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CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
Last data update: Jan 27, 2025
. (Total: 6504 publications)
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Records 1-25 (of 25 Records)
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MacNeil A[original query]
Incidence of laboratory-confirmed influenza and RSV and associated presenteeism and absenteeism among healthcare personnel, Israel, influenza seasons 2016 to 2019
Azziz-Baumgartner E
Hirsch A ,
Yoo YM
Peretz A , Greenberg D , Avni YS , Glatman-Freedman A , Mandelboim M ,
MacNeil A
Martin ET , Newes-Adeyi G , Thompson M , Monto AS , Balicer RD ,
Levine MZ
Katz MA .
Euro Surveill 2024 29 (31)
Development of COVID-19 vaccine policy - United States, 2020-2023
Oliver SE
Wallace M
Twentyman E
Moulia DL
Godfrey M
Link-Gelles R
Meyer S
Fleming-Dutra KE
Hall E
Wolicki J
MacNeil J
Bell BP , Lee GM , Daley MF ,
Cohn A
Wharton M
Vaccine 2023
Travel history among persons infected with SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern in the United States, December 2020-February 2021.
Dunajcik A
Haire K
Thomas JD
Moriarty LF
Springer Y
Villanueva JM
MacNeil A
Silk B
Nemhauser JB
Byrkit R
Taylor M
Queen K
Tong S
Lee J
Batra D
Paden C
Henderson T , Kunkes A , Ojo M , Firestone M , Martin Webb L , Freeland M , Brown CM , Williams T , Allen K , Kauerauf J , Wilson E , Jain S , McDonald E , Silver E , Stous S , Wadford D , Radcliffe R , Marriott C , Owes JP , Bart SM , Sosa LE , Oakeson K , Wodniak N ,
Shaffner J
Brown Q , Westergaard R , Salinas A , Hallyburton S , Ogale Y , Offutt-Powell T , Bonner K , Tubach S , Van Houten C , Hughes V , Reeb V , Galeazzi C , Khuntia S , McGee S , Hicks JT , Dinesh Patel D , Krueger A , Hughes S , Jeanty F , Wang JC , Lee EH , Assanah-Deane T , Tompkins M , Dougherty K , Naqvi O , Donahue M , Frederick J , Abdalhamid B ,
Powers AM
Anderson M
PLOS Glob Public Health 2023 3 (3) e0001252
A Case Series of Children with Acute Hepatitis and Human Adenovirus Infection.
GutierrezSanchez LH , Shiau H ,
Baker JM
Saaybi S , Buchfellner M , Britt W , Sanchez V , Potter JL , Ingram LA , Kelly D , Lu X , Ayers-Millsap S , Willeford WG ,
Rassaei N
Bhatnagar J
Bullock H
Reagan-Steiner S
Martin A , Rogers ME , Banc-Husu AM , Harpavat S , Leung DH , Moulton EA , Lamson DM , StGeorge K , Hall AJ , Parashar U , MacNeil A , Tate JE , Kirking HL .
N Engl J Med 2022 387 (7) 620-630
Genomic Surveillance for SARS-CoV-2 Variants: Predominance of the Delta (B.1.617.2) and Omicron (B.1.1.529) Variants - United States, June 2021-January 2022.
Lambrou AS
Shirk P
Steele MK
Paul P
Paden CR
Cadwell B
Reese HE
Aoki Y
Hassell N
Caravas J
Kovacs NA
Gerhart JG ,
Zheng XY ,
Beck A
Chau R
Cintron R
Cook PW
Gulvik CA
Howard D
Jang Y
Knipe K
Lacek KA
Moser KA ,
Paskey AC
Rambo-Martin BL
Nagilla RR ,
Rethchless AC
Schmerer MW
Seby S
Shephard SS
Stanton RA
Stark TJ
Uehara A
Unoarumhi Y
Bentz ML
Burhgin A
Burroughs M
Davis ML
Keller MW
Keong LM ,
Lee JS
Madden Jr JC
Nobles S
Owouor DC
Padilla J
Sheth M
Wilson MM
Talarico S
Chen JC
Oberste MS
Batra D
McMullan LK
Halpin AL
Galloway SE
MacCannell DR
Kondor R
Barnes J
MacNeil A
Silk BJ
Dugan VG
Scobie HM
Wentworth DE
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2022 71 (6) 206-211
Carriage of Neisseria meningitidis in men who have sex with men presenting to public sexual health clinics, New York City.
Ngai S , Weiss D , Bell JA , Majrud D , Zayas G , Crawley A , Kornblum J ,
Rodriguez-Rivera LD
Quinlan T , Halse TA ,
Retchless AC
MacNeil J
Pathela P .
Sex Transm Dis 2020 47 (8) 541-548
Meningococcal Disease Among College-Aged Young Adults: 2014-2016.
Mbaeyi SA
Joseph SJ
Blain A
Wang X
Hariri S
MacNeil JR
Pediatrics 2019 143 (1)
Whole genome sequencing for investigations of meningococcal outbreaks in the United States: a retrospective analysis.
Whaley MJ
Joseph SJ
Retchless AC
Kretz CB
Blain A
Hu F
Chang HY
Mbaeyi SA
MacNeil JR
Read TD ,
Wang X
Sci Rep 2018 8 (1) 15803
Emergence of Localized Serogroup W Meningococcal Disease in the United States - Georgia, 2006-2016.
Moore AE ,
MacNeil JR
Wang X
Joseph SJ
Lorentzson L , Thomas S , Tunali A , Parrott T , Farley MM , Tobin-D'Angelo M .
MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 2018 67 (32) 894-897
Population structure of invasive Neisseria meningitidis in the United States, 2011-15.
Potts CC
Joseph SJ
Chang HY
Chen A
Vuong J
Hu F
Jenkins LT
Schmink S
Blain A
MacNeil JR
Harrison LH ,
Wang X
J Infect 2018 77 (5) 427-434
Expansion of a urethritis-associated Neisseria meningitidis clade in the United States with concurrent acquisition of N. gonorrhoeae alleles.
Retchless AC
Kretz CB
Chang HY
Bazan JA ,
Abrams AJ
Norris Turner A ,
Jenkins LT
Trees DL
Tzeng YL , Stephens DS ,
MacNeil JR
Wang X
BMC Genomics 2018 19 (1) 176
Meningococcal carriage among a university student population - United States, 2015.
Breakwell L
Whaley M
Khan UI , Bandy U , Alexander-Scott N , Dupont L , Vanner C ,
Chang HY
Vuong JT
Martin S
MacNeil JR
Wang X
Meyer SA
Vaccine 2017 36 (1) 29-35
Meningococcal Carriage Following a University Serogroup B Meningococcal Disease Outbreak and Vaccination Campaign with MenB-4C and MenB-FHbp - Oregon, 2015-2016.
McNamara LA
Thomas JD
MacNeil J
Chang HY
Day M ,
Fisher E
Martin S
Poissant T ,
Schmink SE
Steward-Clark E
Jenkins LT
Wang X
Acosta A
J Infect Dis 2017 216 (9) 1130-1140
Increased Risk for Meningococcal Disease among Men who have Sex with Men in the United States, 2012-2015.
Folaranmi TA
Kretz CB
Kamiya H
MacNeil JR
Whaley MJ
Blain A
Antwi M , Dorsinville M , Pacilli M , Smith S , Civen R , Ngo V , Winter K , Harriman K ,
Wang X
Bowen VB
Patel M
Martin S
Misegades L
Meyer SA
Clin Infect Dis 2017 65 (5) 756-763
Population-Based Surveillance of Neisseria meningitidis Antimicrobial Resistance in the United States.
Harcourt BH
Anderson RD
Cohn AC
MacNeil JR
Taylor TH
Wang X
Clark TA
Messonnier NE
Mayer LW
Open Forum Infect Dis 2015 2 (3) ofv117
Changes in the Population Structure of Invasive Neisseria meningitidis in the United States After Quadrivalent Meningococcal Conjugate Vaccine Licensure.
Wang X
Shutt KA ,
Vuong JT
Cohn A
MacNeil J
Schmink S
Plikaytis B
Messonnier NE
Harrison LH ,
Clark TA
Mayer LW
J Infect Dis 2015 211 (12) 1887-94
A multi-country evaluation of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B factor H-binding proteins and implications for vaccine coverage in different age groups
Hoiseth SK , Murphy E , Andrew L , Vogel U , Frosch M , Hellenbrand W , Abad R , Vazquez JA , Borrow R , Findlow J , Taha MK , Deghmane AE , Caugant DA , Kriz P , Musilek M ,
Mayer LW
Wang X
Macneil JR
York L , Tan CY , Jansen KU , Anderson AS .
Pediatr Infect Dis J 2013 32 (10) 1096-101
Reemerging Sudan Ebola virus disease in Uganda, 2011
Shoemaker T
Macneil A
Balinandi S
Campbell S
Wamala JF ,
McMullan LK
Downing R
Lutwama J , Mbidde E ,
Stroher U
Rollin PE
Nichol ST
Emerg Infect Dis 2012 18 (9) 1480-3
A new phlebovirus associated with severe febrile illness in Missouri.
McMullan LK
Folk SM ,
Kelly AJ
MacNeil A
Goldsmith CS
Metcalfe MG
Batten BC
Albarino CG
Zaki SR
Rollin PE
Nicholson WL
Nichol ST
N Engl J Med 2012 367 (9) 834-41
Solid organ transplant-associated lymphocytic choriomeningitis, United States, 2011
MacNeil A
Stroher U
Farnon E
Campbell S
Cannon D
Paddock CD
Drew CP
Kuehnert M
Knust B
Gruenenfelder R ,
Zaki SR
Rollin PE
Nichol ST
Emerg Infect Dis 2012 18 (8) 1256-1262
Evaluation of new biomarker genes for differentiating Haemophilus influenzae from Haemophilus haemolyticus.
Theodore MJ
Anderson RD
Wang X
Katz LS
Vuong JT
Bell ME
Juni BA ,
Lowther SA
Lynfield R ,
Macneil JR
Mayer LW
J Clin Microbiol 2012 50 (4) 1422-4
Using next generation sequencing to identify yellow fever virus in Uganda.
McMullan LK
Frace M
Sammons SA
Shoemaker T
Balinandi S
Wamala JF , Lutwama JJ , Downing RG ,
Stroeher U
Macneil A
Nichol ST
Virology 2011 422 (1) 1-5
Meningococcal disease: shifting epidemiology and genetic mechanisms that may contribute to serogroup C virulence.
MacNeil JR
Thomas JD
Cohn AC
Curr Infect Dis Rep 2011 13 (4) 374-9
Prevalence and genetic diversity of candidate vaccine antigens among invasive Neisseria meningitidis isolates in the United States.
Wang X
Cohn A
Comanducci M , Andrew L ,
Zhao X
Macneil JR
Schmink S
Muzzi A , Bambini S , Rappuoli R , Pizza M , Murphy E , Hoiseth SK , Jansen KU , Anderson AS , Harrison LH ,
Clark TA
Messonnier NE
Mayer LW
Vaccine 2011 29 4739-44
Diagnosis of bovine-associated parapoxvirus infections in humans: molecular and epidemiological evidence
Macneil A
Lederman E
Reynolds MG
Ragade NJ , Talken R , Friedman D , Hall W , Shwe T ,
Li Y
Zhao H
Smith S
Davidson W
Hughes C
Damon IK
Zoonoses Public Health 2010 57 e161-4
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
Content source:
Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities