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CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
Last data update: Jan 27, 2025
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Records 1-30 (of 39 Records)
Query Trace:
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S[original query]
Risk of transmission of vaccine-strain rotavirus in a neonatal intensive care unit that routinely vaccinates
Zalot MA
Cortese MM
O'Callaghan KP
Casey-Moore MC
L'Etoile N
Smart SL
Honeywood MJ
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Tate JE
Davis A
Wittmeyer N
McGann C
Sadaf S
Wilson K
Bowen MD
Gautam R
Parashar UD
Coffin SE
Gibbs KA
Pediatrics 2024
Rotavirus vaccine effectiveness against severe acute gastroenteritis: 2009-2022
Diallo AO
Wikswo ME
Sulemana I
Sahni LC , Boom JA , Ramani S , Selvarangan R , Moffatt ME , Harrison CJ , Halasa N , Chappell J , Stewart L , Staat MA , Schlaudecker E , Quigley C , Klein EJ , Englund JA , Zerr DM , Weinberg GA , Szilagyi PG , Albertin C , Johnston SH , Williams JV , Michaels MG , Hickey RW ,
Curns AT
Honeywood M
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Esona MD
Bowen MD
Parashar UD
Gautam R
Mirza SA
Tate JE
Pediatrics 2024
Coding-complete genome sequences of rotavirus A reference strains EDIM, Ph158, and CC425
Casey-Moore MC
Katz E
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Jaimes J
Gautam R
Bowen MD
Microbiol Resour Announc 2023 12 (11) e0063023
Non-secretor phenotype is associated with less risk of rotavirus-associated acute gastroenteritis in a vaccinated Nicaraguan birth cohort
Reyes Y , St Jean DT , Bowman NM , González F ,
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Becker-Dreps S , Svensson L , Nordgren J , Bucardo F , Vielot NA .
J Infect Dis 2023 228 (12) 1739-1747
Genotypic investigation of a rotavirus cluster at a quaternary-care pediatric hospital.
Kitt EM , Yoon HW , Comar CE , Smith KP , Harris RM ,
Esona MD
Gautam R
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Hopkins AL
Jaimes J
Handy LK .
Infect Control Hosp Epidemiol 2023 44 (10) 1-3
Rotavirus Strain Trends in United States, 2009-2016: Results from the National Rotavirus Strain Surveillance System (NRSSS).
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Jaimes J
Perkins C
Ward ML
Esona MD
Gautam R
Lewis J
Sturgeon M
Panjwani J
Bloom GA , Miller S , Reisdorf E , Riley AM , Pence MA , Dunn J , Selvarangan R , Jerris RC , DeGroat D ,
Parashar UD
Cortese MM
Bowen MD
Viruses 2022 14 (8)
Cross-sectional study and genotyping of rotavirus-A infections in ruminants in Kuwait.
Abdou NMI , Majeed QAH , Saad AA ,
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Bowen MD
Samy A .
BMC Vet Res 2021 17 (1) 245
Rotavirus vaccine effectiveness and impact in Uzbekistan, the first country to introduce in central Asia.
Eraliev U , Latipov R , Tursunova D , Wasley A , Daniels D , Ismoilov U , Akramova M , Sultanova M , Yuldashova D , Barakaev B , Mutalova V , Tuychiev L , Musabaev E , Sharapov S , Pleshkov B , Videbaek D , Huseynov S , Safaeva K ,
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Bowen MD
Parashar UD
Cortese MM
Hum Vaccin Immunother 2020 17 (2) 1-7
Multiple introductions and antigenic mismatch with vaccines may contribute to increased predominance of G12P[8] rotaviruses in the United States.
Ogden KM , Tan Y , Akopov A , Stewart LS , McHenry R , Fonnesbeck CJ , Piya B , Carter MH , Fedorova NB , Halpin RA , Shilts MH , Edwards KM ,
Payne DC
Esona MD
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Chappell JD , Patton JT , Halasa NB , Das SR .
J Virol 2018 93 (1)
Genomic Characterization of the First Equine-Like G3P[8] Rotavirus Strain Detected in the United States.
Perkins C
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Ward ML
Cortese MM
Bowen MD
Genome Announc 2017 5 (47)
Comparison of three multiplex gastrointestinal platforms for the detection of gastroenteritis viruses.
Chhabra P
Gregoricus N
Weinberg GA , Halasa N , Chappell J , Hassan F , Selvarangan R ,
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Ward ML
Bowen M
Payne DC
Vinje J
J Clin Virol 2017 95 66-71
Shedding of porcine circovirus type 1 DNA and rotavirus RNA by infants vaccinated with Rotarix®.
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Immergluck LC , Parker TC , Laghaie E , Mohammed A , McFadden T ,
Parashar UD
Bowen MD
Cortese MM
Hum Vaccin Immunother 2016 13 (4) 0
Ebola Virus Disease Diagnostics, Sierra Leone: Analysis of Real-time Reverse Transcription-Polymerase Chain Reaction Values for Clinical Blood and Oral Swab Specimens.
Erickson BR
Sealy TK
Flietstra T
Morgan L
Kargbo B , Matt-Lebby VE ,
Gibbons A
Chakrabarti AK
Graziano J
Presser L
Flint M
Bird BH
Brown S
Klena JD
Blau DM
Brault AC
Belser JA
Salzer JS
Schuh AJ
Lo M
Zivcec M
Priestley RA
Pyle M
Goodman C
Bearden S
Amman BR
Basile A
Bergeron E
Bowen MD
Dodd KA , Freeman MM , McMullan LK , Paddock CD , Russell BJ , Sanchez AJ , Towner JS , Wang D , Zemtsova GE , Stoddard RA , Turnsek M , Guerrero LW , Emery SL , Stovall J , Kainulainen MH , Perniciaro JL , Mijatovic-Rustempasic S , Shakirova G , Winter J , Sexton C , Liu F , Slater K , Anderson R , Andersen L , Chiang CF , Tzeng WP , Crowe SJ , Maenner MJ , Spiropoulou CF , Nichol ST , Stroher U .
J Infect Dis 2016 214 S258-S262
Sensitive and specific nested PCR assay for detection of rotavirus A in samples with a low viral load.
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Esona MD
Williams AL ,
Bowen MD
J Virol Methods 2016 236 41-46
Rotavirus Strain Trends During the Postlicensure Vaccine Era: United States, 2008-2013.
Bowen MD
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Esona MD
Teel EN
Gautam R
Sturgeon M
Azimi PH , Baker CJ , Bernstein DI , Boom JA , Chappell J , Donauer S , Edwards KM , Englund JA , Halasa NB , Harrison CJ , Johnston SH , Klein EJ , McNeal MM , Moffatt ME , Rench MA , Sahni LC , Selvarangan R , Staat MA , Szilagyi PG , Weinberg GA ,
Wikswo ME
Parashar UD
Payne DC
J Infect Dis 2016 214 (5) 732-8
Molecular characterization of the first G24P[14] rotavirus strain detected in humans.
Ward ML
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Roy S
Rungsrisuriyachai K
Boom JA , Sahni LC , Baker CJ , Rench MA ,
Wikswo ME
Payne DC
Parashar UD
Bowen MD
Infect Genet Evol 2016 43 338-42
Full genome characterization of the first G3P[24] rotavirus strain detected in humans provides evidence of interspecies reassortment and mutational saturation in the VP7 gene.
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Roy S
Teel EN
Weinberg GA ,
Payne DC
Parashar UD
Bowen MD
J Gen Virol 2016 97 (2) 389-402
One-step multiplex real-time RT-PCR assay for detecting and genotyping wild-type group A rotavirus strains and vaccine strains (Rotarix® and RotaTeq®) in stool samples.
Gautam R
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Esona MD
Tam KI
Quaye O
Bowen MD
PeerJ 2016 4 e1560
Epidemiologic Association Between FUT2 Secretor Status and Severe Rotavirus Gastroenteritis in Children in the United States.
Payne DC
Currier RL , Staat MA , Sahni LC , Selvarangan R , Halasa NB , Englund JA , Weinberg GA , Boom JA , Szilagyi PG , Klein EJ , Chappell J , Harrison CJ , Davidson BS ,
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Moffatt MD , McNeal M ,
Wikswo M
Bowen MD
Morrow AL ,
Parashar UD
JAMA Pediatr 2015 169 (11) 1-6
Multiplexed one-step RT-PCR VP7 and VP4 genotyping assays for rotaviruses using updated primers.
Esona MD
Gautam R
Tam KI
Williams A ,
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Bowen MD
J Virol Methods 2015 223 96-104
Full-Genome Sequence of the First G8P[14] Rotavirus Strain Detected in the United States.
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Roy S
Sturgeon M
Rungsrisuriyachai K
Reisdorf E ,
Cortese MM
Bowen MD
Genome Announc 2015 3 (3)
Full genomic characterization and phylogenetic analysis of a zoonotic human G8P[14] rotavirus strain detected in a sample from Guatemala.
Gautam R
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Roy S
Esona MD
Lopez B , Mencos Y , Rey-Benito G ,
Bowen MD
Infect Genet Evol 2015 33 206-11
Full Genome Sequence of a Reassortant Human G9P[4] Rotavirus Strain.
Lewis J
Roy S
Esona MD
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Hardy C ,
Wang Y
Cortese M
Bowen MD
Genome Announc 2014 2 (6)
Rotavirus genotypes in Belarus, 2008-2012.
Semeiko G , Yermalovich M , Poliakova N ,
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Kerin T
Wasley A , Videbaek D ,
Gentsch JR
Bowen MD
Samoilovich E .
Infect Genet Evol 2014 28 480-5
Molecular epidemiology of contemporary G2P[4] human rotaviruses cocirculating in a single U.S. community: footprints of a globally transitioning genotype.
Dennis AF , McDonald SM ,
Payne DC
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Esona MD
Edwards KM , Chappell JD , Patton JT .
J Virol 2014 88 (7) 3789-801
Full-Genome Sequence of a Rare Human G3P[9] Rotavirus Strain.
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Roy S
Sturgeon M
Rungsrisuriyachai K
Esona MD
Degroat D , Qin X ,
Cortese MM
Bowen MD
Genome Announc 2014 2 (2)
Genetic analysis of G12P[8] rotaviruses detected in the largest U.S. G12 genotype outbreak on record.
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Teel EN
Kerin TK
Hull JJ
Roy S
Weinberg GA ,
Payne DC
Parashar UD
Gentsch JR
Bowen MD
Infect Genet Evol 2013 21c 214-219
Real-time RT-PCR assays to differentiate wild-type group A rotavirus strains from Rotarix(®) and RotaTeq(®) vaccine strains in stool samples.
Gautam R
Esona MD
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Ian Tam K
Gentsch JR
Bowen MD
Hum Vaccin Immunother 2013 10 (3) 767-77
Sensitive and specific quantitative detection of rotavirus A by one-step real-time reverse transcription-PCR assay without antecedent double-stranded-RNA denaturation.
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Tam KI
Kerin TK
Lewis JM
Gautam R
Quaye O
Gentsch JR
Bowen MD
J Clin Microbiol 2013 51 (9) 3047-54
Comparison of 2 assays for diagnosing rotavirus and evaluating vaccine effectiveness in children with gastroenteritis
Tate JE
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Tam KI
Lyde FC
Payne DC
Szilagyi P , Edwards K , Staat MA , Weinberg GA , Hall CB , Chappell J , McNeal M ,
Gentsch JR
Bowen MD
Parashar UD
Emerg Infect Dis 2013 19 (8) 1245-52
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
Content source:
Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities