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CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
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Records 1-20 (of 20 Records)
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Moonan PK[original query]
Use of high-resolution geospatial and genomic data to characterize recent tuberculosis transmission, Botswana
Baker CR , Barilar I , de Araujo LS , Rimoin AW , Parker DM ,
Boyd R
Tobias JL
Moonan PK
Click ES
Finlay A
Oeltmann JE
Minin VN , Modongo C , Zetola NM , Niemann S , Shin SS .
Emerg Infect Dis 2023 29 (5) 977-987
High-Resolution Characterization of Nosocomial Mycobacterium tuberculosis Transmission Events in Botswana.
Smith JP
Modongo C ,
Oeltmann JE
Dima M , Matsiri O , Fane O , Molefi T , Shin SS , Barilar I , Niemann S , Zetola NM ,
Moonan PK
Am J Epidemiol 2022 192 (3) 503-506
Characterizing tuberculosis transmission dynamics in high-burden urban and rural settings.
Smith JP ,
Oeltmann JE
Hill AN
Tobias JL ,
Boyd R
Click ES
Finlay A
Mondongo C , Zetola NM ,
Moonan PK
Sci Rep 2022 12 (1) 6780
Tuberculosis attributed to transmission within healthcare facilities, Botswana-The Kopanyo Study.
Smith JP , Modongo C ,
Moonan PK
Dima M , Matsiri O , Fane O ,
Click ES
Boyd R
Finlay A
Surie D
Tobias JL , Zetola NM ,
Oeltmann JE
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2022 43 (11) 1-7
Whole-Genome Sequencing to Identify Missed Rifampicin and Isoniazid Resistance Among Tuberculosis Isolates-Chennai, India, 2013-2016.
Tamilzhalagan S , Shanmugam S , Selvaraj A , Suba S , Suganthi C ,
Moonan PK
Surie D
Sathyanarayanan MK , Gomathi NS , Jayabal L , Sachdeva KS , Selvaraju S , Swaminathan S , Tripathy SP ,
Hall PJ
Ranganathan UD .
Front Microbiol 2021 12 720436
Timely Intervention and Control of a Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Outbreak at a Large Skilled Nursing Facility - San Francisco, California, 2020.
Karmarkar E
Blanco I , Amornkul P , DuBois A , Deng X ,
Moonan PK
Rubenstein BL
Miller DA
Kennedy I , Yu J , Dauterman J , Ongpin M , Hathaway W , Hoo L , Trammell S , Ememu E , Yu G , Khwaja Z , Lu W , Talai N , Jain S , Louie J , Philip S , Federman S , Masinde G , Wadford DA , Bobba N , Stoltey J , Smith A , Epson E , Chiu C , Bennett A ,
Vasquez AM
Williams T .
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2020 42 (10) 1-20
Phylogenetic diversity of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in two geographically distinct locations in Botswana - The Kopanyo Study.
Click ES
Finlay A
Oeltmann JE
Basotli J
Modongo C ,
Boyd R
Wen XJ
Shepard J
Moonan PK
Zetola N .
Infect Genet Evol 2020 81 104232
Clinical and bacteriological characteristics associated with clustering of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis.
Feng JY , Jarlsberg LG , Salcedo K , Rose J , Janes M , Lin SG , Osmond DH , Jost KC , Soehnlen MK , Flood J , Graviss EA , Desmond E ,
Moonan PK
Nahid P , Hopewell PC , Kato-Maeda M .
Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2017 21 (7) 766-773
Molecular, Spatial, and Field Epidemiology Suggesting TB Transmission in Community, Not Hospital, Gaborone, Botswana.
Surie D
Fane O ,
Finlay A
Ogopotse M , Tobias JL ,
Click ES
Modongo C , Zetola NM ,
Moonan PK
Oeltmann JE
Emerg Infect Dis 2017 23 (3) 487-490
Human tuberculosis caused by Mycobacterium bovis in the United States, 2006-2013.
Scott C
Cavanaugh JS
Pratt R
Silk BJ
LoBue P
Moonan PK
Clin Infect Dis 2016 63 (5) 594-601
Protocol for a population-based molecular epidemiology study of tuberculosis transmission in a high HIV-burden setting: the Botswana Kopanyo study.
Zetola NM , Modongo C ,
Moonan PK
Click E
Oeltmann JE
Shepherd J ,
Finlay A
BMJ Open 2016 6 (5) e010046
Using tuberculosis patient characteristics to predict future cases with matching genotype results
Oeltmann JE
Click ES
Moonan PK
Public Health Action 2014 4 (1) 47-52
Characterizing tuberculosis genotype clusters along the United States-Mexico border
Baker BJ
Moonan PK
Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2014 18 (3) 289-291
Molecular epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the United States-Affiliated Pacific Islands
Bamrah S
Desmond E ,
Ghosh S
France AM
Kammerer JS
Cowan LS
Heetderks A
Forbes A
Moonan PK
Asia Pac J Public Health 2014 26 (1) 77-84
Use of tuberculosis genotyping for postoutbreak monitoring.
Miramontes R
Winston CA
Haddad MB
Moonan PK
J Public Health Manag Pract 2012 18 (4) 375-8
Using genotyping and geospatial scanning to estimate recent mycobacterium tuberculosis transmission, United States.
Moonan PK
Ghosh S
Oeltmann JE
Kammerer JS
Cowan LS
Navin TR
Emerg Infect Dis 2012 18 (3) 458-65
Relationship between Mycobacterium tuberculosis phylogenetic lineage and clinical site of tuberculosis
Click ES
Moonan PK
Winston CA
Cowan LS
Oeltmann JE
Clin Infect Dis 2012 54 (2) 211-9
Estimating the burden of tuberculosis among foreign-born persons acquired prior to entering the U.S., 2005-2009
Ricks PM
Cain KP
Oeltmann JE
Kammerer JS
Moonan PK
PLoS One 2011 6 (11) e27405
South Carolina tuberculosis genotype cluster investigation: a tale of substance abuse and recurrent disease
Buff AM
Moonan PK
Desai MA
McKenna TL , Harris DA , Rogers BJ , Rabley SS ,
Oeltmann JE
Int J Tuberc Lung Dis 2010 14 (10) 1347-1349
Two tuberculosis genotyping clusters, one preventable outbreak
Buff AM
Sosa LE
Hoopes AJ
Buxton-Morris D , Condren TB , Hadler JL ,
Haddad MB
Moonan PK
Lobato MN
Public Health Rep 2009 124 (4) 490-4
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
Content source:
Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities