan LK
Flint M
Bluemling GR , Painter GR ,
Nichol ST
Spiropoulou CF
Albarino CG
Antiviral Res 2016 136 9-18
Ebola Virus Disease Diagnostics, Sierra Leone: Analysis of Real-time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction Values for Clinical Blood and Oral Swab Specimens.
Erickson BR
Sealy TK
Flietstra T
Morgan L
Kargbo B , Matt-Lebby VE ,
Gibbons A
Chakrabarti AK
Graziano J
Presser L
Flint M
Bird BH
Brown S
Klena JD
Blau DM
Brault AC
Belser JA
Salzer JS
Schuh AJ
Lo M
Zivcec M
Priestley RA
Pyle M
Goodman C
Bearden S
Amman BR
Basile A
Bergeron E
Bowen MD
Dodd KA , Freeman MM , McMullan LK , Paddock CD , Russell BJ , Sanchez AJ , Towner JS , Wang D , Zemtsova GE , Stoddard RA , Turnsek M , Guerrero LW , Emery SL , Stovall J , Kainulainen MH , Perniciaro JL , Mijatovic-Rustempasic S , Shakirova G , Winter J , Sexton C , Liu F , Slater K , Anderson R , Andersen L , Chiang CF , Tzeng WP , Crowe SJ , Maenner MJ , Spiropoulou CF , Nichol ST , Stroher U .
J Infect Dis 2016 214 S258-S262
Ebola Virus Replication and Disease Without Immunopathology in Mice Expressing Transgenes to Support Human Myeloid and Lymphoid Cell Engraftment.
Spengler JR
Lavender KJ , Martellaro C , Carmody A , Kurth A , Keck JG , Saturday G , Scott DP ,
Nichol ST
Hasenkrug KJ ,
Spiropoulou CF
Feldmann H , Prescott J .
J Infect Dis 2016 214 S308-S318
Molecular Insights into Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus.
Zivcec M
Scholte FE
Spiropoulou CF
Spengler JR
Bergeron E
Viruses 2016 8 (4) 106
Assessment of Inhibitors of Pathogenic Crimean-Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Strains Using Virus-Like Particles.
Zivcec M
Metcalfe MG
Albarino CG
Guerrero LW
Pegan SD ,
Spiropoulou CF
Bergeron E
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2015 9 (12) e0004259
A molecular sensor to characterize arenavirus envelope glycoprotein cleavage by subtilisin kexin isozyme-1 (SKI-1)/site-1 protease (S1P).
Oppliger J , da Palma JR , Burri DJ ,
Bergeron E
Khatib AM ,
Spiropoulou CF
Pasquato A , Kunz S .
J Virol 2015 90 (2) 705-14
RIG-I mediates an antiviral response to Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever virus.
Spengler JR
Patel JR ,
Chakrabarti AK
Zivcec M
Garcia-Sastre A ,
Spiropoulou CF
Bergeron E
J Virol 2015 89 (20) 10219-29
Relationship Between Ebola Virus Real-Time Quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction-Based Threshold Cycle Value and Virus Isolation From Human Plasma.
Spengler JR
McElroy AK
Harmon JR
Stroher U
Nichol ST
Spiropoulou CF
J Infect Dis 2015 212 Suppl 2 S346-9
Recovery of Recombinant Crimean Congo Hemorrhagic Fever Virus Reveals a Function for Non-structural Glycoproteins Cleavage by Furin.
Bergeron E
Zivcec M
Chakrabarti AK
Nichol ST
Albarino CG
Spiropoulou CF
PLoS Pathog 2015 11 (5) e1004879
Small interfering RNA inhibition of Andes virus replication.
Chiang CF
Albarino CG
Spiropoulou CF
PLoS One 2014 9 (6) e99764
Host mTORC1 signaling regulates andes virus replication.
McNulty S
Flint M
Nichol ST
Spiropoulou CF
J Virol 2012 87 (2) 912-22
Distinct and overlapping roles of Nipah virus P gene products in modulating the human endothelial cell antiviral response.
Peeples ME ,
Bellini WJ
Nichol ST
Rota PA ,
Spiropoulou CF
PLoS One 2012 7 (10) e47790
Reverse genetics recovery of Lujo virus and role of virus RNA secondary structures in efficient virus growth.
Bergeron E
Chakrabarti AK
Bird BH
Dodd KA
McMullan LK
Spiropoulou CF
Nichol ST
Albarino CG
J Virol 2012 86 (19) 10759-65
Rift Valley fever virus vaccine lacking the NSs and NSm genes is safe, nonteratogenic, and confers protection from viremia, pyrexia, and abortion following challenge in adult and pregnant sheep.
Bird BH
Maartens LH ,
Campbell S
Erasmus BJ ,
Erickson BR
Dodd KA
Spiropoulou CF
Cannon D
Drew CP
Knust B
McElroy AK
Khristova ML
Albarino CG
Nichol ST
J Virol 2011 85 (24) 12901-9
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Feb 1, 2024
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Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities