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CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
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Records 1-30 (of 82 Records)
Query Trace:
Khudyakov Y[original query]
Widespread hepatitis C virus transmission network among people who inject drugs in Kenya
Akiyama MJ ,
Khudyakov Y
Ramachandran S
Riback L , Ackerman M , Nyakowa M ,
Arthur L
Lizcano J , Walker J , Cherutich P , Kurth A .
Int J Infect Dis 2024 107215
Coordinated evolution among hepatitis C virus genomic sites is coupled to host factors and resistance to interferon.
Lara J
Tavis JE , Donlin MJ , Lee WM , Yuan HJ , Pearlman BL ,
Vaughan G
Forbi JC
Xia GL
Khudyakov YE
In Silico Biol 2011 11 213-24
Association of antigenic properties to structure of the hepatitis C virus NS3 protein.
Lara J
Khudyakov Y
In Silico Biol 2011 11 203-12
Evaluation of viral heterogeneity using next-generation sequencing, end-point limiting-dilution and mass spectrometry.
Dimitrova Z
Campo DS
Ramachandran S
Vaughan G
Ganova-Raeva L
Lin Y
Forbi JC
Xia G
Skums P
Pearlman B ,
Khudyakov Y
In Silico Biol 2011 11 183-92
Hepatitis C virus antigenic convergence.
Campo DS
Dimitrova Z
Yokosawa J
Hoang D
Perez NO
Ramachandran S
Khudyakov Y
Sci Rep 2012 2 267
Polyvalent immunization elicits a synergistic broadly neutralizing immune response to hypervariable region 1 variants of hepatitis C virus
Mosa AI ,
Campo DS
Khudyakov Y
AbouHaidar MG , Gehring AJ , Zahoor A , Ball JK , Urbanowicz RA , Feld JJ .
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 2023 120 (24) e2220294120
A Novel Information-Theory-Based Genetic Distance That Approximates Phenotypic Differences.
Campo DS
Mosa A ,
Khudyakov Y
J Comput Biol 2023 30 (4) 420-431
SOPHIE: Viral outbreak investigation and transmission history reconstruction in a joint phylogenetic and network theory framework.
Skums P , Mohebbi F , Tsyvina V , Baykal PI , Nemira A ,
Ramachandran S
Khudyakov Y
Cell Syst 2022 13 (10) 844-856.e4
Primary case inference in viral outbreaks through analysis of intra-host variant population.
Gussler JW
Campo DS ,
Dimitrova Z
Skums P
Khudyakov Y
BMC Bioinformatics 2022 23 (1) 62
Changing Molecular Epidemiology of Hepatitis A Virus Infection, United States, 1996-2019.
Ramachandran S
Xia GL
Dimitrova Z
Lin Y
Montgomery M
Augustine R
Kamili S
Khudyakov Y
Emerg Infect Dis 2021 27 (6) 1742-1745
Quantitative differences between intra-host HCV populations from persons with recently established and persistent infections.
Icer Baykal PB ,
Lara J
Khudyakov Y
Zelikovsky A , Skums P .
Virus Evol 2021 7 (1) veaa103
Convex hulls in hamming space enable efficient search for similarity and clustering of genomic sequences.
Campo DS
Khudyakov Y
BMC Bioinformatics 2020 21 482
Accurate spatiotemporal mapping of drug overdose deaths by machine learning of drug-related web-searches.
Campo DS
Gussler JW
Sue A
Skums P ,
Khudyakov Y
PLoS One 2020 15 (12) e0243622
Complex genetic encoding of the hepatitis B virus on-drug persistence.
Thai H
Lara J
Xu X
Kitrinos K , Gaggar A , Chan HLY ,
Xia GL
Ganova-Raeva L
Khudyakov Y
Sci Rep 2020 10 (1) 15574
Machine learning can accelerate discovery and application of cyber-molecular cancer diagnostics.
Campo DS
Khudyakov Y
J Med Artif Intell 2020 3 (7)
A Phylogenetic Analysis of HCV Transmission, Relapse, and Reinfection Among People Who Inject Drugs Receiving Opioid Agonist Therapy.
Akiyama MJ , Lipsey D ,
Ganova-Raeva L
Punkova L
Agyemang L ,
Sue A
Ramachandran S
Khudyakov Y
Litwin AH .
J Infect Dis 2020 222 (3) 488-498
Entropy of mitochondrial DNA circulating in blood is associated with hepatocellular carcinoma.
Campo DS
Nayak V
Srinivasamoorthy G
Khudyakov Y
BMC Med Genomics 2019 12 74
HCV transmission in high-risk communities in Bulgaria.
Ganova-Raeva L
Dimitrova Z
Alexiev I ,
Punkova L
Sue A
Xia GL
Gancheva A , Dimitrova R , Kostadinova A , Golkocheva-Markova E ,
Khudyakov Y
PLoS One 2019 14 (3) e0212350
A large HCV transmission network enabled a fast-growing HIV outbreak in rural Indiana, 2015.
Ramachandran S
Thai H
Forbi JC
Galang RR
Dimitrova Z
Xia GL
Lin Y
Punkova LT
Pontones PR , Gentry J , Blosser SJ , Lovchik J ,
Switzer WM
Teshale E
Peters P
Ward J
Khudyakov Y
EBioMedicine 2018 37 374-381
Fast estimation of genetic relatedness between members of heterogeneous populations of closely related genomic variants.
Tsyvina V ,
Campo DS
Sims S
Zelikovsky A ,
Khudyakov Y
Skums P
BMC Bioinformatics 2018 19 360
Automated quality control for a molecular surveillance system.
Sims S
Longmire AG
Campo DS
Ramachandran S
Medrzycki M
Ganova-Raeva L
Lin Y
Sue A
Thai H
Zelikovsky A ,
Khudyakov Y
BMC Bioinformatics 2018 19 358
HCV adaptation to HIV coinfection.
Lara J
Teka MA
Sims S
Xia GL
Ramachandran S
Khudyakov Y
Infect Genet Evol 2018 65 216-225
Reactivation of a Vaccine Escape Hepatitis B Virus Mutant in a Cambodian Patient During Anti-Hepatitis C Virus Therapy.
Fusco DN ,
Ganova-Raeva L
Khudyakov Y
Punkova L
Mohamed A , Cheon SSY , Koirala P , Andersson KL , Jourdain G , Sureau C , Chung RT , Lauer G .
Front Med (Lausanne) 2018 5 97
QUENTIN: reconstruction of disease transmissions from viral quasispecies genomic data.
Skums P
Zelikovsky A , Singh R ,
Gussler W
Dimitrova Z
Knyazev S , Mandric I ,
Ramachandran S
Campo D
Jha D , Bunimovich L , Costenbader E ,
Sexton C
O'Connor S
Xia GL
Khudyakov Y
Bioinformatics 2018 34 (1) 163-170
Transmissibility of intra-host hepatitis C virus variants.
Campo DS
Zhang J
Ramachandran S
Khudyakov Y
BMC Genomics 2017 18 881
Identification of recent cases of hepatitis C virus infection using physical-chemical properties of hypervariable region 1 and a radial basis function neural network classifier.
Lara J
Teka M
Khudyakov Y
BMC Genomics 2017 18 880
Inference of genetic relatedness between viral quasispecies from sequencing data.
Glebova O , Knyazev S , Melnyk A , Artyomenko A ,
Khudyakov Y
Zelikovsky A ,
Skums P
BMC Genomics 2017 18 918
GHOST: global hepatitis outbreak and surveillance technology.
Longmire AG
Sims S
Rytsareva I
Campo DS
Skums P
Dimitrova Z
Ramachandran S
Medrzycki M
Thai H
Ganova-Raeva L
Lin Y
Punkova LT
Sue A
Mirabito M , Wang S , Tracy R ,
Bolet V
Sukalac T , Lynberg C ,
Khudyakov Y
BMC Genomics 2017 18 916
Efficient detection of viral transmissions with Next-Generation Sequencing data.
Rytsareva I
Campo DS
Zheng Y
Sims S
Thankachan SV , Tetik C , Chirag J , Chockalingam SP ,
Sue A
Aluru S ,
Khudyakov Y
BMC Genomics 2017 18 372
Molecular epidemiology of hepatitis B virus infection in Tanzania.
Forbi JC
Dillon M
Purdy MA
Drammeh BS
Tejada-Strop A
McGovern D
Xia GL
Lin Y
Ganova-Raeva LM
Campo DS
Thai H
Vaughan G
Haule D ,
Kutaga RP
Basavaraju SV
Kamili S
Khudyakov YE
J Gen Virol 2017 98 (5) 1048-1057
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Page last reviewed:
Feb 1, 2024
Content source:
Public Health Genomics Branch in the Division of Blood Disorders and Public Health Genomics
National Center on Birth Defects and Developmental Disabilities