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CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
Last data update: Jan 27, 2025
. (Total: 6504 publications)
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Records 1-30 (of 57 Records)
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Mathew S[original query]
HIV DNA levels in persons who acquired HIV in the setting of long-acting cabotegravir for HIV prevention: Analysis of cases from HPTN 083 and 084
Fogel JM , Persaud D , Piwowar-Manning E , Richardson P , Szewczyk J , Marzinke MA , Wang Z , Guo X , McCauley M , Farrior J , Tran HV ,
Ungsedhapand C
Mathew CA , Mpendo J , Rinehart AR , Rooney JF , Cohen MS , Hanscom B , Grinsztejn B , Hosseinipour MC , Delany-Moretlwe S , Landovitz RJ , Eshleman SH .
AIDS Res Hum Retroviruses 2024
Novel NSP1 genotype characterised in an African camel G8P[11] rotavirus strain.
Jere KC ,
Esona MD
Ali YH , Peenze I ,
Roy S
Bowen MD
Saeed IK , Khalafalla AI , Nyaga MM , Mphahlele J , Steele D , Seheri ML .
Infect Genet Evol 2014 21 58-66
Genomic surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 variants: Circulation of Omicron lineages - United States, January 2022-May 2023
Shirk P
Lambrou AS
Hassell N
Zheng XY
Payne AB
Ali AR
Batra D
Caravas J
Chau R
Cook PW
Howard D
Kovacs NA
Lacek KA
Lee JS
MacCannell DR
Malapati L
Mathew S
Mittal N
Nagilla RR
Parikh R
Paul P
Rambo-Martin BL
Shepard SS
Sheth M
Wentworth DE
Winn A
Hall AJ
Silk BJ
Thornburg N
Kondor R
Scobie HM
Paden CR
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2023 72 (24) 651-656
Effectiveness of monovalent rotavirus vaccine against hospitalizations due to all rotavirus and equine-like G3P[8] genotypes in Haiti 2014-2019.
Burnett E
Juin S
Esona MD ,
Desormeaux AM
Aliabadi N ,
Pierre M
Andre-Alboth J ,
Leshem E
Etheart MD
Patel R
Dely P ,
Fitter D
Jean-Denis G ,
Kalou M
Katz MA
Bowen MD
Grant-Greene Y
Boncy J ,
Parashar UD
Joseph GA ,
Tate JE
Vaccine 2021 39 (32) 4458-4462
Use of partial N-gene sequences as a tool to monitor progress on rabies control and elimination efforts in Ethiopia.
Binkley L , Deressa A , Shi M , Jara M , Escobar LE ,
Mauldin MR
Matheny A
O'Quin J ,
Pieracci EG
Kling C
Hartloge C
Yimer G , Abate E , Gebreyes W ,
Reynolds M
Belay E
Shiferaw M
Nakazawa Y
Velasco-Villa A
Acta Trop 2021 221 106022
Whole gene analysis of a genotype G29P[6] human rotavirus strain identified in Central African Republic.
Banga-Mingo V ,
Esona MD
Betrapally NS
Gautam R
Jaimes J
Katz E
Waku-Kouomou D
Bowen MD
Gouandjika-Vasilache I .
BMC Res Notes 2021 14 (1) 218
Rotavirus Genotype Trends and Gastrointestinal Pathogen Detection in the United States, 2014-16: Results from the New Vaccine Surveillance Network.
Esona MD
Ward ML
Wikswo ME
Rustempasic SM
Gautam R
Perkins C
Selvarangan R , Harrison CJ , Boom JA , Englund JA , Klein EJ , Staat MA , McNeal MM , Halasa N , Chappell J , Weinberg GA ,
Payne DC
Parashar UD
Bowen MD
J Infect Dis 2021 224 (9) 1539-1549
Western Kenyan Anopheles gambiae showing intense permethrin resistance harbour distinct microbiota.
Omoke D , Kipsum M , Otieno S , Esalimba E ,
Sheth M
Lenhart A
Njeru EM , Ochomo E , Dada N .
Malar J 2021 20 (1) 77
Portable Rabies Virus Sequencing in Canine Rabies Endemic Countries Using the Oxford Nanopore MinION.
Gigante CM
Yale G ,
Condori RE
Costa NC , Long NV , Minh PQ , Chuong VD , Tho ND , Thanh NT , Thin NX , Hanh NTH , Wambura G , Ade F , Mito O , Chuchu V , Muturi M , Mwatondo A , Hampson K , Thumbi SM , Thomae BG , de Paz VH , Meneses S ,
Munyua P
Moran D ,
Cadena L
Gibson A ,
Wallace RM
Pieracci EG
Li Y
Viruses 2020 12 (11)
Molecular characteristics of rotavirus genotypes circulating in the south of Benin, 2016-2018.
Agbla JM ,
Esona MD
Agbankpe AJ , Capo-Chichi A ,
Gautam R
Dougnon TV , Razack O ,
Bowen MD
Bankole HS .
BMC Res Notes 2020 13 (1) 485
The Longitudinal Epidemiologic Assessment of Diabetes Risk (LEADR): Unique 1.4 M patient Electronic Health Record cohort.
Fishbein HA , Birch RJ , Mathew SM , Sawyer HL , Pulver G , Poling J , Kaelber D , Mardon R , Johnson MC , Pace W , Umbel KD ,
Zhang X
Siegel KR
Imperatore G
Shrestha S
Proia K
Cheng Y
McKeever Bullard K
Gregg EW
Rolka D
Pavkov ME
Healthc (Amst) 2020 8 (4) 100458
Whole genome and in-silico analyses of G1P[8] rotavirus strains from pre- and post-vaccination periods in Rwanda.
Rasebotsa S , Mwangi PN , Mogotsi MT , Sabiu S , Magagula NB , Rakau K , Uwimana J , Mutesa L , Muganga N , Murenzi D , Tuyisenge L ,
Jaimes J
Esona MD
Bowen MD
Mphahlele MJ , Seheri ML , Mwenda JM , Nyaga MM .
Sci Rep 2020 10 (1) 13460
Outbreak of diarrhoea in piglets caused by novel rotavirus genotype G4P[49] in north-western district of Bangladesh, February 2014.
Sarkar S ,
Dioh Esona M
Gautam R , Castro CJ ,
Haque W , Khan SU , Hossain ME , Rahman MZ , Gurley ES ,
Kennedy ED
Bowen MD
Parashar UD
Rahman M .
Transbound Emerg Dis 2019 67 (1) 442-449
Distribution of rotavirus genotypes in the post-vaccine introduction era in Ashaiman, Greater Accra Region, Ghana, 2014-2016.
Letsa V , Damanka S , Dennis F , Lartey B , Armah GE ,
Betrapally N
Gautam R
Esona MD
Bowen MD
Quaye O .
J Med Virol 2019 91 (11) 2025-2028
Whole-gene analysis of inter-genogroup reassortant rotaviruses from the Dominican Republic: Emergence of equine-like G3 strains and evidence of their reassortment with locally-circulating strains.
Katz EM
Esona MD
Betrapally NS
De La Cruz De Leon LA , Neira YR , Rey GJ ,
Bowen MD
Virology 2019 534 114-131
Characterization of Novel Reoviruses [Wad Medani virus (Orbivirus) and Kundal (Coltivirus)] collected from Hyalomma antolicum ticks in India during CCHF surveillance.
Yadav PD ,
Whitmer SLM
Sarkale P ,
Goldsmith CS
Nyayanit DA ,
Esona MD
Shrivastava-Ranjan P
Lakra R , Pardeshi P , Majumdar TD , Francis A ,
Klena JD
Nichol ST
Stroher U
Mourya D .
J Virol 2019 93 (13)
Multiple introductions and antigenic mismatch with vaccines may contribute to increased predominance of G12P[8] rotaviruses in the United States.
Ogden KM , Tan Y , Akopov A , Stewart LS , McHenry R , Fonnesbeck CJ , Piya B , Carter MH , Fedorova NB , Halpin RA , Shilts MH , Edwards KM ,
Payne DC
Esona MD
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Chappell JD , Patton JT , Halasa NB , Das SR .
J Virol 2018 93 (1)
Characterisation of a rare, reassortant human G10P[14] rotavirus strain detected in Honduras.
Quaye O
Roy S
Rungsrisuriyachai K
Esona MD
Xu Z ,
Tam KI
Banegas DJC , Rey-Benito G ,
Bowen MD
Mem Inst Oswaldo Cruz 2018 113 (1) 9-16
Emergence of G12 and G9 rotavirus genotypes in the Central African Republic, January 2014 to February 2016.
Moure UAE , Banga-Mingo V , Gody JC , Mwenda JM , Fandema J ,
Waku-Kouomou D
Manengu C , Koyazegbe TD ,
Esona MD
Bowen MD
Gouandijka-Vasilache I .
BMC Res Notes 2018 11 (1) 5
Molecular characterization of a human G20P[28] rotavirus a strain with multiple genes related to bat rotaviruses.
Esona MD
Roy S , Rungsrisuriyachai K ,
Gautam R
Hermelijn S , Rey-Benito G ,
Bowen MD
Infect Genet Evol 2017 57 166-170
Pre-vaccine circulating group a rotavirus strains in under 5 years children with acute diarrhea during 1999-2013 in Cameroon.
Ndombo PK , Ndze VN , Fokunang C , Ashukem TN , Boula A , Kinkela MN , Ndode CE , Seheri ML ,
Bowen MD
Waku-Kouomou D
Esona MD
Virology (Lond) 2017 1 (4)
Cost projections for implementation of safety interventions to prevent transfusion-transmitted Zika virus infection in the United States.
Ellingson KD ,
Sapiano MRP
Haass KA , Savinkina AA , Baker ML , Henry RA , Berger JJ , Kuehnert MJ , Basavaraju SV .
Transfusion 2017 57 Suppl 2 1625-1633
Characterization of a triple-recombinant, reassortant rotavirus strain from the Dominican Republic.
Esona MD
Roy S
Rungsrisuriyachai K
Sanchez J , Vasquez L , Gomez V , Rios LA ,
Bowen MD
Vazquez M .
J Gen Virol 2017 98 (2) 134-142
Complications of haemophilia in babies (first two years of life): a report from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Universal Data Collection System
Kulkarni R ,
Presley RJ
Lusher JM , Shapiro AD , Gill JC , Manco-Johnson M , Koerper MA , Abshire TC , DiMichele D , Hoots WK , Mathew P , Nugent DJ , Geraghty S ,
Evatt BL
Soucie JM
Haemophilia 2016 23 (2) 207-214
Sensitive and specific nested PCR assay for detection of rotavirus A in samples with a low viral load.
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Esona MD
Williams AL ,
Bowen MD
J Virol Methods 2016 236 41-46
Rotavirus Strain Trends During the Postlicensure Vaccine Era: United States, 2008-2013.
Bowen MD
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Esona MD
Teel EN
Gautam R
Sturgeon M
Azimi PH , Baker CJ , Bernstein DI , Boom JA , Chappell J , Donauer S , Edwards KM , Englund JA , Halasa NB , Harrison CJ , Johnston SH , Klein EJ , McNeal MM , Moffatt ME , Rench MA , Sahni LC , Selvarangan R , Staat MA , Szilagyi PG , Weinberg GA ,
Wikswo ME
Parashar UD
Payne DC
J Infect Dis 2016 214 (5) 732-8
Effectiveness of Monovalent Rotavirus Vaccine After Programmatic Implementation in Botswana: A Multisite Prospective Case-Control Study.
Gastanaduy PA
Steenhoff AP , Mokomane M ,
Esona MD
Bowen MD
Jibril H , Pernica JM , Mazhani L , Smieja M ,
Tate JE
Parashar UD
Goldfarb DM .
Clin Infect Dis 2016 62 S161-S167
One-step multiplex real-time RT-PCR assay for detecting and genotyping wild-type group A rotavirus strains and vaccine strains (Rotarix® and RotaTeq®) in stool samples.
Gautam R
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Esona MD
Tam KI
Quaye O
Bowen MD
PeerJ 2016 4 e1560
G2P[4]-RotaTeq Reassortant Rotavirus in Vaccinated Child, United States.
Roy S
Rungsrisuriyachai K
Esona MD
Boom JA , Sahni LC , Rench MA , Baker CJ ,
Wikswo ME
Payne DC
Parashar UD
Bowen MD
Emerg Infect Dis 2015 21 (11) 2103-4
Multiplexed one-step RT-PCR VP7 and VP4 genotyping assays for rotaviruses using updated primers.
Esona MD
Gautam R
Tam KI
Williams A ,
Mijatovic-Rustempasic S
Bowen MD
J Virol Methods 2015 223 96-104
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
Content source:
Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities