CDC-Authored Genomics and Precision Health Publications Database
Last data update: Jan 27, 2025. (Total: 6504 publications)
Query Trace: Hao L[original query] |
Building quality control for molecular assays in the global measles and rubella laboratory network
Bankamp B , Anderson R , Hao L , Lopareva E , Chen MH , Kim G , Beard RS , Mori Y , Otsuki N , Ryo A , Rota PA . Vaccines (Basel) 2024 12 (8) ![]() |
Genomic DNA methylation changes in response to folic acid supplementation in a population-based intervention study among women of reproductive age.
Crider KS , Quinlivan EP , Berry RJ , Hao L , Li Z , Maneval D , Yang TP , Rasmussen SA , Yang Q , Zhu JH , Hu DJ , Bailey LB . PLoS One 2011 6 (12) e28144 |
Case report: Persistent shedding of a live vaccine-derived rubella virus in a young man with severe combined immunodeficiency and cutaneous granuloma.
Bonner KE , Sukerman E , Liko J , Lanzieri TM , Sutton M , DeBess E , Leesman C , Icenogle J , Hao L , Chen MH , Faisthalab R , Leman RF , Cieslak PR , DeRavin SS , Perelygina L . Front Immunol 2022 13 1075351 |
Association of Persistent Rubella Virus With Idiopathic Skin Granulomas in Clinically Immunocompetent Adults.
Wanat KA , Perelygina L , Chen MH , Hao L , Abernathy E , Bender NR , Shields BE , Wilson BD , Crosby D , Routes J , Samimi SS , Haun PL , Sokumbi O , Icenogle JP , Sullivan KE , Rosenbach M , Drolet BA . JAMA Dermatol 2022 158 (6) 626-633 ![]() |
Rubella Virus Infected Macrophages and Neutrophils Define Patterns of Granulomatous Inflammation in Inborn and Acquired Errors of Immunity.
Perelygina L , Faisthalab R , Abernathy E , Chen MH , Hao L , Bercovitch L , Bayer DK , Noroski LM , Lam MT , Cicalese MP , Al-Herz W , Nanda A , Hajjar J , Vanden Driessche K , Schroven S , Leysen J , Rosenbach M , Peters P , Raedler J , Albert MH , Abraham RS , Rangarjan HG , Buchbinder D , Kobrynski L , Pham-Huy A , Dhossche J , Cunningham Rundles C , Meyer AK , Theos A , Atkinson TP , Musiek A , Adeli M , Derichs U , Walz C , Krüger R , von Bernuth H , Klein C , Icenogle J , Hauck F , Sullivan KE . Front Immunol 2021 12 796065 |
Granulomatous Dermatitis Associated With Rubella Virus Infection in an Adult With Immunodeficiency.
Shields BE , Perelygina L , Samimi S , Haun P , Leung T , Abernathy E , Chen MH , Hao L , Icenogle J , Drolet B , Wilson B , Bryer JS , England R , Blumberg E , Wanat KA , Sullivan K , Rosenbach M . JAMA Dermatol 2021 157 (7) 842-847 |
CATMoS: Collaborative Acute Toxicity Modeling Suite.
Mansouri K , Karmaus AL , Fitzpatrick J , Patlewicz G , Pradeep P , Alberga D , Alepee N , Allen TEH , Allen D , Alves VM , Andrade CH , Auernhammer TR , Ballabio D , Bell S , Benfenati E , Bhattacharya S , Bastos JV , Boyd S , Brown JB , Capuzzi SJ , Chushak Y , Ciallella H , Clark AM , Consonni V , Daga PR , Ekins S , Farag S , Fedorov M , Fourches D , Gadaleta D , Gao F , Gearhart JM , Goh G , Goodman JM , Grisoni F , Grulke CM , Hartung T , Hirn M , Karpov P , Korotcov A , Lavado GJ , Lawless M , Li X , Luechtefeld T , Lunghini F , Mangiatordi GF , Marcou G , Marsh D , Martin T , Mauri A , Muratov EN , Myatt GJ , Nguyen DT , Nicolotti O , Note R , Pande P , Parks AK , Peryea T , Polash AH , Rallo R , Roncaglioni A , Rowlands C , Ruiz P , Russo DP , Sayed A , Sayre R , Sheils T , Siegel C , Silva AC , Simeonov A , Sosnin S , Southall N , Strickland J , Tang Y , Teppen B , Tetko IV , Thomas D , Tkachenko V , Todeschini R , Toma C , Tripodi I , Trisciuzzi D , Tropsha A , Varnek A , Vukovic K , Wang Z , Wang L , Waters KM , Wedlake AJ , Wijeyesakere SJ , Wilson D , Xiao Z , Yang H , Zahoranszky-Kohalmi G , Zakharov AV , Zhang FF , Zhang Z , Zhao T , Zhu H , Zorn KM , Casey W , Kleinstreuer NC . Environ Health Perspect 2021 129 (4) 47013 |
Burden of viral gastroenteritis in children living in rural China: population-based surveillance.
Wang JX , Zhou HL , Mo ZJ , Wang SM , Hao ZY , Li Y , Zhen SS , Zhang CJ , Zhang XJ , Ma JC , Qiu C , Zhao G , Jiang B , Jiang X , Li RC , Zhao YL , Wang XY . Int J Infect Dis 2019 90 151-160 |
Distribution of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B (NmB) vaccine antigens in meningococcal disease causing isolates in the United States during 2009-2014, prior to NmB vaccine licensure.
Chang HY , Vuong J , Hu F , Liberator P , Chen A , Kretz CB , Blain A , Hao L , Retchless AC , Whaley MJ , Anderson AS , Wang X . J Infect 2019 79 (5) 426-434 |
Validating the NCBI AMRFinder Tool and Resistance Gene Database Using Antimicrobial Resistance Genotype-Phenotype Correlations in a Collection of NARMS Isolates.
Feldgarden M , Brover V , Haft DH , Prasad AB , Slotta DJ , Tolstoy I , Tyson GH , Zhao S , Hsu CH , McDermott PF , Tadesse DA , Morales C , Simmons M , Tillman G , Wasilenko J , Folster JP , Klimke W . Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2019 63 (11) ![]() |
Distinct evolutionary patterns of Neisseria meningitidis serogroup B disease outbreaks at two universities in the USA.
Hao L , Holden MTG , Wang X , Andrew L , Wellnitz S , Hu F , Whaley M , Sammons S , Knipe K , Frace M , McNamara LA , Liberator P , Anderson AS . Microb Genom 2018 4 (4) ![]() |
Comparative Analysis of Extended Spectrum Beta- Lactamase CTX-M-65-Producing Salmonella Infantis Isolates from Humans, Food Animals, and Retail Chickens in the United States.
Tate H , Folster JP , Hsu CH , Chen J , Hoffmann M , Li C , Morales C , Tyson GH , Mukerjee S , Brown AC , Green A , Wilson W , Dessai U , Abbott J , Joseph L , Haro J , Ayers S , McDermott PF , Zhao S . Antimicrob Agents Chemother 2017 61 (7) |
Emergence and prevalence of non-H2S-producing Salmonella enterica serovar Senftenberg isolates belonging to a novel sequence type 1751 in China
Yi S , Xie J , Liu N , Li P , Xu X , Li H , Sun J , Wang J , Liang B , Yang C , Wang X , Hao R , Wang L , Wu Z , Zhang J , Wang Y , Huang L , Sun Y , Klena JD , Meng J , Qiu S , Song H . J Clin Microbiol 2014 52 (7) 2557-65 |
Elimination of endemic measles, rubella, and congenital rubella syndrome from the Western hemisphere: the US experience.
Papania MJ , Wallace GS , Rota PA , Icenogle JP , Fiebelkorn AP , Armstrong GL , Reef SE , Redd SB , Abernathy ES , Barskey AE , Hao L , McLean HQ , Rota JS , Bellini WJ , Seward JF . JAMA Pediatr 2013 168 (2) 148-55 |
Inhibition of DNA-dependent protein kinase catalytic subunit by small molecule inhibitor NU7026 sensitizes human leukemic K562 cells to benzene metabolite-induced apoptosis.
You H , Kong MM , Wang LP , Xiao X , Liao HL , Bi ZY , Yan H , Wang H , Wang CH , Ma Q , Liu YQ , Bi YY . J Huazhong Univ Sci Technolog Med Sci 2013 33 (1) 43-50 |
MTHFR 677C->T genotype is associated with folate and homocysteine concentrations in a large, population-based, double-blind trial of folic acid supplementation.
Crider KS , Zhu JH , Hao L , Yang QH , Yang TP , Gindler J , Maneval DR , Quinlivan EP , Li Z , Bailey LB , Berry RJ . Am J Clin Nutr 2011 93 (6) 1365-72 |
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