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CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
Last data update: Jan 27, 2025
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Records 1-30 (of 59 Records)
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Kosoy M[original query]
Molecular detection of Bartonella species in ticks from Peru.
Billeter SA
Cáceres AG , Gonzales-Hidalgo J , Luna-Caypo D ,
Kosoy MY
J Med Entomol 2011 48 (6) 1257-60
Molecular characterization of a novel relapsing fever Borrelia species from the desert cottontail (Sylvilagus audubonii) in New Mexico, USA.
Goodrich I
McKee C , Margos G , Kosoy M .
J Wildl Dis 2022 58 (3) 646-651
Reassortant Cache Valley virus associated with acute febrile, non-neurologic illness, Missouri.
Baker M ,
Hughes HR
Naqvi SH , Yates K ,
Velez JO
McGuirk S , Schroder B ,
Lambert AJ
Kosoy OI
Pue H , Turabelidze G ,
Staples JE
Clin Infect Dis 2021 73 (9) 1700-1702
Bats are key hosts in the radiation of mammal-associated Bartonella bacteria.
McKee CD ,
Bai Y
Webb CT , Kosoy MY .
Infect Genet Evol 2021 89 104719
Trypanosoma (Herpetosoma) diversity in rodents and lagomorphs of New Mexico with a focus on epizootological aspects of infection in Southern Plains woodrats (Neotoma micropus).
Goodrich I
McKee C ,
Kosoy M
PLoS One 2020 15 (12) e0244803
Pentaplex real-time PCR for differential detection of Yersinia pestis and Y. pseudotuberculosis and application for testing fleas collected during plague epizootics.
Bai Y
Motin V ,
Enscore RE
Osikowicz L
Rosales Rizzo M
Hojgaard A
Kosoy M ,
Eisen RJ
Microbiologyopen 2020 9 (10) e1105
Bartonella species in medically important mosquitoes, Central Europe.
Rudolf I , Blazejova H , Mendel J , Strakova P , Sebesta O , Rettich F , Cabanova V , Miterpakova M , Betasova L , Pesko J , Barbusinova E , McKee C ,
Osikowicz L
Sikutova S , Hubalek Z ,
Kosoy M
Parasitol Res 2020 119 (8) 2713-2717
Janibacter species with evidence of genomic polymorphism isolated from resected heart valve in a patient with aortic stenosis.
Malania L ,
Bai Y
Khanipov K , Tsereteli M , Metreveli M , Tsereteli D , Sidamonidze K , Imnadze P , Fofanov Y ,
Kosoy M
Infect Dis Rep 2019 11 (2) 8132
Comparison of Zoonotic Bacterial Agents in Fleas Collected from Small Mammals or Host-Seeking Fleas from a Ugandan Region Where Plague Is Endemic.
Bai Y
Osikowicz LM
Kosoy MY
Eisen RJ
Atiku LA , Mpanga JT ,
Boegler KA
Enscore RE
Gage KL
mSphere 2017 2 (6)
Molecular Surveillance for Bartonella, Borrelia, and Rickettsia Species in Ticks from Desert Bighorn Sheep (Ovis canadensis) and Mule Deer (Odocoileus hemionus) in Southern California.
Billeter SA ,
Osikowicz LM
Burns JE , Konde L , Gonzales BJ , Hu R ,
Kosoy MY
J Wildl Dis 2017 54 (1) 161-164
Genotyping of Bartonella bacteria and their animal hosts: current status and perspectives.
Kosoy M
McKee C
Albayrak L , Fofanov Y .
Parasitology 2018 145 (5) 543-562
Diversity and phylogenetic relationships among Bartonella strains from Thai bats.
McKee CD
Kosoy MY
Bai Y
Osikowicz LM
Franka R
Gilbert AT
Boonmar S , Rupprecht CE ,
Peruski LF
PLoS One 2017 12 (7) e0181696
Complexity and biosemiotics in evolutionary ecology of zoonotic infectious agents.
Kosoy M
Kosoy R .
Evol Appl 2017 11 (4) 394-403
Prevalence, diversity, and host associations of Bartonella strains in bats from Georgia (Caucasus).
Urushadze L
Bai Y , Osikowicz L , McKee C , Sidamonidze K , Putkaradze D , Imnadze P , Kandaurov A , Kuzmin I , Kosoy M .
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2017 11 (4) e0005428
Evolutionary dynamics of pathoadaptation revealed by three independent acquisitions of the VirB/D4 type IV secretion system in Bartonella.
Harms A , Segers FH , Quebatte M , Mistl C , Manfredi P , Korner J , Chomel BB ,
Kosoy M
Maruyama S , Engel P , Dehio C .
Genome Biol Evol 2017 9 (3) 761-776
Genomic changes associated with the evolutionary transition of an insect gut symbiont into a blood-borne pathogen.
Segers FH , Kesnerova L ,
Kosoy M
Engel P .
ISME J 2017 11 (5) 1232-1244
Prevalence and Phylogenetic Analysis of Bartonella Species of Wild Carnivores and Their Fleas in Northwestern Mexico.
Lopez-Perez AM
Osikowicz L
Bai Y
Montenieri J , Rubio A , Moreno K ,
Gage K
Suzan G ,
Kosoy M
Ecohealth 2017 14 (1) 116-129
Molecular Survey of Bacterial Zoonotic Agents in Bats from the Country of Georgia (Caucasus).
Bai Y
Urushadze L ,
Osikowicz L
McKee C
Kuzmin I , Kandaurov A , Babuadze G , Natradze I , Imnadze P ,
Kosoy M
PLoS One 2017 12 (1) e0171175
Distribution and diversity of Bartonella washoensis strains in ground squirrels from California and their potential link to human cases
Osikowicz LM
Billeter SA ,
Rizzo MF
Rood MP , Freeman AN , Burns JE , Hu R ,
Juieng P
Loparev V
Kosoy M
Vector Borne Zoonotic Dis 2016 16 (11) 683-690
Phylogenetic and geographic patterns of bartonella host shifts among bat species.
McKee CD
Hayman DT ,
Kosoy MY
Webb CT .
Infect Genet Evol 2016 44 382-394
Molecular survey of arthropod-borne pathogens in sheep keds (Melophagus ovinus), Central Europe.
Rudolf I , Betasova L , Bischof V , Venclikova K , Blazejova H , Mendel J , Hubalek Z ,
Kosoy M
Parasitol Res 2016 115 (10) 3679-82
Bartonella melophagi in blood of domestic sheep (Ovis aries) and sheep keds (Melophagus ovinus) from the southwestern US: Cultures, genetic characterization, and ecological connections.
Kosoy M
Bai Y
Enscore R
Rizzo MR
Bender S , Popov V , Albayrak L , Fofanov Y , Chomel B .
Vet Microbiol 2016 190 43-49
Prevalence and diversity of Bartonella species in rodents from Georgia (Caucasus)
Malania L
Bai Y
Osikowicz LM
Tsertsvadze N
Katsitadze G
Imnadze P
Kosoy M
Am J Trop Med Hyg 2016 95 (2) 466-471
Coexistence of Bartonella henselae and B. clarridgeiae in populations of cats and their fleas in Guatemala.
Bai Y
Rizzo MF
Alvarez D , Moran D ,
Peruski LF
Kosoy M
J Vector Ecol 2015 40 (2) 327-32
Molecular Survey of Bartonella Species and Yersinia pestis in Rodent Fleas (Siphonaptera) From Chihuahua, Mexico.
Fernandez-Gonzalez AM ,
Kosoy MY
Rubio AV ,
Graham CB
Montenieri JA
Osikowicz LM
Bai Y
Acosta-Gutierrez R , Avila-Flores R ,
Gage KL
Suzan G .
J Med Entomol 2015 53 (1) 199-205
Molecular, serological and in vitro culture-based characterization of Bourbon virus, a newly described human pathogen of the genus Thogotovirus.
Lambert AJ
Velez JO
Brault AC
Calvert AE
Bell-Sakyi L ,
Bosco-Lauth AM
Staples JE
Kosoy OI
J Clin Virol 2015 73 127-132
Fleas and flea-associated bartonella species in dogs and cats from Peru
Rizzo MF
Billeter SA ,
Osikowicz L
Luna-Caipo DV , Caceres AG ,
Kosoy M
J Med Entomol 2015 52 (6) 1374-7
Prevalence and diversity of small mammal-associated Bartonella species in rural and urban Kenya.
Halliday JE , Knobel DL , Agwanda B ,
Bai Y
Breiman RF , Cleaveland S ,
Njenga MK
Kosoy M
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2015 9 (3) e0003608
Classification of Bartonella strains associated with straw-colored fruit bats (Eidolon helvum) across Africa using a multi-locus sequence typing platform.
Bai Y
Hayman DT ,
McKee CD
Kosoy MY
PLoS Negl Trop Dis 2015 9 (1) e0003478
Bartonella spp. in a Puerto Rican bat community
Olival KJ , Dittmar K ,
Bai Y
Rostal MK , Lei BR , Daszak P ,
Kosoy M
J Wildl Dis 2015 51 (1) 274-8
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
Content source:
Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities